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#1 Re: English Forum » On Souls and Entities, Life and Death from the point of view of Spirit » Yesterday 17:37:52

Alec wrote:

In your eternal existence, your time on Earth is like a brief 5-hour experience. When you die, you wake up from a "dream" and think, "Wow, that felt so real." And then, you move on to your next adventure.

If more people understood this perspective, everything would be so different.

Never fear death.

The only thing that bothers me about death, is not having any memories of any other lives.

So I only know my essence is eternal. And I have a strong remembering of that. I’ll recognise myself whatever form I next take.

But it would be nice to have some past life memories next time.

How can I maximise the chances of remembering something in my next life?

And if you incarnate outside of Earth, can you keep some past life memories of being here?

Maybe it would be useful not to start from scratch each time…

Oh, an answer has just come to me…. I think i can answer my own question …

I think it is the same principle for every other manifestation of our worlds.

I just have to create my next life (to include my past life memories) just as I create my experiences in the world now.

It is done in the same way as you create in the dream realms.

I just need to be the compatible frequency to anything i wish to be.

Concentrated creative attention is all that’s needed for manifesting other past /future /present incarnations too.

I just need to be compatible with my memories.

That’s quite funny to only just work this out !

#2 Re: English Forum » On Souls and Entities, Life and Death from the point of view of Spirit » Yesterday 15:56:18

Alec wrote:

Ariya, thank you for sharing this personal experience with us.

I would love to hear other’s actual experiences of it too.

Death is an important topic to talk about.

People around me confide in me quite often. Especially in times of crisis. These are just nice normal simple people but one of their biggest hidden fears is the complete termination of self at death. Either for themselves or their loved ones.

Or the other fear is that they will reincarnate into this another life of misery and pain.

And this fear of death and the mystery around it is intentionally kept alive to manifests further suffering in our world.

So I think it is important to reassure people by sharing our own experiences of death in a more open way.

It’s like what the Hashmallim said in the recent Cosmic Agency video:

(…in response to being asked about the experience on Earth… )

Gabriel : it’s too hard comparatively.

Khila : Unnecessarily hard. Just for learning excuses.

Gabriel: You learn better another way.

Zach: It’s the fear of not knowing what death is that makes everything worse.

Gabriel : Going down in operations is no problem.

Zach: it’s better, yes Gabe? Wink wink ; )

I think if humans could be more free of the fear and uncertainty of death, our actions would be be more positive and courageous. It’s a real core issue in what we manifest.

#3 English Forum » Dimensional Mirrors 4 - Questions from the Public - Yazhi Swaruu » Yesterday 15:19:21

Replies: 0


Dimensional Mirrors 4 - Questions from the Public - Yazhi Swaruu

By Cosmic Agency

*Upcoming Premiere* 15.45 GMT


#4 Re: English Forum » Project Second Contact, and Protocols » Yesterday 15:00:33

akos996 wrote:

I hope we are also considered, but I fully understand that this forum is not really a target audience per se and they probably spend their time more valuably by not goofing around here...

Just imagine going undercover as an ET on this forum!!


#5 Re: English Forum » Project Second Contact, and Protocols » Yesterday 14:35:10

Alec wrote:


Kai is so good with the keyboard, he is taking a secondment with the Second Contact Project!
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

#6 Re: English Forum » Project Second Contact, and Protocols » 2024-05-18 19:21:38

We are so lucky to have such good support from Mari, Cosmic Agency and now with Project Second Contact.

These are exciting times!

Thank you to Queen Alenym and Yahzi Sophia for having the project idea. It’s also heart warming to know that the Taygetans have enough trust in humanity to dedicate so many people to this mission.

We must not let them down! This is an amazing opportunity to be our best selves. To rise to the challenge of being the support team here on Earth to make the best use of the information that is seeded to us.

I also personally hope that we support project by allowing them to do their work and ensure that the participants feel this is a good experience for them too!

Ps I love the word ‘Sadicleya’
(which means midnight sun and named after the star Tau -19b the white dwarf in Taygeta’s binary system.) It has such a lovely sound to it.

#7 Re: English Forum » Project Second Contact, and Protocols » 2024-05-18 18:08:15

Here’s the draft transcript for your study ..

Project Second Contact, and Protocols

For those of you who don't know, the so called Project First Contact was a worldwide Galactic Federation attempt to assess, study, and even initiate contact between their interstellar members, who belong to countless species, and humankind, the general public.

Even though some species didn't have Lyrian genetics (such as the Urmah), most of the interstellar species who participated in Project First Contact belonging to the Lyrian family. These are basically more humans – the kind that, if dressed accordingly, could pass off as anyone at a bus stop down on the surface of planet Earth. As I am always saying (and even yelling out as it is so important) there are more humans just like you outside in space, far more, and they dwell among the stars, where all humankind should be.

The main objective behind Project First Contact was to assess and study how prepared the general public was, to accept and sustain contact with people and beings not from Earth. The Galactic Federation wanted to see if Earth humans were prepared for total extraterrestrial disclosure.

Between the years 2009 and 2017 (although the exact dates are somewhat dubious), the Galactic Federation flooded the internet and social media with thousands upon thousands of poorly prepared extraterrestrial people who would start a conversation with anyone and anywhere, while openly stating that they were talking to an extraterrestrial.

Project First Contact was a monumental failure. It concluded that Earth humans were most definitely not ready for extraterrestrial contact, and it also caused innumerable problems of all kinds. Many people were also badly hurt or even died during the this communication attempt, due to extreme emotional distress (which is one of the causes of the so called extraterrestrial syndrome disease).

Although there is still much controversy about Project First Contact,  nowadays we here, strongly suspect that it was designed to fail from the start, and was set in motion knowing that it would have disastrous results – most probably to further justify the Galactic Federation's real plans for humanity, which include even harder living conditions (with this justifying even more planetary isolation).

This also vindicating the Galactic Federation's widely spread idea or concept that Earth should be kept in total isolation from the galactic community and reality, leaving Earth humans to believe in their own limited and cabal controlled cosmology and its weak dogmatic science that backs it all up.

I have a complete video dedicated to why Project First Contact failed, and I will leave a link to it in the boxes at the end of this video.

The Second Contact Project, which is being prepared to roll out later this year, is not a continuation of Project First Contact. I must be very clear with this: it is not a continuation of the first one. And although I am calling it Second Contact Project for lack of a better name (as my peers here haven't even named it officially yet), it will be very different.

Unlike Project First Contact, which was a joint Galactic Federation massive operation, Project Second Contact is a limited, unilateral Taygetan only operation.

This means that only Taygetan people will be participating, and no other species, culture, or race. Yet this second project is fully authorised by the local Galactic Federation on the condition that their rules and regulations are respected, as I will detail further below.

It is based on what the Taygetans learnt while they were participating in the Galactic Federation's project. It is an attempt to bring out the good things and none of the bad ones of the first. And its objectives have nothing to do with the ones of that first one.

Project Second Contact: Objectives -
Primary Objective: Highly trained Taygetan operatives are to enter carefully chosen places on social media to seed concepts ethics, values, and information belonging to highly evolved Interstellar societies and cultures with a holistic political structure.

These concepts are to be shared openly so they can be adopted by like minded people on Earth, who can then retransmit it all over and to anyone. Concepts which can later be modified and adapted to Earth human requirements, by the countless star seeds already living on Earth.

These concepts are to be seeded as inspiration mainly for starseeds so they can have a stronger frame and fundament, feeling more backed up, while they carry on their own work with their particular interests and high existential values.

The active and direct seeding of Interstellar concepts is meant to counteract the very strong regressive seeding of highly destructive values and ideas which are flooding the highly controlled media all over the world in an attempt to steer the collective unconscious to manifest a more positive future for Earth humankind.

Entering Earth with whatever means, technological or natural, incarnating there to seed highly advanced concepts, values, and ideas to steer the planet and its collective unconscious towards a more positive timeline has always been the primary job of all  Starseeds.

They do so willingly as their life plan or even automatically by simply existing on the planet.

While they follow their own interests, they strongly affect Earth's energetic field and its vibration in a very positive way,
simply by being there.

What Project Second Contact is attempting to achieve is to have a positive effect similar to having injected into the planet several hundred highly activated starseeds with full memory of who they truly are, without having to pass through the lengthy and time consuming growth and development process which any being who incarnates there must endure.

As this project can easily be seen or taken as a direct intervention and overt interference with the natural development of Earth's culture, the Galactic Federation has imposed several rules that must be followed.

However, I state that Taygetans see no such thing as a natural development of humankind on Earth as it is all super controlled and super intervened all the time. Being that we strongly see that the regressive forces, whoever they are, have more liberty, more freedom to seed their destructive concepts, information, and ideas than the positive side, which is always facing all kinds of restrictions and insurmountable challenges.

This can clearly be seen by the insidious presence of all things satanic and apocalyptic, as well as the imposition of countless thousands of harmful ideas, rules, regulations, ethics, and values upon the human population.

This is also why the Galactic Federation has been accused of being permissive and of favoring the regressive side while they always claim it is all in the best interest of the souls who live on Earth and who desire as strong and difficult, yet very enriching Incarnation there, also claiming that without Earth and its problems, Souls would have no other place to experience such a variety of "boss level" challenges.

After several months of diplomatic pressure over the local Galactic Federation, led by the Taygetan Queen Alenym the First through the Pléyades   Alcyone  Council, they have agreed to permit this new operation to roll out as long as their rules are respected. And those are the ones that follow:

* Their Prime Directive must be respected at all times, especially the parts that state that no means or methods of communication which exceed or are an improvement over the ones already in existence on Earth can be used during this project. This means that all communication must be conducted using digital computers of human manufacture with no link to extraterrestrial-built Quantum Holographic machines. At the link boxes at the very end of this video, I will leave a link to my full video on the Prime Directive in case you are interested. It will be next to the one about Project First Contact.

* The next rule to be respected is that all Taygetan participants must hide their true identity from the general public, only claiming or stating that they are simply "more Earth humans," perhaps only going as far as to claim that they are starseeds. This rule was not entirely imposed only by the local Galactic Federation as the Taygetans who are planning and coordinating this Second Contact Project have decided that not sharing true stellar identities is the only way to prevent at least most of the mistakes that were committed during Project First Contact.

Openly stating that they are extraterrestrials would only open windows for troll attacks, systematic discrediting, and uncensored destructive fanatics who would only hinder the Taygetan operatives' work and mental health, thus preventing the main objective from being met. So they intend to fully blend in while they do their work.

However, it was decided to share this information with all of you as we think starseeds will feel backed up and accompanied by their star families, and because knowing that such an operation will be conducted also helps elevate starseed’s  vibration and with them the one of the entire planet.

During one of our Council meetings, we decided that better results would be achieved if we shared this other than if we had kept it entirely a secret. Furthermore, as the Galactic Federation is involved, we assume the regressive side knows about all this anyway. Yes, ouch, Galactic Federation!

If any Taygetan operatives are discovered by highly intelligent starseeds on Earth, they are to deny their stellar origin. Although, if human interaction is inevitably developed,  all overt communication, it should be done through highly secured and contained online communities where one-on-one communication is also heavily discouraged.

The total amount of Taygetan operatives who will participate in this project remains unknown,  as they must be trained first. My best assessment indicates that there will be between 300 and 400 participants when it is fully rolled out in the latter part of this year.

What social media platforms are to be used also remains without being defined at this point,  as we are still considering which ones are the best but safe to say YouTube will be one of them, as well as other video platforms as well, especially those that do not have such strong censorship (although the Galactic Federation will provide plenty of censorship on their own anyway). The inclusion of smaller, more private social media platforms and semi-public communities, blogs, and forums are not discarded. The exact date is also unknown at this point as the starships housing the Taygetan participants must be equipped with human computers first, which is very time consuming.

All internet connections for this project will be provided by the Galactic Federation itself, which means that their highly efficient censorship filter will also be fully at work.

The Taygetan ships and crew involved are the following ones: In the lead role, Starship Alcyone, that is estimated to provide no less than 200 operatives. Then we have the Starship Asterope, who is estimated to provide between 150 and 200 operatives. Last but not least, Starship Toleka, in the command and control role, and from where everything will be coordinated and conducted.

No other starship will conduct Project Second Contact operations without the direct consent of the crew of Starship Toleka. The remaining ships of the Taygetan fleet present here in low Earth orbit, Vigilant Eagle and Saska One, will remain in their security and maintenance roles, not participating in this project at least for now.

The presence and participation of yet another Taygetan starship is strongly being considered right now as the brand new, never used before Light Cruiser Sadicleya is nearly ready to sail. If she finishes her initial trial satisfactorily, she may arrive here in Earth's orbit before the end of this month,  and will provide at least 50 more Project Second Contact active participants.

Sadicleya is a Toleka class batch two, multiple role ship, roughly only two thirds the size and length of a full size Toleka class batch one ship, such as the one I am on right now.

She is smaller but fully capable, with state of the art materials and systems which will allow her to withstand the harshest of conditions found in space, being able to safely navigate where other ships cannot. Her construction has concluded after seven years of hard work.

To conclude this video, I want to share with you who are the masterminds behind Project Second Contact and who are coordinating it all: they are no less than Sophia Swaruu, also known as Little Yahzi, and Queen Alenym the First.

This will be all for today. As always, thank you for watching my video and for liking, sharing, and subscribing for more.

I hope to see you here next time. With much love, your friend Mari Swaruu.

#8 Re: English Forum » On Souls and Entities, Life and Death from the point of view of Spirit » 2024-05-18 08:40:20

This means when a high vibration subject passes on, it will no longer be who he or she was when in a biological body, and even though the sense of identity itself is not destroyed, as in reality it has only expanded.

I had a death / near death experience when I was younger.

I was sailing a small boat alone when a moment of carelessness and squally weather caused me to get hit by the boom.

I was out of body almost instantly and looking down on myself. At first I was just a few feet from myself, looking at my body. There was no panic or worry, it was quite a familiar situation to be in - as if I have already died many times.

I also briefly felt a sense of inconvenience and maybe this wasn’t in the plan. But this feeling didn’t last long and I started to move steadily away from my body.

The movement was in an upward, outward, expanding motion and I was quickly very far away. Before I dissolved, I briefly saw what may have been the stars, all moving away from me.

From my experience, there is nothing trapping us here. There is nothing to prevent us from completely leaving at all. I felt it requires much more energy and effort to stay in this physical world than to leave it.

I then began to feel that I was being swallowed by a great ocean, and there was nothing to do but let go and become a part of it.

At this point I didn’t have a sense of identity, but I was still conscious of being something.

As I gathered my thoughts together, and gained some sense of identity, I found myself in a beautiful space.

It was as if I was under a dome made of tiny coloured jewelled light fragments. The space was made of transparent precious stones- emeralds, rubies, sapphire, diamonds and golden light - but nothing is solid. Everything is made of light.

It’s difficult to describe in words what this part of the experience is like. But it was beautiful.

I enjoyed this sensation for a small part of eternity, but then I started to remember about my life on Earth…

All it took was that small thought to cause me to be back in my body, squinting against the the hot sun and rubbing my sore head.

I didn’t need any medical assistance, but I’ve still got a scar and small dent in my hairline from this experience!

#9 Re: English Forum » Introductions / greetings » 2024-05-17 06:18:06

Hello Pamela 3333 & Hello Jr Giles.

Welcome to the forum. It’s lovely to see you both here ★

。+.。☆゚:;。+゚ ☆*゚¨゚゚・*:..゙((ε(*⌒▽⌒)†

#10 Re: English Forum » Dreams: An Access to another World - Dominate Lucid Dreams - Za’el » 2024-05-16 20:28:54

I really loved this video. I’m so happy that Za’el covered this topic! 

It’s such perfect synchronicity with the starseed dream thread. And now I have listened to the video many times.

Everything we see in our world, and everything we experience is a reflection of who we are. Our thoughts and ideas create our reality.

It’s so important to understand the power of our mind in terms of what we manifest around us.

I’m really taken by the notion that dreams are another realm within our reality. That’s really sinking in for me now.

I love it when we learn new things through experience.

Za’els work has helped me make understand so many things.
Eternally grateful.

#11 Re: English Forum » On Souls and Entities, Life and Death from the point of view of Spirit » 2024-05-16 18:13:13

For those who wish to read and watch the video, a draft transcript:

Hello again! Thank you for being here with me once more. I hope you are very well today.

I am Mari.

This information can be seen as science fiction or as the viewer sees best, and I post it for entertainment purposes only. Still, I take my information very seriously.

For whoever has eyes to see more on entities: For me, an entity is a vaguely defined thing, creature, soul, or spirit that exists in the lower astral existential realms. Although, we can also extend "entity" to all those who exist in the existential realms that are not the physical world – all the astral realms, higher and lower alike. We could even call people in the world of the living an entity or entities. The word "entity" does not necessarily define it as being negative or regressive.

Although, in the context I am using in my paranormal videos, I use the word "entity" to define a lower astral creature which we do not know who or what it is, but generally has regressive tendencies and attitudes.

For me, a demon is an entity that has been detected to be very clearly negative, regressive, and dangerous. This is to the point where we could even classify demons on a scale of evilness or power, as many people throughout history declare having seen or been in contact with the Devil himself.

They seem to forget or ignore that there are many demons. They all work with hierarchies and levels, so it is unlikely to find or have been in contact with the highest one as they send lesser ones to do lesser jobs, as military do now.

Those of you who have been following me and my predecessors for a long time know that we strongly push the notion that all religions were created by the powers that be as a means to control the greater human population, to keep them in fear and therefore obedient and submissive. Yet here I am today talking about demons in a context that is very similar to what religions push.

It is no news that all religions based their scriptures on real things, events, and concepts whenever it is convenient for them. But we can go even further when we can see that religions spawn strong belief systems, which are strong ideas, and therefore are the very base for manifesting an existential realm.

Religions are reality for those who devotedly follow them. And if they strongly do so because it has served them in their spiritual path, so be it. At least they are looking for answers outside the official Matrix science, which is nothing other than another religion as demonstrated by its strong dogmatic nature.

No religion holds an ultimate cosmic truth. Therefore, we could also consider a religion as some kind of existential realm in itself, where its rules apply within yet do not always apply outside of it. This means that people who have a higher understanding of religion, its meaning, purpose, and origin, will understand it in their own context.

Religion can be studied and taken for what it is to them, which is a prominent method of population control. This is why I say that there is no ultimate truth, much less a cosmic one valid everywhere and in all existential realms, unless we can consider the greater mind of Source itself to be that ultimate truth.

Coming back to lower astral entities, the fact that they are on the astral side does not mean that they do not hold strong belief systems for themselves. As many of them were once incarnated Souls with a life in the world of the living, therefore under the strong influence of religion, this means that they apply those religious rules to the lower astral world they are co-manifesting with their low consciousness.

Which, in the end, the lower astral realms are only the result of the strong egregore created as a reflection of all the worst attributes of people with a soul who are inhabiting the world of the living. It is the mirror manifestation of the worst and darkest parts of the collective unconscious.

When people die, the only thing they take to the other side is who they are, what they have learned, and their values and ethics, experience, and their ego identity. But even there, what one subject or another takes with him or her will depend on its vibration, on its thoughts and ideas. So many who are in a very low vibratory state, those who die full of anger, resentment, and hate, and with very low ethics and values, will continue to be the same on the other side.

Those will not experience the vast expansion of consciousness that happens to high vibratory people and souls at the moment they pass on simply because they are not a vibratory match to that. Because they are self-contained and bottled up inside their own limited, self-created realm based on low vibration thoughts and values, and therefore have no flexibility and no predisposition for any kind of spiritual advancement.

A soul needs to have a very strong connection to source and also be willing to let go of all values to adopt more expanded, better ones to be able to be a match to the vast expansion of consciousness that occurs when a soul is being integrated into the greater field. This is because a greater expansion of consciousness will also cause the dissolution of the ego of the self that the soul had when incarnated.

More awareness and more understanding will expand Consciousness. Therefore, values, ideas, and concepts such as those that defined reality at large for that soul will expand to the point where at least most of those will cease to exist. Therefore, the very frame of values and ideas that define a person would have expanded to become something else. This means the dissolution of the ego as it was known when incarnated, the metamorphosis of the self developing into something much greater than what it was when in a biological body.

This means when a high vibration subject passes on, it will no longer be who he or she was when in a biological body, and even though the sense of identity itself is not destroyed, as in reality it has only expanded. 

This, nevertheless, can be quite scary. As many people who remember past lives and the space between them, as well as countless people who have had near-death experiences, have described, when they are around the white light stage, they feel a deep, overwhelming unconditional love, in their words so thick they can envelop themselves in it as if it were a blanket.

Love is integration, to make something part of yourself. So, it is easy to conclude that that feeling of thick unconditional love is nothing else but the process of reintegration into the greater field, and with it the transcendence of the self into something far more expanded where the former self, the ego, the person had when alive, is not really destroyed, it simply becomes part of something much larger.

As many people who remember past lives can describe, it is a vast expansion of consciousness and of knowing who you are, where you truly stop being who you were before while incarnated, yet you do not lose consciousness and awareness of your own uniqueness as your self-awareness greatly expands. You metamorphose into your cosmic identity, into who you have always been, only greatly enriched by the dramatic experiences you had while in a biological body of whatever species. As we are all people, it is at this stage where a soul may choose to dwell in the higher astral existential realms or reincarnate into a biological body once more.

But why would a highly evolved soul that is already dwelling in higher, comfortable existential realms want to go back into a problematic biological body and live another chaotic life strongly defined by hardship and suffering?

There are reasons for that, although no matter how advanced or illuminated our ideas can be, this will inevitably remain one of the greatest existential mysteries. Perhaps the soul has become too comfortable, therefore bored, and therefore seeks adventure, feeling alive again, accomplishing even greater expansion.

After all, the meaning and the interpretation of suffering and hardship, and everything else, changes dramatically depending on which side you are on: from the world of the living or the side of the spirits, as I described in a whole video I made. I will leave a link to it at the end of this one. … itual-side

This subject will continue. This will be all for today. As always, thank you for watching my video and for liking, sharing, and subscribing for more. And I hope to see you here next time.

With much love, your friend Mari.

#12 Re: English Forum » Dreams: An Access to another World - Dominate Lucid Dreams - Za’el » 2024-05-16 12:45:17

Here’s a draft transcript of Za’el’s video on dreams ..

Dreams: An Access to another World - Dominate Lucid Dreams

This is not the first time that we’ve talked about dreams in this channel, but today I would like to go into the subject more than ever before. Because together with the understanding of time as such, I consider it important or especially useful to understand how everything works, or at least it gives us very clear and interesting clues for it.

Already at the time when we talked about premonitory dreams, I commented on this very thing with which I begin now, but I will summarize it to give an introduction to the rest.

Dreams are, as even at the level of basic terrestrial psychology one can come to conclude, a perfect representation or reflection of how or who the person who dreams them is.

Given that they represent with total fidelity what we carry within us, or rather what forms our conscious, subconscious, and above all unconscious, broadening our vision a little on this and being aware of the Law of Mirrors, we can also easily conclude that the reality we perceive as the real and palpable material world, the one we experience when we wake up, is also exactly the same, a representation or reflection of what we are or who we are.

The clearest difference between the two realities would be the much harsher and clearer perception of the latter, to define it in some way, although I don’t know if it really manages to describe it well.

Above all, I think it would be much more accurate to say that the main difference would be the perception of time from the moment an idea comes to our mind until it is embodied or manifested in what we can perceive through our senses, so to speak, as well as the limitations we experience in each of those realms.

Limitations whose origins are our own ideas as well as some perceptual and collective agreements, although that subject is much deeper and more complex so I will try not to get too far off track.

Be that as it may, what we experience within dreams is another reality, or rather another realm within the same reality, with its own laws and sensations.

And I know that many people pursue the goal of gaining awareness of that when they find themselves within that realm and therefore freedom within that realm, freedom to manifest what they wish or to vanish there and then what they don’t like, or even to make use of what we might call powers above the natural, in inverted commas, such as flight, instant teleportation, control over time, or traversing solid surfaces. This curious phenomenon is often referred to as lucid dreaming.

Reading and researching on the subject some time ago, though admittedly not in depth, I could see how some people recommended practices such as waking up every so often to induce this type of dream.

I personally do not recommend it at all for two main reasons. The first is that you will completely destroy your schedule, your sleep patterns, and your healthy rest. The second is that it makes no sense at all since this can be achieved in a much simpler way, and if you think about it, it makes perfect sense.

Let’s recap: what you experience in dreams is a perfect reflection of what dwells in your mind on a day-to-day basis, what you carry stored in the various planes of your mind. Therefore, if you wish to learn to become aware that you are in a dream or that you possess the ability to control what happens in them, it is as simple as assuming and integrating that very thing into your day-to-day waking life.

The moment you put this knowledge into practice on a daily basis, the fact that you yourself are the one who day after day is generating the reality that surrounds you, when you observe that your world is handing you things that previously had your attention for at least a moment, and you try to work on yourself and control this reality a little more, little by little this will be captured or tattooed in your unconscious as well. Therefore, you will see the results more and more frequently in your dreams.

You will be able to notice this, for example, in what has surely already happened to you at some time. What I will tell you next surely you have dreamt at some time that you could fly. It’s a liberating and very pleasant feeling, isn’t it? However, I am also sure that at some point you have stopped being able to do it as you did a few minutes ago. Suddenly you try to fly and it’s not so easy anymore. You jump and jump but at best you can only do it for a few seconds when before you could. How frustrating! Why does this happen?

Simple: your ideas about the possible and the impossible are interfering with your dream. What happens when you start to become aware in your daily life that it is your ideas that form your reality? When you know that whether or not you will be able to achieve something depends on your ideas, especially if you have already seen yourself as capable of that very thing?

When you know the true importance and strength of your thoughts in what you will and will not achieve, that is when you will gradually begin to see those results much clearer and quicker in dreams. Because of the early manifestation that exists there, suddenly you will find yourself within the dream fighting against your own mind and managing to take flight again.

To give you this example, or you will find yourself pondering why something will happen this way or that way because you are in a dream. Either you will know how to defend yourself against any attack or nocturnal visitation because you will know how to defend yourself by employing any spatiotemporal manipulation within the dream against an open attack, or you will find yourself discovering and unmasking those entities in the lower astral who wanted to cause a reaction in you in order to feed on you. In other words, you will automatically become invincible, literally omnipotent.

In the same way, if you stop believing in yourself and give into intrusive thoughts, you will see the same thing reflected in your dreams. So you can use your dreams as a gauge for how that work is working out for you, for example, and what you need to focus on or stop focusing on.

But I don't see dreams as just that, but as another realm just as real, and not only because of the knowledge we may have learned or acquired through what others teach us. Dreams give us that information or those clues all the time.

For example, I am sure it has happened to many of you that within the dream itself a sound was going to happen shortly, and it turned out that when that sound came it was perfectly synchronised with another sound that was happening in the realm that you perceive upon awakening.

And no, I'm not talking about an alarm clock since we could argue that the body was already used to it and prepared for it to go off at that very moment. I am talking about a totally eventual and unpredictable sound.

This type of event clearly confirms the union between the two realms, leaving a curious sensation similar to that scene in the film Avatar where when one body wakes up the other falls asleep, but both are united by a nexus that is the Consciousness that animates them and that lives all these experiences even though they are different worlds.

Sometimes you might even dream that you wake up from the place where you fell asleep and experience a series of events with full coherence only to wake up later and be surprised to find that it was a dream, even waking up again and again already doubting what is a dream and what is not.

You might also experience a reality that you know could not be happening in what you would call the real world, such as talking to or seeing a person you know is no longer there because they have passed away.

It is in those moments that you may also realize that you are living in that realm, which could also be seen as an alternate timeline. This is a phenomenon that you can enjoy to the fullest when it happens to be with those you can no longer be with, with full awareness that you have traveled to that other version of your world, at least for a small time gap.

And it may also be that these people have decided to be with you during that time because it does happen sometimes, not in such a deliberate or planned way but simply as a coincidence with that because of the desire on both sides to experience something like that.

However, you also have to be careful because many malicious entities will disguise themselves as people who can you in a way that suits them. Also, your mind will always be there to shape everything, so it will be your own responsibility to decide what each encounter or dream there means or what it can bring to you.

But this time, in addition, I will leave you with a thought that I think is interesting: Once you become aware that you are dreaming and having worked on everything we have talked about, you become virtually omnipotent.

You can shape space and time practically at will. What you experience in your dreams and what you experience when you wake up are two sides of the same coin, two realms in the same reality which, although possessing their own laws, at the same time function under the same dynamics.

Connecting these dots, what would happen if a person became aware that this other reality in which you live right now is also a realm manifested by their ideas? What would that person be able to do, or rather, what would they not be able to do?

#13 Re: English Forum » Dreams: An Access to another World - Dominate Lucid Dreams - Za’el » 2024-05-16 12:44:06


I can’t explain how happy I am with this video from Za’el! This might be my absolute favourite of all time!!

It’s the perfect subject. It combines everything I LOVE!

#14 English Forum » Dreams: An Access to another World - Dominate Lucid Dreams - Za’el » 2024-05-16 12:18:13

Replies: 15


Dreams: An Access to another World - Dominate Lucid Dreams

By Za’el of Erra

Arien & Za’el’s Channel :

#15 English Forum » On Souls and Entities, Life and Death from the point of view of Spirit » 2024-05-16 12:03:33

Replies: 15


On Souls and Entities, Life and Death from the point of view of a Spirit.

By Mari

Swaruu Oficial channel:

#16 Re: English Forum » Dimensional Mirrors 3 - The man who sees his double » 2024-05-16 10:10:34

wandereringsoul wrote:

I was on an Artist in Residency in Beijing and I met this famous Chinese artist at a gallery open. Everyone thought we were related. We became instant friends.

Wow, you look like brothers!

You have the same smile and are dressed alike! 

wandereringsoul wrote:

By the way. how does one insert an image instead of a link? …

This is what I do for inserting photos into the forum.

Go to :

Upload your photo.

Then select ‘ BBCode full linked’ (from the list of embed codes)

Click on ‘Copy’ and then paste it onto the forum.


#17 Re: English Forum » Forum Upgrade » 2024-05-16 09:58:10

Hello Tardisman,

I hopefully described the situation in my earlier post here :

Tardisman wrote:

Are we under attack Ariya ?

Can you elaborate more on what has transpired with regard to missing posts ?

I have all of my posts backed up and they all appear to be working.

How are your posts ?

I replied :

Ariya wrote:

No, there’s no attack.

Just a forum member deleting their posts.

Unfortunately when they delete a post at the start of a thread, it will delete the full thread and the posts that follow it.

Many of the threads in this instance were those dedicated to discussing and studying Mari’s individual videos.

It is a real shame and I find it disappointing for all the people who made contributions to those threads.

It is not something we can prevent from happening, as unfortunately the  configuration settings on the forum is not something we can change.

So, for now, I simply advise people to make copies of any important post contributions or information that they wish to keep.

And to be fair, it has only been one member who has deleted all of their posts that had a noticeable impact.

But like Gosia says, let’s be grateful that we have the forum. Thank you Mikko and Gosia and let’s continue onwards !

#18 English Forum » Dimensional Mirrors 3 - The man who sees his double » 2024-05-16 06:32:27

Replies: 2


Dimensional Mirrors 3 - Conversation with Yazhi about the man who sees his double

By Cosmic Agency

#19 Re: English Forum » Starseed Dreams » 2024-05-16 06:17:32

Jupiter 9 wrote:

While you are looking for your spacecraft, remember to also look at the sky and send a request for your stellar family's monitoring drone to reveal itself to you... smile

Jupiter, yes!
I saw a drone once before, but at the time I didn’t know what it was.

Ariya wrote:

… The first time I saw a ball drone was at night 2016 or 2017 (I think) and I was working in my garage with the door open. I could see into the night and I saw a small glowing vessel high above tree height.

It is still one of the most unexplained events of my life. It felt so strange because I knew the drone was aware of me and I felt it wanted me to notice it.

When I went outside, it moved closer. It knew I was watching it - and it let me. It was at maybe 30 - 50 meters height.

It was so funny, and not harmful, but what doesn’t make sense, is why did it need to come so close?!

Alec even did a picture of it!

#20 Re: English Forum » Starseed Dreams » 2024-05-16 06:07:15

Horton HaW wrote:

Well I have dreamed about interesting creatures recently. They are often similar to earth creatures, but I did have a huge school of dolphins traveling with a shark just the other day. I was gliding along the water and a pretty large shark swam under me, which was a bit alarming, but then a large group of dolphins came right by me. The water was so blue. The dolphins were having fun, though.

This was interesting and I love water dreams!

I’m going to say that your dream shows you have all your guides and family around you, protecting you from danger.

And dolphins are amazing beings…

#21 Re: English Forum » Space News, 23, May 11, 2024, 500 Video Special. Mari-16 » 2024-05-16 05:52:56

Szörny wrote:

Sziasztok. Mary bocsánatot kérek hogy beavatkoztam az életedbe. De úgy láttam hiányzik az anyukád. A két pilóta ha jól láttam visszajutott. Az atori megállapodott a bolygó vezetőjével, és Svájcba a sötét portálon távoztak 8-án. Egy jedi is velük ment. Összesen 4 fő. A sok atori azért van itt mert minden elnök mellé kell egy. Hogy azt tegyék amit kell. Ja és bocsánat hogy betörtem a hajótokra de dumálni akartam. És köszi hogy a testem rendbe tettétek. üdvözlet: sötétség smile

Helló és üdvözlet.
Kérlek angolul írj. Köszönöm !

Hello and Welcome.
Please write your posts in English only.
Thank you !

#22 Re: English Forum » An unvaccinated couple with a vaccinated person, the consequences? » 2024-05-16 05:46:53

Hello fulllove,

Aneeka spoke a little about the risk of person to person transmission in the transcript here:

Graphene, Vaccines, Nanotechnology - Aneeka Responds Dr Alex´s Questions

Dr. Alex: Can it be transmitted through breast milk (mother-child), semen (sexually), saliva (kissing), aerosols (cough nearby)?

Anéeka: It can definitely be transmitted in those ways, and also airborne. However, it seems to have a range of two meters in a direct way as far as direct exosome is concerned. … -questions

There is also more detail about the spread from the vaccinated to the non vaccinated in the main report here:

Aneeka of Temmer wrote:

Covid Vaccines Analyzed by Taygetan Lab - Complete Report - Graphene, Nanotechnology, and Transhumanism
(cont … )
These exosomes secreted by the tissue in alarm state are excreted from the body of the inoculated individual through his body fluids and through his own respiration. If another non-inoculated individual is in the presence of the inoculated individual and presents a physiological state that corresponds to the code or message of one of these exosomes or viruses of the inoculated person, this other one will then present the corresponding symptomatic reaction.

And such symptomatology may or may not correspond to any viral diseases that may already be known, starting a chain reaction by way of contagion between inoculated and non-inoculated alike, but emphasizing that the inoculated will always have a much weaker immune system than a non-inoculated, thus reducing their expectations of good recovery.

Therefore non-vaccinated people are stronger and have a standing chance to survive this bioweapon attack upon the human race, than an inoculated person whose chances are close to none.

The inoculated individual presents a constant release of nano-Graphene that can be introduced into the organism of non-inoculated individuals, where on a small scale or in the measure of its quantity, it will begin to activate as it has been programmed, trying to make the corresponding genetic changes in said non-inoculated individuals.

Whether or not a non-inoculated individual presents symptoms or adverse reactions will depend on the degree of exposure to an inoculated individual or individuals and the strength or physical condition of the non-inoculated individual and the general state of his/her immune system. Being that the exposed parts of the non-inoculated individual, such as lung and mucous membranes, are the most vulnerable to suffer alterations and immunological reactions to the presence of natural exosomes due to extreme toxicity of the inoculated people’s tissues, and the artificial exosomes due to nano-Graphene being released and spread by the said inoculated individual.
(…) … nshumanism

It would seem that the degree of exposure, and the general health of the non vaccinated will contribute to effect it may have on the individual.

To reduce the risk you may wish to avoid the exchange of bodily fluids. A barrier method of contraception may reduce but not remove all risk. But the same advice applies regardless of vaccination status.

But I also agree with Paganini- we have all been exposed to some degree. We just have to make whatever sensible decisions we can, and continue to live a full loving life.

There is also a recent thread about this subject - that you may find of interest here :

#23 Re: English Forum » Metaphysical Operation Suggestion and Steps: Post-eclipse Entities » 2024-05-15 20:44:59

And something I forgot to mention..

It’s very important to also create beauty and wonderful worlds of experience in the astral and the physical. We must have balance.

There is so much emphasis on fighting in the astral and negative entities.

But most of all of my time is spent in laying the foundations for strong positive hopeful world full of beautiful things.

This we must not neglect.

#24 Re: English Forum » Metaphysical Operation Suggestion and Steps: Post-eclipse Entities » 2024-05-15 20:31:28

Azure-CrimsonLeaves wrote:

Hi, been a while, I hope you're doing well, and thanks for the well-wishes; nice to know you tried my suggestions too and understood most, if not all of it, though I suppose I should already expect as much from a fellow mage--but it's nice to know that at least one other person understands my ideas, it's honestly very refreshing since I've been in "hermit-mode" for so many years now.

Hi. It’s good to see you here again. I did wonder when you would reappear. Hermit mode temporarily deactivated … wink

I’m glad that you posted your call to action. It is well written, and it is a well thought through instructional.

There are many more people who read this forum than actively participate, and I am sure there will be others who will read and resonate with it (and possibly apply your techniques)  - but they simply may not reply.

I also think there are some people on the Cosmic Agency telegram group that work together in the astral on various missions - they are enthusiastic but unstructured.

But don’t feel alone, I resonate with your ideas, and I have much in common with your perspective, (and I also share in some of your frustrations.)

As you know, one reason  I was initially drawn to Swaruu’s information was because it confirmed in detail what I knew from experience, the way in which our world is manifested.

I have always believed that the biggest challenges for the ‘starseed’ community is to truly understand the power of our mind and how we are creating our reality. 

But personally it took for me to manifest some truly dark violent times (and many battles with my own demons) before I was able to see this.

I needed to learn through experience, to move through the darkness before I could really see that it was my mind creating it all.

I’ve realised everyone’s path will different in understanding the power of their mind.

And I do wish this information was more at the forefront of every discussion we have.

But I have come to understand this is a community brought together by the vast range of topics that the Tays and Swa’s cover.

And people’s experience and interest in these topics differ widely.

In terms of tackling entities, demons and egregores, I think Mari and Sophia have done excellent work laying the foundation for understanding.

It is so evident that many starseeds that suffer from poor mental health due to entity influence.

I have spent a lot of time guiding people through ways of resolving these issues. The work is on going and we need more of us to step up and help.

Josephine McCarthy’s work is the bedrock for most of my entity removal / transmutations practices. She is an amazing teacher and Quareia is a phenomenal body of work.

But don’t despair, I know there are others of us out there, working alone, bending reality and influencing the world.

And part of that, is you putting your work out there, to inspire and to motivate others to join us.

Keep going ! Every action counts ★

#25 Re: English Forum » Starseed Dreams » 2024-05-15 13:31:40

akos996 wrote:

All this alternate timeline stuff reminds me of the lecture from author Phillip K. Dick, talking of his inspiration for writing books, that he had lived these lives so he wrote them down as fiction. (…)

Here is the full speech:

Thanks akos. I was obsessed with that Phillip K Dick speech when I first heard it… I loved that video too. He is so passionate and earnest about wanting his thoughts to be heard.

Phillip K Dick wrote:

in 1977  "If You Find This World Bad, You Should See Some of the Others".

"I, in my stories and novels, often write about counterfeit worlds, semi-real worlds, as well as deranged private worlds inhabited, often, by just one person, while, meantime, the other characters either remain in their own worlds throughout or are somehow drawn into one of the peculiar ones. ...At no time did I have a theoretical or conscious explanation for my preoccupation with these pluriform pseudoworlds, but now I think I understand. What I was sensing was the manifold or partially actualized realities lying tangent to what evidently is the most actualized one, the one that the majority of us, by consensus gentium, agree on.

"Although originally I presumed that the differences between these worlds was caused entirely by the subjectivity of the various human viewpoints, it did not take me long to open the question as to whether it might not be more than that - that in fact plural realities did exist superimposed onto one another like so many film transparencies.

What I still do not grasp, however, is how one reality out of the many becomes actualized in contradistinction to the others. ...Perhaps it hangs on an agreement in viewpoint by a sufficiency of people. More likely the matrix world, the one with the true core of being, is determined by the Programmer. He or it articulates - prints out, so to speak - the matrix choice and fuses it with actual substance. ...This selection and reselection are part of general creativity, of world-building, which seems to be its or his task. A problem, perhaps, which he or it is running, which is to say in the process of solving.

"This problem-solving by means of reprogramming variables along the linear time axis of our universe, thereby generating branched-off lateral worlds - I have the impression that the metaphor of the chessboard is especially useful in evaluating how this all can be - in fact must be. Across from the Programmer-Reprogrammer sits a counterentity, whom Joseph Campbell calls the Dark Counterplayer. ...The Programmer-Reprogrammer is not making his moves of improvement against inert matter; he is dealing with a cunning opponent. Let us say that on the game board - our universe in space-time - the Dark Counterplayer makes a move; he sets up a reality situation. Being the Dark player, the outcome of his desires constitutes what we experience as evil: nongrowth, the power of the lie, death and the decay of forms, the prison of immutable cause and effect. ...The printout which we undergo as historic events, passes through stages of a dialectical interaction, thesis and antithesis, as the forces of the two players mingle. Evidently some syntheses fall to the dark counterplayer.

"...I submit to you that such alterations, the creation or selection of such so-called 'alternate presents' is continually taking place. The very fact that we can conceptually deal with this notion - that is, entertain it as an idea - is a first step in discerning such processes themselves. But I doubt if we will ever be able in any real fashion to demonstrate, to scientifically prove, that such lateral change processes do occur. Probably all we would have to go on would be vestiges of memory, fleeting impressions, dreams, nebulous intuitions that somehow things had been different in some way - and not long ago, but NOW.
(…) … PKDick.htm

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