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#1 English Forum » I know who is part of the Cabal in the Dark » 2021-11-19 11:29:22

Replies: 4

This is a lot of information but I think it is very important that the Taygeteans and the federation know about this. I've been following the channel for a long time and learned a lot from it and it helped me trying to understand what I've been through and what I am. I am here on earth in immersion with my partner who I was also in a relationship with at home. We found each other again almost two years ago. We always felt like we knew each other but in the last months we both got by ourselves so many memories and we both see the same things. So no coincidence. I knew where he lived five years before I met him. So it was meant to be obviously. Now with everything I learned the memories seem VERY fishy. I don't know 100% where I lived before that happened but I believe I was a human on earth and I got into human trafficking. I see memories where they did horrible things to children and me. It's a lot to process. I wish I had more detailed memories but there was a race who intervened and they saved me and took me with them and raised me. They are all white, very different face, and how they live is very different. In my opinion worse than the average human. They are just how you described the Malakak race. They have a mind of their own and do what they think is right. Also very different mentality when it comes to relationships. Much more open which is very wrong for me. Before we got those memories my boyfriend had a very vivid dream where he chose people from earth and they take them to Mars to work in mines. He thinks this is okay and funny. A woman and a man raised me, they both share the same soul. The man is part reptile. They made him in a lab, she wasn't pregnant with him. And he looks like an all white humanoid with reptile eyes. They are fully into black magic and combine it with fighting in the astral against your shadows with light. They taught me all of that. They were my teachers. Way too strict as well. Over time I changed a lot, looked very different and I wasn't human anymore. I learned their magic and was able to do it myself. But in my own way. I'm naturally very lovely and had such a hard time being there because who I wanted to be wasn't respected and looked down upon. Even on earth my boyfriend has such an ego complex. He doesn't like you and the Taygeteans lol. He laughs with people like Putin, he somehow resonates with the people who do bad things with the matrix and thinks it's okay. The man also killed a lot for fun at home. I always wanted to believe my life at Home was probably beautiful and now I just see how every problem I had during this life is a mirror of the previous one. Nothing is new here. Everything that hurt to look at I had to witness and experience at home. This life made me so tough and I said to him we are not bound anymore. I am not part of him anymore. The woman and the man are even like King and Queen where they are from. They constantly come to earth to buy clothes, alcohol, and they even do bad drugs there which I then did as well because I was laughed at if I didn't. And I was way too young for that. Because they are King and Queen and they raised me and I am in a relationship with the man I am somewhat like a princess to them. But I was so unhappy in that relationship and here as well and now I told him that I don't want anything he wants to give me and one day I want to be free to go to another place. They were always so controlling and I was always scared but not anymore. Told him everything I think about him and then I said what I really need and want to do. And that is to explore different planets. So if I'm ever back Home I would be more than grateful if Taygeta opens their doors for me. I resonate so much with how this society works and how the people are. I always felt such a pull to your videos and I believe it's because I found a perfect place to go when I am ready to let go of everything. And I already let it go and want to be my own being and love it. I'm not an outsider, just myself. I also still feel like a child and yazhi is a true inspiration for what I want to achieve. I don't see the need in fighting any shadows because I am not scared of them anymore. I don't want to feel like an outsider anymore and that I am weird. Because I think I might be human and I accepted everything they did to me even though I was unhappy, I think they used me as a reason to continue with exploiting humans. I also feel like because the man is part reptile and very much into magic and astral fighting he also links to the astral reptiles who bring the vaccines here. They are technically very advanced and the Queen is very old. They always strive for fame and power. Even here he can't stop talking about getting rich. That's his biggest problem. He didn't care how much I suffered along the way. No one on earth treated me this bad and made me so sick and was able to watch me all this time and still to this day lie to me and think he has every right to be like that. I let go of everything that held me back in this life and I can happily tell him that I want a fresh start one day somewhere else. Earth was the best school ever. I love it. No matter how hard it was, it was just a reflection of my experiences from outside and one after another I was able to do it all. We still live together and I'm happy. He is sad because he wasn't able to change me into a being like him. Rather I grew so much in this life and he just wants to continue with the same old stuff when he wakes up from immersion. But I will be gone and thankful to all of them. If it's true that I am a very advanced human at home this could also be very useful. Because then there is someone who could speak for the earth. And I just love this place and all this life I just wanted to make this place more beautiful and humans free because I was already outside and had a glimpse into what is there. Unfortunately I started with the bad side but I faced my shadows and I'm not scared anymore. I probably live together with the King of the cabal and my mother Is the queen of the same race who exploit but I am now here happy because I am finally 'alone' and happy with it. No ties. And they can't use me anymore as an excuse to continue. The Queen is very old and he remembers being on earth and on different planets a lot. Always fighting and wanting to gain power. She wasn't able to die when something happened and was stuck in a loop of reincarnations, always trying to save someone but she never looked out for who else also gets hurt. I see their influence everywhere on the planet somehow. Maybe because their are so entangled in many different timelines and then killing herself if she wasn't able to save the other person and trying it again when she saw that she didn't die but just spawned back at the same spot in time. This is funny because I am very intuitive and before we got those memories I always told him he thinks like satanists. Seriously, we are just going for a walk with our cat and an old cute lady walks by and laughs because, duh, we have a cat on a leash, and he gets so annoyed and tells me he wants to kill humans and that this world annoys him and that he wants to get rid of humans or at least use them all to his will. Your shadows and mirrors are still you and fighting them is just not wanting to face the conflict you have within. It's still in him and he isn't able to let it go. He always wants to say he is better than me but look who after all we have been through is still stuck on the old stuff and doesn't want to change. The Queen is on a ship around here time to time again. We see it often when we ask. She is connected to my boyfriend and me but I told her I want to be completely free of any influence and think for myself. It's so confusing because many events on earth coincide with what he and I went through. We found each other and corona started immediately. The world got worse every time I was under his negative influence. He was so mean all the time and doesn't acknowledge anything. Always thinking he had a reason and doesn't respect my feelings along the way. It's always an "either you change into what I am or frick off you matrix bot". That's another thing, he calls everyone a bot because of the matrix and doesn't realize that all he is looking at here is himself. Obviously he hates himself and doesn't realize it. He sees a sad rock in space, I see a planet I love so deeply and I know that my mirrors are also everywhere on this planet and it will have an effect for sure now that I said to him that I do not consent to anything they are doing. For the first time I'm able to love myself and my mirrors instead of running away from them. Thank you Gosia, Yazhi, Earth, humans, everyone else. I already see a big difference in my life. Me and my family had a horrible relationship all the time but somehow, like magic... They love me. As soon as I truly started loving myself. I can suddenly go there and they want to understand me. Usually when I entered my parents house they looked at me with a death stare and there was never a time without conflict. Now I had little time to myself where I sorted all my life out, was in my head all the time, got terrible memories and faced them and made them part of my being instead of rejecting them. And now even every family member isn't the same anymore. Why the hell would you exploit the matrix and humans when you can use it for such good? I created my own big family, they all mirror simply my own past and show me what I need to change. And now they show my that I started to love me. No one needs to change first but we ourselves and stand up for ourselves. I never thought the day would come where I can be around my family and be happy. It sounds so simple but all I had to do is take in my shadows and love me and others and they show it back IMMEDIATELY if you see that they are just you from a different timeline. All by myself I was able to see that there are indeed no souls but only other versions of you, different timelines. And no need to talk even. I didn't talk, I just faced my unconscious and that's all I needed. All I said is  I need time to think and to be. This is how we all save the world and change it. Because then everything you look at will love you back because you love yourself too. After I realized all of that I went on YouTube and even there everything looked different. It was suddenly very positive. There were songs and videos with messages for me, how much I need to love myself and how amazing I am. My mind got torn into every possible direction and this is how I formed my own timeline now. The matrix works for me, and because everyone else is me, it will also work in a way that reflects true self love and love for others. If you are Taygetean as well Gosia we might even see each other one day, wouldn't that be funny? I wish everyone that they will be able to see the same things as I do and never run away from your shadows again. Face them, take them in, and just say no happily and know no one can hold you back. Look who I live with. I still like him and want him as my best friend and hug him. Sounds insane, but if I am able to do that, everyone can also do the same. But now he needs to respect the being I truly am and ascended into. The shadows will not go away by themselves. Like them and understand them. But also say dare to say what is on your mind without a problem. What others say to you is just a reflection of what you think about yourself. But be like a child. Free, imagining all the time a future that suits you and everyone else.
Love, Luna.

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