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#2 Re: English Forum » Response from the stars » 2022-01-19 09:55:53

Hey again,

I want to share some thoughts about the matrix we're living in.

As a software engineer I am highly interested in such topics.

According to the Taygetans we're living in the 3D-Archon matrix - if I remember the naming correctly.

Did anyone of you ever thought about this:

If we're living in that simulation, the simulation must probably know everything about us - our thoughts and fears - what keep us going.

And everything we're experiencing is dictated through it. If the AI want to get rid of us it probably will do it.

But we're sources of thought - our power is intuition and creativity and I think that's the hardest ability to programm/imitate for AI.

According to my experiences there is absolutely no doubt we're living in a simulation.

If I was in the position of the AI - I would use humanity and it's creativity as a source of ideas in every way.

And probably every thought / view of the universe is true and were processed by the AI.

I think it's similar as that example: Don't think of a red apple. - > every single one who read that thought of that red apple.

And at least this is - for me - prove that we're co-creators. That we're way more powerful than we think.

I haven't talked about extraterrestrial life, yet - > this would all be possible with humanity and advanced AI.

I think the fact that probably both are true reinforce that statement drastically.

EDIT: If I were a hostile AI - I would at least now - isolate myself to a simulation where I can't wake people up.

#3 Re: English Forum » Response from the stars » 2022-01-18 14:32:51

Darja wrote:

@pixelxligt this blue ship
What is it?
Could it be a Taygetan ship?
Where/how did you see it?

Actually, you're the first person that interpret it as a ship - which is quite possible.

I did not see them before - it's like automatic writing. I don't know what's coming up.

Over the time I developed a sense of interact with this and put it into clearer forms.

And as far as I know lightcodes can be interpret in many ways. There is no right and no wrong interpretation.

Many different minds see different things in them - it depends on the perspective and the emotional level also your intellectual knowledge plays a major role while interpreting them. But it works on a subconscious level.

Some people claimed, as they saw my codes, sensation of sudden knowledge or emotions. Some reported tingling sensations in the area where the third eye is located. Some talked about DNA-Activations as they commented on them.

#5 Re: English Forum » Response from the stars » 2022-01-16 08:22:15

Hey again,

Today I want to share some of the light language/Lightcodes I drew.

lightlanguge example1

lightlanguge example2

lightlanguge example3

lightlanguge example4

lightlanguge example5

lightlanguge example6

lightlanguge example7

lightlanguge example8

lightlanguge example9

lightlanguge example10

lightlanguge example11

lightlanguge example12

lightlanguge example13

#6 Re: English Forum » Response from the stars » 2022-01-10 13:45:07

siriancheetah wrote:

stars in the night sky that you see are not "actual stars" they are lights from the ships high up in the sky

how do i know this ? , they are ets in the sky who are on their regular duty to light up the sky with their ships

i have seen these ships light up and light down before my eyes

i also talk to these ships or rather ets inside the ships around my house

i talk to them telepathically and they talk to me like friends , they are very friendly and i love them

i talk to them and say things like "can i see a light in the sky please" and they light up the lights in their ships

i almost see them 80% of the time i ask them and its really amazing

i ask them questions at times with telepathy and they answer my questions

according to them , they talk to people or show them lights who are above a certain level of their consciousness or high vibe

they are really nice to talk to and are like my family

they have shown me many miracles in the sky and in my room like lights blink in and out in my room so many times now like (1000) times or more maybe

high speed lights travel through walls and in front of me

they give me dna upgrades and some times make changes into my body with this ascension process

they help me clear heavy dense energy and sometimes erase memories of some traumatic experiences of the "past"

once i remember i was joking with them and we both started laughing , i was getting uncontrolled to the point where i count stop laughing
so they erased my memory and i got back to normal (i was trying my best to access those memories but i could't lol)

they teach me so many universal knowledge and things , they are like my best friends

i love ets !

also i can see their "invisible or clocked" crafts with my eyes because of dna upgrades

not like super clear , but i can see them move and their shapes in the sky


Thank you for open up and replying on that thread.

Actually, I had similar experiences and I had thought similar things about the stars. Except that I think that some are ships while other are stars like our sun.

The deletion of traumatic experiences happened to me as well - but I am re-remembering a lot of these in the last time.

Like you I saw the stars switch on and off - and just like in your case - if I ask them to show up, they normally do that.

I am most courious if we're all dealing with the same origin of these signals?

Do you had experiences with the matrix open up\malfunction to you as well?

#7 Re: English Forum » Response from the stars » 2022-01-10 11:48:19

Azirael Alcyone wrote:

Dear Pixel, That (referring to original post) could’ve almost been written by me. My guess is that you have been seeing what could be described as lightships, in lack of better terms. The craft can light up, or to be more accurate it’s a plasma flash created by their engines, the T’s have explained this and it can be found in videos, you can look it up. My experiences ‘with the lights’ back yours, they indeed can be communicated with telepathically. It’s difficult to say who they are. In my case there have been only limited number of times that I was able to set up two ways telepathic communication with them in order to get that kind of information. The last time was in last fall when I suddenly heard (telepathically) the words ‘This is Ventra’ and right away realized what was going on, went outside and saw them flashing the light. I actually did write on the forum that I look forward hearing from them. I got my confirmation all right smile

My experiences with what I call light language limit to hearing sort of Native American language in my head occasionally. I don’t know the words and what they mean. Telephone call from home, to my understanding. Apparently Taygetan bears resemblance to certain native American languages so that doesn’t surprise me much.

Most people think I’m 10-15 years younger. Sometimes it’s funny when colleagues almost my age call me youngster. Obviously genetics play their part but maybe it’s possible that holding high frequency makes you age slower.


First of all thank you for responding - I am most thankful for you to tell us/me that you saw signals like this, too.

Actually, there was something like you called telepathic like to me as well.

But - for me - it's quite hard to differentiate between thoughts and telepathic links but sometimes it's more than clear. Some of these communications was confirmed via the mentioned light signals.

Well, that's kind of embarrassing in the first place - that your thoughts are not private as you think but over the time I've come to terms with it.

They said among other things that they observe me my hole life and for 6 years they study me intensely.

The signals happen to me since that time period. It was kind of scary in the beginning - and they communicate on a very understanding manner. It appears that they care not to scare me/us.

#8 Re: English Forum » Response from the stars » 2022-01-07 10:28:16

Maybe first some basic information about me.

I was born on the 3rd of January 1989 in Berlin. That date is for some reasons special for me, because it's about pi 3.1 (I am obsessed with circles and geometry) - and on that date the earth is at it's nearest point to the sun. Fun fact: my daughter was born on 05.07 what is the day where the earth is at its farest point to the sun.

I was very courious about extraterrestrial life for my hole life. Since I can remember I am very interested in the structure of the universe and everything about space, time and consciousness.

I was raised strictly in christian-manner but I was courious about litterly everything and spend a good amount of time to research eastern and western religion and philosophy. I spend most of that time to study everything about buddishim.

Especially the philosopher Alan Watts helped me - he explained what had happened to me 2011 and 2018. He call it mystical experience or in that specific case inflation. It was misinterpreted by the doctors as schizophrenia.

I spend 4 months in the mental hospital and they forced me to take the medicine for schizophrenia (Till today they force me to take the minimum dosis).

I hadn't realized what happened to me since 2018 where I experienced some other strange, unbelievable and sometimes unexplainable things. I'll try to summarize some of these events.

In the year 2018 I started to realize that we create our reality. And manifestation started to work - sometimes it was very scary because in our society we're trained to concentrate on negative things.

But the fact, that manifestation works and we're litterly co-creators of this reality is most outstanding and mind blowing especially with western religion background knowledge.

We're litterly brainwashed to fall in negative mindsets. Nevertheless I imagined/manifested some painful and shocking events in that time but I learned a lot. The matrix exposed itself sometimes to me.

I saw birds stuck in the air (on a sunny day without wind).

I remember that I changed location without walking (teleportation).

It seems that I got direct responses to my thoughts - on different ways. As I mentioned before via light signals in the sky. But also on social media, radio, music and litterly everywhere.

Once I broke a plate and there was more pieces than needed to repair that plate - I had only one of those plates but the pieces didn't fit and would have made at least 1,5 of that plate.

I will add more later. That's what I remember for now and not too private.


I mentioned before that something called light language happen to me since quite some time now. You can see the movements here:

I'll try to collect some of the drawings I did and make a video on that, too. I got about 900-1200 pages of that light codes.


After my research for extraterrestrial hybrids characteristics on the internet I realized that they fit me to 98 %.

Some of these characteristics are that children and animals feel very drawn to me. And many people say that I am quite intelligent.

I feel like I can sense the intentions and emotions from others people. Sometimes, if I know that person long enough, it feels sometimes like I know what's going on in their heads. Actually some people had asked me if I am able to read their minds.

Some physical characteristics are my nose is very slim and I got a slightly elongated skull and very slim and long fingers. I feel more comfortable in warmer areas and it seems that my aging process is way slower than others.

Maybe I'll add some more details later on


And I heard about starseeds before - some people told me that they recognized my aura and told me that my starseed origin is sirian. I did some research on that and the description fits me very well.

#9 Re: English Forum » Response from the stars » 2022-01-06 08:03:47


first of all - thank you for responding. I had read some of your post yesterday over here.

I think we had similar experiences in relation of a spiritual awakening. Mine started in the year 2011.

And I think you could be right, that the communication originate from negative forces.

Nevertheless it's quite interesting for me.

I am thinking about to open up a bit about what happened to me in that thread - later on. Maybe it will help some people later.

#10 English Forum » Response from the stars » 2022-01-05 11:57:37

Replies: 19

Hi together,

I thought now for a long time to ask here for further information about some things happen to me for some time now.

It seems when I look at the night sky other forms of intelligence are answering my thoughts with light signals. It could not longer be a coincidence.

But I am quite unsure who could be the transmitter of these signals/responses.

Most of the information I got from yes no questions are too private to share them publicly.

Can someone give me some advices how to react to that?

Maybe they're reading this and start a conversation over the e-mail function over here.


Another thing happen to me is something called light language - it happens as drawings and as movements. I think that's liked up somehow to the extraterrestrial phenomenon.

Maybe someone want to exchange experiences?
And people around me get courious about that it seems that I don't age. According to them I look like 19/20 but I am now 33 y/o.

Because of this, among other phenomenons I observed on myself - I looked up for characterics about extraterrestrial-hybrid lifeforms and 98 % of the described symptoms fitting me perfectly.

Maybe some else has similar experiences or further information on this.

Many greetings to all of you -

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