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#1 2021-09-25 01:33:02

"Malignant Normality" and its persistence into 5d … ty-doctors

A good article on malignant normality and doctors that's fitting for the times. It takes very few actual sociopaths and many apaths to create tyranny, injustice and stagnancy in a given societal structure. Based on my research and knowledge from introspection and connection to my guidance system, I am aware that this problem persists into 5d, not only in the obvious places like the federation and "unemotional" races, but even in more advanced societies with emotions. Taygetan society is not exempt from this problem, not by a longshot.

Take the original Toleka crew for example. Only 30 followed HRH Alenym and Swaruu on the original mission. Mainstream Taygetan society, including the elders, did not want to listen to the starseeds, including their own leaders. They undermined and marginalized them, and who knows, maybe even that is an understatement. They certainly knew of the Federation corruption all along, and not only tolerated, but embraced it. Who's to say they weren't involved in shady federation activities up to this day? They were involved in the selective breeding programs of old Egypt, for one thing, that brought Terrans and Pleiadeans together only to tear them apart and use their offspring as puppet rulers.

Participating in such projects would certainly give Taygetan elders more pull and prestige within the framework of the federation. So methinks that maybe malignant normality was the situation before they started listening to reason, which resulted in the recent launch of the Ventra mission and return of the Toleka.

Age and experience in linear time mean nothing if all of it is spent becoming more cynical and jaded, weeding out emotion and empathy, becoming more malignantly normal, and losing the child/fool vibrance, heart, innocence, and curiosity. That type of stale, regressive attitude can puff my Peter Pan complex.

So let's watch that when Earth becomes 5d, we never get so complacent that we let apathy and malignant normality overtake, for that invites the slippery slope towards regressivism and tyrannies like the federation.

righteously indignant


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