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#1 Re: French Forum » Ummites (Oummains) » 2021-04-02 14:09:08

On peut voir quelqu'un parler des ummites, mais pas dans l'équipe Taygetienne! Finalement essayons de prendre ce à quoi on raisonne: notre française - Elena Danaan a des lives où elle rentre en télépathie avec un autre alien toujours de la planète Erra - Thor Han Errydion; le 02 avril elle a eu un de ces lives - et vers la fin quelqu'un pose la question si les aliens peuvent respirer l'atmosphère terrestre et Thoe Han (via Elena Danaan) répond que le ummites peuvent le faire. le seul inconvénient est que tous les lives sont en anglais.

#2 Re: French Forum » Ummites (Oummains) » 2021-03-31 12:35:50

Moi aussi je me suis souvent posé la question pourquoi est-ce qu'on parle très peu d'ummites? Apparemment, en dehors des français et des espagnols on trouve très peu d'informations (ni de channeling).

#3 Re: English Forum » Jesus » 2021-02-11 07:59:42

Reading what you have just posted I recalled another source: the journal of Michel Demarquet, a Frenchman living in Cairns, Australia, who in 1986 had a meeting with Thao - a female alien from Thiaouuba. She took him in a very fascinating voyage on her planet and from there they visited also the ancient Earth, during the period of MU continent. Among other things she told Michel Desmarquet that it was them who sent Jesus 2000 years ago to try to awake the humans! Did you ever heard about this encounter? Actually Michel Desmarquet (who passed away in 2018) wrote a book about this - "The Prophecy"!

#4 Re: English Forum » Jesus » 2021-02-09 15:52:46

Robert369 wrote:
Mike wrote:

The problem here is the following: either you believe things you don't see ARE REAL or do not believe except what you see directly!

The actual problem is way different: From a sufficiently high view nothing is real, especially neither what you believe (it is coming from outside) nor what you see - because all the universe exists within oneself and through one's own thoughts. This means that the word "real" is describing something non-existent that simply seems to exist based on agreements.

Sadly, while this concept was presented by Swaruu as "there is only you in your universe", it might be a bit hard to grasp since she didn't explain it sufficiently and this clearly overthrows all of the 3-5D way of thinking. But if being able to get "there", one can empower oneself and freely manifest anything one wants, which I consider quite worthwhile working on. But of course, this only is desirable for those who are not yet done with their desired 3-5D experiences.

This is a very challenging aspect for us, who are here, in 3D! Of course, finally THE ONLY REALITY IS THE ABSOLUTE OR UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS (TEH SOURCE). Meanwhile we are her, in 3D! Through meditation - YES - it happens to me too to be OUTSIDE THE SPACE AND THE TIME, still once I finish my medication sadly I am returning to the same reality (which is a dream, and yet it seems real for) - difficult to grasp!

#5 Re: English Forum » Jesus » 2021-02-09 10:29:20

Exploringsoul wrote:

I am wondering what is the rest part of Jesus story. I am not Christian, so It wouldn't hurt my feeling.

However, Pamela's Jeshua channeling is the channeling material resonated with me the most. Whom/soul exactly she channeled with?

Second, there is a story shared by Lyn Buchanan, a legend in the remote viewing community. Once he was tasked a Bio target. For those who don't know remote viewing protocol at all, a viewer knows nothing about what he/she is tasking, only know if the target is a location or a person, etc

He was tasked Jesus. He wrote in his book [the seventh sense] (pg153) "This was the most moving and soul-stirring session I have ever done. "...., "The target person was one of the nicest people I had ever met." ....., "I felt a sudden rush of the most peacefully energetic power I have ever known." ....."I remained standing there beside him, soaking up the most wonderful energy I had ever known."

Since Lyn didn't know what he was viewing, whom exactly he was viewing?

The problem here is the following: either you believe things you don't see ARE REAL or do not believe except what you see directly! Because if we return to pure materialistic point of view whom can  prove that even Swaruu really exists! There are so many phenomenons which can't be proven by materialistic ways, nevertheless "we feel" the things! SO: channelings - YES - I FEEL they are means of witnessing about the existence of energetic entities including Archangel Michael and including Yeshua (or Lord Sananda)! I am very aware Yazhi Swaruu does not agree with the channeling form of communication,but is Yazhi the ULTIMATE AUTHORITY IN SPIRITUAL PROBLEMS? Finally she is only  A HUMAN BEING (of course, rom Tageta, but A HUMAN BEING)! She herself admits often that what she tells us IS HER POINT OF VIEW!
And again - I AM VERY AWARE THAT THE MESSAGES CAME FROM THE SPIRITUAL LEVELS WERE (ARE) VERY DISTORTED BY THE CABAL! In fact there one thing the genuine message and there is total different matter all the fabric that is made starting from this message! Not to forget that Buddha, Zarathustra and Yeshua (or Jmmanuel) are different  avatars of the same spiritual entity! Let us be reasonable and feel this - unlesse we are returning to pure materialistic point of view where only the things we see directly could be real! Is it this the solution? My feeling is that the answer is NO!
Meanwhile admitting the existence of Jmmanuel (or Sananda) does not mean worshipping them! This is another taint again the Cabal impose us, building a whole religion etc!

#6 Re: French Forum » Jeanne d'Arc » 2021-02-06 17:20:17

C'est très intéressant ce que vous avez traduit de Rainier: des sauts temporels que S'waruu a fait plusieurs fois! Et qu'elle est indépendante = Ronin! Très intéressant!

#7 Re: English Forum » Jesus » 2021-02-06 17:06:40

I've listened yesterday Swaruu's topics about Jesus. I feel there are several levels of the topics. Of course the truth was distorted and we should never confound the Faith with the religions - the religions are fabricated, I am very aware of that. Of course Romans had all the interests in creating the system and several centuries later the same Romans, through the emperor Constantine, again yook the advantage to restore the fame of Rome by adopting a new religion, which ws in fact based on a compromise with a lot of previous pagan religious - including celebrating Jesus birth on December 25! Nevertheless I feel a Real Jmmanuel (better than Jesus) exited! Let's not forget Billy Meier's discovery of "The Talmud of Jmmanuel"! I am very aware of the accusations that Billy invented a lot! Meanwhile if someone invents ALL, that who could prove me Swaruu did not invent her story, too! Sudemly we are facing the dilema: everything is invented? And this case when return to pure materialistic view (trusting only what we are seeing in front of us) or we admit there are different levels of truth - and the last alternative is the one I feel
And as I say there are different levels of truth another problem concerning Jmmanuel is that his place of birth could not be Bethlehem! Even the promised land - Judea - there are some clues that support the idea that maybe it was not Judea! In the ancient Trakia (Dacia, Northen oof Danube) the people had a religious based on a resurected being - Zalmoxis! And the nowadays investigastions prove apparently some of these "biengs" are still alive in the caves of the Carpathians peaks (see Mount "Omu" in Romania). In 2010 an expedition of Jewish secret soldiers ended in a bizarre helicopter accident precisely on this peak. Apparently some "ancient men" came suddenly from nowhere and took effectivevly the Israel helicopter by its queue and crashed it on the ground! So maybe we should recognise there are several levels of truth concerning th existence of Jmmanuel!

#8 Re: French Forum » Salutations et présentations » 2021-01-16 19:43:00

Bonjour Mélanie,
Moi aussi je suis médecin psychiatre (avec une formation d'homéopathie, que je ne pratique malheureusement pas, vu la politique hospitalière!!). Et OUI - moi aussi j'ai été frappé par l'explication de la VRAI NATURE des virus (qu'on ne nous apprend pas à la fac.) et d'ailleurs c'est exactement cette explication qui m'a fait à commencer à suivre Cosmic Agency au tout début de cette "pandémie" (d'hystérie, on pourrait dire), quand je suis tombé sur le chat en anglais avec Swaruu! Et je trouve qu'elle explique très bien beaucoup de choses et on l'écoute on change beaucoup d'opinions qu'on nous a appris comme des tabous ici, sur Terre!
Je vois qu'on a des points communs, vous pourriez continuer à échanger avec moi - je suis psychiatre à Mayenne! Et je ne suis pas du tout d'accord avec les explcations "officielles" des troubles psychiatriques! Si vous rentrez sur les transcriptions des chats (en anglais malheureusement) vous allez surement tombé sur des explications données par Swaruu concernant le psychique et leur modalité d'approche!
Bonne soirée,
Mike (ou Michel)

#9 Re: French Forum » Jeanne d'Arc » 2021-01-14 20:27:31

J'ai retrouvé la vidéo où on parle de cette rencontre à Paimpont: il s'agit de la chaine LGC1 TV cm et c'est le vidéoclip "Quel est le mystère de la foret de Brocéliande" de M. J.M. Raoux.

#10 Re: French Forum » Jeanne d'Arc » 2021-01-14 14:35:04

Oui, moi aussi je sens qu'on devrait "creuser" peut-être d'autres sources. Par exemple le lien que je t'avais donné - je suis tombé sur ce lien effectivement par chance: un jour j'ai tapé "Swarru" et ensuite j'ai cliqué sur "Image" et c'est là que je suis tombé sur ce témoignage que Jeanne d'Arc a été en fait Swaruu!
Mais par ailleurs je sens qu'il y a des lieux ici ne France qui sont visités régulièrement par des pléiadiens (pléiadiennes) mais les sources sont difficile à trouver...puisque les gens n'osent pas dire... Tu sais, ici, en France, si tu dis que tu as rencontré des ET tu es regardé...par exemple moi j'habite Mayenne et je suis allé 2 fois à Paimpont - forêt de Brocéliande. Il y a un canal de Youtube d'un certain Jean Michel...mais je ne me rappelle plus son nom de famille - il a eu une vidéo où il lisait une lettre d'une femme étant en vacances à Paimpont (le 06 septembre 2016 parait-il) quand il a rencontré une "équipe" de 10 - 11 femmes pléiadiennes. J'ai essayé de m'abonner à sa page Facebook mais il ne m'a pas répondu. Je serais très intéressé par des témoignages, j'ai entendu de la part de quelqu'un de Mayenne qu'à Paimpont les pléiadiennes viennent souvent.
Je me rappelle aussi de ce monument mégalitique "La Roche au Fées" à côté de Rennes - Janzac. Il y a une légende et je sens que ces êtres géants viennent des Pléiades.

#11 Re: French Forum » Jeanne d'Arc » 2021-01-12 19:38:10

Oui, apparemment Swaruu a été bien...Jeanne d'Arc dans 2 autres incarnations. Tu peux voir (mais c'est en anglais) ce site: En fait c'est un site suédois mais traduit aussi en anglais. Apparemment Swaruu s'est incarnée 2 fois et par des distortions temporo-spatiales.
Voilà un extrait de ce site:
Joan of Arc was me, not once but twice. One burned me, in the next I escaped. I'm still exactly like her, with the same body, the second time. The time I remembered, when they would come for me and so I escaped. I corrected the problem of my previous life. In your history books, they burned it, because that's how it was. But I come from where she escaped and nobody knows, nor did anyone know it was from her. The Vatican says they burned her, because they did it with everyone anyway. Because that's what suits them, even if I escaped. Yes, it's complicated for me but I'm learning too. Both versions are correct. You've probably seen the movie ¨Back to the Future ¨. They represent a linear time that does not reflect reality. At the same time having said that in "Back to the Future 2", if it represents something true, with the concept of observing oneself from another perspective. We analyze the movie here for multiple reasons. Mostly they represent a rigid and wrong linear time. It is reductionist.

#12 Re: French Forum » Hey les francophones !! Il est temps pour nous ! » 2021-01-10 19:11:36

Bonsoir Teddy! Bonsoir les francophones! Meilleurs voeux pour le Nouvel An! Je viens de m'inscrir sur le Forum! Donc je peux vous suivre ici aussi!

#13 Re: English Forum » First: Swaruu - I love you ! Aneeka - I love you ! » 2021-01-10 11:02:32

Me too I am new on the forum, althogh I belong to the French tema translators of Gosia's chats with the Taygetean team.
I want to say the same: We love you all the Tagetean team: Yazhi, Aneka, Dhor Ka'al'el, Alenym, Nai'shara etc.! Or to use a Taygetean phrase: "Yiii'om!" 
And thank you all, including Gosia, Robert, Matthias and the others for sharing with us these chats.
Maybe these chats could be enlarged to other people too: thats it we could also receive directlt messages on our mail adresses from Yazhi, from Aneeka etc., even if I know they are very busy!

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