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#1 Re: English Forum » Asking about way to find like minded people outside » 2024-02-02 02:49:11

Believe me I'd like to know this too. There are at least a few people in the CA group that seem to be near where I'm at.

#2 Re: English Forum » Covid19 - Let´s Expose the Scam » 2022-02-05 20:39:01

I feel like the 5g rollout is something to closely pay attention to when countries are suddenly backing off vaxx mandates and restrictions.

A comment from another site:

"Oh friend I have a most places a large percentage of the population has had the vax and a lot boosted too. My theory is they'll amp up 5g and as these folks start to connect to the internet of things there will be a mass die off. At that point, the governments will step back in shouting we told u so and that they should've never backed off. They will come back 10xs harder with a target focus on the unvaxxed as we will be deemed the cause of the vaxxed deaths. It's a classical problem, reaction, solution. Where they supply all three and call for everyone else to go along. I'll tell u what I'm waiting for is the vaxxed to turn on the unvaxxed. It is coming friend! Mainstream has been doing their due diligence to cause a great divide."

In my opinion it wouldn't make sense to start the blame game for everyone not taking the vaxx considering that vaxxed people will likely die at this 5g activation and anybody who are at least waking up slightly knows that the vaccinated are more prone to getting sick than everybody else.

#3 Re: English Forum » Is the COVID narrative about to pivot dramatically? » 2022-01-31 07:30:50

DarkOwl wrote:

Concerning data points and memes to consider

Canadian Truckers Strike logo … -24-PM.png … -00-PM.png

As far as I heard that logo is just one of many, canadian truckers each have their own logos.

#4 Re: English Forum » Confirmation wanted: New Gosia's Gaia show » 2022-01-31 03:54:27

Happy wrote:

Gaia_com has been thoroughly exposed  as a backstabbing enterprise, luring "experts" into silence via water-tight legal contracts. You don't need to dig long into Patty Greer's material and history to connect those dots.

So either
- is it a hoax;
- the black programs are ramping up the black-smearing of Gosia;
- they've lured Gosia in exposing herself for later possible backstabbing.

But I won't really put much into that last point.

That's definitely concerning. I really hope that number 3 isn't the case.

#5 Re: English Forum » Is the COVID narrative about to pivot dramatically? » 2022-01-19 22:22:28

I've been hearing that airlines in the US are backing down because of 5G about to be turned on, which interferes in their avionics. Tuning 5G with inoculated may be their next step, and forging another create-problem offer-solution narrative.

#6 English Forum » Parallel timelines influencing others » 2022-01-09 16:47:08

Replies: 1

Is it possible for another timeline or parallel earth to influence the one closest to it? I'm sorry for the shortness of this post as I am working on a project and would like to open more to this.

#7 Re: English Forum » Happy New Year Starseeds <3 » 2022-01-01 01:19:45

Happy new year for this transformative era on earth.

#8 Re: English Forum » Your questions / suggestions relating to videos » 2021-12-05 02:59:16

This a bit of a short question I've wanted to ask for a while but do hybrids between different species/races exist? Within the N.A. communities a long time ago there have been channelings of such & some of my past life memories involving reptilian/cockroach hybrids attacking.

#9 Re: English Forum » Visualization and Astral Warfare Target: Saturn » 2021-11-26 04:36:31

On earth there are different fights in different countries unseen by regular people. It's good that you brought this up, this means I won't have to focus my visualization on what's going on with darker entities and those who want to protect this place, and rather just bring it to the "big wigs" per se'.

#10 Re: English Forum » Zingdad: The Covid situation from Adamu's view - victory ! » 2021-11-08 23:38:26

Good video. I could see a bit of insight in the "shadows" of ourselves (i.e. cabal shadow of humanity)

#11 Re: English Forum » Introductions / greetings » 2021-09-22 19:36:25

Hello, I will not disclose my name but you can call me by my username lol.

I've been into the topic of spirituality since I was 12 years old. I started off from the new age movement and ever since people became aware of this "false light" movement going on I gradually overtime became less and less dissociated but aware nonetheless. I lost many beliefs that I had and so lost the connection between the "feelings" I got since childhood. I am trying to pick myself back up without relying on what I thought I had known and create my own path of choosing.

#12 Re: English Forum » CHANGES in the FEDERATION OF UNITED PLANETS » 2021-09-22 18:46:49

It's kind of interesting how this all is seemingly connected to with what's happening on earth right now.

#13 Re: English Forum » How Did You Find Cosmic Agency? » 2021-09-19 23:03:33

I found cosmic agency through rich west, everything I've been hearing for the past few months has been really intriguing so far, really revealed to me the reality of the ET universe (w/ others) and how not everything is as simple as I once thought even though as a child I thought "there must be more to this than that!"

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