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#1 Re: English Forum » How Did You Find Cosmic Agency? » 2023-02-16 22:49:23

Hey @Gosia,

I found you all via GAIA on Amazon Prime, free trial, once my interest was peaked, welp, here I am now.
I am currently wishing to know more about Addy Nai'Shara of Temmer.
For example, what is her age, role on the team, status, etc.
Is she an ambassador, assistant of HRH Alenym?, etc.
Also, is she single? (asking for a friend) I told him, Taygetean woman aren't for dating, and shouldn't be thought of in that way.
She was posted for some months in 2021/2022 by Barry W. and he always referred to you Cosmic Agency and Pleiadian Knowledge channel as well at the end of his brief relay of the communications he experienced.
Then HRH Alenym also sent some communication, before stopping in 12.2022 via Barry.
I believe Alenym started then Nai'shara did some communication, bi weekly or tri weekly.  Before they said no more for now and the forseeable future in December 2022, atleast via BW.
Thanks in advance and for giving many of us hope for a better future at some point, in this life or the next ...

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