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#1 Re: English Forum » What are YOU doing to improve the situation? » 2021-09-27 05:21:48

I am constantly trying to get people into studying Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology, Religions, Mythology, Magic and Political Philosophy so people are smart enough to truly exercise their freewill and choose to be, like or hate a certain thing at will. Choose what culture they wish to be a part of or choose to make entirely new ones.

I have also been considering getting a philosphy degree and running for president or convincing someome to run for president and do this:

"1. Create Plato's republic and remove presidents, congress and parliaments. Replace them with a Philosopher king and an advisory council of Technocrats, Noocrats and Stratocrats who come up with solutions to citizen problems and suggest laws for the Philosopher King to Implement that would aid with the continuous advancement of the Nation towards perfection. Repeat this set up down to the city level. 

2. Divide western cities into segregated walled off subcultural(not racial..) districts ruled by a Baron with their own subculturally homogeneous police force to enforce each district's unique set of laws/social norms.

This removes the confusion of multiculturalism's conflicting value systems making citizens confused about what makes them valuable and what doesn't. Would benefit citizens struggling with loneliness, discrimination and the drama of dealing with people that view your lifestyle as wrong or immoral in someway. Benefits up and coming business owners and corps  because they will easily know where to find their consumer base so no wasted money, energy or time on mass advertising, mass establishment of stores in areas that aren't worth it and no mass production of random goods attempting to appeal to everyone hoping someone will buy. That cuts down on pollution, waste and helps with climate change. Would also fight human and child trafficking since it would be easier for each district to police and monitor who goes in an out.

3. Change government culture from corporation style to solarpunk style and have a Solarpunk National Federal Terrotory and a Multicultural Territory for those that enjoy the chaos of mixing.

4. Forbid all government leaders(Executive and Legislative) from having families thus lowering the probability that corrupt ruling families and wealth gaps emerge. Require all government officials to master: Philosophy, Psychology, Political Science, Political Philosophy, Sociology, Mythology and Religious Studies so they are knowledgeable about the human mind and emotions and are non biased.

5. Do not allow children to inherit the wealth(currency), success and reputation of their parents so we also don't get wealth gaps and celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton who basically stole their parents valor....

6. Use the wealth of big corporations(Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Google, etc.) and the rich to fund basic free housing(1 floor or a studio apartment) for all americans and a sort of life style start up pack for example if you want to be a goth electrician i would move you to Goth district give you two goth outfits, 1 electrician uniform, electrician tools and send you to trade school so you can live your best life.

7.Withdraw all US and western forces and keep them in the USA to defend  borders from drug cartels and illegals. No more wars USA would take a strict isolationist non intervention policy till every US citizen is housed, has a dream career and there is no more crime. How can we help others if we can't help ourselves?

8. Remove money, including crypto and replace dollars with hours worked and labour vouchers. So you buy luxury items with community service say a couch is 40 hrs you can work that all in two days or two weeks then you will get your couch

9. Ban the use and production of all plastic

10. Each district and territory has their own food farms"

Would this not fix literally everything?

Ironically, each district would subconsciously engage in their own eugenics, evolutionary and natural selection process based on the fact each culture would concentrate on certain sports, subjects, behavioural traits and food to the exclusion of others and will naturally make babies with individuals that embody a specific districts subculture the most. National Federal Territory's Citizens ideally would work on being great at everything. Multicultural territory would have the most mediocre members since they will have no definite path in life as a result of each culture flooding them with many differing paths

But...after reflecting more on philosophical Neutrality, Amorality and The Galactic Federation I'm not sure that would be entirely right to do. But also I'm too selfish and lazy to actually do anything ao there's that.

I was thinking a better alternative would be to leave the modern world is and make a neutral sanctuary. Make isolated, autonomous, sovereign, sanctuaries(communes or universities that eventually grow into mini city states) that act as hidden portals to other realms whenever people of this realm are ready to level up or visit a higher level. Like in a mmo video game where you finally get to leave the start area.

Now these sanctuaries can concentrate on Law Of One and Extraterrestrial knowledge or they can be based on new cultures created by the founder. The function would still be the same to provide an alternate civilization for Earth dwellers to live in and a way off the planet at will without influencing the main modern civilizatiom. Much like Agarthans keep to.themselves

#2 Re: English Forum » Declaration of my Direct Challenge to Yazhy-Swaruu! » 2021-09-27 05:12:09 can just keep 5 basic concepts in mind:

1. Animism
2. Solipsism
3. Amorality
4. Shaman
5. Totemism(empathy + method acting)

Then take the template provided by philosophical systems like Daoism/Taoism, and you will be free.

Do not overly identify with your body, race, sex, gender, mind, emotions, likes, dislikes or experiences. View each incarnation as a created character in an RPG video game. The player is your spirit/consciousness. Your mind, emotions, and belief systems exist to be altered, by you(your spirit) so you can play your character incarnation correctly. We are all the ultimate method actors...realize this then disasociate from the human condition and create cultures and races like would fantasy world building if you were writing a story. Then bring together others like you and live your created culture in real life. Eventually down the line your culture will spring a new race. Culture influences biology, creates genetics and races.

There's a lot more but in my opinion, Earth is to exist as a permanent 3D alternate reality much like certain video games permanently exist with a permanent narrative and game mechanics so you can always go back and play it when you get bored of other games....the games are Dream bubbles and all exist in God's Mind and you are god...this has ties to both Gnosticism and Solipsism

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