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#1 2021-06-27 08:27:30


Ethics, and the original intent of the matrix

We've been told - repeatedly throughout the many videos by Gosia - that ethics is the measure with which a civilization's maturity is measured. The latest video by Gosia on Federation-matters touch upon this too.

At first, Yazhi talks about the "value" of people on Earth, which makes the Earth experience appear what is understood as 'unreal' to the Federation:

From the video "Galactic Federation - Good Guys?"

Yazhi [08:14]: I clearly notice an invalidation of the people on Earth, as seen as just about not real for the Federation supervising this at large.

Or at the very least not for the people who are actually doing the decisions to go and live on Earth, doing immoral and non-ethical things to themselves!

I strongly feel this is terribly wrong, because it is not about who is who where and who has more or less value than who else and why.

I am convinced that the keyword here is "value," and the implied ranking it entails. It is the application of ethics as a "measuring stick", as given by Robert below:

From the video "Galactic Federation - Good Guys?"

Robert [12:39]: You said that the Federation gives all its members a framework of legal, ethical and moral rules.

This common framework applies to all members.

But what happens on planet Earth, what frame is being used?

A different one due to Earth´s unique position with regards to other members that form part of the Federation?

And if so, why are there two measuring sticks of ethics and morals?

Swaruu X [13:10]: For the Federation the Earth is perfectly within its legal framework.

The problem here is that the Federation is not a single block within a single level, but, in a staggered manner, increases not only in terms of area, but also in density within the jurisdiction of each of these levels.

The rise of its density causes a change in the perception of existence of its members, of what they understand reality to be, and this inevitably brings a change in their ethics, because ethics is irremediably associated with the perception of reality and level of consciousness of each person.

(I mean the level of consciousness of the members that control and compose it).

[14:10] So from the more expanded perspective of these higher level members, Earth is perceived as a self-contained place or realm where people (call them souls but it’s not that simple) enter at their own risk.

They regard the purpose of the Earth as a place of expansion, of learning to control personal reality, of expansion of personal and collective consciousness to which those “souls” belong, and ultimately it also favors the expansion of the whole, of the Original Source. [14:58]


[16:08] From those higher densities, an experience of suffering on Earth has the same value.

Learning, expansion.

The value of ethics and morals change strongly with the expansion of consciousness.

So what is ethical on one level is not ethical from another.

This is an inescapable fact that Yázhi and I have observed.

[16:41] This means that from a more expanded position of consciousness many times the means justify the end.

That is to say that purposely provoking situations or events that on Earth can be seen as unethical, justifies the positive final outcome that these unethical events cause.

This is an extremely important point. [17:14]


[18:12] So as a more personal comment on my part.

From my position, whatever that may be, yes I see it as valid that in one situation or another the means, whatever they may be, justify the positive ending.

As long as that positive ending is of maximum or critical importance and it takes place.

But I also see how unfair this can be seen from the “lower” position, because, just to begin with, the why that is so is ignored.[18:54]

(Emphasis added)

I believe we are presented with the "original intent" of the matrix here. This is indicated by Swaruu's words "As long as that positive ending is of maximum or critical importance and it takes place." She basically tells us that, at some point, the end result of the Earth experience stopped being of importance. If this is the case, this must have opened up for a huge change in ethics within the Federation. And I don't understand this change as an increase in standard or frequency...

Discuss the message, not the messenger.


#2 2021-06-27 08:52:23


Re: Ethics, and the original intent of the matrix

Earth gives opportunity for lower vibration beings to have experience that is helping them to become higher vibration beings. This is the common interest between all levels of vibration beings involved in Earth. And this is how the conflicts are relived only in the boundaries of one world but in larger scale the galaxy become peaceful and beings become respectful to each other. See for example how that predatory beings make the choice to stop killing other beings for food(to grow their meat in pods), this is already a huge change from their side and that is helping them to expand to new levels of perception. This is changing them in very interesting ways. They are not anymore monsters, but interesting, admiring and appealing. For the first time they can experience to be loved(accepted) by large variety of other beings, not feared and hated. This is huge for them.

Last edited by mitkobs (2021-06-27 08:56:30)


#3 2021-06-27 09:08:32


Re: Ethics, and the original intent of the matrix

mitkobs wrote:

And this is how the conflicts are relived [not] only in the boundaries of one world but in larger scale the galaxy become peaceful and beings become respectful to each other.

Then wouldn't it be about time, that the students upon Earth take their rightful place as teachers...? Let us stop playing that game, and rather start implementing the lessons [edit: learned]... smile

Discuss the message, not the messenger.


#4 2021-06-27 09:56:57


Re: Ethics, and the original intent of the matrix

This message is a great example of higher density God/Divine source consciousness, talking about what Earth is good for.

To reduce it to a more human comprehension level, it is the same dynamic of children, learning how to walk/run, and parents.

On Earth, parents legally own children. THERE ARE NO FREE WILL HUMAN RIGHTS for children, except in so far as the government or a powerful parent exercises it. Thus children are not considered full adult members and thus whatever they will/want/desire is subordinated to the needs of the society, government, or parents. This is YOUR LAW, in general, for human life on Earth, irregardless of government. Some exceptions like tribal societies where children become adults at 13-15 or even 8 exists.

The Federation considerers lower regressive consciousness and places like Earth, as to be like a child trying to burn down the house. THey don't "listen" to your free will, because your free will is insanity at their more adult level of consciousness. Well even if you don't think they are superior to you, their astral "space" fleets and technology make them stronger. Just as a parent is stronger than their child, up to a point.

Their way is right because they have the physical, mental, willpower, and LEGAL power backing them. Even if a child disagrees with the morality and ethics of the parental rules and behavior, they HAVE NO CHOICE but to accept the reality of their lack of power and dependence on the parent as resource giver. This can cause a lot of trauma that humans don't want to think about.

So humans feel very rebellious, as they try to be more mature and an adult, but are still burning their cities down, raping each other, and creating child sex trafficking and satanic rituals.

To which the child then says, "that is not my fault, my environment or parents are to blame".

Humans don't accept that excuse from each other let alone their weaker children, thus the Federation does not pay much attention to this childish argument. It is not "politically" viable or influential.

Imagine a human talking to Donald T Red or Putin, and telling them "it is your fault my life is a mess".

Just think about that for a second... that is the power dynamic between you, an individual human, and the Federation's governing counsels. Because they think of Putin and Donald T Red as "children". And these children have responsibility and power over "more children" that are even less mature and unified.

So humanity is at a stage where they are raping, killing, and blowing up their cities, but demand "equality" before the Federation's Governing counsels. Does this seem somewhat sane to anyone? Would any Earth government pay attention to terrorists if they were not vulnerable to your terrorism?

"The value of ethics and morals change strongly with the expansion of consciousness.

So what is ethical on one level is not ethical from another."

To punch this passage down to Earth's comprehension level or below, to a child trying to walk and falling, it is painful and they feel betrayed that the parent is just watching them hurt themselves. THey want to be protected, and they want to walk, so they want the parent to help them walk by holding their hand.

From the parent's higher pov, the child must learn to walk on their own, and the pain of the fall is merely part of the process. To the child, being born and getting slapped first thing out of the birth canal, is a traumatic experience. To every day humans, this is "normal" and "tough love".

This is also what the Ra contact says the Law of One is not biased towards the dark or the light. The good or the evil. Both are "One" Source originally, from the same Creation/God. Thus they are no longer in a duality system but a unified system. While humans are in a duality system, thinking they can ignore it by talking about a Unity they never achieve.

This is rated in your personal and collective organizations. How unified is your mind body spirit? how unified is your family relationships? How unified is your governments and local organizations?

No matter how many humans talk about "non polarity", until they can affect a change in their own lives, this is mere theory and at worst, hypocrisy.

Last edited by Ymarsakar (2021-06-27 10:05:19)

Sinstraia: You are the obvious enemy of humanity. Who would dare to make an enemy of me besides the obvious enemies of humanity. Anyone, or anything with sentience can see the love I have inside of me, and my intentions and use of that love. Aligning yourself against me is aligning yourself against humanity. In no uncertain terms, you are an enemy of humanity.


#5 2021-06-27 10:03:49


Re: Ethics, and the original intent of the matrix

Ymarsakar wrote:

So humanity is at a stage where they are raping, killing, and blowing up their cities, but demand "equality" before the Federation's Governing counsels.

Nice try, Ymarsakar. smile  Thank you. What do you suggest is the opposite perspective?

Discuss the message, not the messenger.


#6 2021-06-27 10:07:48


Re: Ethics, and the original intent of the matrix

Happy wrote:
Ymarsakar wrote:

So humanity is at a stage where they are raping, killing, and blowing up their cities, but demand "equality" before the Federation's Governing counsels.

Nice try, Ymarsakar. smile  Thank you. What do you suggest is the opposite perspective?

People who have more power and maturity than you, will not pay any attention to you until you get some leverage, some maturity, and some power/resources of your own.

I don't understand your question, whose opposite pov?

An opposite pov to mine would be Robert 3's pov, for the most part.

An easier question to ask is: How does a child, being weaker and legally inferior to the parent, get the parent to pay attention to what the child is saying?

Sinstraia: You are the obvious enemy of humanity. Who would dare to make an enemy of me besides the obvious enemies of humanity. Anyone, or anything with sentience can see the love I have inside of me, and my intentions and use of that love. Aligning yourself against me is aligning yourself against humanity. In no uncertain terms, you are an enemy of humanity.


#7 2021-06-27 10:13:28


Re: Ethics, and the original intent of the matrix

"Yazhi [08:14]: I clearly notice an invalidation of the people on Earth, as seen as just about not real for the Federation supervising this at large.

Or at the very least not for the people who are actually doing the decisions to go and live on Earth, doing immoral and non-ethical things to themselves!

I strongly feel this is terribly wrong, because it is not about who is who where and who has more or less value than who else and why."

I wrote about how this situation is the same as the Facebook/twitter human abuse going on. This cannot be excused by saying Facebook/twitter are owned by non humans, since humans participate in this ethical dilemma.

So humans, at least in America, have this ideal or principle about free speech and not censoring things. But when it comes to your "avatar accounts", suddenly humans no longer treat the accounts of other humans as "real". These accounts don't have human rights because they are not seen as real or as human. They are property of facebook/alphabet, in the eyes of MANY MANY humans. Take a poll of Europeans and Americans, and maybe 25-50% would "agree" with the censorship, but say "they disagree with Nazi/marxist/totalitarian censorship".

This is due to a lack of maturity in understanding that people's "accounts" are just as a real part of themselves as their human bodies are.

Thus the reaction that "digital accounts are not the same as their physical bodies" is itself proof of a lack of maturity. Because that's how they justify violating each other's human rights.

Because they don't think of what they are doing as UNETHICAL.

If you burn a piece of paper, that is ok. If you burn a cat, that is not ok. If you burn a child, that is not ok.

But it is ok, if you burn a child's piece of paper, that is ok and Ethical to humans. Because they are immature and don't understand certain things.

To the Federation and Draco/Orions, humans are just like resources or pieces of paper. The more valuable ones are pets and animals, able to be slaughtered or euthanized at will. If they desire it, the dog is going to "go away" with a needle.

Humans find this perfectly acceptable, which also allows the Federation to be perfectly ethical in their behavior. Until humans make it unacceptable to do these things, the Federation won't change either. Mirror issue. Power of Manifestation/Attraction

Last edited by Ymarsakar (2021-06-27 10:17:02)

Sinstraia: You are the obvious enemy of humanity. Who would dare to make an enemy of me besides the obvious enemies of humanity. Anyone, or anything with sentience can see the love I have inside of me, and my intentions and use of that love. Aligning yourself against me is aligning yourself against humanity. In no uncertain terms, you are an enemy of humanity.


#8 2021-06-27 10:26:10


Re: Ethics, and the original intent of the matrix

"This means that from a more expanded position of consciousness many times the means justify the end.

That is to say that purposely provoking situations or events that on Earth can be seen as unethical, justifies the positive final outcome that these unethical events cause.

This is an extremely important point."

To make this a parable story for humans to understand, it is important to look at human games like role playing systems.

There is usually a Dungeon Master or Game Master, who controls the game to a certain extent, to provide experience, challenge, and joy to the players.

So a player "role playing" as a traitor or villain, will backstab and betray his gaming companions. A Dungeon Master will intentionally make life "difficult" for the players. All of this is within the game rules and is what makes the game fun and challenging.

But a DIFFERENT ETHICS is used outside the game. There, the Dungeon Master tries to help, not hinder, others, and the players do not backstab each other, because they are not playing a "role" any more. They don't suddenly trap their house and kill everyone in it, like a Thief will do in a game to STEAL ALL THE LOOT.

Sinstraia: You are the obvious enemy of humanity. Who would dare to make an enemy of me besides the obvious enemies of humanity. Anyone, or anything with sentience can see the love I have inside of me, and my intentions and use of that love. Aligning yourself against me is aligning yourself against humanity. In no uncertain terms, you are an enemy of humanity.


#9 2021-06-27 11:17:06


Re: Ethics, and the original intent of the matrix

"Yazhi: With all I’ve said above, then there is another way of working, or mechanism of the Earth Matrix. What the collective wants does reflect in what the 5D collective of people inside 3D want as well, because the Matrix of Earth, 3D, is made of ideas. And those transcend density to 5D, and then from there many do make decisions about what they will want to live next or re-live next.

But looking only at the human collective:

The problem is the general mentality of the people. I mean they don’t know how to think for themselves for whatever reason, many would say because they lack spiritual progression, or knowledge. This is very important because they are all into a mentality of following others, and not making decisions and taking responsibility for themselves in any way. And the few they follow go into a narcissistic binge creating more problems and more chaos.

This mechanism will create a human Collective Unconscious. And it is made up of all those perception, value, moral, spiritual, scientific, ethical, religious, and plain common ideas that the masses as a whole take and agree as the truth and as reality. And as we said before many times in other subjects, that will dictate a reality, and it is the very definition of the Matrix. Remembering that the people collective and individually are the Matrix.

So it is clear that from that mass that created the Collective Unconscious, is from where the wants and needs, wishes and all, are being “sent out” to the “Field” as it is called when referring to the Law of Mirrors or Law of Attraction. Making them all suffer basically the same fate as if all agreed on what is wanted.

Because the need of the one, although enough to dictate what it will get from the Field and Law of Attraction at least in theory, is dispersed and is heavily influenced by the larger Collective Unconsciousness. So it lacks focus, therefore lacks results most of the time.

So, coming back to the Federation. This is the bulk, the mass made of consciousness, the Human Collective Unconscious, that the Law of Attraction in the Field is reading and is providing whatever is a frequency match to its desires.

And observing Space Law, Free Will, and Prime Directive, the Federation will provide or recognize this collective mass-desire as what must be respected, and not the wishes of a few who are wanting other things. So as seen from that perspective, those few don’t match with the rest, and then lack collective power to demand needs from. I know the Law of Mirrors works for everyone in an individual way, but I still see many limits to what can actually be achieved that way because people who are contrary to the collective’s desires are still immersed in that Collective Field." … a-pleiades

Yazhi truly understands what she is talking about. However, humans reading it, will find it much more difficult to understand.

The problem is the general mentality of the people (humans). Because that is the only thing you can control, yourself. You can't defeat/kill Putin, Trump, reptiles, or Federation.

So just forget about all those "External" tyrants that make humans think they are perpetual victims. Fix yourself by changing what you can control. Yourself.

Last edited by Ymarsakar (2021-06-27 11:18:58)

Sinstraia: You are the obvious enemy of humanity. Who would dare to make an enemy of me besides the obvious enemies of humanity. Anyone, or anything with sentience can see the love I have inside of me, and my intentions and use of that love. Aligning yourself against me is aligning yourself against humanity. In no uncertain terms, you are an enemy of humanity.


#10 2021-06-27 11:55:35


Re: Ethics, and the original intent of the matrix

Happy wrote:

We've been told - repeatedly throughout the many videos by Gosia - that ethics is the measure with which a civilization's maturity is measured. The latest video by Gosia on Federation-matters touch upon this too.

At first, Yazhi talks about the "value" of people on Earth, which makes the Earth experience appear what is understood as 'unreal' to the Federation:

From the video "Galactic Federation - Good Guys?"

Yazhi [08:14]: I clearly notice an invalidation of the people on Earth, as seen as just about not real for the Federation supervising this at large.

Or at the very least not for the people who are actually doing the decisions to go and live on Earth, doing immoral and non-ethical things to themselves!

I strongly feel this is terribly wrong, because it is not about who is who where and who has more or less value than who else and why.

I am convinced that the keyword here is "value," and the implied ranking it entails. It is the application of ethics as a "measuring stick", as given by Robert below:

From the video "Galactic Federation - Good Guys?"

Robert [12:39]: You said that the Federation gives all its members a framework of legal, ethical and moral rules.

This common framework applies to all members.

But what happens on planet Earth, what frame is being used?

A different one due to Earth´s unique position with regards to other members that form part of the Federation?

And if so, why are there two measuring sticks of ethics and morals?

Swaruu X [13:10]: For the Federation the Earth is perfectly within its legal framework.

The problem here is that the Federation is not a single block within a single level, but, in a staggered manner, increases not only in terms of area, but also in density within the jurisdiction of each of these levels.

The rise of its density causes a change in the perception of existence of its members, of what they understand reality to be, and this inevitably brings a change in their ethics, because ethics is irremediably associated with the perception of reality and level of consciousness of each person.

(I mean the level of consciousness of the members that control and compose it).

[14:10] So from the more expanded perspective of these higher level members, Earth is perceived as a self-contained place or realm where people (call them souls but it’s not that simple) enter at their own risk.

They regard the purpose of the Earth as a place of expansion, of learning to control personal reality, of expansion of personal and collective consciousness to which those “souls” belong, and ultimately it also favors the expansion of the whole, of the Original Source. [14:58]


[16:08] From those higher densities, an experience of suffering on Earth has the same value.

Learning, expansion.

The value of ethics and morals change strongly with the expansion of consciousness.

So what is ethical on one level is not ethical from another.

This is an inescapable fact that Yázhi and I have observed.

[16:41] This means that from a more expanded position of consciousness many times the means justify the end.

That is to say that purposely provoking situations or events that on Earth can be seen as unethical, justifies the positive final outcome that these unethical events cause.

This is an extremely important point. [17:14]


[18:12] So as a more personal comment on my part.

From my position, whatever that may be, yes I see it as valid that in one situation or another the means, whatever they may be, justify the positive ending.

As long as that positive ending is of maximum or critical importance and it takes place.

But I also see how unfair this can be seen from the “lower” position, because, just to begin with, the why that is so is ignored.[18:54]

(Emphasis added)

I believe we are presented with the "original intent" of the matrix here. This is indicated by Swaruu's words "As long as that positive ending is of maximum or critical importance and it takes place." She basically tells us that, at some point, the end result of the Earth experience stopped being of importance. If this is the case, this must have opened up for a huge change in ethics within the Federation. And I don't understand this change as an increase in standard or frequency...

While I agree that this has happened during the past couple of millennia, I would like to outline that the installation of the 3D Matrix including the introduction of Regressives into it is only a cover-up for what happened on Earth way before that. There have been mind-control underground installations that are from ETs that tried to control the planet that are much older than the 3D Matrix and that are mentioned pretty much nowhere, and to my understanding these installations are very well-known (and likely used) by the ones who run what they today use as a game.

This goes along with the many planetary wipe, culling, "reset" or "harvests" (see the video "Jupiter ascension") which never could be part of any truly beneficial game, as it would be in the responsibility and power to steer the game into a direction that would prevent the need for a repeated removal of Humanity from Earth, and the GF clearly had the means and installation to do such but intentionally didn't make use of them. I sense a loosh harvest cooperation with Regressives here, just like the clearly game-violating galactic wide export of Humans as slaves and cattle is.

Yet, all the above aside: Did the original Lyrans - who if I remember right are co-founder of the GF along the Andromedans and Arcturians, who now abuse them - on Earth agree to using their planet as a gaming environment, which must be done via a contract ? If not, imposing a gaming environment on any free-will race and their planet is already violating dozens of laws, be it Universal or Natural Law or even the GF's own ones.

The result is that all their "gaming environment" is a major crime against allies, for which there is only one galactic punishment: Disintegration down to the soul level, just like it already had been done to many of the former ET controllers of Earth, and also some Cabal "people".

For this it becomes even more important to understand that the Andromedans have no home planet anymore, and by that not only have proven that they are incapable of running one. But this also is the reason why they want a planetary gaming environment, because they have no such anywhere else - and just like they ruined their own home planet in the past, they do it on Earth too, over and over again, using the excuse of "Who cares if we do a good job or not, we can just clean up the mess in the gaming environment via another reset", showing that they not only havn't learnt anything at all but in fact are unwilling to learn.

Helping people to self-empower and liberate themselves, and by that ultimately the whole planet and beyond. See my profile for means to connect.


#11 2021-06-27 13:08:54


Re: Ethics, and the original intent of the matrix

The issue in these conversation points seems always twisted when one speaks about faul deeds of 'individuals' and then extrapolate it to 'humanity' . Somewhere along the way the balance in between gets perverted when stating 'rules' that apply to all individuals.

For that i stick to a vision of a golden rule: If it isn't good for all, it isn't good at all.
When i speak of unification, then i see that in the sense of cooperation of dualistic parties orbiting around their balance point.
This base principle that is functional as a energetic blueprint for their expansion, from the smallest to the largest body of consiousness. An imbalance that spins out the bounderies that has the potential of harmony creates dis-ease and 'naturally' has undesirable consequences. That is what i would determine karma to be.

So when we turn to what one considers to be ethicly, no matter on what scale, needs to be in accordance and build on this basic (for lack of better term). With the law of free will in the mix it becomes much more complicated, given in combination how free will is allowed to cross the line of what is considered devinely harmonious. What is being learned with 'free will' in a space that has 'the veil of unknowing' as a condition of its matrix, comes down to re-cognising these harmonic vs disharmonic borders through ones own account and ability ... guided from the quality of our own connection with source.

And that is the very point where perversions of these understandings are born. When Aleister Crowley preached : "Do what thou whilst" , it is only speaking out of context with the basic energetic principle of balanced harmony. Same goes eventually on a galactic scale. When the GF, as a whole, desides to approach 'humanity' as a whole by the rule of dominating principle, it sort of regards it as a singular organism and disregards the sovereignty of the singular human from the 3D scale pov.

When we do these scaling comparisons we can switch it to our Ego's, senses of Self, overseeing the galaxy of our own bodies (yes multiple). And that is only when regarding our vessels at our disposal within the broader context of its environment matrix it lives in.

I can see how details of ethics may change, but its core must remain. The task of overseeing is quickly prone to not-seeing-the-forest-through-the-trees, if handled incorrectly. Be that either by intent or by matter of unintended incompetence. Unintended points towards innocense, intended points towards knowingly robbing one's free will of choise. Either way it results in devastating results in the aftermath.

Therefor i see free will as our biggest blessing and biggest trap at the same time in its potential. When they (GF) see the sacrifice of many cells of the body of humanity as permissable for the sake of "for the experience" of learning of expanding consiousness, that would indicate they regard humanity, and the 3D experience as a whole, as just a fleeting part of a process 'for the greater good'. We're born with an expiration date build in.

Coming back to what is fair, eventually our free will is not free at all. Perhaps the unattended question not asked much of yet is why this 'veil of forgetting' is here in the first place. What it is Source wants to know when it is limitless and all knowing in the first place. Is it really Source getting to know itself ? Are we satisfied with this simplistic answer ? From our perspective it seems acceptable because it is cemented in our very 3D existense. Is it fair ? Eventually it does seems "fair game", from pov's that does not require incarnation-cycle-desires anymore.

To us, in the game of this very strong illusion we accept as re-all-ity, it feels like a poor excuse used for the current conditions we are forced to endure. I wonder how past civilisations that ended in cataclysmic results had the exact same ponderings we have today. They most probably felt the same way we did today and looks like an accepted matter of cyclic proceedings that this universe operates on. The continuation of the consiousness is the only unchangable factor and the 'progress' that can be attained lies within the spirally pov that is hidden in what seems as unending cycles. How this translates in terms of individual self empowerment is rather bleak from our, be it temporary, materialistic organic reality. And with it most foundations of our will to live.

... Anyway, it's a mess, and when we look for faul play of these controllers of the matrix, us humans, are apparantly insignificant to even have a voice in the matter. The only way out seems to be through 'death/transformation' . We keep striving towards the same through the same process, yet still within a linear lifespan and accomplishing the same transformation.

Wich one is the original intent of this matrix ? Probably both. We can speak about it, but will we ever know ... i do not know.
The most common 4 words of a dis-empowered state, or is it ?


#12 2021-06-27 13:45:16


Re: Ethics, and the original intent of the matrix

Ymarsakar wrote:

To reduce it to a more human comprehension level, it is the same dynamic of children, learning how to walk/run, and parents.

To go along with your analogy of a child-parent relationship here - and disregarding any ethically anomalous "ownership" of life (as "stewardship would be a more appropriate point of view), several questions arise in order to see the nuances in this perspective.

Wouldn't it be natural to expect "phases" in the development of the child's maturity in this?

What behavior is expected by an individual, trying to test its limits? Wouldn't that be the breaking of them (the limits)? And which limits are broken during which phases?

Which "phases" are represented on Earth now, and what are the mechanisms in the differences we see?

Are there any changes perceived in this, and if so, what are they?

Ymarsakar wrote:

So humans feel very rebellious, [...].

Some do, I agree. - and angry... - lost. - forsaken. - abused...

But some also feel grateful. - and graceful... - fortunate. - beautiful. - full of potential...

"Which wolf do you feed?"

The point being, we are still individuals here, and to the degree we generalize these states of mind, is also the same degree we view them as constants, in contrast to variables. The moment we see them as variables, the same moment we open up to alternatives in projected development.

Yazhi wrote:

"So what is ethical on one level is not ethical from another."

I think the behavior considered is always related to some standard, as long as one can choose between behaviors in question. If any alternative doesn't exist, there's no choice, and then "free will" also becomes a paradox.

But along with the choice comes a preference, appearing from the ranking of expected outcomes of the different alternatives (which equals 'judgment'). The standard is hence seen in the chosen behavior. "No ethics" can only mean "no choice". And I believe humanity has a choice. So, we have indeed ethics. The "child" has its standard, too, even if it hasn't abstracted it yet.

The question is, what standard is that? What is our choice? How do we even become aware of it?

Ymarsakar wrote:

No matter how many humans talk about "non polarity", until they can affect a change in their own lives, this is mere theory and at worst, hypocrisy.

- or it could be an approached scenario, not quite understood, but still approached. Corollary from the 'the oracle' in the movie "The Matrix": "You've made the choice. Now you must understand it."

Ymarsakar wrote:

People who have more power and maturity than you, will not pay any attention to you

My guess is that the Taygetans won't quite agree with this statement... smile

Ymarsakar wrote:

But when it comes to your "avatar accounts", suddenly humans no longer treat the accounts of other humans as "real". These accounts don't have human rights because they are not seen as real or as human. They are property of facebook/alphabet, in the eyes of MANY MANY humans.

I believe the nuance of individuality I presented above is valid in this, too. The choice to attend a certain social media is a result of many individual factors. The perception of alternatives is important, as is the platform's ethical profile/affiliation to ideology. The moment the individual perceives a choice in this, the same moment we will probably see a change in these terrains.

Discuss the message, not the messenger.


#13 2021-06-27 13:48:25

Re: Ethics, and the original intent of the matrix

Ymarsakar wrote:
Happy wrote:
Ymarsakar wrote:

So humanity is at a stage where they are raping, killing, and blowing up their cities, but demand "equality" before the Federation's Governing counsels.

Nice try, Ymarsakar. smile  Thank you. What do you suggest is the opposite perspective?

People who have more power and maturity than you, will not pay any attention to you until you get some leverage, some maturity, and some power/resources of your own.

I don't understand your question, whose opposite pov?

An opposite pov to mine would be Robert 3's pov, for the most part.

An easier question to ask is: How does a child, being weaker and legally inferior to the parent, get the parent to pay attention to what the child is saying?

You appeal to their heart chakra. If they show a complete lack, you invoke higher laws. For a child, that would be informing someone like social services they are being abused. For a human, that would be doing inner work, cultivation the magical personality, and standing up for one's ideals. Using higher laws to defeat lower laws.

righteously indignant


#14 2021-06-27 14:06:57


Re: Ethics, and the original intent of the matrix

Robert369 wrote:

Yet, all the above aside: Did the original Lyrans - who if I remember right are co-founder of the GF along the Andromedans and Arcturians, who now abuse them - on Earth agree to using their planet as a gaming environment, which must be done via a contract ? If not, imposing a gaming environment on any free-will race and their planet is already violating dozens of laws, be it Universal or Natural Law or even the GF's own ones.

The result is that all their "gaming environment" is a major crime against allies, for which there is only one galactic punishment: Disintegration down to the soul level, just like it already had been done to many of the former ET controllers of Earth, and also some Cabal "people".

For this it becomes even more important to understand that the Andromedans have no home planet anymore, and by that not only have proven that they are incapable of running one. But this also is the reason why they want a planetary gaming environment, because they have no such anywhere else - and just like they ruined their own home planet in the past, they do it on Earth too, over and over again, using the excuse of "Who cares if we do a good job or not, we can just clean up the mess in the gaming environment via another reset", showing that they not only havn't learnt anything at all but in fact are unwilling to learn.

Robert - with the perspective you present here, I can understand the anger you display at times.

But I must admit I have some difficulties in seeing my own abilities to act within this focus; I  become too dependent on things that are difficult for me to change, at all. So my choice is more of an earthly entry point. That doesn't disqualify your perspective, though. And if anybody can find the connection I yet don't see in this, I believe it's you. Thank you. smile

Discuss the message, not the messenger.


#15 2021-06-27 14:15:04


Re: Ethics, and the original intent of the matrix

Humans are the people in aggregate and totality. The individuals are on these forums, however pointing out individual flaws runs counter to internet forum etiquette.

The fundamental issue revealed in newtons research is that souls have levels of maturity.

Thus those souls farther from source, are newer and weaker, cause of fractal holographic division.

In order to grow up faster, they volunteer for hardmode worlds like earth.

To the soul, an increase in consciousness of an eternal portion is more important than temporary setbacks and deaths.

The soul and spirit more accurately, is what controls all avatars as bio suits and vessels. In the same fashion that humanity does n9t give their pcs and cars human rights, spirit does not consider biological instincts the same as the spirit s higher will.

When you come to understand this, is based on your spirit s maturity level and work on earth.

Sinstraia: You are the obvious enemy of humanity. Who would dare to make an enemy of me besides the obvious enemies of humanity. Anyone, or anything with sentience can see the love I have inside of me, and my intentions and use of that love. Aligning yourself against me is aligning yourself against humanity. In no uncertain terms, you are an enemy of humanity.


#16 2021-06-27 14:38:21


Re: Ethics, and the original intent of the matrix

The phase of earth is graduation. Individuals or civs can graduate almost whenever they feel like it or every 26k years. But planes worlds like earth itself is graduating. This is much rarer. Like a country doing independence.

The dome is becoming more and more visible.

With graduation, some will transfer to another school to repeat the grade, others will be rejected and sent to be reconfigured at source sun. Those graduating will need to choose jobs, futures, missions, goals

One becomes aware of ethical principles by living life on earth. Essentially this is the double blind test. This applies to any incarnated entity, taygetan or lyran or draco.

This is the importance of shadow work. Virtues.

The taygetan or rather m45 queen hrh alen..... forgot, exemplifies what i just said. Until the federation negotiators provide her with maturity and leverage, she will not budge and will stall the federation counsels that require unanimous agreement votes.

Sorta like a usa filibuster stopping kama jo frok wrecking constitutional rights in usa.

She is a exemplary example of how those with maturity and power, do not pay attention to federation bureacrats that lack maturity and power.

As for the swaruu contact, they are not contacting most of you humans but specific starseed fequencies that they like. People who are presumably doing their work and not complaining 24 7.

That is how it usually works. Channeling or physical. They contact only those whose energy frequencies they like and match with.

I am typing on phone so those copy pasting this for machine translation, good luck. Call it density barrier.

Last edited by Ymarsakar (2021-06-27 14:40:57)

Sinstraia: You are the obvious enemy of humanity. Who would dare to make an enemy of me besides the obvious enemies of humanity. Anyone, or anything with sentience can see the love I have inside of me, and my intentions and use of that love. Aligning yourself against me is aligning yourself against humanity. In no uncertain terms, you are an enemy of humanity.


#17 2021-06-27 14:50:20


Re: Ethics, and the original intent of the matrix

Bigfeet_E wrote:

For that i stick to a vision of a golden rule:

If it isn't good for all, it isn't good at all.

This is actually an ethical standard rarely seen on Earth. Though I’ve heard it mentioned lately... smile

Bigfeet_E wrote:

This base principle that is functional as a energetic blueprint for their expansion, from the smallest to the largest body of consciousness.

I have some sense that a “holographic” type of governance is based on this.

Bigfeet_E wrote:

What is being learned with 'free will' in a space that has 'the veil of unknowing' as a condition of its matrix, [...].

Wow! I don’t often see my own perspective on “lack of knowledge” as a condition for choice, but there you present it. Thank you, Bigfeet_E! smile

Bigfeet_E wrote:

I can see how details of ethics may change, but its core must remain.

I see ethics as the "scale" in this - or "measuring stick" as Robert calls it in the video. The individual or collective standard becomes a specific measurement, or point, on that scale. The scale is admittedly and most likely multidimensional, as so many concepts. But while representing progress with frequency, it is also quantifiable; It presents reason to use ethics as a measure for how advanced a collective is. But remember: The collective is the sum of its individuals, and they are found on the scale, too. smile

Bigfeet_E wrote:

Unintended points towards innocence, intended points towards knowingly robbing one's free will of choise.

This is very exciting, Bigfeet_E! I believe you touch upon something I for a very long time had difficulties in phrasing in a comprehensible manner: The difference between moral and ethics. I’ve always met with resistance whenever I have mentioned this. But I think the way these concepts are adopted and understood disregards the most important aspect of them, namely whether the standard is communicated or not. A dissonance between the two becomes an indication of corruption, possibly regression. A lot can be said about this, however, and it is better treated in a separate thread.

Bigfeet_E wrote:

What it is Source wants to know when it is limitless and all knowing in the first place.

Is it really Source getting to know itself ?

A question arise: Is fragmentation and the resulting lack of knowledge Source’s method to get to know itself?

Discuss the message, not the messenger.


#18 2021-06-27 14:54:13


Re: Ethics, and the original intent of the matrix

Robert369 wrote:

For this it becomes even more important to understand that the Andromedans have no home planet anymore, and by that not only have proven that they are incapable of running one.

Pardon my ignorance but this quote gives me an opportunity to ask a question that has puzzled me about the Andromedan race. That is, it has always been my understanding that Andromeda is a galaxy, our closest galaxy, which I have personally seen through a telescope. Yet, in the videos of the Andromedans, and above quote, they are presented as as race (likely from a planet within our galaxy). This has been confusing for me. So can someone explain this whole Andromeda thing. Does the word have different meanings within a context?

“Truth never fears scrutiny” - Albert J Valentino


#19 2021-06-27 15:22:44


Re: Ethics, and the original intent of the matrix

Albert wrote:
Robert369 wrote:

For this it becomes even more important to understand that the Andromedans have no home planet anymore, and by that not only have proven that they are incapable of running one.

Pardon my ignorance but this quote gives me an opportunity to ask a question that has puzzled me about the Andromedan race. That is, it has always been my understanding that Andromeda is a galaxy, our closest galaxy, which I have personally seen through a telescope. Yet, in the videos of the Andromedans, and above quote, they are presented as as race (likely from a planet within our galaxy). This has been confusing for me. So can someone explain this whole Andromeda thing. Does the word have different meanings within a context?

Human classical physics is almost entirely wrong.

Thus galaxies do not exist as mass spinning around.

But the word concept is close enough for them to use.

Sinstraia: You are the obvious enemy of humanity. Who would dare to make an enemy of me besides the obvious enemies of humanity. Anyone, or anything with sentience can see the love I have inside of me, and my intentions and use of that love. Aligning yourself against me is aligning yourself against humanity. In no uncertain terms, you are an enemy of humanity.


#20 2021-06-27 15:52:21


Re: Ethics, and the original intent of the matrix

Albert wrote:

Pardon my ignorance but this quote gives me an opportunity to ask a question that has puzzled me about the Andromedan race. That is, it has always been my understanding that Andromeda is a galaxy, our closest galaxy, which I have personally seen through a telescope. Yet, in the videos of the Andromedans, and above quote, they are presented as as race (likely from a planet within our galaxy). This has been confusing for me. So can someone explain this whole Andromeda thing. Does the word have different meanings within a context?

Yes, the Andromedan word is used for two totally different and unrelated things:

The "Andromedans" in the GF and playing the Earth game in our orbit with millions of immersion pods are not to be confused with the same-named galaxy and have no relation to that. As Swaruu explained, as to their very own story they come from whatever planet (forgot the name) that they ruined and since then live in spaceships only, being supported by the Arcturians who build them, as without a home planet it is near impossible to build huge biosphere ships on their own.

Of course, there are true Andromedans from their respective galaxy, but those to my understanding have little to do with the situation and GF here.

Helping people to self-empower and liberate themselves, and by that ultimately the whole planet and beyond. See my profile for means to connect.


#21 2021-06-27 15:57:49


Re: Ethics, and the original intent of the matrix

Robert369 wrote:
Albert wrote:

Pardon my ignorance but this quote gives me an opportunity to ask a question that has puzzled me about the Andromedan race. That is, it has always been my understanding that Andromeda is a galaxy, our closest galaxy, which I have personally seen through a telescope. Yet, in the videos of the Andromedans, and above quote, they are presented as as race (likely from a planet within our galaxy). This has been confusing for me. So can someone explain this whole Andromeda thing. Does the word have different meanings within a context?

Yes, the Andromedan word is used for two totally different and unrelated things:

The "Andromedans" in the GF and playing the Earth game in our orbit with millions of immersion pods are not to be confused with the same-named galaxy and have no relation to that. As Swaruu explained, as to their very own story they come from whatever planet (forgot the name) that they ruined and since then live in spaceships only, being supported by the Arcturians who build them, as without a home planet it is near impossible to build huge biosphere ships on their own.

Of course, there are true Andromedans from their respective galaxy, but those to my understanding have little to do with the situation and GF here.

Basically people moving from california to texas

Sinstraia: You are the obvious enemy of humanity. Who would dare to make an enemy of me besides the obvious enemies of humanity. Anyone, or anything with sentience can see the love I have inside of me, and my intentions and use of that love. Aligning yourself against me is aligning yourself against humanity. In no uncertain terms, you are an enemy of humanity.


#22 2021-06-27 20:22:27


Re: Ethics, and the original intent of the matrix

I have to wonder if humanity has ever made any real progress or if we were to make any progress now would it be manipulated away with the blame going to the humans (which is where it only seems to land anyway). I am wondering if any true progress will be allowed to occur if the goal is perpetuating 3D. The planetary ascension has been known for some time, how they would keep this world 3D has been planned for some time, transhumanism has been planned for some time (and the idea did not originate with humanity).  So I think it is a valid question if we are really being given a choice or is it just the illusion of choice to satisfy the rules or legal requirements within the game. I am not trying to play the victim or say that the work should not be done by humanity but it is important to consider the real root cause of Earth’s failures. It may be that this is about more than just the “wanted experience” and resource exploitation of the planet conveniently put on the shoulders of humanity and the nightmares they create.  If there is truly regressive creep within the GF there are likely bigger issues at hand that will continue to grow.  I would like to think that the Earth situation is serving as a catalyst for real change but time will tell.


#23 2021-06-28 11:50:54


Re: Ethics, and the original intent of the matrix

Jules77 wrote:

I have to wonder if humanity has ever made any real progress or if we were to make any progress now would it be manipulated away with the blame going to the humans (which is where it only seems to land anyway). I am wondering if any true progress will be allowed to occur if the goal is perpetuating 3D. The planetary ascension has been known for some time, how they would keep this world 3D has been planned for some time, transhumanism has been planned for some time (and the idea did not originate with humanity).  So I think it is a valid question if we are really being given a choice or is it just the illusion of choice to satisfy the rules or legal requirements within the game. I am not trying to play the victim or say that the work should not be done by humanity but it is important to consider the real root cause of Earth’s failures. It may be that this is about more than just the “wanted experience” and resource exploitation of the planet conveniently put on the shoulders of humanity and the nightmares they create.  If there is truly regressive creep within the GF there are likely bigger issues at hand that will continue to grow.  I would like to think that the Earth situation is serving as a catalyst for real change but time will tell.

Thr situation is similar to 50 murders and shootings a day in chicago, but instead of more policez the mayor gives funding to racists in dc and lobby groups.

Whether dc corruption exists or not, is not going to fix chicago dying.

In that sense, whatever a federation is, is not important for individual liberation.

Humanity has always had this tendency to bypass personal work and intrgration on attempting to change thr world. Instead of changing themselves.

Last edited by Ymarsakar (2021-06-28 11:52:54)

Sinstraia: You are the obvious enemy of humanity. Who would dare to make an enemy of me besides the obvious enemies of humanity. Anyone, or anything with sentience can see the love I have inside of me, and my intentions and use of that love. Aligning yourself against me is aligning yourself against humanity. In no uncertain terms, you are an enemy of humanity.


#24 2021-06-28 20:05:22


Re: Ethics, and the original intent of the matrix

While inner work is very important (you must be of service to self before you can be of service to others) it is much more than that. If there are regressive elements within the GF manipulating outcomes it is a big problem and further intervention would be required.  This was the premise of my post and not individual liberation (where inner work would be required in that regard).


#25 2021-06-28 21:25:43


Re: Ethics, and the original intent of the matrix

Jules77 wrote:

While inner work is very important (you must be of service to self before you can be of service to others) it is much more than that. If there are regressive elements within the GF manipulating outcomes it is a big problem and further intervention would be required.  This was the premise of my post and not individual liberation (where inner work would be required in that regard).

It ia generally not a big problem or even specific problem to me.
. Since unlocking the divine dna and source access bypasses these weaker civilizations and realms.

Nor do i need nor desire intervention.

Without individual liberation, you or anyone will constantly be in need of some external help or intervention.

At my current stage, i am the one controlling the federation and timelines, not the other way around. Not a very common pov.

This is why i tie liberation with intervention.

Sinstraia: You are the obvious enemy of humanity. Who would dare to make an enemy of me besides the obvious enemies of humanity. Anyone, or anything with sentience can see the love I have inside of me, and my intentions and use of that love. Aligning yourself against me is aligning yourself against humanity. In no uncertain terms, you are an enemy of humanity.


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