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#1 Re: Forum en Español » LO IMPORTANTE ES UNIRSE! » 2021-01-29 15:11:24

Jatei Capitan wrote:

Si la sociedad Holografica debe ser nuestro objetivo.

Creo que hay muchas más personas fuera de la divulgación taygeteana que también así lo desean , el problema son las etiquetas y los términos.

Definitivamente es la dirección correcta
Pero es ir avanzando todos a la dirección correcta sin que necesariamente tengan conscientemente sociedad Holografica como tal como su objetivo

Hay que cuidar los ecosistemas  ✅

Hay que expandir nuestra conciencia, es un proceso que nunca termina , comprender que ayudar a otros es ayudar a uno mismo ✅

Conducirse de una forma Etica y congruente ✅

Desarrollo tecnológico OPEN SOURCE (no patentes ) Tecnología en poder de todos

Acabar con el dinero✅
Medicina gratuita ✅
Educación Gratuita ✅

En fin todos esos objetivos nos irán acercando poco a poco cada uno de ellos.

Imagina si empezamos con nuestros familiares y amigos , luego con. Nuestro vecindario

Así se forma la sociedad holografica
De menos a más.

Somos la resistencia Sol 13 Terra 3

Sí, estoy de acuerdo. La unión no tiene por qué ser necesariamente "física". El enfocarnos en construir este tipo de sociedad atrae por frecuencias a otros seres que también desean que tenga lugar en nuestro planeta, y al unirse estas frecuencias, la vibración favorable a este tipo de realidad cobra más fuerza y se manifiesta físicamente con más intensidad.

Estoy convencida de que es lo que la mayoría de la gente desea. La gente no sufre por placer, la mayoría de las veces lo hace porque cree que no tiene más remedio, porque se sienten limitados y no visualizan otra opción más favorable para ellos porque hay una cadencia a enfocarse en una inercia negativa que ya lleva funcionando aquí en nuestro planeta demasiado tiempo. Pero al expandir nuestra propia conciencia, también ayudamos a expandir la conciencia de los demás.

El enfocarnos en construir este tipo de sociedad nos hace sentirnos menos limitados, nos expande poco a poco. No tiene por qué ser una definición estática, para mí una sociedad holográfica es fluida y está constantemente mejorándose a sí misma. Lo importante es conseguir mejoras que afecten a cuantos más mejor.

Caminante wrote:

La verdad es que lo veo casi imposible, miren alla arriba. Hablan de que somos Uno y también están desunidos.

¿Y si en realidad no lo están? ¿Y si en realidad allá arriba están unidos, pero se muestran como separados ante nuestros ojos por la ley de los espejos y sólo para reflejar el conflicto que nosotros tenemos y que aún no nos da la gana de resolver?

Arriba de todo, arriba, arriba, arriba, arriba, es todo una sola mente. Una sola mente que incluye todo: reptiles regresivos, reptiles positivos, Federación, humanos, cucarachas, árboles. A más conciencia y mayor densidad, más unidad. A menor conciencia y densidad inferior, más fragmentación.

Desde la perspectiva 3D apenas hay unión. Desde la perspectiva 5D, hay más inclusión e integración. Desde la perspectiva 7D, más unidad todavía, hasta que todos los seres se funden en uno solo. Pero una densidad más alta no puede obligar a seres que viven en una densidad inferior a vivir su realidad. Siempre respetará el libre albedrío. Hay almas que deciden experimentar la separación, y son ellas quienes tienen que decidir cuándo empezar a experimentar la unidad (muchas lo harán sólo cuando ya no les quede más remedio y se les caiga todo su mundo a pedazos).

A la densidad más alta de todas, en realidad le da igual lo que hagas. Es quien te ha creado y adonde volverás, después de décadas, siglos, milenios o eones. Y en la densidad más alta de todas ni siquiera existe el tiempo, todo está sucediendo a la vez. Quien sufre las consecuencias de la fragmentación es el ser de densidad inferior.

#2 Re: English Forum » Yazhi/Swaruu: Contradicting 5D Fed information and negative outlooks » 2020-11-16 12:35:36

Robert369 wrote:

Thus it isn't naive at all, and in fact in the past there even was a cooperation between the 5D Fed and certain races that ran the 3D Matrix show in the past because they were made believe that "having a 3D playground is great", while in fact low frequency races just needed it for their own survival and feeding.

What races? Apart from Mantis and Tall Greys.

#3 Re: English Forum » Yazhi/Swaruu: Contradicting 5D Fed information and negative outlooks » 2020-11-16 10:48:35

Gosia wrote:

Marta.... the Federation is NOT conquered by the Reptiles nor subdued. They don´t have the access to the 5D really. In fact, it is Alfrateans´ (Centauris´) job, for example, to be always clearing the skies of Reptilians ships. They are not emperors of 5D. Where did you get that from? wink

Well, then, the incredible corruption and sadistic behaviors that are ruling our world belong only to human races. I didn’t want to believe that, maybe I am too naive.

#4 Re: English Forum » Yazhi/Swaruu: Contradicting 5D Fed information and negative outlooks » 2020-11-14 16:34:53

Robert369 wrote:

"The Federation" (well, there's several with such name - but we know which we talk of) was once founded as an anti-reptilian organization, and it has been undermined by the reptilians, just like Earth has been undermined by the cabal. As result I coined the term "Space Cabal", which means that parts of the Federation are mind-controlled just like humans on Earth and work for the enemy, and a good example is their upkeeping of the Earth's 3D Moon Matrix against the free will of the people.

The 5D Federation is completely subdued and conquered by reptilians. They are their puppets, and they blindly follow their orders and wishes. Reptilians are the emperors of both 5D and 3D. Even when sometimes they need a little bit of help.

#5 Re: English Forum » About free will.. » 2020-11-06 14:35:14

Beautiful explanation. It brings me to something I have written recently, so I will share it with you.

Why reptilians always fail implementing their agendas.

The work model in our society is always based on the same scheme:

A person wants to achieve an objective. This person details the steps for achieving the goal, measuring how many time, how many people and how many resources are required to conquer the objective. The work gets fragmented. Every person in the project has very, very specific tasks to accomplish. Nobody knows what the others are really doing, and this is not necessary. Only the “director”, CEO or whatever name you want to put on it, needs to know if every person is accomplishing the assigned tasks or not. If yes, go on. If not: FIRED!

This generates mechanical work which is never based on the people as the source and the final receptor of the benefits. Markets’ requirements, “where the money goes”, big economic trends… They decide which needs in society will be satisfied, and which not. If cleaning a river is not profitable, we don’t make it. If feeding homeless people is not profitable, we don’t make it. If selling poison is profitable, we make it frantically. (VACCINES). People turn into slaves which have to obey the master exactly as it is required, or the job and the plans will be a complete… SYSTEM FAILURE.

This rigid way of working has no other incentives rather than survival and money. It needs all the people following the fixed schedule like a clock:

You start working at x am. You do this, this, and this. Then, at x am, you can take 25 minutes for a break. Then, you do this, this and this. You finish your work at x pm.

The work, as a result, becomes something external to the person, alienating individuals and making them lose their identities and their missions in life. Who they really are, and what they have come here to do. Besides, they live with a constant fear of not being enough, and a never-ending threat over their heads: if they are not doing what the CEO or director says, they will lose their incomes.
This turns independent people into complying sheeple, and it’s this way by design. On purpose. So people will not ask so many questions… or they got fired. Nobody needs to communicate to each other, nobody needs to know what the real plans of the director are. They just need to obey, and that’s it.

These fixed schedules need life to be a fixed pattern which never changes. The reality is… Life does change. Life is evolving, and if our organizational work cannot adapt itself to real life and the challenges that always come in our way… It will fail. It doesn’t even matter if all the people are willing to comply as robots. Unexpected things will always make their way and collapse it all as a house of cards.

Evolving blueprints can be the solution. We’re at a breaking point as a society, and we can take the opportunity, starting a new way of working and shifting for the better, or we can sink forever. Live is evolving, life does not wait for us. We adapt ourselves, or we will be left behind.

Evolving blueprints are centered on the individuals and their needs. Work is made for the individual, instead of making the individual work. Every person has a mission in life, and this comes from higher realms. We have chosen it before our incarnation. It is sacred, and it has to be respected. What makes you feel passionate? What’s your hobby? What could you be doing for hours without even realizing the time is ticking? What would you do if you were paid for everything, even for breathing? Would you breath and meditate for hours? Would you paint? Would you sing? Would you cook? Would you travel? Would you learn new languages? Would you engage in projects for cleaning and protecting the environment? Would you talk to elderly neighbors who live alone? Would you write? Would you search for new healing therapies? Would you design original devices? Would you research scientific information to share it with the world? Would you experiment by yourself? Would you investigate what the bad guys are doing to punish them and bringing them into Justice? Would you ride a bike and become a professional cyclist? Would you fix cars’ engines? (Yes, there are people who do it in their free time cause they love cars).

The reality is, there’s a lot of work that needs to be done, and there’s a lot of people wanting to do the job. What’s preventing people from connecting with their ideal jobs is… the money. Big corporations are deciding for us all, using their psychopathic minds which poison everything.

Specifically, an evolving blueprint is a project which can be adapted to whatever comes its way. We’ve got a team of 13 volunteers for cleaning this river, for example. We want to clean the river, and the river needs to be cleansed. It doesn’t matter if we need more people to accomplish it faster. It does not matter if we use advanced tools or old-fashioned ones. Because we don’t fix a schedule. We want people to enjoy cleaning the river, and we want the river clean. How many time will it take, it’s not our concern. If they want to play music while they’re doing it, wonderful. If someone wants to stop for a week because her lovely husband came from a long travel, wonderful. If someone gets sick and does not want to work for two days, or two years, it does not matter. If someone gets tired and wants to quit, ok. If someone wants to join the movement, welcome. If there’s an unexpected problem cause the pollution is radioactive and we need experts in this area, we communicate to people who love to study how radiation pollutes environments and who are experts in dealing with these specific problems. Maybe we set a precedent in history and our case and experience can serve as an example for cleaning other rivers in the world in an easier way.

Our team is flexible, and people communicates all the time their needs, their problems and also their successes and great accomplishments. They feel listened, they are following their passion and they are never forced to do things they don’t want to do. We don’t need a boss for our surveillance, because we’re constituting a network which is being run by itself.


#6 Re: English Forum » Covid19 - Let´s Expose the Scam » 2020-11-02 11:06:59

Robert369 wrote:

Humanity currently is benefiting from from the various cabal factions fighting each other because it will ultimately lead to all their demise, especially with further powers waiting in the background to end whatever cabal remains after they are done amongst each other.

Yes ^-^

Evil is a self-destructive energy. The Universe doesn’t understand of separation, but evil does. That’s why it’s self-defeating. The energy of fight always means fighting yourself. Cabal is in a transmutation process. They come into the light, a greater state of knowledge and true benevolence, or they disappear fighting in their darkness.

R.I.P. Illuminati.

#7 Re: English Forum » War Over Humans - Cabal versus Starseeds - Yázhí Swaruu » 2020-11-01 16:56:10

REPTILIAN PARENTING. HOW THE BIG FAMILIES EDUCATE THEIR CHILDREN (and taught human parents to educate theirs).

There is a hierarchical status for every family member. The parent is God. The male sons are the best appreciated, and the older are better considered than the younger. The mother is the last one, the one all the family mocks and ridicules. The youngest ones are ignorant and know nothing. Females are ignorant and know nothing. Innate wisdom is dismissed.

There are family traditions. They are more important than individual or personal issues. If you’re injured, or sick, at the best they let you not to be there, but they don’t care of your well being. They enjoy traditions killing living beings. They enjoy eating entrails. Heart, liver, kidney. The brain. Testicles. They enforce little children to eat this crap.

Criticism is a great tool for teaching. They criticize everything and everyone they don’t like, so children will avoid the targeted people or behaviours (children always want to be accepted by their parents). They criticize or ignore. Barely they give compliments or positive rewards to their children. It depends on the status of the children, too. Physical punishment is required to avoid behaviours parents don’t like. Showing affection is rare. Maybe impossible. They show it when they want you to do something they cannot get otherwise.

They control children’s relationships. There are good people to relate to, and bad people to relate to. Your family provides you the most part of the relationships you need in your life.

They teach the children fear to the anger of dad. Moms are the first being scared of dads, and they educate their children in this fear. Everything has to be in order as the father wants. When he comes, everything can start. He is the most important figure, everything is spinning around him. But he cannot be disturbed or annoyed for “stupid things”. Trades and deals are more important than family members. The job is sacred. They value unique products a lot.

Teaching and learning is very important for them. They are very open in this sense, and they let their children to learn whatever they want, although they make competition out of learning, too. Who scores the most, who learns and knows the most. Reptilians are very practical. They don’t like poetry or art if they cannot make profit from that.

Nevertheless, they can adapt themselves to whatever comes in their way. They can do whatever they need to in order to survive. They can strongly ignore what they don’t like without any regrets, being proud of it. They are always very proud of themselves, specially males (who don’t carry the guilty of females), very proud of everything they have done and achieved. This is a very important lesson I learnt from them. Anyway, their minds blow and suffer a severe trauma when something is not going according to their blueprints or schedules.

They don’t have ethical conflicts whatsoever. They always blame others when things go wrong. They are very, very practical and adaptive. They can say one thing and then acting otherwise without any problem. You must believe the paternal authority cause he’s always right, cause he’s the father. If there’s any problem between children, the father goes and punishes the one he believes it’s not right, but sometimes agreements are possible.

The truth is based on what the father says, cause he’s the father and he knows. They can lie to their children without any regret cause when they lie, this means nothing to them. They can betray oaths without any kind of problem when they didn’t want to make that oath. Their surface and their true feelings can be exactly the opposite, and yet they will not feel any regrets about it. They needed to adapt themselves after WWII, cause human consciousness closed the opportunity for their barbaric actions to take place in an open and socially accepted way.

They like secrets, but they don’t like children asking questions.

Leaving children alone in their own is never a problem, unless they want to control something. Sacrificing for others is required to be a good family member. Torture is inflicted upon children when needed. The ability to endure the pain is well considered and admired. Sex is strongly denied on the surface, but instigated through mind control mechanisms. Sex is seen and used as a form of submission.

The abuse the children from these families endure is not as visible as it is for the rest of children. Maybe they want to keep it secret for some reason related to how proud they are of their bloodlines. Also, to keep the secret and not be seen. They use negative frequencies sent through dark rituals, voodoo, poison, toxic chemicals and substances, intentional exposure to risky situations (“accidents”), technology (harmful frequencies), gaslighting, isolation, programmed slavery, mental tortures. Maybe clones, too. I am not sure. Everything focused on mind control, exposure to toxic environments and dark energies. They use technology and rituals.

Maybe as humanity we can learn from these experiences to evolve our consciousness and deciding our future, since reptilians have been guiding our perceptions for thousands of years. It’s important to say this kind of education is strongly based on deception and fear.

Love and integrity can easily dissolve it.


#8 Re: English Forum » Coming Earth Catastrophe » 2020-10-05 18:48:45

Dr Enoch Metatron wrote:

i hope the cataclysm comes tomorrow or very soon.

best medication for the sht earth.

May the best medication be letting the Earth evolving and balancing by herself, don't you think so?

Why do you need a cataclysm?
Furthermore, why do you need a cataclysm TOMORROW??
If you wanna die, you can die alone.
You don't need to carry a whole planet with you for having the experience.

Life on Earth was always a suffering event, plagued of disease and hardships.

I wish this could change and all the people really enjoy a worth-living experience full of joy, and not this sh*t.
I don't see a cataclysm necessary, we're all gonna die in some moment. People is always being born and dying.

The Circle of Life.

#9 Re: English Forum » How to deprogram Illuminati Monarch slaves. » 2020-10-04 22:00:01


You were taught to always be the 2nd one. First, it comes the pleasure and desires of your “master”, and second, it comes yours. (Beta is the 2nd letter in Greek alphabet). Alpha, the first letter, your master, is the one you should always follow. The Mind that will think for you, the one who will tell you what to think, when, how. You’re nothing. Just his or her toy, an object he or she can use for his or her desires. You must learn how to give Alpha his or her pleasure, and this is everything you must accomplish to be acknowledged, to be admired, to be a good person, to fulfill your mission in life. You must be beautiful enough, hot enough, sexy enough, charming enough, loving enough. COMPLIANT ENOUGH. Care about your body. It needs to be beautiful. Care about offering Alpha the best part of you, a shining, smiling, compliant face. You must never fail to Alpha. Alpha can choose a lot of slaves like you to obtain his or her pleasure, but you are committed to Alpha. Learn about his or her desires, learn everything about Alpha to know what he or she likes the most, put Alpha always on top. You’re lucky if Alpha pays some attention to you. It’s never abuse or mistreatment. It’s always a great honour, and you should be happy for that.

This is what you were told to do, in order to shape your mind as they like. To control your behaviours to never be hurt by you, but to always receive pleasure from you. You never matters. Your issues, emotional, psychological, physical… They never care about that. This is not important (for them). You must not speak about you. You’re there only to please them. Your existance worths it only if you’re pleasant enough for them. You must never hurt them. But, in exchange, every pain you receive from them is a “big honour”. Pain is pleasure. This is what they programmed in your mind, so they can be astonishing brutal with you, and you will never rebel against them as a non-programmed person would do. Cause you’re lucky for receiving their attention. You’re shit and they are the best. They can do whatever they want to do with you, cause you will enjoy the pain and suffering coming from them. It’s your duty to deal with the pain without complaining or crying. They are great personalities, intelligent minds you should admire.

This is what you were told.

Reality is quite different.

You’re a person like the other ones. You deserve attention and love the same way everybody else does. You deserve to be treated as you treat others, with the same caring and loving eyes. You must receive pleasure the same way you give pleasure. You’re as important as the person lying in bed next to you. This person is not “Alpha”. “Alpha” and “Beta” exist both in your mind. They are both parts of you. “Alpha” is your mind, your own ideas, your thoughts. You should NEVER repress them in order to follow somebody else, but to express them and engage in an equal conversation in which both, you and your partner, have the same rights to be listened. “Alpha” is a projection of your own mind, your own characteristics projected in the person you consider to be “Alpha” for you. When you listen to another person, you will never understand more than your mind is prepared to understand. So, if you can understand it, THIS WAS ALREADY IN YOUR OWN MIND. Alpha is never showing more wisdom than you could show by yourself.

And, if you cannot understand it, mostly this is because they are using twisted reptilian logic, not human logic. So it’s not for you to understand. It’s not useful for your life, the same way it is not useful for your life to understand what a frog thinks. It may be quite interesting sometimes, but not enough to become the main stream of thoughts inside your mind. Reptilian logic is useful for reptilians. Human logic is useful for humans. This is how it was designed to be by Nature.

Dear Beta slave:

If someone needs to play the role of an “important and intelligent person” with the right to “play” with your body… YOUR BODY, which is your sanctuary… Making you feel as a useless toy without any ability to think by herself or himself…

THIS PERSON IS A PSYCHOPATH. A PATHOLOGICAL NARCISSIST, WITH VERY SERIOUS MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS IN HIS OR HER MIND. This person will only make you feel worse. It doesn’t matter if this person is an “important personality”. For your own life, this person is shit. This person is bringing you pain and suffering and lowering your self-esteem. This person will never care about you. This person will never bring really good things to you. This person is TOXIC for you. Let this person be whoever he or she wants to be with everybody else, but NEVER LET THIS PERSON PLAY WITH YOU. NOBODY PLAYS WITH YOU OR YOUR BODY. YOU’RE THE DIVINITY HAVING A HUMAN EXPERIENCE. If they want to sexually abuse you, THEY ARE SHIT, NOT YOU.

This person will only take from you, without giving anything worthy to your life in return. This is a toxic relationship, a very toxic one. Both parts need to “enjoy the game”. If not, this is not a game. THIS IS ABUSE, AND IT MUST BE PUNISHED. The law is protecting you, but these people think they are above any law. But they are not. They are humans like you, in the same level as you, or… Probably, a very lower level if they need to do such things to you. Even if they consider themselves “so intelligent” and they consider you “so stupid”: this is only their perception, NOT reality. They project the most stupid part of their minds on you, the same way you project the most brilliant part of your mind on them.

The fastest way to deprogram yourself as a Beta Alter is to realize that you’re not the second one, BUT THE FIRST ONE IN YOUR LIFE. The most important person for yourself. If something does not please you, don’t do it. Express it. You’re the center of your galaxy. If the center of the galaxy is not shining because the light is so tired of wasting herself on useless people, WHO WILL GIVE LIGHT TO THE REST OF STARS? The rest of people in your life. They worth the same, they worth even more, much more, than the ones calling themselves “Alpha” for you.

TAKE CARE ABOUT YOURSELF, AND YOU WILL TAKE CARE OF EVERYONE ELSE. Cause they are your projection. The wellbeing you’re providing for yourself, you’re radiating it outside of you. The same way, the wellbeing you provide for others will come back to you. But give only what you feel you need to give. Never more than that. Don’t waste yourself, cause this is what they want. They want you to get exhausted, wasting your light. Even when your light never ends, cause it comes from the infinite Source of light and energy, you can feel tired sometimes. Stressed. So sleep, rest, do nothing at all… but taking care of you. Sometimes you will feel the energy is overflowing through you, so you will need to discharge it in some way doing something about it (dancing, singing, writing, painting, whatever you want or need to do). Flow with your own rhythm, with the flow of your energy inside. Be down when you’re down, be up when you’re up. Don’t force you ever to be up when you’re down, cause this is wasting yourself quickly. Recover instead.

A Beta alter works with energies, cause sex is probably the strongest way of mixing energies ever. The natural mix is melting pleasure with pleasure, but the traditional controllers of this world are shadows of reality. They want to mix pain with pleasure. So they have trained you to mix (your) pain with (their) pleasure / (or your pleasure with their pain, in case you’re a despicable perpetrator). This way, every time you f*ck with your “owner” or “master” (they will never put themselves as such, they will show themselves to you as a “daddy”, “big brother” or something like that. Someone cute, kind, good or worthy for you to love, but always wiser, stronger, smarter or more powerful than you), every time you f*ck with him or her, you’re losing your light, giving your vital energy to him or her and/or another dark entities, which are the ones behind pushing this kind of Satanic ritual abuse through sex. These entities feed themselves with your suffering. If you enjoy the ride, they burn. (Literally. Your Soul is that powerful). They need sex to enslave people, not to make them happy. But, at the same time, they need to persuade you that you’re having “a good time”, in order to keep playing their despicable games. They call sex “love” and pain “pleasure”. These concepts are confused in your mind on purpose, to control your behaviour. To become you submissive into their sexual desires.

You’re giving your energy by being sexually abused, by never thinking about your own wellbeing but only focusing on giving pleasure to someone else, outside of you. You were trained to not listen to your own energy inside, to your own feelings, to your own emotions. This way, they steal all the inner strength you have. Hey, you’re more powerful than them… But shhhh. This is a secret. They don’t want you to know. They want you to focus on your body, like this was something external to you. But your body is the physical manifestation of the thoughts you have about yourself.

Love yourself unconditionally, the same way you were trained to love your master. Now that you know Alpha lives also in your mind, love your Alpha inside. Love your own ideas, your own thoughts, your inner visions of the world, your own perspectives, the same way you loved the ideas and thoughts of your master. Don’t judge yourself as “stupid”, “innaccurate” or “not enough”. You’re ALWAYS enough. You are receiving from your Soul all the wisdom you need to flourish, and you’re doing this every minute, every second of your life. The infinite knowledge of the Universe is available for you every time you need it. Just ask the question, and the Universe will bring you the answer. Open your ears and eyes, cause the answer can come from everywhere. Even from the air itself. You know what you need to know.

Don’t let yourself to be intimidated by someone else waving a college degree, a certificate, an award, money, an army of fans, whatever. These things are only stupid Matrix illusions. They only work inside this world. They have nothing to do with the real wisdom of the Universe, which goes beyond any temporary identification, even the identification with your body.

Love your Beta, too. The signals you’re receiving from your body. If you’re tired, if you need to go for a walk, if you are thirsty, if you need sunlight, if you need to eat whatever you feel you want to eat. Your body will tell you when it is enough, if you listen. You will feel fed up. You will no longer want to drink alcohol, for example, when you are in a hangover. Listen if you really want sex, or if you want to stop. Follow your instincts, cause thanks to them you’re here right now. They don’t make you an animal. They align yourself with your Sacred Nature inside. They feed you with the kind of energies you need to eat in every moment. They protect you from becoming a programmed cyborg which only follows guidelines, unable to listen to himself or herself,



#10 Re: English Forum » Question/ Slavery On Planet Earth » 2020-09-27 19:12:39

Kian369 wrote:
MartaSantos wrote:

So the government considers they are the owners of our bodies and we are just "renting" them?


MartaSantos wrote:

Who were the ignorant beings making these rules?

Originally the Vatican

I have found more information about the topic. I am not saying you’re wrong, but what you’re posting is inaccurate. You’re taking for granted the government already owns our bodies, but there’s a war on this being waged right here right now. The Patent WO 060606 for Microsoft appeared conveniently in the beginning of this plandemic, detailing how they want to reduce our bodies to data for them. If this plan goes on, they will analyze our bodies’ activity and they will give us tasks to accomplish, reducing us to digital slaves and “users” of our own bodies.

This is their plan. NOT THE REALITY NOW.

People needs to accept the RNA covid-19 vaccines to start changing the genome of their bodies and giving the transhumanist agenda a chance to become reality. It’s our duty to stay aware of this, rejecting the vaccines and spreading accurate information so all the people can give their consent or refuse without being fooled.

Here you have an extraordinary article talking about this patent, and all the abusive points of view which had lead humanity to this point, to the edge of being exploited as we have been exploiting nature all this time: … r-on-life/

#11 Re: English Forum » Covid19 - Let´s Expose the Scam » 2020-09-25 19:31:29

A powerful resource for helping those who are inside a covid-19 vaccine trial and are suffering adverse reactions: … ne-injury/

ICAN has a very active legal team behind who is currently suing and litigating the FDA and those responsible for vaccine damages. They operate in the USA, but they report what's happening all over the world through their weekly news platform The Highwire. They can make your voice being heard. Let's stop this madness of rushing a dangerous vaccines with no liability from manufacturers. It's time to hold them accountable. From the very beginning, before it is too late. (They plan to rise covid cases thanks to flu shots and these transhumanist Frankenstein monsters).

A letter from Belgian doctors and health professionals asking for an open debate and exposing the scam in each and every way:

They address the stupidity of masks, the nonsense of lockdowns, the irresponsibility of a vaccine, the biased narrative of the media and the collateral damages the current policies are bringing. Everything from a medical point of view full of common sense. They demand an immediate end of all measures cause they, from their medical point of view, consider there's no such basis for a state of emergency.

The story of a father trying to obtain a conscientious exemption for his 6-years old son not to wear a mask at the school: … -my-child/

He tells every step he took, including the whole letter he sent to the school, and the answers he got from the institution.

#12 English Forum » How to deprogram Illuminati Monarch slaves. » 2020-09-22 16:50:29

Replies: 2


Programming Mind Control slaves is the main tactic the dark forces use to take over the world.

This way, they can operate through external people, “puppets” to be blamed for the negative actions they are pushing forward with. A lot of key people’s assassinations in history were delivered by programmed mind-controlled slaves who were not even aware of their actions. They were programmed to kill, and programmers “activated” them using certain triggers they installed previously in the person’s mind. Once the job was done, they killed their puppet too.

This can be clearly seen in JFK’s murder. Know that the CIA is a front for Illuminatis, they depend on each other. Illuminatis provide money, power and control strategies, and the CIA provides a front for operating all over the world.

In the trauma-based mind-control programming for Monarch slaves; Illuminatis split, fragment and fracture the victim's mind using a lot of torture's techniques. Sleep deprivation, sexual abuse, overwhelming senses, aggressive stimulation, love bombing the child and then making the caregivers viciously abuse him or her, caging, starving, freezing… Often this programming starts before birth, sticking needles into the mother’s womb to poke the fetus, offering satanic blood sacrifices, leaving the pregnant mother alone in a forest, forcing premature birth to make the baby’s skin thin and painful when being hugged (every child desperately craves hugs, mixing love and pain in the little brain)... As a result, the mind dissociates. The victim enters a trance-state in which the consciousness separates from the physical body for surviving and standing the pain. The mind isolates these experiences and hides them in the subconscious as fragmented identities (“alters”) that the main personality, the soul (“the Core”) cannot access, unless the person is triggered or receives specific cues from the programmers.

At this moment, the brain starts working like a computer with a lot of folders. Each folder contains a separate identity ("alter") with emotions, stories, experiences… attached  to it. This identity can be associated with an animal, a person, a negative entity or even an object. Cues and triggers are the methods programmers use to open the folder ("activate the alter") when they want the victim to react in a certain way controlled by them. They consider themselves a kind of puppet masters. The hard disk of the person’s mind, the Core, remains untouchable. This part of the person cannot be programmed. It is the most innocent part, the integrity of the victim. The strength, the source of energy feeding the System: The Consciousness or Soul. As the programmers cannot manipulate this part, cause it comes from higher densities, they just hide it.

Like Swaruu said, the biology and DNA are the shadow of the Self above, and manipulations of DNA or the body from the physical world are just manipulations of a shadow. These changes do not alter the essence of the being above and they revoke themselves if the being above decides to change its projection. This is similar. The person’s Mind, the System of personalities or alters is the shadow of the Soul above. It can be changed by the Consciousness. According to Illuminati's own early research in the 1940s, if the Core is allowed to meet up with the alters, the brain’s essence or energy will work to pull the mind back together. Therefore, they separate and hide the Core from all the alters. This "brains's essence or energy" is the consciousness. They make the mind work like a fragmented disk of a computer, separating and hiding the consciousness from all the rest. The folders apart from the hard disk. None meeting each other.

Therapists’ approach to victims of this heavy mind-control programs often uses hypnosis. This way, "alters" show up themselves and therapists can discover how do they work. However, this does not solve the problem. The mind is still fragmented. These subconscious parts remain in the subconscious mind. It is necessary to enhance the natural process by which the Consciousness integrates "alters" in its Wholeness. Patients need to consciously meet alters.

Alters show up when external stimulation or cues trigger an emotional response in the person, a defined reaction. Emotional self-knowledge is the key here. Never repress emotions. The person must observe its own feelings. Without denying, judging or resisting. Repressing feelings or behaviors keeps alters hidden in the subconscious. They keep creating nightmares out of conscious mind's control. They need to come out and express themselves in the external reality, inside a controlled environment without harming anyone, like one’s house when nobody’s around. Through physical exercise, artwork, whatever can help the person expressing physically her emotional states. The person can, after that, observing the result and understanding better her own reactions.

Programmers often install negative trains of thoughts for making the person defeat herself. If the person observes how the emotions are flowing within, the Consciousness starts healing these parts automatically. The person starts to control his or her alters, instead of letting alters controlling him or her. The person gains the power to make this programming work FOR herself, not against herself. The person has the choice of how to react and when.

It’s important the person knows she or he has been victimized through a mind control programming, and how this programming was like. An excellent free online book to read about this is “The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave”, by Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier.

Practices as Mindfulness or Meditation are absolutely wonderful to help the victim practicing the Observer’s point of view. Deep breathing to get in touch with the Consciousness, and then looking at him or herself inside, how her or his own thoughts and emotions become clouds in the middle of the sky of His or Her Mind. The person chooses if picking this cloud is convenient to be expressed in the external world right here right now or if it is better to let the cloud flow inside the mind and waiting for the next one to be expressed. Thus, gaining control over his or her own life.

It’s key to know that the main purpose of the programmers is making the person obey. They want to be puppets' masters and they try to conquer this through fear, threatens, abuse, violence, torture, hypnosis, drugs, subliminal sounds and pictures… 

But if they fail in making the victim obey, they fail in absolutely everything.

Because of this, it is fundamental empowering the person to help stopping the dependency on his or her abusers. As Swaruu said, we’re the powerful Broken Shoes. Everything depends on our Consciousnessess, and right now, we’re struggling as humankind to break our dependency on our abusers: the governments.

Though it is true that knowledge is a big push for beginning, deprogramming ourselves is a never-ending process. True knowledge is always expanding itself. At some point, our Matrix deprogramming will merge with the normal process of re-creation of a Soul which happens in densities above the 3D. It goes on day by day, by daily learning from our experiences, from ourselves, our reactions and our emotions, by relying on our inner wisdom for facing life. Taking more and more control every time over who we are and who we want to be. Never imposing ourselves on others cause limiting other people’s experiences and thoughts is a contradiction in terms of expansion, therefore, learning.

Article by Marta Santos García, MSG

#13 Re: English Forum » Question/ Slavery On Planet Earth » 2020-09-22 15:25:08

I agree completely, mitkobs. Wonderful, clear and beautiful comment. The ones in power are being enslaved by themselves, cause the demons draining their energies are the parts of themselves which have not been illuminated yet by the light of their own consciousnessess.

Pedophiles, for example. The child they are abusing is their inner child. Their own innocence which has been drowned by their own greediness, apart from layers of mind control and traumas. But mind control and traumas need fragmented souls in order to fragment minds. Elite people leaded by greediness project their own innocence outside of them, in a child, and f*ck him or her. This is only the external projection of what they are doing to themselves, but they are not expanded enough to feel empathy for the child. This carries a lot of problems for them. Cause the external children have external parents, the external society damns these behaviours and there's a lot of external people who can be angry and turn against them. Self-regulatory rules of the environment.

#14 Re: English Forum » Question/ Slavery On Planet Earth » 2020-09-21 00:55:27

Kian369 wrote:

Today humanity is enslaved more then ever. This is done by so-called government by creating a fictional entity with the birth certificate, called a Natural Person. It is very much like a company, called a Trust. From birth to the signing of the birth certificate this Natural Person, with your name in ALL CAPS did not exist, and it is not you either. A Trust is a company identity where the requestor (the parent) splits the title to a property (in this case the physical body of a child) into a legal ownership (owned by so-called government) and a usage right for the benefit of a third party (the spirit of the child). We are unknowingly signed into slavery at birth by our parents, and the so-called government owns the legal right to our bodies (at least they think so), and therefore can tax the usage of our bodies and use violence and put us in jail if we don't comply.

Very interesting topic, this explains all the craziness going on in the world lately. So the government considers they are the owners of our bodies and we are just "renting" them? Who were the ignorant beings making these rules?

Mitkobs explains it very well, property is just an illusion. But, when it comes to our bodies, this gets even worse. Your body is inherently and undoubtedly yours cause you, your soul, you are the one creating and re-creating it every single second of your life. More than this: it is your property and the property of every single cell of yours, cause cells have their own consciousnessess, too.

This is like composing a song and someone next to you saying "you're using the song, but I am the owner. Just because I am more intelligent and greedy than you and I can imagine this craziness you could never imagine". Well, I guess this is what's already happening in music industry, for example. This world is a mistake of the universe, where the creators were dismissed by their creations. The government is the creation of the citizens of Earth, we could easily taking them down if we raised all together. That's why they need mind control based on fear, lies and pain.

For example, using trauma like Illuminati do for programming Monarch slaves. What do you think about it? I have been reading this book lately. It explains how Illuminati traumatize people since when they are fetuses, due to basic believes like souls compete for entering an embryo. When the souls are the ones creating their embryos. … 1&type=pdf

#15 Re: English Forum » Covid19 - Let´s Expose the Scam » 2020-09-20 22:10:16

A reliable weekly source of news and information about Covid since the start of this scam. Now, even CNN and The New York Times are following their steps. Here you've got... THE HIGHWIRE in the house smile … -on-covid/

In addition, the second episode of the season 2 of TRUTH, with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. being interviewed by J.P. Sears: … d6a7489fa8

A short 5 min. video of a lot of people standing firm:

#16 Re: English Forum » Changes in the world - News » 2020-09-20 21:38:07

Dr Enoch Metatron wrote:
Birgit wrote:

A British participant in AstraZeneca's coronavirus vaccine trial was diagnosed with a serious neurological disorder weeks after her second dose

been going on for millenia. study history, it's clear and explicit.


o_O' Original post from Birgit has been deleted! As a Moderator, I must repost again the new she has brought to us, cause she didn't break any rule of this forum. BigTech infiltrating this conversation? Anyway, I ask you Enoch to give facts instead of undermining another member of the forum. Being disrespecful is breaking this forum's laws. If you insist in this behaviour I will delete your post without warning the next time. Here is the new she was referring to: … cine-trial

Plus, another new talking about the impact this fact had in the J&J vaccine trial in Spain: … SKBN2662NL

It seems volunteers do not estimate it is "normal" to get transverse myelitis or multiple sclerosis just for a shot.

#17 Re: English Forum » Covid19 - Let´s Expose the Scam » 2020-09-18 12:56:13

“Plandemic: Indoctornation”

A very interesting documentary, which was heavily banned by mainstream media but it exposes how this was planned. It includes a short interview with Dr Judy Mikovitz, a heroine and whistleblower who was harassed for exposing Dr Fauci’s shadowed moves. … -premiere/

“Your body is their weapon”

How they mind control the population to make us all believe that we’re patients and the government will “take care of us”. Very clearly explained, by Amazing Polly

“From Lockdowns to the Great Reset”

How the aim for a global technocracy and transhumanism is leading the guidelines for Covid “health policies”. Article by Dr Anthony P. Mueller on GreenMedInfo

#18 Re: English Forum » Changes in the world - News » 2020-09-18 12:26:15

Quite disturbing. It’s also said this is not the first adverse reaction. A man developed esclerosis symptoms, but this case was hidden and AstraZeneca kept going on till the case of this woman came out. There’s a lot of cover ups in vaccines, and more than that: they select very healthy individuals for the trials. Very healthy individuals who end harmed this way. Just imagine making this vaccines mandatory for all the population, including the elderly and those already sick.

#19 Re: English Forum » Changes in the world - News » 2020-09-11 11:36:27

Seeker_Ivy wrote:

This is similar to the recent teacher scandal, where a male teacher was caught saying he doesn't like how remote learning gives the parents too much involvement in their child - children' s lessons. Making it hard for the teachers to indoctrinate their students with Cabal propaganda. Some teachers even jumped in sharing tips on how they limit the involvement of their student's parents into their lessons (...)

I could be wrong, but public education seems to be moving in the direction schools were in ancient times; which was as scouting & grooming institutions for new members of secret societies. In those times, parents knew that they weren't going to be made aware of their children/s' lessons in those institutions. Knowledge was heavily guarded & coveted back then, much as it continues to be in our time. hmm

Yes, yes, this is what dark agendas are pushing forward. They are based in the reptilian concept of indoctrinating children to enslave their souls by controlling their minds. Schooling in ancient times were like this when leaded by regressive stellar races.

They are the opposite of the positive learning which encourages the children to learn by helping them to remember who they really are, staying connected with their souls and their inner truth. This is quite a matriarchal concept, but is much more aligned with the progress of the Universe, where all the creatures have free will as it happens in every 5D planet (but ours).

Reptilians limited people’s minds making them believe in a materialistic, deterministic world. And they also limited knowledge by giving access to it only to the more obedient and dumb of the slaves.

That is why I am here, in this forum.

Because Taygetean team has showed to the human race another point of view, how they teach their children. I remember they said they consider playing a sacred time for the child, where he or she learns through his or her own experiences. They give all the children all the resources the society has achieved. This way, all the people has access to everything. They not limit their children, they don’t even have a monetary system. Swaruu said this is the reason why they can build huge spaceships to travel across the universe.

I think this way of learning is much more advanced than reptilians’ one. Just look at them. Taygeteans can jump to the ether and travel to every point of the galaxy they want in 7 hours SIT time. Reptilians are trapped here, in the best cases they use rudimentary portals in which they have to pass one by one. Artificial portals they try to fuel with natural portals, but as natural portals are inestable, they have a lot of problems with this.

It doesn’t seem their way of teaching is helping them very much.

#20 Re: English Forum » Changes in the world - News » 2020-09-10 23:26:54

I have found something very disturbing in a Telegram channel. There’s a lot of disturbing news lately happening all around the world, but they shared their concern about something specially dark: the website WikiHow targeting children by leading them to vaccinate without parental consent. I will share with you what they posted. What do you think about it? I think it’s pretty scary. I don’t know how WikiHow is allowed to spread such misleading propaganda. If you need the children to lie to their parents, there’s something very shady going on. This is what GreenMedInfo said about it:

“How could such a thing be published without scrutiny? Wikihow allowed 17 “anonymous” contributors to draft this deeply disturbing article which targets children, and attempts to remove parents (with the capacity to make informed and fully consented decisions about their children’s health) from their lives, coercing them into making decisions that could result in irreversible harm and death. How is this allowed? And who is responsible or pushing this egregious agenda on our  vulnerable children?
We need citizen researchers to investigate the board/officer ties between WikiHow and pharma/government, etc. They put this extremely harmful content out and list it as an anonymously created article — so no one, except their brand, is responsible. … al-Consent

#21 Re: English Forum » Introductions / greetings » 2020-09-10 22:50:53

Hello! My name is Marta.
I am from Spain. I am trying to find my place in this planet, although this is not easy.
I consider myself a very sensitive person who wants to help others in the best way possible, but I am not understood usually. I consider myself a lonely warrior, as a lot of star seeds here in this planet. I am thankful for Taygetean’s team disclosure, specially Swaruu’s one. It helped me to understand a lot of things, even when reality is always expanding and all the truths are expanding with it as well. This information triggered something very deep in me, it was the beginning of a process of self-discovering in a level which goes beyond this artificial Matrix reality imposed upon us. Greetings to all ❤️

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