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#2 Re: English Forum » Starseed Dreams » 2024-05-14 14:05:23

Always interesting popping on here to see what stimulating conversations are going on and Ariya appreciate your extremely mature way of handling yourself, analyzing, processing and sharing information along with all the extras you do here on the forum. I not saying this just to be complimentary though I mean it that way too but a observation that I look up too.

Any who... I just wanted to ponder your question "Would anyone else here wake themselves up?"

I feel like I am more from source than a pod or use to but I realize now anything is possible and that is Black or White thinking once again to just think that way so...

I feel if I got extracted I would want to ask some questions first as in did my self like buddy have this in the contract he or she made and then try to understand the reasoning part first of that question before going further. That said I like the thought of integration so after trying to rack my brain around the extraction part I would then move onto the waking the other self buddy up.

I feel like that depends on many things what if they want to learn to the fullest and you wake them up too early and lessons they hoped for are missed in there immersion pod journey. That said there could be something comforting having a familiar face teaching you the ropes as there guidance would be probably the most penetrating to get through to me as we would be similar so then I would want them awake. I guess the first rule would be trying to make the least amount of trouble and harm for the best amount of learning and understanding.

I would probably wait until they had wanted to be woken up to respect there decision as I would want myself. I would want to keep there lives before my arrival as intact and original as possible with my self buddies family so they had all of that beautiful support again to return too and hopefully they could share me some too.

Interesting to think about all this I never really gave it much thought until now... Hmm if your immersion buddy looks like you does that make romantic relationships awkward I wonder too. That might be a good reason to keep some space too so not to add any extra complications.

Can I bum a ride if you find your ship and pass over my area smile

#3 Re: English Forum » The Forum's Multi-Density Jukebox ♫ ♫♪ ♫ ♫♪♪ ♪ » 2024-05-13 19:58:04

Great find @crystallinemister thought I had heard all her songs guess not smile

Portals - Tau-Rine (Extended Mix)

#4 Re: English Forum » Starseed Dreams » 2024-05-13 16:13:34

Horton HaW wrote:

Well you guys are having a ball in dreamtime. Lol.

big_smile perhaps my two left feet followed me into my Dreamtime

#5 Re: English Forum » Starseed Dreams » 2024-05-13 14:39:35

Very interesting dream Ariya! Beautiful descriptions and sounds so very lovely to meet a different version of yourself too. Love the picture Alec made too wish I was on the beach right now than staring at these 2 screens of mine big_smile

I had a interesting dream recently with one of the crew of the Toleka, I would share more but feel like it is more comfortable not too but it was quite lovely to see the crew member in person and be near them. They seemed to be helping me to stand up for some reason I was on the floor must have been clumsy or something? She was so lovely and beautiful just as I always imagined smile

#6 Re: English Forum » Post Eclipse Entities- Mari Swaruu » 2024-05-13 14:31:40

I seem to be quite interested in the astral these days just a self observation that seems to be getting stronger in me. Always intrigued to hear all of what Mari has to share with us on the subject as I feel very much like a newbie to the subject. I feel it is hard to judge sometimes what is of the playing of the mind when one is tired to an actual event. Still working on my own thinking when it comes to evaluating what I see to what I thought I saw. I feel it is important to question myself and revisit afterwards my observations to see if I can understand the experience more or if it is something related to a tired mind. Very interesting subject and I have witnessed things I can not explain so I know better not to dismiss either which is important too.

#7 Re: English Forum » Post Eclipse Entities- Mari Swaruu » 2024-05-13 14:24:15

(TRANSCRIPT - rough draft)

Post Eclipse entities. Hello again, thank you for being here with me once more. I hope you are very well today. I am Mari. This information can be seen as science fiction or as the viewer sees best, and I post it for entertainment purposes only.

Still, I take my information very seriously and, for whoever has eyes to see, I probably don't have to say these next words to those of you who know me well and from some time ago, so this is mostly for the new people in my channel.

I don't like to spread fear and concern and messages that lower your vibration. I'd rather Empower all of you, reminding you who you truly are and all that you are capable of, even or especially in the face of strong paranormal challenges.

So besides giving you this piece of not so good news news, I will also tell you what you can do about it, because you are not defenseless, far from it.

It is difficult to talk about this kind of subjects here on YouTube, because everything is very censored and controlled, so I find myself choosing my words carefully and using roundabouts when I could be more direct.

The powers at be who control Earth from inside the planet have always made all kinds of rituals to bring the dark, lower astral entity into the world of the living, mostly for their own benefit, exchanging rights of pass into the material world for favors that mostly involve getting more power and money, among countless other things they want.

And this is no news, but since the April 8th 2024 solar eclipse, we have detected a very large surge of lower astral activity invading the world of the living or material existential realm on Earth. We have detected this in two main ways or using two methods.

The first is the use of Highly sophisticated sensor equipment installed in the nose boom of our main starships and fighter class craft, as well as in our 110cm drones. The second is the observation and Analysis of observation reports found on the web on Earth.

We are fully conscious that most of what is published on the Internet is false, as creeper Pastor stories are becoming ever more popular, but this in itself is indicative of entity activity interfering with human perception and values, forcing them to move in favor of manifesting more of what they like and want by bringing all those things into humankind's reality.

In that case, you could also argue that I am doing the same thing by telling you all these things.

Yet I strongly think that ignorance and a strong belief that all these paranormal subjects are all made up and unreal are not enough to prevent those entities from strongly interfering with anyone's life.

Very much on the contrary, as evidence has proven, they want Humanity to consciously think that they do not exist and that they only belong to the realm of Science Fiction, to prevent humankind from developing strategies and actions against them.

All this while also making Humanity believe in them or be aware of them, just enough to favor efficient energy exploitation, as well as making humanity and its creativity manifest more of them and of what they want.

Remember that all those lower astral entities have little to no direct contact with the greater source, so they must rely on the creativity and the manifestation capacity of people and creatures with a strong connection to Source, such as the part of humanity that does have a soul, excluding the NPCs, of course, who are also products of the manifestation capacity of humankind.

They alone cannot manifest their desired reality, nor themselves, so they need real, solid humans to do all that for them. We study what we find on the web, although we are conscious that most of what you can find there about paranormal encounters and subjects is false or simply creeper pasts.

We can filter out all those false events and things from the ones that we think maybe genuine or real. All this with some practice, as well as knowing what to look for. You can do this as well with some dedication. Then we compare what we find on the web with our own sensor data and although they do not always match, many times they do, and this is from where we draw our best assessments and conclusions. There has been a very high increase in Paranormal Activity of all kinds, but especially of entity sightings, including the ones that can be classified as demonic.

Since the April 8th solar eclipse, there has been a very large number of people complaining about unusual Paranormal Activity and also of videos that show lower astral entity activity all over the world, and although the videos themselves are proof of nothing, as they are very easy to falsify, the circumstances around them are not so, so discernment here is very important while making any decision if something is real or not.

Sorry to say that paranormal research is not an exact science. We compared this with our sensor data and they do match. There has been a strong increase in lower astral entity activity as detected by highly sensitive equipment which is comparable with what you call an interferometer on Earth.

We attribute this directly to the rituals of pass performed during the eclipse, combined with the use of artificial portals that open Bridges between both realities artificial portals that are mostly hidden in plain sight, passing off as extremely expensive scientific research equipment.

You know which one. As I'd rather not mention it here, I must also state that most of the artificial portals are hidden in deep underground installations, most of them under military control.

People all over the world are reporting and even recording on their digital cameras and phones what they call demonic presences and movements around their homes and the buildings where they work, and they say this is occurring mostly after the eclipse and in spaces where that kind of activity was never reported before.

People all over the world report the same things over and over again and people who are not connected, so they couldn't have agreed to say the same things. People are sharing over the internet all kinds of apparitions, Shadow People, activity ghosts, including Highway and Road ones.

They are filming the movement of objects, strange shadows and creatures with bizarre shapes, which cannot be attributed to camera glitches and that would be quite hard to falsify. They also inform that strange creatures or people with demonic faces appear in their normal photographs.

Each time more often, the greater public in general is sharing more and more paranormal incidents of all kinds, including UFOs and crypto animals. Human paranormal researchers, who are aware of this increase in paranormal Al activity, mostly dismiss this as collective hysteria.

But in my opinion, even if this would be the case, the appearance of said Mass hysteria is also indicative that something unusual is happening.

I am also perfectly aware that people are connected through the collective unconscious of Earth, where they unknowingly pass their information to each other in a telepathic way, and this would also include Mass hysteria precursors, as I have explained in other videos.

But even Mass hysteria is a strong indicative that there is some kind of strong disturbance in the telepathic, Collective, unconscious field of Earth.

But I do not believe this is a case of mass hysteria, as our sensor data, which is quite conclusive, does show innumerable hot spots on Earth where the lower astral is crossing over to the world of the living.

This is seen when a Starship or a drone draws a frequency map in its computer, where the frequency range we know belongs to the lower astral overlaps with the frequency range we know belongs to the material world.

I can describe this with a graph where several spikes of lower astral frequency punch through the delicate barrier that separates the lower astral realm from the material world. Those spikes are present all the time, but have increased dramatically since the April 8th Eclipse.

When we place the location of those spikes over a traditional map, they mostly correspond to the places where Paranormal Activity is to be expected, such as abandoned buildings, houses, new and old, and places such as churches, old monasteries, graveyards, sport stadiums, government buildings, military installations, jails and even Road Crossings and other areas with large amounts of accidents.

There is no real barrier between the astral and the world of the living.

As I have explained before, what separates both Realms, as well as any other, is the range of perception of the people who inhabit such Realms, and what they have personally and collectively agreed are the limits of their worlds.

What defines a realm is only the ideas and the capacity of its inhabitants to perceive and to understand what surrounds them, all of which is only a reflection of their level of Consciousness and a mirror of who they truly are.

And this means that all that separates the world of the living from the lower astral or whatever other astral or Heavenly realm are the ideas of the people in each one ideas that, in the end, are things, as all matter spawns from Concepts held in the mind of those with a soul and who manifest them as part of who they are.

Rituals of all kinds, like those the cabal uses to summon dark entities, are nothing more than ideas, but ideas are things. As I said, those rituals are giving permission to pass over from one realm to the other, because everything works with rules, and rules are again ideas.

And words are also things, as they are a compressed form of agreed ideas and they hold great power as well, especially when combined in a specific order.

But know that rules and ideas also exist in the astral Realms and as they are lighter in general, less dense than the so-called Material World, those ideas and concepts are stronger, more in the shape of a material, solid barrier that prevents entities to pass from one side to the other.

Yet I insist that such a barrier is only of a mental form, only based on ideas, and that is precisely why it can be overcome by words and more ideas, especially when they are linked to perceptions and levels of awareness. And this brings us to what you can do about all this.

In the first place, realize that there is a very real war between Good and Evil on Earth, everywhere, yes, but it is far more overt. On Earth, it is a war for the minds and the hearts of the souls incarnated there and those trapped there in the astral Realms as well.

It is a war of thoughts and Concepts, and of values and ethics. This is why the cabal and its dark controllers do everything possible to confuse and mislead the human population, so they cannot know what is real and what is not, so they cannot have firm values and ethics.

The reason why they are opening so many portals, which are nothing other than idea based Bridges between Realms, is because they see the good side stronger than ever.

They need to bring as many demons and dark lower astral entities as they can into the world and into the perception of the living to counteract the good work all of you, dear star seeds, are achieving. As the light Rises, so does the dark to match it, and vice versa as well.

This is a law for any realm Bound by the perception of Duality. You are far from helpless, and this is why they must summon as much demonic help as they can. They fear you, and that is why you must never fear them, because fear is their weapon, not yours.

Do not confuse caution and Prudence with fear. There is much danger in all this, but nothing you cannot handle. As there is danger in all this, do not mingle and do not mess with things you do not understand. So stay away from all kinds of dubious or dark rituals.

Know that they are not entertainment and they are not harmless. They flood the media with rituals of all kinds, especially in movies, series and music, but not only because even the symbols of many of their corporations hold ritualistic meanings.

They do this not only to normalize rituals and the Demonic with the greater population by repetitive exposure, but also because they Grant past to lower astral entities over the people who like and who are exposed to all this.

If you have a haunting or a ghost in your house, do not interact with it unless it is absolutely necessary.

And it is at this time when you must be firm with it, telling the entity that you know it is there and that you do not agree with its presence, as the world of the living is no place for a spirit. Friendly spirits and ghosts do exist, but they are fair and far apart.

So what you have there is most probably something you most definitely do not want near you. Good Souls tend to go to the afterlife and follow their own path, so it is the dark ones who get trapped between worlds.

It is those with a lot of hate and a lot of resentment who are left behind, or who choose to be left behind, in the dark, lower astral.

Those are tricksters and Liars, so do not believe what they say or what they make you think, even though they may also do one or another good action, because it may be only a manipulative strategy.

But overall, do not summon them, because what will come through most certainly is not good, and remember that they too can impersonate someone else, a loved one you may be trying to contact, for example. They do that all the time.

They make you believe they are someone else, and please remember, never, ever, label or give a name to a ghost, as this is also a strong way to give it the right of pass.

This is not a fun game and it can quickly get out of hand, and if that happens, it will be very difficult for you to get any help, as modern science and Society are still at the level of thinking.

All this is unreal, under the lame excuse that there is no proof, when in fact there is proof of the Paranormal and its activity all over the place and all over Earth, and this is quite evident for whoever has eyes to see. This subject will continue soon, as always.

Thank you for watching my video and for liking, sharing and subscribing for more, and I hope to see you here next time. With much love, your friend Mari Swaruu in.

#9 Re: English Forum » Space News, 23, May 11, 2024, 500 Video Special. Mari-16 » 2024-05-12 17:40:10

Wow 500 YT video's a big hearted congratulations Mari for all your absolutely stellar work in writing and producing them. They each are so precious and splendid to watch the first time or revisit with all the information shared! Sounded like a sweet birthday celebration good for a 16th one! Catching up a bit late on this one but really as always enjoy hearing about the space news details and descriptions.

It must have been great with the music choices by Yazhi with Techno and 80's they are favorites for me too and to have the light show near the pool area sounds great as long as none of the guest fell in smile Love looking at the minecraft artwork helps my imagination fill in the rest of the details. Mari is the best and sounds like the Taygetan's gave her such a lovely celebration!

The Lemurian ship is very intriguing... specially since I believe the Lemurian culture originally came or mingled with the Taygetans I believe long ago? So would have some connections if I have that correctly? The ship description and shape is interesting too with 2 pipes welded together, I wonder what the ancient or ships from several thousand years ago looked like for the Taygetans... Would they have had similar shapes?

Happy Mother's Day to any of the mom's here earthly or stellar that like the thought of the day!

#11 Re: English Forum » Taygetans in Social Media- Arrival of Starship Alcyone- Yazhi Swaruu » 2024-05-10 18:44:02

Thanks for each of your inputs make sense Aleksander and I agree with garry35 seems more like that. Your right Ariya it is very wise of them to generate some independent income. I was just trying to understand the game plan with the GF more in this question, so I do very much understand the Taygetans stance. Guess it is all politics just like down here. What is below is above.

I also meant to say I have appreciated the updates from Yazhi and Gosia on the structure and plan of the Social Media program and clears up more for me at least. smile

#12 Re: English Forum » Taygetans in Social Media- Arrival of Starship Alcyone- Yazhi Swaruu » 2024-05-10 16:10:17

I know I am probably thinking in black and white and need to start thinking in Smokey grey but I was wondering something out of curiosity only. If the federation has approved the project if I understand correctly? Why won’t the GF help the Taygetans with financial backing once again. As it would only be fair to help them and to succeed in this project as the Taygetans are bravely trying once again in a different way.

#13 English Forum » Alice Ronin Digital Comic ~ Yazhi and Child’s Play » 2024-05-10 15:34:36

Replies: 1

I just wanted to share another digital comic book that Alice Ronin created this one is based on "Yazhi and Child's Play" from Mari's Swaruu Oficial YT Channel

Alice Ronin Comic ~ Yazhi and child’s Play (Swaruu Oficial YouTube Channel)

Original Pinterest Artwork … ilds-play/

Cómic Alice Ronin ~ Yazhi y el juego de niños (Swaruu Oficial YouTube Channel)

Obra de arte original de Pinterest … i%C3%B1os/

#15 Re: English Forum » Monitoring Spirits, Narcissists - Mari » 2024-05-09 15:34:59

Ariya wrote:
mes333 wrote:

. (…) Also thanks Ariya for the transcript appreciate a read through after watching and I almost had it posted but got sucked into a boring work meeting roll

Ha ha, yes I also like to do the transcript when I’m meant to be working…

This time I did it with such an intense look of concentration, purpose and importance that no one tried to disturb me!!! … 
Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)  lol

HEHE it is all in the hand gestures and facial expressions I find... keeps them guessing at what you are doing big_smile

#16 Re: English Forum » The Forum's Multi-Density Jukebox ♫ ♫♪ ♫ ♫♪♪ ♪ » 2024-05-09 15:06:56

Love the video for Human after all @mitkobs smile

Following with one more...

"Give Life Back to Music" - Daft Punk Animated Music Video

#17 Re: English Forum » Monitoring Spirits, Narcissists - Mari » 2024-05-09 14:58:20

Many thanks dear Mari for this one it really quite hits home for me and please yes more in this subject would be very important at least to me.

#18 Re: English Forum » Happy Birthday to Princess Mari Swaruu for the 8th May! » 2024-05-08 19:55:51

Alec wrote:

mes333 and Ariya, that's beautiful art!

As for you Mari, Happy Earth Birthday!

Thanks Alec! Wow who knew Mari was such a good opera singer big_smile She knocked that one out of the park fireworks and all smile

#20 Re: English Forum » Happy Birthday to Princess Mari Swaruu for the 8th May! » 2024-05-08 14:00:27

Wishing the most amazing Princess the Best Birthday Bash! Much love with many warm thank you's


#23 Re: English Forum » The Solatian People » 2024-05-06 15:48:36

I really love to hear all about the different races of the Pleiades and I admit I use to think they were all light beings before coming here and learning so much more through all the Swaruuian & Taygetean information and now to hear more details from Mari is fabulous to know the details and facts about how they live in there societies and beautiful ways they blend and share there technology along side with there nature on there planets too. Huge lessons for us here to understand the need for balance in all various ways personally and worldly. There train system sounds awesome with the maglev's system. Very cool Senetre is half Solatian, it must be lovely to have her great expertise on the ship she sounds very talented!

#24 Re: English Forum » The Solatian People » 2024-05-06 15:25:24

(TRANSCRIPT - rough draft Planets are most likely misspelled my appologies)

Solatian People. Hello again. Thank you for being here with me once more. I hope you are very well today. I am Mari. This information can be seen as science fiction or as the viewer sees best, and I post it for entertainment purposes only.

Still, I take my information very seriously and for whoever has eyes to see, the Solatian people are a very ancient humanoid race that lives on the three planets that orbit the star Pleione, also known as Tau 28, and its binary star called Senor, or Tau 28b in the M45 Pleione star cluster, at some 450 light years from Earth.

The names of their three planets are Pleina, Galeina and Plecia, with the super inhabitable Pleina as their main Planet. Through the Alcyone council, they are active Galactic Federation members and have a constant civilian, non-official presence permanently around Earth to guard their numerous starseeds.

What I mean by not having an official presence around Earth is that the teams which are orbiting the planet do not have a local political representative as such for the local Galactic Federation, as they are officially represented by the Alcyone council's Ambassador here, not needing any other, at least at the time I write this text.

Solatians are also called white Pleiadians, as they are the Messier 45 humanoid inhabitants with the whitest colored skin and hair. Their skin is pale white with a touch of pink, and they have white or pale blonde hair, which they most often wear long or very long, in both men and women.

They eyes are white or pale blue and their facial characteristics are very sharp and long, including ears, which often are pointed like elves, and their body type is slender or thin, usually not having the strong muscular build frequently found in other Pagan inhabitants such as the Engan or the Taygetean, especially in men.

Their average height exceeds 6 feet for women, 6'5" in for men, and can reach as tall as 7 ft. Solatians, even though very white skinned, should not be confused with the tall white race also known as the Malik, as they are not related to one another and they have no Mutual connection.

Solatians look like the perfect example of a new age pleadian. The facial characteristics of the Solatian people are very androgynous, many times making it difficult to know if one or another Solatian individual is male or female, especially when they both like to wear long hair.

Their clothing is usually very relaxed and loose, and clear colors such as white, pale beige or light blue are their favorites, as they seem to lack a taste for wearing strong colors such as yellow, red or green, as found or favored by Taygateans, who have a much larger and richer wardrobe.

The use of long robes is also quite common, especially among high ranking Solatian people. Very much unlike Earth, Solatians don't have any racial variety as they are all white, making their society extremely monochromatic.

And it is easy to identify Solatian when they are among other races, for example during a federation meeting. Solatians are a very spiritually oriented star race with a strong taste for extremely high technology as well.

Their cities are built in areas on their Planet which impact their natural environment, the least favoring islands near the coastline, where they have a strong architectural tendency to build skyscrapers to maximize the area of the island.

The shape of their buildings and skyscrapers is like needles, much like the famous super tall Burj Khalifa skyscraper found in Dubai on Earth, but many of them Clump together with the tallest ones in the center of the island and taping down towards the edges of the island there are built on.

Solatians rarely build their cities on the mainland, leaving those areas for private homes and for nature.
Their cities look as if they were made of glass, but they are made of transparent super metals and composite Ceramics and are interconnected by High Velocity magnetic trains, or maglev, that run throughout their city and connect them with other cities far away and around their entire planet.

The magnetic train system is nearly entirely found above ground, as Solatian strongly dislike underground installations as they relate them to regressive races and they find them strongly unsafe and claustrophobic.

Their long-distance magnetic trains run through transparent tubes some 10 Meters above ground and sometimes they go through extensive natural areas such as their planets, forests and jungles.

The transparent tube serves multiple functions that include creating a near vacuum inside to maximize the speed of the trains and also to prevent Wildlife from getting in the way of them.

It is interesting to note that their train systems tubes have a very efficient ultrasound cleaning system, which keeps them free of any dirt, debris and of bird droppings, especially when transiting through natural places.

I must say that this train system, which uses an above ground transparent tube to enclose high-speed magnetic trains, is widely used by just about every Star Race in the Pleiades M45 star system, including Taygeteans.

But unlike Taygeteans, which also use traditional Road systems besides their magnetic high-speed trains, the Solatian do not, relying nearly entirely on their trains and on their flying vehicles to move around their Planet.

All these leave short, not connected roads and Pathways to move among houses and only at walking distance.

Solatians dedicate most of their lives to technological and spiritual activities, where they strive to develop High mental and telepathic skills, which include the Mastery of astral travel and soul projection, which is to move their Consciousness at will from their original Solatian body, which would be left in a meditation State, and enter the body of a host, such as an empty NPC human on earth, or even enter a soul inhabited body to perform a specific task and for a short time.

They Master this Soul projection technique and it is often used to enter the body of one of their starseeds on Earth- Earth to override the younger soul for a few minutes, hours or days, to straighten their lives, to correct things that are not going well, before leaving their younger Soul starseed to proceed with his or her life.

This technique is also unethically used by many reptilian races, especially on Earth, where they invade the body of a person with or without their consent, for example a politician or anyone in a place of power that may help them further their plans.

Contrary to the reptilians who use that method for egocentric reasons, the Solatian use it for highly ethical reasons and with the pre-life consent of their starseeds at least.

An interesting fact I found about Solatian is that they favor entering a dark skinned person when incarnating on Earth or when entering with an immersion pod, although anyone maybe a Solatian starseed, to the point where it is also known that at least some albino people on Earth are indeed Solatian seeds.

Solatians are one of the most highly Advanced star races in the Pleiades M45 star system. They are highly advanced in every way, from ethics and spirituality to super high technology, which they constantly develop and perfect.

They are the typical New Age idea of a Pleiadian, although generalizing while I say this.

Of course, Solatians are more people like you and I, and they have a physical, biological body that needs to eat and go to the bathroom, but they do have very Advanced telepathic mind projection, which many times makes people think that they exist only as light beings.

Every Star Race, including Earth, humans, has a biological component in the world of the physical and a spiritual component that, in many, relates to a light being, depending on their ideas and the vibration that results from them of course, Solatian are the Pleiadian race, who use the disc shaped Starcraft more than any other, being that the Taygeteans and the Engan are the ones who use them less.

Even their largest Interstellar Starships tend to be discoidal or oval shaped and lack many of the surface features and characteristics found on Taygetean Starships, among many others. Their main diet is fish combined with fruits and vegetables.

As their planets have very extensive oceans rich with marine life, including many cretacous species, the Solatian protect and honor.

Before I finish for today, I want to dedicate this video to this ship's medical doctor and surgeon Senetre, also called Seni for short, who is half Solatian and who is also Toleka's main ship counselor. This will be all for today.

As always, thank you for watching my video and for liking, sharing and subscribing for more, and I hope to see you here next time. With much love, your friend Mari Swaruu.

#25 Re: English Forum » Space News 22, Alcyone Arriving, Black Knight Pilots » 2024-05-06 14:30:45

A belated but very warm welcome to the crew of Alcyone <3

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