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#1 Re: English Forum » Staying safe » 2022-03-19 16:33:07

fionntain wrote:
Happy wrote:
fionntain wrote:

I also take into consideration that this message was a translation from Spanish (i think) of a translation from her language to spanish, so a lot of discernment is required.

I think we can safely assume that Anéeka is proficient in all languages spoken/communicated with Gosia & Robert. Gosia is also proficient in both Spanish and English, so any ambiguity stemming from translation-issues can be ignored in this.

Hi Happy

Thank you

Bliss be with you and so it is :-)

i have been reflecting on your words and i wish to clarify my original message. If one is speaking to someone in ones own language there are occasions when the other person does not understand what has been said, despite clarifications. The words being used, the emphasis, the rhythm, the tone, the structure and more, so many elements to any message. Its like a symphony We are all coming from different frequencies, emotional states, value systems, beliefs and conditionings. Yes there are many similarities but no two people are the same and we are all going to filter, to interpret differently, some slightly some a lot and every level in between. So i suggest we have to be cognisant of that when we are communicating. I feel this is even more the case when we are communicating with people whose mother tongue is not the same as ours and further again when communicating with a race from another planet. I feel its the natural law and i take that into consideration when i read anything the Taygetans are saying through Gosia and Robert.

#2 Re: English Forum » Staying safe » 2022-03-10 16:36:45

Robert369 wrote:
fionntain wrote:

“But you are not going to protect yourself from the vaccinees, the graphene is in the water itself.

It is your decision to follow the advice of using clean and healthy self-distilled water (not the crap from the industry) or whatever other toxic source. You also can use chembusters to stay safe from chemtrails, etc.. Living healthy (aka without industry toxins and radiation) and having a working immune system will take care of the rest - which is why the first shot aims at destroying the immune system for good.

This means that solutions exist for many problems, but one truly needs to firstly understand the problems and then go for solutions.

This being said: Raising your frequency and inner abilities to protect yourself energetically is the ultimate path, and it is where Humanity needs to go as a race anyways to get ready for a better future. So, why not going that path of self-responsibility, self-empowerment with a focus on the available solutions, instead of living in fear and focus on the problem ?

Hi Robert369

Thank you

Bliss be with you and so it is :-)

#3 Re: English Forum » Staying safe » 2022-03-10 16:35:35

Happy wrote:
fionntain wrote:

I also take into consideration that this message was a translation from Spanish (i think) of a translation from her language to spanish, so a lot of discernment is required.

I think we can safely assume that Anéeka is proficient in all languages spoken/communicated with Gosia & Robert. Gosia is also proficient in both Spanish and English, so any ambiguity stemming from translation-issues can be ignored in this.

Hi Happy

Thank you

Bliss be with you and so it is :-)

#4 Re: English Forum » Staying safe » 2022-03-09 15:32:23

Edith_S wrote:

Hi fionntain, Dablin,

I agree that living in fear is a bad choice and isolating oneself also isn't a solution either.

I intend to be safe by creating a golden bubble of light around me and also I declare that I am healthy and protected, and able to provide help and good service to those who ask - by being inspired, joyful and free !

Hi Edith_s

Thank you for your message. Yes fear will not bring us through this. However there is much fear around and it is crucial that we can face it, or at least enough of us can face it and respond to it with love when it arises. For me this is possible because as the Taygetans have said, I am Source, not just part of source. Your words appear to resonate with this. As i have said above, we must stand now as the powerful beings we already are, facing all that is happening in our bodies, minds and emotions and setting our focus firmly steadfastly on what we truly desire.

Thank you for reading. I wish you all that you desire.

#5 Re: English Forum » Staying safe » 2022-03-09 15:08:40

Dablin wrote:
fionntain wrote:

Hello. I dont have the covid juice. Reading the transcripts from most the videos on this subject i feel i need to keep a 2m distance, no touching and do not share cutlery and dishes, when living with a person that has taken the covid juice. Do i need to take other precautions or less precautions. Stopping shaking hands and hugging certain people because of the juice is a big decision to make

Don't isolate yourself from your loved ones and the world because of the vaccinated. As far as I'm aware, if you are not vaccinated your are already mostly alright. But you must understand that we have been attacked via other means for years, ie. our food, air, water supplies. None of us are uncontaminated. The vaccination is dangerous for sure; it floods the body with horrendous amounts of poison that obviously has very rapid affects on the body. Saying that though, I recommend just using common sense. If you are afraid someone has something that could spread to you; act accordingly. Just don't be afraid of the vaccinated.

As per my martial arts training I have intense physical interactions with vaccinated people (though are unvaccinated myself). It doesn't concern me the slightest. If there is risk then such is life; how the hell am I suppose to avoid that short of living in the hills or ending myself? It's unreasonable to expect otherwise. I keep myself fit and healthy and mostly well informed. Its the best any of us can do in this situation.

My biggest suggestion; don't act in fear. You will be at far greater risk from things worse then the vaccinated if your life is driven by it.

Thank you Dablin for responding. Please forgive my long answer. I wish to show you where i am coming from. I ask my question from as objective a place as my body and mind can be in at this time. Fear is not influencing it. I agree there are already, long before this gene juice, many ways to be contaminated.

“Robert: But you are not going to protect yourself from the vaccinees, the graphene is in the water itself. Anéeka: Yes, it is everywhere, even in chemtrails. It is to promote the reactivity of biological organisms to electromagnetic radiation among other things. But it is in small quantities compared to the content of the inoculations. And since the inoculations contain not only graphene but many other harmful things, they obviously have to be avoided at all costs.”                                               Vaccines, Covid, Viruses - Information Mix - Anéeka of Temmer 8Oct2021 Odysee

Are people with these said inoculations contagious? Yes, according to the Taygetans, however to what extent is not clear

“Question: How do we know if a vaccinated person has contaminated us? Anéeka: It is very difficult to know because the symptoms can be of diseases that have always existed, such as influenza. That is why vaccinated people are dangerous, but because of the little we know about it at the moment, it is difficult to know unfortunately. And we don't know to what extent they are, or are not, contagious” Vaccines, Covid, Viruses - Information Mix - Anéeka of Temmer 8Oct2021 Odysee

But she has said it is transmittable in the following ways

“Dr. Alex: Can it be transmitted through breast milk (mother-child), semen (sexually), saliva (kissing), aerosols (cough nearby)? Anéeka: It can definitely be transmitted in those ways, and also airborne. However, it seems to have a range of two meters in a direct way as far as direct exosome is concerned” Graphene, Vaccines, Nanotechnology - Aneeka Responds Dr Alex´s Questions nov 21 Odysee

If we are to take Aneeka of Temmers words literally and true then we are advised to keep our distance from others unless we know they are not inoculated. I also take into consideration that this message was a translation from Spanish (i think) of a translation from her language to spanish, so a lot of discernment is required. As of today if no other info comes to light i will maintain this protocol of a 2m distance, no skin touching and no sharing cutlery and dishes, which is relatively easy for me to do it, with little change in lifestyle, and i will advise all others who do not have the gene juice to treat those with it as contagious until further notice.

“Anéeka: The only way to protect against vaccinated ones is by the same methods that have been used to isolate people with highly contagious diseases. That is, isolation, distancing and assigning personal utensils, so that they are not shared. We still do not know for sure how contagious the vaccinated people will be for the unvaccinated, but any risk will be less than that of being directly vaccinated, since the injection of substances directly into the bloodstream passes or bypasses all the body's self-protection systems such as the mucous membranes or the skin itself “                                                             Vaccines, Covid, Viruses - Information Mix - Anéeka of Temmer 8Oct2021 Odysee

The search for a remedy continues and Dr Alex and Aneeka have shared their EMP pulse findings which are inconclusive. Another idea being discussed on many platforms is the idea of detoxing and as i understand it ‘energetically clearing the body’. For Aneeka of Temmer these appears to be a non-runner

“ Question: So the natural mechanisms of healing and elimination (detox) are not enough to get rid of the chemicals in the injection? Why not? Anéeka: That's right, they are not, and that's because the damage is at the genetic level. They become modified organisms, GMO people.
Question: Why can't the toxins from the vaccine be eliminated from the body? Anéeka: Because they reproduce, because the body needs enzymes that degrade and break down compounds in order to process and eliminate them and there are no enzymes for those compounds. Also because the damage is at the intra-cellular genetic level. They cannot be cleaned because physically they are already another person 
Robert: And what would you say to those people who say that increasing their frequency will disable the vaccine? Anéeka: Let them try that first being immune to drinking caustic soda using only the mind, and we will speak later. Do not be naive, the population in general will not be able to achieve that, to say that is criminal….I have told you before that it is like a bullet in the head. It is that drastic….People do not see it because it is not immediate. “                                                                                                                                               Vaccines, Covid, Viruses - Information Mix - Anéeka of Temmer 8Oct2021 Odysee

I will maintain a watchful brief. And yes fear will not bring us through this. However there is much fear around and it is crucial that we can face it, or at least enough of us can face and respond to it with love when it arises. For me this is possible because as the Taygetans have said, I am Source, not just part of source. I am the real deal. I am the creator. You are the creator. We have collectively created this mess and this beauty, only we can get ourselves out of this mess and begin to enjoy this beauty. We must stand now as the powerful beings we already are, facing all that is happening in our bodies, minds and emotions and setting our focus firmly steadfastly on what we truly desire.

Thank you for reading. I wish you all that you desire.

#6 Re: English Forum » Covid19 - Let´s Expose the Scam » 2022-03-08 17:52:10

jakx wrote:

What is the full form of COVID-19?

I remember in some video Swaruu saying 'Covert Operation Vir...' something.

Does anyone remember?

Anéeka (replying to Roberts question May2020) C overt O peration V irus I mminent D estruction - 2019 COVID-19. Yes. It is a military operation. It is interesting to see that it was legally forbidden to say the word virus, or coronavirus, note that no one uses it anymore, it is covid-19 now. It is because it is not a virus.

#7 English Forum » Staying safe » 2022-03-08 14:42:48

Replies: 14

Hello. I dont have the covid juice. Reading the transcripts from most the videos on this subject i feel i need to keep a 2m distance, no touching and do not share cutlery and dishes, when living with a person that has taken the covid juice. Do i need to take other precautions or less precautions. Stopping shaking hands and hugging certain people because of the juice is a big decision to make

#8 Re: English Forum » Looking for the link to a transcript » 2022-03-08 14:28:52

Thank you Happy for your reply, just noticing it now, still finding my way round, i really appreciate your energy. Every best wish for you :-)

#9 English Forum » Looking for the link to a transcript » 2022-03-04 09:53:41

Replies: 4

Hi i'm looking for the link to the transcript that reads: Current Affairs - Anéeka of Temmer
(Extraterrestrial Contact - Taygeta - Pleiades) -TEXT ONLY - CENSORED IN YOUTUBE
thank you

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