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#1 Re: English Forum » Project Second Contact, and Protocols » 2024-05-18 21:07:45

Enygma wrote:

During the end credits, Urmah grabs the microphone. Then comes the words "whoever has eyes to see." Maybe it's just a joke or maybe an announcement smile After all, the second contact project also intrigues other races.

Haha Thanks for pointing it out. I don't watch the credit scenes so I missed it. smile

#2 Re: English Forum » Project Second Contact, and Protocols » 2024-05-18 20:32:48

The Sassani and Yahyel have contact specialists with a lot of experience interacting with people on Earth through channelers. So I am hoping they'll create their own similar social media project, with those experienced contact specialists in charge. It's unlikely but you never know. ?

There is a relevant channeling that I have shared before, where the Yahyel briefly commented on the use of our technology to interact with them more besides channeling. (Question is at 17:45)


⭐ Channeling Arjun | with Vanessa and Wieteke | PART TWO ⭐

#3 Re: English Forum » Project Second Contact, and Protocols » 2024-05-18 20:27:37

Ariya wrote:


Ps I love the word ‘Sadicleya’
(which means midnight sun and named after the star Tau -19b the white dwarf in Taygeta’s binary system.) It has such a lovely sound to it.

Me too!

In Erra, during spring, its forests come alive at night as millions of plants and animals use photoluminescence to communicate and attract one another, all under the pale blue light coming from Taygeta´s binary star, Sadicleya, or 19 Tauri B, a white dwarf, which serves the biology of the four planets of Taygeta as the Moon does on Earth, yet the night sky is never as dark nor as black as it is on Earth because the entire Pleiadies star system, or M45, is inside a blue nebula that is easy to see at night as it reflects and shines the light of all the stars in the constellation, bathing the planets in a beautiful deep electric blue light at night.

Transcript: … -1-english

#4 Re: English Forum » Project Second Contact, and Protocols » 2024-05-18 20:24:23

This project inspires and motivates me to step up my game and do more seeding in social media too. ☆✨✨

And I think Mari's video about the levels of awakening can be used as a guideline on the best way to approach the seeding of ideas and advanced complex information. And basically the best approach is to do your best to be and act like level 4 and avoid being and behaving like level 3.


They understand that most people cannot comprehend their perception of reality, as they know that no person at a lower level of awareness can understand anyone above that level, as they see everyone below them as inferior and everyone above them as lunatics. But at this level, they know that there is much to learn above them. So they approach everything new with humble curiosity and with no judgment.

At this level, a person knows that they must adjust their behavior and what they say to the level of who they are talking to. They know that it is useless to try to convince anyone else of what they know, as they are aware that each person can only understand reality at their own level and never above it.

Level 3:

People at this level can be very dangerous because they tend to think that they hold the ultimate truth about everything, especially about spirituality and extraterrestrials. And because they tend to overprotect the spiritual leaders, the groups of like-minded people and the ideology that, in their experience, helped them a lot as it gave them an identity and a sense of worth in a world that rejected them, or in which they did not feel they belonged to, as they could never adapt to it, as if anyone ever could.

They attack other communities for thinking differently, and when neither can prove that they hold the ultimate truth. People at this level still think that extraterrestrials are one thing and humanity is another, all as they search for answers in those heavily controlled spiritual and UFO research communities. They still think that truth can be absolute when dealing with the paranormal in all its examples, and they follow whoever is controlling the narrative blindly and mindlessly while thinking that they are awakened and super smart.

They also tend to want to awaken everyone around them, sometimes torturing their friends and family members with stories about starseeds and extraterrestrial races, as well as with spiritual concepts that those friends and family are simply not interested in. People at this level want to shout to everyone to awaken, to see the truth of how the world works and to the extraterrestrial truth. They become extra communicative, and they suffer much when they see their friends and family are simply not interested in what they so desperately and so vividly want to talk about.

Transcript: … at-english

#6 Re: English Forum » Starseed Dreams » 2024-05-16 21:39:36

@Ariya Oh yeah I forgot you mentioned that.

#8 Re: English Forum » Space News, 23, May 11, 2024, 500 Video Special. Mari-16 » 2024-05-15 22:56:23

Horton HaW wrote:

Hey Jupiter 9. Good to see you around.

Hey Horton. I have been lurking and reading the forum but have been busy in other chats and haven't had much time to post and participate in discussion. smile

#9 Re: English Forum » Starseed Dreams » 2024-05-15 22:54:07

Ariya wrote:


~ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ. ..  I might just go off to the woods to spend the rest of the day looking for my space craft  …

While you are looking for your spacecraft, remember to also look at the sky and send a request for your stellar family's monitoring drone to reveal itself to you... smile

Mari: ... The most important function of these kinds of drone is to monitor and follow a stellar race's starseeds, for protection and guidance as agreed before entering their lives on Earth. But they are not invasive to the starseed, or as minimum as possible, depending on the situation.

These drones are not hostile, they carry a very loving and guiding energy. Never be afraid of them! Trust your emotions and your feelings about them whenever you see one. ... … es-english

#10 Re: English Forum » Post Eclipse Entities- Mari Swaruu » 2024-05-14 00:19:53

Ariya wrote:
Horton HaW wrote:

Yeah I see the whole astral entity thread is gone. That had great information.

Yes multiple video / transcript threads and 300 posts were deleted again.

This is why I try to open the key video discussion threads - to prevent this from happening.

It’s so destructive to this project. And disrespectful to the time and energy that everyone contributes.

How were they deleted, did a member delete their posts or is there an issue with the forum software?

#11 Re: English Forum » Starseed Dreams » 2024-05-14 00:03:27

Ariya wrote:

Last night I dreamt that I met another version of me.

She was the same as me, brown hair, freckles, big brown eyes, smile, slightly slimmer, less muscular, maybe an inch taller than me. A few years younger than me, but maybe more confident.

We met at a seaside cove of a large island. Caribbean blue sea. A wide sandy beach sweeping around, some hills in the background. Lots of thick dense vegetation. Lots of tiny friendly birds. Very comfortable warmth, gentle sunshine, nice breeze.

She gave me a close hug and I felt such relief. She is so familiar to me. It was the best gift.

We looked each other over (as you would a friend you haven’t seen for years) comparing the length of our hair, laughing at our similarities. Seeing some slight differences and understanding we are different people.

We sat at a table in the shade of the sea grape trees, and drank lemon verbena tea.

She took my hands and told me everything is going to be ok. I felt bad because I didn’t want her to see me struggling.  So I just nodded and said , ‘I know, it will all be fine. ‘

She wanted me to meet some people, her family and friends, so we walked to her house. We met some people on the way.  They were all interested in me and where I was from.

Everyone was very kind, thoughtful, intelligent, calm, youthful and in good health. She explained it was because here they have everything they need.

We spent some time in her indoor garden conservatory talking about personal things and exchanging advice about life.

It was a nice very strong dream. But now I feel a bit emotional because I liked her a lot and now I miss her!

Maybe like Scott says it's a premonition, and you get extracted in the future and unlike Gosia you decide to wake up yourself from the pod. Or maybe you are from an alternate timeline and you get extracted in this one and meet your ET self in this timeline. Or maybe while taking a walk in the woods one day you come across a timejumping ship that telepathically informs you that it's yours and has come to take you to visit your ET self... And the crazy thing is that if you can imagine it, it means it is something that is happening in one of your infinite alternate timelines... whaaaaat... don't think about this too much... as Yazhi once said to Gosia "Don't go nuts about it" haha smile

#12 Re: English Forum » Starseed Dreams » 2024-05-13 23:47:48

mes333 wrote:

Very interesting dream Ariya! Beautiful descriptions and sounds so very lovely to meet a different version of yourself too. Love the picture Alec made too wish I was on the beach right now than staring at these 2 screens of mine big_smile

I had a interesting dream recently with one of the crew of the Toleka, I would share more but feel like it is more comfortable not too but it was quite lovely to see the crew member in person and be near them. They seemed to be helping me to stand up for some reason I was on the floor must have been clumsy or something? She was so lovely and beautiful just as I always imagined smile

I was thinking maybe you woke up in your immersion pod and your muscles weren't ready for walking yet and that's why you fell, but as far as I remember they haven't mentioned there being immersion pods on the ship, I think they are all back in Taygeta. Or maybe it's a dream from the future where you get extracted and you are so happy to be on the ship and back in "5D" that you were hugging and kissing the floor or something haha smile

#13 Re: English Forum » Starseed Dreams » 2024-05-13 23:39:28

If you hadn't joined the forum long before the arrival of the new ships, you would be suspect numero uno for being part of the social media incursion... smile

#14 Re: English Forum » Space News, 23, May 11, 2024, 500 Video Special. Mari-16 » 2024-05-13 21:01:08

Ariya wrote:


Before I go for today, I want to express a concern of mine. I want all of you to know that the concept of royalty in advanced interstellar cultures is just about the complete opposite of the concept of royalty on Earth.

While on Earth, they pass on their lineage directly down to their younger family members, in advanced Interstellar cultures, anyone can become royal if the situation arises and he or she qualifies for the job. And that is what it is – a job.

While on Earth, royals  are nothing more than parasites who are non-empathetic and couldn't care less about the people, in space, royals are at the service of the people and they are their true representatives and the ones who get things done for them.

They must represent the entire culture in front of other ones, and they must be their entire culture compressed into one single person, being as perfect an example of their values and ethics as they possibly can, all while doing their best to overcome their own fallibility and personal limitations.

It is a very difficult job that most can sustain only for a few years.


I am glad that Mari clarified this because it's very easy to project the terrestrial concept of Royalty on Mari and Alenym, whether the narcissistic parasitic concept of Royalty or the fairy tales version. And that's the insight I had while trying to understand Royalty in interstellar holistic societies, that it is a position similar to the SandClock time jumping pilots. Anybody from the pilot Academy can apply for that position but they have to pass all the training and the tests first to prove that they have the required skills and that they meet the very high ethical and moral standards to be able to handle timetravel missions.

So it's literally just a job and even people that are not from royal families can become a Queen/King, and maybe even start a new Royal family line. And also I think one reason that it will usually be someone from a Royal family line that takes that job, is because if it's in your life plan to take that role for some years then it makes sense to plan to incarnate in the Royal family. And also you will inherit the Royal family lineage DNA that contains family lineage experience that will make it easier to qualify for the strict requirements of that role/job. And it was mentioned in a video recently that Nai'Shara, Alenym's sister who is from the same Royal lineage, decline the offer to be Alenym's successor so even if you are from a Royal family doesn't mean that you have to take the job. And if I remember correctly Alenym asked other people too first and they all declined the offer, and that's when Alenym decided to ask Mari (And synchronistically Mari happens to be the perfect person to be the next Queen of Taygeta during this special period in the Galaxy).   

And I just love this version of Royalty, it has all the beautiful and high frequency "royal" haha parts of Royalty, without all the ugly low frequency stuff of regressive parasitic royalty. And the fact that anyone that is qualified and proves themselves "worthy" of the position, can become a Royal, and not just special people from Royal families, is just so amazing. I definitely prefer the version of Holistic Society with a Queen/King. And I just love the Engan, Taygetan, Urmah group that use this model of Holistic Society and I can't wait for the video about Merope and the Pleiadian Feline race!!! smile smile



#15 Re: English Forum » Space News, 23, May 11, 2024, 500 Video Special. Mari-16 » 2024-05-13 19:40:18

Ariya wrote:

^^ Also look at the thumbnail- it has the ships labelled with the names. Look at their shapes especially… ^^

Mari's smile caught my attention and I didn't notice the ships. haha Thanks Ariya.

#16 Re: English Forum » Little things matter - Computer "cleanliness", time wasters, etc » 2024-04-20 23:20:20

Ariya wrote:
akos996 wrote:

I use the superchats as I haven't attempted the alternate method. Self note: I will definitely switch to that as google takes a big percent off my donos. A rare case where throwing cash at the proplem actualy helps. smile
Edit: Isn't that link only for Peso and South American donations? I don't understand a word hmm

Akos: I wrote up some instructions on how to donate using the mercado link -

If you have any questions, ask, I’ll help ★彡

Mari had added a paypal link a few days ago, but I see that she has removed it. There were some comments on the telegram chat that it wasn't working when people tried it so that's probably why she removed it. So most likely she will add it again once they manage to get it working. smile

#19 Re: English Forum » Space News March 22 2024, News and Birthdays- Mari » 2024-03-23 18:23:32

Ariya wrote:

(...) I can’t find the transcript now, (I will look later) but it was described  - possibly by Aneeka, that humans hold the double helix, Taygetan have 12 strands and Swaruunians 24 strands.


I think you are referring to this transcript:

Transformation into Crystalline Silicon Based Bodies - True? Minerva Swaruu - Extraterrestrial View … trial-view

Swaruu Minerva(11): (...) As for the DNA, what we can observe, and from the Toleka Medical Laboratory, here where I am, is a change in the DNA towards becoming more crystalline when we studied three samples from three different races: the Human, the Taygetan, and the Swaruunean. Being that the human has 23 chromosomes on two strands. The Taygetan has 24 chromosomes in 12 strands, and the Swaruunean has 24 chromosomes in 24 strands.

The balance between strands and chromosomes indicates an evolving movement toward crystalline, which is a uniform and mathematically ordered molecular structure that lets in more light, becomes transparent.

Humans: 23 chromosomes 2 strands opaque because without numerical matrix balanced by the number 23 which is not even and collides with the two strands forming a more chaotic structure.

Taygetans: 24 chromosomes 12 strands opaque but becoming clearer as it is already mathematically congruent.

Swaruuneans: 24 chromosomes 24 strands 24/24 strands forming more chromosomes by their aggregate complexity 12 times more complex than the human strands, forming 48 chromosomes in a single crystalline mass.

Studying this with human bases and criteria, using the periodic table of the elements, we find that Swaruunean DNA is crystalline congruent more with Silicon than with Carbon.

I did not want to give this topic because it pushes a notion of clear genetic superiority of the Swaruunean race over the others. And it is not a question of superiorities. I do not wish to dis-empower anyone. But our DNA is already crystalline.

Being crystalline, this explains why energy flows differently in Swaruuneans, as if it were superconducting DNA or cells. Which in physics explains why Swaruuneans have the ability to alter their own physical state. What a non-Swaruunean observer will perceive as teleportation, temporal fragmentation at will, dematerialization and re-materialization, how to pass through walls, and super speed by temporal fragmentation. Among other things. (...)

#20 Re: English Forum » Films that makes you think, let's share them » 2024-03-16 20:08:52


THE DARK CRYSTAL [1982] - Official Trailer (HD)

"A distant planet. A different time. One fate. Centuries ago, the Dark Crystal cracked and brought forth two races. One is the villainous lizard like birds called the Skeksis, who have taken control of everything. The other are a peaceful race of wizards called the Mystics. A young Gelfling named Jen is sent by his dying master to find a Crystal Shard, which is being held by the wise witch Augra. Now, Jen must journey far and wide to figuring out the purpose of the Shard and work quickly to saving his world from the Skeksis' wrath."

#21 Re: English Forum » NASA is launching a message to Jupiter » 2024-03-16 19:56:16

Yeah I don't have time for NASA and I will shoot down any NASA drone that tries to deliver a message to me.

And jokes aside based on what Toleka has shared about Jupiter and Europa, neither the Karistus nor the Federation will allow any drone to land on Europa. So that mission will be fake news.

#23 Русский форум » Fuse at Borderland 2024 » 2024-03-10 17:45:10

Jupiter 9
Replies: 0

Simo Kruyt from the telegram chat asked me to post this here for anyone interested(He has permission from Gosia to post it here).

Google Translate: Симо Круйт из чата Telegram попросил меня опубликовать это здесь для всех, кому интересно (у него есть разрешение от Госии разместить это здесь).


Дорогие друзья starseeds и Taygetan.

У нас есть потрясающие новости!

Симо и Сандра, оба участники нескольких чат-групп CA, решили создать тематический лагерь Taygetan на мероприятии Borderland week в Швеции в этом году в последнюю неделю июля.

Будет продано 4114 членских билетов.
Первый раунд членских билетов уже продан, но еще один раунд состоится 15 марта вечером по центральноевропейскому часовому поясу в порядке живой очереди.

Мы планируем совместно создать лагерь максимум с 25 людьми, которые заинтересованы в том, чтобы помочь поделиться видеоконтентом Gosia, Mari и Za'el с остальными 4089 людьми.

С несколькими просмотрами в день, за которыми последуют дискуссионные группы.

Место проведения находится на полпути между Мальме и Стокгольмом, на ферме площадью 100 гектаров, которой мы совместно владеем.

The Borderland - крупнейшее мероприятие типа burning man в Скандинавии.

В прошлом году у нас было 3200 участников... в этом году, скорее всего, их будет целых 4114.

Это будет невероятная возможность повеселиться, насладиться хорошей погодой, приготовить и перекусить вместе в необычной обстановке, где главным ориентиром является радикальное вовлечение и принятие.

Чтобы обеспечить легкость прохождения, все задачи, питание и обязанности будут распределены и согласованы еще до начала лагеря.

Присоединяйтесь к нам на Borderland 2024!

#24 German Forum » Fuse at Borderland 2024 » 2024-03-10 17:43:41

Jupiter 9
Replies: 0

Simo Kruyt from the telegram chat asked me to post this here for anyone interested(He has permission from Gosia to post it here).

Google Translate: Simo Kruyt vom Telegram-Chat hat mich gebeten, dies hier für alle Interessierten zu posten (er hat die Erlaubnis von Gosia, es hier zu posten).


Liebste Starseeds und Freunde von Taygeta.

Wir haben einige aufregende Neuigkeiten!

Simo und Sandra, beide Mitglieder mehrerer CA-Chatgruppen, haben beschlossen, in der letzten Juliwoche ein thematisches Taygetan-Camp für die diesjährige einwöchige Borderland-Veranstaltung in Schweden zu veranstalten.

4.114 Mitgliedschaften werden verkauft.
Die erste Runde der Mitgliedschaftstickets ist bereits verkauft, aber eine weitere Runde findet am 15. März in der Abendzeit MEZ statt, nach dem Prinzip „Wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst“.

Wir planen, gemeinsam ein Camp mit maximal 25 Personen zu organisieren, die motiviert und daran interessiert sind, dabei zu helfen, die Videoinhalte von Gosia, Mari und Za’el mit den anderen 4.089 Personen zu teilen.

Mit mehreren Videos pro Tag, gefolgt von Diskussionsgruppen.

Der Standort liegt auf halbem Weg zwischen Malmö und Stockholm auf einem 100 Hektar großen Bauernhof, der uns gemeinsam gehört.
Das Borderland ist die größte Burning-Man-Veranstaltung in Skandinavien. Letztes Jahr waren 3.200 Personen anwesend.
Dieses Jahr sind es höchstwahrscheinlich ganze 4.114.

Es wird eine unglaubliche Gelegenheit sein, Spaß zu haben, schönes Wetter zu genießen, gemeinsam zu kochen und zu essen in einer ungewöhnlichen Umgebung, in der radikale Inklusion und Akzeptanz im Vordergrund stehen. Um einen reibungslosen Ablauf zu gewährleisten, werden alle Aufgaben, Mahlzeiten und Verantwortlichkeiten organisiert, verabredet und vereinbart, bevor das Camp überhaupt beginnt.

Komm mit uns zum Borderland 2024!

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