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#51 2022-02-13 13:16:41


Re: What are YOU doing to improve the situation?

Whimsy wrote:

After years upon years of facing my own shadows - I’ve decided to dedicate myself to the service & evolution of humanity.

I’ve undertaken some teachings in Jungian psychology and really mastered the Tarot - I’ve grounded a practice in my community “Tarot Therapy”, it works for me .. it’s beautiful as I get to utilise and explore spirituality aswell as share it, while allowing people a safe space to also begin their own healing journey.

It’s not much, but it’s a seed - a starseed !

Thank you for your work - it’s given me the strength to incorporate more inspired action into my life ?

'It's not much' you say, Whimsy. I beg to disagree!!!  Not regularly at the moment, but five years ago I was using Tarot a lot. I learnt a lot, a lot, from it about how the universe works, and if used wisely is indeed a most powerful tool.


#52 2022-03-11 10:49:23


Re: What are YOU doing to improve the situation?

I talk people to death about spirituality and galactic history until they forget about covid.


#53 2022-03-11 15:29:48


Re: What are YOU doing to improve the situation?

alesiaxxx wrote:

I talk people to death about spirituality and galactic history until they forget about covid.

smile Could that be called "healing by distraction?" big_smile

Welcome to the forum, alesia! smile

Discuss the message, not the messenger.


#54 2022-03-12 03:09:54


Re: What are YOU doing to improve the situation?

Happy wrote:
alesiaxxx wrote:

I talk people to death about spirituality and galactic history until they forget about covid.

smile Could that be called "healing by distraction?" big_smile

Welcome to the forum, alesia! smile

Hey thank you, loving this forum! Yesss precisely lol its very effective, people find this stuff naturally more interesting.


#55 2022-03-31 01:26:31


Re: What are YOU doing to improve the situation?

I am so grateful for Gosia! I am in cancer treatment and thanks to the information on raising your vibration, I have given up alcohol and dairy, are slowly getting rid of meat and converting to herbal teas.
It may seem.small to some, but this change has improved my meditations and joyful gratitude for life.
I know I'm helping us in this way by lifting my vibration. I'm talking to likeminded loved ones about Taygeta and the generous, kind beings there. I always knew there was more. It's wonderful to wake up!


#56 2022-03-31 05:48:30

Kahi Harawira

Re: What are YOU doing to improve the situation?

Professor Bienlein wrote:

I wanted to give you in this thread the possibility to share what you do, or what you've done to improve the situation here on earth.
What battles have you fought and what is your part in this? Do you take actions, or are you a spectator? Do you fight at the front line,  or do you prefer to stay in the back?
Whatever your part is, you are invited to share it here.

Of course, this here is not for judging the actions and perspectives of others.

Yes, thanks for this

At this point in time,  the fake government of the fake state wants a legitimate legal transfer of “sovereignty” by enticing indigenous people with money. Being directly involved in that matter, my battle is to ensure they don't get it and that everyone sees it as an act of fraud if they attempt to pretend it.

In the meantime, also involved in growing an independent and intergenerational authority along the lines of a holographic society out of the mess left behind by colonization. That brings its own challenges but is rewarding.

Getting younger people onboard to take control appears to be the priority at this point.


#57 2022-04-14 16:48:54


Re: What are YOU doing to improve the situation?

Professor Bienlein wrote:

What are YOU doing to improve the situation?

I'm improving (or is it fixing?) myself. it harmed and damaged seeking health and correctness? or is it merely immature life from an earlier stage? I cannot discern this. is it a blend of both, maybe?


#58 2022-06-06 18:30:29


Re: What are YOU doing to improve the situation?


Last edited by Barbatruco (2022-06-06 18:30:51)


#59 2022-06-06 20:19:28

Re: What are YOU doing to improve the situation?

I have started my Instagram page to share information to others and help them see the truth. I myself am working on manifesting my new reality. Follow my page at weed_and_starseeds on Instagram.

Gosia, thank you for all of the information that you provide and all of the messages that are shared on Cosmic Agency. I know the amount of work it takes to make the videos and I really appreciate them.

Alpha Centurian warrior


#60 2022-06-06 20:51:01


Re: What are YOU doing to improve the situation?


1. Im not getting involved in any Cabal`s scam.

Covid scam called off MONTHS ago in N. Ireland. Went to dentist today. At the entry I was asked if I can put on a muzzle - so called mask. I said in a polite way - " Pandemic is over nearly 6 months ago plus I`m exempt so i CAN NOT"

2. Saying " N O " is my way of improving situation... and NOT using any of the cabal`s tools like Social Media, google, TV ect.



#61 2022-06-10 08:08:03


Re: What are YOU doing to improve the situation?

Hello all,

Since I discovered Gosia channel, I use Taygetan revelations in many ways specially by creating my own french youtube channel where I use radiesthesia to show my audience what I say is worthy.

One of my first question was if Gosia was telling the Truth and my pendulum showed me that it was true.

To my audience, I didn't revealed yet my sources because people are not ready to believe that all our History, beliefs, religion, economy is a HOAX, I'm a former Christian so the shock to discover that I was spiritually abused and cheated wasn't easy to swallow but I felt in my soul and heart that Taygetan, Yazhi, Swaaru teachings are true.

They are so efficient to explain by example, how the Law of Mirrors works, in order people refind their self mental sovereignty and it's the KEY because WE manifest our energy-consciouness reality in a better way now so I imagine and totally ASSUME that I'M GOD and ALL OF YOU, ARE TOO !

Take care of you, forgive and bless yourself, don't delegate anymore your inner power, we are GODS AND GODDESS FOR EVER !

Last edited by Apollo (2022-06-10 08:09:53)

JE PENSE DONC JE CREE ! JE NE CONSENS PAS aux limitations d'où qu'elles viennent ! JE SUIS LA SOURCE !


#62 2022-06-13 02:28:04

Cosmic Sea

Re: What are YOU doing to improve the situation?

Phoenix72 wrote:

I am so grateful for Gosia! I am in cancer treatment and thanks to the information on raising your vibration, I have given up alcohol and dairy, are slowly getting rid of meat and converting to herbal teas.
It may seem.small to some, but this change has improved my meditations and joyful gratitude for life.
I know I'm helping us in this way by lifting my vibration. I'm talking to likeminded loved ones about Taygeta and the generous, kind beings there. I always knew there was more. It's wonderful to wake up!

Just saw your post now. What a beautiful, heartfelt message you have shared. Thank you so much.

" undivided wholeness in flowing movement..." D. Bohm


#63 2022-06-13 02:43:45

Cosmic Sea

Re: What are YOU doing to improve the situation?

This is what I've been working on with a group of activists. I'm an artist/instructor and of course; truther. In response to the cabal's diabolical behavior and decades long-agendas, I/we've created an art project called 'Wonder Horse'. These are a couple pictures from my google drive to showcase them. I'm working on getting a more 'internet ready clip' of this. It shows the diabolical poisoning of what's been done to humanity for decades. Then the larger horsey depicts what we really are, our vibrancy, our natural harmony with life, unobstructed. My goal is to take the display to freedom rallies, but also to make a short film that hopefully gets passed around and busts through the mental construct, as ART often does. … sp=sharing

" undivided wholeness in flowing movement..." D. Bohm


#64 2022-06-14 09:37:06


Re: What are YOU doing to improve the situation?

That is awesome, Cosmic Sea. Many thanks for showing the horses to us. The contrast between the two of them speaks loud and clear. All good luck to you with rallies and film, and generally getting the horses out on the street!


#65 2022-08-29 21:10:45


Re: What are YOU doing to improve the situation?

I have been on a spiritual awakening journey since 2014 after the death of my wife. I only recently was informed of my status as a starseed (only last year), as I have not been able to determine that type of information for myself as yet. Meditation has been difficult for me because of a mind that refuses to stay quiet.  I have been withdrawing from the lie institutions of the cabals, and became a reiki master in 2017, seeking to assist in healing others and the planet in the process. I feel I have so much to learn and an insufficient amount of time to learn it in, which honestly does frighten me somewhat, but I try to keep an open mind with it and not let the fear control me; just move forward and keep learning. Thus I have been avidly seeking like-minded people, especially fellow starseeds (I just met one recently, and it felt like I had met a long-lost sister) so that I can connect with them and learn from them as well.  When I discovered the Galactic Messages series, I felt like I had received a great gift, so joining this group was a natural progression.

Last edited by Celeborn (2022-08-29 21:13:06)


#66 2022-08-31 20:45:05


Re: What are YOU doing to improve the situation?

I have talked a lot on here, maybe to the point of arrogance, but I AM walking the walk. At least, I am doing so at the level I can.

The two main things I've been doing lately to help the cause are...

1: Starting a meditation and spirituality group, along with a member on here who goes by so_free. If you're in the DMV area, come join us. We do guided meditations and share information to help people awaken and develop their abilities: … 1959450537 We met for the first time on Sunday, and will meet every week.. we'll see how the group develops. We want it to be collaborative, the whole group sharing and supporting each other's spiritual growth.

2. This could be called wishful thinking, but I've taken it upon myself to be the "energy guardian" of the neighborhood I live in. For the past couple years, I've helped my household become a space of Love, supporting my Dad to recover from alcoholism, and generally helping my family members to learn the truth, let go of programmed fears, and become more joyful. I mention this first because to me, it makes sense to get your house in order before you think you can help elsewhere. And now, lately, I've decided to make my whole neighborhood a space of Love and Strength. I'm planting a whole host of perennial plants that will bear fruits and vegetables every year for us, tending them with love. I make sure to smile and say hello to my neighbors. I use the power of intention and visualization to create strength and harmony for all beings in my neighborhood and beyond. To the extent that I can, I use my consciousness power to direct the chemtrail spray not to harm us, and lovingly redirect it to join with those who created it. And in general I try to let my confidence, joy, and freedom from petty technocratic restrictions shine wherever I go.

More plans for the future are in the works, but this is where I'm at, and I know that it helps and it matters! Every time an individual decides to get off the sidelines and do one small thing to create freedom and strength for mankind, a globalist wets his pants.


#67 2022-09-01 10:20:29


Re: What are YOU doing to improve the situation?

I like your approach, and especially how you speak of it.

@Cosmic Sea
Is there a way to do a giant version of your horse, a trojan horse... ?

Last edited by Wooof (2022-09-01 14:49:48)


#68 2022-10-06 08:56:08

Re: What are YOU doing to improve the situation?

Interesting topic.
I myself am here since 1970, but only since a couple of years, I got activated.

I think, we don't have immersion pods anymore in Orion, or precisely Achilles Minor. A binary star system below the Orion Star M42 nebula.
As far as I realize, we operate directly through the ether conscously and with technology.

But, to the topic. How do I assist? When I calm down, my merkaba revolves in highest rotations, this through a heart that differs somewhat from the earth human heart and its not part of the 3d matrix. The generated frequency overlays through the mix of frequencies globally and further.

Through that, we stabilize specific timelines and the outcomes. I do not operate alone but several individuals are located around the globe to operate in concert and synchronized, each one with her finest intentions.

When the high vibration is enough, I got shot out of that calm state, I wrote about it here already. Its a burdon that is supervised and coordinated from the orbit, I get visual ship feetback and retina overlay control lights for feetback purposes.

Beside that, I help to wake people up to a broader existence by descent conversations. Thats basically it. The rest is normal life and work in Germany with my kids.


#69 2023-05-23 14:34:30

Horton HaW

Re: What are YOU doing to improve the situation?

SenexPetrovic wrote:

I think one of the things we can do is dust off the truth, bring to light what is holding us prisoner in this manipulated society.
I found this article, and it clearly shows us how a few people are in charge of society, the economy and world decisions, the article talks about BlakRock and Vanguard, two of the largest companies in the world, controlled by less than 1% and that they control the destinies of humanity.
This clearly fits in with the Federation, a group that controls the destinies of the world. Interesting and highly recommended article. … -vanguard/

Not to go off topic, but this study is from 2011. Following the money. The data used is prior to 2008 bubble popping I believe. … the-world/

Last edited by Horton HaW (2023-05-23 14:37:13)

A starseed forcefully on Earth is just like holding a cork underwater: it is under the surface only because a strong hand is holding it there. ~Mari Swaruu

Verum vident finem noctis - See the truth will end the night. ~Yazhi Swaruu


#70 2023-07-15 04:34:31


Re: What are YOU doing to improve the situation?

Doing my inner work....very arduous and boring, but I'm feeling much lighter after so many years purging and integrating.

How I help in public is to be my best.

Who ever I interact with I open my heart and see if the person can reciprocate. Thats with in my local community.

In the general public I practice being present and watch others watch me with strange looks.

The last year I have been intensively learning how to trade the Bond market. My aim is to make boat loads of money so I can help out others.


#71 2023-07-15 18:55:36


Re: What are YOU doing to improve the situation?

Zagrius35 wrote:

I am constantly trying to get people into studying Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology, Religions, Mythology, Magic and Political Philosophy so people are smart enough to truly exercise their freewill and choose to be, like or hate a certain thing at will. Choose what culture they wish to be a part of or choose to make entirely new ones.

I have also been considering getting a philosphy degree and running for president or convincing someome to run for president and do this:

"1. Create Plato's republic and remove presidents, congress and parliaments. Replace them with a Philosopher king and an advisory council of Technocrats, Noocrats and Stratocrats who come up with solutions to citizen problems and suggest laws for the Philosopher King to Implement that would aid with the continuous advancement of the Nation towards perfection. Repeat this set up down to the city level. 

2. Divide western cities into segregated walled off subcultural(not racial..) districts ruled by a Baron with their own subculturally homogeneous police force to enforce each district's unique set of laws/social norms.

This removes the confusion of multiculturalism's conflicting value systems making citizens confused about what makes them valuable and what doesn't. Would benefit citizens struggling with loneliness, discrimination and the drama of dealing with people that view your lifestyle as wrong or immoral in someway. Benefits up and coming business owners and corps  because they will easily know where to find their consumer base so no wasted money, energy or time on mass advertising, mass establishment of stores in areas that aren't worth it and no mass production of random goods attempting to appeal to everyone hoping someone will buy. That cuts down on pollution, waste and helps with climate change. Would also fight human and child trafficking since it would be easier for each district to police and monitor who goes in an out.

3. Change government culture from corporation style to solarpunk style and have a Solarpunk National Federal Terrotory and a Multicultural Territory for those that enjoy the chaos of mixing.

4. Forbid all government leaders(Executive and Legislative) from having families thus lowering the probability that corrupt ruling families and wealth gaps emerge. Require all government officials to master: Philosophy, Psychology, Political Science, Political Philosophy, Sociology, Mythology and Religious Studies so they are knowledgeable about the human mind and emotions and are non biased.

5. Do not allow children to inherit the wealth(currency), success and reputation of their parents so we also don't get wealth gaps and celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton who basically stole their parents valor....

6. Use the wealth of big corporations(Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Google, etc.) and the rich to fund basic free housing(1 floor or a studio apartment) for all americans and a sort of life style start up pack for example if you want to be a goth electrician i would move you to Goth district give you two goth outfits, 1 electrician uniform, electrician tools and send you to trade school so you can live your best life.

7.Withdraw all US and western forces and keep them in the USA to defend  borders from drug cartels and illegals. No more wars USA would take a strict isolationist non intervention policy till every US citizen is housed, has a dream career and there is no more crime. How can we help others if we can't help ourselves?

8. Remove money, including crypto and replace dollars with hours worked and labour vouchers. So you buy luxury items with community service say a couch is 40 hrs you can work that all in two days or two weeks then you will get your couch

9. Ban the use and production of all plastic

10. Each district and territory has their own food farms"

Would this not fix literally everything?

Ironically, each district would subconsciously engage in their own eugenics, evolutionary and natural selection process based on the fact each culture would concentrate on certain sports, subjects, behavioural traits and food to the exclusion of others and will naturally make babies with individuals that embody a specific districts subculture the most. National Federal Territory's Citizens ideally would work on being great at everything. Multicultural territory would have the most mediocre members since they will have no definite path in life as a result of each culture flooding them with many differing paths

But...after reflecting more on philosophical Neutrality, Amorality and The Galactic Federation I'm not sure that would be entirely right to do. But also I'm too selfish and lazy to actually do anything ao there's that.

I was thinking a better alternative would be to leave the modern world is and make a neutral sanctuary. Make isolated, autonomous, sovereign, sanctuaries(communes or universities that eventually grow into mini city states) that act as hidden portals to other realms whenever people of this realm are ready to level up or visit a higher level. Like in a mmo video game where you finally get to leave the start area.

Now these sanctuaries can concentrate on Law Of One and Extraterrestrial knowledge or they can be based on new cultures created by the founder. The function would still be the same to provide an alternate civilization for Earth dwellers to live in and a way off the planet at will without influencing the main modern civilizatiom. Much like Agarthans keep to.themselves

Wow! I see where you are coming from. And it is well thought out. I could agree with some sentiments but my approach to things are quite different from yours in many ways.

Which is par for the course. It does not invalidate your ideas. They are valuable, and appreciated.

Observing Terran and Sol13 machinations has put things in perspective for me. And perhaps you also.

The concept of blood line royalty and absolute authority. Totalitarian rule by people with very little connection to Source. Artificially created dysfunctional hierarchies. Division of people by sex, color, religion, social standing, class/caste. Equality of outcome instead of equality of opportunity. Concentrating power in the satanic, psychopath, psychotic narcissist and celebrating it in society.

I could go on and on. But I don't like these things. I/We like to think that all these socially accepted norms are an anathema to the true human condition. Anti-Human.

Human is Lyran/Karistus ancestry. And I believe it has been proven that we thrive expand and grow best with a holistic (holographic) society and culture. The less "government" the better.

I find it hard to believe that we are naturally predatory by nature. We only become predators by necessity and reluctantly. For survival.

We do not thrive well under the thumb of Root races who do not understand us. And our ways. And could care less. They don't care. Or empathize or have compassion. Or have feelings at all. They are cold, logical and by our standards Cruel.

Stop that from happening and we will do very well.

Last edited by Tecumseh (2023-07-19 02:58:52)

Striving to not be "limited by the idea you are limited"
I trust the people who remind me to do my shadow work.

Sol13U!!!  big_smile


#72 2023-09-20 12:42:41


Re: What are YOU doing to improve the situation?

I think a good way to improve the situation is to strive to live according to your awareness level. And don't worry about what other's may think of you. They really don't care about your personal belief system. They are not tuned in to your vibe. And you can't tune them in.....much.
What does it mean to be living in 5D? (English)

Mari Swaruu: Hello, I hope you are all doing very well. I'm Mari Swaruu.

They are countless definitions of what it is like to be in 5D or to live in 5D, and a lot fewer about how to be 5D, and I'm not here to disqualify anybody, because everyone will always have their own version and particular point of view about this subject. And that is precisely the very base of my point of view about it because each person, each point of attention of Source, is its own density as it is only a perception based on each individual's awareness level.

As other people have defined in this context of existential densities, the higher one is the less dense it will become and the lower another is the denser it will be, where a lower density is made of heavier matter and a higher one of a very light one.

As it has been said, it is easier to manifest anything in a higher and lighter density than in a low and slow one. Although this sounds logical, I find this to be a very materialistic point of view about densities. In the end, in my opinion, there are no densities as such, leaving all those concepts about 3D Earth, 4D transition state and the fabulous 5D full of love and light, also considered to be the gateway to all the higher realms, as reductionist attempts to describe concepts that have little to no comparison from the point of view of the people living on Earth, as they can only perceive what is in their reality. Again, trying to explain something very complicated by studying it by the sum of its parts or also deluding oneself that by labeling or giving a name to something's parts is to understand the whole. It is the mind, the awareness level, that defines what a person is living not where their body is.

As I've said before, there are no densities as whatever defines them as such is only a group of ideas and concepts in the minds of whoever is trying to explain them, and if more than one person agrees on whatever explanation is only an agreement and agreements are what make up fabricated, self-contained and self-validating realms, which ideas are not valid outside that same context.

Yet, from our limited points of view, we will all attempt to explain everything the best we can to our level of awareness, and among us all, we might get to understand and describe whatever we are studying well enough. And this is precisely the core of today's subject.

My predecessors have said many times before and since years ago that 3D is contained on Earth or is defined as the planet's Matrix, and whatever is outside the Van Allen belts is 5D, as in all outer space is 5D. Also defining what 3D, 4D, and 5D are by assigning them a fixed vibration of matter numerical value, for example, the Schumann Resonance of Earth.

As I said before, each person or group of people will define what 5D is in their own manner, but I tend not to agree with my predecessors on this one. You cannot locate a density as such in a place, inside or outside the Van Allen radiation belts, for example. A density is who we are, our level of awareness and consciousness, how we think, our values, and how we share and express them with others, who in the end are just a reflection of ourselves.

To know that the people who surround us are our reflection, we can see who we are in them, in both whom we love and whom we don't agree with, because we will always stick to people who are a match to our vibe, and the people whom we don't like, not to say worse, is also the reflection of other aspects of ourselves, even the darkest examples as well, because they too are the focus of our attention. The people who we are really not a match with are not those we disagree with or even hate for whatever reason. As I said above, those reflect other aspects of our vibe and also define us. The ones we truly are not a match to are all those people whom we don't even know exist at all or who are absolutely inconsequential to us and to our lives and values, those are whom we truly are not a match.

There are so many examples of situations, things, and people who are more like 3D but are outside Earth that it would be impossible to claim that everything in space is 5D. Same way, so are there many people who are on the planet and that hold a clear 5D mentality. So I don't like to use densities with any numbers attached to them, as the concepts are loaded with countless New Age ideas and misconceptions.

For me, to be in 5D is not a place and it is not a frequency that can be measured with instrumentation, much less assign it a numerical value. It is how we feel and how aware we are about everything and everyone, to know that everything is a reflection of who we are. Therefore, loving and being grateful with everything in our lives, focusing on the good without blinding ourselves to the bad.

Whatever bothers us is making us see where we must work on ourselves, and the more it does, the deeper our problem is. It is only fair, and what we fear is where and what we must work on. I'm not talking about danger which is very real and must be addressed with its corresponding and necessary caution. I am talking about a chronic overthinking dynamic that feeds fearful ideas about hypothetical situations and events that haven't come to pass, and most probably never will.

This pessimistic overthinking process is not just a waste of time and energy, it can also define a whole personality and stop an individual's consciousness ascension process because fear induces a self-preservation survival state of mind that keeps the subject in the physical, with all the values and materialistic needs associated with it, discouraging and hindering everything spiritual.

There is another concept that I also consider to be something that defines living and being of a higher density and it is to be aware of all the thought processes, ideas, and values that other people or other beings hold as their truths, many times in an inflexible way even, as they live their lives by them without questioning their validity, even from their own points of view and level of spiritual evolution, and be able to understand them fully.

For me, a quality of a being in a higher state of consciousness is its ability to understand all the thought processes that make up the values with which people who are living in a lower density live by. Such a being, wherever its body may physically be and wherever it is living, that does not matter, will understand why other people think and act as they do. And precisely because of that understanding, the being will be empathic and loving with those others, knowing that they are at their own stages of spiritual growth.

The higher density being will fully be aware of its higher level of awareness, and so from there it can understand all those other people with a much more primitive and lesser evolved spiritual level, but it will also know very well that all those other people cannot understand him or her back, as they lack the necessary data, context, and experience to be able to.

This is why the more spiritually expanded person will know that they can only offer bits of information and alternative points of view to another person, without expecting the other to understand what they are saying or their point of view, but they still offer it to them. And if they want more, then more shall be given, but in the exact amount and nature as the higher being can calculate that the other can handle, and that may include giving one or another particular person nothing at all.

The higher evolved being will also respect those other points of view of the lesser evolved beings, but will also understand that those are only lesser evolved from its point of view, the one of the higher evolved being.

Knowing that no one is really more evolved than any other, as everyone is a particular point of attention of Source itself and, therefore, more of the same, being that any one person is exactly at the spiritual level he or she should be, no one being higher than any other, because, in the end, we truly are all one. And I mean it in a literal way, not in any philosophical or New Age manner. We are all connected.

And finally, a highly spiritually evolved being will also know that they are at their own one level and that other beings hold a higher awareness than themselves, and will know this in total humbleness. Also knowing that it does not mean that they are in any way inferior to those of a higher awareness, as the very concept of being of a higher or lower awareness is impossible to define in absolutes, being that it is only another futile attempt to define the unfathomable.

But being someone with a higher level of awareness, for whatever those words end up meaning, does give that someone the ability to understand all those other smaller awareness worlds and the people who live in them from a bird's eye view, understanding how and why each person acts and reacts as they do, and loving them all because of that, and despite all that, knowing that all other people are own reflections and that those others do define who we are, so we must transcend all feelings of dissociation, separation and hate, as we are only doing all that to ourselves. Also knowing that most of all those other people are just precisely that, our reflections, and we are the only ones that give those other people any real value in our lives, as many are empty Matrix manifestations of our own minds and are not even there. Nevertheless, we must love them as well, for all that they are and are not, as they are us as well.

Thank you for watching my video, I appreciate it a lot. Thank you for liking and for subscribing as well, it helps me out. Take care, my friends, and don't let yourself be pushed around and belittled by all those despicable lesser-evolved examples of ourselves, those that are always out to push our buttons. You are much bigger than them because in our experience we also know that there are many manifestations whom we still call people and that act like a horse's ass.

With much love,

Mari Swaruu

Striving to not be "limited by the idea you are limited"
I trust the people who remind me to do my shadow work.

Sol13U!!!  big_smile


#73 2023-12-20 14:59:58


Re: What are YOU doing to improve the situation?

Just read any of my post and you will see the answer to this...:)

Nikola Tesla...

"...If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration..."


#74 2024-03-03 17:34:57


Re: What are YOU doing to improve the situation?

Marak60 wrote:

Just read any of my post and you will see the answer to this...:)

Lol true. Same with most of us all here.
We are truly dedicated to our cause even if it means an ugly-ass fight has to ensue here on the forum about our own truth.
But in the end it is pretty lovely here and a good place to recharge and find like minded people. smile


#75 2024-03-03 17:54:39


Re: What are YOU doing to improve the situation?

» What are YOU doing to improve the situation?

For me it is definitely self teaching without an end in sight. I've been on it since my childhood and changed me so much I cringe at myself in the past because how dumb I was.
But at the same time I see the seed of what I've become after all.

What I do to improve the situation is to dedicate some time to my family as much as I feel comfortable to heal the wrongs around me and I sprinkle some knowledge whenerver there is a discussion about topics in the family. They have changed a lot since years ago and I can feel they are acceptive of more fringe ideas. It's a long process.

And personally outside of family I want to help humanity through innovating technology, because it is saddening how many cool ideas got abandoned halfway
that could be beneficial for us, but they are too "out of the box" for many to care about.
I am talking in the lines of these big names: "Walter Russel", "Nikola Tesla", "Louis Rota", "Victor Schauberger", "Wilhelm Reich", "Karl von Reichenbach" (the weirdest and most amazing among them all. worth reading his book about animal magnetism, the
"Odic-magnetic letters". He explains in the book how the Moon has a negative measurable energy on the mind of people and explained what these sensitive schamans have in common, how they detect healing plants and so on. Crazy stuff) and so on who got written out of textbooks.

Super inspiring people with a lot to learn from and these names make me proud to be a human.

Last edited by akos996 (2024-03-03 17:56:31)


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