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#1 Re: English Forum » Your message to the Etorthans, leading a Federation audit of Earth » 2024-01-27 17:10:40

Thank you for your thoughts and input.  I, wholeheartedly disagree.  No worries.  We are allowed to disagree.
  In the Etorthans , in my very minimal and humble opinion, I see liars.  I do not see reason, I do not see constructive dialogue and i see no intent towards progress or a view to working things out.  I see manipulation.  Fair enough.  They are allowed their perspective. I waste no time on it.  In this 3D realm, I draw a line.  Step over it and lets see what happens.  I, in no way condone violence.  In my perspective violence is kinetic and used only in self defence.  So, I guess, I do condone violence, under very specific circumstances. 
My "Fuck off" is a time saver.  I do not live under an illusion of consensus and I will be fair and honest in that perspective and would love to be proven wrong. 
I am darkness just as much as I am light.  I actually think very little of diplomacy-in that it is usually a means to end and a dishonest display of manipulation.  Thats probably more of a so called 3D perspective bias, and maybe not what the Urmah project but on this planet energy comes with a price and I will not waste it those who are disingenuous. 
So, no.  I do not believe this type of language disparages anything.  Used will mal intent, could it?  Yes, no doubt.  Tools in the hands of fools are not very useful.  If I am a fool, well, then this will serve as a lesson.  If I am not a fool, then I have established a perspective that is easily understood and makes those for whom it is intended, to think twice before stepping forward.  Thus, giving me more space to live my life as freely as I choose. 

I don't understand why those who say they do not judge, judge?  If I hear swearing, I smile.  Someone is expressing themselves and they are being honest. At least, thats my assumption, as "society" punishes such expressions so why would one express themselves in such a way unless they had a good reason, or perhaps its just a part of who they are--why would i take that away from them.  Why would I narcissistically assume they are saying something that is intended for me.  Chances are it has zero to do with me.  So be yourself, with all it entails.  Of course--you, as well,are being yourself with your expression of dissatisfaction.  That is fine.  And its fuckin great!!!!  smile

#3 Re: English Forum » How Did You Find Cosmic Agency? » 2023-12-28 01:18:13

Hi Gosia,
I usually search Rumble and then Odyssey-always looking for interesting and thought -provoking videos and I found one of your videos on Odyssey.  I am not a big fan of that platform as it doesn't work well on my Roku stick.  I wish I remembered the video, but it was fairly recent.  I then searched Cosmic Agency on Rumble and even went to Youtube, which I hate to use as they are WHO controlled and censor much.  As you know smile.  If I remember correctly you mentioned the Swaruunians in the video and I had no clue to whom or to what you were referring lol.  And then I find out you are in contact with aliens who are in Earth orbit...What???!!!!  Then I found Mari and I haven't been able to stop watching. 
I started out an Atheist, which I guess I still am depending on one's definition, but  through listening and watching near-death experiences, smoking some DMT, listening to channellers, keeping an open mind yet a critical, skeptical one, and years of questioning everything, including my self, I have the opportunity to listen to those who I believe are not from this Earth.  It really brings it all home and has expanded my thinking process to the point of exhaustion smile.  (in a good way--i hope smile)
So thank you to you and all the Swaruunians and every other being who is bringing Light to the Darkness!!

#4 Re: English Forum » Introductions / greetings » 2023-12-27 18:41:30

Hello Hanen, thank you for your post.  Odyssey is a video sharing platform like Youtube.  I think I came across Gosia's channel called Cosmic Agency there. 
Its always tough to remember the path lol.  My curiosity as many here share led me to Mari Swaruu and then this site etc.  My being here is all due to finding Gosia's video.  I now know how a blind squirrel finding a big nut must feel. smile.

#5 Re: English Forum » Introductions / greetings » 2023-12-26 17:56:36

My name is Matt.  I am from Ottawa, Canada.  I am amazed at this opportunity to learn about everything...ya...... everything.  Its insane but resonates very deeply for me and is what I have been searching for, for a very long time.  I question my sanity and biases and try to maintain a critical and skeptical mindset but still allow the love and mystery to flow.  Anyways, very happy to be here and introduce myself.  And thank you to all those who choose to speak up with a mindset for truth. 
The past few years have ramped up the insanity to a fever pitch and I have been affected greatly.  Both very negatively and extremely positively.  Not in any materialistic sense --in fact that facet of my being has been impacted negatively but my conscious spirit has been tested and forged in some great fires.  This is fucking awesome!!!!  Sorry--not sure how swearing is handled but it is a part of who I am and merely projects my steadfastness and various other personality traits--its not aimed at anyone smile.   
I found Cosmic Agency on Odyssey and through Gosia found Mari Swaruu and everyone else.  I still can't believe an alien is conversing with humans,, I tell my friends and the reactions are less than favourable but so be it!  I could go on and on but needless to say I am happy to find this forum and look forward to learning and going from there!!

Take care,

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