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#1 Re: English Forum » The Federation’s End Game » 2021-11-26 12:53:38

the more I read about negative AI, the more it seems like "demonic/fallen/disconnected" forces under the new name. It could also be all at once.

And yes, all this exists, some worlds are completely conquered by it, some partially, some keep it at bay while others are fallen beyond repair. I mean.. we already know the situation outside Earth is not all roses, there are unpleasant things and space horrors. Multiple negative forces work simultaneously, and not always together.

Back in the day, it was widely accepted that negative polarity comes from disconnection from the Source. Does it still accepted as the truth or do we have a better explanation?

Speaking of this AI thing. It's described as controlling, manipulative, and having self-interest. Well, can't help but notice it sounds to me like a typical fallen/disconnected force we've been warned about for millennia. What else do we know for a fact? Some beings/worlds successfully resist this negative force, warn and teach us how to do it.
Meanwhile, others refuse to comment on this giant pink elephant in the room. They rather blame us for everything under the sun.

#2 Re: English Forum » 3D Matrix Question » 2021-11-26 09:34:26

mvaughan737 wrote:

Good Afternoon,

I need to get one thing straight, I am totally confused about this Matrix.  Alex Jones from INFOWARS is creating a new website on how to handle the Matrix on, which will be released on Dec 7.  What he is describing is totally different than what Swaruu is saying.  Somebody is lying, and I need to know who???  Is Alex's Matrix that Facebook is creating the same thing as what Swaruu is saying, or is it something different???  What I am scared of is, Facebook is talking to Gosia and Robert in disguise as Swaruu and is actually deceiving them and the rest of us.

Can somebody enlighten me on who is correct??  Somebody is wrong?


Michael Vaughan

oh goodness, once I saw Alex Jones mentioned, I couldn't resist tongue
Watching Alex has been my guilty pleasure for a long time.
There's a lot of things I like about this guy but hey, he's classic controlled opposition wink He's funny and entertaining, he's against the jabs and it means a lot these days. But the guy doesn't even hide the fact that he comes from a prominent CIA family with his father being involved in secret projects. Do you know who else comes from a similar background? The founder of Facebook.

Don't get me wrong, I still like Alex Jones, and talking about Matrix has been his bread and butter for 20+ years. His information requires very careful consideration. As he often says, do your own research, don't just trust anything you hear even from him.

If you watched more than one Infowars show, you know what Alex stands for - cabal is bad, God is good, aliens are demons, and UFOs are secret projects. I mean, come on.. What I like about Alex is that he's willing to change his perspective on things and admit when he's wrong. However, he's lightyears away from admitting that not all aliens are demons. Ok, some definitely are, but not all of them big_smile
And so on and so forth..

#3 Re: English Forum » The Vaccinated and lost signal to Source » 2021-11-26 09:07:35

Ok, can I be a bit controversial here? wink

I'm not denying the black goo in jabs can severely damage the neurological system and therefore, it causes problems with Source connection.
I suspect, the bad guy took the existing nanotechnology developed for another type of species and never properly tested it in the VERY specific Earth environment. At best, they slightly tweaked it.
And the amazing ideas about 'changing DNA' via hi-tech injection are not convincing. That wouldn't change anyone's DNA, it will damage it. It takes much more to make a meaningful and intentional change (not break!) of human DNA than a bunch of nanobots. I wonder, did they test it properly? How many test subjects did they have? Did they test it here, on Earth, or in their labs far from here? Because it matters.
Here, on the Earth's surface, it's incredibly hard to make any nanotech work with the human body. But it's incredibly easy to damage it. Controlling earthlings through mass-produced, non-individual implants\nanobots just doesn't work here.

A population completely cut off from the Source would turn into a massive energy leech and then technically speaking, die.
Meanwhile, if you have a fully controlled population, you can twist, and distort their Source connection, leech of it, and use it for your own purposes. Something the Cabal been doing here for centuries.

And another controversy. Most of those poor souls who willingly got the jab, didn't have the strong connection to begin with. They've been good little NWO servants before any jabs, willingly giving away their power to the Masters and doing what was requested of them. When the command came to roll that sleeve and get that jab they went and brought their kids, friends, and family with them. Damn powerful Source\Higher Self connection they had!..

Now what, let's get rid of them altogether? Because these jabs won't turn them into obedient thinking machines, these jabs are just killing them. Maybe 1-2 injections the human body would eventually fight off, but 5 or more? Not so sure..

#4 Re: English Forum » Job losses due to discrimination » 2021-11-15 07:49:47

alrighty, it's the Day, my relative just called me, he's been working in science for 30+ years and today ~10 lead scientists in his research institute have been sent on unpaid leave for refusing the fruit salad. Including the lead virologist, no joke (I couldn’t resist laughing because this sh*t is hilarious big_smile). Just for clarification, they do not study human viruses, but anyway.
The papers they presented to them are phony as hell because they already know, legal repercussions will follow.

DarkOwl wrote:

I relate to your story.
I lost my career to technology around the turn of the millennium and subsequently fell off the rails and turned to substances to cope.
In hindsight, I'm glad it happened. After a forceful ejection from the matrix and subsequent disorientation, I eventually reorientated myself and discovered what was really important to me (things like community, growing food, pursuing a life of true knowledge)

Thank you for sharing this, I agree, sometimes we get pushed out of the matrix for a good reason. I'm kinda.. almost over it by now, can't say I already see the benefits, but eventually I will. My situation is far from over because there are legal and financial aspects that still need to be settled. I can't give up on the idea that once papaya-hysteria ends, our business will be back on track, oh well.. But honestly, I'd rather see the divine intervention\ascention\whatever. That's what we're here for, right? Not for matrix games.
My biggest regret is turning to substances after 6 years of sobriety but I'm glad I stopped before serious consequences hit.

07wideeyes wrote:

Welcome, Xoreo, it sounds as if you are in the right place! Sorry to read about your troubles; sadly, we're going to hear many more similar stories over the next wee while. Having said that, it sounds as if your fellow countrymen and women are setting a fine example. And this is it: there are a goodly number of people now, who have been through the deep sh*t for nearly 2 years, and aren't going away. The adversity has brought forward magnificent inspiring strength, hasn't it?

Magnificent indeed.
Your message made me smile wink
I didn't want to present my situation as doom and gloom when some people are losing their homes and can't put food on their table for refusing the papaya, I'm not in this position. However, I believe with all my heart that our determination will pay off eventually.

#5 Re: English Forum » Statement to the Galactic Federation 10/31/2021 » 2021-11-14 21:20:11

I promised myself not to get involved with internet forums, but this thread made me register here, just to express my respect and gratitude to you guys.
I completely agree with all the criticism towards GF and I've been expressing this opinion for 12+ yrs. But if you've been around for a while, you know that even 2-3 years ago an opinion like this would have gotten you banned on most websites.
Now the word spreads far and wide, praise the Force I guess..
Finally, people everywhere see things for what they are. I have a lot to add to your fierce and insightful words, at the same time there's nothing to add.

#6 Re: English Forum » Job losses due to discrimination » 2021-11-14 20:35:16

hi, it's my 1st message here, but I've been following this website for a while now.
I've lost everything back in March 2020 (a business in mass entertainment, it was decimated right when first quarantines started) and it took me almost a year to compose myself and stop freaking out and doing harm to myself (alcohol and substance abuse). When I say I've lost everything I do mean - everything - not just money, but my future, my soul, my passion, the last thing that gave me joy in this life.
And starting from next week (Nov 15th) most people I know are losing their jobs in my country (I'm not in the USA). And you know what, they are MUCH better prepared for this than I was. They knew this was coming, they don't freak out because there's no need to. They are not "papaya-hesitant", their determination is as hard as a diamond and their soul is calm. I'm amazed and proud of them.

As of now, I'm on the team "waiting to see what would happen" because first of all, most people in my country are not eating papayas, literally everyone I've talked to (friends and random people) are either not going to eat it ever or bought fake 'papaya papers'. Those few who tasted just one or two will never get the 3rd because they finally realized they've been fooled. One of them told me recently - "Things are not going back to normal, we're living in the End Times" damn graphene in those fruits work wonders, who would ever think...

Second, the economic situation is close to catastrophic (I believe that's true for most countries actually), so I've stored some food, pet food, drinking water, cash and that's it.
If things will go south real bad, I would have to accept a job that normally I wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole. But hey, no papayas for me ever. I won't play by their rules because I know for a fact - rules are for us and not for them. They cannot be trusted and will fool anyone who complies. I remember just a year ago it was 2 papayas for life, then papaya every year, now it's papaya every six months, what next? Papaya every morning, because it's good for ya health? No pun intended.
Like really, what are our options? We won't eat the papaya, no matter what. Don't throw away your beliefs any time things get hard. We have our beliefs for a reason. When you stand for nothing, you fall for everything, right?

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