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#1 Re: English Forum » A cool web diagram of pretty much everything we learned » 2022-06-21 12:19:16

Who the hell made this?

I don't know whether to be embarrassed or proud that I have gone down every crazy rabbit hole on this poster.  No shit, I actually have.  Its wild to see them all listed out this way.  Hard to believe I spent this much time over the years on so much click bait.  I might be a bit too curious.  Maybe my critics have a point after all, cause looking at this -  I feel nuts right now.  haha

This thing reminds me of another kind of self-help test that usually ends with something like:  If you got a score of over [X] you definitely are  [Fill In The Blank]


#2 Re: English Forum » Is the COVID narrative about to pivot dramatically? » 2022-01-28 17:19:03

Here's what you can expect... vaccines were stage one.  there will be many non health related events going on to wear populations down simultaneously, but the next stage of bio-terrorism will be manufactured outbreaks of programmable diseases they can activate in the vaxxed populace that will include an expanded dragnet to scoop up non vaxxed along with them.  It will all seem like random acts of god or stories will be floated out that tie each new cause of mortality to the one before it that the sheeple will buy into as they dutifully cue up for death wherever they are told.  And as in the past our overloads will present a concerned image while making the worst decisions you can imagine every step of the way.  Then, its very likely covid will return as yet another variant they will again have a new vax for.  wash rinse repeat until there is nobody left. so it is a type of repeatable siege warfare we can look forward to.  Already I see the prep for this.  i.e. truck full of monkeys crashes and a woman gets monkey covid.  I mean, wow, you just gotta laugh its so implausible.  Then we got the omicron vaccine announcement.  You see the pattern?  They will do the same things over and over while adding new scams, the value of which will all be incremental gains in all cause mortality they can earn while they add drums to the fear drum kit.  Then the business model introduces covid non vax tax and carbon credit and climate change hokum and CBDC just as the dollar collapses.  Hell the fed will raise int rates a few basis points as soon as March and the helicopter money and asset purchases that have kept a zombie stock market alive will cease inflation will shoot up and whatever is still available to buy will be barely affordable and just like that.. POW! instant wealth transfer.  Just one of the many ways to accomplish that.  Where I am I can hunt food but I would not at all be surprised if they come over here and announce deer covid as an excuse to wipe out the edible wildlife I might live off of in a pinch.  What we all need to do is just laugh off everything they throw at us, absorb or sidestep each punch they throw as they come out, knowing they will never tire of punching and just outlast the siege if we can.  Black markets will pop up all over for everything we need to maintain.  World domination always fails, always, so unless they really do kill off all but the few they decide to allow they will fail.  Everyone aware of this plan just needs to stay in the game.  This is a long game they are playing and it is all or nothing to them.  Problem is they are vampires in the sun at this point.  We can just calmly wait, adapt and overcome.  Like marines.  They will hide any evidence of losing even the smallest skirmish.  Expect that.  But know they are not sitting back all confident.  We are massively outgunned here but they are biting their nails because of the feverish effort they must maintain at redline.  This is where you break out some good old Sun Tzu principles of resistance warfare.  This will take everything they have to win and it may not be enough.  Just my take, but its what I see from my perspective.  I am just one guy but I will still be alive and healthy 10 years from now, I promise you that.  make sure you are as well.  It would be great if you can save a few people along the way like I try to, talking loud to whomever can still hear, but if staying alive yourself is all you can manage to do, that is an incremental gain on our team right there.  so tend to yourself  and award yourself a medal of valor for the win because you matter.  -John

#3 Re: English Forum » Advice from one more source(Inelia Benz) about the jab damage reversal » 2022-01-28 15:37:28

Thanks Darja.  What you mention is a multi level word game of ambiguous language and inference.  With regard to the Wuhan leak story about bio-weapons and all that, nothing leaked from anywhere, but research was done, dangerous and deadly tools and things were acquired so not arguing that, but the idea in general that this is a mess that occurred because someone left a door open is utterly ridiculous.  That story and many others are just plausible ways to introduce people to the fictitious reason for vaxxing the planet.  Same with the tall tales of species jumping viruses and spontaneous outbreaks of shockingly horrible diseases.  all bunk.  I begin with a premise of everything promoted is a lie and only adjust that assumption if I can prove its not.  Gain of function research is a type of activity, certainly, but they have already redefined that as something else just to obfuscate any historical crime even more.  Bottom line for me, I deal with what is.  I barely care where that is said to have come from, as should you.  Are we historians or problem solvers?  I strive to be the latter even if ultimately, as I read here, those efforts are futile.  When I wrote that book I honestly believed I had a way to undo this but today, just a brief time later and maybe a thousand of so pages of info from diverse sources and I now think I can maybe ease some suffering, maybe slow the progress towards death, but thats about it. vaxxed people are all ticking clocks that will stop before they otherwise would have, many much sooner.  It bothers me to have to realize this is an impossible problem that has no fix.  I think there is value in going out fighting, value in hope, certainly value in overcoming needless fear.  The vaxxed people screwed up.  Its just a life, they were never immortal in that body to begin with.  Look death in the eye when it comes and shake hands with it.  Then get back in whatever line you want to get into.  Its not a big deal.  probably a lot more liberating it they can accept it and just go live large in the time they have.  Most people would not want to be told how they will end, but a lot of people got that news anyhow.  I would say to them; so now you know, so what?  Whats done is done.  Go shopping and dont think about it.  enjoy today and maybe warn someone that will listen if you can.  Make your death a positive.  -John

#4 Re: English Forum » What will be the fate of the Starseeds should things get really bad? » 2022-01-21 01:03:50

I plan on hanging around long enough to eat their lunch!  ROFL  If they want me they gotta try harder.  Thus far I'm just laughing at their incompetence.

#5 Re: English Forum » How to free oneself and manifest one's ideal reality here and now. » 2022-01-21 00:55:40

true forgiveness means giving up the right to bear a grudge.  you may never call upon that slight ever again for any reason.  It is as if it never occured

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