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#26 2021-09-05 17:02:13


Re: power output of starship engines in TeV

Robert369 wrote:

Thank you for your appreciative words.

enkiorenlil wrote:

what I am trying to say is, negative ones are not being allowed to spread into higher positive realities.
they have all the tech but still they won't make it. not because their tech is wrong but because everything is construction and higher ones won't let them in no matter how high their tech is.

I mean we can create a tech to reach Atlantis 2.0 but then the higher ones will come and destroy it again.
the only thing we can do is prove them that we are not one of the negative ones. to prove that we have less percentage of negative ones inside us.
because we are all contaminated by just existing in this world.

Actually, technology never can go beyond consciousness power/frequency, because it is consciousness that created the matter (made of relatively low frequency) which technology is made of. This means that using technology you always will be confined to frequencies lower than matter frequency.

Thus, if you fully want to enable yourself (aka raise your frequency beyond the material world to enable "superhuman abilities" - which actually are exactly human abilities, while the term was coined by the Cabals to make them sound "unnormal" and thus silly/undesirable), you need to learn to not rely on technology for as many things as possible. But but suitable technology is good to get there, as it can teach you a lot and also paves the way with required conveniences that allow focusing on personal growth instead of survival.

regarding consciousness :
yes I heard it many times that consciousness comes first. even though I haven't experienced it yet because they also say consciousness is energy and what I have with this body is not real consciousness.

regarding developing tech:
I would always agree that there should be no good reason to keep us that low. this world that we are being force to live in is not even optimum. this way of running business here does not serve to no one I guess because it could be done in more productive way for all parties.

so I say yes more tech is needed at the moment to make us reach a certain point.
but I also need to make a point here:
there is a division what was described us as science vs spirituality.
I wouldn't  explain things this way but just to make my point to you :

instead of developing sympathy, empathy and eventually telepathy among humans in order to communicate with each other effectively,
we were herded into creating mobile phone technology.
here I am not saying that tech is evil and we should all end up becoming spiritual. but I think they are handing over us some tech to guide our way of living into a certain direction.

at some point we should be able to turn our face to correct way of living. which should be aligned with the world we are living in. and destroying our environment ( possessing materials in our world without their consent) in order to produce cellphones or cars isn't the correct way of living and if we keep living like this, no tech will enable us to reach a higher world.

I think we are agreeing each other dont you think so?


#27 2021-09-06 00:05:45


Re: power output of starship engines in TeV

Both taygeta and urmah have discovered the truth of my words that technomogy is not the key to ascending into the next higher density as a civilization.

They prefer a more simpler life that does not rely on tech as much. They cannot bypass it like yazhi can but taygeta and urmah are closer than humanity still.

Sinstraia: You are the obvious enemy of humanity. Who would dare to make an enemy of me besides the obvious enemies of humanity. Anyone, or anything with sentience can see the love I have inside of me, and my intentions and use of that love. Aligning yourself against me is aligning yourself against humanity. In no uncertain terms, you are an enemy of humanity.


#28 2021-09-06 00:19:22


Re: power output of starship engines in TeV

Ymarsakar wrote:

Both taygeta and urmah have discovered the truth of my words that technomogy is not the key to ascending into the next higher density as a civilization.

Technology allows to get out of 3D to 5D, where it is possible to finally develop consciousness skills and drop more and more technology.

Without a basic set of technology to get started it is near impossible to leave 3D - especially in an ET enforced oppression and enslavement environment like in our 3D Matrix -, because in 3D already people have mostly lost the connection to the higher planes as much as to disallow going the path merely by spiritual means - at least for the majority of the population, which is who the assisting technology is for.

The problem is that once in 5D, dropping the conveniences and habits of using technology is hard for most, as the temptation of effortless using a device for many is larger than the desire for personal growth through putting actual into spiritual work. Which includes an overly dualistic way of thinking, religions and many other programmings that basically stem from regressive influence.

Instead, people who desire personal growth need to learn that none of this influence is useful but focus on what they really want and can do. And that should be easy enough in a 5D environment where no hardships in regards to survival exist anymore - especially if comparing to 3D.

Helping people to self-empower and liberate themselves, and by that ultimately the whole planet and beyond. See my profile for means to connect.


#29 2021-09-06 13:59:53


Re: power output of starship engines in TeV

I heard many sad stories about how races ended up being stuck in holographic realities after they put their original vessel in stasis chambers and upload their consciousness in to the system.

they had to do it in the first place because their planet was dying or their race was dying.

I am not sure why they can not come back anymore, maybe because their original bodies got too old, or too much transgression they had while in there, or they spend too much time and lost the incentive to do better.

so compared to them, at least on earth there is a biological vessel that we can still incarnate in and nature around us that is still nurturing  our bodies.

if we can, the first thing we should demand and fight for is this planet. but it looks like they will never allow that.

regarding tech:

I think non of us can say no to tech when there are people suffering for cancer, hunger, inequality and so on...
we need it. they made us need it. there is no choice.


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