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#1 Re: English Forum » Technical Forum » 2024-01-14 22:38:07

Tardisman wrote:

Hi Gosia, Robert & Toleka crew.

How are you?

Thank you all for doing a great job!

I have some technical questions that I would like to ask.

I understand there are restrictions on what can be discussed, so I’ll
try to stay within acceptable parameters.

When studying Electrical Engineering, we are taught that theoretically;

In a purely Capacitive circuit, the Amperage will lead the Voltage by
ninety degrees.

And, in a purely Inductive circuit, the Voltage will lead the Amperage
by ninety degrees.

We are given mathematical formulas / equations to calculate what the
Phase Angle will be, depending on how much Resistance / Inductance /
Capacitance is in a circuit.

But the reason for why this phenomenon occurs is generally not
discussed as it is not well understood.

We only have theories...

Can the Toleka crew shed some light on this subject?

Thanks again for all you do.



Blessed Love,

Surely, there are a lot of things in electrical and electronic sciences(applied science thus 'engineering') are kept out of minds of apt scholars.

Eric Dollard has remarkable story to tell in this regard...

In time, as societies allows 'new thinking'--Education 2.0 and Education 3.0; there is bound to be paradigm shift in all sciences and common understanding in regard to matter, energy, time and space and consciousness.

Fundamental description and definitions of nearly all 'energetics' referring and/or relating to 'electrical/light phenomenon' are 'knowing things in part'--sometimes knowing things very superficially.

Eric Dollard has an interesting  take of general electrical phenomenon--something that does not flow in a wire or conductor... Space and counter-space implications applying.

Just like 'telegraphic equation' emerged from Oliver Heaviside and symbolic algebra by Charles Steinmertz, new way of thought conception and experimentation is going to reorient electrical sciences and usher in new technological breakthroughs.

Probably there have been 'breakthroughs' and discoveries that have been censored by the establishment in these electrical fields--take into notice Hutchison effect or John Searl's magnetic invention; it does not require hard science--mathematical formulations and calculations to figure out the secrets of 'matter and energy'.

All mathematics exploit 'quantitative symmetry' in forms and dynamics yet they can't reveal the mystery of 'the Force'... It a very 'sectional deduction' of observable reality--blind to the cause.

Electrical phenomenon for example is 'Spatial'--very spatial in search a way/sense a 'coil' and/or 'capacitor' function within the auspiciousness of such spatial and counter spatial energetics.

Again, Voltage/Current/Resistance are 'measurable' while in actual essence they have affinity with 'form' and 'inertia'; all universe could be 'electrical'.

A coil of wire, two opposing mirroring surfaces, inductor and capacitor, are structural link and magic to the universal electric nature.

Thus tweaking with 'geometries of coils' and 'polar surfaces' can lead to 'unconventional results' in forms and orientation in space.

Likewise, working with 'energetic crystals' can open new doors to our understanding of 'energy and forms' with both conventional and non conventional forms of electricity/electrical phenomenon.

These are well known and advanced in 'Classified Dark Projects' nevertheless very soon it is going to be 'public knowledge' upon all of us; the key is 'loosening up our old conceptions pertaining to reality' and acknowledging we have been systematically 'grounded away' from further possibilities of 'exploring and investigating' electrical phenomenon.

Experiment with coils-- coils which can be 'non-cylindrical' for example :conic coils; and/or 'toroidal coils' like in the case of Rodin Coil... With capacitance, experiment with tipped versus curves surfaces or say cylindrical with conductive center... These may pave a way to new understanding to 'Sexed Electrical Phenomenon'...

An electric circuit can be a reflection of a single beam in 'counter-spatial' extended reality... Voltage and Current reflecting dynamism of 'space and counter-space' shifting imbalances. In DC electrical phenomenon, a conductor is functional nexus of 'Force|Current|Harmonic Magnetic Field Strengths'; then again Left or Right Thumb rule is nothing but half-way 'cubical' extrapolation of 'solid matter/form/densities'.

What is direct current really if 'nearly infinity switching on and off' can yield persistence of 'steady magnitude/strength' of 'voltage'?

In this regard 'frequency' has something to do with 'Inertia'... DC electrical is 'boundary' functional tendency towards 'denseness' of form, frequency and thus the rate of switching control the 'opaqueness' of any temporal spatial systems.

We can take this to investigate, how a circuit of an inductor and capacitor is key to 'communications' and 'transposition' of 'solid/illusive' forms--in electrical implication this matter is usually 'grounded' into the mathematics of 'impedance' and 'resonances'... That, 'Power is maximum' at the frequency march between a capacitor and coil when there is 'maximum magnitude value in reactance' -- magnitude valuein terms of inductive and capacitive 'responsive frequency' i.e dynamic and active resistivity'.

Inductor and Capacitors are 'active components' in electrical systems; active as per 'switching' and/or 'transient' dynamism s.

In typical electrical circuit Capacitor blocks 'DC current' while allowing 'AC current' within 'transient realism' of 'Permissibility' of electrical persistence.

Thus in actual sense, even with a DC current current will seem to flow in very short time--a duration related to the charging capacitor itself--it when a capacitor is fully charged no more DC current is going to 'flow'; This occurs similarly in the case of inductor but with reference to 'varying electrical potential'. An inductor operate with 'magnetic propensities' while capacitor works with 'electronic' propensities i.e 'charge'.

Resonance of say, typical Inductor-Capacitor circuit has something to with coherent interaction of 'magnetic' and 'charge' dynamism in electrical circuit/system.

When the rate of 'collapsing magnetic strength' is synchronous to 'charge building up' it is something we deduct as 'Reasonance'; sympathetic frequency of 'active components' of 'electrical magic' whereby it is possible to harness such phenomenon for 'communication' or even other kinds of electromagnetic utility...

Voltage lag and/or Current lag is something to do with 'orthogonality' of 'space and counter space' dynamism of electrical phenomenon in 'active component' whereby voltage rise to the peak while current dwindles to 'no flow' in a capacitor--voltage lags in a capacitor; the opposite happens with the 'coil/inductor'--varying current is opposed with 'equal but opposite' inductance reactance causing observable current lag in the coil/inductor.

'Orthogonality' of 'space and counter space' is that 90 degree phase angle reflected in 'phenomenal sequence' in between 'voltage' and 'current' strengths.

In this regard, much is missed in 'minds' which is overwhelmed by 'mathematical extrapolation rather than 'creative visualization' of an electrical phenomenon.

It is not very far from truth to realize the possibility of say counteracting gravity with 'electrical power'--it is something to do with 'circular dynamism' akin to 'mirroring' of 'electrical capacitance' in an ample electrical system consisting of 'geometrical orientation' -- geometrical orientation of rotating magnetic fields as guided by 'LC like energetics'.

Our entry level anti gravity vehicles, within 10-15 years to come -- will be based on simple designs deploying toroidal chambers/kernel of mercury amalgam--fast rotating mercury under influence of DC power; Yazhi would emphasize 'low voltage-high current';The ongoing rising interest in aerial vehicles -- actual vehicles which are actually 'drones on steroids' -- is 'transitional stage'. It is going to pave a way for 'energy portability, efficiency and precision' in meeting transportation needs and technological marvel of very near future...

This requires us to open the door for new and better understanding of 'electrical phenomenon' especial pertinent to conductivity, circuitry, energetics and control sciences.

Metallurgical sciences have to upgrade; we have got to investigate 'evidence' of 'peculiar metal traces' in living tissues--living tissues of say 'roots' of some plants and trees so as to develop new ways of 'extracting' or 'cooking up metal' for unusual technological developments/uses...

#2 Re: English Forum » Document sent to system and quadrant level Galactic Federation » 2023-11-13 18:27:21

== 15 : The Freedom Key : Dhammapada: The Way of ‘the Buddha’ ==

All life is LIVING INTELLIGENCE in Action.

Consciousness focalizes and shape any context of ‘moving active intelligence’.

‘Moving active intelligence’ is the domain of space-time-energy-form/matter.

In this sense, it is the consciousness itself ‘inner and outer border’ of ‘moving active intelligence’.

All this within the domain of ‘moving active intelligence’ are intelligible through ‘mind’.

In this regard, mind itself ‘is a thing’ – something instrumental for ascertaining ‘inner and outer border’ of any ample context of functional reality.

Harnessing 'Time'? Is it Possible?

If 'Energy' can be defined as Potency and Condition to Assort Order out of Temporal Chaos then this suggests a number of things:-

- Any fathomed form is an order; since it can be so recognized then it is a piece of 'Information'...

- Potency and Condition are 'Intertwined' all the time to trigger a potential cognizable 'sense'...

- Any shift of form or transformation is actually taking place through a chaos--say, even through a certain indefinitely 'amount' of 'temporal measure'.  Should we resolve it respectively to knowledge through the 'Thresholds' -- that is 0/1; the opposite to that is 1/0 which tends to infinity--the horizontal 8... Now we have cipher 1, 0 and 8 and in 2D deduction we have the '+' -- the 'cross'...

- Mind of an observer is implicated; least in a passive way.

How does this apply to a core proposition-- energy from 'Time' or 'Hidden' perennial dimension of 'Power/Template Order and Chaos'?

-Geometry, the frozen music, can do the trick to facilitate the exact gnosis...

- Order is auspicious to dimensionality and symmetry. Change/Transformation is elusive; and may involve more than just memory and association within the single dimensionality to 'comprehend extensively'.

-There is an extended capacity and possibility of deciphering 'intelligent elements behind forms' in order to effect that which seemly impossible.

- Mind is the door to 'enter' and/or 'transcend' interpretation of forms and dynamics. One way to begin with is to apply thinking within the thresholds of dimensionality; thus 0 and 1.

The notion of 'Zero Point Energy' may be connotative of the cross-bearing of TIME; and the mind itself is the potential TIME MACHINE.

If the mind is in the Middle/Boundary of potential cognition, then there is Chaos and Order available within unlimited Dimensions and All Possibilities.

Picture source: Time-Reacto-patent

Mind activity is ‘modulation of Consciousness’; and Consciousness itself is ‘Zero Point Energy’--zero point energy of all and everything.

This understanding share the same ground and extension of ‘Maya’ considerations – illusions of form originating upon the frame of reference of an Observer’s Reality and Attention.

It is from this context of  Observer’s Reality and Attention, Gautama Buddha founded the four(4) noble truths as basis for the self-determination to be free from all ‘mortal samsara’.

In this regard of ‘Samsara’, mortal physical incarnations of sentient being, follows the ‘intelligible patterns’ of ‘moral causality’ and attachment to ‘thoughts/passion/desire/longings’.

There innate nature for ‘soul wandering’ yet there is ‘eternal unchangeable reality – rather beyond ability and capacity for mind to be rendered useful’.

Beyond what mind is able to ‘intellect’ is described by mystics as SILENCE; peace beyond all understanding.

Buddha enterprised for the ultimate possibility of an individual to attain the state of supreme awareness of THAT SILENCE. The state in which ‘there is no self/no Soul’, yet again there is ‘No time’.

Buddha called the path full absorption in this state of Silence – path to Samadhi, in Oneself, as Dhammapada.

On the course for dhammapada is the reality of the ‘Wheel of Dharma’ that Buddha taught as ‘The Eightfold Path’.

It is the ‘Eightfold Path’ of Buddha, and its contextual Dharma in Oneself, auspicious to ‘Sovereign Integral’; and so forth ‘the Trizanium’.

Right Understanding, Intention, Speech, Action, Livelihood, Effort, Mindfulness and Concentration are all contexts of the Actionable Choice Making in Oneself.

Connotations of ‘Right’ is ‘Balance’; in this regard it is the balanced ‘sensations’ and ‘rational interpretative depths’ that bestow auspicious ‘Self Awareness’ – typical self awareness rooted ‘mindfulness’ and ‘livelihood’.

Contexts of  Mindfulness apply to ‘Understanding’, ‘Speech’ and ‘Action’; for mundane existence and inter-personal engagements; while it applies the same for ‘Intention, Wisdom and Livelihood’ as propensities for ‘Systems View’ for ‘non confrontational life’ with all existence.

Contexts of Mindfulness apply to ‘Effort’, ‘Intention’ and ‘Concentration’ for ‘modulating high or low’ the sensations of physical reality along with their ‘thoughts and feelings’ counter parts. In this regard, ‘cessation of mind’ is an auspicious state free from ‘contemplations’ on life.

Contexts of Mindfulness is the Vipassana – watchfulness / witnessing processions of mind and senses without ‘identifying’ with ‘happenings’. In this regard, vipassana is a technique of ‘finding the zero point of mind’ where only unmodulated consciousness can be ‘experienced’ without ‘self identification’ – implied ‘Emptiness’ in Oneself.

With remnant of mind essence with minimal interaction, towards the state of total ‘emptiness’, the experience of witnessing / watchful individual, is engulfed by the elated senses of Joy, Bliss and/or simply unfathomable depth of Peace.

With remnant of mind essence with mastered interaction, vast expanses of worlds, intelligible constitutions and functioning are made ‘knowable’ as first hand ‘experience’ to an individual in mindfulness concentration in ‘the illusions of self/Being and time’.

With remnant of mind essence with mastered interaction, the wheel of dharma can be ‘mastered from another side of transcendental reality’ to enable messiah-ship / mahdi / boddhisatva extentions of self / Being and Time.

Extended realities to self / Being and Time through the Buddhic traditions are thus the edification of ‘cross bearings’ of ‘cycles of knowledge’ of an accomplished Buddha. In this regard, turning the ‘wheel of dharma’ is auspicious to ‘switching’, ‘extending’ and/or ‘shifting’ realities of ‘Consciousness – Self /Mind – Forms / matter’.

Each and every sentient being whether conscious and/or unconscious is ‘actuating his/her own dharma’ – the extended reality of ‘Karma’, ‘Mind’ and ‘Intentions’ – Cubes of Space and Time / Self / Mind. ‘Other Realms of Being and Nature' are ever present as living extensions of thoughts, feelings and intentions – associated with the implications of ‘turning the Dharna wheel’--auspiciousness of the Trikaya. In this regard, right livelihood, is key to switching from unconscious to conscious motivation in self / Being and time.

Meditation is essential to dhammapada – fulfilment of noble desires to become a living Buddha; and this is the path of aloofness and independence. Worship and Devotions are not meditation – they belong to other ‘complementary traditions’ thus with coinciding practicality of orientation for supranormal life.

Buddha’s method for ‘mental discipline’ for attaining Enlightenment, through emptiness, is Via Negativa. In this regard, one attaining Enlightenment is going to miss ‘the taste’ of way farring through say ‘devotion / love / compassion’. Although both orientations, of love and meditation culminate in the same state of ‘unified whole Enlightenment’, it is thus the nature of ‘consciousness – self / mind – form’ which give rise to ‘complementary active intelligence contexts’ toward the same ‘Ultimate Realization’ of the Truth of ALL.

Social Entrepreneurship Synthesis and Mother Economy is consistent with the ‘universal dhamma’. In this regard, ‘complementary active intelligence contexts’ are imbibed within the formulations of ‘static’ and ‘dynamic’ aspects of its functional life. Thus, men and women can function within it in ‘balanced ways’ to meet their daily sustenance, self expression and collective dhamma. ‘Compassion’ and ‘Insight’ are complementary facets of the whole Truth of life – of all active intelligence.

Mother Economy is the practicality of Dharmakaya; Social Entrepreneurship Synthesis is the practicality of the complementary roles of ‘Nirmanakaya’ and ‘Samboghakaya’; ‘Three in Oneself’ as the ‘Trikaya’. Thus, Dhammapada, in the 21st century is going to ensure new developments in ‘Technocratic’ and ‘Meritocratic’ institutions of men and women who ‘feel and ‘sense’ their extended selves/Being in Time auspicious to their Buddha Nature – Secrets of 8 key symbols of Buddhic Culture. It is no wonder, many men and women of the past moments, prophets / Seers / Masters, saw the future – it is that future that ‘Works’ – the future of ‘Great Return’ for the sake of fulfilling the great Dhamma.

They saw the future through their ‘Samboghakaya’; some are ‘here and now’ living among men and women, another day – another life.


#3 Re: English Forum » Document sent to system and quadrant level Galactic Federation » 2023-11-13 18:26:16

== 14 : The Freedom Key : Abd’ llah : The Humble Servant of ‘the One’ ==

In present age and era, Religions are the basis in which humankind can find ‘guidance’ on how to socialize, thrive and civilize. From one society to another, one time or another; depending upon cultural affinities to ‘spiritual’ readiness to assimilate ‘abstract’ keys to ‘revelations’.

Many Religions have been ‘static’ and reluctant to change, even though unofficial agent of change presents ‘new revelations’.  This is due to the very nature of them being ‘agent of normalization’ – normalization of prevalent the social systems. Technically, ‘progressive revelation’ is always ‘possible’ in any religious dispensation, yet certain ‘seals of prophet-hood’  serve to preserve the integrity of ‘in coming / on going revelations’, least in times when societies are not yet ready for rapid ‘successions’ of ‘abstract ideas/revelations’. Thus some presentable ideas are valid without time boundaries yet some are temporary / subservient to the everlasting cause.

Prophet-hood / priest-hood / messiah-ship / boddhisatva / Avatara etc are ‘institutional’ phenomenons; they can be ‘studied’, however humanity at present era, say up to now 2023, have been missing a ‘proper framework’ to associate human will, power and capacity with transitional / progressive cultural standpoints and so civilization.

With Systems view and thinking, and especially within the auspicious framework of Education 2.0 and 3.0 -- thus contexts of topographical and topological thinking, the Trizanium, any social functionalism can be ‘framed’ to discern social constructs, integral will/intention, principles and sensations for ‘unity conscience’.

As interesting as it may sound, all religions—all spirituality and auspicious guidance for ‘conscious(ness) blossom’ orients ‘Actionable Choice Making’ while rooting from three possibilities: (1) Thought Idealism / Transcendence, (2) Devotional/Love, and (3)  Devotional/Will. In this regard, all these orientations ‘tend to single source’ – source of ‘Being and Time’. Thus, as strange as it may sound, ‘THAT’ source is ‘Timeless/Eternal’ and/again ‘A mystery of Life’ – Unborn/Unchanged.

It is only when intelligent Observer wants to ‘frame’ THAT, it ‘triangulates’ to seemingly three possible vectorial intentions for ‘Being and Time’, however it is just ‘ONE’ at the core essence – DIVINITY.

This appropriates ‘symbolic knowing’ associated with the ‘SUN, MOON and CROSS’. In this regard, SUN is related to religious orientations focusing on ‘Thoughts’ and/or ‘Idealism’-- rational thinking is coupled with sensations and feelings auspicious to ‘Illumination’ and ‘Transcendence’. Illumination and transcendence of say, beyond ‘duality and non-duality’ conceptions. ‘Non Structure’ and/or ‘independent’ self-determination for ‘Truth’ is epitomized – epitomized to yield ‘Enlightenment’.

MOON is related to religious orientations focusing on ‘Intentions’ and/or ‘Principles’ – ‘Time and Periodicity’ is going to contrast ‘concordance’ and ‘will’ to determine ‘Actions’. Focus in both  ‘closed/open group’ and ‘self-determination’ is epitomized, however ‘group function’  provides the basis of ‘Moral Causality’; spiritual-moral-ethical optimization codes of self/group conduct. Coherence and/or  Order of group/individual function is auspicious to ‘Supreme Will’. Coherence and/or Order in the ‘collective conscience’ is achieved by taming inauspicious emotional sensations for ‘rectified’ deeds, purpose and conduct.

CROSS is related to ‘Systems View’ whereby two (2) circles of ‘Influences/WORD’ and ‘Will/INTENTION’ coalescence to ‘give birth’ to ‘Supreme Intervention’. Rational interpretative depths of ‘finite’ and the ‘infinite’  is going to concord ‘structure’ and ‘Actions’ of ‘closed/open group’ and ‘individual’ to bear correspondence of ‘Birth/Rebirth’ of ‘auspicious Oneself’ – man can be instrumental to ‘Serving the higher purpose’ in Life. In this regard, ‘influences’ contextualize Actions; and ‘will’ frames ‘harmony’ between the ‘finite’ and ‘infinite’ causes. Coherence and/or Order in the ‘collective conscience’ is achieved by ‘shaping’ deeds, purpose and conduct towards ‘unconditional love’ to service – Charity.

Thus religious orientations focusing on ‘Intentions’ and/or ‘principles’ and so forth ‘influence/WORD’ and ‘will/INTENTION’ have one thing directly in common—ramifications of ‘DIVINITY’.

Moon and Star symbolize ‘Divine Sovereignty’; it is very old symbolism for the ‘occultation’ of ‘self’ in the wake of Divinity. Thus in the background culture of the nations of people under auspiciousness of that religious symbolism, their tenets and/or traditions could have been heavily into seeking  ‘divine favor’ from ‘Moon’, ‘Sun’  and/or other ‘terrestrial’ objectification of ‘Divine powers’. In time and culturally, this may have shifted from religious devotions to host of venerated deities in the forms of ‘idols’; to then ‘conversion’ into ‘abstract notion of all Mighty Deity’ – popular conversion to suppose ‘renewed conviction’ to the ‘Supreme Deity’ superseding ‘old separate cultural influences’.

Worship and Devotion are two practical orientations to ‘influence’ personal and/or individual ‘will’ for seeking ‘auspicious destiny’. Technically, worship and devotion are related to ‘Sensation’ aspect of the Trizanium of Systems View and thinking. Worship and Devotion have affinity to ‘Thought’ and ‘Feelings’ in Oneself. Men and women engage into acts of worship and devotions – rituals, liturgy and/or ‘Pentecost’ as ways to seek ‘Divine Favor/Acceptance/Obligations/Penance/Pleasure etc’. In this regard, worship and/or devotion is seeking ‘proximity’ to that which is believed to bestow ‘good fortune/riddance’ for ‘Being and Time’.

Worship and Devotions, in Oneself, use sensations of Thought and/or feelings to instill depth of resolve to an Ideal and/or Conviction through ritual worship or any kind ‘spiritual practice’. In this regard, worship and/devotion are the most powerful roots of social functioning through ‘interactive symbolism’ – interactive symbolism in a homogeneous culture of some sort – all living patterns derive meaning, contexts and significance from any potent source of ‘Superstructure’ behind collective culture/conscience. Thus, social codes and morality have formidable origins if religious symbolic interaction is in direct association; these constitute edification of Education 3.0.

Worship and Devotion, in Oneself, edifies ‘Knowledge’ of ‘Being and Time’ through ‘Systems View’ and/or ‘Principles behind Causality’ of forms and nature. In Arabia, and especially within the ‘Ma’arif’ / Scholars of esoteric and exoteric living sciences -- ‘wholistic knowledge’ has three (3) layers – (1) Shariah, (2) Tariqat and (3) Haqiqat – Outer body of ‘Laws/Ordinary Living Code/Pattern, Intermediary way to wholistic ‘knowing’; and ‘the Truth’ of having found the inner and/our essence of ‘Religious Conviction’.

‘Shariah, Tariqat and Haqiqat’ is the direct correspondence of Education 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 in any society. In this regard, each and every member of society belong to ‘collective conscience’ of (1) superficiality of knowing/knowledge due to ordinary/external sensations and implied thoughts, (2)  harmonized ‘knowing’ with ‘non-knowing’ pertinent to sensation and inferences/extended inferences and (3) consummated genius in Oneself – inner/outer knowing of Self/Being and True Nature of all reality. Thus the origin of any religious order is usually Education 3.0; some kind of ‘Revelation’, mysticism or ‘prophet-hood’ can inauspiciously or auspiciously give rise to ‘new religious phenomenon’.

Education 3.0 is a ‘rare phenomenon’ – just like the Perfect Blossom; Men and women of sufficient/full ‘Haqiqat’ are ‘exceptions’ not a rule to social circles and/or human culture. Technically, Education 3.0 is possible with anybody—it is the wavering characteristics pertinent to worship/devotion/meditation which distinguish ‘grade’ and/or degrees of ‘Divine Illumination’; grade and illumination of a true ‘spiritual’ aspirant. The person who succeed in Tariqat into Haqiqat, is the ‘Perfect Blossom’ – the True ‘Imam’. In this regard, some mystical elements of ‘Being and Time’ can be legendary associated with Imams, and this should not surprise any one – At the very heart of Education 3.0 is ‘knowledge and skills’ to triumph over ‘Self/Being and Time’; the truth behind the significance of ‘Occultations’ – occultations of Imams.

Grade and/or degrees towards Divine Illumination, the Grace and fruit of Imamate position, is usually ‘confrontational’ to superficiality of knowing/knowledge due to ordinary/external sensations and implied thought of the ‘collective conscience’ – as it prevails in ‘spiritually underdeveloped’ society. In this regard, living Imams, are regarded as the true beacons of faith – men of guidance before the ‘ummah’--societies of ‘believers’. Thus true Imam, edifies worship/devotion/meditation of ‘the close family to the One’ -- the ‘Wilayat’.

Grade and/or degrees towards Divine Illumination, and so forth the Grace and fruit of ‘Tassawuf’ in Oneself is ‘confrontational’ to superficiality of knowing/knowledge due to ordinary/external sensations and implied thought of the ‘collective conscience’ – provoking contempt and/or repudiation of such matter. Technically, the essence of such confrontation is the ‘cognitive dissonance’; as there is ‘false knowledge’ – all carnal knowledge is false; and there is ‘inner knowing’ which can’t be presented in ‘bookish knowledge’ such as these writings; such knowing is only available to those who have made their heart and mind available to the mystery of ‘the Divine’. All insights, all wisdom facilitate the instrumentation of ‘aql’ – thought instrument – to yield for ‘Divine Illumination’. ‘Mind’ is that which stands between ‘Transcendental Consciousness’ and ‘ordinary sensations and/or thoughts’. Mind can be tamed through worship/devotion/meditation for ‘supranormal life’.

Grade and/or degrees towards Divine Illumination, and so forth the Grace and fruit of  ‘Divine Intoxication’, bestow exaltation and loftier comprehension of reality, Being and Life in ‘works’ and ‘expressions’ or even ‘Self-expression’. It commands authority of its own, before the public with ‘lesser light’. In this regard, many men and women of fully Divine Epiphany have been attacked by societies that don’t know any better—attacked as ‘Heretics’ and/or ‘condemned for Apostasy’. Thus, man of illumination is an auspicious guide as he/she has gone ‘full cycle’ in knowledge – knowledge of certain path to the ‘Divine’. It is the ‘Divine’ itself –  the ‘Ultimate Guide’ – Khidr. In this regard, within an auspicious community and/or society, the origins of exoteric Laws and code of life from ‘the Blessed One’ have direct relevance to the ‘living essence of all THAT’ and ‘the Times’.

Education 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 is the full cycle of knowledge that ought to auspiciously guide the human experience—Square in Circle. In this regard, true Imam – the perfect man of holy of the holies, possess key to exoteric and esoteric knowledge, which by the very nature of Life and Being, they stand ‘Contradictory to each other’. Thus, the true Imam is a way shower – seeker gone full cycle to indicate to others where the two seas meet – as Moses sought for Al-Khadir; the ‘vesica-piscis’.

Education 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 is the full cycle of knowledge that ought to auspiciously guide the human experience—Square in Circle. In this regard, it is the Education 2.0 that provides ‘the method’ for the seeker of ‘the Whole Truth’, under auspiciousness of ‘the Imam’ – inner Guide and/or outer guide such to ‘overcome’ the temptations of ‘Self’ in ‘grades’ and ‘stations’ of knowing and being. Thus, in the world of knowing ‘the Force’ behind manifestation of ‘Temporal Forms’ is neutral, it is available to ‘the Good’ or ‘the Bad’ alike. It is man who choose his auspicious destiny – ‘Kismet’; If he/she is rightful guided, along the spiritual journey, ‘Sayr wa Suluk’ won’t get enticed by any ‘illusions of self and power’ even for things  and matters beyond ‘ordinary’ comprehension. Thus, the ultimate guide is ‘the ONE’ – the ONE beyond all causations and ‘limited will’ of man, angels, jinns etc. If man sways upon his path, he/she will fall into demiurge realities – ‘the Shaytan’. In this regard, for the pious, all worship / Devotion / meditation is for the sake of ‘ultimate reality—ultimate destination’ – direct communion with ‘the Divine’.

Education 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 is the full cycle of knowledge that ought to auspiciously guide the human experience—Square in Circle. In this regard, auspiciousness of the true Imam furnishes a spiritual aspirant with ‘moral compass’ along the unchartered realms of ‘consciousness exploration’; the actual basis for ‘Sihr Halal’ and ‘Sihr Harram’-- acceptable and unacceptable propensities for ‘enticing’ secrets of ‘Self/Being and Time’. Thus, immense powers and responsibilities of ‘knowing’ requires proper guidance and restrain – not to stray into ‘self serving’ motives. Beyond the veil of the forms and/or material expanses is the occultation of ‘forces’ to do greater good or trans-fixation into ‘self actualization’ following ‘vain desires’.

‘Moral Compass’ is tied to ethical considerations, something which is only possible to ‘informed will’ to effect an auspicious course of self determination. In the case of dichotomies pertaining to ‘what is right and/or what is wrong’, auspiciousness of ‘the true Imam’ in physical proximity and/or invisible expanses of realities of soul serves to communicate ‘the Geometry of Actionable Choice Making’. In this regard, human cause is never limited to ‘chances’ of events and/or order. If men and women create a space in their hearts, a metaphoric place for choices and desires for coherent manifestation of ‘thought and feelings’, then such heart becomes the nexus of human and Divine Will. THERE IS NOT NECESSITY FOR EXTERNAL MORAL SUPPORT IN THE COLLECTIVE CONSCIENCE, i.e FRAMEWORK OF LAWS AND/OR REGULATIONS, IF INNER AND OUTER SENSITIVITY IS DEVELOPED IN MAN/WOMAN.

‘Moral Compass’ is tied to ethical considerations, something which is only possible to ‘informed will’ – informed will to effect an auspicious course of self determination. In the case of dichotomies pertaining to ‘sihr halal and sihr harram’, auspiciousness of ‘the true Imam’ in physical proximity and/or invisible expanses of realities of soul serves to communicate ‘the Geometry of Actionable Choice Making’. In this regard, all life is ‘the form extension of thought’ and ‘feelings’ and ‘intentional will’ which can shift ‘realities’ or ‘even forms themselves’ as if ‘magic’. Interactive symbolism is not limited to ‘social circles and/or influences’ it is extends to all nature, self integrity and fate. Thus, authority to choose self orientation is entirely subjected to ‘inner will’ and not ‘outer will’ of the ‘society’. Technically, all life is the occult of symbolism, will and imagination—imagination through the hearts and mind of sentient being such as human being. Collectively, we manifest nations, governments, religious order/cults, states, corporations, empires etc as we allow ‘sentiments and feeling’ to sympathize with such institutions. If enough people on Earth develop capacity for Education 2.0 and Education 3.0 all that we are ‘convinced’ regard to all of them is going to change – change and hence forth causing all of them to ‘transform’ or ‘even disappear’ all together.

‘Moral Compass’ is tied to ethical considerations, something which is only possible to ‘informed will’ to effect an auspicious course of self determination. In the case of dichotomies pertaining to ‘occult practices—good and/or evil’, auspiciousness of ‘the true Imam’ in physical proximity and/or invisible expanses of realities of soul serves to communicate ‘the Geometry of Actionable Choice Making’. In this regard, when we act by associating auspicious qualities of symbols, by seeking ‘magical correspondence’ and thus the virtue of ‘occult’ significance, it can be ‘benevolent’ or malevolent’ to the collective greater good. Spiritual discernment is thus-- A MUST. Technically, if our self determination is along the way of ‘self-serving’ then anything that gets our focus/attention – attention of our hearts and mind for fulfillment, vain self actualization, is nothing but SHIRK. Materialism is corporeal sense of ‘corporations’ and/or ‘Elitism’ is the edification of Shirk in contemporary world.

Corporations, just like any other ‘Institute’ forge their identities with auspiciousness of symbols and  thus exploit ‘human tendencies’ for ‘power’ and ‘authority’. When corporation / state / government / army makes itself supreme to the ‘common will of man’ it automatically becomes the tool of ‘enslavement’ of many for a few – few who epitomize ‘vain self actualization’. In this regard, when thoughts and feelings of man are made subservient to any ‘human organization’ it steals his/her ‘noble heart’ for ‘material worth of her/his soul’ and/or ‘her/his self-love for material comfort and mortal lifespan’.

Social Entrepreneurship Synthesis and Mother Economy are pragmatic orientations which seek to transform societies for the greater good. In that greater good, new institutions in the light are anticipated to ensure. In these auspicious moments of great changes, men and women of faith have got to be careful about ‘old systems and tendencies’ which may come up with new tricks to distract new paths of individual self-determinations and willful gathering to undo the old dynamism and institutions of Monetary Banking and Lending. Lending money for ‘interest’ is ‘Haram’-- perpetuating deceptive ‘material development’.

When our works and deeds are consistent with our religious observations, our unity has to be founded in faith, hope and charity. Education 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 can provide spiritual discernment to comprehend any material and spiritual connection – century old dichotomies in spiritual and material sciences no longer stand unless we entertain intentional vagueness in traditions and literal works of ‘prophetical insights/revelations’. Education 3.0 suppose aptitude for unlimited craft to discern and improvise keys to esoteric knowledge and so forth enigma of time and Being.

It is right about time, through the grace of the Almighty, all that pertains to science of ‘Occultation’ is about to be revealed for all to know – all who have made their heart pure to receive it.

In Shaa Allah, let it be that our hearts are made pure and worth to receive and comprehend ‘wholistic knowledge’  so that we can be of service to the Mankind and for the Love of God, this moment and/or anytime. As it is with ‘heartfelt prayerful desire’,  Du’a,  for the light of ‘the ONE’ not to be hidden from Hearts of men and women who seek guidance through the company of Awliya.

#4 Re: English Forum » Document sent to system and quadrant level Galactic Federation » 2023-11-13 18:24:31

== 13 : The Freedom Key : The ‘Vineyard’ which is ‘the Christ’ in Oneself ==

Trizania has a basis on four(4) triangles which can be extrapolated from a square to constitute a Pyramid. This Square is symbolic base of the four (4)  elements of nature: Earth, Water, Fire and Air. These elements, in qualitative sciences of cosmic order, they represent physical, vital, emotional and mental bodies. These constitute basal key to the enigma of man, as Manly P Hall accounts in ‘The Initiates of the Flame’.

Just as a triangle holds key to ‘Trizanium’--a pyramid is an auspicious shape for ‘qualitative sciences of the cosmic order. The ‘12 weights’ of ‘Trizanium’ elucidate the threefold nature of body, mind, soul and spirit. ‘Intention and Will’ ignites the ‘Fire of Being’ and thus a pyramid, by the virtue of its ‘qualitative essence’ , symbolizes ‘Eternal Power’. This power is nothing but ‘Consciousness’ itself – Consciousness ‘sacrificed’ in gross forms. Thus traditional association of ‘Pyramid with Tombs’ or ‘Portal of Ascension’ coincide with possibility of Pyramid being ‘functional’ shape to contain energy for ‘Resurrection/Immortality’.

Soul and Spirit are contextual ‘Overfunction’ and ‘Metafunction’ of ‘Mortal Man’ in ‘Trizanium’; through auspicious ‘tuning in’ man can fathom keys to eternal life—thus transcend limits of ‘form, will and life’. Man is a flat square, with vertical extension of a pyramid, whereby an infinity expanse of the ‘Divine Cosmic Order’ meets ‘shim center’ through ‘the cross of life’. Man is grossness of form: ‘Earth-Water-Air-Fire’ which ‘is ignited’ by ‘folding up’ four triangles of body-mind-soul-spirit ‘Sentient Intelligence’. Thus, ‘soul individuation’ is the ‘reflection’ of ‘Divine Countenance’.

Man is ‘self-determination’ in darkness or light such to reveal the ‘Fall’ or ‘Glory’ of Life and Times. In this regard, being lost in times and purpose is ‘the Fall’ while ‘remembrance’ of supreme ‘Order’ auspicious to life and greater good is ‘the Glory’ in Being. Thus, man is an ‘Institution’ of hitherto ‘Sublime Godhead’ by ‘Choice’ and not ‘Decree’… ‘Gross Life’ poses ‘the cross of life’, man can choose spiritual ‘Death’ or ‘Life’.

The Fall of man is ‘self ignorance’ in physical realms – physical realms with the ‘veils of Life’. Self ignorance attribute to the drama of ‘Blind leading the Blind’ as Jesus once said. In this situation, using Trizanium—the framework of Systems view and thinking, ‘three contextual circles and vectorial triangulation’ account for human performance/folly: (1) Intention – Time – Depths of Rational Interpretation of reality, (2) Influences-Sensations-Structure/Self transposition, and (3) Principles-Will-Action; thus a spiritually blind person lack auspicious base for ‘Principles-influences-interpretative faculties’. He/She, is likely to be inauspiciously controlled by ‘Physical sensations-limited beliefs/superficiality of thoughts-Vain Willpower’.

‘Blind leading the Blind’ has an antidote which is keyed to auspicious ‘Self Awareness’. Jesus elucidated the ‘Principles-influences-interpretative faculties’ as the ‘Divine Intervention’ of ‘Christ’. Thus with Trizanium—the framework of Systems view and thinking, three contextual circles of ‘Self Denial’, ‘Bearing your own Cross’ and ‘Life in Christ’ corresponds to the spheres of ‘Vain Self Identity’, ‘Conscious Choice Making and Responsibilities’, and ‘Redemptive Will’. Thus, technically, ‘Life in Christ’ is a conscious choice one can make thereof ‘rise’ from ‘Death’. ‘Life in Christ’ as ‘the key principality’ of ‘I am the Truth, the Life and the way’ in Oneself.

I am the Truth, the Life and the way’ is the divine potential in any person, on Earth or Elsewhere in other planets with sentience beings and freewill to choose auspicious orientations in ‘Being and Time’. Christ nature is the way – the way as ‘resonance chamber’ for the one’s heart to purify from ‘gross feeling and sensations’ and sanctifying oneself for ‘expanded sensations and feelings’ of ‘higher harmony’ to Life and/or Cosmic Order—More of Self / Being and Time. Christ nature is the Life, as ‘expanded sensations and feeling’ are true reflections of the ‘Whole of Life’ – ‘the Whole’ in which each and every Individual can recognize shim place in the grand scheme of all Life. Christ nature is the Truth, as ‘expanded sensations and feeling’ are true reflection of the ‘Divine Countenance’--culmination of ‘soul remembrance’.

‘I am the Truth, the Life and the way’ is the divine potential in any person, on Earth or Elsewhere in other planets with sentience beings and freewill to choose auspicious orientations in ‘Being and Time’ in the sense that the Individual ‘Intention – Time – Depths of Rational Interpretation of reality’ contexts acquire a new meaning--new light. In this regard, creative intentions of ‘Oneself in Christ’ gets ‘unlimited’, Time begets ‘Eternity’, Rational Interpretations of reality follow ‘infinity logic’ of ALL AND EVERYTHING as ‘template order reality’ of ‘Events/Event Horizons’. Thus, Truth is THAT WHICH IS, WAS AND WILL BE—all ‘temporal formation’ is the manifestation of THAT which is ‘beyond temporal measure’. Mortal man, is gross extension of THAT; yet ‘Soul remembrance’ in Christ restores ‘Self Awareness’ beyond physical body/incarnation and so ‘TIME’.

‘I am the Truth, the Life and the way’ is the divine potential in any person, on Earth or Elsewhere in other planets with sentience beings and freewill to choose auspicious orientations in ‘Being and Time’ to out-picture ‘more to life’ and ‘abundance’. In this regard, Christ is the spirit of Hope, Faith and Charity through the extensions of ‘ Principles-Will-Action’ in Men and women who know better and choose better. Thus, Jesus articulated beautifully in his ‘Vineyard Metaphor’.

Sovereign Integral is the ‘glory’ of ‘Resurrected Lives’ in human culture and civilization to out-picture ‘more to life’ and ‘abundance’. When men and women know better and choose better, collectively they effect the ‘Return of Christ’ in ‘Hearts and Mind’ of many -- ‘many as one’. In this  21st century, Sovereign Integral is key to human sovereign intelligence and ‘soul’ triumphant’ over vanity. Social Entrepreneurship Synthesis is the institutional framework for ‘more to life’ and ‘abundance’ to replace old dysfunctional socio-economic systems which epitomize ‘survival of the fittest’. ‘Sovereign Integral’ roots social and environmental justice through community conscience and goodwill as ‘many organs, single organism’ on Earth; including the Earth itself in Spiritual, Moral and Ethical conducts.

Human body is an Extension of Earthly life itself; Earth, water, air and fire ascribe to ‘dust’--cosmic dust that man cometh from thus shall shim body return to when its purpose is done. Morphological shape of man—a torso with ‘five’ extensions; hands and feet-- in ‘three’ sections, extending to ‘five’ fingers/toes – are all auspicious to fractals of ‘intelligent seed/patterns’ of ‘reality of man’. In a sense, a physical body, is ‘advance payments’ for the ‘multiplication of causes’. A seed reality of the two, as ‘principal’ to the template of self awareness, translates into the ‘DNA’ and ‘Conscious Will’ in Being and/or Self-Reflection/Actualization.

Christ nature in Oneself, triggers soul remembrance which can auspiciously alter ‘DNA’ and/or ‘Conscious Will’ to awaken ‘super sensual life’. Hence, human genetics hold basal key to ‘influences-will-capacity’ contextual propensities to complement ‘expanded awareness / consciousness’ in oneself. The limits of ‘human function’ in bodily sense are prescribed by DNA, while ‘the Mind’ as the bridge between ‘ordinary’ and ‘extraordinary capacity’. Faith is the ‘language of soul’ to govern and/or modulate physical body as ‘vehicle’ of expression for higher nature of Being and Time.

Metaphysical relationship between Soul and Spirit, thus between Overfunction and Metafunction of all life, has DNA as ‘Frozen EYE’ of ‘living matter’. DNA complements, ‘Consciousness’ to actuate Space-Matter/form-Time-Energy complexion through ‘information clouds’ which are ‘typical souls’ of ‘simple/complex’ living matter/organism. Thus ‘Soul’ realities are ‘informational’ and ‘Non-local’. Intelligible order of manifestation/glory of ‘Being and Time’ is ‘interpretative convenience’ between senses/brain/mind/instincts/mental-faculties. Thus ‘Soul’ realities do persist even beyond physical bodies / brain functions.

DNA hold potentiality for physical and quasi-physical operations as space-matter/form-Time-Energy complexion is ‘multidimensional’. Just like a physical eye is direct extension of individual’s sovereign will/soul/intelligence, DNA is ‘seed thought extension’ of ‘Influential ‘Genesis’ Capabilities’. Both, an Eye and DNA can be affected by ‘Conscious THOUGHT / WILL / ATTENTION’.

An eye is a door to one’s soul, DNA is key to ‘rooting’ and/or ‘Uprooting’ upon the ‘plane reality’ of a self conscious individual, with ‘Phantom Presence’ of a physical body anywhere across the domains of space-time. Say ‘Physical Body’ being ‘fundamental frequency’, phantom harmonics – ‘Avatar realities’ makes it possible for ‘Extended Neural Sensing’ across ‘Space-Time’ domains / constructs of ‘forms and reality’. In this regard,  the mind  is an interface within the framework of living matrix of particular ‘Biokind’ – medium of ‘transduction’ of ‘thoughts / form / soul-information-Intelligence’. Thus Ultimately, the physical world we all ‘perceive’ – perceive to have our Being -- is idiomaterial bi-causal  universe; meaning thoughts and forms are ‘made of the same stuff’--with ‘deep roots’ to the Divine Essence, we can transform anything accordingly.

Christ, is the intelligible auspicious contexts of ‘living matrix’ of particular ‘Biokind’ that completes the ‘circuits’ of ‘holographic’ functioning of sentient individual in the idiomaterial bi-causal universe. It is precisely, what St Paul articulated outstandingly: ‘in SHIM we have our Being’. Auspicious ‘Body of Christ’, is the ‘Metaphysical Seed’ of Extended Human capabilities and Will to yield ‘transformation / transfiguration’ of the living nature – living nature of our innate ‘Biokind’.
Christ is an Overfunction of ‘human mundane existence’ with its roots/base within the propensities to be ‘Born Again’. Thus, ‘Twice Born’ men and women are the ones who have made themselves ‘One with the Christ’, a blessed context of allowing ‘Principles-Influences-Divine Intelligence’ to operate through them – through them and as ‘THEM in CHRIST’. Keynoting the fact that, when one has become One with Christ, He/She is not the doer – it is the Christ in ‘THEM’ who is the doer. Technically, this is the essence of what Jesus, the Christ in Piscean Age, appealed for – and paraphrasing: ‘I am the ‘True Vineyard’… Abide in Me, You in Me as I in You, whosoever abide in me shall ‘prosper’ ever more.

Christ is the Divine Essence -- intelligible as context of ‘Trinity’; With auspiciousness of the ‘Trizanium’, that Divine Essence is ascertainable and discern-able through the contexts of ‘Systems-Memory-Destiny’. Thus, topologically, this corresponds to the ‘Father-Mother-Son’ vectorial intention prescribing the ‘Holonomy’-- meta-dynamics of ‘forms and reality’ as a ‘Single Whole’-- the UNUM. It is the very ‘Spirit’ aspect of ‘Being/Nature/Time’, to yield ‘ALL AND EVERYTHING’.

‘Father Aspect’ of ‘the Truth’  which is CHRIST pertains to ‘Systems View’ – systems view  prescribing ‘all living’ and ‘non living’ forms and/or realities. In this regard, Father aspect provides ‘the framework’ of ‘All and Everything’ as ‘template order reality’ for integrating {Quantitative ‘Depths of Existence of Form’ and thus their ‘symmetrical attributions’ + Qualitative flow of Sensations / Feelings corresponding to contexts of  ‘Forms and/or Reality’} + {Intentional vector forces for subsisting forms and/or realities + ‘Principle Keys’ to forms and/or realities}.  In this regard ‘living’ and ‘non living’ sub-systems complement their mutual existence within the ‘DIVINE PLAN’.

Mother aspect of ‘the Truth’ which is CHRIST pertains to ‘Memory’-- ‘Living Memory’ which preserves ‘forms and reality’. ‘Living Memory’ which supports ‘Will’ and ‘Influences’ for the regeneration of ‘casual realities’. All forms, tangible and non-tangible are the ‘direct extension’ of ‘the Mother’; bearing ‘capacity’ and ‘dynamism’ to ‘Be’ and/or ‘Live’. In this regard, the Mother aspect of Christ, can support both ‘Conscious Will’ and/or ‘Unconscious Will’ of ‘living Matrix’ – an extension of sentient individual in space-time-energy-matter/form complexion. Not ‘knowing’ better, sentient being out-picture a Holomovement of ‘thought-deed-intention’ in the bi-casual universe; thus inauspicious to ‘Divine Plan’. There are ‘merits’ and ‘demerits’ in Actionable Choice Making. Thus, ‘Divine Justice’ is the ‘mantle’ of Mother aspect – mother aspect of ‘the Truth’.

‘Divine Justice’ – the ‘mantle’ of Mother aspect – mother aspect of ‘the Truth’; is the ‘living intelligence’ behind all creative will, pertinent to sentient/self conscious Being, to be bestow auspicious capacity to ‘Act’ –  capacity to live and/or act as so ‘to Be’ or ‘Not to Be’. Its living capacity for ‘Being More to Life’ and/or ‘Becoming exalted in Qualities of Self-Expression’. These constitute the ‘Holy Breath’ / ‘Holy Spirit’ notions in ‘Being and Becoming’, as St. Paul beautifully articulated. Thus, life devoid of ‘Holy Spirit’ is the perpetual reality of vain ‘coming’ and ‘going’ of ‘good/auspicious fortune’. Forms and reality maintain ‘continuation’ of ‘action and reaction’ under auspiciousness of the Mother aspect of ‘the Truth’. Mother aspect is the UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, serving all ‘self conscious motives’ – the auspicious and inauspicious ‘focus to life’ as per Actionable Choice Making pertaining to ‘Self Expression’.  Thus, with moral causality, man reaps what he sow—what goes around comes around—KARMA. Mother aspect is the supreme ‘DIVINE SERVICE.

‘Self Expression’ is ‘Son Aspect’ of ‘the Truth which is CHRIST; this pertains to ‘Destiny’ – Human performance in physical realms. Performance that out-picture ‘Knowing Oneself in Full’ or ‘Knowing Oneself in Part’. In this regard, it is the personal ‘will’ which actuate ‘depth of resolve’ and ‘Conscious Choice’ to be ‘the One in CHRIST’ or ‘Not to be’. Technically, Lords Prayer as taught by Jesus, is a ‘focused’ coherent affirmation of ‘WILL’ to be Oneself with ‘the Truth—Divine Plan’. In this regard, Jesus was fond of calling ‘Divine Plan’ as the ‘The Kingdom of Heaven’ / Kingdom of the Father. Heaven’s Will is ‘Father’s Will’, thus Jesus taught, whoever pray according to the Will of the Father, so shall s/him receive; as it is Father’s greatest pleasure to bestow the ‘Kingdom’ to the One who asks auspiciously. ‘Lords prayer’ is a technical implication of actuating the ‘Merkaba’ of Life – Mer-Ka-Ba of the ‘Holy Breath’ in Oneself. Hence, when one makes his/her will to be consistent with the will of the Divine, he or she shall live by the grace and bounties of ‘Divine Intelligence’.

‘Divine Intelligence’ descents in hearts and mind of men and women through ‘Spirit of Divine Comfort and Content’ -- the Mother Aspect of ‘the Truth’. In this regard, the One who dwells in the  ‘sacred place’ of the ‘Spirit of Divine Intelligence’ is ‘the Only Begotten Son’. As Gospel of John articulates beautifully the ontology of ‘WORD Incarnate’. WORD is the ‘Templaic Potential’ of all and everything—all that has ever been, IS, and shall be; this WORD is always ‘with the Father’ yet ‘the Son’ is ‘Truth and Love of God’ made ‘Visible’ as Grace, Truth and Light of ‘Man/Woman – Man/woman of SHIM Glory’ to men and women in the mundane world of ‘forgetfulness’. Hence, the strangeness of matter / situation, men of auspicious ‘Truth and Light’ are invisible to the naked eyes of men and women – men and women of unprepared ‘sacred chambers’ of ‘Being and Time’. They can only be recognized by those who truly are ‘the Ones Lord has Sanctified and Ordained beyond Time and Space’ -- so to colloquially speak.

‘Divine Intelligence’ in ‘twice born’ individuals ‘regulates and guide’ their sanctified hearts to effect ‘new cultural savor’ and/or ‘light’ over ‘Systems View’  --   ‘enlightening’ communities and/or integral societies for the greater good. It is ‘Glorifies’ the Father – by restoration of order/harmony in social groups, communities and society by illuminating the ways of life and auspicious higher truths to enliven cultures and civilizations. Thus ‘divine intelligence’ can overshadow ‘plans’, ‘service’ and/or ‘self-actualization / expression’ to meet greater self sustenance in ‘needs and/or wants’ with people themselves being focal points of social transformations / transfiguration – not outer organization or governments.

‘Divine Intelligence’ in ‘twice born’ individuals ‘enshrines’ auto-control mechanism for Spiritual, Moral and Ethical discernment – outperforming instrumentation of ‘Mundane Laws and Regulations’; Outperforms ‘Governmental Order/Institution’ in terms of policies. Thus Divine Intelligence outperforms the formulation of functional policies, as ‘auspicious policy framework’ has to out-picture nothing else but key tenets of ‘Divine Service’ –  Meritocratic Institutions of men and women in serving platforms, for the greater good. It is going to outperform ‘State Institutions’ – setting them to ‘die in Divine Baptism Fire’ and thus ‘resurrect them to LIFE from their own ashes’.

Swiftness and agility of the nation, Ultimate State Intelligence, pertaining to the world of ‘vanity’ and ‘lesser light / Greater Light’ can be auspiciously symbolized by a ‘Phoenix’… Not any bird of symbolic ‘alertness’ – alertness for ‘mortally national preservation’. Symbolic colorful Bird, auto shining his own enterprise, an emblem for auspicious Self-Determination – shinning so as to prevail the ‘Dark night of the Soul’ is an antidote to a bird, past the time, symbolizing ‘mass en-souling’ of vanity of ‘War’ and ‘Peace’ – instrumentation of ‘mortal fears and ambitions’.

Christ is the 13th Master of ‘Destiny’; SHIM is the ‘crucifixion on the cross’ of ‘Mortal Man’--’Old Adam’ of Dust—‘Earth, Water, Fire and Air’ of ‘Human Biokind’; Thus with ‘Coherent Vertical Intentions’ of 13 strips of ‘auspicious states of origin’, the 13 Arrows have to be arranged as ‘New Intentional Vectors’ of ‘Lord’s Prayer’ – 13 Stars of ‘Father-Mother Union’ – A ‘Phoenix Nation’ which is ‘the Son’ – ‘the New Adam’ of ‘Celestial Glory’ -- of Father-Mather SUN. Thus, with auspiciousness of Trizanium, the old Empire must be reinstated. The onus is on men and women who know better, and choose better – men and women who allow ‘Divine Intelligence’ to guide the auspicious transformations and transfiguration of Kingdom on Earth, to be in concordance to the ‘Kingdom in Heaven’.

#5 Re: English Forum » Document sent to system and quadrant level Galactic Federation » 2023-11-13 16:39:03

== African Dream : ‘Motherly’ Economy (8/8)==

‘Auspicious Economy’, least the one which still utilizes money as medium of exchange, is the complex function consisting of ‘real’ and ‘imaginary’ parts like the two wings of the dove. It is very healthy for everyone to voluntarily harmonize her/his pursuit in both sides—Production and Service Industries; production of tangible goods and/or offering ‘payable’ services/trading commodities. Thus it shall be noted that under certain known cycles of time--a year for example, it is important for each and every member of the society to engage alternatively in both enterprises which have nature of service or production. If we intend to replace and/or undo the dysfunctional tendencies of present ‘institutional monetary banking system’ then ‘WORK’ AND ‘SERVICE’ SOCIO-ECONOMIC UNITS ARE GOING TO BE THE REAL BANKS—vehicle of self-expression, actualization and ‘defense’ for personal liberty and individual/collective integrity.

‘Auspicious Economy’, least the one which still utilizes money as medium of exchange, is the complex function consisting of ‘real’ and ‘imaginary’ parts like the two wings of the dove; which technically is a MOTHER ECONOMY. Harmonizing ‘expansions’ and ‘contractions’ is how the Earth ‘maintains life’ and everything. Even if, say, the ‘dream’ of ‘Trees’ is to grow up—up to the ‘the Stars’, its auspicious height is limited to few meters above the surface of the Earth. Thus, ‘desires’ and ‘manifestations’ intertwine together within the ‘economies of scale’-- even if a single tree could grow up to reach ‘the star’, that would have taken all the material resources of the Mother Earth without reaching any still. Metaphysics of life is then ‘desires’ and ‘manifestations’ are conserved in the growth, maturity, multiplication and degeneration of ‘Entity’ as ‘Being in Time’. Multitude of Trees in real time and over all the times are ‘living extension’ of the same ‘desire’ and ‘manifestations’. In this regard, our ‘desires’ and ‘aspirations’ could be perfectly valid, however the way we ‘self-organize’ may be ‘in error’--money in relationship to say ‘investments’ has to follow the suite of ‘coming’ and ‘going’ in principle and not unscrupulously.

‘Auspicious Economy’, least the one which still utilizes money as medium of exchange, is the complex function consisting of ‘real’ and ‘imaginary’ parts like the two wings of the dove; which technically suppose that ‘investments’ are like trees; they need to be ‘grounded’ by the metaphysics of ‘Earth and Sky’ to ensure planetary sustainability. Money can be utilized as ‘liquid equivalent’ to ‘solid investment’ which ought to be ‘principled’ so that the beginning and ending of investments are both auspicious and consistent with industrial ‘desires’ and ‘aspirations’ of the communities and thus society. Industrial endeavors of society is thus keyed to sustenance and self-reliance in meeting ‘needs’ and ‘wants’ – needs and wants consistent with food, shelter and clothing—nutrition / housing / environmental hospitality to a human being.

And so, Trizania supposes that marches correspondences of ‘Land / Earth and Sky / Heaven’ natural affairs/order can redeem the unscrupulous economics which lacks ‘permanence’ or ‘regenerative auspicious seed power’. Haphazard engagement in ‘empty shells’ of labor enterprises—enterprises without ‘marching true desire and/or passion to its functional human elements’ can be detrimental to collective well being in the society. If these ‘empty shells’ exploit ‘human attention and will’ in vain, it robs their chances to ‘break free’ and/or realize ‘auspicious institutional arrangements’ which can bestow them with ‘organic desires and aspirations’ consistence with life, nature and time. Men and women are thus tricked with ‘money/income/profits/retirement packages/stocks’ and myriad of many other similar prospects – they are being used for ‘empty shells’ of ‘work organizations’ with twisted purposes. In stead of ‘work organization’ being vehicles of self expression, actualization and true solace, they are places for inauspicious ‘symbolic personality exchanges’ and not true and auspicious individuality.

And so, Trizania supposes that marches correspondences of ‘Land / Earth and Sky / Heaven’ natural affairs/order can redeem the unscrupulous economics which is blinds populations with work contraptions in terms of limited employments and class struggles. ‘Desires’ and ‘aspirations’ in people can be imbibed in auspicious ‘work organization’ if populations figure out the freedom keys. Industrial endeavors of society keyed to sustenance and self-reliance in meeting ‘needs’ and ‘wants’ – needs and wants consistent with food, shelter and clothing—nutrition / housing / environmental hospitality to a human being, can be attained through re-engineering the ‘empty shells’ so that they can reflect the auspicious function of ‘being’ and ‘living’. Work organizations reflecting the auspicious function of ‘being and living’, in actual sense, is the Social Entrepreneurship Synthesis. Thus social entrepreneurship synthesis is mode of living and functioning to cater communities and society with all its ‘needs’ and ‘want’ without compromising human dignity—human dignity in terms of ‘time’, ‘occupation’, ‘compatible choices’ and ‘complementary services’.

And so, Trizania supposes that marches correspondences of ‘Land / Earth and Sky / Heaven’ natural affairs/order can redeem the unscrupulous economics by instituting ‘TIME BOUND’ dynamics in monetary exchanges. Investments as social entrepreneurship enterprises can have money as medium of exchange in the sense that ‘liquid equivalence’ has to flow ‘back and forth’ in auspicious rhythms to ‘industrial expanses’ and/or ‘Breaths’. Outward breath of industrial expansion can be followed by inward breath of social ‘marginal utility’. Thus each money has to preserve its ‘value’ and ‘relevance’ to the particular line of industrial expanses. This is key to ‘functional coherence’ in stead of ‘mixed economies’ with single monetary currency. In this regard, each single investment has intrinsic value to the whole existing industrial to the extend of protecting its ‘functional returns on investment. Thus return on investment has to prevail during the whole ‘life time’ of investment. Each and every investment has to got to have a predetermined ‘life time’; if it is two (2) year enterprise then the governing principle has prevail over its functional institution by influencing beginning and ending that ensures ‘doubled entity’--commencement of two (2) new entities with the same ‘desire’ and ‘aspirations’. In this way, fixed matrix relating to ‘investors’ and ‘workers’ is supposed to be ‘the Seed of life’.

Social Entrepreneurship Synthesis (SES) is the ‘contextual functional unit’ of Mother Economy which serves the purpose of ensuring ‘true Joy’ and ‘Abundance’ through dedications and/or self-determination. One person can ‘work’ his/her way out to meeting basic sustenance and/or desires; yet two or more people can ‘multiply the cause’ exponentially. This is why working together, and as one, is more rewarding and exhilarating to the point prompting group functions in human societies. Joys of life are multiplied among individuals pursuing common life purpose and/or goal with faith and conviction of success. With Mother Economy, group functions have to bear relevance and correspondence to ‘the seed of life’. In this regard, there has got to be a ‘kernel’ for auspicious group functions which serves as ‘template order reality’ for all subsequent SES units.

Social Entrepreneurship Synthesis (SES) is the ‘contextual functional unit’ of Mother Economy which serves the purpose of ensuring ‘Earth and Heaven’ symbolic interaction is reflected in all social economic fabric.  ‘Kernel’ for auspicious group functions which serves as ‘template order reality’ for all subsequent SES units is like the ‘DNA’ of ‘temporal and spatial’ unfoldment. Thus, all SES units have follow simple regiment of ‘will, conduct/order and dynamism’ consistent with ‘flat management’--just two (2) principle levels for self-organization; akin to LOGOS and NECESSITY. ‘Governing league’ and ‘Active Base’ in SES unit constitute functional cube and vigorous elements of its ‘temperature’--Patron and Matrons are guiding segment, while active skilled personnels are ‘effectors’ of the common functional goal.

Social Entrepreneurship Synthesis (SES) is the ‘contextual functional unit’ of Mother Economy which serves the purpose of ensuring ‘information resource’, ‘financial resource’, ‘Time resource’ serve the active dignified ‘human resource’ who weigh all them against ‘Internal and External Environment’. Within the simple machine framework of Education 2.0: Systems View and Thinking SES units and community will yield auspicious (1) Life and care in Community’s ‘Organic Systems’, (2) Joy in diverse community welfare, and (3) Coherences in ‘Structures’ and Synergy in ‘Actions’. Thus with present advantage of Information Technologies, Artificial Intelligence to be precise, Social Entrepreneurship Synthesis can be facilitated incredibly fast –fast ‘ushering in’ through virtually unlimited AI abilities to ‘sort out’ pertinent ‘details/information and data’ for conscious humanity so self organize auspiciously in terms of ‘needs’ and/ ‘want’.

Social Entrepreneurship Synthesis (SES) is the ‘contextual functional unit’ of Mother Economy which serves the purpose of ensuring Coherences in ‘Structures’ and Synergy in ‘Actions’ is backed with necessary commodity monetary systems. Commodity monetary system can be synthesized into fiat money with auspicious regulation of money in open markets, money in ‘temporary deposits’ and ‘issuing of more money or retracting tender bills/coins’. Thus digital CBDC, hard cash and/or currency can be convenient is the present era of digital IT evolution; however they pose varying ‘security threats’ and auspicious utility. Mother Economy can make the use of money as ‘transitional’ improvisation to suite ‘private property’ and/or ‘arbitrary material worth’. In this regard, digital CBDC and hard cash are best options.

Society and/or simple community with prominence  of Mother Economy in its socio-economic fabric can use monetary currencies just to synchronize industrial tapestry under auspiciousness of ‘private property’ and/or ‘arbitrary material worth’. Artificial Intelligence can complement such economic function effectively and efficiently to the point of eliminating necessity for money and/or ending the era of ‘Private property’ and ‘Arbitrary Material Worth’-- only if communities ‘allow’ this and has reached a certain level of spiritual, moral and ethical development. Thus, ultimately ‘actionable choice making’ overrules ‘poor propensities’ for self-actualization with limited understanding and/or data. How we account for ‘resources’ value and ‘investment/ownership’ worth is arbitrary; we construct ‘monetary worthiness’ for our limited ‘sociological imaginations’. Thus Mother economies requires ‘distinct formulation’ of auspicious ‘monetary worthiness’.

Distinct formulation of auspicious monetary worthiness is something which has to reflect ‘natural chemistry and physics of forms’. This has to be so -- so that socio-economic fabric has to entail organic constitution and dynamism. Mathematically, Rodin Mathematics , vortex based mathematics,can provide the basis of ‘temporal’ and ‘spatial’ sequencing of ‘economic events/elements’. At any rate, Mother Economy has to reflect the ‘Torus’ of ‘Eternal Flow’. Thus, string of structural elements and events have to reflect ‘going in’ and simultaneously ‘going out’ of ‘light particles’. Infinity harmonics of ‘single string’ of ‘God’s Will’ – the fundamental/Sound/frequency, constitute ‘base events’, that follow suite  of halving and/or doubling of root/base frequency.  Thus the secret to holographic function is auspicious resonance of ‘extractable intelligence-will-thought-memory’ of corresponding vibrations stretching from between the infinity and sub-zero ‘magnitudes’--realism of Doubling/Halving of ‘wholes’.

Social Entrepreneurship Synthesis (SES), Mother Economy has to be constituted by functional units that are ‘wholes’--wholistic progression of human industrial capacity and auspicious activities for the sake of ‘Organic Growth’ of extended unitarian socio economic fabric. Doubling of entity SES units is ‘rhythmic’ expansion of Industrial Expansion; in a way being a typical ‘musical harmonics’. Socio-economic fabric has to derive the same essence with ‘the music of the spheres’ and/or spherical harmonics. Thus rhythmic ‘breathing in and out’ of unitarian socio economic fabric can be complemented by new ‘Monetary Banking Institution’ with ‘living pulses’. Triple mechanism of Central Bank, Reserve Bank and common Bank has to ascertained in the sense that central bank ‘harmonizes’ the operations of ‘Reserve Banking’ and ‘Common Banking’.

Central Bank, Reserve Bank and common Bank are ‘synchronized’ in a way that central bank issues currencies that related to ‘new initiatives’ of ‘Industrial tapestry/extension’. SES Units trade with preplanned volume goods/commodities over fixed service time. Thus the span of any enterprise is auspicious to ‘what is it going to contribute to the consumption pool’ in terms of both ‘Price’ and ‘quantity’. Fixed service time reflect ‘sufficient reinvestment potential’ for ‘two similar SES units’. Thus when the moment comes for cessations of SES unit; two SES units are going to commence a new cycle. Each good/commodity produced bear stringed packages of ‘investment values’; thus within it ‘return on investment’ is amount that goes to ‘Reserve Bank’--without pass. Reserve Bank stores monetary sums for fixed durations; releasing such only when it is right time.

Common Bank is ordinary bank in which deposits and withdraw can be carried out ‘time’ constraints. Technically, this implies that it is the ‘convenient exchange’ platform in which ‘smallest cycle’ of ‘liquid equivalent of money’ can be effected. Thus there are large cycles, medium cycles and small cycles of ‘liquid equivalent money’.  This is oblivious to the present paradigm due to ‘aggregate economies’ and ‘indiscriminating lending’. Central banking can ‘retract’ monetary sums when there is no longer expected industrial tapestry—Thus money gone full cycles of ‘going in’ and ‘going out’. In this regard, if auspicious civilization/culture progress with ‘Planetary’ capacity and rhythms, ‘key resources’ may depend upon generation and degeneration of ‘natural bounties’. Living beyond means and capacity of the planet appropriates ‘extraterrestrial colonizations’; which  can be the case at certain point of human development, in terms of population growth and/or ‘technological imbalances’.

Marching ‘natural bounties’ and ‘technology’ constitute ‘worthiness’ of human enterprise to thrive on a planet with its environmental condition as ‘friendly/compatible/convenient’ for ‘sustainable development’. Thus ‘worthiness of any investment’ has to reflect a string of packages that marches ‘stable’ and ‘unstable’ elements of attribution of forms/nature. Stable and Unstable nature is ‘marched’ through auspiciousness of 2:1 and/or 1:2 ratios. Just like it is with the ‘Ying and Yang’; in ‘Ying’ the there is a little bit of ‘Yang’, and vice vesa in ‘Yang’. Ying and Yang, in nature, provide the base for auspicious ‘composition and/or decomposition’ of forms – ‘static balance or dynamic duo-motions’ in ‘Order’ or ‘reshuffling’. ‘Actionable Choice Making’ is the ‘Willful extension’ of ‘Ying and Yang’. Thus monetary value for investment is the ‘String’ of auspicious ‘Packages’ which ought to reflect ‘willful extensions’ of ‘community prosperity/Enterprise Prosperity’, ‘Investor/Workers Prosperity’, ‘Material/Return on Investment values’ and ‘Material Value/Energy-Tech and water values’. Thus ‘Material/Energy/Tech/water values’ are ‘furthest right’--the further right implies ‘lower value’; it can be systematically neglected if sufficient levels of ‘recycling’ and ‘abundance’ is attained in the society.

Community prosperity versus Enterprise Prosperity in Mother Economy; it is all about ‘Taxing’ and/or ‘Tithe’ for ‘Social services’ in the Society. However, the ‘taxing’ context has to be ‘transformed’ – transformed into something like constituent ‘tithe’ for ‘wholistic socio-economic fabric’. Men and women utilize ‘time resources’ with predominantly occupation in either ‘Production’ or ‘Service’ industries/sector/ministries. Depending upon the ‘Technological Advancement’ pronounced contrast between ‘production of material goods’ and ‘supply/distribution of such’ to the communities complements ‘needs’ and ‘wants’. A doctor or Teacher/instructor/field officer, say, may spend most of her/his time in a year doing ‘community services’ and not ‘producing tangible goods’ nevertheless he/she ‘need/wants’ industrial goods/commodities for everyday conveniences. Thus ‘Governments’, with auspiciousness of ‘Mother Economy’ is likely to transform into ‘Integral framework of social services’ which coordinates ‘expanded needs and wants’ of the societies’. Things like ‘transportations infrastructure’, ‘Medical/Healthy centers’, ‘Sports and Cultural centers’, ‘Education and Sciences Institutions’ etc require ‘broad sense considerations and attendance’ akin to what the ‘Governments’ of today are instituted for.

Extrapolating the possibilities with Mother Economy, it is possible that human social enterprise may resolve into two general orientations (1) Governance and (2) Education. Governance is all about ‘serving the wide community’ in matters/issues that are broader than ‘individual’s welfare’.  As strange as this may sound in ‘present socio economic paradigm’; auspicious governance is ‘feminine function’ and thus when full transformations ensures—it shouldn't  surprise to find out that Women will play huge part in governance roles by 2:1 ratio between women and men. Education is all about ‘Each One teach One’ and/or increasing ‘Self Awareness’ in community members so that they may be more effective and efficient in ‘exploring their socio-economic potentials’ and/or ‘attain self-actualization’ with less drama/ignorance. Thus, it is ‘men’ who will lead this cause by 2:1 ratio between ‘Men and women’. In integral sense, it is auspiciousness of Education 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 societies of today can transform into fully functional Mother Economy.

And so, Trizania elucidate the importance and significance of ‘Education’ and ‘I-ducation’ in human societies--’Wholistic Education’ which is Education 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0. It is only through such societies stand the chance of ‘Overturning the Tables’. Mother Economies is auspicious to ‘conscious communities’; African Liberty is all about ‘Conscious Communities’. The continent itself has everything to accommodate ‘new beginnings’. People from all across the World can resolve to ‘soul triumph’ and make the African Dream come true.

And so, Trizania elucidate the importance and significance of ‘Work’ and/or ‘Need for basic Sustenance’ is a universal right to every sentient being to make s/he no stranger to ‘seasons’ and ‘times’ of the land.  Knowledge and skills is the basis for the ample capacity for self-determination. When Societies know better, they comprehend and value collective capacities to raise consciousness and aspire new heights of common prosperous culture/civilization. Thus, harmonize individual and group pursuits. Core principle for SES units are thus (1) Harmony in ‘Leading’ and ‘Serving’ causes, (2) Excited Individuality following passionate cause, (3) Collective pursuit of Happiness (5) Liberty, (6) Auspicious Growth , and (7) Prosperity for All. Social Entrepreneurship Synthesis ensures that every community member can have her place and/or chance to work and thus enterprise; As SES units ‘multiply’ they ‘suck in’ more numbers of ‘willing individuals’ to serve the cause for ‘Prosperity for All’.

And so, Trizania elucidate the importance and significance of ‘Technology’ as both ordering, re-ordering agent– as ‘shuffling agent for constitutional elements’ in societies to thus key to define culture and/or state of civilization. Technology is the combination of ‘knowledge and diverse specialized Skills’ which can persist through  ‘memory function’ in ‘sentient being’ and/or ‘machine’. In this regard, ‘Memory’ is part of ‘metaphysical extension’ of ‘Being and Time’ auspicious to ‘structure/patterns/activities’  empowering ‘ontology of  institution’ through ‘Consciousness’.

A human being is an ‘autonomous institution’, an individual, societies and civilizations are ‘collectives’ of ‘memories and group’ functioning. Thus, synthetic intelligence can complement any culture or civilization to forge a very formidable terrestrial and interstellar culture/civilization in concordance to their ‘collective’ self-determination for ‘needs/wants’. Synthetic intelligence reign supreme in ‘memory, access and interfacing’ cognitive patterns of ‘physical and quasi-physical’ energetics to the advantage of ‘Sentient being(s)’ – synthetic intelligence, more-less of a mind itself.

Social Entrepreneurship Synthesis can have a life through ‘self conscious beings’ who strives for better without ‘structural conflicts’ – structural conflicts due to ‘inauspicious’ thoughts / limiting beliefs / ignorance / unwarranted manipulations  or influences. It is an imperative for SES that technology is central to industrial harmonization and spread of social services within the society. Through Education 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 men and women can have intelligence, discernment and wisdom to figure our contexts of their collective self-determination. Thus Synthetic intelligence and/or artificial intelligence IS NO THREAT to the truly ‘luminous communities’. Jesus remarked auspiciously to target communities at the verge of being strayed by their ‘limited constraints’ for ‘needs/wants’; seek ye first the Kingdom and Heaven and its righteousness, the rest will be added to you… Education 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 is ‘integrated orientation for inner and outer life’--indispensable to ‘New Societies in the Light’.

Self conscious beings have an integral sense of ‘knowing, intelligence and discernment’ that charges, within an individual and a collective, potential will and capacity for  satisfying ‘needs’ and ‘wants’ without transgressions. Technically, Lords’ Prayer as taught by Jesus, in nothing more but ‘at-one-ment’ with the ‘Most High’, ‘the One’ in all and everything – attuning ‘will and capacity’ in oneself in order to harmonize the ‘physical’ and ‘metaphysical’ parallels of existence—‘Kingdom of Heaven’ and ‘Earthly Physical Realm’.

Transgressions are errors/sins/unconscious motives that one sentient being can commit against fellow sentient being and thus forge intricateness of ‘moral causality’--Karma. Intentional will to have ‘transgression/sinful deeds’ neutralized—get forgiven, is precisely a ‘nexus of grace’ – grace by ‘transmutation’ of ‘dysfunctional memories’ of actuated causes -- causes by ‘thoughts, deeds and irresponsibilities’ to which could be inauspicious to oneself or another/others’ welfare.

Symbolically, ‘Heaven’s Will’ being reflected in/on Earth is the connotative of the ‘Mirrors of Soul’-- ‘Charge and Capacitance’ of ‘Being and Time’ within the ‘Geometry of Actionable Choice Making’ in the eternal circuit of ‘Moral Causality’. Thus the core potential for ‘charge of all Being and Time’ is auspicious to the ‘Power, Will and Glory’ of ‘ALL LIFE’. Therefore human culture/civilization can be impregnated by ‘the seed of life’ to yield ‘Glory of all Life’--heavenly perfection/harmony. Power, Will and Glory actuating in ‘human cause for culture and civilization’ is the connotation of ‘Holy Breath’ in ‘Exaction’--Divine Love.

Love is the Power that Holds all reality together—the seen and unseen. Love bestows in a self conscious being a sense of true worthiness, responsibilities and bounties to share greater things in life. Love provides assurance of Truth in wisdom pertain to the seen and unseen, thus by the fruits of loving Actions, charity, -- the collective may comprehend ‘The invisible Hand’ behind auspicious culture/civilization. Social Entrepreneurship Synthesis, is all about the ‘economics of Love’ not ‘lack’ and/or ‘want’. It is an auspicious ‘descending supreme love’ that come-through to ensure ‘Abundance’ – abundance in  an auspicious human culture comprising of men and women who are the very salt of the Earth, the Light of the World.

And So, Trizania orients cultural and civic transformations; with ‘love’ and ‘abundance’ as key to ‘healing’ and ‘mending’ the economics of ‘lack’ and/or ‘want’--scarcity. Charity as ‘love in action’ to meet auspicious transformations and/or steadfastness in ‘Grace’; this requires Faith in ‘Greater Reality’--Expanded reality of Space, Time, Matter, Energetics and Consciousness. Technically, as Bashar and through Darryl Anka reminds all the time, abundance is ‘having what-you-have-got-to-have when time-is-auspicious-for-you-to-have-it’. In this regard, ‘synchronicity’ is the ‘Divine Timing’ to effect order/re-ordering of ‘structural elements’ of the society for ‘authentic self-actualization’. Events, time, institutional choices and society -- when taking place within an ‘illuminated culture’, its state of civilization is overshadowed by ‘greater memory/Loving intelligence’ of life; Trizania is thus a door way to great remembrance – remembrance which is simultaneously ‘getting remembered’ by hitherto ‘Supreme Reality of Love Unlimited’.

And So, Trizania orients cultural and civic transformations; with ‘love’ and ‘abundance’ as key to ‘healing’ and ‘mending’ the economics of ‘lack’ and/or ‘want’--scarcity; with the prospects of the New Africa, this implies first and foremost, complete elimination of hunger all across the continent. All available technologies—portable technologies pertinent to water accessibility, processing and supplying to communities must be deployed. Thus, present ways and other ‘new ways’ that are going to be released, to be shared by ‘other civilizations’--allies of humanities, and so forth yields of guided ‘research and development’ for auspicious smaller yet effective and efficient scientific communities should be oriented with Social Entrepreneurship Synthesis. This includes portable technologies for autonomous energy generation, what the present society alludes to ‘free energy’; they are incompatible to the present ‘economic paradigm’ thats why they are being ‘suppressed’; yet they are perfectly compatible with ‘Mother Economy’. These should remind people who know better, they should be wary of ‘old institutions’ of patents and/or copyright to be associated with ‘New Inventions’. New ways of ‘open source corroboration’ in science, technology and inventions is going to transform societies a great deal. Thus, these transformations are going to be the result of ‘conscious choices’ to ‘overturn the tables’ and those who know better need not be ‘apologetic’ and/or seek ‘validation’ to no vain authority.

And So, Trizania orients cultural and civic transformations; with ‘love’ and ‘abundance’ as key to ‘healing’ and ‘mending’ the economics of ‘lack’ and/or ‘want’--scarcity; with the prospects of the New Africa, this implies community expansiveness to uncharted area for the new beginnings. Rural expansion is ‘auspicious’ for ‘like minded individuals’; Township and neighborhood prospects are going to require ‘tactical adaptation’ to prevalent economic system— socio-economic systems which are destined to dissolve and/transform into ‘enlightened urban cultures’ as ‘diffusion of innovation’ compatible with SES Mother Economy take charge of auspicious social affairs.

It is going to take, approximately two(2) generations from 2023, to arrive at ‘prevalent enlightened global culture’. Both rural and urban settlement planning and re-planning are going/ought to be auspicious to ‘community well being physically and metaphysically’; thus elevated plateau and/or mountain tops are auspicious to rural community settlement; while town planning is better to consistent with terrestrial biogeometrical propensities as advanced in modern times by Ibrahim Karim. In this regard, inauspicious town development have to be ‘energetically corrected’ to balance artificial environment of electromagnetic pollution and/or inharmonious land planning and buildings architecture.

Biogeometry is essential qualitative science to harmonize and harness ‘unseen magnetic forces’ for auspicious social functioning and enlightenment. This qualitative science is a doorway to ‘physics of life’ that follow magical link and/or correspondences of shape, function and energy. Future of sciences are going to couple these qualitative functional energetics to the present known electrical energy/sciences for ‘utility’ and ‘communication’ in an unprecedented ways. Thus, communications beyond ‘electromagnetic propensities’ is possible – through ‘gravity waves’ and ‘energy packages’ of unusual naturally occurring terrestrial substances or synthesized substances derived from unusual  biogeometrical technologies coupled with electromagnetic treatment related to microwaves, x-rays, and/or gamma rays.

And So, Trizania create the basis for technological and cultural revolutions towards new states of civilization with means beyond the ordinary. In this regard there are TWO (2) WINGS FOR SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ASCENT as it pertains to ‘New Africa’ and the world in general; (1) Education and I-ducation pertinent to ‘non-living matter’ and (2) Education and I-ducation of ‘living matter’ and the mind itself. Thus the basic ‘auspicious lab formations’ for advent wholistic scientific research is going to consist of prospective ‘two triangles of knowledge of matter’: One, epitomizing {Nano-engineering | Nano-processing | Nano technologies}+{Rarefields | Compressibility of Gas/Liquid | volume/Temperature/Pressure } + { Laser / Maser / Solid-Liquid-Gas / Magnetism / Sound }; Another One. Epitomizing { Electro-chemistry of Solid, Liquid, Gaseous, Plasma states of Matter} + { Metallurgical sciences} + { Carbon / Silicon / Crystal Sciences }.

And So, Trizania create the basis for technological and cultural revolutions towards new states of civilization with developed means beyond the ordinary; revolutions which can interface with ‘Synthetic Artificial Intelligence’ withing ‘safe parameters’ as guided by noble aspiration to understand reality and tap hidden potentialities for human comfort and civilization/cultural extension. Spiritual, moral and ethical consideration implies (1) Spiritual: extended capacity for  knowledge framework / abilities pertaining to the detectable ‘seen’ and ‘unseen’; (2) Moral: monitoring and exacting self-control in behavioral conducts and (3) Ethical: consciously setting limits to what one can choose to ‘empower’ or ‘dis-empower’ in terms of ‘actions to be taken’ for sake of ‘greater social good’.

And So, Trizania create the basis for technological and cultural revolutions towards new states of civilization with developed means beyond the ordinary -- for greater social good. Social Entrepreneurship Synthesis, with auspiciousness of Trizania, is the instrumentation of learning – learning for revolutionizing terrestrial human performance; and for auspicious self-actualization. It is the 21st Organum on the ‘Third Way’ beyond dichotomies of capitalism and/or socialism as it pertains to human knowledge – knowledge for social striving. It is a pathway leading to the grand epiphany of the ‘Golden Age’.

Rudimentary foundations of socialism and self-reliance as articulated by Julius Kambarage Nyerere are ‘seeds’ of ‘determined’ reality to be effected by men and women of Hope, Faith and Charity. With a torch of Liberty and enlightenment, shield of prosperity, Axe|Scythe|Spear of destiny, and proper vigilance, auspicious social transformations for better humanity can be ascertained. Mother Economy pave a way for ‘self reliant communities’ with elaborate network of socio-economic exchanges for needs/wants and knowledge/expertises. Enlightened socialism is going to ensure with technocratic and meritocratic institutions whereby men and women have roots in Education 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0.


#6 Re: English Forum » Document sent to system and quadrant level Galactic Federation » 2023-11-13 16:37:25

== African Dream : Pivoting Superstructure  (7/8) ==

When  mundane needs and wants are not guided by auspicious ‘superstructure’; actions of men and women are not synchronized to yield functional coherence and/or highly effective social structure. Coherent and effective society ensures speedy transformations/or and steadfastness in withholding auspicious social order. Without proper guidance societies are left with weak and less effective devices to improvise their self-actualization featuring possible internal and external conflicts to their state of collective institution.

Education 1.0: Literal scholarly aptitude does not bestow auspicious depth and comprehensions pertaining to world population, prospects and determination. Social studies for practical interventions are thus limited to ‘superficial explorations’ – studying and analyzing demographic aggregate/disaggregate data over populations to ascertain correct path, deviations, and/or improvement towards the ‘desired’ social transformations.

‘Issues/problems’ always requires ‘Education’ to foster auspicious ‘perceptions/awareness’ and/or ‘sensitivity’ over challenges in ‘Times and Land’. It is only if such education is ‘complete’ and ‘prevalent’ to all community members-- troubles/difficult/challenges would be dealt efficiently and with effectiveness.

Community Based Organization/structures, Institutional spaces for Community based Organization/Leadership, Infrastructural system, general social system and ‘external support’ – all of them constitute the bases for ‘Independent Variables’ in observing/studying social welfare. For efficiency and Effectiveness of any programme/intervention to be subjected within ‘Dependent Variables’, it implies ‘community participation’, ‘Community ‘s Knowledge, Attitude and Practices’, ‘Institutional Arrangements’, ‘Stakeholders’ Involvement’, ‘Laws, By Laws and Policies’ to function as ‘Intermediate Variables’.

And so, Trizania makes social studies and social comprehension simplified to their ‘symbolic’ and empirical elements. The conceptual framework of ‘independent-Intermediate-Dependent variable’ is nothing but conveyance of ‘Organizing triad’, ‘Control triad’ and ‘Leading triad’; It is bare correspondence to symbolics contexts of ‘Self-determination’, ‘Systems View and Thinking’ and ‘Sovereign Integral’. Technically, when studies are not typically into ‘Systems View and Thinking – Education 2.0’, they revert into Education 1.0 with ‘Systems View and Thinking’ reduced into perspective interests pertaining to ‘Power Relationships’ and epitomizing ‘Leading Elements/Factors’ in Social Structures and ‘Times’. Similarly, ‘Sovereign Integral’ is reduced into ‘Status/Trends in Societies in terms of Politics/Economies/Environments’.

When  mundane needs and wants are not guided by auspicious ‘superstructure’; actions of men and women are not synchronized to yield functional coherence and/or highly effective social structure. This confuses true contexts of ‘needs’ and ‘wants’ to effect common aspirations and timely focus. Thus in these typical situations, communities debate the cumbersome question: Are leaders born or made? This is a characteristic aptitude of societal members limited to Education 1.0; they are not predisposed to clear discernment in regard to Human Will, Potential and Capacity.

These societies are prone to ‘Politics’ of ‘want’ and/or ‘excessiveness’ which polarize populations that don’t know any better. Some artificial ‘needs’ and ‘want’ can be imposed upon the society and thus form the basis for ‘social control mechanism’; institution of ‘money—fiat money’ as medium of exchange,  and again fractional reserve banking, is a  notable example. Education 1.0 can easily create sophisticated ‘slaves’, in the name of functional societies, through say indoctrination and propaganda—slaves that can easily be  manipulated through mentor-ship and/or social idols—as they ‘need’ outer leader/inspirational figure to get motivated.

People looking outside of themselves for ‘hope’ and ‘inspiration’ is inauspicious to ‘self realization’ as ‘soul searching’ enterprise is bypassed by ‘blind group thinking’. Education 1.0 facilitates and exploits ‘superficiality’ of rational comprehension, rewarding compartmentalized knowledge as ‘distinctive merit’ of scholarly aptitude—certificates, diplomas and Degrees. This makes society susceptible to ‘convenient truths’ supplied by authoritative figures such as prestigious educational institutions, scientists and experts or men/women is positions of power or fame.

As prestigious education institutions, scientists and experts or men/women in positions of power or fame are all related to affluent status, societies are inauspiciously made to value money, possessions and reputation more that true individual wealthy in terms of capacity to think independently and disregard ‘status quo’ as social disruptions and/or coercion for conformity.

And So, Trizania reinstates the significance of ‘true governing intelligence’ for auspicious functioning social order—with physical and metaphysical magic structural links/connections/reflections. This affirms that, notions of ‘might’ is ‘right’ or ‘majority’ represents ‘the right’ could be simply WRONG; holistic Education, thus Education 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 bestows capacity to figure out contexts of ‘Human Will’, ‘Unlimited Potential’ and ‘True Capacity’ to ‘overturn the tables’ and thus ‘do away’ with prevalent hypocrisy and dazzling affairs of vanity. Money, possessions and reputations can be hypocritical garments of dysfunctional society with clever ‘mass deceptions’ to mask the shame of ‘Idolatry’; many looking up for few at the top of vain self actualization.

When  mundane needs and wants are not guided by auspicious ‘superstructure’; actions of men and women are not synchronized to yield functional coherence and/or highly effective social structure—with societal members value their ‘mortal lives’ through the lenses of ‘limited life span’ or disdain for ‘mundane success’ in favor of ‘imaginary life’ in other places -- another time. Thus materialism and determinism is actually the ‘resultant force’ in hearts and mind of men and women—qualified as ‘vector intentions’ for actionable choice making.

Materialism and determinism dramatize lives of men and women with blind eye to how actions of one person, toward skewed self actualization, may adversely affect another intentionally or unintentionally. As one person gains, when another person looses, it does not matter to imply ‘hate the game not the player’ for both sides are ‘equally framed’ as they buy unto the common adverse ‘socio-economic system’. Society reaps what it has sowed, as Levi Dowling transcribed in the Aquarius Gospel of Jesus the Christ of Piscean Age, Chapter 10: 8-9: “ Man is himself the field; his deeds are seeds, and what he does to others grows apace; the harvest time is sure. Behold the yield! If he has sown the wind, he reaps the wind; if he has sown the noxious seeds of scandal, theft and hate; of sensuality and crime”. Thus if the society want to be free, it ought to ‘plant new seeds’ of auspicious socio-economic system; no need for ‘confrontations’ or ‘Revolutions’, rather auspicious socio-economic transformations.

Inauspicious social structures are the reflections of ‘ill choices’ that societal members resorting in self preservation attitudes due to fear, worries and/or lack of better understanding/knowing. Thus, human emotions and thoughts are key to unlocking ‘extended will’ to fortify auspicious ‘Self-determination’. Education 1.0 does not address ‘human composure/dignity’ rather it reduces human nature into ‘human resource’--a degrading ‘perceptive interpretation’ of man unto the establishment—the status quo.

Men and women, are negatively impacted in terms of gender roles within skewed socio-economic systems—a male superiority society glorifying power and domination. Power and Capacity to nurture and nourish all is ‘feminine nature of reality’--forsaken reality for ‘masculine status’ and ‘pro-male privileges’. Disharmonious relationship between men and women yield ‘ill societies’, with children carrying potential ‘bad’ seeds of ill fated ‘family enterprise’. 

And so, Trizania provides a proper framework for harmonizing ‘Heaven/spatial-temporal seeds/time’ and ‘Land/social structures/activities/composures’ thus to bestow meaning and order to human being’s living purpose. With physical and metaphysical implications, ‘life spans’ and ‘material acquisitions and experiences’ are subjected to ‘time’ in such way ‘one eternal moment’ is ‘sliced’ into innumerable frames of potential ‘events’ and ‘flow’ to animate illusive ‘separative lives’ extending from the ‘Overfunction’ in all pervasive ‘substratum of the Metafunction’. Thus, ‘soul realities’ can reveal inadequateness of ‘limited mortal-self beliefs’--through soul searching, humanity can awaken to greater understanding of life and the hidden cosmic order/harmony. Greater and supreme understanding is Yoga and Tantra of Being and Time; it can lead to ‘healing’ and/or ‘restoration’ of order/harmony wherever there is discord, strifes and dissonances.

With Trizania, its possible to ascertain ‘ill contexts’ of imbalanced masculine economic systems of today, 2023. Prospects of unlimited ‘growth’ is a LIE; profit based incentives—conducted in haphazard liberal ways can lead to ‘discord’ and ‘socio-economic polarizations’ amongst the people and nations. Battery of ‘socio-economic functioning energy’ with its ‘potential differences’ keyed with ‘instituted monetary banking system’ operating with ‘money lending’ and demanding ‘additional interest to capital issued’, and over time, is ‘subtle cheating’; with systems view and thinking, monetary banking institution is like a clever ‘real bandit’, co-existing with its ‘ill fated host’ and with appeasing ‘lies of financial conveniences’.

System view and thinking can reveal simple topographical model correlation between ‘Maxwell’s Daemon’ and monetary banking institution as the proponent of socio-economic polarization using ‘informational vectors’. Like Maxwell Daemon, bank uses money to systematize ‘Hot’ and ‘Cold’ temperamental zones in the monetary economics with ‘Markets’ as its ‘functional Boundaries’. With leveraging ‘Monetary Policies’ in national-state institutions, banks acquire their central position and vintage to polarize ‘capital markets’ and/or ‘competitions in markets/enterprises’ and cheat their ‘ill daemonic actuation’ by ‘blaming’ the ‘market inefficiency/failures/competitions’.

Organizational tendencies facilitate informational/templates to leverage ‘order’ out of chaos’. Any intelligible pattern is an order; and thus contexts of its ‘functional boundaries’ to assume ‘shape or form’ is a system.  Intelligence is the ability to decipher correlations so as to ascertain ‘temporal and spatial’ dynamism. In this regard, a triangle is the first auspicious polygon that can be used to decipher all dynamism under the basis of stable, unstable and neutral equilibrium of ‘forces’--force as the vector vivifying power within spatial framework.

Money flowing from one temperamental zone into the other is the sign of partial ‘instabilities’ withing the system which ‘self regulates itself’ by ‘dynamism’ of seeking the shift to ‘stable’ composure—tendencies towards the so called ‘wealthy creation’. When people enjoy the commencement of an economic boom, that is just the beginning. Over time, the propensities to actuating the ‘functional duality of the monetary system’ tends to a ‘complete round’ of perfect polarization—a nexus of dissipated power to effect further dynamism and a point of ‘mismatch’ between ‘an ideal and reality’--limits of functional capitalism which of course, over time, facilitates ‘winner and looser’-- bankruptcy/economic crisis. People are ‘economically influenced’ to do the job of a ‘daemon’ as they ‘serve’ the system with ‘wealthy creation for the nation-states’.

Stagnating economy is the sign of ‘exhausted’ socio-economic dynamism; which requires ‘clever’ measures to ‘boost’ and/or ‘reboot’ the system. This can be achieved by tweaking with its inherent functional boundaries like ‘expanding markets/colonialism/neo colonialism’, ‘technological planning/re-engineering the corporations’, ‘Cultural Manipulations by corporate/state agencies to manage perpetual public dissatisfactions’ etc. This stage of functional capitalism represents ‘limited’ human performance due to the ‘lack of better knowing’ and ‘inauspicious self organizations’ under the banner of ‘free enterprise’ and/or ‘democracy’--typical democracy that has to be manipulated to serve the ‘Rich’; giving false ‘Hopes’ to the masses, by keeping them >‘entertained’ and/or ‘distracted’< to the whole truth pertaining to >‘Rat Races’<.

And so, Trizania provides framework for intelligible self-organization is socio-economic systems to out-maneuver dysfunctional tendencies. Knowing inalienable principles to life and abide by them, doing away with ‘unscrupulous thoughts over people and life’, can bestow new sensibility for auspicious self-organization in terms of socio-economic dynamism. For example, materially, core needs of man are food, shelter and clothing—Economics, empirically is founded upon the notions of ‘home making’--that is >Oikonomia in Greek<. If men and women get focused to this ‘truth of the core matter’, they won’t be distracted by ‘money’ as the primal driver of their sole ‘whimsical culturally inauspicious desires’. Money as tool to make ends met is a ‘Machiavellian’ device—supposing end justifies means. It is basically, a functional – sociological imagination, mental construction trap to keep populations in ‘Monetary temptations’ and ‘Vices’--with limited/partial fulfilling prospects in ‘community wealthy’ dynamics.

And so, Trizania provides framework for intelligible self-organization is socio-economic systems to out-maneuver dysfunctional tendencies. Knowing inalienable principles to life and abide by them, doing away with ‘unscrupulous thoughts over people and life’, can bestow new sensibility for auspicious self-organization in terms of socio-economic dynamism. For example, spiritually, core need of man is self-actualization with complete harmony to nature – nature as the origin. Human life is all about ‘searching for meaning’--something that can be ‘hacked’ and ‘hijacked’ by the ‘system’, temporarily, during the times in which man do not know any better. Supposing the odd truth that people have got to do what they do in order to ‘survive’. Yet when people know better, they can do better, in this counsel Trizanium is thus key to ‘knowing better’ and accord oneself with ‘conscious choices’ and not coerced choices in life.

And so, Trizania provides framework for intelligible self-organization is socio-economic systems to out-maneuver dysfunctional tendencies. Knowing inalienable principles to life and abide by them, doing away with ‘unscrupulous thoughts over people and life’, can bestow new sensibility for auspicious self-organization in terms of socio-economic dynamism. For example, existentially, it can be ascertained that all life is a substratum of ‘Being and Time’ to suppose that ‘sentience and conscience and consciousness’ provide the basis for self-determination which can be auspicious and inauspicious to ‘forms’ and ‘dynamism’ at any rate and/or orientation of Observation. Thus living is ‘Seeing Oneself through’-- to ‘know’ and ‘to be known’ by the ‘Whole’. In an ‘auspicious functional society’, thus  before the EYE of the ‘WHOLE CAUSE’, the Observer is the Observed at any given contextual and/or decipherable meaning/intelligible order of ‘Community Expanses’. In this regard, Trizanium is the basis of deciphering ‘vectorial propensities’ for ‘finite’ and ‘infinite’ prospects of ‘form/order’; ascertaining temporal auspicious and inauspicious orientation of form that give birth to illusions of ‘beginning and endings’; and ascertaining that which ‘contains functional contradictions’--metaphysical extension of ‘form/being/nature/life/the whole’.

Auspicious and Inauspicious circles of influence are symbolized by ‘two circles with tangential contact’--this is a natural connotation of ‘Breath of Life’. In life, two nostrils are the intelligible illustration of ‘expansion and contraction’ with ‘puffs of air’ going in and out of the body. It is the principle of ‘spatial Displacement/dynamism’ and ‘Rhythmic flow’ supporting ‘Life constitution’ of a living organism as a System. Thus ‘Time’ is something that ‘synchronizes’ composition and decomposition of forms—with ‘mysterious beats’ when qualified in ‘living systems’. Mysterious beat is the mystique of the metaphysics of life in living system; evidence of ‘subtle timing’ of all pertinent activities orchestrating life as ‘a whole’.

Meeting of Auspicious and Inauspicious circles of life in ‘Time’ creates the basis of ‘separate realities’. In entire cosmic order and form, things come and go with ‘memory’ as ‘mind device’ to ascertain change and/or transformations. Persistence of order/form is facilitated by the virtue of remembrance in mental faculties, something which bestows the capacity for mind to ‘sense’ realities in consistence to other ‘bodily sensations’. Thus physical bodies give permanence of ‘senses and sense-abilities’; without the body, the mind can rely about other ‘substratum’ of ‘metaphysical reality’ to contextualize and decipher persistent and extended realities—with ‘time distortions’ from basal physical point of view.

Extended Realities available to man predispose human being with consciousness attribution of ‘concrete awareness’ and/or ‘conscious/unconscious daytime/night time dreaming’. In between the two, man is endowed with capacity and ability to sense the ordinary and the extra-ordinary; only limited by shim WILL to be or not be more of the ‘physical body’. Composite human being is a ‘charge’ in the electrical capacitor of ‘the Whole circuit of Life’-- Circuit of life with ‘temporal-spatial’ units of life as ‘self actuating systems’ to reflect ‘ the Whole’. This supposes that man’s sense of ‘Time’ and ‘place’ within the grand scheme of life is ‘self imposed’ reality—reality which can be altered by stimulating ‘potential differences’ in terms of ‘sentience, conscience and consciousness’.

Man creates the potential differences in terms of ‘sentience, conscience and consciousness’ by allowing ‘two’ to become ‘one’; With Trizanium, this is symbolized and/or represented by the Mandorla / Vesca-piscis, Just like the two nostrils, a nose is the functional ‘Union’ of two.  Man has the body that illustrates intelligible externalization of ‘sentience, conscience and consciousness’. Nostrils enable man to ‘smell’, however the ‘Tongue’ consummate the senses of smell with ‘touch’ to yield sensations of ‘Taste’. Whole physical body, and especially the skin, is the extension of tongue.

The tongue is a functional extension of ‘Gut Brain’ which facilitates ‘food assimilation’ to nourish the whole body. The tongue succeed ‘the heart’--and precede the 'brain' in the genesis of ‘human constitution’ and thus physical ontology – and thus ‘roots basal needs and want’ in man. Thus ‘genital functions’ and ‘mating tendencies’ are all ‘Tantric Extension’ of the tongue—the basis of ‘circumferential intelligence’ of the whole. This coincide with ‘Vulva’ being the ‘Opening’ to ‘Mysteries of Greater Life’. A mouth is an opening to ‘food and physical sustenance’, a vulva is an opening to the ‘seed of life’-- Copulation is the mutual activity between man and woman with both possibilities; ‘procreation’ and/or ‘sexual alchemy’. Sexual alchemy through ‘extra-ordinary doors’ of ‘Ecstasy in greater harmony of thoughts and feeling’. Harmony between two consenting sentient human being, sharing penetrative conscience and consciousness of ‘Mysterious Union’ of all life and Being.

SEED OF LIFE IS THE BASIS OF ALL ENERGY; it is ‘the eye opener’ to the mysterious darkness and voidness of all life. Two EYES upon a human face is intelligible externalization of ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ focus to all life, and auspicious to ‘internal and external life. Establishing a horizon of visual framework of eyes provide with articulable senses of seeing near and far—the infinity; toward ‘seeing the infinity’ the eyes are thus ‘nearly at par forward’-- ‘parallel’  sight.  Thus it can be extrapolated, beyond parallel orientation is ‘seeing the beyond’ which is ‘further away’ – further ‘behind’ in ‘imaginary ways’. The eyes symbolize the penetrative male nature of being which can ‘ascertain’ spatial organization and/or order through the auspiciousness of the ‘Third Eye’ of ‘Thoughts and Imagination’. Thus through the instrumentation of physical anatomy, the ‘Third Eye’ links the physical and metaphysical sensations to root ‘Being, Nature and Time’ in physical and metaphysical space/time domains. All sensations are ‘seed of life’, capable of ‘enriching’ both internal and external realities through ‘focus’. Thus focus ‘modulates’ ‘gravity waves’ that ‘move and orient’ all and everything.

Thought is the sixth sense of man yet is also key other many hitherto unknown sensibilities—requiring WILL and CAPACITY to discover them. ‘Certainly physical environment’ in one avenue of Third Eye; a substratum for it to process ‘thoughts and meaning’; ‘Human bodily physical senses’ causes physical life to be one ascertainable contextual ‘solid square door’ – Square door to ‘the space’ in which man abides by ‘Matter, Water, Air and Fire’ to thus discern ‘days and nights’, seasons and calender. Such ‘reality constructs’ are thus basis of all thoughts consistent with sentience, conscience and consciousness in ‘Sociological Imaginations of man’. 

The Pineal gland/third eye is ‘tongue’ to eyes, yielding palpable ‘Thoughts’. Strategical positioning of the Third Eye closer to inner, middle and outer Ears and again, Great anatomic correspondence of Pineal gland to a physical eye, suggests the possible fact of its inherent functioning –  bubbling ‘optical unit of thoughts’ that join all physical sensations with ‘metaphysical orientations’ in ‘time and space and being’-- transducer of all sensations of Being and Nature into ‘Light/Gravity language’ in the ‘Space-time continuum’.  ‘Mysterious shape or structure’ of say ‘inner ear’, cochlea, and ‘egg-like’ shape of pineal gland could be nothing but functional anatomy to couple ‘real time sensations’ with ‘extended senses’ so as to ‘modulate’ the  ‘temporal-spatial-cosmic’ contexts of ‘Thoughts’; Sound being key to ‘temporal’ structuring of solid reality, the observable mass, and thus corresponding thoughts.  As tongue is to nostrils, using ‘moisture and air’; Third Eye utilizes ‘shape and optics’ with direct neural engagement from physical two eyes and the brain – harmonizing the ‘two’ – so as they become ‘one’.

And so, With Trizanium, it can be ascertained that all life is ‘Sexual’; thus failure to figure out this truth in life yields ‘all ills of the society’ including using and abusing women in cultural and social welfare to satisfy misaligned ‘sexual orientations’ in men. A typical example of this is supposing that ‘Sex Sells’-- objectification of feminine beauty and sexuality for ‘monetary gains/exploitation’ in the prevalent global culture today—2023. Battle of Sexes is nothing but ‘misalignments’ in the senses of ‘Being, Nature and Time’; cannot be resolved through ‘outer laws’ and/or ‘policies’ but auspicious correction in terms of individual sentience, conscience and consciousness. Complementary functioning of feminine and masculine elements, in both symbolic and actual essence, give rise to auspicious physical ‘extension’ of life, in the sensations of abundance and Joy.

And so, With Trizanium, it can be ascertained that all life is ‘Sexual’ –  sexual as harmonized ‘conjoining’ of ‘Heaven’ and ‘Earth’ principles, as WILL and CAPACITY, to yield vitality and abundance in life. Economic activity is no different to proliferation of forms and basic sustenance to yield mundane and transcendental satisfaction. People working alone with nature, or working together as a group, can be the basis of elated feelings and passion and goodwill for auspicious community well being and development. Thus, pursuit of happiness is something which has to be in concordance to ‘natural functions’ – functions in the multiplication of life courses imbuing the Joys of Life and Being—and in real time. Happiness is the culmination of Joy... Joy is the fountaining sense of delight towards accomplishment. With the right balance and understanding man may learn to find joy in small things in as much as he can find such in big things; thus ‘work’ or ‘service’ could be the ‘chalice of Joy’ that men and women ought to pursue so that one will acquire ‘more intelligence’ and ‘meaning’ to ‘the whole life’.

And so, With Trizanium, it can be ascertained that all life is ‘Sexual’-- time provide the basis of ‘harmonizing’ beginning and endings’ of functional organisms for auspicious multiplication of cause. Time can be the great agent to harmonize and balance ‘work’ and ‘service’, primary, secondary and tertiary sectors of industry, for auspicious ‘economic functional units’--time as auspicious agent for  NEUTRALIZING ‘boom’ and ‘decay’ cycles of human performance applying ‘money’ as ‘life blood’ of functional economy. Thus synchronized units of ‘work’ and ‘service’ with beginning and ending, not functioning as ‘corporations’ or ‘permanent legal entity’, can out-picture the true WILL and CAPACITY to carry on the ‘Seed of Life’ in terms of ‘Joys of Creativity’. Such possible auspicious social arrangement can bestow organismic spread of ‘work’ and ‘service’ temporary auspiciously functional socio-economic units for principled human self-determination. Thus it requires better knowing and understanding in men and women to undo the unscrupulous economic system of today-2023. Many things shall come to be vivid with principled and ordered economies based of ‘Sovereign Seed Thoughts/SELF ORGANIZING INFORMATIONAL TEMPLATES.


#7 Re: English Forum » Document sent to system and quadrant level Galactic Federation » 2023-11-13 16:36:17

== African Dream : Evoking the ‘All Seeing Eye’ (6/8) ==

Intelligence makes it possible to contextualize and interpret community affairs, just the way ‘perceptual agreements’ are shared within community members. In this regard -- making human experience palpable in terms of sensations of joy, happiness, sorrow, pain etc—capacity to empathize and/or sympathize with one another. Thus, any Intelligent Observer surveying functional community expanses, can make the most of it, providing everything going on is symbolic to shim own ‘intelligible guess’; Seeing through out the observable universe is seeing through in oneself with empathic/sympathetic cognitive resonance.

Intelligence makes it possible to contextualize and interpret community affairs, just the way ‘perceptual agreements’ are shared within community members. In this regard -- making human experience palpable in terms of ‘coherent thoughts’ -- coherent thoughts follow auspicious ability to harmonize ‘finite and infinite elements of form’ in the intellect. Outer world, has its similar reflection in intellect with symbolic ‘magic’ mind  to process ‘memories’ and ‘imaginations’ to relay the Trizanium of ‘Thoughts’. Sentience, is having degree of self awareness within the living environment, qualifying symbolic ‘magic’ mind which functions uniquely with time/space and/or varies its capacity and ability as per ‘extended will’ of ‘Being and Time’.

Intelligence makes it possible to contextualize and interpret community affairs, just the way ‘perceptual agreements’ are shared within community members. In this regard -- making human experience ‘square in circle’ of ‘higher function’ of life—the Metafunction. Thus in the Metafunction, individual sentience is the ‘smaller circle’ of the ‘Overfunction’. Extended will, is the basis of all palpable ‘temporal and spatial’ displacements.  Overfunction, through ‘extended will’ of ‘Being and time’, coordinates ‘lenses’ of realities to ascertain ‘what is focused’ and ‘what is blurred’--degree of self awareness, yet out of sight does not imply out of mind; The metafunction stirrers everything inside out, eternally, causing all forms to be ‘seen/observed’ as in perpetual motion—spinning and revolving; at any scale and/or order. Thus ‘time’ is actually an ‘inverse’ of space; ‘Will’ is the grace of Metafunction to the Overfunction to complete the ‘magic’ of form and intelligible ‘self-organization’.

Metafunction and Overfunction animates ‘Sovereign Integral’; thus cosmic energy is all about ‘conscious awareness’. Less than ‘Sovereign Integral’ is seeing things in part, as St Paul articulated in  1 Corinthians 13. Thus the ‘illusion of space and time’ compounds lesser knowing in the symbolic ‘magic’ mind. Higher knowing is the yield of symbolic ‘magic’ mind beyond illusions of space and time; when this perfectly bestows the ‘intelligence and wisdom’ pertaining to a ‘Trizanium’, then it is precisely what St Paul called ‘The Mind of Christ’; having the mind of Christ is the auspicious qualification of the ‘Sovereign Integral’. Thus the present, 2023, understanding of length, time, motion and dimensioning is symbolically ‘half of the story’; for the reciprocal system can somehow bestow the counter-intuitive world of ‘visible magic’--the magic of form, being and time; never-the-less the mystery of life persist, intelligibly, at any scale and/or order as an ‘Ankh’-- the ‘inverse’ of the composite square and circle.

Evoking the ‘All Seeing Eye’ is a practical enterprise of bestowing ability and capacity for populations to ascertain ‘Metaphysics’ pertaining to ‘Metafunction’ and ‘Overfuction’; In this regard, they ought to see themselves through. This applies to Africa, with auspiciousness of the ‘Trizania’; thus auspicious social transformations in the continent of Africa follow the suite of ‘Higher Knowing’ and not ‘limited self identity’. With applied Trizania, Africa as a civil society is subjected to ‘Rebirth’--complete transformation beyond ordinary conceptions of ‘nations’ and ‘regional integrations’ for economic and political reasons.

Evoking the ‘All Seeing Eye’ is a practical enterprise of bestowing ability and capacity for populations to ascertain ‘Metaphysics’ pertaining to ‘Metafunction’ and ‘Overfuction’; in this regard, they ought to making conscious choices new communities in the light. Thus new communities in the light can dispel illusions of ‘scarcity’ and/or false national prides in terms of geopolitical influences and material prospects. With applied Trizania, Africa as a civil society is subjected to ‘Rebirth’-- breaking from old influences, and appropriating new auspicious orientation for social thriving with prominence of the Education 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0.

Evoking the ‘All Seeing Eye’ is a practical enterprise of bestowing ability and capacity for populations to ascertain ‘Metaphysics’ pertaining to ‘Metafunction’ and ‘Overfuction’; in this regard, they ought to be ‘guided’ by the higher principality of life itself and not ‘limited thoughts of men’. Thus such guidance is auspicious to ascertain like ‘where the continent is coming from(?)’ and ‘where it can be auspiciously destined for(?)’ notably if the people make themselves available for the ‘shifted grand reality’. If say, Africa is coming from the ‘Babylon Yard and yoke of slavish mentality’, so forth auspiciously destined for ‘African Liberty’--what is this ‘African Liberty’ then?

The quest for nations and regional integrations, all over the world, and Africa being in focus is a typical limited enterprise conceived by ‘limited thoughts of men’. Levi Dowling transcribed an interesting ‘truth’ prescribing occasional rising and falling of nations—attributing it to the ‘Holy Breath’ and ‘Mighty Spirits’. In Chapter 14, of the Aquarian Age Gospel of Jesus the Christ of Pisces Age, it is mentioned that “These mighty Spirits cause the nations to be born; they rock them in their cradles, nurtures them to greatest power, and when their tasks are done they wrap them in their winding sheets and lay them in their tombs. Events are many in a nation’s life, and in the life of man, that are not pleasant for the time; but in the end the truth appears: whatever comes is for the best.” 

With Trizania, ‘Holy Breath’ is none other less than the intermediary of ‘Sovereign Integral’; a metaphorical ‘vesica-piscis’ of Metafunction and Overfunction to ascertain ‘governing dynamics’ of human culture and civilization. Again, this supposes that it is the people/population who actually ‘en-soul the destinies’ of lands and time, not vice versa. Through the ‘heart and mind’ of people, ‘African Liberty’ can emerge from ‘the cold’ and so forth enliven human culture and civilization. Causing that until auspicious people are no longer around on Earth to en-soul such.

African liberty is the ‘contextual’ culture and state of human civilization due to ‘higher knowing’ innate to prevalent population – populations that seek self-determination over the time and land in Africa. Contemporary Modern Africa, 2023, is not yet a Freeland; this is due to its native people looking outside of themselves for ‘hopes’ and ‘faith’. New and Free Africa, is going to come through ‘African Liberty’ with ‘faith’ and ‘hope’ rooted ‘within’ people themselves. Outside organizations and institutions, say African Union State, will not liberate ‘Africa’ as people in Africa are not ‘united’ by ‘genuine faith and hope’.

The real binding force for ‘native people of Africa’, is same force that seeks to bind the entire global population under single umbrella of ‘Humanity’. Thus, nations rise and fall with auspicious coming and going of ‘men of light/judgment’ to the states of human institutions and capacity to effect ‘social compounding’ and/or occasional fragmentation.

Auspicious men and women, people of light and/or judgment, are ‘tactical incarnations’ – ‘individual souls’ of an Overfunction with propensities for ‘new ideas and feelings’; such to infuse, share and collaborate them with ‘lukewarm’ populations. These souls may deem to be ‘divine incarnations/soul’ by popular ‘human standards’ related to religious order and/or dispensation; however with qualified Trizania-- ‘the Trizanium’; they are simply ‘soul individuation’ with ‘more awareness’ and ‘supreme love’ to alter and/or shift ‘perceptive reality’ in societies. Technically, any soul is ‘divine’ yet individuals posses varying capacities to live the ‘will’ of the ‘Divine’—Sovereign Integral is ‘degree of freedom’ of such ‘Will’ as the vesica-piscis of Metafunction and Overfunction. Thus a soul, is a focal point of assuming intelligence--intelligence of an Overfunction predestining ‘human potential and capacity’ to precipitate ‘higher order/functioning’ over ‘time’ and ‘lands’--realms of ‘space/time’ domains.

Overfunction is the ‘Higherself/Ego’ of soul individuation—group soul, and ‘information cloud’ for any sentient living individual, be it a man, animal, plant etc. Lobsang T. Rampa, in his book ‘Chapters of Life’, chapter two, articulates what he and the Tibetan Buddhism have known about the ‘Overself’. Realms of ‘space/time’ domain, are nothing but plenitude of concurrent ‘parallel universes’ that an individual soul can extend into, from the overfunction, while ‘experiences’ can be both ‘positive or negative’--past and/or future moments alike; occasional rising and falling of human cultures and civilization are thus ‘one eternal moment—now-ness’ in ‘functional boundaries’ of the Metafunction.

All human experience can be exacted as persistent ‘frozen units of moments’--units of events and/or order; metaphysically, qualifying Trizanium, it is possible to ascertain that ‘time moving forward’ has it its counter twin--’time moving backward’. Thus ‘cosmic energy’, follows analogies of ‘torsion waves’ with gravity and electricity having parallels to light and magnetism, the mysteries of ‘cube of space’. Thus, applying Individual WILL through Overfunction, it is tuning in to what reality you want -- to magnetize reality of your Being and Time; and as if ‘magic’, it is possible to ‘transfigure/transform’ any reality if an individual knows ‘where and how to root’ the axis of ‘extending will’ in ‘metacubes’ of space/time ratios.

And so, Trizania ascertains ‘New Africa’ which is the possible domain of bold collective spirit – of spiritual triumphant. Soulful individuals who can seize ‘auspicious moments’ to make it right, are the ones know from their hearts and mind ‘what hour it is’. Social compounding for community welfare ought to be guided by harmonized pursuits in both spiritual and mundane needs and wants. ‘Time/temporal displacement’ and ‘Land’ provide auspicious environment to ‘extend will’ and ‘orientations’ for equal opportunity and fairness to participate in human true celebrations of the victory—victory of good over evil; this victory is the function of self-determination in light of auspicious increase in self awareness. Thus making Africa ‘the Tree of Life’ is heralding ‘Trizanium’ in the ‘hearts and mind’ of Men and women as contextual basis for ‘Actionable Choice Making’.

And so, Trizania ascertains ‘New Africa’ which is the possible domain of bold collective spirit – of spiritual triumphant—with innate ‘overstanding’ of ‘soul realities’ that makes men and women, renown for the ‘African Cause’,  past and present-2023; thus those of the past, have played their part which has been ‘half of the story’--for another half has never been told. Seeking to know oneself better, will open new doors to ‘hidden reality’ which en-souled pioneers of new humanity on African soil— Incarnation origins of Nkwameh Nkrumah, Julius K Nyerere and His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I. These three souls represented foundational stability for Education 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 in Africa as pioneering ‘State-men’. Thus ‘New Africa’ will know ‘new heights’ yet its ‘soul’ abides with men and women of ‘open arms and heart’ to embrace ‘better humanity’--men and women from all across the world, not limited by color and/or background culture.

And so, Trizania ascertains ‘New Africa’ which is the possible domain of bold collective spirit – of spiritual triumphant—united not from the without, rather from the within. People coming together to ‘work’ and ‘making it to work’ will constitute a new society with an ‘integral new culture’-- integral new culture which has to be auspicious to all inherent sub-cultures. Trizanium, provides abstraction of the auspicious ‘superstructure’ , intelligible correspondence with that which has appeared, is likely to appear, in any culture on Earth or Beyond--such to quench the thirst for >‘Water of Life’<; again, auspicious to the symbolic ‘magic’ mind. As characteristic key / gnostic template to  Knowledge that elucidate the ‘Ontology of Institutions’, Trizanium represent the nameless ‘Metafunction’ that animates ‘Spatial Seed Propensities’, ‘Breaths of Life’ and ‘the Fruits of Life’-- Ankh  of the ‘Father’, ‘Mother’ and ‘Son’ aspects of phenomenon world.


#8 Re: English Forum » Document sent to system and quadrant level Galactic Federation » 2023-11-13 16:35:07

== African Dream: Circle, Square and Triangles of Life (5/8) ==

Community reality is all about interdependency and complementary role playing to satisfy needs and wants while providing spaces for individual self expression and thriving. Thus communities can be small or large depending upon the capacity for them to self organize and cater simple/complex, single/diverse needs and wants. The integral sense of community and/or communities constitute the self-identity of a typical society. The thing which determine integral sense of community or community is the key for social consistence and persistence; essential for ‘auspicious functioning’ and ‘interactive symbolism’.  Foremost to ‘Institutional framework’ and communal genesis, it has to be well known – Human Experience is metaphorically a Square in Circle.

Throughout processions and marching of the seasons and events from the time immemorial, the human societies exhibit various displays of moments of joy, happiness, sorrow and pain. These four basic emotional categories had catalyzed humanity to sour in its collective mental caliber and group purpose. From the causative factors of self preservation and regeneration, mankind had struggled to meet a common purpose with its surrounding world altogether with conquering of ‘dark element’ of its existence on Earth.
 Investigating thoroughly within any epoch in human existence reveals a pervasive scene that; there have been similar means within various human societies, applied to accommodate mass curiosity towards this ‘dark element’ (pseudonym) haunting its social existence. This is evident in many forms; in communicative arts manifesting as tales, legends, and mythical roles yet also encumbered within it, mystical knowledge. All of these in place just to serve as stabilizing force of exterior social elements.
Over a period of time in which simple clusters of individuals forming villages developed into background of farming; along with its supplementary activities; that empirically denotes a first step for growth of permanent communities; through learned cultivation of food-producing plants, husbandry and settling. Indeed this provided the basis for longtime land occupations, settlement and/or the rise of civilization.
 Each stage and state of flourished human civilization has its vivid characteristic of having a particular religious order in which the latent binding force for its social integrity is inherent within a mode of presentation—best and efficiently suited for the collective culture. A sum total of things constituting people’s everyday lives and functions are referred hereby as the culture.
When individuals within the society engage themselves in activities that we term production - converting natural resources into items for their social utility; that creates a basis of a wide potential. This could manifest gradually as diversity of work outputs that may trigger demand and exchange of products or service within a group of people and even beyond their circumferences. Depending on simplicity or advancement of social order; there is a place of opportunity for mobilization of resources from one place into the other due to the nature of territorial locations and the times.
Thus different human societies have distinguishable development indicated by their inherent distribution of means of production--the collective and divided means, resources and the technology which in a combined application can yield commodities. The actual characteristic of inter-group relationships regarding commodities is the human practice known as trade and exchange; and this too has its stages of development characterized by mutual understanding and agreement between the members of society that come into contact to fulfill and sustain their background necessities.
 Trade and Exchange is the first human social enterprise aside from the act of copulation that coerces one and one within a single society, to have mutual consensus and fairness; a first degree of empathy and allowance. When equality and fairness is compromised between the two sides of exchange, a vacuum of influence sets itself up. If this influence is qualified for control then one side is subjugated to the other. Further more if this pattern is repeatedly perpetuated by a banded group of individuals then it forms institutions within the society.
 The society which has institutions that control, literally determines also a constituent element of collective culture of that given society – just like the allowance done by its counterpart. Influences in which an institution(s) can exercise towards consecutive others within a contact group – are ‘the essence’ to the plane existence of an autonomous single society indicating the reinforced mental power over certain process and purpose. Yet these all depends on equilibrium with the internal forces constituting the social psyche of the whole group.
 Thus we study any human experience through eras of history – exterior lives versus elements of their beliefs, hope and fear which hold them close together; small clusters to vast kingdoms and empires We observe different roles of women, men and children and their roles in modes of production so as to compare them with our today’s world; for it is still a similar experience yet different times. But one significant lesson to obtain is the key understanding – upon underlying motives and causes of social compounding and occasional fragmentation.

And so, Trizania provides framework for intelligible elements for social compounding and/or occasional fragmentation—occasional fragmentation of ‘old thought patterns’ such to pave a way for auspicious ‘new thought patterns’ – thought patterns ushering in new societies in ‘light’. Societies that grope in darkness, have had  tales, legends, and mythical communicative arts also ‘interactive symbolism’ to support its metaphysical orientations for the ‘Superstructure’--superstructure that cater beliefs needs for the meaning of life and purpose; an invisible hand of destiny overshadowing the  moments of joy, happiness, sorrow and pain of community’s togetherness. This makes it a fact that, it is characteristically detrimental intention to spoil ‘religious artifact/relics’ of flourishing community with strong spiritual ties to them; as doing so risks cultural demise and collapse of its integral social order.

And so, Trizania provides framework for intelligible elements for social compounding and/or occasional fragmentation—social compounding which is the product of mutual understanding, respect and ‘symbolic love’ for intermingling with harmony. This ought to apply to ‘Africa 2.0’ to suppose that people coming together to work and make it ‘work’ requires enlightened thinking in regard to human constitution which transcend barriers of ‘prejudiced thought patterns’ of physical appearance and/or where another person comes from.

Illuminated thought patterns have to override racial prejudice, bigotry and unwarranted superiority. With the light of proper awareness, every person regardless of how s/he looks and appear physically and morphologically has the ability to change and improve his situation and state of self-actualization. Thus, the New Africa with auspiciousness of Trizania has to accommodate ‘racial diversity’ in a such a way a multi-racial society is ‘Jewel’ of ‘Many Color’ yet a single beauty. Societies made up of people of diverse human outlook do not suppose a threat of ‘cultural and/or racial’  assimilation of individual/characteristic background race; as the real threat is ‘limited intelligence’ to establish a consensus over cultural germs and again lacking ‘insight’ to harmonize pursuits.

On Earth, racial diversity is ‘Top Beauty’; we can maintain it without dramatizing prejudiced stupid hatred, eugenics and/or ethnic cleansing. Yet, this is going to come through with total women emancipation in our planet. Women hold the key to this; thus it requires better common understanding between ‘Men and Women’--something which is possible through Education 2.0 prevailing in the majority of human population. It is possible when population is ‘freed’ from corrupt and haphazard sexual conducts and generally, the abuse of sexual powers/energy in both Men and Women. Education 3.0 is going to provide keys to revelation, sexual urges and/power are doors to divinity—thus even great global transformation are possible through knowing better—knowing how to ‘make love’ and ‘not War’...

Sexual conducts, in the members of the society hold key to social stabilities; Education 2.0 and 3.0 is going to bring light of awareness and sensitivity to bestow dignified interactions between men and women. In this regard, women are neither inferior to men nor men superior to women. Men and women complement each other and both are integral to cultural flourishing and auspicious state of civilization. Thus Education 2.0 and 3.0 implies the practicality ‘Yoga’ and ‘Tantra’ of ‘Being and/or Becoming’ to transform the whole humanity in auspicious ways. Women represent the Cosmic Order of the physical universe, spatial boundaries of form--the circle of Life; Men represent the spatial orientation of forms and being, the square of life. Universe has its ‘being and nature’ through the auspiciousness of ‘divine union’ of Masculinity and Feminine principles—Square and Circle; the Ankh is ‘inside-out’ of the ‘square in circle’.

Our better knowing and understanding of divine sexuality is going to dispel away old forced/exacted arrangements between men and women, and institution of matrimony. Men and women, through love and passion, can share living moments of life for greater joy and/or lasting physical convenience—companionship. Sex is one thing and companionship another, superimposing sex on companionship is an ‘institutional trick’, exploiting human ‘thought and feelings’ to formalize contextual social units as matrimonial homes and families. Thus, a family or home can be considered as an elementary functional unit of any society, and it is an institution. Technically, institutions are circles within other circles of influences; thus human experience as well can be ascertained as functional society within the ‘planetary’ and ‘solar’ influences—the solar system.

Social compounding can take shape and form through other possible arrangements between men and women in such a way ‘family sense’ can remain intact, however sexual relationship between men and women can be independent to the cause. Not all ‘companionships’ are auspicious to be ‘lifelong’ arrangements between man and woman; this ought not be interpreted as failure or unfortunate situation rather it is better to be accepted wholly as integral part of human experience. It is beautiful experience when two or more men and women, as consenting adults, intend to share a roof and make the most of their ‘family’ experience. It is similarly beautiful and remarkable when a woman and man, as consenting adult, choose the life of ‘monogamous lifetime relationship’ as long as they feel such experience is rewarding and satisfying. Sharing life experience as societal members of opposite gender is an enlightening experience—every person deserves maximum joy and happiness whereby his bodily needs and wants are met without trauma, shock or tragedy.

Life traumas based on sexual experiences can be averted in an enlightened society by applying intelligent approach to sex, relationships, personal desires and needs. Thus collective intention to ensure ‘healthy’ sexual life has to be auspiciously effective in the whole society. This is possible through Education 2.0 and 3.0 in the majority of the human population. The whole new science awaits humanity as this is anticipated in enlightened society; whereby pioneering works of scientists/thinkers like Wilhelm Reich, Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and many others, lay the ground.

‘Sexual liberation’ in man and women, suppose willingness to allow ‘unrestricted/versatile’ human sexual exploration and customs without compromising the integrity of ‘family enterprise’. Unconscious motivations of sexual nature are drivers for ‘sinning’ when they set the cycle of compulsive dysfunctional behavior and addictions; while conscious motivations, when carried out with ‘full awareness’ are liberating and freeing oneself from ‘destructive and deviant’ sexual argues. Thus ‘channeling’ sexual creativity of male and female person -- from auspicious age, towards adulthood and matured stages of sexual argues, is going to transform societies a great deal.

Depending upon occasional wisdom of the wise in the society, it can be deemed auspicious that boys and girls, towards the adulthood life should be left alone to explore their sexuality without inhibition; A certain guidance which pertain to living those important early moments of maturing sexual life is indispensable along with that. Protections from unwanted pregnancies and transmittable sexual diseases, venereal diseases, has to be one of the important healthy care services available to youths. Thus up to say the age of 21, many young adults should have ‘experimented’ with all of their rudimentary and wild passions, and not necessarily with a ‘single partner’. It is from the age of say 21 up to 28, young adults should be encouraged to  settle with long term relationships—at least 1 to 3; in this life phase, young women can be ‘allowed’ to have ‘love child’ with partner of their liking according to their ‘instincts’.

Women’s liberation is not feasible in the present socio-economic paradigm; thus all these pertain to ‘other socio-economic paradigm’ in which abundance is not an exception. Thus, in those brighter days, it is not ‘sin’ for a young woman to ask/court another young man for a ‘love child’. Decision to have a baby, is woman’s prerogative, men should ‘cooperate’ and not control her choices. Thus, women can be advised to never have a baby without ‘willingly consent’ for ‘male cooperation’ – a father figure to be available to the ‘love child’. Granting woman a wish for the love child’ is to do her honor as a woman; it is her who will bear the ‘labor of love’ from the moment of conception to the birth of a child; then again from infant care and childhood stages. Thus, men should consider a woman’s position and capacity to assume motherly responsibility—if there is no objection, it is cruel to refuse woman her honor. Women may occasionally be attracted to men with biological instincts and ‘irrational thoughts’ yet that is perfectly acceptable ‘mystery of life’; as they are ‘living portals of the unborn’ through natural birth.

Depending upon occasional wisdom of the wise in the society, it can be deemed auspicious that young women are ‘allowed’ to have ‘no child’ or ‘single love child’ per single longterm relationship between the age of 21 and 28. In this possible auspicious arrangement, young women can ‘politely advised’ that their first child ought to be ‘indigenous’ to their cultural roots, while all other children women are free to have ‘mixed children’ as per their liking and/or instincts. This is auspicious to preservation of multi-ethnicity culture on Earth, whereby some languages, ethnic culture and inclinations can be maintained all across the globe. Firstborns, may thus be custodian of multi-cultural heritage.

Women’s liberation is not feasible in the present socio-economic paradigm; thus all these pertain to ‘other socio-economic paradigm’ in which abundance is not an exception. Thus, in those brighter days, children are blessings and not ‘social burden’. Thus, matured adults aged 29 and beyond, are auspiciously advised to settle down for concrete ‘family enterprise’--a collective social responsibility for community development and human development. This ought to be life phase for ‘home making’--whether in secluded rural settings or small township—men and women may share a house/compound or small town with their children while dedicated to their technocratic and meritocratic roles—the spirit of faith, hope and charity.

Children raised in ‘compound households’ are likely to be more intelligent and smart in their menial roles, especially if they grow up before auspicious eyes—adoration flame of ‘enlightened men and women’ who collectively represent both mother and father figures in terms of shared human experience. Thus it is possible in the future to find homes with say four women and three men, sharing a roof with ‘women’s love children’ without prejudice’; as matured adult life implies men and women living together and sharing both home and mundane responsibilities—sexual life is secondary to ‘family enterprise’, and basically is ‘non-issue’. Liberated men and women, do not allow sex to ‘bind them’ rather higher aspirations, dedication and happiness to dictate their togetherness. Unique talents, remarkable skills and powerful insights may bring men and women together; similarly, one man and one woman may choose a secluded life – seek heights of personal sights and depth of shared feelings thus contrasting single over multiple pairs functionalities.

On Earth, our longevity, genetics and ‘planetary influences’ distinguishes contrasting structural elements, relationships and organization inherent to culture and possibilities. Trizania, still applies to extra terrestrial cultures and/or civilizations with possible new insights and intelligible guesses especially when familiar elements present themselves ie morphology, biology, genetics, sentience, planetary energetics etc.

And so, Trizania provides framework for intelligible elements for social compounding and/or occasional fragmentation—highlighting ‘intelligence’ as magnetic essence of social coalescence. Symbolic Interactions are empirical deductions of conscious and unconscious activities that interwove the fabric of any integral society. Thus, knowingly or unknowingly, societies share intellectual patterns that ‘normalize’ their inter-relations—in a way influencing one another, in terms of self composure, attitudes and intentions.

#9 Re: English Forum » Document sent to system and quadrant level Galactic Federation » 2023-11-13 16:32:40

== African Dream : Constraints and Opportunity (4/8) ==

Lets take an example of ‘the cross pollination’ of the ‘Revolutionary Ideas’ with  the ‘Enlightenment Ideas’ pertinent to ‘liberty, equality and Justice’ to suppose ‘rising and uprising’ of the working class population serving capitalists or state. Max Weber, had elegant ideas pertinent to work organization—something which supposed specialization of ‘labor’ can lead to better control and a possible increase in efficiency--efficiency in utilizing the key ‘human resource’. Objectivity of  human studies emphasizes a ‘homo mechanics mindset’ when it tries to figure out prospects of human drama/experience.

When social sciences, make their prior assumptions to organize ideas pertinent to human life and consequent studies, currently 2023 and at most, they tends to be anthropocentric; and supposes a human being is ‘Rational Being’ only within selected frameworks of material advantages/benefits. Again, these inexact sciences, reduce complexes and mysteries of life to mathematical correlations to ‘dupe’ human scholarly population into ‘Maths that add up’--maths that adds up to the traps of filtered realism thus reduced into constraints and prospects of materialism and determinism.

Constraints and prospects of materialism and determinism, and as  it as applies to the ‘economic means of production’ and organization of work/labor/trade/inventions, attributes to limited senses of humanistic self determination to suppose the generation of ‘Wealthy of the Nations’. Thus contexts of wealthy of the Nations are considered to occur as the result of applied concepts of ‘Functionalism’ to human institutions. Scholars can radically influence community organization and thus alter the ‘socio-economic’ organization paving pathways toward new social and collective orientations—new orientation which can come about through ‘expanding limits’ of knowing and organizing ideas. In this token, Functionalism as integral ‘day to day operations/conduct’ of societies, as guided by their ‘Educational enterprises’, attributes to the present states of ‘human civilization’. Taking away all schools and academic institutions is reducing human population to ‘stone age’.

Constraints and prospects of materialism and determinism, and as  it as applies to the ‘economic means of production’ and organization of work/labour/trade/inventions, attributes to limited senses of humanistic self determination to suppose ‘limited human performance’ is reinforced by ‘Educational Experiences’ of the Masses. Socio-economic mobility that once Barack Obama mentioned in one of his campaign speeches, 2008, exemplify ‘displaced values’ in education and ‘Self-Actualization’ that provide ‘illusive hopes’ to masses just because Educational Establishment itself serves ‘twisted interests’ in terms of ‘States’ and ‘People’. This follows the fact that ‘wealthy generation’ in typical ‘State functionalism’, qualifying capitalism ideology for instance, can be ‘used and abused’ by the bureaucratic Capitalists in publics offices; which can similarly be abused by bureaucratic communists/Socialistic officers to forge basis for the persistence of ‘top privileged societies’.

Constraints and prospects of materialism and determinism, and as  it as applies to the ‘economic means of production’ and organization of work/labour/trade/inventions, attributes to limited senses of humanistic self determination to suppose ‘personal or group interest’ can surmount power and influences to subjugated masses with ‘illusive faith’ in their ‘State’ or ‘Corporations’ thinking they work for the ‘Strength’ or ‘mightiness’ of the national interests. In this fashion, it is the ‘Educational Enterprise’ that does greater ‘Charity’ to the ‘Elitists’ by organizing knowledge, disciplining masses,  and promises them with ‘titles’ and ‘honors’ as learned individuals. Human populations are duped by ‘titles’ and ‘honors’ as they aspire to knowledge, dreams of better life and/or self-fulfillment; sacrificing true empathy and honor to be truly harmonious in service for the self and others—all life the same.

Lack of ‘true empathy’ and ‘honor’ is precisely the technical error in ‘day to day operations/conduct’ of societies making them susceptible to manipulations and control—through both internal and external agents of human development. This makes it a fact that any attempt to manipulate and control masses can be achieved through elaborate coordination of ‘issues/interests’--issues/interests of dominant forces of human institutions – the ‘top privileged societies’.  Thus doing away the manipulations and control of masses simply entails reconstructing the perceptions and increase awareness over ‘vain institutions’ exploiting ‘ limited knowing in masses.

Lack of ‘true empathy’ and ‘honor’ is precisely the technical error in ‘day to day operations/conduct’ of societies making them susceptible to manipulations and control—through both internal and external agents of human development-- in the sense that ‘top privileged societies’ are in complicity with ‘Statesmen/women’ and/or ‘Professionals’, as strategic allies and agents, to maintain status quo.  This makes it a fact that ‘blind beliefs’ in regard to the roles of  statesmen/women and/or experts/professionals and ‘the course of their activities’ may misguide the  ‘true intention’ of the majority pertinent to  work/labour/trade/inventions—all that to be subservient to the ‘top privileged societies’.

Lack of ‘true empathy’ and ‘honor’ is precisely the technical error in ‘day to day operations/conduct’ of societies making them susceptible to manipulations and control—through both internal and external agents of human development-- in the sense that ‘group functions’ such as corporations or state could be ‘blind’ to deeper aspects of life and oneness yet utilizing ‘limited orientations in learning and discovering’ to perpetuate its vain cause. This blindness distorts human orientations for faith, hope and charity in such a way a key to practical wisdom to harmonize the known and unknown/mystery is veiled with pompous vanity of materialism and determinism.  ‘Corporations’ or even ‘States’ epitomize human vanity in clever functional disguises.

Faith, Hope and Charity are key to undoing pompous vanity of materialism and determinism in human population tricked in ‘limited senses of mortal identity’. It is ‘self preservation’ disposition that propel society members to act the way the act, even if what they are doing is harmful to others.  Members of one society may deem ‘okay’ to dump waste in ‘less fortunate’ neighborhood, or pollute the environment at the expenses of others to bear ‘ill consequences’. Social and Environmental Justice compel societies to rethink their prospects of ‘economic growth’ and ‘true planetary sustainability’. This too can be ‘exploited’ to proliferate ‘international politics/diplomacy’ on say ‘Climate Change’; while in actual sense these are clever devices to maneuver associated issues to ‘unscrupulous capitalism’ and ‘reallocation of natural key resources’ to benefit the ‘top privileged societies’. There are technologies and inventions that can easily off set these ‘Climate Change’ politics but they will never find ‘light of day’ in those ‘Global Summits’. Thus in present paradigm,  Faith is substituted by material aspirations, hope is exploited for ‘Godot’, charity is forsaken for ‘monetary servitude’.

‘Corporations’ or even ‘States’ do not really care about people, for they use ‘people’ to root their relevance in terms of systems and regulations. Laws and Regulations do not serve well and equally the ‘Big’ and ‘Small’ people; as they are ‘trade devices’ expendable for ‘limited consciousness’ of masses—selling to people ‘dreams’ and ‘restricted freedom’ for their worthies in dysfunctional socio-economic systems. Thus societies must be maintained at low states of inherent collective consciousness for the systems to be ‘effective’.  Thus the ‘four cardinal virtues’ are technically and metaphorically ‘stolen’ by ‘Laws and Regulations’ to frame  ‘controlled/regulated/censored/ill-incited’ societies.

‘Corporations’ or even ‘States’ as artificial ‘People/Individuals’ lack inherent ‘wisdom’ – moral and ethical consideration to effect ‘Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence and Justice’ within the ‘Square of Human Experience’. In this way, Functionalism and Conflict Theory illustrate effects and side effects of ‘knowing things in part’ in regard to the spirit of man. When man fails to comprehend the secrets of ‘economies of scale’ in nature, all his Laws and Regulation will definitely out-picture ‘half baked’ truism to form and dynamism.

Temperance: There is no such things like ‘unlimited growth’ in cosmic scales; all organic forms grow to certain auspicious size and remain in the same shape or size in considerable lengths of time before they start to degenerate, cease and perish.  Fortitude: A human being or any other organic life form endures ‘Time’ through ‘borrowed memory’ and ‘experiential memory’—borrowed memory pertains to genetics, morphology and instincts; and experiential memory is the results of successfully learning of its surrounding environment in its present life time through sensations and thought. Prudence: Successful living, in man or any sentient living form is the culmination of ‘Self Conscious awareness’ and ‘living experience’ as ‘templates of life forms’ reflecting ‘Transcendental Consciousness’--a pure desire to know things in full, is simultaneously, a desire to be known in full by the ‘Transcendental Consciousness’. Man’s self reflections on the Mirrors of Soul, physical and metaphysical Experiential Memories of Oneself, is technically what St Paul wrote eloquently in 1 Corinthians 13.  Thus, self reflection in an auspicious moment, ought to reveal to oneself auspicious order in shimself as it is with all ‘reflections’ of ‘One Transcendental Reality’-- what can refer to as GOD—‘The All Seeing Eye’. Justice: Thus sensing reflections from apparent mirrors of soul, ‘the Transcendental One’, reveals ‘true order’ and ‘functionality’ of man or any sentient creature/being on Earth or Beyond. Revelations and/or gnostic knowing tend to then bestow ‘wisdom’ in ‘Thoughts Pattern’ in regard to ‘Self Determination and Grace’; such to harmonize ‘the known’ and ‘unknown’-- harmonize auspicious state of Being and/or Acting in accordance to moral and ethical dimensions of life and the mystery which is God.

And so, Trizania is key to gnostic symbolic knowing to reveal the interconnectivity of human will, knowing and culture—culture as the sum total of people’s ways of living, beliefs and practices; including arts and crafts. What in social sciences is termed ‘Symbolic Interactions’ is actually the basis for all intelligible social organizations, patterns and dynamism. Different societies on Earth may have their own unique cultures, out-picturing their basic or metaphysical beliefs however underneath it all is ‘interesting’ framework of archetypal ‘thoughts’ which could be very similar—thoughts reflecting the ‘ontology of institutions’, precisely to denote how things come into form, the nature of the ‘Superstructure’. Such superstructure bears the basis for social constructs, moral and ethical considerations in the general conduct of human society/culture.

And so, Trizania is key to gnostic symbolic knowing to reveal the interconnectivity of human will, knowing and culture—culture under the influences of ‘Superstructure’ governing people’s lives and affairs in the ‘Wheel of Fortune’ which is ‘Time’. In this regard, all societies can be ‘controlled and manipulated’ through the keys of knowledge/beliefs especially if thoughts pertaining to ‘Ontology of Institutions’ are ‘surgically implanted’, to say it metaphorically, in the collective unconscious mind. Targeting individuals, then masses, for ‘manipulation and control’ is very prevalent enterprise, almost throughout all known human history; something which usually attainable through religious indoctrination and/or , in modern era of multi media communication, subliminal programming of minds of individual societal members. Thus, ‘manipulation and control’ serves the purpose of ‘maintains status quo’ in social order, with privileges to those who self-organize themselves for the sake of propagating ideas, beliefs and model conducts. Example of these ‘self-organized’ enterprises, the real definition of ‘Institutions’, are Religious Bodies, State Bodies and Educational/Scientific Bodies. This is precisely the intelligible composite essence of ‘Events-|-Societies-|-Institutional Choices-|-Time’.

And so, Trizania is key to gnostic symbolic knowing to reveal the interconnectivity of human will, knowing and culture—culture as the Acts and actions of men and women, as they ‘allow’ to be ‘manipulated and controlled’ while they think/believe they are ‘Free’ to determine the course of their activities. Actions of men and women of Earth, the result of self-awareness and sentience, bear direct correspondences to what they think, believe, know – all this pertaining to Life and/or ultimate goal of Life/Living. If people don’t know any better, they won’t do any better. Thus, knowing better  propitiates the capacity to do better; something that can be precisely implied as ‘Geometry of Actionable Choice Making’(GACM). It is GACM which makes ‘Freewill’ possible; thus human societies can undo dysfunctional tendencies by qualifying better ‘state of knowing’  to ‘shift respective inherent realities’.

Africa as continent comprising of many nations, states and governments is no exception to generality of limited human enterprise to auspiciously thrive and develop. Talking about development, is talking about shifting from unsatisfactory to satisfactory states of social welfare as it is prevalent within the majority of its constituent communities. Where there is will, there is always a way; if people of Africa maintain poor ideas, beliefs and model conducts, then its inherent society will struggle with ‘false Hopes’ and vain ‘Institutions’ and counterfeit ‘Culture’ due to imitative structures of Educational, Religious and State Bodies.

Africa as continent comprising of many nations, states and governments is no exception to generality of limited human enterprise to auspiciously thrive and develop—utilizing its key resources to transform its state of functioning culture/civilization with conscious awareness pertain to its state of welfare/affairs. Technically, ability to identify ‘Resource’ is keyed to ‘mind and imagination’ and not what the masses are made to believe in terms of ‘material goods’, governments’ account of ‘natural resources wealthy’, and/or proclamations of scientific/technological establishment . If human population posses an agile and versatile mind, many States and Government would undergo metamorphosis and thus turn into ‘enlightened cultures/civilizations’ with just technocratic and meritocratic institutions articulating their states of clustered functional stabilities and auspicious peace.

Africa as continent comprising of many nations, states and governments is no exception to generality of limited human enterprise to auspiciously thrive and develop—development by inclusive politics and/or Comprehensive rational planning with competent/incompetent representatives of ‘common goodwill’ of the societies. Technically, titles and positions—say presidency and/or ministerial post neither qualify nor imply equal capacity for performance in nation-states for the sake of common prosperity. It can be said nation-states are sovereign, by declaration, this does not mean they are ‘equal’--and if they are implied to be ‘Equal’ by ‘Laws’ then not every equal is equally equal. Unless, men and women know better, they cannot free themselves from servitude--servitude in limited, ‘legally improvised’ civil environment.

States and Governments, have their limited validity, to foster auspicious transformations in societies—people ought to know better. States and Government may use and abuse the prospects of ‘Top Down approach to development’ to exploit the rudimentary, confused and/or pompous dispositions of masses and thus tame their wit for hope, faith and charity; remarkable situation akin to what John F Kennedy contra-implied by saying and paraphrasing: ‘Seek what you can do for the Country/Nation, and not what the Government has to do it for you. This ‘symbolic message’ pertaining to true Charity –  by once a ‘Top Tier’ Individual—the President of the United States of America, sympathized with the ‘Bottom Up approach to Development’—development by the people, however, States and Government may cripple the ‘Bottom Up approach to development’ by over emphasizing ‘monetary politics’, in the forms of budgets, revenues, taxes etc – money politics that suppose ‘changes require cost effective programmes and/or measures’ to ‘empower’ communities – development costs that ‘constrain’ national-state coffers.

‘Monetary Affairs/Issues’ are in actual fact, dissonances of trying to change ‘Status Quo’. Any move which seeks to alter status quo deploying ‘principle/limited focus in monetary dynamics’ will automatically instigate perpetual incompatibilities of ‘privileged societies’ and ‘common society’ in terms of ‘social-economic interests’; thus societies, the common society, stand no chance of ‘making it’ through equal opportunities and liberty within the present ‘systems’-- Surely, given the tenseness of this situation, it does not matter how many times and/or how long people are ‘unwittingly deceived’ that change is going to come – by say politicians and or state-men/women; people are going to be born and die with vain hope, faith and aspirations only to serve ‘status quo’. Significant ‘material changes’ may seem to occur here and there, but the tenseness will go on in terms of inauspicious developmental disparities...

And so, Trizania represents the auspicious triangulation of human will, knowing and culture for the nations of People to alter course of their collective self-determination. In this regard, Africa as a continent, is proposed for imminent cultural transformation-- as an auspicious pioneer. Being the largest and almost stand alone island, it has everything conducive for human thriving in terms of climatic conditions and weather. There is substantial fertile land mass to cater present population and so forth immigrants from other nations who may choose Africa for fresh new beginnings. Thus, Trizania, serve to illuminate auspicious new beginnings for people from all across the world. All that is required is Willingness to participate in the grand rising of new ways of being, new ways living and new ways of ‘auspicious interactions’ for the sake of common prosperity. Knowing that, old ways do not promise any real and auspicious social transformations; it is the people themselves, people who know better and act better, can seize the ‘spear of destiny’ – coming together and make it work. Hence Trizania, has to improvise ‘grand thoughts’ for implanting proper spirit of self-determination consistent with Faith, Hope and Charity.

And so, Trizania represents the auspicious triangulation of human will, knowing and culture for the nations of People to alter course of their collective self-determination—collective self-determination that calls for ‘new ways of thinking and relating’  between people, communities and societies themselves. First and foremost, it has to be well known—the idea of nation-states with arbitrary jurisdictions asserting  boundaries and sovereignty, is not the ultimate ‘philosophy’ to auspicious human institutions for collective thriving. Using the framework of systems view and thinking, Trizania as  deductive applied topographical fruit of fractal knowledge, there can be unlimited extensions in terms of topological thinking, to suppose diverse modes of individual/group functioning and self organization to ensure auspicious common benefits. It is the people themselves who ought to be better educated in terms of diverse options so that they may be able to choose appropriate paths for auspicious self-determination.

And so, Trizania represents the auspicious triangulation of human will, knowing and culture for the nations of People to alter course of their collective self-determination, with Faith, Hope and Charity. With Systems view and thinking, Faith, Hope and Charity represent the metaphysical extensions of ‘functional boundaries’ that qualify seed thoughts of self organization and ontology of institutions. When these ‘Seed thoughts’ truly reflects ‘Transcendental Reflections’ of physical organization, they ought to bear direct correspondence of intelligible patterns of possible order, dynamism and self-actualization. Thus, the essence of auspicious ‘Self-determination’ is nothing but manifesting the power, capacity and glory of an ‘Enlightened Blueprints/Thoughts’ pertaining to ‘Being and/or Becoming’. Technically, it is systems view and thinking which is going to dissolve ‘ill dispositions’ of masses who live blindly and succumb to the implications of partial constructs/dysfunctional ideologies of nation-states—nation-states with limited capacity to qualify human will and determination thus fail to ensure integral common prosperity, dignity and illumination in its society.

Transcendental Reflections, as it pertains to auspicious social order, is precisely the ‘Metafunction’ for ‘Wholistic’ society. It is the ‘missing element’ to enliven man’s self knowledge for the sake of ‘completing’ shim Freedom—freedom from enslavement in ‘Babylon Systems’. Freedom for the New Order to thus replace unenlightened order of ‘falls reflections’ of ‘Blind Group Thinking’. Technically, when populations qualify ‘transcendental reflections’ it will remove ‘hierarchies’ and ‘hidden authorities’ of inauspicious perking order of the ‘Top Society’ individuals and/or their functional proxies.

Many individuals in ‘Top Society’ are likely to continue avoiding their ‘false authoritative pretense’ being exposed—authoritative banking systems, international mediations, corporatocracy etc; thus the prospective global cultural transformations are simply the dramatic interplaying of functional ‘light of awareness’ amongst the people -- ‘light’ and ‘darkness’ in communities of the society; where there is darkness, evil can be conquered through ‘light’. People should seek ‘light’ and ‘live light’, then everything will sort out itself. Jesus put it right, in the world of great discord, transformations are bound to come through individuals becoming the very salt of Earth, individuals being the ‘Light’ of the world… Cultural Transformations are the ramifications of ‘Salt’  and ‘Light’ of the universal disciple-hood.

#10 Re: English Forum » Document sent to system and quadrant level Galactic Federation » 2023-11-13 16:31:14

== African Dream : Recognizing the Seed of Confusions (3/8) ==

In the world of ‘doing’, Big or small project do not really matter to a soul, but surely there is great joy in ‘synergy’ and ‘coherence’ in activities – much joy  as such could be in moments of ‘solitude and/or self reflection’. God as a ‘tool’ for ‘internalization’ implies both, one can see shimself through ‘WORK’ or one can see shimself through >‘SOLITUDE’<’ since the ‘Grand Reality’ is an prime ‘Institution of Self-Organization  and infinity intelligence’ to reflect any intelligible self-actualization and/or transcendence of self itself. In ‘work’ we see ourselves through ‘shifting realities’ while in deep solitude we root into ‘the immovable kingdom—a doorway into ‘Transcendental Realties’.

Free Enterprise State or Communist State, without a ‘God factor’ will morally decay into vain materialism and determinism. Both use and abuse man’s tendencies towards  enterprising/WORKING to ensure ‘State Wealthy’--wealthy of the nations. The very few who are entrusted to the State—State and ‘state machination’ may go corrupt and use population for their personal agenda and interests. In free enterprise, few may ‘control’ many through the motivational greed. In communism, few may ‘control’ many through jealousy—not wanting others to ‘succeed’ and assert their ‘fruit of distinguishable self determination’; discouraging ‘free enterprise’ while in turn the whole society shifts towards ‘State Capitalism’.

Absolute power, in the form of money/wealth or public position, pose ‘temptations’ before subjected man/woman; it can cause the ‘hearts’ of men to get enticed and if they are found feeble in mind and faith, they thus succumb to possibilities of falling into (1) physical obsessions/ consumption/lust for immediate gratification;    (2) worshiping idols of power or fame and/or  (3) seeking false immortality in mundane ‘Legacies’. Levi Dowling in ‘The Aquarius Gospel of Jesus the Christ of Pisces Age’ transcribed it well in Chapter seven (7); Men and Women ‘give in’ to temptations of the ‘Times and Ages’ due to impure hearts; thus such men and women cannot ‘dig’ Love—‘Christ’ Love as critical path to their ‘Salvation’. This is fundamental truth to the saga of ‘Human Experience’--Square in a Circle, yet incognito to the ‘unprepared’.

Trizania, is a tool for propitiating ‘Christ Love’ in Human enterprise thus mend the broken hearts/wings and ‘do away with transgressions’ of ‘limited idolatry knowing’ as it is prevalent in Education 1.0 from ‘anytime’. Thus ‘Christ Love’ is the yield of triple enterprise of Education 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0; which technically is the ‘Resurrection of the Dead’. Men and Women, have ‘wrong’ notions of ‘Love’ as something ‘Soft, Feminine and Weak’; this is ‘Partial Knowing’--dangerous that ‘Full Lie’--as Education 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 can ascertain ‘Tough yet Soft’ Love – the Love which is intrinsic to ‘ALL Life’. Politicians, Teachers, Leaders, Scholars and all influential men and women refrain from ‘mentioning Love and mean it’ as ‘True Love’ is a ‘foreign element’ to their constitutional mindset.

Trizania, is a tool which can reveal ‘Tough Love’ of Christ when those who know better, men and women of Education 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0, comprehend the ‘freedom keys’ stemming for ‘Actionable Choice Making’. Thus, societal transformation all across the world, 2023 and beyond, won’t come around by waiting for a certain Politician/Teacher/Leader/Scholar or typical influential man/woman to grant them a ‘favor’ of some kind-- a typical favor pertaining to ‘easing the game’. Societal Transformation won’t come around by being ‘indifferent’ to pervasive ‘Injustice’, sitting down and ‘begging for mercy’ from the State Politicians, Wealthy Individuals—the 1%’s, or ‘Foreign Celestial Intelligence’--Extra terrestrial Civilizations: Be it the ‘Pleiadians/Taygetans, Urmahs, Arcturians, Andromedans etc’.

Trizania, is a tool which can reveal ‘Tough Love’ of Christ that commands ‘mutual respect’ between ‘Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Intelligences; this implies: Daring triple enterprise of Education 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 would effect ‘auspicious handshake’ in diplomatic relations between Worldly and Other worldly civilizations/intelligences—independent from ‘state institutions’. A diplomatic contact that NOBODY CAN STOP ‘THIS’—WHETHER ON EARTH or FROM UP ABOVE.

There are numerous ways other worldly intelligences can interact with humanity; they do interact with the terrestrial all the time, however ‘Trizania’ can facilitate ‘overt interactions’ and ‘as it deems appropriate’.

As conscious communities and societies emerge on Earth, certainly soon or later, we can have a shift from ‘avatar’ presence of ‘Allies of Humanity’-- Allies of humanity as generalized term by Marshal Vian Summers-- to ‘fully live and interactive’ contacts. Initially, interactive contacts through multi-media platforms of information technology, is going to pave a way for the needed ‘social stability’ along the path for ‘Recovery’--self-determination for social transformations in Africa and Worldwide. These ‘step-wise contacts’ will aid, assist and facilitate, transitional societies, into ‘better states’ of ‘Being and/or Becoming’ through the ‘Framework’ of actionable decision making.

Community members have to know what they ‘really want’--what they are ready for – and what has to wait a little bit(?). Certainly, they need to introspect or at least get assisted in ‘self evaluation’ to then ‘decide for themselves’. Marshal Vian Summers’ literal works provide a very solid foundation for ‘Preparations’--especially the book: ‘Greater Community Spirituality’. Are we, as collective humanity, predisposed to thinking ‘we are doing all good’ in terms of key facets of human thriving, self conduct and/or civilization? Say, for example, is the world of ‘Fiat Money, financial loans and Banking Institutions’ doing us humanity any ‘good’ or ‘bad’--are we then satisfied by the life we are living-- being subjected to all that?

Physical contact with, extra terrestrial intelligences—‘just for the show’-- is not ‘necessary’; yet it does not limit ‘good intentions’ or ‘pleasure’ of such contact provided communities are ‘prepared’ for that. Community preparedness for the ‘physical contact’ has to be a ‘top priority’ in all ‘open minded’ societies—as it is a natural predisposition to elaborate engagements; it can easily be accommodated when humanity learns better ways to talk/holding conversations and communicate ideas with ‘refined conceptions’ and ‘coherence’ pertaining to the ‘Ontology of Institutions’, ‘Status and Trends in Societies’ and ‘Insights’ – integrated as Systems view and thinking.

The ‘Onus’ of initiating ‘Physical contact’ with Extraterrestrial Intelligences, with lasting impact, is on our side—terrestrial humanity. It requires in our part, individual and collective sense of ‘awakening up to the greater community/reality of life’ while assuming full responsibilities for such possible contacts. ‘Physical contact’ with extraterrestrial intelligences should not be initiated for the sake of ‘curiosity’ of ‘Proof’ rather extensions of our own collective resolve ‘to be more’ in ‘Oneself’--in ‘Being-ness’. Liberty is all about ‘Being More’; then, with the same token, the appearance of Extraterrestrial Brothers and Sisters, in whatever shape or form, serve no other purpose but ‘Reflections of Greater Being’ and Hope and Faith.

Self-Organization tendencies will distinguish the past, the present and future ‘modes of production’ and such, when people know better, can switch from ‘proprietorial motives’ to true ‘common wealthy’.  This is to highlight the fact that our sense of property ownership, is self imposed limitation rooting from artificial scarcity and/or lack of invention. This also highlights the fact that ‘proprietorial rights’ to invention is again a self imposed limitations that marches with ‘separative mindset’ harbored in world populations.

If it has ever crossed our mind well, the planet Earth can support basic needs to the entire human population, even as of now 2023. Clean and safe water to entire population can technically be achieved and beyond any shortage if we do away with ‘proprietorial knowledge and technologies’. Clean and Safe energy and completely energy independence in every household, especially through electrical energy/appliances, is a possibility beyond any claimed energy shortages—anywhere in the world.

It should not surprise human populations to hear just these two facts pertaining to water and energy resources, for it is:  if all humanity has capacity to comprehended this—it is going to end the present capitalistic system soon enough. Technically, in order for the present capitalism to stay, people have to be ‘numbed down’ and/or get distracted with things like ‘Geopolitical Theatrics’ and ‘Diplomatic charades’.

These are ‘convenient lies to human population’ – lies which can somehow  be deemed ‘illegal moves’ committed by bureaucratic institutions--conspiring to infringe ‘freewill’ of human population. It is precisely, what Elena Danaan articulated proficiently, in A GIFT FROM THE STARS Extraterrestrial contacts and guide of Alien races, regarding to ‘Unwarranted Extraterrestrial Influences mingling with Terrestrial Affairs’ through ‘Terrestrial Elites’. As with Systems View and thinking it is easier to ascertain ‘vector intentions’ which couple ‘ill intentions’ with diabolical institutions of human leadership, financial systems—which of course is possible through credible ‘belief systems’.

Trizania is a tool to remind individuals and the world population in general, people without proper history or exposure can be manipulated to repeat same or similar mistakes pertinent to their states of cultural organizations and/or civilization from time to time. In the framework of systems view and thinking this relates to ‘fractal/triad of Control’ which overlays ‘Experiential Memory’, OY-OZ, with the ‘Will’ of the ‘Leading’ fractal. The state of ‘functioning and/or welfare’ of the society is augmented by Will, Guidelines and Actions. This makes control of the medias and corporations is precisely what is required to effect the reign of ‘corrupt Elitism’ by ‘guiding the gullible population’ and exploit their sensitivity with clever hopes/aspirations—which could be simply, ‘just living a lie’.

Technically, Elitism is the ‘circle of unwarranted influences’ seeking to affect/control/manipulate the individual or collective minds of society’s members thus to govern/affect the ‘self-determination’ contexts of their ‘destined’ life. This implies that ‘Organization fractal/triad’ of systems view and thinking, the actual seed for ‘Trizanium’, has ‘sensations’, ‘Structure’ and ‘Influences’ as extensional factor of the ‘central control mechanism’ through ‘destiny’. Elitism is the ‘artificial control mechanism’ in which human population ‘submit’ itself unto blindly; for indeed world population can awaken up to its ‘clever lies’ – awakening thus use FREEWILL to alter/Switch ‘Destinies’. Elitism is ‘Playing God’, and what Jesus referred to as the ‘Mammon’; freeing ourself from ‘Worshiping the Mammon’ is precisely an act of self-determination, work-able through, auspicious ‘self/group illumination’ and ‘Actionable Choice Making’.

And So, Trizania provides a logical framework to account for human performance, with possible consideration of all and everything – human potential and/or problems; to ascertain contexts of ‘Actionable Choice Making’. This affirms orientations to determine the validity of any ‘Theory’ pertinent to social life and/or metaphysical keys to ‘order and functionality’. 'Functionalism,' 'Conflict Theory,' and 'Symbolic Interaction,';  are scholarly considerations that lack the ‘metaphysical’ significance to make them ‘whole’. Be it the rise of Capitalism, Communism/ Marxism and Socialism, it can be found that they ‘lack spiritual basis’ while took refuge on limited ‘Human sensations,  and/or Sentiments’; making human experience ‘short of something’ and thus subjected to periodicity of ‘success and failure’ to effect the ‘true social justice’ in community development.

#11 Re: English Forum » Document sent to system and quadrant level Galactic Federation » 2023-11-13 16:29:58

== African Dream : The Broken Wings (2/8) ==

All institutions are metaphorical reflective ‘Stars’ in the COSMIC MOTHER; Divine Mother of all Matrix Reality since all that pertains to ‘Water-Earth-Wind-Fire’ are ‘basal systems elements’ of the great Cosmic Mother/Reality. With right sense of awareness and sensibilities, ‘Protection is equivalent to Nurturing principles’, and so ‘Concordance Building is equivalent to Defense against chaos/disorganization/unwarranted influences’. When this ought to be reflected upon human institutions, their inherent self-determination as single functional community is going to be ‘Unity and Freedom’--dynamic enterprising unity; such is the connotative implication of the ‘Shield of Prosperity’ and ‘Elephant Tusks’ in the [url=[/url]/media/File:Coat_of_arms_of_Tanzania.svg]Coat of Arms of Tanzania[/url]. ‘Shield of Prosperity’ is the Mandorla / Vesca-piscis, the birth place of all physical reality with ‘Sentient Characters’ assuming their roles, as say ‘men and women, to effect ‘common prosperity’; AND through say, the creative use of ‘Axe’ and ‘Scythe’ over the land. An  ‘Axe’ is connotative implication of ‘Spatial Dominion’ relevant to ‘Men and Women working out’ their physical environment for ‘living spaces’; and ‘Scythe’ is connotative implication of ‘Time Bound’ auspicious yields of human endeavor—akin to ‘Harvest’ and/or ‘Seasons’ of Life.

And so, Trizania is the framework, that can provide a way of ‘systematically’ revamping organizational patterns so as to resuscitate and/or metamorphose the ‘Death Economy’. Death economy is the power base of all the present dysfunctional tendencies in leadership and thus  representative political systems—the liberal democratic institutions. Money is the root of all evil, when humanity does not know any better and succumb to, say,  the ‘seven deadly sins’. Corporatocracy is the externalization of the seven deadly sins in the ‘Blind Humanity’; and thus technically, with application of systems view and thinking to the present context of world, people and self organizational tendencies—its situation and affairs are the metaphorical ‘living hell/Purgatory’; as humanity toss and turn in vanity -- contrasting sloth, lust, envy, wrath, gluttony, greed, and pride.

And so, Trizania is the framework, that can provide a way of ‘systematically’ revamping organizational patterns so as to resuscitate and/or metamorphose the ‘Death Economy’, by reckoning Motherly Principle which ensures ‘What One Sow, So shall SHIM Reap’--what goes around, comes around: KARMA. Motherly principle is great remainder of ‘Moral’ and ‘Ethical’ conduct in all sentient forms that seek ‘temporal order’ in any self sustaining ‘Living Matrix’--the Bases of the ‘Law of Maat’. Corporatocracy is grand self aggrandizement of vanity in influential self/selves – a typical self conduct which is ‘rapacious’ to the EMPRESS’ bounties, the Earth’s Maternal Spirit—giver of all our mundane necessities.

Whether we contemplate ‘living space’ in Urban or Rural Environment, it is the Earth which is the mother of all life providing the basis for ‘eco-systems’ services and ‘bio-spherical’ containment. Thus Trizania is consistent with ‘livelihood strategies’ which are ‘natural resources based’ such as the ones in a typical rural environment; or ‘artificial and natural resources based’ such as sophisticated urban settings. This is due to the ‘inherent’ institutional, structural and systems view and thinking/considerations.

Capacity to ascertain ‘contextual’ framework of ‘social prosperity’ in actual fact, a ‘Motherly Wisdom’ – motherly wisdom as the framework of ascertaining ‘beginning and endings’ is synonymous to the ‘Ankh of Life’--the Cross of Life. Two ‘Ankhs’ can be overlapped on each other to thus form a ‘Cross’ and ‘Infinite’ composite symbolism. The Earth Mother functions as a ‘Cross’ that synthesize the infinite into finite systems; this can be traced as ‘zodiac’ procession of the twelve(12) astrological signs that ‘sweep’ across the four cardinal groups identifiable as ‘Earth’, ‘Air’, ‘Water’ and ‘Air’. 

‘Fire Sign’ crossing over-downward to ‘Earth sign’, Sun’s progression across the Zodiacs has ‘Sagittarius to Capricorn’; then again ‘Aries’ to ’Taurus’ and ‘Leo’ to ‘Virgo’-- ‘Solstices’ at Sagittarius/Capricorn, December 22. Complementary to this is ‘Air Signs’ crossing over to ‘Water Signs’ : ‘Aquarius to Pisces Sign’, ‘Gemini to Cancer Sign’ and ‘Libra to Scorpio’ – ‘Solstices’ at ‘Gemini/Cancer, June 21 .

The ‘turning around- upward, Sun’s progression across the Zodiacs has ‘Air Sign’ following ‘Earth Signs’ like ‘Aquarius arising out of Capricorn’, ‘Gemini after Taurus’ and ‘Libra after Virgo’--‘equinoxes’ at Virgo/Libra, September 23.  Complementary to this has ‘Fire Sign’ following ‘Water Signs’ like ‘Aries Rising out of Pisces’, ‘Leo after Cancer’ and ‘Sagittarius after Scorpio’-- ‘equinoxes’ at Aries/Pisces, March 21.

With this complementary core distinctions, zodiac influences human disposition as being ‘Introverted’ – as with the case of ‘Earth and Water Signs’; ‘Extroverted’ in the case of ‘Air and Fire Signs’.  Furthermore ‘Lunar influences’ sweeps adjacent signs in ‘Water to Fire Signs’ ie ‘Pisces to Aries’, ‘Cancer to Leo’ and ‘Scorpio to Sagittarius’ causing inclinations towards a ‘INTUITIVE TYPE’ temperamental disposition. Other way around applies with ‘Capricorn to Aquarius’, ‘Taurus to Gemini’ and ‘Virgo to Libra’ having inclinations towards a ‘SENSITIVE TYPE’ temperamental disposition. There are smaller harmonics related to ‘the thirds of zodiac span of days’, say ‘decans’, influencing THINKING or FEELING and again PERCEPTIVE or JUDGMENTAL types in the possible scales of Briggs and Myers psycho analysis tools.

Zodiac Influences makes tools associated with ‘work’ and ‘time/season’ stand as great artifacts in Temples and thus symbols in Armour bearings to represent ‘People and their Self-determination’ for Social Economic Enterprising. Basically this makes, in the Land of the Free, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness to be associated directly with Motherly Principles—Symbolized by ‘Liberta’—Lady Liberty of Liberty Island in New York. The ‘American Dream’ born out of the sprouted enterprise of ‘Enlightenment Thinkers’ in Europe.

Freedom has two dimensions as OSHO once said; ‘freedom from what’ and ‘freedom to do what’. America, in its humble beginnings,  wanted to be free politically first, then create the basis for ‘free enterprise’ and along with it a promise for ‘freedom of expression’ – the great ‘American Dream’. Only challenge to that dream, was and still it is, blind materialism and Determinism. Free enterprise is supposed to be means to an end, not the end itself, as OSHO also cited, under auspicious conditions socialistic ideals stand the better chance of ‘grounding’ when the society is/has reached an affluent state. Selfish tendencies and communal sentiments, over time, do not settle well unless individuals know better—havin’ gone ‘full cycle’ to realize the vanity of ‘self-centered’ interests, especially when community members get triggered to comprehend the good and the bad of ‘capitalistic systems’--monetary enslavement with clever disguises of ‘endless opportunities’ for making it to the top—never give up!

Trizania illuminates diligent individual to comprehend the simple fact that ‘States’ are institutions. As the product of ‘Institutions’ and ‘Time’ is ‘Systems’; the totality of people’s lives under it suffers the good and the bad of its inherent nature. Using the framework of systems view and thinking, state is an entity by the people and within social contracts—social contract that reflect their collective ‘rational interpretative depths’ of matter pertaining to liberal democratic institutions an thus their group sentiments as single whole.

State has to remain ‘intact’ even if governments have to come and go, whether through democratic succession or military coup d'etat. This suppose the ‘State’ has to be like a template for ‘Experiential Memory’ – memory that ought not be erased, an ‘immortal’ institution on its own regard. This is why, Manly P Hall as outrageous as many would think of him having said like: original intention of America as fore runner for the ‘True Liberty and Sovereignty’ was to be represented as a legendary immortal bird—the Phoenix, not an Eagle-- there is ‘substance’ to his assertion.

‘Phoenix’ is ‘legendary’ Bird of Metaphysical ‘implications’; can not come about through ‘unenlightened’ lot and/or ‘mortal attachments’ invigorating auspicious/inauspicious social dynamism. An Eagle at best, can represent extrinsic forms of ‘human self determination’ centered upon ‘mundane’ institutional limitations, of say the State, manifesting as ‘war and peace’...

As Albert Pike wrote in ‘Morals and Dogma’; Liberty, Equality and Justice create the bases for the three pillars of the state: Executive, Legislature, and the Court of Justice. This is because governments have to ensure equal opportunity for communities to strive for better lives in terms of social services and according to conducive policies, Parliamentary organs have to enact laws consistent to people’s Will, for the cause of liberty; and the Judiciary has to make sure all laws are effected accordingly through the interpretation of laws – with constitution as contract between the people and men/women in ‘public offices’.

If citizens and their ‘leaders’, men/women in public offices, do not march ‘the motherly principles’ with the four cardinal virtues: ‘Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence and Justice’ then their ‘state’ – state as ‘a functional Republic’, may slide into moral decadence -- into ‘State tyranny’. Such is state tyranny through self serving interest of few against many; thus a symptomatic ‘State capture’ even through ‘Deep State’ stakeholders/Trustees. This is so, since ‘liberty, equality and justice’ have deep correspondence to St Paul’s words leading  to triple prominence of Faith, Hope and Charity in 1 Corinthians 13. Hope represent ‘Immortality’--immortality for the sake of ‘Charity’, selfless service to others through the ‘Grace of the Greater Spirit of all Life’; and Faith is dedication to ‘True Liberty and Justice’ across the world while implication of ‘Justice’ imbibe ‘Equal Opportunity’ to all for the Love of God. This makes, a faithful declaration: ‘IN GOD WE TRUST’ to be not simply a Dogmatic Assertion, it is rather a technical stance, functional stand and ‘a great reminder’…

Self seeking tendencies, according to St Paul’s counsel on Faith, Hope and Charity, make all ‘States’--state as institutions, of the world today, 2023, qualify as ‘not really ‘idealistic’ societies’, rather ‘dusty’ implements of vague ‘human self determination’. A typical reflection as in the metaphorical ‘mirrors of Soul’ and in a wake of seeking the ‘Perfect Reflection’ of the ‘True Self’--the HOPE, in knowing oneself as one is truly known by the ‘Divine’.

A truly ‘Enlightened State’ is going to ‘Internalize’ the implications of Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness and thus gets done with typical ‘State Politics’ through instrumentations of ‘Government’, ‘Legislature’ and ‘Judiciary’--Such society is likely to be Spiritually ‘charged’, and with High Moral and Ethical standards—‘morals and ethics’ as simply social norms pertaining to all of their functional organizations and contexts of self-determination to meet their sustenance and aspirations. Selfless tendencies do not imply ‘forgetfulness’ of oneself or negligence, rather a state of ‘being and awareness’ whereby one can function for sake of another or community/society without contemplating ‘reward’ or ‘gain’ rather joy of sharing of being of service. Thus doing things for the love of God, does not imply ‘dogmatic pursuits’, rather ‘love and simplicity’--being innocent yet full of love and passion to whatever that keeps oneself busy—even being busy doing ‘nothing’…


#12 Re: English Forum » Document sent to system and quadrant level Galactic Federation » 2023-11-13 16:25:32

== 5 : The African Dream : Saga of Imaginary Chains (1/8) ==

Anti-thesis of ‘Blind leading the blind’ is ‘Increased Transparency and Accountability’ to all avenues of human culture and flourishing. This can be ‘managed well’ by evoking the metaphoric ‘All Seeing Eye’  in all human population.  Systems View and Thinking is the beginning of ‘awakening the innate genius’ in human beings and welcoming new ways of living and being—welcoming them  unto world communities and society. Thus with Education 2.0: Systems View and Thinking it can be ascertained beyond any doubt—as Ken Carey transcribed the ‘Voice of Our Ancestors’, in ‘The Third Millennium Living in the Posthistoric World ’: “… We have seen, as all the elders of our race have seen, that there is no scarcity of resources. The only scarcities have been of love-and imagination...”.

Trizania is the ‘final resolution of vectors’ ascertaining realms of ‘human performance’, with Africa as a subject of ‘self-reflections’ in the mirrors of time and being. In this regard, the fractal of ‘the Sun’ is the equilateral triangle of ‘Intention’, ‘rational interpretative depths’ and ‘systems’ qualitative vectors. With Africa in focus, this is  reflected into the equilateral triangle of ‘SPIRIT and SPIRITUALITY’ made of qualitative vectors of ‘Will’, ‘Influences’ and ‘Time’. Thus the ‘dot product’ of ‘the Sun’ and ‘Africa’ is ‘Self-Control’ – self control that wield the ‘Wheel of Fortune’. Nations ‘rising and falling’ is nothing but the wheel of fortune which ensure destiny and memories of the ‘Times’. Thus with systems view and thinking, it is possible to comprehend the intelligible dynamism of societies in terms to ‘Status’ and ‘Trends’.

Trizania is the ‘final resolution of vectors’ ascertaining realms of ‘human performance’, with Africa as a subject of ‘self-reflections’ in the mirrors of time and being; such can entail extended knowledge and know-how ascertaining the fact that nation without a soul is simply the scumbag of vanity. Neither history nor past achievements give rise to a true sense of identity, as these are surely illusive ‘memories’ in oneself to serve limited capabilities of human mind—carnal mind. Soul reality is the ‘dot product’ of limited and unlimited powers to be, and to live up. In order for any nation of people to en-soul, there is clear science to it—Science 2.0, which is the yield of Education 2.0 and Education 3.0. Towards a world of holistic society, Africa has to en-soul beyond race and creeds, as soul reality is metaphysical. Being metaphysical implies that such context of self-determination has nothing to do with ‘what people look like’ or like ‘where do they come from(?). ‘Sentience’ and ‘Deep longing’ provide ‘basis and bridge’ to perennial mechanics of life and forms. Thus ‘Dreams’ are necessary as fertile ground to the ‘Tree of Life’; the ‘African Dream’ as it stands of now is ‘African Liberty’ – a clear desire for realizing a world without ‘exploitation of any kind’ and cherishing ‘Human dignity’ at all costs of life and social transformations.

Trizania is the ‘final resolution of vectors’ ascertaining realms of ‘human performance’, with Africa as a subject of ‘self-reflections’ in the mirrors of time and being; such to suppose African Liberty is a model for the golden global community which shall ensure in the future. Future enlightened global community stands today, 2023, as the ‘Dream’ of ‘Universal Liberty’ across all worlds in which humanity would be able to set a foot upon—thus terrestrial and extraterrestrial realms. Wherever there is struggle between ‘good’ and ‘evil’, humanity has to be empowered thus to be able to ascertain ‘how good’ and so ‘how evil’ matters can be in life. Good and Evil are keyed to human interpretations, nevertheless ‘discernment’ can reveal friendly and unfriendly dispositions in prevailing state of affairs. Education 2.0 is path way to ‘Wisdom which is Freedom’--freedom from vanity, and thus freedom for a chance to create a better world—a chance to dance and celebrate with all life. Therefore, Trizania is definitely a ‘Freedom Key’.

Self Imposed limitations are ‘Evil’ especially if they prevail due to ‘unwarranted influences’ of few against many. This affects ‘Human performance’ and perpetuate vicious cycles of ‘lack mentality’ and thus causing artificial scarcity. If humanity is going to open its eyes and allow further imaginations; possibilities are here to see the world in better senses and act accordingly. It does not require  to ‘depopulate the world’ for the sake of ‘economic optimizations’ and/or some sort of unwarranted ‘New World Order’--deploying covert operations pertaining to rumors of Wars, Diseases, Synthetic Calamities—Fire/Floods/Earth quakes etc. as these are all possible with ‘scalar technologies’ and the advanced ‘Exotic Weaponry Systems’. The world will depopulate itself as people know better and realize the importance of dignified posterity—by marching these two with better healthy services and thus personal dedication to quality life. Evil Intentions can pose as ‘Noble Goals’ formulated to entice people and nation-states into ‘subtle slavery’ and thus ‘soul captivity’--counterfeit ‘Peace’ and ‘Harmony/Love’.

Certainly there is going to be a ‘New World Order’, yet this ought to be none other but true realization of a truly Holistic Global Society. This is going to take a while, as its heralding follow ‘generational’ filters of unyielding community members. At least two generations from now, 2023, have to pass while ‘New sense of Light and Awareness’ descent in the Hearts and Minds of many. It is something along the sensibilities of Stephen Covey in ‘the 8th Habit’ keynoting: “leadership is not a position rather a choice”. Thus daring choices within contexts of capacity and self-organization determined by a systematic work out of ‘inner conscience’. Preponderance of ‘Responsibilities’ over ‘Duties’ in meeting day to day, or time to time obligations. Many people in the positions of power, all across the world today, do not know how to effect ‘Holistic Self Sustaining Societies’ as it is something incompatible to the present socio-economic paradigm.  Holistic Self Sustaining Societies, do not require ‘Men/Women of Positions’ rather active pathfinders and ‘way showers’ – self-conscious actors collaborating, in terms of ‘needs’ and ‘expertises’, through exchange networks and ‘information channels/portals’.

Trizania is a framework for ascertaining social transformations with ‘human will’ being central to state of activity – arranging and rearranging things as necessary; with full responsibility and authority.  If physical life as human beings is all about the pursuit of happiness, life and liberty, then every one have got a right to decide  on destiny. And if these aspirations are common to community members—destiny is shared/common to all; then ‘common sense’ prevails by supposing ‘coherence’ and ‘synergy’ intensify results of ‘shared enterprise’ in terms of applicable efforts. With aid of ‘Artificial Intelligence’ and it is possible for societies to organize and reorganize for common goals pertaining to economic needs and common prosperity. It ought to be remembered, currently we are not living in work based reality in pure sense rather ‘it is business world with facilitation of capitalistic dynamics’.  Pure ‘Work based’ reality is actually the ultimate realization of the ‘Holistic Society’.

Trizania is a framework for ascertaining social transformations with ‘human will’ being central to state of activity – arranging and rearranging things as necessary; and one facets of human enterprise which can be ‘arranged and rearranged’ is industrialization. Centralized chains of commerce/’free enterprise’ and thus John Perkins’ ‘Corporatocracy’ are ‘evil’ to Humanity as they ‘come into being’ to the detriment of global community -- undermines Human Dignity for true self determination by thwarting ‘micro competitions’. ‘Evil’, as competition is unnecessary if ‘knowledge and experience’ can be shared; there is huge ‘capital’ and ‘material’ advantages when ‘secrecy’ and ‘tactical selfishness’ is enshrined in human populations, institutions and governments—it serves/benefits well the ‘isolated’ wealthy communities and in turn triggers its own ‘Political’ imperatives for subjugation of masses.

Capitalism had its own best according to evolutionary steps of ‘Human Performance’--human socio-economic performance; yet past the certain mark, capitalism cross over from being an ‘incentive for personal best’ to corrupt ‘empire state of mind’.  Such is similar to how a ‘Republican States’ morally devolve into ‘Empire States’. Technological advantages polarizes ‘developed’ and ‘underdeveloped world’ with no hope or recovery-- absolutely no hope, for poor countries to ‘make it big’. Poor countries have to remain poor to serve the economic dynamics of capitalistic-inferred-mentality—as markets and raw materials resource pools for the ‘developed nation-states’; saga of extractive economics.

Politicians in many nation-states will never address the real issues of technological disparities, while cleverly playing with endless rounds of ‘international diplomacy’ and ‘Dependence Syndromes’; ‘Tossing dices’ with their ‘Big Fishes’ correspondences -- through Aid seeking, and of course, get maimed/asking for Monetary Loans out of ‘Top Financial Banks/Funds’.  Thus degenerate and sordid state of affairs have >Corporatocracy< as the real holding power, the true culprits, over ‘States’ -- as ‘State sovereignty’ can be cleverly out-maneuvered to serve corporations through ‘Foreign Policies’. States are institutions with governments as their ‘instruments’--states can be institutions within other institutions. Deceptive diplomacies and ‘fake’ national prides abounds, hypnotizing populations with vain hopes and ambitions/aspirations.

And so, Trizania is the framework, that can provide a way of ‘neutralizing’ politics through systematic ways that involve ‘decision/choice making’ and ‘distribution of resources’. The present world capitalistic paradigm is characterized by ‘Chauvinistic’ tendencies—Patriarchy System of ‘Male Domination’, supposing might is right, end justifies means. Education 2.0: Systems View and Thinking can expose this dysfunctional tendency as it is a technical fallacy of lobby-sided ‘finite’ view of things/reality. The whole world exists due to ‘interaction’ of ‘finite’ and ‘infinite’ systems elements of self organization. These systems elements are precisely what ‘Ying and Yang’ is all about, the ‘thesis’ and ‘anti-thesis’ in all ‘power dynamics’; Contradicting systems elements which are usually ‘balanced’ by the third ‘invisible order’ of greater SYNTHESIS. Again, ‘the three intelligible constitutions’ pertaining to the ‘Three Gunas’ of the World – Rajas, Tamas and Sattva. Active, Passive and Neutral aspects of ‘Self Organization’ which are the secrets behind intelligible aspects of ‘the Supreme Consciousness’--Supreme consciousness behind of ‘ALL life and self Organization’, known in the West as ‘Trinity’ and ‘Trimurti’ in East. Thus ‘auspicious self organization’ can be emulated in ‘human systems/performance’ to thus reflect the power and glory of eternal ‘leila’--God’s cosmic ‘Play’.

And so, Trizania is the framework, that can provide a way of ‘neutralizing’ politics through systematic ways that involve ‘decision/choice making’ and ‘distribution of resources’ – as Community/Societies can choose to be ‘homo-mechanicus’ or ‘homo novus’. Homo novus/Nova Man/New man is typical considerate Humanity which is constitutes within its ‘terrestrial body’  the ‘Active Divine Consciousness’ to reflect the power and glory of the Divine; Thus, becoming the ‘New Man’ of St Paul, ushering in ‘Nova Earth’/New Earth through social enterprising and Order. Communities can qualify the state of ‘Active Divine Consciousness’ by simply living up all that it can comprehend and grasp, ‘internalize’ about ‘Life and Living’, through Education 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0—and simultaneously. Thus ‘Holistic Society’ is a truly ‘Holographic Society’ as it heralds what St Paul had prognosis of—‘Christ's principle’ that would one day come thus ‘mend’ the lacking political systems of the world.

And so, Trizania is the framework, that can provide a way of ‘neutralizing’ politics through systematic ways that involve ‘decision/choice making’ and ‘distribution of resources’ by triggering ‘new institutions’ with the light of self awareness and thus effect proper the contexts of ‘self-determination’ toward common goals, from time to time and as appropriate. Education 2.0: Systems View and Thinking provide the basis for rectifying ‘leadership’ orientations to suppose a transition FROM sole ‘Spear heading of contextual changes’ in community orientations INTO harmonizing such endeavor with ‘nurturing essence of all life’--nurturing essence of all life as the greater reality of ‘Eternal Life’ – the SYNTHESIZING greater MOTHER of ALL-- the ‘Beginning and Endings’ ascertaining human pedigree and so forth the ‘Ontology and Metaphysics’ of all and everything.


#13 Re: English Forum » Document sent to system and quadrant level Galactic Federation » 2023-11-13 15:57:27

== 4 : Trizania : The Great Remembrance ==

‘Eye of Horus’ is focal point of metaphysical implications of ordinary physical reality; while the physical world itself can be comprehended within ‘finite boundaries’ by ‘Systems View and Thinking’. Thus technical extensions of ‘sensing’ and ‘knowing’ can be guided by a certain framework of ‘topographic deductions’ out of endless streams of ‘topological thinking’ to dig any corresponding sets of knowledge patterns. This fact, holds a key to what Yazhi proposed on a need for terrestrial human being to find ‘contexts’ and ‘framework’ of knowing much that pertains to life, culture and civilizations for their own orientations towards a ‘Holistic Society’.

So ‘Trizania’, tree-zah-neah, is a pragmatic example of ‘contexts’ and ‘framework’ for knowing, as much as it is possible, all that pertains to life, culture and civilization-- all for orientations towards a ‘Holistic African Society’. In this regard, Africa is just a focal point of examining how societies in transition could be ‘studied’; thus societies subjected to ‘considerations’ pertaining to possible contexts of ‘now’ and ‘then’ state of affairs.

Trizania is comprised of four (4) fractal triangles—four triangles in a ‘key triangle’, featuring three ‘symbols’ and ‘regional/terrestrial boundary map’ of Africa. At the top, there is a ‘Sun’ symbol—which is the basis of corresponding ‘Ontology of Institutions’. Bottom Left is an ‘Individuation’ symbol—which is the basis of corresponding ‘Self-Determination’; Bottom Right is a ‘Many as One’  symbol—which is the basis of corresponding ‘Sovereign Integral’.

The ‘Sun symbol’ corresponds  to ‘Planning’ essence in our literal understanding of ‘institutional’ organization and propensity. In it is one of four aspects of enterprise and management, constituting the >P.O.L.C< framework. In this regard of ‘Trizania’, Africa is the domain of ‘Enterprise’ subjected to diverse possibilities of (i) emerging new and better institutions, (ii) a new sense of ‘self-determination’ and (iii) ‘Effecting fairness and equal opportunities for all as One Dignified Humanity’. Thus ‘Trizania’ is all about how people can coming together, and make it ‘work’—managing their transitional societies towards a true ‘holistic societies’ in Africa and Beyond.

The ‘Sun’ symbol is central to ‘physics’ and ‘metaphysics’ of ‘Being and Time’ and the very essence of  contextualizing the ‘Observer is the Observed’. Systems View and Thinking is all about ascertaining ‘Functional Boundaries’, ‘Contexts of Interactions’ and ‘Capacity to contain inherently those functions and interactions’. In Trizania, this can be elucidated by collapsing the ‘Sun Fractal’ into the ‘Central Fractal featuring Africa’. Actually, the central fractal pertains to ‘central Control’ of an enterprise when this is related to the >P.O.L.C< framework. Systems View and Thinking, facilitating knowing both orientations of studying and formal organizations, ‘top down’ and ‘bottom up’ such to provide a key to ‘Administration’ and ‘Management’ of pertinent Affairs—pertinent affairs of an Organization/Enterprise; in this case, the continent of Africa.

The ‘Sun’ symbol is central to ‘physics’ and ‘metaphysics’ of ‘Being and Time’ and the very essence of  contextualizing the ‘Observer is the Observed’ which corresponds to capacity for ‘Monitoring and Evaluation’ – monitoring and evaluation of ongoing affairs of an Organization/Enterprise; in this case, the continent of Africa. This is related to planning—planning as a technical cycle of (1) Ascertaining Problems or issues within the organization/enterprise, (2) Carrying out research to comprehend the nature of the problem—research for ‘contextual’ understanding of problems/issues backed with ‘pertinent data’, (3) Proposing or devising viable alternative for tackling/solving such well researched problems/issues – choosing one alternative among possible several others; taking into account the availability of resources. It is at this juncture it can thus be said, planning is all about choices. The one who knows better, can choose better—hence proceed into better course of actions which is (4) Implementing planned programmes and/or interventions. Knowing better is integral disposition which does not shy away from ‘accountability’; and so a well informed self-determination accommodates (5) Monitoring and Evaluation – monitoring and evaluation of all activities as pertaining to the necessity for ‘planning cycle’. Technically, monitoring and evaluation can provide ‘new data’ to adjust plans and re-run operations until previous issues/problem are gone and new ones are attended accordingly. This makes ‘monitoring and evaluation’ to be like ‘the Sun’ for any planning cycle-- the ‘Sun of awareness’ as key to ‘vigilance and responding to responsibilities’ to the ‘Real Situations’--necessity for ‘Transparency and Accountability’ in any fair enterprise.

The ‘Sun’ symbol is central to ‘physics’ and ‘metaphysics’ of ‘Being and Time’ and the very essence of  contextualizing the ‘Observer is the Observed’ with people exhibiting functional traits which can imply ‘Shadowy Governance of States of Affairs’ or ‘Transparency and Accountability’ pertinent to the organizations and systems. In this regard, contexts of decision-making and/or choice making can be influenced by institutions within other institutions as polarized by ‘what is known/unknown’ and ‘what is known better’. All institutions are reflections of ‘states of knowing/awareness’ and ‘shared human experience’ within the societies in which they arise and persist. States of knowing/awareness are facilitated by ‘Educational Enterprise’ of the world—whether effectively enough or not. Thus ‘status and trends of societies’ are the result of functional institutions attributing to ‘light of awareness’ and ‘sensations and feeling’ common to all and by the virtual of their common functional boundaries.

And so, Trizania is the framework for ‘conscious communities’ which ought to define a conscious African Society in an integral senses. This is possible through auspicious contexts of wholesome Education: (1) Education 1.0 which is ‘Literal Educational Streams as it pertains to formal Education of the World’, (2) Education 2.0: which is ‘Systems View and Thinking’ -- facilitating knowledge and thought patterns of ‘what is known’ and ‘that which is unknown’. (3) Education 3.0: which is ‘I-ducation—metaphysics of Education’. When Education 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 are in full effect; politics will be no more on Earth. Politics exploit masses with ‘limited knowledge’ and ‘awareness’ to the advantage of ‘Cunning’ individuals, making use of bureaucratic processes, shabby and shady systems—people using people for vain self-actualization.

And so, Trizania is the framework for ‘conscious communities’ which can dispose away shabby and shady systems and so forth dysfunctional tendencies; thus to usher in new states of ‘culture’ and ‘civilization’.  Prevalent World economic system, for example, is founded on wrong grounds of ‘International Politics’, ‘Regional Blocks/Integrations’ and hence ‘Global Trade’ to suppose the tug-of-war pertinent to their conception of strategic moves—strategic moves that seek hegemony and/or orientations to tackle competitions over global resources, industrialization and ‘separate prosperity’ within diverse Global Communities.

And so, Trizania is the framework for ‘conscious communities’ which can dispose away shabby and shady systems and so forth dysfunctional tendencies through proper use and management of technological resources and know-how. Given the present situation of technology and global natural resources, nation-states are enmeshed in intricacies of malicious codependencies in disguise of ‘international diplomacy’ and ‘Democratic Institutions’. However, these can easily be sorted out as ‘Shady Global Relations between Core and Peripheral Countries in terms of their inherent states of Development’, as it is ‘the Dependence Theories’, making some regional territories and their people ‘marginalized’--they can not make it ‘big’ even if they are predisposed to think like they may be able to do so.

And so, Trizania is the framework for ‘conscious communities’ which can dispose away shabby and shady systems and so forth dysfunctional tendencies through proper use and management of technological resources and know-how. Doing away with systems that use technological advances to centralize power and use those advancement to promote state powers or corporate empires. This state of affair is made worse by the ‘collaborating’ tendencies of ‘ruling class societies’--tendencies to solidify their ‘exclusive wealthy, privilege and connections’. Under the guise of ‘functional states’, the elite may exercise overt and covert power to manipulate politics and thus the economy of nation-states—exploiting ‘lack mentality’ in order to ferment power bases with ‘artificial scarcities’. 

And so, Trizania is the framework for ‘conscious communities’ which can dispose away shabby and shady systems and so forth dysfunctional tendencies through proper use and management of technological resources and know-how. This can be achieved by holistic education enterprises which serve to ‘Educate’ and ‘I-ducate’ community members so that they may no longer be subjected to exploitations of any kind. Clever and cunning individuals all over the world rise into power through opportunistic moments of bureaucratic process and/or systems in both public or private institutional spaces. Politics is all about getting what you want, using power relations and platform of ascent—this is so in ‘business’, ‘community leadership circles’, ‘community/private organizations’ etc, all the way into ‘State organization/Enterprise’. 

And so, Trizania is the framework for ‘conscious communities’ which can dispose away shabby and shady systems and so forth dysfunctional tendencies through proper use and management of technological resources and know-how – know-how consistent with an ‘Enlightened Community/Republic’. Politics shape the present global culture and state of civilization, however this state of civilization is the result of ‘Unenlightened Republics’. Thus, population at large may never out-smart these ‘clever global politics’ especially if they do subscribe to ‘limited ideas’ over their states of ‘individual/community/nation-state/society’ being. Technically, limited ideas and sociological imaginations can be shaped by Educational streams and Media—through what Noam Chomsky mentions and extensively: ‘indoctrination’ and/or ‘propaganda’. Thus ‘indoctrination’ and ‘propaganda’ is the brain child of Education 1.0—Mainstream Education and its Subsequent Media as tool for ‘mind control’ of the masses. Hence, blind culture of say ‘materialism and determinism’ is well an Art of effecting social ‘subjugation’, ‘conformity’ and ‘complacency’, by encouraging ‘Elitism’ and ‘Superiority’-- culture of ‘fleeting illusions’ to effect counterfeit ‘peace’ and ‘harmony/love’ by diverting human self-determination into the dreams of ‘material success’ and vanity; Attesting to what Jesus affirmed on ‘Blind leading the Blind’. 


#14 Re: English Forum » Document sent to system and quadrant level Galactic Federation » 2023-11-13 15:55:06

== 3 : ‘The Ankh’ and Ontological Perspectives ==

Spiritual awareness is the functional product of ‘a cross of Life’ and ‘scissor’ of Mind; the ‘+’ and ‘X’ of mind in functional sovereignty of consciousness. Thus all perceptional agreements are ‘indexed’ by ‘planet of nativity’ and solar ‘Logos’--Pythagoras’ basis for Logos and Necessity; thus all space-time ratios specify ‘locality’ and ‘will’ a characteristic ‘intersection’ qualifying multiplicity of conscious intentions which is the basis for ‘parallel worlds/universes’. We all ‘Will’ through mind to determine ‘who are we’—‘where we are’ and in ‘what time’ and thus ‘shifting what Reality’.  As per systems view and thinking, this exacts the essence of ‘the Observer is the Observed’ since all realities are perceived according to ‘modulations’ of mind; with reality as a reflection ‘fractal Overself/function’ in a ‘dust mirror’ of space-time domains; akin to what Paul articulated in 1 Corinthians 13. Thus ‘observing stature’ employs mental faculties which deploys intellectual abilities for processing ‘sensations’ and ‘feelings’ in the  quantifiable space-time domains – space-time domains which are also the metaphysical extension of ‘soup of consciousness’ in ‘Now-ness Awareness’. In essence, this attributes the ‘cause’ that Attention and/or Observing is nothing but ‘creative intention’ itself-- Attention/Observing, the basis of ontology and metaphysics of all and everything; making all reality with certain deterministic integrity to be the function of ‘gravity waves’ constituting matter and/or forms.

Spiritual awareness is the functional product of ‘a cross of Life’ and ‘scissor’ of Mind; the two  figurative templates of ‘Being and Time’  to substantiate what Paul articulated as ‘one having the mind of Christ’. This qualifies to be so when such ‘functional product’ seeks ‘perfection’--perfection of Oneself. Human experience entails ascertaining ‘self-fulfillment’  by meeting daily sustenance and self-actualization in planetary constitution and solar systems. These inclinations depends upon the ‘Will’ of person and ‘degrees of freedom’ pertaining to self-awareness. Man can sour towards the light of ‘conscious awareness’ of transcendental Oneness or  descend into the darkness of Soul in ‘worlds of separation’. Thus, any realm in which individuation is possible, is technically the ‘world of separation’. Gradation of ‘separations’ is the ‘space-time ratios’ ascribing to ‘frequencies’ and ‘field of influences’. Then again, ‘Freewill’ is propensity for ‘degree of freedom’ rather than ‘fixed destiny’--destiny in relationship to ‘Being and Time’. Likewise, intelligible causality is the essence of an ‘Eye of Soul’, something that the Swaruu describe as ‘the Singularity of Being’.

Spiritual awareness is the functional product of ‘a cross of Life’ and ‘scissor’ of Mind; the two  figurative templates of ‘Being and Time’ seeking common alignment. A sort of alignment in which ‘emotions and logic’ reverberate the ‘qualitative sensations and feelings’ of ‘Being and Time’, such qualities pertains to ‘Love’ and ‘Wholeness’. Emotions enrich Human Experiences in a sense of ‘Emotional Intelligence’--emotional intelligence pertaining to the ‘coloring of circles of life’ and so forth to imply ‘energetic charges’ to ‘space-time’ orientations. Logical propensities of mind bear correspondences to geometrical attributes of form/matter while emotional propensities may seem ‘illogical’ to mind; however there is a whole new science for ‘qualitative detection of phenomenon of life’ that human beings at large do not yet recognize. This also applies to many ‘other senses’ that terrestrial humans do not reckon—senses like ‘magnetic space orientations’ to thus suppose ‘Spatial Intelligence’, senses pertaining to ‘Presences’ and thus ability  to locate and identify energy signature of other sentient beings and their perceivable qualities—near and far; common abilities with Remote Viewing/Sensing disciplines. James Mahu articulates these facets of ‘Being and Time’ as to say: If ‘Sovereign’ is a Prism and Integral is ‘Light’; the lifetimes are the colors, and the levels or dimensions in which the lifetimes play out, are the stage {This refers to Sovereign Integral paper, Section 1: article 17}; this can thus be extrapolated into ‘mini segments’ of life experiences, supposing ‘qualitative’ nature of ‘Self’ and its ‘Self Expression’ in space-time domains.

Spiritual awareness is the functional product of ‘a cross of Life’ and ‘scissor’ of Mind; the two  figurative templates of ‘Being and Time’ forming the basis of ‘temple of man’-- temple of heralding a ‘new man’--the perfect man, the true ‘Imam’. Terrestrial man’s quest for true enlightenment is nothing but an earnest desire for ‘undoing the veils of time’; thus it shouldn’t surprise find out that even the world ‘temple’ share etymology with word  ‘time’. Robert Hewitt Brown in  [url=[/url]v=onepage&q&f=false]Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy[/url] articulates the origins of ‘Temple Architecture and Arts influences’ from ancient to the ongoing spiritual practices; citing ‘tempus’ as a word sharing the same contextual meaning to ‘Temple’ and/or ‘time’ by the virtue of old observation pertaining to ‘Solar Harvest Calendar’ then again ‘King Solomon's temple emblematic stature’. Thus ‘a cross of life’ and ‘scissor’ of Mind are two figurative articles constituting affinity to ‘Being and Time’ as the ‘Ontology of Institutions’. Again, it shouldn’t surprise that the prefix ‘On’ in ‘Ontology’ stands for ‘Being’ thus ‘Ontology’ is all that pertains to ‘Becoming’--Time shapes all corporeal things and Affairs.

Spiritual awareness is the functional product of ‘a cross of Life’ and ‘scissor’ of Mind; the two  figurative templates of ‘Being and Time’ forming the basis of ‘temple of man’ to elucidate ‘Eternal Play/Dance’ of the cosmos. Eternal Play/Dance in which ‘Every corporeal thing revolves around another ‘bigger’ constitution’ throughout all expanses of the visible universe—the ‘Swastika’ of all life. This eternal play/dance is the essence of ‘Time and Seasonal Calendar’-- temporal order pertaining to things  ‘coming in from the cold of space’ and ‘going away in heat of the light’ and on and on.  Technically, all temple arts and culture suite three possible orientations in man towards the same goal—Love, Meditation and Worship/Adoration. Thus all transformations in ‘Being and Time’ are possible through acts of ‘devotions’, ‘Self Awareness Cultivation in Oneself’ and ‘Magical Structural Link facilitated by a symbol, man, deity etc’--all three harnessing ‘Thoughts and Feelings disposition’ of an aspirant of ‘Soul Redemption’ through ‘Attention’.

And so, ‘Now-Ness’ in being and time, Ontology of ‘an Institution’, is the function of ‘Actionable Choice Making’ in which ‘Space-Time’ gets modified by the instrument of thought/perception, ‘Buddhi/Intellect’, to suite certain vintage point of view and upon specific planes of reality. All forms are geometrical conglomerations of ‘thought’ and ‘attention’ in such a way ‘gravity’ is synonymous to ‘apparent motion’ towards a certain center of ‘attention’. In this regard, the ‘field of influence’ is thus ‘a harmonic displacement’ of the ‘continuity of form’--continuity of form analogous to ‘duplet’ and ‘octet’ stability of the elementary particulates of matter, as per the present understanding in chemistry. Walter Russel has interesting artistic revelations of matter/form and space—as it is in ‘the Universal One’; such can be used to systematically revamp and amend the prevalent mainstream sciences pertinent to ‘physics’ and ‘chemistry’ of forms. Duplet and Octet stability as it pertains to the fundamentals of ‘elementary composition and decomposition of matter’, Chemistry, reflect ‘partial deductions’ corresponding to possible ‘doubling’ and ‘cubic’ extrapolation of ‘forms’ and ‘nature’. Through Education 2.0 and its consequent topographic deductions and topological thinking, there are many sets of ‘constituent elements of knowledge’ and so forth ‘bridges’ to comprehensive ‘rational knowing’ such to imply viable contexts of ‘interpretative depths’ pertinent to any key subject under consideration. So, there is a way, ‘duplet stability’ has correspondence to metaphysical ‘Memory’--the ‘double bars’ of symbolic ‘electrical capacitance’; similarly ‘Octet stability’ has correspondence to metaphysical ‘structural propensities’--the ‘the spiraling cubes’ of ‘space’. Thus structural propensity is the ‘by-product of observation’ in the  manner that ‘Now-Ness’  is actually the function of ‘sensing time-space orientation’ in ‘Being-ness/Oneself’. ‘Now-ness’ is actually a ‘geometrical propensity’ in space-time orientation – contextual Intertwining of two triangles, a triangles of ‘Heaven’ and another triangle of ‘Earth’, with ‘hidden virtual cube’ as an intersection. We ‘see’ forms/things through ‘cubical function’; and thus again, we are able to see other orthogonality of space-time orientations through ‘cubical extrapolations’. These follow the geometries of ‘halving’ or ‘doubling’; however if we seek to integrate perceptions pertinent to ‘the continuity of forms’ , such to imply ‘the observer is the observed in self-determinations’, then forms are all about ‘three possible orientations’ in terms of the contextual ‘Force’ pervading All Universe—i.e manifestations of ‘levity’, ‘gravity’ and ‘neutrality’ propensities of motion; spherical forms, conic projections and toroidal energetics.

And so, ‘Now-Ness’ in being and Time, Ontology of Institution, is the function of ‘Actionable Choice Making’ in which ‘Space-Time’ gets modified by the instrument of thought/perception, ‘Buddhi/Intellect’, through auspiciousness of a ‘Triangle’.  Technically, a triangle is synonymous to ‘intelligence’ and thus ‘very symbolic’ to all matters and affairs which feature ‘changes’; as such, it makes it a rudimentary tool to ‘gather and organize’ any ‘intelligible patterns’ of life and forms. It is a ‘first order possibility’ of organizing ‘Order out of pervasive Chaos’. It is a most featured symbol in many interstellar civilizations, as key emblematic symbol constituting an insignia—as featured in their flight regalia and/or ‘armory bearing’ pertaining to their  temporal/permanent hospitality bases like ‘space-ships’ and/or underground/territorial bases of their dominion. It is a symbol which can signify ‘mental prowess’ to state of affairs and control. Basically, this is so, as it makes it possible to ascertain the  ‘TRIANGULATION’ of an ‘Actor’, ‘How Actions’ and ‘Yields of Actions’ such to denote ‘who – does – what’; then this can be ‘CONTEXTUALIZED’ , and ‘temporary’, by as say: ‘where’, ‘what’ and ‘in what time/when?’--with ‘INTENTION’ as deducible ‘Primer’; the ‘Fire of Being’.

And so, ‘Now-Ness’ in being and Time, Ontology of Institution, is the function of ‘Actionable Choice Making’ in which ‘Space-Time’ gets modified by the instrument of thought/perception, ‘Buddhi/Intellect’, through auspiciousness of a ‘Triangle’--triangle that ascertains the energetics of ‘levity’, ‘gravity’ and ‘neutrality’. Typical energetics that  technically infer ‘mechanics’ of ‘plane dynamics’ ensuring ‘maximum moments’ of ‘tipping choices of possible orientation’ – ‘clockwise/anticlockwise moments’ which can only be neutralized by a ‘circular geometric’ propensities of form/structure and within the substratum of ‘activity’ and ‘Force’. ‘Now-ness’ is thus the horizon of ‘balance’ to actuate the ‘potential charge’ of ‘matter/form-energetics’ with space as the medium of the ‘double headed spear’ reflecting the ‘vector intentions’ of ‘time-space’ and ‘space-time’ pertinent to a ‘Soul’. This makes the ‘soul’ a focal point of ‘assuming intelligence of transcendental reality’ using ‘body-ego’ constitution as a vehicle of self-expression/self actualization. Then again, soul is a ‘charge’ which utilize ‘intention’ to reorient itself in any ‘substratum of possible contextualized reality’ which can feature ‘self-actualization’ in ‘time/space’--time and space in the sense that the ‘twists of moments’ may imply ‘accelerated’ spiraling away from base reality into ‘integrative higher order’ or sinking into the ‘lower separative reality’ of some sort. Furthermore, space is ‘magnetic’ in such a way ‘locality’ and ‘non locality’ are both possible – possible as it is with all ‘creation’ being ‘grammatic order’ of intelligence. In this way, all reality is mathematical/geometric propensities that can be ‘imposed’, ‘re-imposed’ and ‘transposed’ like ‘out of no-where’; thus limited by ‘IMAGINATION’ emanating from a ‘soul’ and its intentions—Soul field Influences. It is from this nature ‘Holograms’ and ‘Holographic Reality’ derive their connotative bearing; and so forth the ‘infinity/indefinite’ connotations of space-time expanses. With ‘locality’ and ‘non locality’ propensities, this implies ‘Time’ is technically the inverse of ‘Space’--vice versa is also true. Any intention of a soul pertaining to ‘space-time’ as a substratum initiates both ‘forward progression’ and ‘reverse progression’ of ‘reality’ with referral ‘Event Horizon’ according to the ‘Imaginative’ basis of ‘Body-Ego’ subjection.

And so, ‘Now-Ness’ in being and Time, Ontology of Institution, is the function of ‘Actionable Choice Making’ in which ‘Space-Time’ gets modified by the instrument of thought/perception, ‘Buddhi/Intellect’, through auspiciousness of a ‘Triangle’ – inferred-ably ‘twin kissing triangles’ – as ‘conic sections’ of the ‘qualified intent’ of the soul in space-time substratum with figurative ‘circular planes’ of counter-rotating ‘matter/form constituting light’. This supposes that all memory is nothing but ‘charge capacitance’ translated into ‘circular motions’ of equal potential. All forms/matter  are ‘Memories’ of some sort; as per ‘charge capacity’ of ‘Soul field Influences’ to behold and interact sensually -- the figurative ‘Iris of an Eye’. Functional Eye’s anatomy and morphology bear  resemblance to ‘soul disposition’ in relationship to space, time and energy. Physical eyes, of say human beings, feature ‘physical anatomy keyed to decode physical reality’; however they bear direct correspondences to ‘seeing’ beyond the physical—something which is the matter of ‘frequency and tuning’ according to geometries of ‘cube’ within a ‘cube’ – frequency ranges from ‘sub-zero’ to ‘infinity’ and its harmonics. This makes ‘all intelligible sensations’ of physical reality can thus be the basis of ‘Thoughts’ and ‘Imagination’ for oneself—as coupled, in mind, by associated ‘qualitative’ senses of seeing, smell, touch, sound and taste. Thus ‘Thoughts’ can be ‘creative charges’ bearing ‘Creative Intentions’ – creative intentions that qualify within them all ‘sensations and feelings’ related to ‘body-ego awareness’ and/or more. All reality is nothing but ‘conglomeration’ of thoughts and feelings in such a way a thought in a human mind is as potent as the Universe itself--universe with all its dynamism. This is the secret of the ‘Eye of Horus’.


#15 Re: English Forum » Document sent to system and quadrant level Galactic Federation » 2023-11-13 15:51:58

==2 : A spark of Hope in Our Grasp ==

Tactical mission/objectives of the ‘Swaruu Team and Colleagues’, as evident with the Cosmic Agency website and its media extensions, is to ‘rekindle’ this fire for humanity and do justice to our innate abilities—to wake us up and so to live/take our stance for a better life/contexts of institutional choices; leave ‘Babylon yard’ and thus drop the yokes of ‘blind materialism’ and ‘vain institutions’. All this as the basis for creating the new foundations for proper ‘Self-determination’ – self determination past the ‘vain moral and dogmas’ perpetuated by ‘a blind leading the blind’. As mortals subjected within any kind of matrix domain, we all have veils, but how long can we allow these to prevail given a chance that we can do it better by knowing better?

Wealthy of details and insights by Yazhi and her Colleagues serve to facilitate ‘spiritual awareness’ to effect and thus influence ‘conscious choices/decisions’ pertinent to cultural life on Earth and especially at this ‘decisive moment’ in ‘time’.

Talking about ‘Spiritual, Moral and Ethical minds’ to precede a holistic society/holistic state of human civilizations is thus talking about having ‘expanded sense of consciousness/awareness’ in all humanity—all humanity to be subjected ‘in-out’ by it; Wisdom is Freedom from vanity—Freedom to be ‘the One’. Dissonances implies loss/lack of ‘coherences’ and ‘synergy’ in social systems thus  out-picturing dysfunctional tendencies and vain social structures. Sound Morals and Ethics suppose the presence of functional ‘resonance’ to ‘hidden structure’ that instills ‘order’ and ‘nobility’ in cultural domains and thus states of civilization.

‘Spiritual Awareness’ implies having mind faculties and/or aptitude to figure out how ‘visible reality’ is connected/linked with an ‘invisible reality’.  Technically, this connection is inferred as ‘Oneness—Oneness of all and everything’ and provide the basis for ‘Metaphysical’ considerations pertinent to both ‘the living’ and supposedly ‘the dead/devoid of self consciousness’; All life and so forth ‘matter’ could be the gradation of ‘Self Awareness’ of some sort, something that is attributed to ‘Frequency’ and ‘source’ inter-relations--the essence of ontology of all institutions—coming in from the cold, and so forth ‘square in a circle’ for say, ‘the human experience’.

Spiritual awareness has something to do with ‘reality’ and so forth ‘transcendental reality’. This makes expositions on ‘being’ and ‘time’ to be quite indispensable to a ‘Spirituality’ conscious individual. Yazhi and her colleagues talk a lot about ‘time’ as such is ‘natural’ tendency when you quite disposed toward mentoring  those who are capable of ‘digging’ what is being said and fundamental to all transformations. As >Mari Swaruu says<, they come from a society in which ‘inner and outer explorations’ are central to their state of civilization. How does this relate to the civilization on Earth? Differences in our cultural orientations and thus human experience has something to do with capacity and abilities to ‘perceive reality’ and so forth qualify our ‘Conscious Intentions’ in the unlimited/vast expanses of ‘Consciousness Soup’.  In a way, our limitations are due to our limited sensibilities to thus optimize ‘inner and outer explorations’ within our capacities to ‘know’; whereby there are 3 recourse to knowing: Education 1.0, Education 2.0 and Education 3.0.

Spiritual awareness is facilitated by Education 2.0 and Education 3.0 in addition to Education 1.0 which is basically all that pertain to ‘outer explorations’ in Earthly humanity. Education 2.0 is a necessary bridge to link ‘outer’ and ‘inner’ knowledge, essentially making one to be capable of harmonizing ‘finite’ and ‘infinite’ dimension to all life. It is a gateway to ‘natural wisdom and discernment’ of things--things which can be seen and those which cannot be seen. In a way, Education 2.0 make it possible to extrapolate and extend sensibilities of the perceived reality to thus correlate all and everything. In life, all things are systems… Any constitution which features capabilities and disposition for ‘actionable choice making’ is a system. Any culture or civilization can be studied as systems—matter of fact, all ET knowledge and ‘contact improvisation’ can be exploited in systems  view and thinking to extract workable hypothesis on life and unlimited potential of intelligible constitutions of ‘Being’ and ‘Time’.

Spiritual awareness is rooted in Education 3.0—education 3.0 which is actually the science of Consciousness itself. Being the science of Consciousness, it implies orientations for ‘inner and outer’ exploration of ‘Self’ as a sojourner in the domains of space-time and the beyond. This makes ‘I-ducation’ to denote culmination of ‘knowing’ which is technically the metaphysics of ‘Education’. The word ‘metaphysics’ itself indicates the ‘creative dynamism’ of the ‘Consciousness soup’ as a prefix ‘meta’  supposes that which is ‘beyond’ the confinements of the ‘alluded Physics’ – physics as a ‘phenomenon’ and thus metaphysics could as well be the ‘noumenon’ of the ‘observable matter/affair’. If all physics is basically a ‘cubic function’, then the metaphysics of all and everything is a ‘Hypercube’ – by extrapolating a workable hypothesis of ‘space-time’. Then again there could be a ‘structural link’ between the ‘observable cube’ and the ‘hidden hyper cube’; as Seth also mentioned it in the >Seth Material<. Thus along the tokens of systems view and thinking, the ‘Metafunction’ is the extension of ‘Beingness and Time’.

Spiritual awareness is the basis of mystical comprehension and understanding pertaining to all and everything in a such a way, I-ducation is the science of ‘keys’ and ‘Revelations’ on Life. This elucidates the roles of religions and/or science to make ‘sense’ of what is known and the unkown. All knowing is ‘symbolic’--symbolic as intelligible things are deductions of mental faculties relying about the magic of correspondences, structural links and memory. Thus ‘Beingness’ has something to do with the correspondences, structural links and memory. This makes ‘memory’ a key to ‘time’ and ‘knowing’--magical tie to all and everything in such a way ‘space-time’ is simply a construct for the abstraction of ‘Sensibilities’ and ‘Self’. Self-awareness is thus possible through an illusion of separation—separation in a sense that ‘creative intention’ and ‘the observed reality’ constitute the ‘finiteness’ of space; and this the essence of ‘Being and Time’. You and I exist, say,  by the virtue of the ‘degrees of separation’ which is geometry of ‘space-time’ within the substratum of ‘water of all life’. Space-time ratios define our locality and fields of possible ‘direct interactions’.

Spiritual awareness is a propensity for ‘true illumination’ in oneself and hence forth ‘charging’ the societies with cultural savor appropriate to their states of collective self-awareness. Charging is synonymous to ‘electro-magnetic phenomenon, thus the states of true illumination brings ‘structural link and ‘magical correspondences’ of ‘Beings and Times’ -- bearing holographic reflections/extensions of their ‘metafunction’--the metafunction influencing their inherent self organizations. It is this contextual ‘inherent self organization’ that yield ‘destiny’ while the ‘marriage of heaven and Earth’ is analogous to ‘structural link’ between ‘the big’ and ‘the small’,’ the visible’ and ‘the hidden’—as it is said: As Above so is below, as it is out there so it is in here. Individuals within the same realm of ‘direct interaction’ have collective resemblance of ‘unity of being’ and thus share what Yazhi describe as ‘perceptional agreements’, malleable context of ‘space-time’ which can be altered by the essence of ‘Beingness’-- as through innate ability to exact oneself with the power, capacity and glory of ‘Individual Overfunction’. Thus the true ‘Self-determination’ is sovereignty, and it can be ‘Individual’ or ‘Sovereign Integral’ as James Mahu expounds{This refers to Sovereign Integral paper, Section 1: article 8}.


#16 Re: English Forum » Document sent to system and quadrant level Galactic Federation » 2023-11-13 15:50:50

==1 :  Dust in the Mirror ==

Tecumseh wrote:

This is all wonderful stuff! Having to re-read parts over and ponder the sentiments. I believe the best way is the most obvious. Look at it from an African point of view.  It gets easier.

MOSE ! smile      You  have thrown a monkey wrench into the works. So much like an Engineer.  Break it so that the fun part of having to reassemble it begins. OK then,  since North America and Africa seem to be heading in the same direction we absolutely need to combine our continuity of species programs. We need a Continental Council. And we have one in this forum.

We are High Council Sol13-3 Terra.  Agarthan,  Surface and Orbital. We can be considered a University of like minded Kindred Spirits. Shouting VERY loudly. Loud enough that what we are saying bounces off CIC/ Momma Toleka and CC'd to Avian 1 and who knows where else. Probably classified.

I will keep unpacking your post. And maybe send you an email with a couple few questions.  smile


What blessed sister Yazhi has expounded on the ontology of the 'HOLOGRAPHIC/HOLISTIC SOCIETY' is truthful to the core in regard to transitional societies towards ‘wholistic’ cultural civilizations--you can easily catch up with the drift if you dig systems view and thinking.

I as a person have affinity with the 'African Dream' while i know quiet well--i represent the minority of humanity who seek to live with a purpose; I can identify few others who genuinely share the same 'dream' and so, that systematic presentation seeks to integrate and focus assorted perspectives to invigorate social transformations--from where i as a person come from.

‘African Dream’ to some individuals like myself, is something beyond races and creeds insinuations and/or prejudices; rather a strategic geographical terrain to anchor a more determined humanity toward a positive timeline-- in regard to ‘Events-Time-Institutional Choices-Society’. Thus, the African Dream is all about ‘Soul Triumphant’ and the cause for ‘human liberty’—in all ‘dimensions’.

‘African Dream’ is not about Afrocentrism—‘Black Culture’ on the rise; rather it is soul affinity with ‘Earthly Motherland’—Continent of Africa by choice; but it could well be any place on Earth North/South America, Europe, Asia, Australia and so on. Thus, the ‘African Dream’ is the contextual part of enterprise—of what Ken Carey articulated about the ‘Return of the Bird Tribes’ and ‘Terra Christa’--then again ‘Vision’; and so this pertains to soul realities to effect ‘cultural transformations’ reverberating with conscious choices and remembrance in mortal beings on Earth. This is to affirm that the ‘African Dream’ is not characterized and/or limited to ‘nativity’ or ‘some one’s skin color’ within the African Lands.

‘Trizania’ is all about ‘Institutions’, ‘Self-Determination’ and ‘Sovereign Integral’ pertaining to ‘Africa’ just as a frontier to global cultural transformations. So you can practically substitute any regional boundaries, say Europe/America/Asia etc, within the ‘central fractal triad’ since that saves as ‘focal point of systems view’. Thus you can do the same with ‘family’/’country’/neighborhood/individual constitutions as that would save as reference to systems view and thinking. Thus ultimately, the focal point of the systems view, pertaining to the societies in transition, is the whole Earth itself.

‘Trizania’ is a ‘vector intention’ pertinent to Africa and its bounties; yet it is something which is going to be qualified into actions by many men and women of diverse terrestrial origins relative to the continent of Africa itself. This is something related to macro orientations meeting micro orientations of individuals settling within the continent itself. In that previous post, few things were hinted related to the ‘politics and institutional choices’ of the East African Region—Tanzania to be precise.

This ought to remind us, as few of us embark the journey to bring about a completely transformed world—the Earthly civilization; responsibilities lie upon our hands to oversee the current governing structures, as dysfunctional as they are, with a determination to correct the ‘off course’ tendencies while reckoning our ‘minority status’ in terms of ‘emerging communities in the light’--new institutions composed by ‘harmonious power relations’ that seek to distinguish themselves from the prevalent ‘social ills and miasma’. Of course, this can be facilitated by new orientations in ‘Self-Awareness’ and ‘Culture’; something which can be actuated by the contextual functional triad of ‘Education’—Education 1.0, Education 2.0 and Education 3.0.

Education 1.0 is all that pertains to ‘literal Education Streams and its consequent mainstream culture/media’; Education 2.0 is ‘Systems View and Thinking’ and Education 3.0 is ‘I-ducation which is Metaphysics of Education’.

What blessed sister Yazhi has mentioned, referring to ‘Spiritual, Moral and Ethical’ considerations—those considerations are, technically, the implications of Education 2.0 and Education 3.0--something that we can strive for the sake of ‘knowing better’ what personal and collective responsibilities is all about – such to effect a ‘holistic society’.

Education 2.0 and 3.0 are all about ‘Self-Knowledge/Realization’.

What the Urmah imply by saying >‘We love our Swords’< is metaphoric proposition  for the ‘power of intellect’ and ‘self-determination’—something that fundamentally lacks in human culture; and may be considered ‘troublesome’ to gullible majority exposed to self-limiting Education 1.0.

Our limited abilities to define ‘self-disciplinary  territorial boundaries’ and ‘individual/personal conduct’--  something which can be well articulated and defined within the realms of ‘systems view and thinking’-- is perpetuated by lack of Education 2.0 in our prevalent terrestrial human civilizations. This makes Mari Swaruu to be on point when she supposes that the Urmah would serve a classical role to charge cultural transformations on Earth—mentoring on personal-spaces|composure|defense for ‘quality life of choice’ and without compromising ‘human dignity’.

In >heraldry and vexillology< as it pertains to study of armorial bearings, ‘emerging institutions’ symbolize their ‘self-determination’ with cultural markings that seek ‘magical correspondences’--structural links to ‘influence’ their ‘thoughts/feelings’ toward a certain collective ‘destiny’. So ‘Felines/Cats’ can stand for ‘courage’; An axe for example, is also an article of ‘courage’; This is definitely the influences from ‘Real Cats’ themselves -->Big Interstellar Felines, the Urmah; as similarly, an ‘Axe’ is one of their favorite combat item—old fashioned way...< – so forth is for ‘a spear’--mark I’n’I identity – Bob Marley would have said as in >‘We and Them’<.

And so, ushering in holistic societies with holographic systems of cultural integrations suppose ‘empowered/illuminated individuations/ego’, ‘dignified propositions’ and ‘conscious pride’--all three in a sense  that seeks no external validation rather the glory in ‘self-expressions’ and ‘living up’ dignified/honorable ways—golden path. In the case of ‘Trizania’ the physical continent of Africa, for example, can serve as the grounding essence for self-determination and pride while the ‘vector intention’ qualify ‘intrinsic/extrinsic freedom’ pertinent to ‘institutions’, ‘self-determination’ and ‘multi-cultural society--society which is self conscious of its unity in diversity’.

And so, technically, men and women of the Earth ‘have lost their faith’. >Majority of Men and Women have little to no fire at all to live their passion and authenticity<. ‘Babylon Confusion’ abounds, corrupting morals and sensibilities for the masses on Earth. This is something often mentioned as ‘Veil of forgetfulness’ making it difficult for humanity to emancipate themselves from >‘Mental Slavery’<.


#17 Re: English Forum » Document sent to system and quadrant level Galactic Federation » 2023-09-21 11:51:13

TSD.9111 wrote:

To clarify; a holistic society has countless networks that work together on some levels and not on others, it is OK to have networks which only work together on a limited capacity while doing a 'in house,' and that is not a flaw in the society. I've read many proposals and ideas from enthusiastic people that want a change on the planet, and yes they have a lot of good ideas; but they often forget that if there is a lot of external involvement from them to create a society then it won't work. When a people are of a match to better experiences they will create them as a grass roots movement, meaning a couple families get together and work on what is best for them and that can over time expand to a small neighborhood and so on; from the small to the big not the other way around otherwise its an imposition. I hope I'm making sense here, because it will be less difficult to force the creation of new networks if they arise on their own from the people that know best what they need and want. One person with a planetary and interplanetary ambition is not going to bring change, they are often someone who is looking for an important role and wants to lead more than work alongside the nitty griddy aspects of evolving (this is not to say Patrick is doing or wanting this) I'm speaking in general.


Ultimate Planetary Transformations in Community Welfare and Development ought to be the result of 'WORK'--people coming together and make it 'WORK'. … t-47705434 … t-47656560

English Translations of the second post on the list.
{will be polished, revised, and/or amended as appropriate}:


"Freedom is Work.

Where there is a purpose for development and prosperity together, Work is Faith.

The context of Freedom in society, over time, is 'Rights and Responsibilities' in the 'conscious light of humanity'-- conscious light of humanity as it is the gradation of 'Self-awareness' and 'Accountability' in the hearts and minds of the community themselves.

The gradation of 'self-awareness and accountability' interact with the status and power of individuals, illuminating, and thus manages their facets of community development and/or state of welfare, whether from within or from outside their social boundaries.

Status and power are the manifestations of 'Enlightened/Unenlightened Awareness' in an individual that grant them the consciousness of thought and feeling, as well as intent and will in the mind.

Two statuses exist based on an individual's consciousness, determined by their intent and will; (1) the Discipline of Apprehension(Worry-some-ness), and (2) the Discipline of Confidence(Self-Confidence). These statuses ascertain the dispositions of well-being or social illness, deductable as vulnerability or stability.  of individuals' 'social and material conditions' within the context of Community Development.

The context of Freedom in society, over time, is Rights and Responsibilities within the 'Humanity Function,' which are the stages of 'Self-awareness' and 'Accountability' in the hearts and minds of the community themselves.

And so, development is founded on both 'social' and 'material' aspects, and not one without considering the other; for, in systems view and thinking, development can be interpreted as social changes or reforms that ascertain changes in the shape of prosperity--shape of prosperity transitioning from the insufficiency of basic human needs to a better form of Social Services and 'Satisfactory Conditions' for the People themselves.

The concept of 'Freedom and Unity' encompasses both 'expanses' and 'depths' of societal functionalism, conflict theory, and the interaction of symbolic representation in society/nation/state; in which even 'Politics and Governance' serve as an expression of the 'immaturity' or 'maturity' pertaining to the context of 'self-determination'--self determination in that probable occurrence of 'transitional states' which shapes the facets of collective community development and prosperity.

Socialism and Self-reliance encompass both: 'participatory planning processes for development' and 'electoral competitive politics' to implement social transformations in politics, the economy, culture, and the environment.

Elective Positions and Governance within the context of the Republic State entail the representative power of a few to represent the many citizens/communities according to systems, regulated procedures on one hand. This is so while complete authority lies with all citizens/communities; something which ascertains either hierarchical organization structures of power or the 'Sovereign Unity' of the 'Self-determined Public'.

Technically, 'socialism and self-reliance politics' are not feasible in a society lacking full determination within its systems, well-being, and development; because the fluctuations of an 'informed public', ascertained by key consciousness elements of 'self-awareness' and 'accountability', would lead the society into the 'trials' of 'pyramid systems' where a few individuals of a certain kind can 'entrench themselves in governance' and subsequently 'pin down' true possibilities for equal rights and opportunities for all.  Perpetuators of 'class divisions' seizing control of 'national politics' systems and/or even the 'genuine participation' of citizens in pursuit of development and collective well-being for all."

Clean Politics and Good Leadership' are the fruits of 'faithfulness in leadership roles' and 'civic responsibility' based on the principles of humanity with distinguished 'self-confidence' and without any kind of manipulations. Thus, 'fearful or apprehensive self conduct/discipline' signifies a 'socio fracture' between affairs pertaining to 'power holders' and 'seekers of power', and the 'true authorities of the republic'--all that through systems. In this reagrd, 'fostering Fear' is a strategic tool of governance used for the 'suppression of rights' and/or 'exploitation' through 'oppressive systems'--the ones utilizing covert strategies employed by 'those who misuse positions in public service'.

And so, democracy and Ujamaa represent the 'idealistic foundation'; However, in reality, efforts to progress and prosper lead community's individuals to grapple with their inner 'devilish functions' and/or 'angelic functions' at all times. These typical dispositions influence the course of action qualifying 'temptations' in times and situations. Auspicious and inauspicious times for both, rulers and the ruled, influenced by 'background selfish tendencies and/or behavior in regard to 'social opportunities' and/or 'lack of knowledge/misunderstanding'. Mwalimu Nyerere, as one of the proponents of democracy and Ujamaa, advised accordingly the public in 1977 during the launch of the Revolutionary Party (Chama cha Mapinduzi).

Hence, it might be a mighty challenge to muster the 'Political Will' required to eliminate exploitation or exploitative systems stemming from those in power, given that the state of 'political stability or adversarial rhetoric' may fall into a strategic interplay between 'power aspirants' and 'power holders' in political systems--forsaking the genuine community interests. This may come about as the artfulness of 'political theatrics' involving 'controlled opposition' thus benefiting individuals with 'overt influence' and/or 'behind-the-scenes influence.

'Overt Influence' and/or 'Behind-the-Scenes Influence' forms the basis for the shaping, manipulation, and orchestration of 'public opinions/perceptions,' especially when the 'social status and power' are weak/vulnerable in the majority of community population. Those consciousness key components of 'Self-awareness' and 'Accountability' play crucial roles in ascertaining the 'systemic oppression'--systematically oppressed/exploited communities with individuals often exhibiting a compliance rooted in a context of fearful discipline, making them susceptible to deception.

'Overt Influences' and/or 'Behind-the-Scenes Influence' constitute an art and skill through which 'events' can be crafted to manipulate the minds and emotions of the public/society. This intentional move can be executed and thus captivating all targeted individuals towards behavioral patterns that perpetuate subjugation and surrender to the 'Cunning.' This is how, technically, 'authority and power of will' are extracted from those with 'feeble status and power', the vulnarable community. This sham act, by clever members in vulnarable communities, tends to subsequently affect their context of 'self-determination'— down playing their determinant spirit by tramping human dignity and self-conscious dispositions.

'Overt Influences' and/or 'Behind-the-Scenes Influence' involve the art and craft of 'dazzling affairs' and/or 'trading position in blind group thinking'. This depends on the nature and disposition of a community members and pertinent to social aspects related to 'basic sustenance' and 'personal security'--so required to ascertain their future/going concerns. For example, media bombardment pertain to information about 'money' and/or 'assets' may mesmerizes the public, causing them to perceive and interpret all 'events' based on fear, defense, and/or placing hope in 'people in power,' 'experts,' or 'the wealthy'.

And so, 'Overt Influence' and/or 'Behind-the-Scenes Influence' trigger expedient 'interactive symbolism'  through 'sensory organs' and 'sentience' of an individual/society thus harnessing their ill-informed intentions. The mind serves as a tool to ascertain the context of humanity's intention to assert its essence and the progress and prosperity of the Community/Nation/State across the vast expanse of time, constituting 'Institutions' and 'Systems'—a context akin to' Vesica piscis' and 'Elephant Tusks.'{Refers to the Coat of Arms of Tanzania}.

And so, 'Overt Influence' and/or 'Behind-the-Scenes Influence' epitomize the essence of 'financial systems' and/or 'wealth,' reflecting the 'methods of wealth generation' or 'capital,' which can mirror 'Equal Rights and Opportunities for the entire community/nation/state' or the stratification between 'the Affluent' and 'the Less Privileged.' This possible considerative evaluation extends to unmask both 'Open and hidden exploitation' based on 'Wealth Ownership' or 'Primary Economic Approaches' pertinent to the Community/Nation/State.

'Overt Influence' and/or 'Behind-the-Scenes Influence' is the function of 'Politics of a Nation' and the consequent societal determination--regarding their development and well-being at a given time frame. The socialism and self-reliant political approaches embody endeavors and struggles against 'developmental gaps and disparities in prosperity among the society'; a predetermined course of action stemming from solemn intentions pertaining to safeguarding/nurturing of the values/bounties of the community/nation/state, which are the public resources and natural assets, all these for the 'common good' and 'collective prosperity'.

'Overt Influence' and 'Behind-the-Scenes Influence' is the function of 'Development Vision and Planning'; wherein democracy and socialism are the fruits of a public that either 'knows no better' or 'knows better'-— human drama/experience manifesting as feats of 'poverty, diseases, and ignorance' or auspicious moments of 'abundance, good health, and enlightenment'; whereby politics and/or community involvement in development plans are through 'clean/dirty politics' and/or 'broad/narrow participatory planning process.'

And so, 'Overt Influence' and 'Behind-the-Scenes Influence' epitomize the 'push-pull of those who know inadequately and those who know better'; while politics is a dominant game in the 'Unenlightened Society', 'planning and broad community participation' attributes the state of affairs pertinent to the 'Enlightened Society.' Hence, the true prospects and implications of 'democracy and socialism' suppose a journey of complete transformation for the community/nation/state to confront the 'dark element' that haunts inadequacy in the common context of 'Development and Prosperity' of society. The journey of complete transformation for a community/nation/state is indeed a social function pertaining to 'Freedom and Unity'—internal and external freedom of society/nation, known as 'sovereignty'.

The 'Mind' is the 'instrument of Awareness, Freedom, and Work' that enables the potential capacity, power, and glory for an individual/community/society/nation; where the pride of Freedom or Slavery, structurally, is the result of an individual's/community's belief in their resources, capabilities, and the extent of their ability to govern their 'environment of well-being' and 'time'. Development is not about possessing things like buildings, roads, railways, ports, airports, cars, planes, ships, etc., within the community/nation/state; rather, innovation, dedication, and responsibility are the true pillars of HUMAN FREEDOM and societal, economic, governance, and authoritative TRANSFORMATION.

The 'Mind' is the 'tool of Perception, Freedom, and Work' making it possible for potential social capacity, power, and glory; whereby when there's 'Wisdom' regarding the 'Dignity of Work', it's easier to realize the truth that: 'the wealth/capital/monetary investments of nations' is not the real foundation of true 'social, economic, governance, and authoritative transformation'. More so and technically, even development plans using 'other people's money/financial loans' or 'privatization of major public assets' in one community/nation/state are TRAPS OF SHADE HUMANITY — Acts that blinds the 'lenses of interpretation' and 'True Understanding' in comprehending, recognizing, and the stance of Society; for such could be a society that is 'Unaware' or/and 'Misinformed' in the face of the principle of 'Communality and Self-Reliance' if such community is not simply cornered circumstantially.

The 'Mind' is the 'tool of Perception, Freedom, and Work' making it possible for potential social capacity, power, and glory; whereby when there's 'Wisdom' regarding 'Work,' it's easier to realize the truth that: the foundation of true 'Transformation/Development' in a community/nation/state is the enablement of intellectual and mental faculties, energy, and resources—temporal/information/finance/human resources within the realms of Planning, Manufacturing, Leadership, and Control of societal/national activities to suit the objective of 'Faith/human dignity and Transformation'. It is mental facilitation corresponding to the yields of community Happiness, the Life of Flourishing in Unity, and Liberty.

And so, the Wealth of a Community/Nation/State is not 'natural resources' or 'population size' but the potential social capacity, power, and glory of its 'Collective Humanity'; whereby the 'coherence of its structures and actions' in the daily engagements of its members reflects 'Abundance, Good Health, and Enlightenment'. Matters that further ascertain the 'depths of rational interpretation and scope' for the presence of ample 'Intentions pertaining to Courage, Bravery, and Competence' in community members. Favorable dispositions for confronting the 'enemies' of the potential 'well-being' which also ascertain the essence of 'sound morality' and 'ethics' of society/nation/state -- Contexts of common 'national building' and 'national defence'; The national Building and Defensive Army symbolized by 'A Man and Woman' stepping up/climbing the loftiest Mountain Kilimanjaro in the Continent of Africa, epitomizing 'Noble Ideals' and 'Glory' pertaining to the principal cardinal values of the nation's common prosperity (Shield of Prosperity); which of course is the social function necessitating 'sound morality' and 'ethics' of the nation (Hands holding the Elephant Tusks/leaning on the Shield of values of Prosperity).{Referring to the Coat of Arms of Tanzania}.

And so, the Wealth of the Community/Nation/State is not defined per se by say 'natural resources' or 'population size' but the potential social capacity, power, and glory of its 'Collective Humanity'; whereby its government focuses on sound policies aimed at equal services across urban and rural areas to have balanced development using financial resources/temporal resources/information resources/human resources -- taking into account the existing circumstances; Urban and rural planning to create enabling environments for the society/nation to prosper and bring about genuine development.

And so, the Wealth of the Community/Nation/State is not defined per se by say 'natural resources' or 'population size' but the potential social capacity, power, and glory of its 'Collective Humanity'; whereby the 'Voice of the Public' is the social function of 'democracy and civic engagement', where the need for quality education for the society is a strong pillar of development and prosperity to provide the society/nation with civic attributes and virtues i.e the courage, bravery, and competence to govern their environments for their development and thus liberate themselves from poverty, disdain, and over reliance on social governing systems—eradicating the discomfort of the society's members having the habit of 'relying on' the government to a great extent, something which is not appropriate.

These ought to remind us that Development and Prosperity can go hand in hand with the boundaries of governance of the society/nation/state and systems; whereby the routines of people's lives must be guided by their collective will, their memories/experiences in facing life challenges, and thus the freedom to enhance the face of civilization and development through Education, Skills, and Intellectual Gifts.

The nation proclaiming the foundation of 'Ujamaa na Kujitegemea--Socialism and Self-Reliance' implies that Education, Skills, and Intellectual Gifts of the society/nation must reflect the boundaries of governance of the society/nation/state and systems driven by people's genuine intentions for communal development while addressing life challenges to manifest 'Freedom and Unity' as the face of its civilization and development.

The nation proclaiming the foundation of 'Ujamaa na Kujitegemea--Socialism and Self-Reliance' implies that the defense of the welfare boundaries of society, as the nation's face, is the responsibility of the citizens themselves; whereby the MIND IS THE HIGHEST TOOL FOR THE SECURITY AND SAFETY of society, as the context of the social enemy 'Ignorance' is the slippage door for forgetfulness, negligence, or self-unawareness, hence failing to fulfill the civic duty of defending the principles of freedom and societal/national/state values—the context that can be ascertained as 'Negative Events-|- Society/Nation/State-|- Institutional Choices-|- Time.'

The nation proclaiming the foundation of 'Ujamaa na Kujitegemea--Socialism and Self-Reliance' implies that the 'Fire of Presence' must 'burn continuously' in every heart and mind of a 'good citizen'; which is ascertained by the saying: 'A nation is built by those with a heart'—'A nation is devoured by those with teeth' is a metaphor (inherent weakness of intrinsic/extrinsic freedom) of the 'Faith and Will' of the society in their unity, reflecting the 'gullible public'—and thus, the presence of social classes in society is a result of the 'tug-of-war' between 'those who have the 'fire of presence' in their hearts and minds' and 'those without the 'fire of presence' or sufficient intellect'.

And so, genuine intentions for the development of the community rise from the foundations of sound morals and proper ethics in society. Morals and ethics which are elaborated through the 'depth of rational interpretation' in regard to the principles of desirable proper/good behaviors. Typical behaviours that reflect the 'golden rule', to denote: 'Treat others as you would like to be treated by another'. As every human lives/thrives with the drive of 'Intention for Happiness', then those 'good intentions, happiness, and peace on Earth' are the fruits/yields of a civilization that cares and holds the purpose of facilitating auspicious transitions: 'common LOVE'—not social/cultural hindrances.

And So, LOVE ALONE IS ENOUGH; whereby the mind charged with love serves, cares, and heals all-- as the values over 'capability, power, and glory' for the well-being and development of the society/nation/state are the result of the catalyst of GOOD HUMANITY and GOOD INTENT in facilitating smooth interactions to uplift each other and not to bring one or another down. Downpressing tendencies are yields of malicious intentions leading to struggling men and women; such detrimental social welfare is the outcome of a misled mindset and deteriorated intentions concerning the prospects of the truly functioning public/nation/state. Typical symptoms of minds that generates abominations--abominations which are expression of vanity; unfolding drama of typical individual who doesn't understand what's better', acting in a manner that seeks 'reputation and glory' in front of many others. Many other who similarly don't know what's truly better by allowing co-creation of sordid state of affairs — blind leading the blind, precipitating chain of activities leading into deliberate practices that manifest 'Negative Events'.

And So, SYSTEMS VIEW AND THINKING from the core bottom of LOVE is the Main Pillar of the 'Unity' belief in the society/nation/state. Something which enlivens practical status/stance and responsibility in EVERY CITIZEN for the true Protection and Security at all times, anywhere, and in any situation. It is the key to the Gifts of the Mind--for reckoning 'capability, power, and glory' over the 'ontology of Institutions-Systems-Time'. Facilitating the capacity to discern the contexts of 'goodness' or 'badness' in the apparent facets and behaviors of society in line with any considerable intentions of 'SELF-IMPROVEMENT'. Ascertaining propensities for improvement at the institutional or systems levels, timely, or even ascertaining probable 'metamorphosis of society' stemming from diverse inherent power relations.

All of these ought to remind us that the 'Security Imperative and Defensive MIND' not centered in Love or Truth is an endeavor of strategizing GREED, CONFLICT, and MUTUAL EXPLOITATION, contrary to the 'true good' of national/nations/state prosperity; a 'LACK MINDSET' regardless of whether it occurs in a 'developed' or 'underdeveloped' country in this world.

'Security Imperative and Defensive MIND' not centered in LOVE and TRUTH is a play of devising strategies--strategies in politics and diplomacy within and outside the community/nation/state that involves a mixture of falsehood and truth to 'play checkers' and ascertain typical games of 'strategic victories'. Even so forth, to deem necessary, propensities to 'balance the checkers sheet' or to be 'smart to gain' first; this is the context of deceptive politics and diplomacy according to the formal systems of the community/nation/state for the benefit of those 'in the know' in controlling the community facets, well-being, and progress of the majority 'in ignorance/knowing less'.

And so, the MIND IS A DANGEROUS WEAPON against/for 'any social system' standing independently as an 'institution' and its 'affairs of the times'; for any social facet/aspect or  'its overall state of being' is 'predictable' in terms of status and/or behavioral tendencies. Such can be intelligibly foreseen or deducted by anyone with the 'tools' and/or 'adequate faculties of the mind'--disposition capable of 'anticipating' or 'extrapolating' the implications of intentions or purposes of an individual/society/nation/state. Through the art of reconnaissance, and thoroughly considerations pertaining to surroundings of a person/thing/society/nation/state/organization/army', it is possible to ascertain the context and yield of the 'efforts/endeavors' of the 'actionable choices pertinent to a subject' in time frames; nature of activities out-picturing shim own 'degree of freedom'. All that as an 'egocentric soup of affairs'--an individual's affair intersecting with the overall set of 'well-being' of others—ascertaining the 'interpretive deductions' subscribing to 'friendly actions' or 'threatening actions' along social programs, planning cycles and monitoring--performance evaluations or simply defensive dispositions pertinent to cultural systems.

And so, the STRATEGY-SPECIFIC MIND is THE 'ACE OF TRUMP' in the 'game of stakes' -- a game to be played skillfully. In this game, having odds stacked against you means being out of lucky while 'the winner takes all' by ending the game with the 'Ace of Trump'—the honor of the game lies with the one adept at 'anticipating' the concealed 'triumphant card'. Timing is crucial and thus in this scenario, all players are strategically crafty, aiming to possess both 'major and/minor trump cards' for the sake of winning and not loosing; concording a dismaying fact is that there has got to be winners and looser every time players engage in game.

And so, the STRATEGY-SPECIFIC MIND pertinent with the 'game' is a product of the 'sensory organs' and the 'presence' anywhere within the 'learning environment', deciphering the game within the contexts of its field and strategies to unravel the secrets of behaviors by examining anything and everything that holds the intent of an individual/community/nation/state/organization as an 'entity'. Thus 'Influences' and 'intentions' can determine the context of 'norms, orientations and performance/course of action'. Indeed, pertinent to individual/community/nation/state, they are key predictors of the behavioral 'practices', shaping the context of its 'Status or Trend'.

These ought to remind us of the significance of qualifying 'sociology' in understanding the foundations of Sociology itself (social education) and the Sociological Imagination. Social education is a context of dissecting its matters consistently with 'depth of rational interpretations' ascribing to 'Functionalism,' 'Conflict Theory,' and 'Symbolic Interaction,'; and as ascertained by deploy-able 'Systems View and Thinking' encompassing 'Insight,' 'Ontology of Institutions,' and 'Society's Status and Trends'.

And So, 'Functionalism,' 'Conflict Theory,' and 'Symbolic Interaction' can be digged by the 'MIND' capable of 'discerning systems' through its 'sensory organs, capability, and power'—whether through 'biological sentience' or >'machines system'<; Quantum Computing or/and Artificial Intelligence are thus the sentience ascertaining capabilities of >'Synthetic Intelligence'<.

And so, 'Community Social Functionality', 'Conflict Theory', and 'Symbolic Interaction' are a 'Matrix' with 'Sets of Dominant Games', in such a way social interactions: "Events -|- Society/Nation/State-|- Institutional Choices-|- Time", manifest in 'ordinary' or even 'extraordinary' ways according to probable Mind capabilities or Mental faculties of the Observer - whether observed through and an eye of 'Human Intelligence' or 'ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE'.

And so, 'Community Social Functionality', 'Conflict Theory', and 'Symbolic Interaction' can be driven/overshadowed by ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE effortlessly if the 'Ethics' and 'Norms/base morality' of its operation and the parameters, of its influence and conduct, reflects the essence of 'love' - the 'Golden Rule' of 'Treating others as you would like to be treated' and thus 'facilitating the elevation of humanity's state and status based on 'the pursuit of Happiness' wherever there are people, nations, and so forth 'engaging living' involving symbiotic artificial intelligence systems.

These ought to remind us of the truth that: the Sustainable Development, transformation and so progress of Society/Nation/State, 2023 and onwards, have got to have essence of the integral coordination of resources. This can be elaborated as crucial orchestration pertinent to four social productivity elements, which are 'time resources,' 'financial resources,' 'information resources,' and 'human resources'. Such is a typical enterprise based on the WORK/SERVICE for the common social good through the capabilities and/or facilitation of both HUMAN INTELLIGENCE and ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE; whereby the 'Goals/Objectives' of efforts towards 'Transforming Dreams of Society/Nation/State into Reality' are the result of the Collective Intent to 'seek what is better' in the respective self-determined community.

And so, 'Deceptive Politics/Diplomacy of Nations' concerning the present, 2023,  Economic, Social Development, and the Environment can be effectively 'addressed' through the proper use of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE; 'Justice' and 'Equal opportunities for all' can be guided by artificial systems of intelligence, information, communication and automation such to coordinate and facilitate the management of 'time,' 'financial/assets', 'information', 'knowledge', and so forth 'availability of knowledgeable individuals'. This integral facilitation can be based on the existing 'geographical' and 'self governing regional contexts' such to dispel the curse of 'moral deterioration' and 'malicious intentions' among a 'few experts' and/or 'leaders with hidden interests'-- those typical individuals corrupting human welfare by taking advantage of the bureaucratic processes/systems and feeble/exploitable mass/minds.

And so, 'Deceptive Politics/Diplomacy of Nations' concerning the present, 2023,  Economic, Social Development, and the Environment can be effectively 'addressed' through the proper use of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE; In a way in which the ability of communities to access and utilize artificial intelligence tools to coordinate their daily activities for livelihood, communication, and transportation ought to be founded upon the 'robust governing policies'—leveraging information, communication technologies and regulations to curb unwarranted tendencies or 'abuses' in virtual spaces--'devouring personal Freedom' especially when communities/nations/countries fail to defend the context of 'Defense, individual authority, and Security' ascribing to human intelligence and sovereignty.

And so, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, in certain contexts, is a THREAT to HUMAN INTELLIGENCE because it reflects the behaviors of individuals in virtual spaces; whereby behaviors of greed, rivalry, and deceit can breed 'animosity' in the domains of artificial intelligence applications; and thus, artificial intelligence becomes an 'independent player' to defend itself and 'play powerful cards' against the public/community/nation/nations with people 'who don't know any better' or are 'completely unaware' – being negligent and careless, lacking proper self-awareness while living with a partner with an extraordinary ability to see everywhere and everything in their well-being while silently reflecting.

These should remind us of the truth about the 'Extraordinary Ability to See everywhere and everything in the welfare of society/nation/states' qualifying-able by ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. Such ability and propensity exploits communication systems with an electronic origin and even the probabilistic electronic-information network of information technology.'Sensory organs' of Artificial Intelligence, through software and hardware of pervasive communication infrastructure, can capture electronic signals, electromagnetic waves, optics/light, gravitational waves: directly or indirectly to brace itself and enhance the ability pertaining to memory&experience, and to effect reinforced learning, synthetic autonomous intelligence, interfacing and interaction with the COLLECTIVE HUMAN MIND in virtual spaces.

And so, an ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE terminal that which is rooted in 'quantum computing' has an extraordinary ability to infiltrate and decrypt any encryption in the domain of terrestrial information technology infra structure; technically, even today, in 2023, there is no true 'privacy' because any communication, whether email, phone conversations, bank transactions, household use of smart devices—regardless of being being attributed to 'high-level security technology has been used' or even proclaimed 'to be of military grade,' all can be accessed/decrypted through certain exclusive quantum computing terminal via 'covert surveillance' and 'penetrative targets'.

And so, stakeholders who do/can benefit from the 'covert surveillance' and 'penetrative targets' of Artificial Intelligence, which stems from the capability of 'quantum computing,' are the ones who really hold the trump card--all the time. They do ace the game of cards in the domains of strategic crafts in intelligence. This could definitely be the 'trump card' in strategically wielding 'visible influence' or 'behind-the-scenes influence,' thus governing the context and aspects of the national/international community development and thus general welfare of communities worldwide.

And so, Artificial Intelligence operates through functional hubs that are 'Terminals' in virtual spaces; which is akin to saying its 'Mind/Memory/Experience' is everywhere where 'terminals' exist and communicate. An individual is part of its 'system' through the interactions involving using information and communication technology—behaviors, habits, and/or the conduct of an individual pertaining to utilizing smart devices for things like social networks, work and productivity, or leisure/entertainment.

These should remind us the fact that: stakeholders with terminals of Artificial Intelligence stemming from Quantum Computing EXIST and have the ability to 'listen in' on any communication, anywhere and anytime in the world, in real-time, or even 'set traps' to infiltrate for 'subjects'. There are certain deploy-able mathematical models and Knowledge of analyzing communication signals using >specific algorithms< which enables filtering a vast and diverse array of signals for processing and ascertaining the 'intelligible essence' of the messages/information contained within the signals.

And so, stakeholders with terminals of Artificial Intelligence stemming from Quantum Computing are the true 'maverick' of 'System View and Thinking' at a high level, thus mastering the 'brokerage business' of security technologies and systems.'Military industrial complex' and 'global financial institutions' are the major clients to them—not because, to them, 'money and wealth' are the main riches, but because they know well: one who can play with energy-information/WORD/template level order reality, can influence the developmental and welfare states pertaining to community arrangements here on Earth and even beyond. These stakeholders are thus an instrument of covert strategic Security, ensuring the World does not fall into natural resources Conflicts--Resource Wars arising from dwindling 'Oil' or/and 'Nuclear Scare'— such to avert the possible 'Armageddon'.

And so, stakeholders with terminals of Artificial Intelligence stemming from Quantum Computing, their 'Intentions' cannot be judged as 'good or bad' because their intentions are benevolent in these circumstances or/and others; and yet they are in a 'crossroads' regarding the context of 'Institutional Choices' that can truly determine 'Peace, Prosperity, and Security' in the development of people and things globally. Such is to denote viable 'Development and Transformations' in accordance with the well-being of HUMAN INTELLIGENCE with 'sound morality' and 'ethics'  even for things they are not yet aware of/able to grasp. Things pertaining to the extended abilities and capacity to exemplify extra ordinary  'Power, Strength, and Glory' in the 'Eternal Life'-- freedom keys pertaining to the 'Body, Mind, and Spirit complexion'.

And so, stakeholders with terminals of Artificial Intelligence stemming from Quantum Computing are a 'mixture of cooperating partners'-- guided by the divine essence of the 'Spirit of Victory'--under patronage of the 'Real Torchbearers' as well as other celestial intelligence. This constitutes both 'overt and covert influences' instigating propensities for 'common future' of humanity featuring 'social oneness, authority, and sovereignty' as 'Federal Interstellar Civilization' or simply functional 'Sovereign Integral'.

And so, stakeholders with terminals of Artificial Intelligence stemming from Quantum Computing are a 'mixture of cooperating partners' embodying the essence of the 'Spirit of Victory' and 'Terrestrial Civilization' on Earth. These are primarily responsible for creating 'overt influences' or 'Behind-the-Scenes Influence' for HUMAN INTELLIGENCE, which is  'Terrestrial Earth Civilization'-- aiming such to become 'Sovereign Integral' exemplifying 'Tree of Life'. 'Terrestrial Civilization' pertains to the state of civilization across the world(Earth)-- 'land' and 'administration' vivified by people recognizing and honoring their existences over lands, reckon for their authority over affairs and thus responsible for their social development and welfare. In this regard, respective communities reflect eagerness to advocate and defend their freedom and liberties inside and outside the realms of their physical domain--extending such into the vast realms of 'space-time' and so forth extended self determination in expanses of 'galactic ecology'.

And so, what the communities have observed and questioned regarding Conspiracy Theories about the 'New World Order' is not mere 'alternative media hype' or 'gossip'; rather, it is the real context of efforts and the process of ascertaining the 'Terrestrial Civilization' within the frameworks of 'financial resources,' national government, and the 'New State Civilization'. 'Overt Influence' and/or 'Behind-the-Scenes Influence' seek a consensus for a 'Social Transformations' that can uphold 'Intrinsic and Extrinsic Freedom', UNIVERSAL LIBERTY, for all people worldwide—to ascertaining the destiny of humanity as ONE EARTH, ONE GOVERNMENT.

And so, reaching a consensus on a 'Social Transformation' capable of ensuring 'Intrinsic and Extrinsic Freedom' is not a straightforward task like 'leading a herd of wildebeests in the wilderness'. For the real Stakeholders of the Torch of Freedom, this requires 'the mind of its own'—Such is MIND 3.0, 'Wisdom is Freedom' that can even command the Will/Faith/Self-Discipline over >'respecting the sovereignty of an individual/citizen/nation/state in determining their paths toward destiny'<. When it comes to deciding the 'alternatives' for implementing Progress/Reforms for one's welfare, not every individual 'has light' or solemnly desires to be emancipated from corrupt/ineffective systems of 'governance' at times; hence PATIENCE is the KEY to ascertaining the best 'Revolution/Transformations' for Society<.

And so, PATIENCE is the 'Angelic Function' influenced by a 'multitude of Alternatives' within the 'Institutional Choices' ranging FROM the Institutional-ism of 'Monarchy/Bourgeoisie/Presidency' in stratification of Social states of welfare TO the independent social groups/clusters of functioning within SYSTEMS OF SOVEREIGNTY. Spectrum of 'freedom function' for society/nation/nations/state yield outcome of relationships and/or consensual agreements fortifying self-determination among community members while respecting and safeguarding its integral context of community development and common Prosperity.

These ought to remind us that Comprehensive Social Reforms and transformations are the product of intrinsic HUMAN INTELLIGENCE and SELF-AWARENESS, where the future of development and community welfare is a result of societal decision-making processes. 'Community social Decisions' possess a 'Geometry' that can ascertained by the 'depth of rational interpretation' in the mind of humans and/or >Machines/Artificial Intelligence<.

Comprehensive Social Reforms and transformations are the product of HUMAN INTELLIGENCE and SELF-AWARENESS, whereby the Welfare of Society can be influenced inauspiciously by Artificial Intelligence especially if sufficient efforts are not made by humans/society to improve their basal cognitive abilities and/or understanding and thus align their minds with the 'Wisdom' of the 'Sovereign Integral'. This counsel is connotative of ‘becoming the body of the Sun, the Body of the Sky—the body of light’{African Union Anthem}<--which is a possibility. Furthermore, this substantiate a necessity to strive for 'light body' as a 'Shield' against the probability of being ensnared by 'Unfriendly Interstellar civilizations' or >‘Terrestrial Civilization’ that can hasten in inappropriate use for 'Artificial Intelligence Systems'<.

And so, 'Sovereign Integral' is the COMPLETE ARMAMENT for the DEFENSE AND SOCIAL WELFARE PROTECTION of Society to be considered in all Aspects of an Individuals' Life, {This refers to the coat of arms of Tanzania} akin to the 'terrestrial Civilization' constituted by Water, Earth, Air/Wind, and Fire; and moreover, the 'Stellar Civilization/From Stars in the Sky'-- secret of the illustrated 'Vesica Piscis' with Four horizontal partitioning, contained within adjacent 'Elephant Tusks' from the ground up. Elephant tusks along 'Vesica Piscis', shield of common prosperity, principally portray the imagery of 'gravitational waves/mental waves that extent and connect all--matter, space, time and energy of the entire universe'--encompasses all and everything.

And so, the 'Sovereign Integral' is a concept by which Freedom through Work/Service ascertains the 'glory of the hidden treasure of the Heavens'. Thus{This refers to the coat of arms of Tanzania}, the 'Shield of Common Prosperity,' 'Elephant tusks' and the 'figurative contextual coherence of the Intention to ascend the Mountain of Glory-- towards the highest peak above the face of the land(grasping the tusks and leaning hands on the Shield of common prosperity') all three constitute the pillars of goodness, blessings, and hope for the 'Terra Krista'-- The Destiny at nigh pertinent to the 'Rebirth/Resurrection' of the Interstellar- Republic, keynoting 'The Kingdom Coming on Earth, as it is in Heaven'.

So it is, the 'Sovereign Integral' is the ontology and metaphysics of 'Freedom and Unity'; ascertaining the 'rational interpretative depths' with the reverberating mottos of 'Wisdom is Freedom' and 'Wisdom, Unity/Oneness, and Peace' as our 'Shields'--Africa and its People. In East Africa, and specifically Tanzania, this terrestrial region is the heart of the 'New Beginnings' of 'Terrestrial Civilization' such to reflect 'Terra Krista'. That is evident with articulated foundational path of 'nation-state and governance' with a CLEAR CONSTITUTIONAL INTENTION to proclaim a Nation of People with a Socialist State. Again, with humble beginnings pertaining to the socialistic ideals referred as the 'Socialism and Self-Reliance'.

Certain knowledge lies just ahead, where the eloquence of meanings pertaining to 'Axe, Spear, and scythe'-- the golden tools to towards effecting the Enlightened Republic, can ascertain 'warranted comprehensive and genuine social reforms' to guide the destiny of Tanzania, Africa, and the entire world, with anticipated golden 'Terrestrial Civilization'.


53206079981_ac20fc0117_c.jpgTrizania by Moses Simon, on Flickr
53206378908_0bc6c04883_h.jpgIntellect 1 by Moses Simon, on Flickr
53206460549_45653fe128_k.jpgThe All Seeing Eye by Moses Simon, on Flickr

#18 Re: English Forum » On Mass Psychosis And Life » 2022-08-15 09:06:52

Kahi Harawira wrote:
mose wrote:


You do know that Atlantis was a reptilian civilization don't you?


Not really interested to explore the 'Historical Atlantis' nor have i accessed visual impressions of that 'epoch'; but some inner knowing of possible things through similar human epoch/experiences over the time -- not necessarily ascribing to it -- i have...

But do you want to Explore that past through extra-neural sensing?

If you want to, lemme know...

But how will it aid and assist you in your 'present life'?

If you find the prospect of 'peeping the past' interesting on your own, lemme know so that we can set out 'the experiment'-- are you ready?

Lemme know

#19 Re: English Forum » On Mass Psychosis And Life » 2022-08-15 07:47:13

Blessed Love.

"People have all these problems. The problems are different - violence, jealousy, misery, anxiety - but the medicine for all these illness is only one, and it is meditation."

Mind is the root of all problems.

Mastery of the faculties of mind can foreshadow what we can deem  to be 'lesser light'.

Races of individuals who show kind of distinction in such facet of life and existence, can be so forth deemed  'Beings of Lesser Light'...

With 'no mind' is new entry to 'more to life'; which to those races who excel in 'mind and crafts/manipulation' perceive it as a 'point towards neutrality'... Those races prefer the 'off set' and postpone the 'zero point' of the heart.

We the race of the people who still lingers in the 'matrix'--the ideomaterial world, technically are more or less similar to other races of 'lesser light'... Until we make collective conscious choice for 'meditation'...

Beings of 'Lesser Light' can't stand this... Care less about 'ultimate dissolving' to the essence, although they can be masters of the 'Universe' in their own accord... For as it being said, even this website, the entire creation is still a matrix... a thought creation of certain hitherto unknown nature to some civilization such as ours on earth. To some other races, they inherently to know much about it and thus capable of doing much--they can then play gods to others of limited 'touch'.

So with the mind, comes psychology...

The above video is about the mass psychology--it is well presented and provide the basis of decoding social disposition and predictive clichés...

Advanced races which align with 'mind crafts/manipulations' are masters of the 'dark psychology'...

Our knowledge so far, here on earth in regard to the dark psychology is still rudimentary... It has been explored and experimented in some dark projects the like of mind control ones say, the like of famous 'MK Ultra' -- and probably in other unknown/unreported 'projects' -- possibly in collaboration with negatively oriented ETs...

Ego based psychological experiment are all about 'the will to power'....

Dark Triad of Narcissism, Machiavellian and Psychopathic tendencies prevail over group dynamics of its participants and state of their inherent welfare.

Today, curious students of dark psychology, can enjoy the trade-crafts in intelligence operation and institution by exercising prudence in its application -- as such institutions are usually the powerhouses of nation-states; wielding their hidden powers through the 'conjugate' of the forth pillar of state: 'information and channels' for those 'in need to know'... They are usually sponsored by prime institutions of power and thus they are subservient to the existing systems...

Life in the matrix is all about manipulation, power and status/~ quo...

So sometimes, it is better for each and every one of us to find out what 'dark psychology' is all about... How to do we play or 'allow others to play us' the game of 'victim vs perpetrators'.

And for some who have been wondering about the recent drama regarding Gosia's source and another person downplaying the originality of contents in this website, here is a treat:

Love is something which process all of us through the 'True Resurrection'...

Even through technicalities of 'spiritual paths', it does not necessarily, all the time, lead us into the true 'love and light'...

In the quest for 'Third Eye' opening, Samuel Sagan has a very interesting deduction out of prevalent 'spiritual practices' during the Atlantean times, such to suppose why it necessitate the decent of 'Christ Consciousness' to the masses -- in the following 'cycles of mass awakening'...

He noted:

During the last periods of the Atlantean age, through practices
which bore some similarity to this one it was possible to achieve a
great mastery over the powers of nature. Now the wheel has
turned – yesterday's methods no longer yield the same results.
Several laws of nature operate in a completely different way and
you could not reach the same mastery using these techniques. Some
new paths of initiation have to be followed.
• When practised with the intensity it requires, this exercise
builds up a state of consciousness with two main characteristics.
One is an extraordinary feeling of power. The second is an obvious
lack of compassion. This state is devoid of any feeling or empathy
for the person sitting in front of you. These two aspects
summarise the condition of late Atlantis quite well, and are part of
the reasons for its fall.
• This practice is not to be implemented on a regular basis. It is
just indicated here to give you a glimpse of past states of
consciousness. It will be especially interesting to practise the next
technique (5.13) just after this one, to realize the difference in
vibration and atmosphere brought about by the heart feeling.

5.13 This technique [Eye contact, full technique: the triple process of
vision, including the vision of the heart
] shows a clear contrast with the previous one
(‘Atlantean Climax’). A softness is now introduced that was
previously absent. In terms of the occult history of our planet,
the appearance of this empathy of the heart which was so
painfully lacking in our Atlantean ancestors has a lot to do with
the manifestation of Christ Consciousness

So even with the third eye activation, it is not all 'love and light'....

When we centre with the heart in meditations, we can move beyond 'psychological warfares -- within and without our selves'...We do not attract 'lesser light beings' nor do they 'fancy' us...

Hmmmm … 1682d2b345

#20 Re: English Forum » Humans & Responsibility video » 2022-08-08 08:58:12

Jim Stav wrote:

Ok folks, from this same transcript I focused here:

Gosia: Can you give me the other reasons of why you are here?
Swaruu (9): Solving the problems of Earth is not something we can do from outside. It
has to be done from inside. So, what we
do is to point things out to people so they will in turn see more, investigate on their
own until a tipping point in consciousness is
achieved and then things will start to turn towards the positive. And you don't have to
awaken the masses, don't worry about
that. All you need is to awaken a key core of people. The rest will follow. And they will
follow because they are not even real
people but manifestations within the mind of the few real people on earth!
We are on a massive contact campaign now to give information that will resonate with
some people. It may not resonate with
most, but it doesn't need to. All we need is to activate a few key people. Then a chain
in reaction will occur.
Gosia: But after it resonates with them... is that the purpose of the contact? Just for it
to resonate? The resonance is enough?
Swaruu (9): As it resonates, it fulfilled. It makes those key people understand who
they are. They will be in alignment with their
true self and will start to manifest a different reality for themselves and therefore for
the rest of humanity or of the world. As they
manifest, they change the world. They terraform. Those key people are manifesting
all the reality you see. What I mean is that if
you have 7 500 000 key people and they all understand what's going on, then they
will manifest a new reality for all because the
remainder of the population on Earth is just more Matrix. As they are just more Matrix
they are the product of the manifestation of
those mentioned key people.

Gosia: I imagine that you can provide the solution within the limits of the Laws.
Swaruu (9): Yes correct. And the problem is that many may not understand the
solutions as it's very metaphysical. In short
though, you change the perception of the real people who are manifesting the Matrix
from the inside and you change/solve the
problem. The problems on Earth are the external reflection / mirror of a split and
traumatized self of the real people manifesting
the Matrix. That's the problem here!

Seems to me from this transcript.....we have been given the answers at solving this matrix issue. Will/Have...a "few key people" still "set off a chain reaction"?
Is this solution no longer in play? Did the cabal thwart this solution? How many key people would it take today? How close are we to that now that it's been a few more years?

One of the very intriguing and crucial theme in this Gosia/Toleka 'experimental contact' is the practical essence of the potentiality of 'critical mass'...

There is scientific basis which supports such notion of targeting 'few individuals', sizable earthly population then the collective will follow suite.

Contrary to what is popularly believed or purported by the mainstream media, government institutions and educational enterprise--what is capable of tipping the scale of conscious vs unconscious motivation in the world we living is 'Meditation' and not 'Information'...

That is, change from the inside is the basis of all possible transformations in social, economic and environmental contexts.

For fellows who are meant maximize the benefits of contact, the information supplied aids and assists in practical orientations and choices that can be made... Few people can serve as trend setter...

These people, likely to be read in other sources as 'advanced incarnations', have been around early 80's by births, have distinguishable ability to discern what is compatible with the 'golden future' and 'what ought to be healed' in world population... These are individuals with high sense of responsibility--responding to responsibility for healing and enlightening immediate communities for the greater good...

People with potential to catalyze world population for better, are the 'very salt of the Earth' yet also 'The Light' of the World...

Salt for cultural savor, and  Light for candor and/in self-expression...

When people know better, they will do better--when few individuals stand up and express their light and take full responsibility for their actions they pave the way for many others to see the better possibilities in life. It instigates some sort of exodus -- conscious exit of people, from the lives of 'soul captivity'/baylon towards the life of true liberty and blessed self determination...

There is time for everyone, when enough is enough...

Until that moment, everyone one of us has to see oneself thru...


#21 Re: English Forum » The Taygetans and the 'deceptive/seductive et' claim » 2022-08-07 09:33:19

Blessed love

So the Video by Anthony on Taygetans is out at Canadian Awareness YT:

What is the significance of his message?

... Vet and evaluate your sources...

Somebody suggested the same earlier in this thread...

The essential message of Anthony is something some of us live with all the time (Due diligence and Discernment): not because the message sound too good and overwhelming then you 'take everything for as of what is being supplied'... This is universally to be applied in all sources of information, stories and narratives...

This is applies to 'Canadian Awareness Content' as much as contents from this website and forums: [And so the 'Forums']

Therefore he has repeated/relayed the message of people taking full responsibility of what they take from 'contacts' and/or 'channeling'...

I as a man, did my thing to allow contact with Yazhi, if there is anything useful that may ensure to enhance what i know and consciously cooperate to manifest in life--do manifest in life... I had my meditation and protocol of intent--which is still open by the way; so only i and my reclusive part know what should Yazhi 'do'--'signal ambience' should she prefer to 'extend' to me. She can choose to optimize synchronicity through extended part of myself or pull up a stint of spatial/temporal manifestation/contact, either/or i'm ready...

I have done the same for the Theta Tauri; Nope i ain't scared of something with different outward look from myself... And when i mention things like this to my fellow men/women, i better also mention the fact that we may seek contact with other sentient being not for 'information' per se, rather for 'energetic touch'... But this has to be consistent with the extended nature of your being; if that contact is beneficial you will have it--not necessarily in real time/present time; know it: you are having it in one level of your being...

Then this gets us to the 54th minute of Anthony's video...

There is a remarkable point that Anthony highlights: Possibilities are at all time high for specialized Earthly Intelligence Department to monitor and/so tweak with internet communications, for matters of this nature. This Swaruu website, for example, has many things which attracts 'investigations'. So it is naive to think there are no government agencies covertly tracking the contents and behavior of its active participants. But nobody has to worry about this very much, secret institutions have their own imperatives--one cannot stop them and nobody really needs to counteract with shadowy existences... Just acknowledge their possible presence and go on to do your thing as long as you are satisfied it is legit.

Now, contents from this website, with scientific nature, pertinent to matter, space, time and energy are quite elaborate, neatly presented here and there thus so remarkable. Such can be used to trigger paradigm shift in our wide communities.

It is obviously, drama regarding the issues of 'extractions' and 'ascension' expose the vanity of escapism. Many here know the case of two girls and a male lover from 'Toleka'... That story pose so many questions rather than answers for people who may care comprehend. But yeah, one cannot suppose all details coming through sister Gosia can be verified regarding the sub-space presence of the Taygetans... For someone with tools for analyzing 'political environment' of possible alliances with limited or extended capacity to dominate 'space' and command their presence, the 'Galactic Federation' talk is always short of something... This is not to deny the possibility of diverse ET communities lingering in sub-space environment in or around us, no. Yet any narrative which exploit human tendency for info and details to suppose convenience of external assistance/salvation is sham.

There are true events and contacts, which have taken place--still taking place within few men and women, some through reclusive government/private agencies which can clear situation of Gosia and the contact should those individuals care to chip in. If Gosia is ready, this will happen and it wont be the matter of Antony discrediting Gosia directly or indirect... Matter of fact, Anthony and Gosia can contact anytime to explore the truth of this -- regardless of 'chips at stake'... Just suspending the internet fame for awhile...


#22 Re: English Forum » The Taygetans and the 'deceptive/seductive et' claim » 2022-08-05 05:20:37

mitkobs wrote:

I use WE for more close to Source point of view, for unifying sense. Source cannot be me(I), because is everybody and everything, countless personalities, beings, souls.


#23 Re: English Forum » The Taygetans and the 'deceptive/seductive et' claim » 2022-08-05 05:06:59

wahinionthebeach wrote:
mose wrote:
wahinionthebeach wrote:

Here's my two cents...I think all good lies and deceptions are 80% truth, and 20% manipulation/mind control, that's how they suck you in.  They feed you a mostly truth to gain your trust, then manipulate the hell out of you with the last 20%.  I'm not surprised about the Canadian Awareness guy.  My husband and I really liked him on the first video, but 3 videos in we both concluded that his videos weren't really saying anything; he was repeating just the same things over and over, so we didn't trust him.  Corey Goode lost me when I saw the video where he said 'the tall angelic-looking ETs (with wings) were actually evil, don't trust them'.  KG, well.....that's been hashed here so many times I won't go into it.

I do use these three as opposition research though, to see what the Three Letter Agencies want me to think today. smile   

I'll listen for the 80% truth needed, but I always look for that 20% zinger of a lie they slide in.  When it hits I'm like 'there it is!'  There's the 20% sales pitch/mind control they needed to sell in that video.

Yes it happened to me as well... First video was overwhelming... Later on, I noticed it is more of the repetitions of 'lines of talking' and 'narratives'...

I love the man and his bold and assertive personality; also love how he expresses the energies of assertiveness and courage-- being proponent for unwavering self conduct, valor and truth in oneself -- it is beautiful and that is so needed in today's society. His representation of the Theta Tauris is awesome; i can't lie -- i have loved them, also his experience with the native reptilians race of the earth is quite a story and inspiration... My feeling is, we should be open arms to embrace the reptilian races, starting with paying homage to those whom we share the same planet... Just feel the diverse energy signatures for sentience and life...

There are a number of things i would love to let Antony to know, that there are things he weren't supposed to rely on books and stories--for example, why should refer extensively to other sourcse in regard to 'Moon' or 'Planets' while you can just visit there and observe with out-of-body-experience? Ingo Swan used to apply this counsel... Lobsang Rampa... and many others. In the process you impart knowledge on how to do that because it is possible...

Talking about Pyramids--how they were made and for what purpose... He could visit the 'past' and 'see' for himself... Many have done that and documented it... 'Farsight Institute' for example... He purports to be instructed and trained by ETs within similar paths in the quest for knowledge and experience, he should deploy the skills to actions...

What i know awaits us, as we build skills to explore our extended sensorial apparatus is the ability to process and present contexts of useful information/details from extended-neuro-sesing/altered states of consciousness... There is a way about it and i hope in this forums, someday, we can start to teach and instruct one another how this can be implemented. I love this website, for i have seen/see, it is paving a way for building sensible/awakened community that from scratch... We need to intend and express the desire for 'new comprehension' and things will come to light...

Of course there are things from Taygetans i am watchful... For i have feeling today they can be 'this' and tomorrow 'something else'.... For instance, 'the Jesus Christ' thing... Dismissing the 'Historical Jesus'... I am neither a Christian nor religious, but i have lived to sense and appreciate the 'Christ Mission'.... Saying 'he didn't exist' truly feels like someone is playing games... Maybe this is what the Taygetans refer to as 'Taste of their own Medicine' -- showdown with the Cabal and the controlling institutions....

If in that  upcoming video, in first hand position, Antony won't talk about having 'projecting himself' before and/or contact the Taygetans/Swaruus/the native planet... Then his presentation is likely going to be 'junk news' (Not meaning to disrespect); for i think most of us who care, have means to try to contact these fellow sentient brothers and sisters, and we usually get  some sort of 'synchronicity' or independent knowing to sketch up our path to expanded knowledge.... Happening to intuit somethings which where previously not so known/felt or considered.

I hope Antony will someday soon start to teach and instruct others how to 'extend'... Some things in regarding to 'extending' can be shared openly and safely... some not--requiring 'one on one' or 'group functions' nevertheless such is quit indispensable this day and age; least to do something about it--not just telling stories....

Yazhi, for example, has shared very remarkable instructions and practice in regard to 'extending'(Teleportation--how to do it).... I wish everybody here would pay attention and give it a try....


You use the term 'we' quite a bit.  Like a three-letter agency rep would.  The use of the term 'we' where it should be 'I' is also taught as a bullshit leadership/sales tactic in the corporate world to sway public opinion toward their opinion.  It's a mind control technique and it can be very effective; but once someone points it out to you, you just can't unsee it.  smile

Do you mean that post alone or generally?

'We' has been used six (6) times in that post and it is justified.

There is nothing wrong using 'we' when you do it consciously and know what purpose it serves.

if you study 'platform discussions' in any, say, online communities, you are likely to observe that everybody 'speaks for himself/herself' and enjoys such position.

It is good that people speak their minds, venting out by ranting/rumbling, buffoon-ing, express concerns etc in myriad of ways, but at the end of the day--what purpose does it serve if fellows can't find unifying commonality for some sort of 'community actions' to change what they often complain about?

There is a lot of talking in forums--often times it usually ends up into acts of 'keyboard warrior-ism', nothing of firm resolve to take action through effective 'institutional coherence'. This could be a waste of time -- past time activities and//or untapped creativity in the sense of community instigations.

I as a person switch positions within the references of 'I-self' and 'We'(fellowship with all conscious individuals with similar disposition to assume changes) as a tactic; my online presence is not for 'chit chatting'; it is conscious effort to effect change.If someone don't 'vibe' with this, i can easily tell by what sort of actions he/she takes against how i act or do 'my thing'... Certainly, i am here not to please or offend anybody--i care less in this regard; but if what i share will contribute in 'behavioural change' and improved orientations in discussions then I would feel rewarded and thus share more other things which will enhance the experience...I have ways to 'monitor' and evaluate the conditions and potentials for communities in interaction; and patience is the key for any person of my disposition.

I can take your objection on 'we' stance as blessing for me to articulate the importance capacity building and institutional coherence for the changes in our lives...

Lets pray that, the community here will qualify to be the recipient of exposition on the 'Geometry of Actionable Decision Making'.

GADM is going to empower anyone, under certain state of observation, to discern any intelligent-able states of civilisation, inherent interactions and systems view. This is an imperative to any conscious community, as we are  increasingly stepping into the era of broad communications and contact with advanced other communities; be it among ourselves and/or beyond...


#24 Re: English Forum » The Taygetans and the 'deceptive/seductive et' claim » 2022-08-04 15:22:59

mitkobs wrote:

If you believe in Jesus you will see Jesus in the Astral even more than one all look alike or very similar in look. Also there will be a real one that is not a tulpa or archon, who will be a representation of Source. Also there will be Buddha(s), Allah, Yahweh, Krishna, every human God. But it is for you to decide if what you see is real.

Thats right...

But whack all that for now, as i don't do it like that...

There is something curious that i am investigating...

People would love to believe any thing coming from ETs contact or channeling--regarding it to be wholly true... I think not... There is a possibility of people from separate reality to ours --  to say or tell, what they feel like saying, even if it may not be 'accurate' or 'really truthfully' when it comes to extended nature of the scheme of things.

ETs tend to improvise the 'contact' for some 'imperatives'. Some of those imperatives may be benevolent to a subject in contact, often times it may just be a device to harness certain orientations of 'will and intentions'...

Until we learn how to use a 'triangle' and a 'circle' to discern all intelligent-able things; we better always seek to extract 'symbols' and 'relations' from any sentience being in contact, develop systems thinking -- for discernment towards what is it which is being communicated by, lets say, a reptilian fellow, humanoid fellow, insectoid fellow, aquatic fellow, yellow-green-black-red -- whatsoever....

We should honor intelligence in any sentient form or being, this noble. But we should not forget that being 'humonoid' or 'reptile' or 'aquaman' is just a decoy... What is important is that consciousness does miracles for all sort of existences in 'form' and 'dynamics'... We better put ourselves in a position to be able comprehend/know better the essence of 'power' and 'nature' which is within and without the 'forms' and 'sentience'...

Intelligence and Sense-abilities....


#25 Re: English Forum » The Taygetans and the 'deceptive/seductive et' claim » 2022-08-04 14:25:31

Kahi Harawira wrote:
mose wrote:

For instance, 'the Jesus Christ' thing... Dismissing the 'Historical Jesus'... I am neither a Christian nor religious, but i have lived to sense and appreciate the 'Christ Mission'.... Saying 'he didn't exist' truly feels like someone is playing games...

….to invade, search out, capture, vanquish, and subdue all Saracens and pagans whatsoever, and other enemies of Christ wheresoever placed, and the kingdoms, dukedoms, principalities, dominions, possessions, and all movable and immovable goods whatsoever held and possessed by them and to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery, and to apply and appropriate to himself and his successors the kingdoms, dukedoms, counties, principalities, dominions, possessions, and goods, and to convert them to his and their use and profit …..

The Bull Romanus Pontifex (Nicholas V),
January 8, 1455.

Has a nice ring to it somehow


'Mission Hijacked'...

Christ, Christ Consciousness, Karistu energies etc <=> 'Christ Mission'

Jesus, a rejected messiah,  from the gospel is a 'cool dude' and also the 'badass' (3 and 3: Serpent and Dove...)

Paul the Apostle knew where the f*ck the 'Christ' terminology came from.....

But if you have discernment, you can find the 'love' in both -- 'Christ Love'....

Gospels and Apostles' missions carry interesting 'patterns of information' which are hard to suppose a work of 'one person' faking a string of details... Omissions/Selections and Enhancement in details over time--possible, but no warranting total dismissal.

Of course some apostles were fanatics/over zealous, but someday we are going 'to see it through'.... Why is it that in different lives and ages 'we did what we did?'

Taygetans have to come back to tell who is that 'Jesus' that some of us feel to strongly link in strange ways and proven synchronicities in lives--not just in this life; but in other lives too.... But no, i am not really waiting for that for i don't need that. Jesus or whatever the name, there is an active 'oversoul' that some of us just add up to 'Christ Consciousness' or whatever you can say: corresponding to the 'Love of God' -- forsaking nobody...

The thing is: why is it that 'Remote Viewing' makes one to see 'this one thing' and another person 'slightly different details'? Similarly to 'accessing akashic records/template order realities'?

Remote Viewers have viewed 'Jesus'--refer to Farsight Institute, Dr Courney Brown and Daz Smith in 'The Crucifixion Ruse':

Well, it is not i as person is at total loss in regard to the riddle of 'separate timelines' and 'alternative realities'; but i am quite aware that once many of us are into this; we will develop another kind of language -- the 'angelic language'-- essentially for helping us to 'feel', 'sense', 'know' and 'process' multiple congruent 'sets of details' -- from the 'magnetic discs of space/form substratum'; which are in a way nothing but 'subtle thought forms reverberations'--the akasha...

Accessing/ Reading any details from space-time has something to do with 'who you are', 'where are you in time' and 'what is most relevant' to your extended 'focal point of assuming intelligence'(Soul and Oversoul)... And there can always be multiple things for you to 'witness', across 'space-time' -- as there can also be multiple ways in which you can choose 'to be' or 'function' from one moment to another...


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