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#1 Re: English Forum » Fight between presumed stellar civs aircrafts » 2023-01-28 21:50:30

I perfectly understand English and other languages as well. I find it interesting to trigger debates in several cultural spaces. Sometimes, in other forums, I don't get the most interesting answers from the English forum, nor from my own language forum. On top of that some forums seems rather quiet. Let's take it as a way to shake communities. But anyway, I got the point it's forbidden and won't do it again, even I find it sad we are being kept in boxes... I guess you try to do your best.

#2 Re: English Forum » Fight between presumed stellar civs aircrafts » 2023-01-28 21:20:01

I don't understand you reply. could you be a bit more specific ?

#3 Re: French Forum » Combat entre des aéronefs stellaires présumés » 2023-01-28 20:09:28

Je sais tout cela, mais tout de même dans le brouillard trouble du faux, le vrai peut se glisser. J'écoute m'a vibration intérieure et non mon mental. Quand la vibration est forte, ce n'est jamais un hasard. Et encore une fois je fais rarement attention à ce genre de phénomène.

#4 English Forum » Fight between presumed stellar civs aircrafts » 2023-01-28 19:19:39

Replies: 5

I am not at all an ufo sighting geek, but this one is quite spectacular.
May be it's a fake but in case it isn't, I'd be interested in having the Toleka crew point of view about it.
I hope Gosia will have a minute to spend on it.
I know it isn't her main center of interest, nor it is for me.
I just have the feeling this one is interesting to coment.

#5 French Forum » Combat entre des aéronefs stellaires présumés » 2023-01-28 19:12:20

Replies: 3

Je ne suis pas du tout un obsédé des ovnis, mais là, il faut avouer que ça déménage.

Je voudrais bien le point de vue de l'équipage du Toleka.
J'espère que Gosia aura une minute pour y jeter un œil.
Je sais que c'est pas sa passion, mais tout de même, c'est assez surprenant.

#6 Re: French Forum » Jeanne d'Arc » 2021-09-21 07:05:27

Voici la traduction d'un article publié dans le forum anglophone, il y a quelques jours, vos commentaires sont les bienvenus
Dans le Manifeste de Jeanne :
"C'est pourquoi je continue, à cause de qui je suis, pas parce que je peux gagner. Mais ce n'est que moi. Je ne veux pas entraîner à nouveau les gens dans le combat et les blesser ou les tuer comme en 1532 AC, et en 1330 avant JC, et comme en 50 avant JC, et ainsi de suite. Je ne fais pas ça tout seul, et je blesse les gens. Parce qu'ils me suivent comme une armée. Et les soldats meurent. "

J'aime quand il y a des dates :
- 1530 AC semble être l'ère Jeanne d'Arc mais la date officielle de la mort de Jeanne est 1431 AC. N'est-ce pas une erreur et ne devrait-il pas plutôt 1530 avant JC, en regardant la phrase "1532 A.C, et en 1330 avant JC, et comme en 50 avant JC, et ainsi de suite".
- 50 avant JC semble l'époque d'Arsinoé mais la mort officielle d'Arsinoé est de 41 avant JC.
- 1330 avant JC est juste après l'ère amarnienne de la XVIIIe dynastie égyptienne. Cela pourrait correspondre à l'heure de Nerferti (officiellement 1370BC-1334/33 BC) mais bon même si Swaruu nous a parlé de cette époque. Je ne me souviens d'aucune information sur son implication personnelle avec cette époque spécifique.

Je sais que le but d'un tel message n'était pas historique, et j'aime quand même le massage mais alors pourquoi imprimer des dates ?

Si les dates officielles sont fausses, ce que je suis prêt à croire, pourquoi utiliser la nomenclature AC & BC qui est la nomenclature de la cabale et non de la nomenclature Before Present (BP) ?

Je ne remets pas en cause l'authenticité de ce message que j'aime de toute façon, je me demande juste pourquoi ces dates ont été écrites là. Je ne peux pas croire qu'elles soient là par hasard.

Pierre Alexandre.

#7 Re: English Forum » Joan of Arc » 2021-09-15 17:59:04

In the Joan Manifesto :
"That's why I keep on, because of who I am, not because I can win. But that's just me. I don't want to drag people into the fight again and get them hurt or killed like in 1532 A.C,, and in 1330 B.C., and like in 50 B.C., and so on. I don't do this alone, and I cause people to get hurt. Because they follow me like an army. And soldiers die."

I like when dates are printed :
- 1530 AC seems the be the Joan of Arc era but the official date of Joan's death is 1431 AC. Isn't it a mistake and shouldn't it 1530 BC instead, looking at the sentence "1532 A.C, and in 1330 B.C., and like in 50 B.C., and so on".
- 50BC seems to the Arsinoe time but the official death of Arsinoe is 41 BC.
- 1330BC is right after the armanian era of the XVIIIth Egyptian dynasty. It could match with Nerferti time (officially 1370BC-1334/33 BC) but well even if we were told about that time by Swaruu. I can't recall about any information about her personnal involvement with that specific era.

I know the goal of such a message wasn't historical, and I love the massage anyway but then why printing dates ?

If official dates are fake which I am willing to believe why using AC & BC nomenclature which is cabal and not Before Present (BP) nomenclature ?

I not questionning the authenticiy of this message which I love anyway, I am just wondering why these dates have been written there. I can't believe they are there by chance.

Pierre Alexandre.

#8 Re: English Forum » Joan of Arc » 2021-09-08 13:24:03

07wideeyes interesting coment. Can you forward the exact link when you caught it ? I'll be able to tell you more about that.

#9 Re: English Forum » Joan of Arc » 2021-09-06 16:10:30

Ymarsakar, you are writing with great wisdom, such lines...

I am very specific about the fact that the Joan of Arc operation was a timeline manipulation which triggered many moves and counter moves in order to delay the cabal control of planet earth of a few centuries.
Such a sandclock op was successful since the King of France isn't any king in Europe even if Catholic, he had his issues with the Vatican. One of the way to try to diminish the influence of the Vatican was the kings of France atempt to move the Holy See to Avignon instead of Rome. Making the French Crown stronger was one of the many ways to delay cabal control.

At the time of Joan of Arc & due to her actions, the french Crown got a real status and such situation triggered a chain reaction of legal concepts which in turn led to people right for self determination which is the base for international public law. This may be butterfly effect but well it's a big one ! Joan of Arc isn't only about battles and chevalerie...

#10 Re: English Forum » Joan of Arc » 2021-09-06 09:00:31

07wideeyes, I really appreciate your support.

France is a very important Cabal stronghold for all kind of reasons mostly esoterical.

If Paris is falling, they'll be doomed very soon after that.

That's why trigerring the Joan's Manifesto at this very moment may be a sign for those who CAN read &/or a possible butterfly effect.

Swarru while she was Joan of Arc, because she has played the role of the Maid of Orleans in serveral time lines, already doomed cabal plans.

She is now on a non direct intervention mode but her strong spirit helps us a lot thanks to Gosia & al. work.

The Joan of Arc spirit is a lot about sovereignty, fight against darkness and  unbreakable courage even if you look weak.

We are at that very moment when those values matter the most, 

Pierre Alexandre.

#11 Re: French Forum » Jeanne d'Arc » 2021-09-06 08:29:43

J'étais presque sûr d'une telle réponse. Ainsi dans l'éventualité très problable que nous n'ayons pas plus d'information que ce que Ranier nous avait déjà révélé, j'ai écrit la phrase ci-dessous à la fin de mon premier message :

"Ainsi, la revification par Swaruu de "l'esprit Jeanne d'Arc" à ce moment précis de la lutte n'est, à mon avis, pas un hasard !

Montjoie ! Saint Denis !
Tado baj lini da!"

Je comprends que Jeanne d'Arc est un sujet qu'il est très délicat d'aborder, bien qu'il ait déjà été abordé dans les grandes lignes par Ranier...

Bon courage Gosia dans ton oeuvre & merci à toute l'équipe pour vos efforts de réinformation.

Pierre Alexandre.

#12 Re: English Forum » Joan of Arc » 2021-09-06 08:21:36

I was almost sure about that, that's why, just in case you wouldn't say more than what Ranier told us already, I wrote the line below at the end of my original message :

"Thus, the revification by Swaruu of the "Joan of Arc spirit" at this precise moment of the struggle is, in my opinion, no accident!

Montjoie! St Denis !
Tado baj lini da!"

Pierre Alexandre.

#13 Re: English Forum » Joan of Arc » 2021-09-05 14:38:51

In term of political systems things aren't so black and white. Cabal control doesn't mean cabal creation in all cases. Not everything from our political and legal structures is bad, it is just cabal corupted. International rule of law on earth is for example very similar in its principles with interstellar rule of law. Once cabal is taken down those systems may be used for transition.

I fully agree we need to go towards individual sovereignty but we aren't quite there yet. In the mean time & in order to transition we'll need to use law of nations, which is a group of 3 branches of the rule of law more and more interconnected :
constitutionnal law ;
international public law ;
human rights.

Marime law is optionnal and is suggested to public law, if it has taken a toxic importance in our legal systems, it can be corrected easily during the transition.

I know it's broken but for transition we'll need those.

This way during the transition we'll have a legal frame in order to create a favorable context to elaborate a new legal system suitable for our new collective state of mind (5D).

We 3D humans have written many books about more acceptable ways to run societies, some of them influenced our present political systems. Not everything was written by blood thirsty controlers...  Those systems aren't genetically bad, they are jut adapted to our 3D state of mind and are easily corupted by the cabal.

Light Ranier (Codifying future YT Chanel) told us Swaruu was Joan of Arc. I am not sure if was a walk in or a step down shinonim mission but there was a true and leaglly allowed intervention to boost French national sovereignty in order to delay the reptilian control agenda. As long as there was a king in France the NWO agenda couldn't move forward. Strong France in the middle of Europe was an anti NWO road block. French revolution was partly a way to remove such a road block by the way.

France has experienced several transitions & from such an experience we are now forging a plan to help France to transition. You'll hear about that very soon.

I am more than happy about Swaruu telling us about the Joan of Arc spirit because thanks to her successful mission the very key anti hacking legal principle of our public rule of law was set up. 600years later it's that very same principle we'll be using as a legal base to take down our rotten to the core and putative political institutions in order to then start a fully legal non insurectionnal transition.

If you are interested, I can tell you more about that, I have a conference in english ready for a live for lightworkers willing to know more.

#14 Re: English Forum » Joan of Arc » 2021-09-05 11:57:21

Even if cabal controls earth, 3D humans aren't (all) monkeys. They think and create many things.

The fact that cabal is corupting many things doesn't prevent France from being the cradle for international rule of law (aka jus publicum europeum). My point was the action of Swarru during the 100 years war was the trigger for a legal chain reaction which delayed the "NWO agenda" of whatever you want to call it. May be the system is corupted but human mind always fought against it with what was available at each time.

So far human kind is not a legal entity, only nations are legal. I agree we need to move to personnal sovereignty but to get there we'll need a transition, and such a transition will need to be organized legaly.

if you want to free the people, you need first to respect nations. France being the inspirator of international public rule of law, I am convinced that my country will pull the legal trigger and I am working on it in the background.

I know legal arguments are giving a bit of a headhache to most of lightworkers but, well, you'll need to get used to it, it's going to be crucial in the incoming fight. Swarru used her sword since she was fighting during the middle age, we may need to adapt to the present context and use a very powerful and transitory toll called "Law of Nations".

Pierre Alexandre.

#15 English Forum » Joan of Arc » 2021-09-05 10:29:08

Replies: 15

I'm so happy that Gosia is considering posting a video about Joan of Arc.

Joan of Arc is:
a French national heroine & one of the patron saint of France;
one of the most powerful symbols of the reconquest of national sovereignty in the Western world;
an inspirer for Christian Gnostics, indeed, the minutes of her trial reveal the claim of a direct relationship with the divine.

The military action of the Maid of Orleans is simultaneous with the affirmation in France of the founding legal principles of national sovereignty which partly explain the survival of France as a nation through the ages, despite numerous military defeats. , civil war & invasions. The medieval and royal origin of these concepts of the fundamental law of the kingdom of France & their link with modern public law is obviously known only to a few experts for reasons that are easy to understand.

French public law is the founder of public international law, one of the principles of which is the right of peoples to self-determination.
French is, along with English, one of the 2 compulsory languages for drafting international treaties, whatever they may be, even if they do not concern France or a French-speaking country.
It is not for nothing that the Chinese call France, 法国 Fàguó, literally, the land of the law.

A strong & sovereign France has always been an obstacle for the partisans of total control of the world.
Thus, the "boost" of Swaruu then shinonim on mission at the end of the Hundred Years War shows the importance of preserving the sovereignty of this country to block the project of control of the world by the forces of darkness .

It may be, moreover, that an imminent transitional institutional reset in France will create a liberating chain reaction in the rest of the world. I am at your disposal if you would like more information on this subject.

Thus, the revification by Swaruu of the "Joan of Arc spirit" at this precise moment of the struggle is, in my opinion, no accident!

Montjoie! St Denis !
Tado baj lini da!

Pierre Alexandre.

#16 Re: French Forum » Jeanne d'Arc » 2021-09-05 10:11:30 … 85d4AaABCQ

Je suis si heureux que Gosia envisage de plublier une video évoquant Jeanne d'Arc.

Jeanne d'Arc est :
une héroïne nationale française & une des saintes patronne de France ;
un des symboles les plus puissants de la reconquête de la souveraineté nationale dans le monde occidental ;
une inspiratrice pour les gnostiques chrétiens, en effet, les minutes de son procès révèlent la revendication d'une relation directe avec le divin.

L'action militaire de la Pucelle d'Orléans est simultanée avec l'affirmation en France de principes juridiques fondateurs de la souveraineté nationale qui expliquent en partie la survie de la France en tant que nation à travers les âges & cela malgré de nombreuses défaites militaires, guerre civiles & invasions. L'origine médiévale et royale de ces concepts du droit fondamental du royaume de France & leur lien avec le Droit public moderne n'est évidemment connu que de quelques experts pour des raisons qu'il est aisé de comprendre.

Le droit public français est fondateur du droit international public dont un des principes est le droit des peuples à disposer d'eux même.
Le Français est avec l'Anglais une des 2 langues obligatoires de rédaction des traités internationaux quels qu'ils soient même si ils ne concernent pas la France ni un pays francophone.
Ce n'est pas pour rien que les chinois appellent la France, 法国 Fàguó, soit littéralement, le pays de la loi.

Une France forte & souveraine a toujours été un obstacle pour les partisans du contrôle total du monde.
Ainsi, le "coup de pouce" de Swaruu alors shinonim en mission lors de la fin de la guerre de cent ans montre l'importance de la préservation de la souveraineté de ce pays pour bloquer le projet de contrôle du monde par les forces des ténèbres.

Il se peut, d'ailleurs, qu'une imminente réinitialisation institutionnelle transitionnelle en France crée une réaction en chaine libératrice dans le reste du monde. Je me tiens à votre disposition si vous désirez plus d'information à ce sujet.

Ainsi, la revification par Swaruu de "l'esprit Jeanne d'Arc" à ce moment précis de la lutte n'est, à mon avis, pas un hasard !

Montjoie ! Saint Denis !
Tado baj lini da!

Pierre Alexandre.

#17 Re: French Forum » Jeanne d'Arc » 2021-02-28 03:30:55

We are Indeed very keen to know more about Joan of Arc.

It's a key Character of our History of France.

I am wondering if Yazhi remembers many details of her Joan of Arc experiences.

Thanks Gosia for all your efforts.

Nous sommes en effet très intéressé d'en savoir plus sur son passé de Jeanne D'Arc.

C'est un personnage clef de notre Histoire de France.

Je me demande si Yazhi se souvient de beaucoup de détails de ses experiences dans le Rôle de Jeanne d'Arc.

Dziękuję Gosia za cały Twój wysiłek !

#18 Re: French Forum » Jeanne d'Arc » 2021-01-13 13:13:48

Merci Mike,

Le lien n'est pas fonctionnel, merci du contenu.

je persiste a penser qu'il nous faut une vidéo complète sur le sujet, tellement il est important.

Je suis personnellement impliqué dans des secrets de notre histoire nationale. Il y a de nombreux mystères. Avoir un point de vue plus approfondi de Swaruu sur ce sujet aiderait à l'éveil des graines d'étoile de culture française.

N'hésitez pas à me faire part de vos remarques et commentaires, ils seront les bienvenus.


#19 Re: English Forum » Your questions / suggestions relating to videos » 2021-01-12 13:38:27

Dear Gosia, Dear Robert, Dear Matias,

I am a french follower since almost the begining of the cosmic agency chanel.

I am really into hidden earth history in realtion to interstellar affairs.

A friend of mine based in Mexico told me there is a strong connexion between Joan of Arc & Swarru.

Joan of Arc is such an important character of french History. I wondering if you intend to have an interview of swarru about that subject.

I am personnally very much invoved with all sort of mysteries related to the secret history of France.

I'd be pleased if you intend to have a conversation about Joan of Arc with her to ask a few very specific questions.

Best wishes,


#20 French Forum » Jeanne d'Arc » 2021-01-12 13:17:18

Replies: 18

Cher amis curieux de culture interstellaire,

J'ai appris par un ami mexicain qui s'appelle Oscar qu'il existe un lien entre notre héroïne nationale, Jeanne d'Arc & Swaruu.

C'est un sujet passionnant pour nous francophones.

Voudriez vous en savoir plus ?


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