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#1 Re: English Forum » How Did You Find Cosmic Agency? » 2022-05-14 08:23:20

I found CA through the series. I work on the 80/20 Pareto principle for channelling, i.e. 80% is influenced by infiltration. When learned that CA and the Taygetans went through the internet I thought, ah no filters, no bias. I am a former soldier (reserves), police officer and HR Manager (no conflict there because they all deal with human conflict) and from that point of view I have always been solidly grounded. Most channelling is airy fairy, floating on clouds stuff, so after watching many CA videos I was relieved to find the Taygetans were like us (they go to the bathroom!) only more refined at the 5th density level. And if they don't know the answer they say so! It's refreshing to find life in 5D is practical and we are not the only ones with problems.

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