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#1 Re: English Forum » When are we going to talk about Hitler and WW2 » 2022-12-20 05:44:45

Jupiter wrote:
Frankie wrote:

Gosia should ask the T's about the Holohoax

Swaruu of Erra made a comment on this in the Enki, Enlil, Elohim, Anunnaki - WHO ARE THEY? video:


Gosia: And why are Jewish people so spread around the world? And what´s the Zionism connection here?

Swaruu: Zionism is nothing but a fanatic branch of the Vatican. It was created by them as a validation “chosen people” group. And it’s false. Jews have nothing special in their genes. They are just people with a tag. Israel was created from the ashes of WWII using the Holocaust as an excuse, propaganda it was. And justification to commit a horrible crime against the people of Palestine. The true owners of that part of the world.

The Holocaust did occur, but never, and not even close to the amount of people that they say were killed in the concentration camps! One tortured and killed innocent Jew is too much and many were killed. But not in the amount they say. It was all engineered to justify the creation of the state of Israel. WWII was partially made for that, as one of the objectives for it, as the Cabal was controlling both sides! The Jews are ordinary people, they don’t have anything to look for in their genes. It’s just something cultural-religious as a tag on them.

Gosia: But why were they so keen on creating the State of Israel? What was their objective?

Swaruu: Among other objectives, to justify the Christian story! To have a foothold in the Middle East to create conflict. A military state supposedly besieged all around by Muslims, so all the time on the watch. Making the world see Israel as an endangered state needing protection, when in fact it is the aggressor.


And here's what Yazhi has to say about the claim that Jews are controlling the world in this Mini Topics video:



Gosia: What do you say to those who claims the Jews are controlling the world?

Yazhi: Change that for Illuminati Cabal and it would be right. And I'm... quite sure Illuminati is not the right word either. The problem is that they are the same as, or an equivalent to... Jesuits. So even though no one else talks about this, this way, I'm quite sure the Illuminati are only part of the larger Cabal that controls Earth. With or without involving the ET level of things. But then again... where does humanity end and ET begin? Very vague and shady!

And as for Jews, Illuminati and Jesuits, as a whole, they are not necessarily Jews. Jews alone, no, those are only another part of the problem, but not the problem.

I also feel the Cabal's part that is not Jewish blames them for everything and promotes attacking and blaming them, and that is nothing new as for ages the high Cabal, whoever they are, have used Jews as scapegoats, exact terms using biblical reference even! So blaming Jews for everything that goes wrong in the world goes as far back as 1330 BC with Moses and Ahkenaten and all that!

As you know, the Cabal plays both sides to a conflict (and more sides too) so yes, the Jews are guilty of their share of things, of having also been used as tools for repressing other peoples, example of this is Israel and their vastly cruel and unjust treatment of people in Gaza. To mention only one atrocity committed by Jews as such. But that is only part of the Cabal, no the cause itself. Only one of the branches, only one of the horns of the monster.


Thanks Jupiter... I had missed some of that. I agree with pretty much everything said by the T's except this statement:

The Holocaust did occur, but never, and not even close to the amount of people that they say were killed in the concentration camps!

The evidence overwhelmingly shows this to be false (as the doco on Auschwitz I posted above conclusively shows). Like a slammed shut case. That kind of evidence.

I'm guessing the T's haven't looked into it yet. Even if they had done, it's such a contentious subject perhaps they might choose to pass it by. It is a hot potato for sure.

[Indefinitely. See comment below. Moderator.]

#2 Re: English Forum » When are we going to talk about Hitler and WW2 » 2022-12-19 20:01:34

mitkobs wrote:

Is not possible to point finger to everyone who calls themselves Jews or something else because everyone is different and having experience as human in some kind of conditions within the 3D matrix. There are people(or non people) who are directly responsible for what I listed and there are people who are complicit with the top group because this is how works this machine of power. On the top orders and directives are issued and in chain command down the line subordinate people are fallowing the orders and making them reality. So everyone in this chain of command have to take the responsibility if they are people with honor but they are not and do not take any responsibility and cover what they do with lies, deceptions, illusions. This is the main reason because they rule covertly behind the scene, anonymously - to avoid responsibility, because what they do is detrimental to the people and if they take responsibility and show their cards will be hold culpable by the public, will be persecuted for their crimes.

How many Jews do you know of that are speaking out about the deliberate destruction of Europe? Of the enormous damage done to a country  and people group based on a self serving lie? (Germany, HoloCOST) Of the crimes of the Rothschilds and the long list of others like them?

The 99.9% number was probably too low when you look at it like that.

#3 Re: English Forum » When are we going to talk about Hitler and WW2 » 2022-12-19 00:38:10

StarDeity wrote:

This looks like yet another excuse to flood the west with African refugees...

They hate us because we notice their schemes more than any other race. The (((chosenites))) can't stand having to compete with other race more intelligent that them.

That's the plan. They openly admit it themselves.

#4 Re: English Forum » When are we going to talk about Hitler and WW2 » 2022-12-19 00:35:10

mitkobs wrote:

What is obvious and I do not doubt it even for a second shows that an organized small group of over empowered people(are they people?!) are ruling covertly this world. They form the real conspiracy. Call them Jews, Illuminati, Jesuits it does not matter the name, it is what they do in the world with their power. They are not elected officials by the public but self positioned or put on such places by someone superior to them. What is important is what they do to everyone else who do not have means to protect themselves against their tyranny. Also is very important to mention that not all the Jews are direct part of this and not all the Jesuit priests are part of this. Only top ranks, those on the top of the pyramid of power.

It is obvious what they do with all their globalist agendas they have - depopulation, mixing up the races, flooding white western societies with ethnic refugees from poor countries with radical Islam belief system(for example), dumbing down the population, debauching the population, LBGTQ, BLM, poisoning the population, brainwashing the population with media propaganda, creating wars, famines, meddling with the planet's weather system and creating "natural" disasters. If all this if is not seen by people that means they are blinded by illusion and self delusions and cannot distinguish truth from lies.

I agree "not all Jews are a direct part of this", but 99.9% of them are silent re. the crimes of their brethren (which makes them complicit does it not?)

For an insight into just how far reaching their subversion has been, Kevin Macdonald's Culture Of Critique series is gold (especially the second one). Free PDF:

#6 Re: English Forum » When are we going to talk about Hitler and WW2 » 2022-12-18 23:31:45

Brocco wrote:

Thank you all for the input. Would love to hear from someone who has watched the entire documentary. It's 12h - but we have all watched many hundreds of hours of Cosmic Agency no? (I am on my second round)

I've watched it.
It goes well with the 6 hour doco Adolph Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told (available on Bitchute)
And this one, Auschwitz—The Surprising Hidden Truth:

What really happened before, during and after WWII is by far the greatest coverup of all time. The Holocaust psyop makes 9/11 look like childs play.

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