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#2 Re: English Forum » Eco Villages in the Uk » 2021-08-04 12:29:29

WWOOF UK is the most popular method.
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#3 Re: English Forum » It's critical that we resolve our issues preventing us from uniting. » 2021-08-01 19:12:00

Pymander wrote:

I had a thought last night. What's happening with the Earth feels more like it is designed to aid in the long term evolution and expansion of the reptilians and regressive types *more so* than the humans. Humans aren't really unique. We're basically just Lyrians left over on Earth and there are tens of thousands of us scattered about the galaxy. Our lesson to be learned is in regards to finding our inner power rather than relying on authority types to show us how to live and all that. However, for the reptilians and regressives, this is a long term lesson in cooperation and empathy.

At some point, their grand master scheme will collapse on them. They will likely find themselves left with nothing. When that happens, I suspect they will finally experience their much needed soul growth recognizing that taking advantage of primitive cultures has ramifications. That creating a society that is not as invasive and parasitic will lead to greater harmony within themselves. If this does indeed end up being the case, I won't feel so bad if we "fail" at liberating the humans this round. Though, that's still the timeline I am hoping for.

I want to remind you not to hope for a timeline.

There is nothing stopping you except your soul agreements.

Otherwise it is your universe. You create.

#4 Re: English Forum » An Explanation and Apology » 2021-08-01 08:56:17

Crystal Dragon wrote:

That is what I want for me, and that is the future, the next phase for starseeds. Each individual in direct contact with someone on the other end, be that a Taygetan or other ally. Faster and more direct flow of information, each person contributing a piece to the puzzle. Do not get me wrong, I really appreciate what Gosia and others that are honest do, but it is like waiting for information to trickle down while looking through a glass ceiling.

The people such as Gosia who make the direct contact and disseminate the information are being charitable and have an egalitarian mindset. They have no intention of imposing any kind of hierarchy. Despite that intent, what happens is a pyramid. A hierarchy not in intent, but in effect. An inefficient flow of information from a small point at the top downward. A lot of people who turn the information into dogma without understanding what it really means, are reinforcing this pyramidal structure by refusing to be their own authority, to do inner work, and to try to establish direct contact with ET's. I no longer wish to just be a secondhand recipient of information, even though its good information.

I appreciate the Taygeta crew and allies. I appreciate Gosia and team, from CA and PK. I still appreciate this community, for what it's worth. I won't be viciously attacking anyone's double standards anymore or confronting trolls directly with angry rants and insults. I'm simply going to focus on inner work and my own pursuits, and what posting I do, I will do my best to make it supportive, proactive, and of high vibration.

Thanks for understanding.

Couldn't agree more, really put the spotlight on the ideas I had on the back of my mind. Thanks for sharing brother smile

#5 Re: English Forum » Your questions / suggestions relating to videos » 2021-07-28 12:19:38

DarkOwl wrote:
RoadtoSamadhi wrote:

Is there any credibility to “Tachyon Chambers”, has a list of chambers ; alleged Pleiadian technology or is it just another scam ?

I've wondered that myself.
It's COBRA promoting them and I wonder about him. He uses the terms 'Galactic Federation of Light' and 'Pleiadians' on a regular basis which are major red flags. Both Cabal/New Age terminology.

I suspect scam.

Kim says that COBRA is CIA.

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