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#1 Re: English Forum » Space News, 23, May 11, 2024, 500 Video Special. Mari-16 » 2024-05-11 22:39:17

Ayyy Ya me parecia!! Gracias!! Y disculpa la molestia!!! Es que el google me tradujo cualquier cosa!!! y no lograba comprender ese detalle!! Gracias!!! y nuevamente perdon!!!

Aleksander wrote:


No, en mi mensaje agradezco a Minerva la información. Sé que mucha gente allí arriba está de nuestro lado, pero siguen siendo una minoría. Desgraciadamente. Por eso la federación, como organización, no quiere ayudarnos.

Continúo escribiendo sobre el hecho de que la federación admite ahora oficialmente que nos mantiene la matrix y que no se dará por vencida. Luego escribo sobre el hecho de que la federación admite ahora oficialmente la matriz tecnológica. Y no tiene intención de renunciar.

Para mí, esto significa que son invasores de nuestro planeta. Y así es como deben ser tratados ahora oficialmente, esta parte "malvada" de la federación.

Esta vez me perdonarás por mi pobre español :-)

Ayyy Ya me parecia!! Gracias!! Y disculpa la molestia!!! Es que el google me tradujo cualquier cosa!!! y no lograba comprender ese detalle!! Gracias!!! y nuevamente perdon!!!

y nada de pobre español!!! escribes mejor que yo con el ingles jajajaja


#2 Re: English Forum » Space News, 23, May 11, 2024, 500 Video Special. Mari-16 » 2024-05-11 20:48:44

Aleksander wrote:

"Earth must be kept in isolation". Thank you Minerva for passing this declaration. And even bigger thanks to you; Galactic Circus, for this important declaration coming directly from your body. Atm I Clap Clap Clap for you!

Now you have officially declared during many events that you are still sole responsible body for maintaining technological repressions over inhabitants of Earth and you will keep doing it also limiting Earths potential exposure to the SOL-13 and beyond.

Hereby, under everything that have been happening on Earth since ages along with your influence and your declarations, you shall be treated as invaders of planet Earth.

I am happy as now I shall have no regrets towards my future actions as it is the same for other inhabitants of Earth who seek freedom.

Sorry if I don't understand your message well... ¿Are you telling this to Mari and the Taygeteans?

The title of the talks that the federation will give is "Earth must be kept in isolation", but both the Taygeteans, the Urmah and other races are against this declaration and have a different opinion.

In the same video Mari clarifies

The most prominent active Federation members who disagree are the Yayel and their cousins the Sassani, as well as the Antarians and some members of the Sirian conglomerate, among others. This is without mentioning the entire Alcyone Council, who represented all the star races in the M45 Pleiades star system, and the Urmah, who have a strong tendency not to obey any rules except their own and who have actively stated strong words against the higher appointed Federation members.

PS: If I have misunderstood your message, please excuse me and ignore the one I wrote here, my main language is Spanish and I use Google Translator to understand messages in English and any other language. Thank You.


#3 Re: Forum en Español » Para continuar, algo diferente » 2024-05-11 16:24:49 wrote:

Primero que nada si se llega a ver este mensaje me gustaría agradecer de todas las formas posibles el que yo pueda estar haciendo esto en este momento, el simple hecho de que esto sea posible me inunda de amor y agradezco a todos los que siempre intentan ayudar, mi nombre es Andoni y tengo 23 años, me gustaría saber de qué forma una persona de la tierra podría tener contacto con estos seres Taygeteanos, me interesa bastante, espero lean este mensaje. Un saludo a todo el universo.

Hola Andoni. Por el momento, y debido a regulaciones politicas de fuera y a la incapacidad de cualquier ser de contactar individualmente pero de manera masiva sin detrimento propio, se ha optado por la opcion de masividad, eso significa que lo mas directo es a travez del canal del canal de Mari Swaruu para llegar a la mayor cantidad de semillas que coincidan con la informacion para ayudarles dandoles lo mas posible de contexto y puntos de vista para que cada quien se expanda a su ritmo y forma propio.


#4 Re: English Forum » Why are donations needed...? » 2024-01-19 15:32:30

Jupiter 9 wrote:
huey wrote:

This is highly confusing me as to why on the YT channell she's aasking for donations...why would she need money

I was confused at first too on why would they heavily depend on resources they must get from Earth when Mari first mentioned that, and besides what ŁuℓสStสr❥ and Pymander said this is also another important detail Mari mentioned regarding this:

Mari:(...) Most extraterrestrial groups and races do not need anything from Earth, others need only a few things such as resources they take directly or whatever, and others who are more invested in understanding humans and their culture need a lot from Earth and that is the case of my group and I. (...)

Important Comments, several other subjects, please watch to understand everything better. (English)

So one of the reasons they depend on resources from Earth despite having a resupply ship regularly bringing supplies from Taygeta, is because some members of the crew and especially the Swaruunians are more invested in understanding humans and their culture by first hand experience and also they have more involvement with Earth than other Taygetans or other ETs. Mari for example was living on Earth as a stepdown for almost 5 years(Extra-terrestrials living among you, video 2). And she also mentioned that for Swaruunians Earth is like their second home(Extra-terrestrials living among you.) so they are more involved with Earth and it's culture and depend on some resources from Earth.

Completely agree with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#5 Re: English Forum » Your message to the Etorthans, leading a Federation audit of Earth » 2024-01-19 15:17:34

Pymander wrote:

My message to the Etorthans would be simple. If they rightfully claim control over the affairs of Earth and humanity, then they must act in a transparent manner and explain the many questions and concerns the Taygetans and the Urmah's have about how they are handling the situation on Earth. If they can not do that, then the groups running the GF should step down or be removed.

Completely agree with you!!!!!!!

#6 Re: English Forum » Comments on - Space News 11, Galactic Federation Update for January 17 » 2024-01-19 14:49:06

Marak60 wrote:

Just listened to this and wow.... especially interesting from about the half way mark! It is starting to shape up like a "Cuban Missile Crisis" up there, sounds very tense! However, good to know that the Taygetans have now stationed a very large BATTLE SHIP next to Toleka which is here permanently from now on, it sounds like a real beast.

I am just wondering why now? And I think it has something to do with the fact we have been asking for this kind of support and it is arriving! The Urmah have again told the audit to (And I quote here) "Piss off"...:) The more I hear and learn about the Umah the more I love them, they truly are kindred spirits!  The Tagetans have also stated in this post that they will in fact say the say to the Audit if asked in support of the Umah. 

And at the end of the clip it seems the plans of the cabal are going to be supported by the federation in regards to the conversion of humans to cyborgs and greater mind control. So one has to ask...... How is this fair and not a complete and utter slap in the face to all of us here who are seeking a true authentic soul journey and who don't what to be become a "Fast Food" all you can eat banquet for the regressive overlords?

MAYBE.... this explains the Battle Ship? I certainly hope so! because it is getting worse not better...

I feel that due to the number of new ships that arrived, the tense or misunderstanding relationship of the federation with the Taygeteans, the Taygeteans' no desire for dependence on the Urmah, and the insistence on physical presence of the Taygeteans in their meetings and audits plus all the measures taken for the federation and against the Taygeteans... it is the reason why this new ship is escorting the Toleka.
I feel like it has more to do with them than with us, sorry.

I hope I have contributed something. Greetings!!

PD: I apologize if there is something poorly expressed, spelling errors or if something I wrote sounds like a "very strong expression" in relation to what I intended (everything was written in a calm and relaxed manner). I use Google Spanish Translator to write my messages in English.

#7 Re: English Forum » Why are donations needed...? » 2024-01-19 14:28:42

First of all, clarify that Mari NEVER asked for donations. Please don't feed that idea!!
She appreciates donations, but never asks for donations!!

Second, Pymander's answer is excellent! But it would add more, for example, if the Taygeteans came down, where would they sleep? How would they travel on the surface? They need transportation and somewhere to sleep, even buy water or food while they are on mission. I suppose, and I repeat, I suppose, that when going down to the surface of planet Earth to, for example, monitor someone or something, some event or simply see what is happening from the surface, they must stay several days, they could come down with food, but not enough for a few weeks. I imagine them with big backpacks, but still with a limited capacity of things they could bring down.
In one of her videos, Mari explains that those Taygetans who are Step Down on Earth, the GF considers them as humans, so I believe that they do not come down with muon communication systems, for example. That would mean that they would only be able to rely on human means of communication to talk to Toleka. So they would need technological devices, tablets, cell phones or PCs.

And finally, regarding the idea of WXMM, I do not consider it ethical to Taygetean or Swarunian standards. And even so, the wrong idea would be created that you can get more in exchange for money, not only private communication, but also the possibility of extraction. Situation that would leave them in a tremendously bad position, since it was also said in Mari's videos that no one will be extracted, and that the extraction in any case will always be offered by them, not requested by any human. So I do see that option as very dangerous for them in all aspects.
If they had free time, which they do not have, and if they also had the necessary personnel, they themselves would seek to talk to people on the networks. But sadly that time has passed, that option, in my opinion, was taken from us by the Galactic Federation, and in a very dirty way.

I hope I have contributed something. Greetings!

PD: I apologize if there is something poorly expressed, spelling errors or if something I wrote sounds like a "very strong expression" in relation to what I intended (everything was written in a calm and relaxed manner). I use Google Spanish Translator to write my messages in English.

#8 Re: English Forum » YOU DO NOT CREATE REALITY » 2021-09-03 20:13:52

mitkobs wrote:

Source is not somewhere there like something separated from us. It is us, it is me. The separation happens with illusions and separation is ultimate illusion. The illusions are our self limitations - with accepting agreements to forget our wholeness and to experience Myself as a part of the whole with purposely forgetting the wholeness. The forgetting happens with lowering of vibration, changing our original most high and natural frequencies and become ignorant(not knowing and forgetting), with narrower field of perception. My point again is - Source is everyone of us, but is not that particular me that I am right now as limitation, but other me that is totally unlimited and natural. We have to tune to that unlimited and free "I" and become the Source.

a cell, which is not you but what forms you ... I see the cell like you. so we with the source. being the cell also the source.

#9 Re: English Forum » YOU DO NOT CREATE REALITY » 2021-09-03 06:04:17

CHARCOtranquilo wrote:

I will express it following your same line of argumentative thinking:

What does NOT exist, (the dream of separation) cannot be part of that "everything that is more Source", because from nothing, nothing can arise. In other words, if the Source "is everything", what is nothing, by definition DOES NOT EXIST, and what does not exist, does not need to be integrated, because there is NOTHING beyond the Source.


everything and nothing ... to be or not to be ... is duality. they are concepts limited to our perceptual capacities of how to understand the reality that we experience. but the source is all ... duality is only the source's creation at the moment of fragmenting itself in order to be able to perceive itself. so I think it is a concept that we cannot yet glimpse due to our limitation, apparent but real, current ... everything that you think is not a source can only be more source, because the source alone... only it is. everything that we perceive as what it is or is not, is no more than the "lucid dream" of the source.

#10 Re: Forum en Español » TÚ NO CREAS LA REALIDAD PORQUE LA REALIDAD ESTÁ MÁS ALLÁ DE TU MENTE » 2021-09-02 18:54:24

cómo aprender quien eres si no tienes en qué reflejarte? ... eres un todo, no dejas de serlo por fragmentarte, y ese fragmento no dejas de ser tu. es comprender lo que se enseña en esta divulgacion... puedes tu desarrollar tu propia idea, si... pero no es lo que nos trae aqui que es la informacion dada por los taygeteanos, las Swaruus y Yazhi.
tu no puedes ver tu ojo a no ser que se refleje en algo, y ese algo es una parte de tu propia creacion, creada justamente para reflejarte y conocerte.
viendo todo desde el punto de vista de la fuente, intentando comprenderle, es comprenderte a ti mismo pues eres el resultado de su proceso de autoperscepcion. fragmentarte no es romperte... no tiene el mismo significado que el que tu interpretas... no conozco que otra palabra usar para que el traductor me lo ponga correctamente. no es como lo veriamos nosotros de arrancarte un brazo (o costilla jijijijiji) para crear algo que sea a partir de un pedazo tuyo... no no no. somos la materializacion de una idea. la fuente teniendo la idea de autoperscivirse explorando la pluralidad de posibilidades y comprendiendo y analizando todas las opciones, eligiendo, siguiendo cada quien su camino... y todos en simultaneo formandole.

es una ilusion, no existe la separacion. no dejamos de ser quienes somos, el todo.... por ende, seguimos siendo la fuente creadora de todo, somos todo, por ende, somos los creadores de todo en simultaneo de que estamos aparentemente limitados para vivir una experiencia especifica donde esa limitacion es la razon de la experiencia justamente

todo es parte de la fuente. todo es la fuente. lo que entiendes como lo que es la fuente y lo que entiendes que no es la fuente. todo es fuente. No hay nada que no sea una fuente porque eso solo sería más fuente.

Veamos si puedo decirlo de otra manera ...

somos el sueño lúcido de la fuente. Entonces, todo lo que hay en el sueño, ya sea que seas capaz en esta aparente limitación de la experiencia de comprenderlo o no, todo sigue siendo el sueño lúcido de la fuente.

#11 Re: English Forum » YOU DO NOT CREATE REALITY » 2021-09-02 18:32:52

and about the ¨normies¨

I see them as the reason for the construction of analytical thinking about ourselves. We are all one, they are all part of me, therefore, each of them are other lines that I lived, other experiences ... time does not exist so we overlap here, so thanks to the fact that in those lines / lives I lived the being immersed in the matrix, being asleep, or worshiping the god covid ... is that today at this point in which I find myself, in this perspective that I observe, in this current attention in which I am looking now ... (without limiting myself to it and understanding that as I am in this one, I am in other more advanced ones of course ...) is that thanks to them, the ¨normis¨, today I can see the inconsistency of everything that happens and take a position and choose another path.

So I do not pretend that they integrate me or understand me, but I do.

And yes, you are right, there is no censorship here, but that is not why we must forget the central reason for this created space and why ... the disclosure of the Taygetans, the Swaruus and Yazhi

It would be not only a misconduct but also a corruption of this space and a lack of respect for all of them.

Imagine that I come here and analyze what was said by someone who insults this disclosure, and pretends that "in the name of non-censorship or respect" I demand or demand or hope that my opinion is validated by others. NOP

#12 Re: English Forum » YOU DO NOT CREATE REALITY » 2021-09-02 18:23:05

Genoveva wrote:
ŁuℓสStสr❥ wrote:
Genoveva wrote:

@ŁuℓสStสr❥, "you need to separate a part from yourself (fragment yourself) to experience the existence of who you are"

In my opinion it would be a mistake, especially since expansion to infinity is always a choice. Emanate like a fractal, yes, but fragment, nope. When in doubt, we can take an example from physical density. (So above as below) I.e, when I touch something, I do not separate my hand.

2DO how to learn who you are if you don't have something to reflect on? ... you are a whole, you do not stop being one by fragmenting yourself, and that fragment does not stop being you. is to understand what is taught in this disclosure ... you can develop your own idea, yes ... but it is not what brings us here that is the information given by the Taygetans, the Swaruus and Yazhi.
you cannot see your eye unless it is reflected in something, and that something is a part of your own creation, created precisely to reflect and know you.
seeing everything from the point of view of the source, trying to understand it, is to understand yourself because you are the result of its process of self-perception. To fragment you is not to break you ... it does not have the same meaning as the one you interpret ... I do not know what other word to use for the translator to put it correctly. It is not how we would see it of ripping off an arm (or rib jijijijiji) to create something that is from a piece of yours ... no no no. we are the materialization of an idea. the source having the idea of self-persistence exploring the plurality of possibilities and understanding and analyzing all the options, choosing, each one following his or her path ... and all simultaneously forming it.

Excellent description! Now I can see where the confusion comes from. The attitude you describe so well, and in so many ways, is "to be detached". 

With regards to the taygetan disclosure: they provide information which we can correlate/validate with our own experience on earth. And since their communications touch a vast number of aspects, it's kind of impossible to set fair limits on how much we are allowed or not, to think for ourselves in this forum, without transforming it into the kind of censorship which currently plagues this planet in the "normies" world. Don't you think?

I realize that the translator will not interpret correctly the word "normies" - it designates the papaya worshipers.

Thank you!!! hahahaha ... yes, the comment I made is more aimed at ... interpreting what was given by the whole team and that what he said was not based on a belief ... as if explaining the raw info. Hee hee I get very formal when using the google translator and it seems that I am extremely serious or closed but it is because I have to analyze each sentence, comma, accent, etc.
Excuse me ... just in case, you know ... I always start from the analysis of what we are trying to explain and then it is left to each person what they believe, the idea that is formed or how it fits into their perspective. but always starting from the understanding of this disclosure because that is what this space is for in my opinion. and to break with previous beliefs that have limited us and give us a more expanded framework of understanding that and each person will choose how they fit or not in their own beliefs without imposing on the rest.
and again I made the very long text ..... excuse me !!! hahaha

#13 Re: English Forum » YOU DO NOT CREATE REALITY » 2021-09-02 17:18:13

Crystal Dragon wrote:

So ultimately, do we create reality or do we simply experience it? I'm going to go with YES.

yes in both. it just depends on the perspective you look at to analyze it

#14 Re: English Forum » YOU DO NOT CREATE REALITY » 2021-09-02 17:17:03

mitkobs wrote:

Source is seeing everything as a whole inseparable unit and its creations are fully compatible/integrated with the oneness of everything.

CHARCOtranquilo wrote:

Yes, the Source is an inseparable unit that extends integrally to Itself, but it DOES NOT INCLUDE MAN'S MANUFACTURINGS, because they DO NOT EXIST for the Source. If it did, that is, if it were to integrate the creations of man, its integrity would be in doubt, since it would imply that the distortion would be part of the Source and therefore part of the Source would be complete and part would be incomplete and divided, and this is Ontologically IMPOSSIBLE.

everything is part of the source. everything is the source. what you understand as what the source is and what you understand as not being the source. everything is source. There is nothing that is not a source because that would only be more source.

Let's see if I can put it another way ...

we are the lucid dream of the source. So everything that is in the dream, whether you are capable in this apparent limitation of experience to understand it or not, everything is still the lucid dream of the source.

#15 Re: English Forum » YOU DO NOT CREATE REALITY » 2021-09-02 17:06:18

Crystal Dragon wrote:
Genoveva wrote:

@ŁuℓสStสr❥, "you need to separate a part from yourself (fragment yourself) to experience the existence of who you are"

In my opinion it would be a mistake, especially since expansion to infinity is always a choice. Emanate like a fractal, yes, but fragment, nope. When in doubt, we can take an example from physical density. (So above as below) I.e, when I touch something, I do not separate my hand.

Agreed 100%. The separation is an illusion. We exist in all densities simultaneously. One of the biggest keys back to a full relationship with source is realizing we never left smile

yes! is an illusion. there is no separation. we do not stop being who we are, the whole ... therefore, we continue to be the creative source of everything, we are everything, therefore, we are the creators of everything at the same time that we are apparently limited to live a specific experience where that limitation is the reason for the experience precisely.

#16 Re: English Forum » YOU DO NOT CREATE REALITY » 2021-09-02 17:03:10

Genoveva wrote:

@ŁuℓสStสr❥, "you need to separate a part from yourself (fragment yourself) to experience the existence of who you are"

In my opinion it would be a mistake, especially since expansion to infinity is always a choice. Emanate like a fractal, yes, but fragment, nope. When in doubt, we can take an example from physical density. (So above as below) I.e, when I touch something, I do not separate my hand.

2DO how to learn who you are if you don't have something to reflect on? ... you are a whole, you do not stop being one by fragmenting yourself, and that fragment does not stop being you. is to understand what is taught in this disclosure ... you can develop your own idea, yes ... but it is not what brings us here that is the information given by the Taygetans, the Swaruus and Yazhi.
you cannot see your eye unless it is reflected in something, and that something is a part of your own creation, created precisely to reflect and know you.
seeing everything from the point of view of the source, trying to understand it, is to understand yourself because you are the result of its process of self-perception. To fragment you is not to break you ... it does not have the same meaning as the one you interpret ... I do not know what other word to use for the translator to put it correctly. It is not how we would see it of ripping off an arm (or rib jijijijiji) to create something that is from a piece of yours ... no no no. we are the materialization of an idea. the source having the idea of self-persistence exploring the plurality of possibilities and understanding and analyzing all the options, choosing, each one following his or her path ... and all simultaneously forming it.

#17 Re: English Forum » YOU DO NOT CREATE REALITY » 2021-09-01 16:30:38

that very distortion is the very reason for creation. Since in order to self-persist and create the idea of what you are as a source, you need to separate a part from yourself (fragment yourself) to experience the existence of who you are. what is knowledge more than the total possible ideas and the multiplicity of available options of total creation that you can achieve by being source? ... we are the almighty source creating our own existence to learn about ourselves that we are the source knowing every possible inch of this tape measure (metaphor) ... we are all powerful because we are the source itself and at the same time we are limited by range of persception. If we coincided with the total accumulation of knowledge we would be the source ... and every day when you sleep you are, because you return to the source and you are able to create everything you experience in dreams, at the same time that you can coincide with scenarios already created , it all depends on you and your frequency.

so your statement is true without denying the phrase that Yazhi always reminds us of "you are the creative source of everything!"

#18 Re: Forum en Español » COSAS DE EXOPOLÍTICA E IDEAS » 2021-08-31 18:50:38

siento que ambos tienen razon, por un lado no hay forma de evolucionar nuestros tratos con otras especies si no acentamos una base etica de la cual partir y por otro lado no habra semejante base si individualmente cada miembro primero no empieza el cambio en la cotidianeidad del dia a dia y de como se va desenvolviendo en la vida. el primero es un camino que podemos planear ahora pero partiendo de la base de que toda idea preconcebida del cómo deberia ser se ira adaptando y cambiando a medida que se vaya formando y aceptando que por cada movimiento positivo que hagamos generaremos uno opuesto y ser responsables de semejante tarea... y el otro es un camino muchisimo mas largo que pese a que seria el ideal no creo que dispongamos de tiempo suficiente viendo la realidad en la que estamos inmersos
helhum yo te alentaria a que lo hagas! y quienes coincidan en frecuencia con eso pues bienvenido! y tambien alentaria a pedro que con cada ser con el que el coincida logre plantar semillas de discernimiento para su evolucion!
un aplauso a ambos

#19 Re: Forum en Español » TÚ NO CREAS LA REALIDAD PORQUE LA REALIDAD ESTÁ MÁS ALLÁ DE TU MENTE » 2021-08-31 18:37:44

esa misma distorcion es la razon misma para la creacion. ya que para autoperscivirte e ir creando la idea de qué eres tu como fuente necesitas separarte de ti mismo una parte (fragmentarte) para experimentar la existencia de quien eres. qué es el conocimiento mas que las ideas totales posibles y la multiplicidad de opciones disponibles de la creacion total que puedes lograr al ser fuente? ... somos la fuente todopoderosa creando nuestra propia existencia para aprender sobre nosotros mismos que somos la fuente conociendo cada centimetro posible de esta cinta metrica (metáfora) ... somos todos poderosos porque somos la fuente misma y a la vez estamos limitados por el rango de perscepcion. si coincidieramos con la acumulacion total de conocimiento seriamos la fuente... y cada dia cuando duermes lo eres, porque vuelves a la fuente y eres capaz de crear todo lo que experimentas en los sueños, a la vez que puedes coincidir con escenarios ya creados, todo depende de ti y de tu frecuencia.

por lo que tu afirmacion es verdad sin negar la frase que siempre nos recuerda Yazhi "eres la fuente creadora de todo!"

#20 Re: Forum en Español » Podrias responder? » 2020-10-07 18:34:38

Jhacko wrote:

Deseas formar parte de una sociedad holográfica 5D en La Tierra???

Pocos serán los extraídos... así que, si seguimos evolucionando, podremos conseguirlo en este planeta. Mi duda es si deseas hacerlo y porque si o no. Gracias.

despues de mucho pensarlo... y sin pretender que nadie me comprenda...
la respuesta es no.
y paso a explicarme lo mejor que pueda...
siento yo, personalmente, y creyendo que el proceso sera bastante largo, y creyendo que no es posible actualmente de la nada lograrlo ya que no hay un crecimiento real evidenciado de etica y moral ni un marco de referencia de vida posible hoy... que yo vine a vivir el proceso de plantar la semilla para que en un futuro se de esa sociedad. se que muchos dicen de formar hoy, de intentarlo ahora. pero no puedes construir un castillo sobre un banco de arena en la costa y no esperar a que se derrumbe.
creo ... y de nuevo... yo, personalmente... primero debemos empezar cada dia con la coherencia del sentir, pensar, hacer en cada uno de nosotros siendo conscientes en cada momento de lo que esto implica. enseñar eso y actuar en consecuencia, siendo ejemplo, siendo amigos, siendo guias... luego eligiendo pequeños cambios sociales y conscientizando a otros de esos cambios necesarios...
planear el crecimiento moral y etico social.
y llegara el momento donde nuestros reflejos como sociedad seran como uno. y lo que reflejemos y manifestemos sera en concordancia a nuestro pensar, sentir y actuar... y de ahi ... paso a paso... poco a poco... se vera reflejada la sociedad cimiento holografica.

espero sea de tu agrado mi respuesta. y haya podido explicarlo bien.


#21 Re: Forum en Español » Podrias responder? » 2020-10-06 13:31:07

y porque consideras que ¨no se dignan a responder¨? ademas, nadie esta obligado.
te comento mi caso particular.... nunca me lo pregunte. por lo tanto desde que vi tu pregunta me he hecho ese cuestionamiento sin respuesta aun.
respira amigo, que en este chat hay mas de dos mil cuentas... seguro alguien ya se lo habra pensado y respondera.
yo apenas tenga respuesta te la comparto.

#22 Re: English Forum » Troubleshooting » 2020-10-04 16:35:40

Matias wrote:

Ive spend the last hour just to delete and ban the bots. But, its going to be fixed soon, with in a day. Thanks for your patience.

thank you for your hard work!!!!!

#23 Re: English Forum » Troubleshooting » 2020-10-04 16:29:58

Matias wrote:

We will be installing reCAPTCHA now - It gives user information to Google, but it is "lesser evil" now, considering the current situation.

We will be moving to a new forum soon - Platform will be

Unfortunately, it seems we cannot move the posts in this forum powered by FluxBB to the new forum.

Hi Matias! Only today I have reported almost 100 comments. I see that you have already deleted some of them ... but there are so many that several of today's ones were passed to you several hours ago (in the morning for me) I just wanted to leave you the notice in case you didn't notice it. Cheers!

#24 Re: Forum en Español » Reglas - Leer antes de publicar » 2020-10-04 05:38:02

son spam... lamentablemente estamos lidiando con bots que se multiplican mucho. entiendo que matias y su hermano estan buscando las herramientas necesarias... pero por el momento te pido paciencia y simplemente que lo ignores, no son personas reales. los moderadores los reportamos, a todos!!! hasta el momento llevo 55 comentarios ya que he reportado!! y se eliminan y bloquean luego por matias y su hermano o gosia, pero aun asi al ser bots, solo crean nueva cuenta y llenan de spam... ya se solucionara.
muchas gracias por no sacar conclusiones anticipadas y preguntar!!!

#25 Re: Forum en Español » gente de chile y otros paises » 2020-10-02 07:11:36

Jhacko wrote:
artzaid1 wrote:
Jhacko wrote:

Qué sea necesario que lo diga Yazhi para que se vea dice mucho... tan solo observa este fórum y verás.

Sobre tu idea: Vas a tener que ir de perfil en perfil y hacer un grupo (tipo chat FB) y ahí hablar. La gente es cada vez más cómoda.
Te deseo suerte. Un abrazo.

gracias por tus buenos deseos, pero creo que es mas faborable que tomes la iniciativa tambien, en ves de dar un like y luego irte =S;se supone que nosotros somos los que tenemos la informacion. creo que es hora de que nos unamos.

"Dar un LIKE y luego irte" CÓMO?!?!? 

Soy de un pueblo de Lanzarote. No hay nadie de aquí en mi pueblo y tampoco de Lanzarote. Apenas tengo dinero para pagar la gasolina y menos aún quedar. En las 8 islas he localizado a 3 ( Gc, Tf y Ftv). Yo hago cosas, y aunque no me haga el video o la foto típica de nuestra era, funcionan!!! Créeme. Brindo mi ayuda por las redes y en otros escenarios.

Puedes creerme o seguir juzgándome (sin saber nada de mi me dices que doy like y me voy).

Unirnos?!? Lees los chat de los directos? Ves las publicaciones más del fb o del twiter?   Mucha gente coge la info de Yazhi, escribe cosas y se le olvida en el siguiente post que pone. Luego son los más  comentados y con más likes.

Habrás escuchado decir a YAZHÍ que son muy pocos los que hacen trabajo de sombras de verdad. Pues he ahí a los verdaderamente despiertos (desde  mi Perspectiva y parecida a la de Yazhi). El resto va de bocas, echando mierda a los que piensan diferente, culpando otros (politicos, cabal, federación, etc) de las desgracias...

Unirnos? Se debe unir todo el mundo y para ello debe haber integración o, en su defecto los (pocos) despiertos pero como bien dice, estamos dispersos por el Mundo. Así es difícil un 5D. Más aún si se juzgan unos a otros, echan balones fuera, yo y  los míos  etc etc que veo cada día. (Leo casi todo lo que se cuelga sobre todo esto).

Repito. Te deseo suerte. La gente es muy cómoda a la hora de moverse (dicho también por Yazhi)

Pd:Nombro a  esta chica tan especial porque a ella sí la "escuchais".

recordemos tambien que el afuera. lo que se ve... lo que se vive es reflejo de ti.
estamos aprendiendo amigos. a manifestar lo que deseamos.
pero sepan que si entran en conflicto con el otro es porque hay que trabajar algo interno, significa que entras en conflicto contigo... el afuera eres tu.
todos los de afuera eres tu.
no existe el afuera mas que como la idea que tienes del afuera.
relajemosnos. vinimos a vivir esto. por algo es. las razones son infinitas. todo esta en tu mente, en tu pensamiento.
sintamos, pensemos y avancemos. sin pretender que el avance de uno sea el mismo que el del otro.

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