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#1 Re: English Forum » The sorting of Transcripts Despejando Enigmas is chaotic » 2024-04-14 09:26:26

Not sure what you mean. On the website you can arrange them in any way you want.

WXMM wrote:

Can you rearrange the order?
The sorting of Transcripts Despejando Enigmas is chaotic
Time is chaotic now, can we arrange it in chronological order.

#2 Re: English Forum » Toleka News » 2024-04-07 09:11:00

Gee, not this again. Sorry guys, I will leave this on but if the topic lingers on, Stardeity will be off the forum permanently. Topic closed. Thank you moderators. smile

#3 Re: English Forum » Interstellar Life 5C - Swaruu and Yazhi and their Starship Suzy - CA » 2024-04-05 23:57:42

Hahahaha. smile

Alec wrote:

I agree. Gosia's videos are improving; she's now included some cats in them. Trust me, it's no easy task to get cats to stay still and be on camera without wandering off.

Thank you all!

#4 Re: English Forum » Interstellar Life 5C - Swaruu and Yazhi and their Starship Suzy - CA » 2024-04-05 23:56:56

Gosia isn´t. She just makes videos from her couch and has no memory of anything at all haha. And thank you! smile

Ariya wrote:

I loved this video! Thank you Gosia for all of the hard work you put into making these. I love your images, animations, and presentation skills. You make it so fun and enjoyable to watch! I loved the cats, and your dress was very pretty.

And Gosia is the pilot of large ships! oh my goodness! That is such a responsibility. Imagine having to land and park it!

I also loved the conversations that were shared. The Suzys are so loyal to the little 13 year old Swaruus. I’ve always loved this story. It was good to hear it again, especially to see the way both Swaruu of Erra and Yahzi handled the departure of their ships.

Sometimes I dream that I have a ship, and in my dream it’s not that far away.

Thank you again Gosia. And thanks to Swaruu, Yahzi and everyone who participated in the stories. ☆彡

#5 Re: English Forum » How to donate to Swaruu Oficial » 2024-04-04 10:03:21

Of course. If there are any thank you notes, its not through Super Chats in Youtube. Those you do not see, I mean, the details of the sender are not seen. Cheers smile

Ariya wrote:
okcs wrote:

Last Friday night, March 29, at about 11:00 pm MST I donated $100 to Mari's channel, so she should have gotten $70, but I did not receive a thank you email from them. In Mari's videos they said they email everyone who donates money to thank them. I just want to make sure youtube isn't taking their money. The email I used to donate was My credit card was charged, and youtube sent me a confirmation email for the donation.

I received an email only when I donated directly through the mercadopago link.

I also previously donated through YouTube (3 or 4 times) and the confirmation I received was only from YouTube (and also my bank statement.)

I think the confirmation/ thank you email is only for mercado Pago direct donations - possibly not for superchat through YouTube.

#6 Re: Forum en Español » Miedo » 2024-04-04 10:00:21

Gracias por escribir, no pude leer todo, pero tengo que aclarar que no hay CENSURA en mis grupos de Telegram. Hay REGLAS. Es otra cosa. No puede haber anarquía alli, como tampoco hay en este foro. Son reglas establecidas por mi y los admins hacen muy buen trabajo. Cada vez en cuando veo a alguien quejandose que fue "echado" como si fuera una victima pero nunca demuestra lo que ha hecho para merecer ser baneado. Yo me fio plenamente en las decisiones de los admins y si fuiste echado, lo siento, fue por algo. Lo mismo pasara en este foro si alguien rompe las reglas. Reglas se ponen para dar el orden al sitio, no son censura, mucho menos miedo, no confundemos. Me asombra que la gente puede no diferenciarlo. Un saludo smile

D> wrote:

Han pasado varios meses desde mí salida de este foro y otros de la divulgación y me gustaría compartir una serie de reflexiones.

Siento una gran y profunda empatía con las personas que por aquí escriben y escribían. La siento desde el corazón y nace del amor, de ahí que me decida a volver a escribir una entrada, con las emociones más sosegadas y la cabeza mucho más serena, pese a no sentir que este sea mí espacio, intentaré desarrollar un poco por qué digo esto...

Empezaré por lo más superficial y obvio. Siento profunda vergüenza por la actuación de todas las razas estelares implicadas en la situación de la Tierra. Aprecio y agradezco los vídeos de Mari, Za'El y Arien. Pero si lo analizo desde mí prespectiva personal, es cómo ver a alguien ahogarse en un lago, y en lugar de saltar al lago y sacarlo sin dudas ni miedos, gritarle que el lago lo ha puesto ahí esa persona, y hacer un vídeo cómodamente desde la orilla con un tutorial titulado "Aprende a nadar en 240 sencillas lecciones", mientras perteneces al grupo que ha puesto el lago ahí y sí, te opones enérgicamente, pero ni mucho menos con lo necesario para sacar a la persona que se está ahogando, o no a corto plazo. Esto lo arreglan en lo que yo me tomo una infusión, y ni cómo hace falta que diga porque todas esas personas saben muy bien cómo lo harían, así cómo por qué no lo hacen y por qué obedecen sumisos las órdenes de la Federación. Eso no ha sido explicado y es clave..."Enfrentad al poder imperante, pero yo no".

Nacemos aquí desnudos y sin recuerdos, en este "infierno" dimensional, en el frente, donde caen ostias por todos lados y todo o casi todo está al revés, dónde seres mezquinos prosperan libremente y almas limpias y puras aguantan el peso de millones, en un espacio meticulosamente estudiado y diseñado para una serie de experiencias extremas que nada tienen que ver con el universo que nos rodea. Con todo, aquí seguimos de pie, cada día más fuertes y creando un mundo mejor para tod@s. Dicen que no, pero a mi me resulta jodidamente épico y me va bien porque así me gusta más. ¿Qué hay de vosotros, queridas personas nacidas fuera de este sistema esclavista de almas, estáis orgullosos? ¿Cuando no obteneis respuesta a vuestras peticiones y preguntas a la Federación, cuándo ponen a personas "turbias" (para ser suave) y carentes de empatía a "dirigir" este circo macabro sin tener en absoluto en cuenta vuestra opinión y sentir... Pensáis que estáis actuando correctamente? ¿Qué sentimientos os genera eso? ¿Cómo los gestionáis? Porque nosotros hemos nacido en esto, y les vemos venir a años luz de distancia... El orgulloso y fuerte pueblo Urmah, contenido por un par de lagartijas con infúlas de sabiduría de sofá... No me lo trago, no son ni sois a parte de la Federación, sois la Federación. Por creencia, cobardía, interés o convicción... Tan libres y fuertes no seréis, aquí también le dan a la gente esclavizada un cierto margen a la pataleta... Eso, o estáis participando del juego al mismo nivel que todos lo demás. La disidencia controlada es un arma de doble filo, como lo es la hipocresia.

Me expulsaron del canal de Agencia Cósmica de Telegram por decir que un chat "casi libre" no es un chat libre, que la censura es miedo y que el miedo se combate con valentía y audacia, con integración y amor (no amor romántico ni siquiera débil, amor, luz pura, fuerte y tóxica para esos elementos distorsionadores). Recuerdo que durante el "linchamiento" previo a mí expulsión (buscada) de dicho espacio, un chico con una fuerte vibración de miedo i una necesidad muy intensa de pertenencia al grupo, me amenazó con katanas, tanques y naves... A ver ¿no puedes con un argumento y pretendes empuñar un arma (astral, física o metafórica, cada cuál decida)? Eres un peligro para ti mismo, y para los menos expandidos que tu. Yo no soy una semilla, pero si lo fuera, sería muy responsable con cómo utilizo mí pensamiento y emociones, cómo gestiono mi miedo y contra quién dirijo mí fuerza. Porque un elemento distorsionador en un foro, chat o similar será el menor de los problemas que deberás enfrentar, y esconderlo bajo una alfombra no parece una estrategia vencedora. Lo que me lleva al siguiente punto.

En cuánto hagas, hay que salir a ganar. Limitar las posibilidades y pensar en pequeño te hace pequeño. Eres un fractal de la Fuente, una fuerza viva de este universo, eres este universo... No tienes necesidad de pensar en pequeño, nada puede detenerte y mucho menos lesionar lo que eres si sabes quien eres y qué quieres. Siento y percibo que esta divulgación se está estancando, que el miedo y la falsa sensación de impotencia se trata de infiltrar y hacer mella, que en este juego que al final es, no se está enfocando correctamente el objetivo y sí se está proyectando contra otras "víctimas" (a falta de un término mejor, porque al final ni víctimas ni verdugos hay, pero es otra entrada eso).

Debo decir que Robert mantiene muy bien el tipo, y aún así... Gosia, creo que debería protegerse mejor, y ser cautelosa con quiénes la rodean, es notorio el cambio vibracional. El miedo también es poder, pero no necesariamente sirve a tus intereses físicos i/o espirituales...

Nos han dicho muchas veces que nadie vendrá a salvarnos, por ellos, ahí nos ahogemos. Pero estamos nosotros aquí, y unidos somos una fuerza imparable, vibrar con miedo es alimentar a lagartijas, ficus y otros bichos débiles y torpes que se han pasado toda nuestras vidas diciéndonos que somos impotentes y malvados cómo ellos... O otros más hipócritas que te contarán que el bien y el mal no existen en elevados niveles existenciales... Aquí es muy real y desde mí punto de vista erradicarlo es un deber. De no ser así estaría flotando por ahí cómo una conciencia sin limitación alguna. Hemos venido a jugar, juguemos.

Se acerca la hora de la acción, quién más y quién menos, percibe que estamos cerca o dentro ya de un punto de inflexión, que vienen cambios, aún que estos cambios parece que no terminan de llegar nunca. Normal, estamos jugando a empatar... a resistir, a encontrar nuestro pequeño lugar mientras seres de bajísima vibración se pasean con aparente impunidad con el control que les entregan gente mucho más fuerte de sus vidas y destino en densidades bajas... No somos corderos ni guerreros asustados ante una batalla asimétrica, somos luz y hay que empezar a brillar, cuanto más unidos y fuertes mejor.

Erradicar el miedo, integrar la oscuridad y hacer de tu pensamiento y emociones el arma más poderosa a tu servicio y al de tus seres queridos es el camino que a mi humilde entender merece la pena.

A vosotros, planificadores y ejecutores de esta distopía repugnante para los seres empáticos y emocionales, debéis saber que ya estamos entre vosotros, que el juego llega a su fin, que vuestros argumentos serán vuestra perdición y que no hay ni habrá manera de detenernos. Estamos en todas partes, aquí y fuera, a vuestro lado, detrás y dónde miréis, somos más fuertes y nos hemos cansado de jugar a vuestras estupideces. Os conocemos porque hemos bailado con vosotros desde que aquí nacimos, y ya ni pena nos dais, podréis sentir el impacto de nuestra luz... El juego se termina, buscad vuestro lugar en este mundo, o enfrentad las consecuencias.

A la divulgación, erradicad el miedo, la furia y la ira, tomad vuestro poder con responsabilidad y sobre todo, construid algo lleno de belleza, dónde el mezquino se sienta desnudo y débil, cómo hos han hecho sentir, pero al revés, com amor, fuerza e integración. Ocupad vuestro lugar sin temor, ya sois cuánto necesitáis ser, ahora enfocadlo. Sólo somos víctimas si así lo creemos.

A mis seres queridos, aquí y fuera, a mi mismo en otras encarnaciones, a todos aquellos que vibren con estas palabras o no pero las entiendan, OS QUIERO, con toda la magnitud que puedan alcanzar esas palabras, de manera inquebrantable. Volveremos a abrazarnos y nacerán mil universos llenos de belleza. La separación es una ilusión que sólo sirve a quién no entiende el amor, a los débiles.

Caminante, Artemis y tantos otros que permaneceis en silencio... Ahora es un buen momento para construir algo bello wink

#7 Re: English Forum » Toleka, orbit 505 km, very bright star... » 2024-03-27 22:05:50

I will only leave this thread open because of the interesting conversation that followed the original post. To the author of the original post - if your claim is that Toleka crew are not extraterrestrial, this is not the forum for you and you will be banned if you repeat such claims. You are very welcome to have your theories and views, but its in the rules of this forum not to express those that undermine the integrity of my friends. Thank you.. and pssstt.. no buts.

#8 Re: English Forum » How to donate to Swaruu Oficial » 2024-03-21 22:59:58

Or Central Information Center.. or whatever along these lines. The name is just for the humans so they can understand more or less what it is. smile

Alec wrote:
Scott Summers wrote:
Alec wrote:

It's a YouTube live chat feature that appears alongside the video, either during a Live Stream or a Scheduled Premiere. In this instance, it's a Scheduled Premiere. It's open to everyone, and on Saturday mornings Mari opens the live chat to facilitate interaction among viewers, ask questions (if requested in advance) or send Super Chats (donations) -English Sat, Spanish Sun-.

In this particular case, the chat operates as a one-way communication channel, serving as a "transmitter" only. It's closely monitored and moderated by CIC.

Sorry, what is CIC? Who are the members of CIC?

My apologies, I haven’t been following this subject for awhile. Thanks!

Central Intelligence Command. They have a team in the Toléka.
Currently the members are Káal'el, Li’lay’la, Alia, among many others.

#9 Re: English Forum » who is yashi (sophia) » 2024-03-18 08:11:44

I WAS referring to Swaruus. Taygetans don´t have those skills. And they dont "use" names associated with ancient goddesses. The reverse. The ancient "god and goddesses" many times was THEM, literally. Space people who then people deified.

mitkobs wrote:
Gosia wrote:

They are "just" people who deveoloped certain skills due to their deep understanding and realization of how the mind works an what we all are. There are no gods and goddesses, they are just perceived as such by those who haven´t yet akawen those capabilities in themselves. What Yazhi can do, we all can. She is showing us that.

mitkobs wrote:

They said that do not want to be treated like gods but that does not make them less of what they are and what they are capable of. In ancient times people maybe saw them like someone above(literally with their flying ships) and call them gods.

Yes, but Swaruus are more expanded compared to Taygetans for example. And they use these names that are associated with ancient goddesses, which is not by chance or pretending. And of course we all play our part in the spectacle of life, everyone have to be equal to everyone even when some are more expanded in consciousness. In the end everyone is one and the same.

#10 Re: English Forum » The relationship between Annika and Anna? » 2024-03-17 12:54:11

We don´t know how much memory she carries. Unfortunately, we never talked to her, and Athena and Yazhi don´t mention her much, and we never asked much. But yes, apparently she has memories but they do treat her as her own person.

WXMM wrote:
Gosia wrote:

Yes, she was. If you have followed our work for years, you will know that incarnations dont follow sequential order as seen from your 3D linear perspective. You could meet any one of your past/future incarnations at any time. smile

WXMM wrote:

What is the relationship between ANEEKA and Anna, do you know? When Anna was extracted, was Aneeka still alive.

So does Anna carry the memory of ANEEKA's death shortly after?

#11 Re: English Forum » who is yashi (sophia) » 2024-03-17 12:52:37

They are "just" people who deveoloped certain skills due to their deep understanding and realization of how the mind works an what we all are. There are no gods and goddesses, they are just perceived as such by those who haven´t yet akawen those capabilities in themselves. What Yazhi can do, we all can. She is showing us that.

mitkobs wrote:

They said that do not want to be treated like gods but that does not make them less of what they are and what they are capable of. In ancient times people maybe saw them like someone above(literally with their flying ships) and call them gods.

#12 Re: English Forum » How to donate to Swaruu Oficial » 2024-03-17 12:50:18

Just keep in mind that if you donate through Youtube, Youtube keeps 30% of that. All super chats and any donations done through Youtube. Thats why if you can do it through the provided link, it will be better for them. Thank you smile

Joe R wrote:
the5west wrote:

At the end of the videos I hear Mari thanking people for dontations and I would like to donate because I greatly appreciate the information and their presence in orbit, but I don't see a link to do that. Please explain.

You can donate in Mari's live chat on YouTube, which is open on Saturdays and Sundays, before the premiere on the English- and Spanish-language versions of the weekend-videos, respectively. smile

#13 Re: English Forum » The relationship between Annika and Anna? » 2024-03-16 09:47:40

Yes, she was. If you have followed our work for years, you will know that incarnations dont follow sequential order as seen from your 3D linear perspective. You could meet any one of your past/future incarnations at any time. smile

WXMM wrote:
Gosia wrote:

ANEEKA, not Annika. wink

WXMM wrote:

Annika has already passed away by the end of 2022. Don't you know?

What is the relationship between ANEEKA and Anna, do you know? When Anna was extracted, was Aneeka still alive.

#14 Re: English Forum » The relationship between Annika and Anna? » 2024-03-15 15:19:13

ANEEKA, not Annika. wink

WXMM wrote:
mes333 wrote:
WXMM wrote:

Is Annika reincarnated as Anna, or is Anna reincarnated as Annika?

Their chronological relationship?

Anna was extracted from Earth (Mexico) while Aneeka was still living on the Toleka. Where they both co-existed along side each other. She apparently had memories I believe of being Aneeka or remembered some parts or  information from her life. Which makes Anna in the next chapter/phase or point of view I would think of her souls journey.

Annika has already passed away by the end of 2022. Don't you know?

#15 Re: English Forum » Arishah Urmah Tiger 3rd Interview, Part 3 -Mari » 2024-03-12 08:55:40

What does it mean exactly, crossing the 5D barrier? I am sure I already am that and many others. Like we alway say, its a state of mind. What barrier then is there not to experience it right now today instead of waiting for 2027?

wandereringsoul wrote:

That was a strong message to the parasites - the cabal federation.

I'm not trying to float my boat here. Everything Ari has said backs my position and what I have said in the past. They, the Andromedans, Arcturians and Etorthans can not be trusted. They are parasites.

Also, what I find interesting is, a channel I have been following the past 14 years, Wendy Kennedy who channels the 9th dimensional Pleiadians. They are now starting to say that Earth is controlled by a group of negative ET's and the control has escalated more so the past 14 years. They have never said this in the past, only recently this year.

As well, the pleiadians she channels said that by 2027 the humans will cross the 5D barrier.

#16 Re: English Forum » Alpha Dracos, Alpha Draconians, Space Dragons - Mari » 2024-03-10 14:13:42

Yes! That´s exactly what it looks like, their ship. Cant say its theirs of course 100% but thats the shape more or less from what I remember. Thanks.

Ariya wrote:

Both the good Alpha Draconians and the bad ones are fully Interstellar, and roam the galaxy in strange spacecraft of their manufacture, and which do not look anything like what a Lyrian would produce.

They are asymmetrical and look like some kind of gigantic mechanical cactus with pointed appendages all over the ship, and can be several kilometers long, being that – in general – Alpha Draconians are the interstellar species which operates the biggest spacecraft on average; not including large biosphere ships of other species, such as the Andromedans.


^Spikey, black, artichoke shaped ship being escorted away by Turkish Military^
It doesn't look big enough to be an Alpha Dragon ship, but maybe the same shape?

#17 Re: English Forum » Arishah Urmah Tiger 3rd Interview Part2 - Mari » 2024-02-27 19:57:26

Nice! I will share it smile

Alec wrote:
Gosia wrote:

Did you make these??

Alec wrote:

Thank you again Mari, Ari and Kirai-Kai.

Yes smile

#18 Re: English Forum » Arishah Urmah Tiger 3rd Interview Part2 - Mari » 2024-02-27 11:52:23

Did you make these??

Alec wrote:

Thank you again Mari, Ari and Kirai-Kai.

#19 Re: English Forum » Mari Swaruu: Who is Yazhi, (English) » 2024-02-20 10:13:26

No, Athena is from a diferent timeline. And Swaruu of Erra´s first name WAS Swaruu. Only after Athena, that name "Swaruu" sort of became
a last name. Please refer to the recent video I made "Journey so Far". Perhaps you will find some clarifications there. smile

LongShot wrote:

Couldn´t find a propor place to post my question...and didn´t want to open a new thread...


Athena is from our current Time Line??? (same as Swaruu of Era - From our first contacts with Toleka - What was Swaruu os Era first name???)

#20 Re: English Forum » Who has the scoop on familyof » 2024-02-19 10:12:31

We do not endorse it as anything to do with our team.

MayTag wrote:

As above, so below? I help moderate a forum on reddit known as r/gettoknowtheothers and occaisionally people link to that URL. Could anyone give the lowdown on their content? TIA!

#21 Re: English Forum » Who removed my post? » 2024-02-19 10:09:11

I will have a look. For now, this thread will be deleted. Cheers.

oceanisclear wrote:
Gosia wrote:

I did. We dont need posts declarations that someone is leaving. Messes up the space that should be oriented towards learning and exchanging ideas about Taygetan/Swaruunian content. This is not a high school. When you read this, it shall be deleted.

oceanisclear wrote:

I made a partying last post on this forum saying goodbye. Who removed that post. I want to know the answer.

Why am I being compelled to come back again on this forum and ask questions?

You should also remove the comments of those who put false allegations on others that we are actually supporters of the Cabal and its institutions. Because those people consider their Hindu religion and their Hindu temples as good and other religions as bad. Do an impartial moderation. Not a partial moderation.

This is because it messes up the space that should be oriented towards learning and exchanging ideas about Taygetan/Swaruunian content. This forum is not a Hindu religious temple.

#22 Re: English Forum » Who removed my post? » 2024-02-18 19:54:57

I did. We dont need posts declarations that someone is leaving. Messes up the space that should be oriented towards learning and exchanging ideas about Taygetan/Swaruunian content. This is not a high school. When you read this, it shall be deleted.

oceanisclear wrote:

I made a partying last post on this forum saying goodbye. Who removed that post. I want to know the answer.

Why am I being compelled to come back again on this forum and ask questions?

#23 Re: English Forum » And example of trolling and draining/wasting our energy. » 2024-02-18 18:00:46

Thank you. And welcome smile

5dmatrix wrote:
Gosia wrote:

Observers, you are welcome to set up your own forum in another place where can you share what you know. Remember that this forum is for the Taygetan/Swaruunian audience, and to discuss what THEY share and what THEY know. Just keep that in mind and please focus on our information. Other information can always be brought into picture but when related to something discussed by Taygetans and Swaruus. Also, do no present yourself as separate from the humans. If anyone ever does it here, it will be one of Toleka crew members as confirmed by me (not happening, just saying). So please do not tease the members. Don´t talk to us like you are  not one of us. And if you are truly not, find another place to share what you know and your perspective please. Perhaps I should use this as a rule lol: No ET person can use this forum to propagate their ideas. This is not a general ET forum, this is only for my friends from Toleka. Thanks. wink

Hello Gosia,

thank you for clarification.

We will again switch to an idle mode and answer only infrequently when asked about topics related to Taygetan/Swaruunian content.

Thank you for all you've been doing for awakening,

Best regards,

Observers, Zyloxians

#24 Re: English Forum » And example of trolling and draining/wasting our energy. » 2024-02-18 14:36:53

Observers, you are welcome to set up your own forum in another place where can you share what you know. Remember that this forum is for the Taygetan/Swaruunian audience, and to discuss what THEY share and what THEY know. Just keep that in mind and please focus on our information. Other information can always be brought into picture but when related to something discussed by Taygetans and Swaruus. Also, do no present yourself as separate from the humans. If anyone ever does it here, it will be one of Toleka crew members as confirmed by me (not happening, just saying). So please do not tease the members. Don´t talk to us like you are  not one of us. And if you are truly not, find another place to share what you know and your perspective please. Perhaps I should use this as a rule lol: No ET person can use this forum to propagate their ideas. This is not a general ET forum, this is only for my friends from Toleka, unless they can vouch for someone new and another ET race member, then their perspective would be welcome. Without their authorization and confirmation, I can´t just allow any ET person in here, even if someone was really one. It would soon turn into circus with no control. Thanks. wink

5dmatrix wrote:
Horton HaW wrote:
5dmatrix wrote:

Hello Ariya,

Thank you for a nice welcome message.

To prevent a hard reset you need to take control over your planet and in an ideal scenario to create a holistic society, at worse option just a one world government representing human race which is a reliable partner for us to deal with BEFORE you expand into space.

You cannot be allowed into space at current world control arrangement, nor with current state of collective consciousness when interests of your controllers are everything but not alligned with the best interests of the people of Earth.

As long as you do not take this into space we are just observers and do not interfere beyond the usual measures but once you start to expand and colonize space around, you are considered too toxic and as such too dangerous to be allowed into space.

We allowed this only once and it ended up in a destruction of Maldek, which we cannot let happen again.

Liberating yourself means to manage to win control over the planet and install such government which represents the best interests of humanity as a whole.

Much Love..


Greetings. Thank you for your clear and concise view on the Earth situation. I have a few questions if you don't mind. Do you see the Maldek situation as originating from Earth? What do you believe the source of the invading forces to be? What is the purpose of an observer? How do you define or classify humans?
Thank you for your consideration.

Greetings Horton Haw!

Regarding planet Maldek there are at least 40 different narratives about what and when happened. I can only say that all are equally valid and that my role is not to validate or invalidate information provided within this social implant.

I can only advice to study all sources, that is why the many variants are inserted so that you come to your own conclusion on what's going on. From our side it is part of the gane, from your side you keep building your own reality as it is always your subjective reality you live accordance with.

Also, as observers we do not insert more implants, we only "observe".

A human is a person born on Earth to human parents living human experience. Each planet has its unique characteristics and together with its star creates environment in which consciousness and DNA (coding the physic body) evolves. You enter through this body into this environment typical for Earth becoming a human.



#25 Re: English Forum » Question regarding swaruu's relationship to the Galactic Federation. » 2024-02-15 16:36:40

Welcome to the forum. However, let me put it straight. Ashtar Sherar DOES NOT EXIST. There is no such a thing. Its Jesuits´invention and we stated it many, many times. They are brainwashing people with Galactic Federation of light propaganda, most of which is simply not true. You are welcome to familiarize yourself with the extensive list of videos on Galactic Federation on our channels, but it wont be what you expect. Greetings. smile

SeverusSnegg wrote:

I just recently visited the site and read several dozen articles.
Many of the messages conveyed are strongly negative towards the Galactic Federation.
This is surprising. Because the Galactic Federation, as I understand it, is the Galactic UN.
The basis of which is made up of the most developed civilizations - the Pleiadians, Arcturians, Sirians.
Moreover, it is the Pleiadians who are the main ones in it and, as I understand it, the Galactic Federation is headed by a Pleiadian - Ashtar Sheran.
I have no doubt that he is an entity with a very high level of consciousness and purity of intentions. (According to many of his messages).
The Swaruu themselves are Pleiadians. How to explain this attitude towards the Galactic Federation?
And what is their attitude towards Ashtar Sheran?

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