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#1 Re: English Forum » Predictions for 2022 » 2022-08-13 03:00:28

The people will learn to become self sufficient. We will find our own truth, all of us. Individually and collectively. We will learn to embrace what terrifies us and what excites us to obtain the whole of our story. The story of focusing our attention on what we desire and absolve what we don't. I don't think we will fall into destruction nor do I fear it. As long as we live who we are on the inside, there is nothing that will stop us.

#2 Re: English Forum » Introductions / greetings » 2022-08-11 01:54:52

Hello there, brothers and sisters. I'm a seeker from beyond the stars. I also really enjoy coffee and wine. My goal is encourage unity and kinship with one another while pursuing our personal dreams for a better "now". Let's get along, eh?

#3 Re: English Forum » Breaking the Deadlock by Living for Ourselves » 2022-08-08 21:01:01

All of you guys' responses are really uplifting, I'm really glad to see it in this forum. I think all of us will make through these times with our heads held high. We'll "go out laughing!" as they say lol.

#4 English Forum » Breaking the Deadlock by Living for Ourselves » 2022-08-07 14:59:59

Replies: 6

In returning to Cosmic Agency after a year of "knowledge searching", I realize that searching endlessly has become just that- a turning of the wheel that perpetuates what I would consider our frustration. It was only when I looked back upon some of the Team's older videos that I realized that I (and many others) have been going about this life (incarnation) in a frustrating manner.

The world has been subject to many different things in order to keep us limited to the extreme, but it has never gone so far as to bring us total, irrevocable annihilation. I think the Collective of Humanity has many beliefs and ideas that prevent that from occurring. So, I think that we are enclosed in a metaphorical struggle against ourselves. Not the Cabal, the Controllers, not the Elites. It is ALL us. We are locked in ebb and flow, left and right, up and down, truth and non truth, ecstasy and pain, and on and on.

There is no trap after death. We can leave anytime. We can live if we want to. We can eject if we need to. The important thing is that we must be aware that what goes on in the world is not to bring about an end. In my opinion, the ones who rule do not desire an "end". They desire perpetuation of confusion, misdirection, and holding of perception. They don't want you to realize that you are ultimately not bound by their agendas and laws. They don't want you to realize that they NEED you to exist. So it begs the question, "How do I live the life that I desire, free from influence and control?"

The answer is to live for yourself. True to yourself and your own thoughts, feelings and emotions. Just because there is tons of misinformation, does not mean you cannot go and seek more personal lore to expand your own perception. Just because people claim to rule the world, does not mean that you agree to be ruled or cannot use their own trickery against them. Become the you that is free from deception. Or rather, become the you that resides in what you consider your happiest fantasy. Reality and fantasy, there is no difference. The difference is our perception, our attention, and our intent in the world.

Don't focus on the events that unfold to dazzle our eyes, move our hearts, and take up our headspace. We are Source. We are free. We are integration. We are connected. Even if the world "burns" it will not end unless we wish it to. Only I, you, we are real. That is the ultimate truth and the key to better lives on this morphing planet.

#5 Re: English Forum » Urantia Book » 2021-08-29 18:54:04

Ironically, the Urantia Book is what led me towards Cosmic Agency. I agree that the book itself is pretty much misinformation, but it does allow one to raise their own questions about their reality.

#6 Re: English Forum » Restructure the Inner World » 2021-08-23 20:20:46

I'm glad my message could inspire you, friend. Much luck to you on your incredible journey. smile

#7 English Forum » Restructure the Inner World » 2021-08-23 17:22:26

Replies: 2

I will preface this with kudos towards the appropriate entities. Gosia, the Taygetan Team, and Robert. I thank you for your insights that have allowed me to produce my own insights that have immensely both relieved me and allowed me to pursue my own path to my happiness. Many honors to you. Much uplifting force towards all of your goals.

Now, the meat of this topic revolves around one thing: The Inner World. We have long known that the world around us is a grand reflection of all the things we are inside. Not metaphorically, but quite literally. I think many of us believe that this world is one that is meant to generate extreme suffering and that this suffering is supposed to be an experience which we can use to enrich our ever-expanding consciousness. However, I now must disagree with that nuance. I believe that if we allow ourselves to look into our hearts, to visualize the world that lies within, we will soon figure out that we no longer need to subscribe to the notion that suffering is our supper. We need only to truly follow our hearts.

I personally thought that attempting to follow my mind would bring me the clarity, the enlightenment that I desired. All it brought me was a vicious cycle where I would experience tumultuous highs and lows, even having many, many thoughts of pursuing self-destruction to end the internal turmoil. However, I then decided to cease making decisions with my mind. Only using my heart as a compass. My life has taken a drastic change. I no longer wish to die and my desires are now clear. Enjoyment has become my goal. This little memorandum is only my way of encouraging those who feel that their lives feel a bit too cyclical, a bit too cynical. I encourage you to see what your inner world looks like, to make it to your liking so that all the things within and the things outside are aligned to your desires.

Thank you all for your time.

#8 Re: English Forum » Question concerning food replicatoirs. » 2021-05-13 20:02:19

And to add on, the civilizations outside of our planet who had a previous inclination towards meat eating also have abandoned consuming slaughtered flesh. The "replicated meat" dishes that you are speaking of are cells cultivated for consumption. As Swaruu would say, it is simply tissue i.e, meat cultured without the killing of our animal friends (which is what causes havoc in our bodies).

#9 Re: English Forum » T's Holographic Society in 5 years on Earth - Any updates? » 2021-05-13 19:56:51

The ball is in our court for this one, friend. There are events and people moving towards making a holographic society a reality. But there is still much corruption to drain from this world. Much work to be done. Five years may or may not be enough to change the current circumstances.

#10 Re: English Forum » Your questions / suggestions relating to videos » 2021-01-02 16:17:07

I would like to know what kind of work artists pursue in Pleiades. Like how is music, paintings, poetry presented on Erra and other planets within that system? Could be an inspiration for many who want to take a more "Renaissance" effort towards the revolution of our home.

#11 Re: English Forum » Our Alcyone dilemma » 2021-01-02 15:57:11

Happy you ask a lot of good questions. Honestly, I'm unsure if the outcome of the "Legal conflict" between the Alcyone Council and the Regressive bits of the Federation will bear any substantial fruit. They really are splitting hairs with the idea of not intervening for our benefit, but will twist their rules when it is to their liking. I think human civilization will mostly likely go under big changes, but it won't be instant-no snapping. It'll most likely become a planetary project of sorts- putting everything and everyone in the right places.

#12 Re: English Forum » Earth Council » 2020-12-28 18:18:12

Good point, my friend. Honestly, it might be a bit rough in the beginning. At least the law of higher frequencies is in our favor. I think as long as we can raise our consciousness in these next crucial years, the others will follow suit. I think everyone wants the best for themselves, but many are unaware of their own potential. If we can show them the way to realize their own ideals, progression is very probable. Would take a bit of re-education though lol

#13 Re: English Forum » Earth Council » 2020-12-28 17:48:18

The Terran/Gaian Council would have to be as previously stated, holographic and all-inclusive. But it needs to be a unified front, also it must declare immediate independence from all other external sources. The Galactice Federation, Alcyone Council and others as well. This declaration of independence would basically be us, the human race, stating that we are now assuming proper piloting of the course of our planet... as well choosing our own allies. Of course going into practical details, it is rather simple, but requires work. We just need more eyes on this. Local and regional councils could be in order to deal with the bustling infrastructure of our home. This would eventually culminate with a Planetary Council which would be able to oversee the affairs of our whole planet. The plan just has not had enough eyes, enough conscious minds towards this ideal state for our people. The more people who could become aware of this kind of plan, the more viable it becomes. We could truly end our nightmare once and for all.

So the first step as it has been said time and time again would first be the rally call. The unification of our people and the dissolution of the illusory barriers. Of course we all worry about the Cabal, but they are becoming a non-factor. The real question is: How will we proceed after they are subdued? Earth's government, education, cultures and even our language will need to be pioneered. Who will take the helm? Us. The residents of Earth, star-seeds and all. All of earth will have to take responsibility into our own hands, we cannot continue to let our governments be responsible for us. So we must take back what we have given away. Once everything calms down we could petition for this immediately: to overturn Democracy, Communism, and other obsolete ideas for something akin to this. It matters not who starts it, as long as we can bring it to fruition.

#14 Re: English Forum » Changes in the world - News » 2020-12-11 04:54:52

Apologies if it was reported poorly. I just saw something strange and wanted you guys to be aware of it just in case.

#15 Re: English Forum » Changes in the world - News » 2020-12-11 03:32:22

Excuse me, friends. I believe I may have found an..irregularity whilst surfing through the internet. I found an article on a website that seems to have ripped quite a bit of information from your website and without the appropriate credit given. It may of course, be nothing and may only be similar content. But, I've read enough of Swaruu and Gosia's transcripts to know what they sound like. It seems like they have changed the word sequence just enough to not seem like it was a direct copy and paste. So I do not believe this to be a coincidence.

Here is the link to the article: … ifestation

And the specific video/transcript it is drawing from seems to be this one, where Swaruu was explaining about the ether, consciousness and harmonics among other things: … munication

I hope you guys could look into this, just to make sure that they haven't taken anything from your site. Better safe than sorry.

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