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#26 2022-09-03 09:52:43

Re: The four main tenets of Satanism

Jupiter wrote:
Crystal Dragon wrote:

Jim Stav, thank you for your post. I've suspected something like this was the case. To me, there is just fundamentally something insane and unclean about this universe reflected in the Earth situation and the actions of the federation, and even the policies of the Taygetans now compared to their original plans and ideals pre-2020. It's like some sort of heartless ugliness and madness permeates the whole structure of our perceivable universe like a corrupted line of coding that causes it to be one big engine of suffering and entropy.

I've always felt that this was part of my mission here, to bust the system on a universal scale. This is exactly why I don't sit around thinking that all of these 5d races somehow know better than myself or other starseeds. Their comfortable lives make them blissfully unaware of higher levels of a corrupted matrix, and how they are playing the roles of agents of this corruption.

I wouldn't say their ideals changed, it is their understanding that changed when they arrived here. The situation on Earth is a complex mess, and even the ETs don't fully understand it.

Aneeka describes very well in this excerpt, what she was told at the "Academy" before coming here and what she found when she came here.

From Pleiades To Earth - Experience of an ET.

And it makes me wonder how many starseed are here in immersion not understanding the situation on Earth and what they were getting into.

Too many I suspect, and I think that is by design.  The problem I think, is the other groups are waking up to this fact and are forcing certain things...

Cosplayer and prop/costume maker.  Taking cutting edge tech and making science fiction into real life with mostly movie accurate builds.


#27 2022-09-03 09:53:02


Re: The four main tenets of Satanism

Little expansion on the 3rd tenet.
Why people are being ruled by other people/entities/beings? Not only because the rulers are ruthless and superior in violence/threat, also because those are regressive - backward beings and they live life based on fear and survival. They want to control others because they do not trust them and not able to trust them, also they may fear them for various reasons. Also because they want something to gain that others that are controlled will not give them if not controlled. Like the tulpas that want you to live in fear but usually you do not want to live in fear. And usually you will not give them your attention with being scared.

Lets expand more. How those that are being controlled become controlled? How they let happen this slavery to them? Because they lack consciousness to see what is been done to them. Because they do not take responsibility for their personal life and are ready to let others to govern their life. And because with this lacking of consciousness they are not capable to create some kind of sustainable society that can defend itself from any kind of intrusive enemy.

Last edited by mitkobs (2022-09-04 04:20:05)


#28 2022-09-03 10:16:36


Re: The four main tenets of Satanism

Lets analyze a bit the 4th.
They say only the strongest and the most intelligent have to procreate. Everyone else have to die because they are useless eaters. And they say it is like that in nature(God made nature this way) so they are allowed to decide who to live and who to die, like the predators in nature who allegedly decide who to chase, kill and eat.

What most likely will happen to a society if only the most strongest(ruthless) and most intelligent(cunning) continue to live. Can such society even exists with only such type of people, everyone ruthless and cunning. That is my point.


#29 2022-09-04 04:31:18


Re: The four main tenets of Satanism

Animal nature is deep rooted in this ideology. The main problem is the human being is not an animal. Satanists want to make an animal of you, to act/react as an animal.

So what is the main difference between animal and human. It's the instinctive nature. Animal cannot control its urges and impulses. Animal have a impulse of being hungry for example, it have to eat immediately and it fallows its urges to the point of relieving itself.

Human have instincts yes but the difference is that we can be conscious about our instincts and make conscious choices to act or not to act. We can override mindless reactions. In some rare cases instinct go forward when there is no time for thinking, mindless reaction can save our life, a moment with life and death situation. So this is the only one reasonable time when instinct is useful for a mindful consciously aware human being.

Last edited by mitkobs (2022-09-04 04:33:53)


#30 2022-09-04 11:48:00


Re: The four main tenets of Satanism

Very interesting topic wich has to be adressed in everyones life at some point.
It prompted me to post this large post, wich is an exerpt from Arn Allingham's book 1:The Ascension Papers Chapter 10 "What is Evil"
I'm sorry if the volume came out somewhat larger then expected, but those that are interested won't mind reading it.

As the topic is around Satan-ism, i thought it might be appropriate to adressing the nature of the being they worship itself, along with the difference between Lucifer, Satan and the Devil 'personage-concepts' in a row. The format of the discussion is between the author/channeler Arn (Zingdad or Z)and his teacher in this case "8", as their self reference, pointing towards their dimension/density state of being. Actually on the brink between 7 and 8 , as seen from an octave type of cathegory explanation instead of a 12 based one.

I have in the past sort of made several references to his work(s), as they contain so much usefull information that synergyges beautifly with Yahzi's visions, imo, and does so even more elaborately as far as i'm concerned. It was my main breakthrough source of information way before i came across Cosmic Agency, just to clarify. Yet i've noticed very little response, wich is ok of course. And so i take this oppertunity to point again to this work, through this topic.

If this is considered unwanted by the mods or administrator, i'll understand and will comply. It has been always a bit blurry to what can be posted and what not in the past history of this forum. My motive isn't advertising at all, but in the spirit of understanding and revealing spiritual content in the first place, just to make that clear.

Anyway, thanks to mitkobs for starting the topic smile 

Lucifer, Satan and the Devil

Z: Oh, yes. This should be interesting...

8: Oh, it will be. But before we get started, I wish to briefly point something out. The words and names you use in your world are very imprecise things. One of the many reasons for this is that people ascribe different meanings to words. Some words are more prone than others to having diverse meanings and these names, Lucifer, Satan and the Devil, more so than most. And when you consider that, on the whole, these words are an attempt by those behind the Veil to describe what is beyond it... well it is bound to lead to some confusion.
And this provides me with a challenge. In being willing to describe and discuss the beings that may be represented by these three names, I am going to have to exercise some editorial control. I am going to discuss the beings that I believe are the closest match for these names. That is the best I can do, so it will have to suffice.

Z: Okay. But I don't see the problem...

8: Please understand. There is no one single being anywhere who answers to any of these names. Where such beings might exist, the very concept of a name is meaningless. It is only in your very, very limited sphere of existence that these names exist at all.

Let's take Lucifer, for example. The name literally means something like, "that which carries light". So, should I try to find the greatest carrier of the light and describe that being to you?

Or should I instead look within the cultures that pre-date yours, from whom you inherited this concept, and see that this name refers, quite literally, to the planet Venus?

Or should I look deeper into those early cultures and see the allegorical value that they ascribed to Venus and see how this story corresponds somewhat to a greater story of your reality?

Or should I look at the babble of contrasting views offered by the many religions in your reality and somehow try to sift out to whom it is that they refer with this name? Because, I can tell you, there are a good number of different beings and principles that could all answer to the description thus provided!

Z: Ah. Now I begin to see the problem.

8: So, I am simply stating upfront that the understandings that follow are my best attempt to deal with this complexity and ambiguity in a way that is both useful and truthful.

Z: Thanks, 8. I understand and accept your offer to deal with this as you
think best.

8: Thank you. Although I have already begun to talk about Lucifer, I find it would better serve our purposes if we first talked about the Devil and then I continue with Lucifer next. Are you amenable?

Z: Sure, no problem. But does that mean that these are different beings?

8: They sometimes get conflated together. But in my view they are indeed different beings.


The Devil

The Devil occurs in one guise or another in a number of your religions. But it is, quite simply, an entirely fictitious construct created by those religions themselves.

The sponsoring thought from which the Devil springs is that the religion in question's doctrine is perfect and flawless and therefore unarguable and undeniable. It is, after all, the "word of God", or at least the word of God as spoken by His very best representatives. Do you see the problem?

Z: No. I don't understand how that could be the sponsoring thought for the Devil.

8: It wouldn't be if everyone in the world who ever came into contact with this particular doctrine just immediately accepted it. I mean, surely, the word of God should brook no opposition? Surely all who encountered it should immediately have their hearts swayed and immediately fall in line and believe. So either the scriptures in question are not the word of God, or...

Z:... or there is some powerful supernatural agency interfering with things?

8: Exactly! And so, enter stage left, bearing horns and a trident, a certain goatish fellow of ill repute.

Z: (laughs) 8, you crack me up!

8: (laughs) I do. But this is a serious subject. Think, for example, of medieval Europe. This was a time when a small group of men had nearly absolute power, based upon the fact that they were religious leaders. Their word was law. And their authority came, they said, from God. They were, they said, God's agents on Earth. Power, wealth and status was theirs and there was no-one who could challenge them. Or was there? Occasionally there would arise various spiritual views, which diminished their power.
Some of these ideas would gain popularity, as ordinary people found them to be preferable to the ideas espoused by the church. And then, what would happen? The church would come down on this heresy with a heavy hand. And of course, the justification was that these heretics were inspired by the Devil. So the church would send someone to persuade the heretics to change their minds and to again affirm that the church's line was the only correct one. And the fact that these confessions were extracted with
torture and the fact that the end product was almost always death for the heretic, was seen as an acceptable price for the saving of the heretic's soul from the clutches of the Devil. At one point it got so bad that genocide was committed on the population of a whole region in the South of France, ostensibly for heresy. The Cathars were a distinct cultural group who were both prosperous and spiritually advanced. Greedy eyes desired their land and the church was easily swayed to declare heresy as a pretext for
exterminating them to steal what was theirs. This mission to exterminate the Cathars was, in fact, the first crusade.

So the subject of the Devil is a deadly serious one. But not for the reasons you might have thought. It is serious because the Devil has been invoked as justification for some of the most egregiously vile acts ever committed in your history.

It has been the same in a great many of the wars that have raged upon your planet too. Each time one group wants to go out and slaughter another, some benighted soul will get it into his head to claim that God is on their side, that the opposite side are for the Devil and that it is their holy duty to kill as many of the "devil worshippers" as possible.

And, sad to say, this kind of thinking did not end in the dark ages. Still to this day each minuscule splinter of each religion everywhere claims some kind of special truth. Some kind of greater connection with God. And then they claim that every other splinter and every other religion has, to some degree or another, been lead astray by... you guessed it... the Devil. And each time someone leaves their religion or lapses it is, of course, the Devil who led them astray. And to them it would not matter in the least bit if the person in question found a greater sense of peace and harmony outside of their religion. Still they would be wrong and still it would be the work of the Devil.

And you can see the logic. As long as you require your specific and exclusive story to be the only truth and the only word of God, then you are going to have some considerable difficulty if something comes along that can powerfully argue against your doctrine. The creation of the notion of the Devil is a very powerful defence. It keeps you "right" and it makes the opposing story even more wrong without you even needing to examine the ideas you are holding to be true. In fact, the more powerful the opposing ideas are, the greater the evidence that they are "inspired by the Devil". Because such a powerful and cunning argument can only come
from the Devil. Right?

Z: Whew! I see the argument. But how do you deal with that?

8: You don't. It is not your job to win converts. If someone so badly needs to hold onto their specific belief that they need to believe that all other beliefs are inspired by the Devil, then you should let them do just that. Don't try to change their mind. If you go out to persuade people that their beliefs and ideas are wrong, then you are committing spiritual violence. Don't do it. Remember – what you do to others, you do to yourself also. And, as you don't wish to have others trying to change your beliefs for you, so you should not do this to others.

Find what is right and true for you. Live that. And, just as you love to be able to learn from others, so you may share your truth as a gift; offer it, but offer it openly and lovingly. Allow others to take from your truth if they so desire, but do not attach yourself to the need that they should agree with you or be changed by what you say.

If you do this, then the Devil will cease to matter to you. You will not come into contact with those who are creating this construct.

Z: This is a very interesting thought, 8. I had not previously considered it possible that the Devil is actually created by those who claim to hate him.

8: It is a very important realisation. Remember that you create with your attention. Whatever you focus on, you bring into being. Not only the things you like, but the things you dislike too. And the more powerful the emotions, the more powerful the creation. So, yes, hate creates! It certainly does. Less powerfully than love, but it still creates.

So what you should take from this is the realisation that it would serve you well to release all hatred from your own being. These powerful negative emotions simply bring to your life that which you don't want. Focus your attention and thoughts and creations on that which you love, and you shall get that which you do want.

Do you see?

Z: I do. Thank you, 8.

So, if the Devil is created by those who claim to be in opposition to him, does that mean the Devil is not real?

8: Ah ha! I am so glad that you asked that question! Because the answer to this is both interesting and important.

No. I am not saying that the Devil is not real. In fact, quite the opposite. He is real. If he were not real, then you would not be creator-beings! So many of you have focused so much attention and emotional energy on this construct that it has taken on an independent validity. A great many people, over a good deal of time, have externalised into this being all that they have found to be unacceptable and repugnant within themselves and their world. Everything that is vile and disgusting and unlovable has been divorced from the Self and the world and embedded in the Devil. That's a whole lot of energy, life and creative force! So, yes, creators, you have created. You have created many wondrous and magnificent things and you have created some very sad and painful things too. The Devil is not one of your happier creations.

Z: I am at a loss for words. Wow. So what now? What do we do about this?

8: You grow up. I have said it before in this conversation and I say it again. The mark of an adult is one who takes responsibility for his or her life. The mark of a spiritually mature being is one that takes responsibility for its creations. And this is what you must do. If you take responsibility for everything in your life and your experience, if you take responsibility for everything you have ever done or said, if you take ownership of who and what you are, then there is no place for the Devil in your life. There is no need, value or desire in your being for some other who is responsible for the "wrong", so that you can be "right". If you take total, absolute and
ultimate responsibility for all that you are, then this little creation shows itself to be a fable. You release it from yourself and your life.

Z: But what about others who are still holding onto it?

8: Not your problem. Or are you their rescuer?

Z: Ah! No, I am not.

8: So?

Z: So then I am fine. If there is such a thing as the Devil, then it is simply me showing myself that I have not taken responsibility for myself. I should respond by growing up and taking ownership of my experiences and my creations. Then it has no further bearing on my life.

8: That is a good response. Shall we move on?

Z: Okay thanks.

8: Next you wanted to know about...


Z: Yes, please. Is this also a fictitious being that we have created? Or is it a
real being and truly the source of all evil?

8: That which would be the best fit for the name, Lucifer, very much does exist. And he might well be called the "inventor of evil" but probably not the "source of all evil".

Z: A surprising answer!

8: There is more to come. A good deal more. What follows now is a very important story. If you understand the story of Lucifer, then you understand much. But to tell the story correctly, I need to step back a bit and tell you of the creation of your reality and proceed from there to tell the tale of Lucifer.

Z: Okay. Let's hear it!

8: It goes like this:

In the beginning was the ONE and the ONE was all and all was balance and harmony. Then, from within the great stillness, the perfect peace of the ONE, arose awareness of Self. “Here I am,” said the ONE. And with that awareness, arose curiosity: “Here I am... but what am I?” And so it was that the ONE desired to discover Itself and that desire was curiosity and curiosity's expression was pure creativity. And out of creativity arose different parts to the ONE, which were all explored.

And All That Is, in every reality that ever has, and ever will be, created, is all just the ONE answering this same, basic ancient question: “What am I?”

And since the ONE is truly infinite, this is a question that will never be answered to its completeness. The answering is a process that will continue to unfold for all of eternity. And it is the process of the answering, not the answer, that is the purpose of every mote of consciousness in All That Is.

And so it is that every single mote of consciousness everywhere always begins its journey with a similar dawning of its consciousness. As it first gains self-awareness, so it begins to discover itself: "Here I am. But what am I?" It is really and truly so that this is the way every single beingness has begun. It is so because it is the way the ONE began. From what is, self-awareness dawns and self-discovery and curiosity, is the means by which self-awareness is expressed. And so it is that the first act of consciousness is always this curiosity about Self. "Here I am. But what am I?"

Indeed, at every level of your being, from the very highest right down to the very smallest particle of Self engaged here in the deepest density, it is true that the only function and purpose you really and truly have... is to discover yourself. To find out who and what you really are. This is the purpose you began with, and this will continue to be your purpose for all eternity. Discover yourself. Know yourself. Express yourself. Be what you are, to the fullest possible extent.

And, when you understand that this is what drives the ONE, this very desire for discovery of the Self, then you understand that every time you discover yourself a little more, you are contributing to the ONE. Then you are an aspect of the ONE that is being "successful". Then you are contributing to the ONE's greater self-knowledge. And the more grandly you discover yourself, the more grandly you are contributing. And so, it should be obvious, that if you can procure a situation in which you could catalyse other Selves, other aspects of the ONE, to quickly and very powerfully attain a greater degree of self-knowledge, then you would be
doing a very great service to the ONE indeed.

Z: And what happens at the journey's end, 8? What happens when I have finally and completely discovered myself?

8: We are digressing, but it is an interesting question. So I shall answer. You can never cease discovering yourself. You see, you can always, if you try, create more. And, in so doing, you can realise that there is more that you did not know about yourself. But, that said, there can be an end to the journey. Any time you really and truly wish the journey to end, you simply return yourself wholly and completely to the ONE. You cease your separation, your creation, your expression and your discovery and then you gift all that you are to the oneness. When you do this, then your consciousness merges completely with the ONE until there is no separation within you. Until there is only ONE. In so doing, you make the ultimate discovery about yourself: you discover that you are so utterly and completely one with the ONE that you realize that you are all there ever was and all there ever will be. That all the journeying and adventuring and discovering and creating was all just you discovering yourself. That it's only ever been you. You, and all your many other aspects of Self, playing out every single role and creating every single creation in All That Is.

That is what lies at the end of the journey, should you so choose it. And even if, and when, you do choose it, in choosing it you will discover that there is still an on-going, never-ending process of self-creation and self-discovery. And still it is you doing this. Now it's just you, as the ONE.

And that is the story. In fact I would say it is the only story. It is your story, my story and the story of every other particle of consciousness that ever was. You get permutations and variations in the story as beings strive to discover themselves in different ways, but that too is all just a part of the story of self-discovery.

Z: I feel such a quiet, comfortable resonance with this. I understand and know what you have told me to be true. Thank you for telling me this.

8: It is my pleasure. But now, to get back to Lucifer's story, we need to backtrack to a point before this universe and the whole separation reality existed. So we return our narrative to the ONE.

In the mind of the ONE there was an on-going exploration into Its own nature and beingness. And it came to be that many themes and variations of what the ONE is had been explored by the many parts of the ONE and the many parts of the ONE had grown adept at interacting with each other in their joyful quest for expansion and discovery. And so things proceeded until a new question dawned upon the ONE: “What if I were not one? What if I were many?” And this thought created a ripple of disturbance amongst the other parts of the ONE. It was a troubling thought. Troubling to contemplate. It felt dangerous. It opened the door to, “What if I am not the only one?” and, “Am I alone?” and, “Are there others such as I?” and, “If there are others, how shall I find them?” All of these, and many more troubling questions, lay on the other side of the door that had now been opened and most of the parts of the ONE were troubled and shied away from this question.

But the thoughts of the ONE are not as the thoughts of a man. The thoughts of the ONE are alive. Each thought is, itself, an angelic being of unimaginable creative power. And this thought was a Bright One who was vast, and terrible in its beauty. Such a being as could comprehend in its mind the impossibility of separation and manyness within the oneness. This thought of the ONE was Lucifer and Lucifer was the thought. And the thought took form and began its mighty journey of discovery: “Here I am now. But what am I?”

And as Lucifer began to explore, discover and create itself, so this Bright One drew itself from the rest of the ONE; it drew a cloak made from the stuff of its own consciousness around itself that it might be made alone.




All one unto itself and apart from all others. Separate. Apart. Removed. And so, cloaked within its own mind, Lucifer was the first of the ONE's creations ever to conceive of not-oneness. Lucifer's thoughts were his own. And for the first time in All That Is, one being uttered the word, “I”, and it was not the ONE speaking. One being conceptualised, “me” and “self” as a truth that was independent of the other creations of the ONE. And ego was born.

And as Lucifer sank deeper into his forgetting of the ONE, so he found only that which he created in his own mind to be real and true.

And all the angels of the ONE stood in awe for they could see that truly it had been accomplished: a part of the ONE had made Itself separate. Though it was illusory and untrue, for the Bright One was still there in their company and held forever in the heart of the ONE, still it was also true that Lucifer had lost himself deep within his own cloak of forgetting. The Bright One had turned his sight inwards and sealed his perspective such that he could not see the glory and magnificence of the ONE in whose heart forever he was cradled.

And so it was that the first part of the question was being answered. The ONE had asked, “What if I were not one?” and Lucifer knew not-oneness and so he, himself, was the answer. But such an answer is not a simple thing. The answer exists in its unfoldment, in its process. And so, for a veritable eternity, Lucifer would busy himself with the exploration of every possible variation to this answer until it is complete. Until it is answered. And then his creation will be done and he will return his creation to the ONE and himself to wholeness and oneness.

And as Lucifer worked on his creations, so too was there still a desire to know, “What if I were many?” and that desire was the motivation for some of those angels of the ONE who were most adept at creation and discovery, who were most sure of their inherent beingness, to drew nearer to Lucifer that they too might pass a part of their consciousnesses through the cloak that he had cast about himself. And, as they did, they found themselves entering the mind-scape of Lucifer. And they entered also into the deep forgetting that is separation from the ONE.

Some of this angelic host retained a great deal of their self-possession. Even though they passed through the cloak of forgetting, they managed to remember that they were, indeed, all part of the ONE. And so they entered very shallowly into the vast and expanding realm that the Bright One was creating within Its own mind. A mind-scape that would exponentially expand to always encompass all that any mind can imagine or comprehend of in separation. These angels that remembered themselves, that retained the awareness of the divine connection between all things, began to play and explore and create. And together they created glorious and rich interplays of their light. Like children creating sand castles, they played. And they sang songs of love to one another and gave their gifts freely and such was the beauty and splendour of their creations together that it rang through the mind of Lucifer and touched his heart. And he was reminded and he knew: “Yes, I am, I am, I am. And I am one with the ONE, I am,” and so Lucifer awoke from his slumber and returned to the host with love in his heart.

Z: He what? No he didn't. That's not how the story goes!

8: Isn't it?

Z: No. It can't be. I mean, I was following the story and all kinds of things were making sense to me. Such as that the Veil that J-D introduced me to is Lucifer's cloak. I felt an amazing dawning of realisation with that. So I liked the story. Except the ending. As nice as it is, it can't be true. Because here we are now. Here is the universe and the world and human
civilisation and all of this pain and separation stuff. So that's not it.

8: You aren't wrong. But what you haven't understood is that there are many iterations to this story. This first version is true enough... as far as any such stories can be. But this is very difficult to explain to you because you insist on your linear view of things. If you can simply understand that there are many, many iterations of this story and that all of them happened, not one-after-the-other, not even “all at once” but just that all are true and all happened, then I can tell you of another iteration.

Z: Okay. I think I can cope with that. Because, of course, the level at which these things occur is outside of time, is it not?

8: In ways that you will simply not be able to comprehend, this is so, yes.

Z: Okay, so these other iterations?

8: With each version of this story, a new variation was tried; a new permutation of the game of separation. With each variation, the angels became more and more adventurous as regards their choices and what they would be willing to do and try beyond the Veil. You see, the great consciousnesses experience their imaginings with creation. When such beings wonder, "What if?", then they actually create a reality where it is so. They can then see, within themselves and their own experiences, how that would be. And so it was that the angels created new realms and realities beyond number. And each overflowed with light and life and beauty. Each reality was the love that flowed naturally and easily from the hearts and minds of the angels. And so, as beautiful as this all was, the outcome was always the same: in short order all parts of the ONE that were beyond the Veil would find such high expressions of love together that they would be returned, together with Lucifer, to oneness.

And then it came to the mind of Lucifer that the problem was one of creating a mechanism that would counter the drive to oneness; a wedge that would allow the angels themselves to create more and more separateness between themselves so that their expressions could multiply. So that their expressions could create new expressions of their own. And, with great excitement, Lucifer drew his cloak once more with a new thought in his mind.

And as it is with the ONE, so too it is with the angels. Their thoughts are life and that life will be manifest. And this time, into the mind of Lucifer, beyond the cloak of separation was born this new thought: The Adversary. And this being's very nature and purpose was to be dissent. To be an agent of eternal separation. To provide the most powerful inducement to all other particles of consciousness to remain beyond the Veil. That was Lucifer's new thought and it was the gift he gave to the angelic host in their latest iteration of the game.

And this brings me to the last name on our list.


At its origin, the root of the word, "Satan," means something very like, "The Adversary".

And so, as the angels entered also into forgetting and began again the game of rediscovering and remembering Self, so they found amongst their number a dark one. The very shadow of the light of Lucifer. One could very well say that Lucifer was Satan's Inner-Self.

And, as this new one began to discover Itself, it discovered that It was not love and not kindness. The opposite of that. For Lucifer invented, for the purposes of the deepening of the creations beyond the Veil, the very soul of antagonism. Hatred. Wilful destructiveness. Aggression. Manipulation. Malevolence. Yes... evil. That which takes from you your right to choose.
Squeeze a being into believing that it has no options and force it to your will and you will have stung quite badly that being's sense of what is fair and right. That being will go to quite some effort to repay the favour. And bingo... suddenly those beyond the Veil became embroiled in a whole new game. The angels found themselves reacting with shock and rage to this new interloper in their games of loving creation. Their rage caused a fragmentation: on the one side a being that is love and oneness... and on the other, a being that wishes to strike back and enact justice and revenge. And so trust was broken in the hearts of the hurt parts of the ONE. And in such a state, when they encountered one another, they reacted to each other with fear and their fear led them to create pain and harm for each other. And truly, they too became adversarial. They began to act more and more as The Adversary did. And so it came to be that deeper and deeper layers were created by ever greater acts of separation and fragmentation of the souls of the parts of the ONE.

And so it was.

The tale that flows from this becomes far too complex to do justice to in a linear fashion. You'd really need to see it with a multidimensional mind to understand it correctly; as you eventually will when you are done with incarnation. But at least you have the beginnings of the story and of how things came to be as they are.

But if we can skip forward in the story, then we can find beings becoming so hurt by their interactions with each other than they can no longer believe that they are creating themselves or their experiences. And so they tumble another step deeper into separation... into a state called duality. Such beings believe, of course, that they are weak little creations and that the creator is “someone else”. And this belief allows for a vastly more complex reality to come into being. There is scope for far greater manyness when all the parts involved do not believe that they are creating their experiences. Much richer creation can play out. And it does.

Your whole universe, as you experience it, exists well within this level of consciousness.

In due course, Adamu will tell you some amazing stories. Stories of creation where whole civilisations tumbled down from high consciousness to low. Stories of life and love and stories of war and chaos.

These are the stories of separation in its fullest expression.

And your world, life on planet Earth, is a very important part of this great story. You will enjoy very much, I am sure, to hear from Adamu how it all knits together.

But behind all of the great stories, there are individuals. Sentient, living, conscious beings. Such as you are – the human beings of planet Earth. Across the whole universe and beyond, these are the stories of your lives, your struggles and your triumphs, all in the face of the impossible odds provided by The Adversary and his willing minions; those who gave their will over to Satan. Those who chose to bear his standard and fight his fight. Those who served only greater separation and division.

But throughout that fight, right from the loftiest levels of consciousness, right down to the deepest and densest depths, as a result of our interactions with Satan and his minions, those who were beyond the Veil felt things like fear and hatred. We separated ourselves more and more from each other. We broke our sense of oneness. We fell down deeper into the lower densities. We built up layer upon layer of darkness upon our own souls. We lost faith in ourselves and trust in one another. We learned to expect the worst of each other. We learned to treat each other like interests of The Adversary. Objects to use and abuse for our own ends. And this was how our own creator-nature responded to our experiences. That is to say, as soon as we began to see evil around us, so we began to create more evil from within ourselves. To one degree or another we became the agents of separation. We ourselves became the adversary. Every time we chose fear, hate, anger, and separation over love, kindness, joy and unity, we served the interests of The Adversary.

And all of us have done this. All of us. Some of us have done this powerfully enough to fall down into the depths of separation. If you are incarnated on planet Earth, then you are one such. And some of us have used these incarnations to even more powerfully create separation. Some of us have used our God-Light, even inside incarnated lives, to sow greater fear, pain and anguish. As all do, to some extent, in each lifetime. And this is how the deepest game in separation continues. Because, when in separation, this is what parts of the ONE do.

This is what God does when God meets The Adversary.

And this is the source of your inner pain and hidden shame. It is that which drives you to psychologists and anti-depressant drugs. It is that which causes your self-loathing, which is at the heart of your addictions and self-destructive habits. It is the cause of all the violence and psycho-emotional pathology, which is rampant upon planet Earth and on a vast number of other planets besides. A great many of your physical illnesses also spring forth from the deep seated feeling that you are, at your core "ill". Inside yourself, you feel yourself to be wrong and broken, but you do not know why, so you manifest these experiences of being ill, wrong and broken into your bodies.

All of us have played The Adversary. All are guilty of this.

Z: Oh my God, 8! I suddenly feel as if I'm fighting back tears. I know I have done this! What must I do with this knowledge? What do I do now?

8: You smile and say, "Mission accomplished"!

Z: Mission accomplished?!?

8: Yes. But now try to say it with less horror in your voice. And without the question marks. And with a smile.

Z: How? I don't understand?

8: Well, let's go back to first principles. The point of all this was to create a reality where you could lose yourself completely in separation and duality. That is the first objective of the experiment. The second part is when you turn around and begin to remember who you really are.

And so? Is the first part of the experiment not well and truly served by you becoming The Adversary yourself? By you acting out your separation and duality? By you treating yourself and all other Selves as abominably as you

Z: Why, yes, I suppose it is. I suppose in those moments, I was as deeply in
separation as I could be.

8: Right. So you can now see it for what it was and say...

Z: Mission accomplished.

8: Yes.

But it is a painful mission and I can see why you wouldn't be feeling very enthusiastic about accomplishing it.

The second part is a lot more fun, though. The second part is when you begin to remember who you are. You begin to discover that you are a being of pure radiant light. That your truest nature is Love. That you are really ONE with All That Is. That you are a powerful, magnificent, creator being. That you exist to discover yourself and create yourself exactly as you
most deeply desire yourself to be.

And isn't it nice to know that you are quite firmly on that part of the journey now?

Z: Yes. It is. But what do I do with the stuff that I did while I was on the first part of the journey?

8: It is your gift to yourself and to the ONE. It is how you expressed yourself in your deepest forgetting in response to The Adversary. It is how you expressed yourself as The Adversary. Now you know. Now you can make other choices. And now, when you encounter The Adversary in another being, you can understand this is them, as they are, while they are still on the outward journey. They are still in the first part of their journey. And that is all. Now you can release your judgement of them.

Z: Yes. I see.

8: And you can release your anger at those who make the world as it is. Those who are in power and seemingly making very poor choices for the rest of humanity. Those who plot and plan and create evil. Like fomenting war between nations with trickery and deception. Like manufacturing diseases that blight humanity. Like suppressing technology that is clean, in favour of technology that pollutes the planet. Like creating systems of money that enslave the masses. Like creating systems of economy that keep the majority in crushing poverty. Like allowing death, disease and famine to rage when all of this could be eradicated instantly. And on and on. You can release your anger towards them because you have done the same. To some small degree in this lifetime and to a far greater degree in lifetimes past... you were a part of all this. And now you can see that those who are behaving in this way are simply the same as you, but on a different part of their journey. They are doing the tough stuff. They have yet to begin to forgive themselves and to love themselves. And when they do, then they too will begin to return Home.

And the ones who will have it the very hardest of all? The ones with the greatest burden and the most pain to resolve? These ones are the minions of Satan. The particles of consciousness who have consciously chosen the role, here beyond the Veil, of keeping the duality system alive. The ones who have accepted the mantle of being the bearers of separation. The ones who have, lifetime-after-lifetime, fed the system by playing roles that have kept all others from finding love and oneness. These are the most separate of all. The most alone. The most individuated. And trust me when I say to you that theirs is a deeply painful place to be. And their journey
home is going to bring them even more pain. Because, you see, for them it is not a simple matter of releasing the falsenesses about themselves. They have been true to their purpose and nature in their actions. So ahead of them lies a particularly difficult journey. But they will be helped. It is not expected to be easy, but they will be helped.

Z: Wow. I almost feel... compassion.

8: Yes. Compassion is appropriate.

Z: And these ones, these minions of Satan. Are they the Super Powerful Individuals you spoke of previously?

8: There are different particles, which have played different roles in different ways. Some have, for example, been violently aggressive and in this way torn whole planetary civilisations apart. Others have used subtler means. And yes, perhaps the subtlest game is the one being played by some of Satan's minions upon Planet Earth. They are supplied with certain gifts and abilities in exchange for their service. So yes, I would say that the SPIs are the mortal expressions of these souls that are the minions of

Z: Some things are beginning to fall into place for me now. But let's just get this straight then; Is Lucifer the cause of all evil, or is he not?

8: As usual, this too is a perspective issue. It depends on how you look at it. Perhaps I could express it like this. Do you remember in the movie called Forest Gump, the main character had a saying that went something like,
"My momma always told me that life is like a box of chocolates."

Z: (laughs) Yes, I remember.

8: Well, if life is like a box of chocolates, then I would say that Lucifer invented "The Adversary flavour" chocolate. And seeing as The Adversary is really all about appearing to take from others their right to choose, one could also call it "evil flavour" chocolate.

It's there in the box along with all kinds of other flavours. In your various lifetimes you get to try all of the flavours to see if you like them. But, in each case, it is up to you to decide how long you are going to keep each of these chocolates in your mouth. How long you chew and savour the flavour. And whether you spit it out or whether you take it into your being by swallowing it. All of that is up to you. And if you do take it into your being, do you go back again and again for more "evil flavour" chocolates, or do you instead find a way to let it pass through your body so that you can release it from your being and decide not to choose that flavour again?

You see? It is there. You can choose to experience it, if you want to. And once you have sampled it, you can decide what you want to do with that experience. Nobody forces you to do anything. You are the creator of your own reality. The fact that evil exists as a possible experience does not mean that you have to choose to experience it. And even if you do, still you are not its victim, because now you know something about yourself. You know, whether you like it or not, whether it serves your path or not. You have profoundly increased your self-knowledge for having had this experience.

Z: All right. I can accept from your story that Lucifer invented evil, but is not actually evil. But then it seems to me that his invention, The Adversary, is evil. Or am I wrong?

8: In order for you to understand this, I am going to need to explain to you about Consciousness Construct Holders now, even though you haven't yet done quite enough work to get the whole message. But we will have to do our best.

Z: What does that mean, 8? That I have not done enough work to get this

8: Quite simply that you must be readied to understand things. Because of the manner in which you are receiving this material, it is not possible for me to place ideas in your mind if the building blocks of that idea are not already there. And so it is that each chapter not only addresses the issues it seeks to address, but it also plants many seeds and lays much groundwork for the following chapters. And, as has often happened, if you are not ready to receive a chapter, then you find yourself unable to get down to writing. This is by design. You are needing to be still for a while so that you can undergo a little internal metamorphosis to bring yourself to readiness to receive the next chapter.

Z: And now you want to tell me about these Consciousness Construct Holders, but you feel there is not sufficient groundwork?

8: There is insufficient to tell the whole story. But we will get by.

Let me start by explaining that your experience of your reality is a deeply illusory one. You understand that by now. You live in a world that is predicated on layer upon layer of illusion. Nothing that you think is real is
actually real. And the things that you think are not real, are. It is both a wonder and a miracle. And your reality is created thus very specifically for a very important purpose: the search for Self-knowledge of the ONE in all Its endless magnificence. This reality of yours is an unbelievable powerful tool of self-discovery. But in order for it to work, the illusions must work. These illusions are like the cogs of the machine – if they do not function, then the whole machine does not function. And there is a set of cogs – possibly some of the most important of all the cogs – which are what I call the Consciousness Construct Holders.

By now you and your readers are quite familiar with one of these Consciousness Construct Holders.

Z: We are?

8: Oh indeed! Does it surprise you to know that your very own Inner-Self, Joy-Divine, is in fact one such Consciousness Construct Holder?

Z: I... umm... I don't know. I am not sure what to think about that. Tell me more about what a Consciousness Construct Holder is and then maybe I'll be able to tell you how I feel about that.

8: Certainly.

As I have explained, in order for your reality to work, you need certain powerful illusions. One of the most powerful of all the illusions is your experience that your emotions are somewhat alien to your own being, that these are just things that you happen to feel, and that these feelings happen to you as a result of outside stimuli. One could imagine that your feeling of happiness is analogous to, for example, a piece of chocolate cake. You believe you need to either bake the cake or buy it from somewhere if you wish to be able to have the sensation of eating chocolate cake. Well, this is the thing that your reality seems to show you;
that you must achieve a particular goal or buy a particular thing or win the love of a particular person or lose a number of kilograms or whatever other silliness you are telling yourself, before you can feel happy. And if you were observant, you would see that this never works. Hitting the target, at best allows you only a momentary feeling of happiness and then you return to your normal, not-so-happy state. And so you decide that you must just keep chasing ever greater targets in the hope that some day you'll be really lastingly happy.

And so you come to believe yourself to be a victim to your emotions and that is one of the very powerful inducements you have to stay trapped inside this reality. And so it is that, here at the level of deep separation and duality, you believe you are not in control of your own emotions. A great many people actually come to decide that their emotions are the enemy and they try to divorce themselves from their own feelings. This is a tragically poor decision. It takes them exactly opposite to the direction in which they really want to go. If you desire mastery of your Self, your life, your experience and your reality then, ironically, you should completely embrace your feelings and emotions and work to come to the realisation that they are absolutely under your control. When you own and control your emotions, then you are a small step from being the master of your reality. When you are in perfectcontrol of your emotions, then you use them as powerful tools of creation. You give them full reign, but always in the direction that you want them to go. You do not get blown around by them, as a leaf in the storm. And neither do you try to shut them down and silence them. And when you are in that heightened state of Self-possession and Self-creation, then you are approaching your true sense of oneness with All That Is. Then you have learned much of what this system of reality has to teach, and you will be ready to leave here in triumph.

But the point is that you should only leave once you have discovered this, and created it to be so for yourself. Or else the system would have failed to work for you as it should.

So, eventually I can tell you about Joy-Divine. This being has the role of holding the frequency, the energetic framework, that is the very essence of pure joy. The very truest nature of the thing that you would call joy is held steady, sure and true by this dear brother-soul of mine; your Inner-Self. And that is where the name Joy-Divine comes from. It is a name that is appropriate in this reality. But it holds no significance in other realities, you understand. It is really more of a job title than a name.

Z: Well, of course this is all fascinating to me! Given that this is my Inner-Self we are talking about I would love to talk a lot more about this and find out more. But I think that would just be a selfish hogging of this conversation. We probably need to get back to the topic itself?

8: (gently smiles) This is the topic itself. You see, I need you to understand the notion of a Consciousness Construct Holder in order to paint a bigger picture. These are beings who hold within themselves a particular resonant frequency of consciousness. They hold these for you, who live inside this reality, so that you can have the illusion that those things are outside of yourselves. And so it is possible for you to walk around all day feeling emotionally empty. It is possible for you to believe that you can never make yourself happy again. It is possible for you to believe that only something outside of yourself can bring you happiness. Typically then, when you do hit whatever target you feel should result in your happiness, then your energy is momentarily brought into resonance with the energy – the consciousness construct – held by Joy-Divine. And, for that moment, you suddenly feel uplifted and happy. And then you can go on believing that happiness lies outside of yourself. The illusion is maintained and you can carry on playing the game you-as-you-really-are wished to play.

This illusion is vital to the continuation of the victim-based game almost everyone on Earth is very intent upon playing. If you realise that you can self-emote then you realise that you can decide to create how you will feel about things. Then you are no longer a victim to your external experiences. Soon after this discovery you will begin to see through other illusions. And as you see through the illusions, so you leave the victim game. And the corollary of this should be quite obvious: if you wish to leave the victim game, then it is necessary that you begin to see through the illusion. You will, and must, come to realise that you are able to decide for yourself exactly how you want to feel at any particular moment. You are the one who controls your own feelings and emotions. It will take time and practise for you to show yourself this. You have, after all, spent a great deal of energy, across many lifetimes, teaching yourself that it is not so. So you should be willing to work at remembering that this is an illusion. But, as you do awaken to the truth, so you will realise the power of it. Once you understand that your feelings and emotions are completely and utterly
your own to command, then you are a very short step from being able to create your entire reality and experience as you desire.

But we'll talk about this at much greater length when we discuss how you can learn to create your own reality. And now that seed is planted.

Z: Okay! Fabulous. I am beginning to understand more and more. Lights
are going on for me about all kinds of stuff now.

8: That's good.

But for now, back to the story about the Consciousness Construct Holders. These are all sovereign beings of high consciousness who use their own very being to hold these frequencies for you. It is their nature, their duty, their privilege and their pleasure to do this for you. There are, for example, two beings who hold the true archetype for what is male and what is female in this reality. These two are twin souls who are the original "god and goddess" or, perhaps more correctly, “divine masculine and divine feminine”. And then there is the office of the great unifier, the great energy that is responsible for holding the resonance, which is the energy
of bringing all the separate parts back home to wholeness and oneness. This has been called the Christ energy. And there are many, many others. All absolutely important to the functioning of the game. Without any one of them, the game would simply not work. Like a machine that suddenly loses a vital cog.

Z: And so to Satan...

8: Yes. You see, I needed to preamble it like this because your very natural and normal feeling would be to see Satan as the unforgiven and unforgivable. As that which you must shun and revile. And that is a normal reaction to your conditioning. Nothing wrong with that. Or rather, there is nothing wrong with that unless you desire to return to oneness. Then it is time to grow up a little. Time to let go of the scary-boogieman-that-comes-to-fetch-naughty-children-in-the-night syndrome. Time to see this
being for what it is and then make some appropriate decisions.

This is a being that holds a consciousness construct, nothing more and nothing less. And the consciousness construct it holds just happens to be The Adversary. And so, just as we can feel it acceptable to name Joy-Divine for his function, for the office that he holds, so it is acceptable that we can call this being, The Adversary. Or we can, if we like, use the modern derivative of a more ancient name, which means exactly the same thing, and call him Satan.

Z: So then, if I feel happiness, if I get into energetic resonance with Joy-Divine, what happens if I allow myself to get into energetic resonance with The Adversary?

8: Unpleasant things happen. You easily get very angry, or even fly into a rage. Resentment simmers towards all who you feel have wronged you. You hold grudges. You desire to hurt or damage others around you. You get all wound up around your own rightness and the wrongness of the people around you. You get unreasonable. You use verbal weapons to cause emotional harm and physical weapons to cause physical harm. You lead those "like you" to war against those "unlike you". In short, you become The Adversary. And there are few faster ways for you to drill yourself down, as deep as you can possibly go, into the victim game than this. This
is the ultimate tool for keeping you inside the game. The Adversary is by far the single most effective cog in this particular machine.

And there we are! I think we have done a very good job of explaining the concept, given the minimal groundwork we had to work with.

Z: Maybe. But there is something I don't understand.

8: Of course there is. (smiles) Go ahead and ask.

Z: Well what you have described as the experience of coming into resonance with The Adversary – it really doesn't sound very nice.

8: Nice?!? No, of course it isn't nice! It was never meant to be nice. It was meant to drive you into a deep state of separation. Which, in itself, is the most painful thing imaginable – to be violently ripped from a feeling of belonging, of oneness, of rightness with All That Is. It is very, very un-nice!

Z: So I really don't want to experience that ever again. I reject that. It is just not me any more ever again!

8: Ah. Yes. We need to be very careful here. You would do well to remember that you create your own reality, and that you do it with your focus and attention. And saying "never again" is resistance. And, "What you resist persists," remember? You do not want to be saying that anything is not part of yourself, not part of the oneness. Everything is part of the ONE. That includes you, just as much as it includes The Adversary.

Z: But 8! That makes it impossible! How then am I to proceed? I don't want to come into resonance with The Adversary and now you tell me I can't reject him either! So what am I then to do?

8: Please realise that the only reason you can experience The Adversary energy is because it already exists inside of the ONE. It already exists inside of you. It is an entirely illusory creation that you have put this energy outside of yourself. This is what you did to enter into this victim-game. You see? That is what I was telling you about the Consciousness Construct Holders. Did you not follow that? That all of the emotions and feelings and archetypes are all from within the oneness and are all ultimately from within you. But you need to experience them as being external to you if you are going to experience separation. You wanted to see what it would be like if these things seemed to be created from outside of you. That is how you experience duality. There is you, and then outside of you is the creator. That is duality. Right?

Z: Okay I get that.

8: But it is an illusion. All is truly ONE. All of this is really within you. And every time that you reject something, divorce it from yourself and place it outside of yourself, then you push yourself back into duality.

Z: Ohhhhhhhh. Sloooooowly I begin to get it. The Adversary is a fiendishly clever device. If you move into resonance with it, then you create duality, and if you reject it and push it away... then you create duality! Whatever you do with it, you create duality. Wow. That is... brilliant.

8: It is. The Adversary is the key to duality. And coming to understand this correctly is also the key to your release from duality. If you wish to find oneness with All That Is, then you will need to unpick this lock.

As you have quite aptly said, it is fiendishly clever.

Z: Okay. Good then. I am willing to do this. I am willing to try to unpick this fiendish lock. Will you help me?

8: I am here. But I want you to do it for yourself. You have been equipped with all the lock-picks you need and you have been shown how to use them. It would be far better for you if you could do it yourself. And, in so doing, I am going to show you a formula that you can use for finding your own solutions to such problems that cannot be solved from the head. You solve it from the heart. Here is how...


#31 2022-09-04 15:26:56


Re: The four main tenets of Satanism

I know the work of Zingdad and before when I was reading more channelings bumped on his information. I do not know how to describe it now. Seems alright to me. I like direct answers to direct questions, not so much going around the bases that looks like more like rhetorical populism. When there is question, the answer should be as much as brief and on point. And now when I read all this long explanation seems like the answer is not given.

Last edited by mitkobs (2022-09-04 15:28:52)


#32 2022-09-04 15:49:02


Re: The four main tenets of Satanism

I'm sorry to hear that, depends on what the question is of course. I didn't see you stating any.
And for the matter of the length of explanation ... there's always a short answer or a long one, depending on the background of info one allready has. As i said it is a mere excerpt of a larger topic : What is Evil. But that was just way to big for a forum format.
Anyway, i thought it would be helpfull for understanding to root of the motive of Satan-ism.
Not sure what you mean by rethorical populism is this context tho.


#33 2022-09-04 16:21:22


Re: The four main tenets of Satanism

The question is the title of the channeling that you just posted(Who are the 3 listed figures). I get the answers but they are more of what is already out there, information that is already in various other books. And the channeling can be educated amalgamation of older known information with some added educated guesses.

Last edited by mitkobs (2022-09-04 16:24:21)


#34 2022-09-04 16:45:23

Scott Summers

Re: The four main tenets of Satanism

Whenever this subject is touched on, and you hear the explanation that Satan does not exist, that is a BIG RED FLAG.

You cannot accept this explanation and yet acknowledge the existence of EGREGORES.

Egregore (also spelled egregor; from French égrégore, from Ancient Greek ἐγρήγορος, egrēgoros 'wakeful') is an occult concept representing a certain non-physical entity that arises from the collective thoughts of a distinct group of people.

Remember: The greatest trick Satan pulled is to convince the world he doesn’t exist.

It’s easy to understand why he doesn’t want you to think he exists.

If you don’t think he exists, you would simply ignore the rituals performed by satanists.

If you knew he exists, and lives off the collective thoughts of a group of people, you would know that by starving the egregore of these thoughts, the egregore would cease to exist.


#35 2022-09-04 17:28:56


Re: The four main tenets of Satanism

Yes, the greatest trick Satan pulled is to convince the world he doesn't exist. Couldn't put it myself (so I won't). This is one of the main psychological reasons why the cabal can wreak evil havoc upon a population and they don't even see it when it's in front of their eyes. Here in Britain, most people don't believe that 'evil' (the acts of satan) exists. We're all jolly nice people here, we don't do nasty things to each other. Hence the cabal can get away with blue murder, literally. People's warped perception is that it's all a mushy soup, without real good, without real bad. That's relativism for you, and we see how dangerous it is right now.


#36 2022-09-04 17:33:28


Re: The four main tenets of Satanism

mitkobs wrote:

The question is the title of the channeling that you just posted(Who are the 3 listed figures). I get the answers but they are more of what is already out there, information that is already in various other books. And the channeling can be educated amalgamation of older known information with some added educated guesses.

Might be so, but that doesn't mean there isn't someone who hasen't heard it before.
It is a perspective offered, nothing more nothing less. You almost sound a bit grumpy i brought it up, lol.
It wasn't directed at you personally anyway for that matter. "Anyone who's interested" was mentioned as i recall.

Scott Summers wrote:

You cannot accept this explanation and yet acknowledge the existence of EGREGORES.

Hope you're not refering to my post there, lol.


#37 2022-09-04 18:12:34


Re: The four main tenets of Satanism

Not grumpy at all. Just stating what I think and without particular emotions. But is good that we talk and search for answers.

Agree with Scott. Evil is real thing and have to be blind not to see it. It is everywhere in the society in various forms, circumstances, behavior, relations between people, it is vast and deep. Ordinary people cannot see it because is in the unconscious mind for them. The unthinkable, the unbelievable, the horrible, the ugly everything that is so repulsive that they cannot look at it.


#38 2022-09-04 18:30:09


Re: The four main tenets of Satanism

Yes! I suppose that's one reason why 'doing the shadow work' is vital. The shadow work involves allowing the unthinkable, the unbelievable etc to come to the surface, to be recognised, and to be included in our own experience. Otherwise it just hangs around 'out there' and gets triggered when the cabal tells you about 'that evil Putin' guy, for example.


#39 2022-09-04 19:17:30

Scott Summers

Re: The four main tenets of Satanism

Bigfeet_E wrote:
Scott Summers wrote:

You cannot accept this explanation and yet acknowledge the existence of EGREGORES.

Hope you're not refering to my post there, lol.

Not at all, Bigfeet_E!

Notice in both mitkobs and your post, the Cabal sneaks in the “satan does not exist” idea, then quickly covers it up with all very legitimate and persuasive information.

That’s the old trick: 1% poison, 99% truth.

We’re not here to point fingers at each other. Just to share views and decide for ourselves.
Nothing to justify or defend yourself at all.

I do reserve my harsh comments for those who are trying to mislead tho.


#40 2022-09-04 21:40:41


Re: The four main tenets of Satanism

"In essence we are all connected, yet in form and expression we differ."

Why can't there be both universal truths and cultural/individual ones? Moral Relativism tries to explain all as relative due to differing values/cultures, etc. while completely ignoring the essence that connects us all which brings with it universal truths. Aren't both true?

What is relative to me may or may not be relative to you, and yet in essence it all is. This is why from my perspective Moral Relativism fails, because it either forgets and or more likely omits the very essence, which connects us all, and thus allows for all to exist and be.

In my own personal experiences, I have come to find that life is truly infinite and thus, in my opinion, there is no singular truth, except perhaps Source. But even that is something that I question. If there is one Source/Being, of infinity, why can't there be another?

Also when it comes to animals, I find the labeling of predator and prey to be very suspect. My view is that an animal that hunts other animals to survive, is not a predator at all, but simply a lifeform that consumes life to survive. We don't call ourselves predators when we choose to eat meat, plants, vegetables, etc. and yet all of that and more is very much alive, only differing in form and expression. Secondly, the idea that animals are primarily primal and instinctual is something that I highly disagree with. My experience is that there is plenty within the animal kingdom, that shows emotion, morals, conscience and more, and that while it is true that some animals have strong primal urges/instincts, this is not universally true, in my own experience, let alone unique to animals. Plenty of humans I have come across have also shown strong primal urges/instincts.

So to conclude, I don't think there is any one absolute truth, because how would that even work, in an infinite and boundless existence? That being said, there certainly are smaller and bigger truths, just as there are essences, forms and expressions. Perhaps there even are multiple Sources, and thus multiple infinite and boundless existences. But that is something that I cannot comprehend at this stage so I'll call it there.



#41 2022-09-05 04:18:54


Re: The four main tenets of Satanism

The problem with the whole Satanism ideology is the promotion and propagation of dishonesty, vice, chaos and breaking universal laws under the disguise of the four tenets. With the tenets twisted by their terms, they blind us and seduce us to be dishonest and irresponsible and to plunge into vices thinking that in the end all will be fine. But in the end people end up in such misery and dead end they become broken.

Of course they are singular truths, all kind of small ones, not only Source, all kind of things that we agree that are part of the reality. They are so many things that are objective. What is not objective is our ego-self and this is because is an illusion and is made itself to be ignorant about the true and perfect reality.

You can say that one animal consume the life of another animal but when for that is involved violence and pain things do not seem so smooth. In order one animal to end the life of another have to catch it first. And no one wants to die. Is not natural to let yourself to be killed. To give away your life. They will run, they will hide, they will fight if cornered, they will fight to the death with all they have. And one animal is that we call predator is advantageous in the busyness of killing because have the instruments to catch and tear apart. One that is prey is not an easy prey. It can run fast, it is cautious, always ready to run.
Then like I already said animals cannot stop themselves when have urges. They can be stopped by other animals, by the circumstance in nature, they can be stopped by humans but if left alone they cannot stop themselves. They pursue what is their impulses until is relived.

Last edited by mitkobs (2022-09-05 04:24:32)


#42 2022-09-05 13:31:33


Re: The four main tenets of Satanism

mitkobs wrote:

The problem with the whole Satanism ideology is the promotion and propagation of dishonesty, vice, chaos and breaking universal laws under the disguise of the four tenets. With the tenets twisted by their terms, they blind us and seduce us to be dishonest and irresponsible and to plunge into vices thinking that in the end all will be fine. But in the end people end up in such misery and dead end they become broken.

Of course they are singular truths, all kind of small ones, not only Source, all kind of things that we agree that are part of the reality. They are so many things that are objective. What is not objective is our ego-self and this is because is an illusion and is made itself to be ignorant about the true and perfect reality.

You can say that one animal consume the life of another animal but when for that is involved violence and pain things do not seem so smooth. In order one animal to end the life of another have to catch it first. And no one wants to die. Is not natural to let yourself to be killed. To give away your life. They will run, they will hide, they will fight if cornered, they will fight to the death with all they have. And one animal is that we call predator is advantageous in the busyness of killing because have the instruments to catch and tear apart. One that is prey is not an easy prey. It can run fast, it is cautious, always ready to run.
Then like I already said animals cannot stop themselves when have urges. They can be stopped by other animals, by the circumstance in nature, they can be stopped by humans but if left alone they cannot stop themselves. They pursue what is their impulses until is relived.

As much as I dislike Satanism, is it not another form and expression of the essence that you would call Source? If so, then doesn't it also have a right to exist? I dislike certain aspects of my life and reality, but am I going to judge and condemn as a result? What would that accomplish? Rather I let others do what they want, while making sure that I can continue doing what I like. I accomplish this by simply respecting the freedom of all life, as much as is possible in my current state, while focusing my energy, thoughts, intent and actions on what I desire, thus keeping me from experiencing such things, while allowing them to exist all the same. Rather than enforcing law and order, whether here on earth, or beyond, I think it would be much more constructive and helpful to instead offer to teach and show how to live one's ideal life, while allowing others to do the same. Of course I understand why some would say, without law and order there would be chaos. But ask yourself, what are people really saying when they say this? To me Chaos simply represents freedom, while Order would be control. Thus putting a cork on the problem, aka Earth and the so called troublemakers of the Galaxy/Universe, does not actually solve anything, and is more akin to simply treating symptoms, when the cause of so much of this, has to do with trying to control things, putting things in a box, etc. It is only when one breaks free of the box, that one can truly grow. Otherwise, all the animals in cages around the world would be happy as can be and growing/learning at rapid rates. Now one might argue that we need a balance, and I used to agree, but after seeing what boundless freedom and respect looks like, I have to wonder. Do we actually "need", rather than want, control? Or is freedom enough on it's own, to balance things out?

As for perfection, I disagree. I think there is truly no such thing, and the evidence for that is that life continues to experience new things and grow all the time. But then what would be your definition of perfect? Even if there was perfection, I have yet to perceive it, and as such it simply holds zero relevance to me as I prefer to focus on the self evident over what may or may not be. Also if Source was truly perfect, then why are we as forms and expressions of source, still growing and learning? How many times do people you know enjoy the same things over and over and over, before they stop and want to learn something new? Does infinity even support the idea of perfect? Could perfection simply be an idea that drives Source, like it does so many people here on Earth?

As for animals, I think you and I have different experiences with nature. Yes nature is imperfect and far from completely peaceful, but nature is also brutally honest about everything. In my experience when an animal hunts another to survive, that animal will stop hunting, if it fails to catch it's food. Rather than continue to rely on it's primal instincts, it makes the conscious decision to rest and move on, trying again another time. The animal that is being hunted, will eventually give in due to fatigue, and not resist. This to me is but one example that shows nature as being far more, than a primal/instinctual hell scape. Animals don't automatically continue because they can't make another choice due to being addicted to their primal instincts, rather they can and do make choices all the time, like the above example. Of course there are many more examples I could list here, but I think you get my point. If animals truly relied only on primal instincts, then I think we'd see a completely different kind of nature, one resembling more of a hell scape.


#43 2022-09-05 15:54:28


Re: The four main tenets of Satanism

Did I left impression in my posts that some part of the Source do not have the right to exists? I am only saying that we have to make an informed choice where we wanna be, where we want to end up in the vastness of the Source. No one is prohibiting to make your choice, but have to know to what may lead you.

Source is totally free and do not reside in darkness. Darkness I see it as some kind of distraction and variety. To become nobody and nothing in order to appreciate again the marvelousness of the wholeness. If you get bored in the marvelousness of course then you have the choice to become someone, an ego self, to see yourself separate from the whole and live like that until you start longing for the wholeness and get back to it.

Source is perfection, cannot be other way. If we accept that Source is absolute, that means perfection. If we accept that Source is not absolute then there will be no universe and no order in anything, which is not the case. Order is in everything from the atom to a galaxy. Everything is going along in unbelievable harmony, like a dance. Our body is insanely complex organism and if were not in order will not function as a whole. If one system is out of order or against another bodily system the body will die. Simple as that. 

Animal make choices, that is evident but animal is not self conscious. Do not have idea of self. Animal probably see itself as integral part of the surrounding. Like I said it fallows its urges but if the urges cannot be satisficed it will reconcile and will try again later, another day, another hour, when feel the urge strong again.

Last edited by mitkobs (2022-09-05 16:08:21)


#44 2022-09-05 16:15:21


Re: The four main tenets of Satanism

Genoveva wrote:

"To me Chaos simply represents freedom, while Order would be control."

Chaos is that which happens when you walk on the street and bricks from the nearby buildings start flying horizontally towards you.

My perspective on that

Chaos = Shit happens = Freedom
Order = Only I have the authority to deem what happens = Control

I prefer the former, as I have seen what boundless freedom looks like, and I do not have any desire to go back to a box, ever. Other life can live as it desires, while I live as I desire. While some may perceive me deciding what is and isn't in my own life and reality as a personal form of order, I really am only exercising freedom and choice, while respecting the freedom and choice of all others, to the best of my current ability. Though I will admit that I am far from perfect, and as such Order may still slip in, thus polluting my perception. Even still I prefer the former.

In boundless realities, I have seen polar opposites coexist with zero conflict, because they respect one another. This some may say, is impossible, and yet I have experienced it. Also in such a reality, if one were to make bricks fly towards me, I could simply move out of the way, phase through them, and or teleport somewhere else, among many other choices. There are no limits, and as such, no need to impose any order/authority on anyone, though people are still free to make such a choice, even if it cannot really be enforced due to the nature of boundlessness.

I have lived with perceived order and control, and a balance of chaos and order, for most of my life. I had enough of it, so while I understand that others may disagree and or think such thoughts to be dangerous and or reckless, to me I simply see an inversion of truth, similar to how the word apocalypse has been misused, when it really just means "a revealing".


#45 2022-09-05 16:28:10


Re: The four main tenets of Satanism

Order of the Source is the ultimate freedom. Source controls absolutely everything but in such a invisible way that we as parts will not feel limited for our expressions.


#46 2022-09-05 16:38:10


Re: The four main tenets of Satanism

mitkobs wrote:

Did I left impression in my posts that some part of the Source do not have the right to exists? I am only saying that we have to make an informed choice where we wanna be, where we want to end up in the vastness of the Source. No one is prohibiting to make your choice, but have to know to what may lead you.

Source is totally free and do not reside in darkness. Darkness I see it as some kind of distraction and variety. To become nobody and nothing in order to appreciate again the marvelousness of the wholeness. If you get bored in the marvelousness of course then you have the choice to become someone, an ego self, to see yourself separate from the whole and live like that until you start longing for the wholeness and get back to it.

Source is perfection, cannot be other way. If we accept that Source is absolute, that means perfection. If we accept that Source is not absolute then there will be no universe and no order in anything, which is not the case. Order is in everything from the atom to a galaxy. Everything is going along in unbelievable harmony, like a dance. Our body is insanely complex organism and if were not in order will not function as a whole. If one system is out of order or against another bodily system the body will die. Simple as that. 

Animal make choices, that is evident but animal is not self conscious. Do not have idea of self. Animal probably see itself as integral part of the surrounding. Like I said it fallows its urges but if the urges cannot be satisficed it will reconcile and will try again later, another day, another hour, when feel the urge strong again.

Correct me if im wrong, but don't some animals recognize themselves in the mirror? Doesn't that signify that they have an idea of self?

As for Order, I do not have all the answers. In my own personal, self-evident life experience, Order has been associated with control, authority, enforcement, etc. As such I have no interest in such orders in my own personal life, as once I saw what is really possible, such thoughts became a limiting factor in my life.

Now is there an underlying order to everything, via essence? Sure, and while in essence I have zero issue with being connected to that which is all of existence, in form and experience, I have zero interest in imposing my order, control, authority, enforcement and more on myself, let alone others. So while in essence I agree with you, in form and expression, I prefer pure freedom, or as some may call it, Chaos.

Isn't it also true though, that everything is ultimately an idea taking form and expressing itself, with an underlying essence? If so, then Chaos can represent something entirely different to you, as opposed to me, even if in essence there is only self.

On the idea that Source is absolute and perfect, again I disagree, as I have yet to see and or experience a single shred of evidence, that would suggest that a being can be absolute and perfect, while continuing to grow and learn in the individual forms and expressions that make up life. The idea that one can repeat the same loops/experiences over and over and over without ever getting bored and or wanting something new, has yet to be experienced by me. Thus absolution perfection, to me, is just an unproven idea. For me it is the imperfection, and the chase for new experiences and growth, that keeps life ticking.


#47 2022-09-05 16:57:38


Re: The four main tenets of Satanism

mitkobs wrote:

Order of the Source is the ultimate freedom. Source controls absolutely everything but in such a invisible way that we as parts will not feel limited for our expressions.

Like an invisible guiding hand leading you on an unlimited number of paths, like the many branches of a tree, with infinite branches?

Sounds neat on paper, but like I say, going by my own self evident perspective, true freedom isn't limited in anyway. It can come and go, create and destroy, learn and grow, love and hate, and so much more, all with and or without any guidance whatsoever. What I think you are referring to, is the essence, or underlying oneness. Some call it Aether, that which connects everything. Is that what you are talking about?

Also does Source control everything, or experience everything? I lean towards the latter, while also thinking that even Source does not know everything, which is why we are here and there, taking forms and expressing ourselves, as what point would there be to doing that, if we in essence are Source, and Source already knows everything?


#48 2022-09-05 17:13:17


Re: The four main tenets of Satanism

Genoveva wrote:

Spirit, I wasn't clear enough: the bricks fly horizontally because there is no gravity which in itself is an expression of order.

Also, your DNA is order. If it wasn't order, then every cell of your body would not stay together, so there would be no you. Or, if they wanted for some reason to stay together, they may be free to change who you are, very often.

An underlying essence, oneness that has everything in it, including order. That I can agree with, as I feel the connection. On the form and expression side, sure you can choose for those bricks to fly one way or another ,or stay together, or both. Like I said, true freedom and choice.

As for DNA, the freedom to choose is preferable to me as it allows oneself to change their life and reality, on a dime. On the flip side, if one subscribes to an order to things, they are creating a box with a set of parameters. Now this is also valid of course, and I understand because for most of my life, I was living in a box. Now I still am partially in a box, as there are still aspects to my own life and reality that I am still working on changing. That being said, having experienced boundlessness, it's hard for me to want to go back to a more orderly and fixed state.


#49 2022-09-05 17:14:49


Re: The four main tenets of Satanism

When i try to wrap my understanding of what an 'animal' is, i try to approach it from several angles and see where they match up.
I think the origin from the word/concept itself comes from the idea that a consiousness fragment 'animates' said physical body. Might be a bit wondering where different human languages match, when looking at the 'mal' part, wich in my language means like a 'mould'.

A mould has several meanings, from  "a shaped cavity used to give a definite form" to a fungi/bacterial type of organism. My language definition lies with the first one. For the Ani part i've heard alot of references of stories when i listened to Barbara Marciniak's "P's" as they like to be adressed with, wich of course is short for "Pleiadians", a non-incarnated version collective version in their evolution. They point and tale alot about the empire of the Annunaki, with as father emporer Anu. Sticking to this word and the relation or hand they have in the evolution of hu-man, brilliant genetists as part of their skillset one might say, we still see alot of references of the influence in our languages today, like ANI-mal, or anno, An/Ann (+ variable girlsnames), and, Anni (star wars), and so on. Just connecting dots here.

So the origin of the word animal itself links to their intervention, disabling a large number of DNA strands wich scientists today like to call junk-DNA, resulting in the limitation humans still possess today. Creating a workforce for their dominion when they openly operated here on earth to do their hard work bidding as slaves within their hierachical system. As planet seeders aswell it wasn't just humans but a great number of 'other' ani-mals. Just to cramp a huge history (his-story) in a nutshell for the purpose of context.

Now we jump-link this to what we recognise as the 'reptillian' brain, wich has these main characteristics that translate our in-stinct very much alike animals. As i came across information that animals are a 3rd dimensional/2nd density evolution expression and our relation to the animal kingdom very much build in us as 3D/3d expression we still can tap in to our animalistic nature by level of awareness of the material body. We still are animals in that sense, yet more evolved ones, inherently linked with said matter-body.

Now linking the idea of 'level of awareness/consiousness' - instinct - is that of the flesh-organism (or Consiousness construct holder). Moving this to the tenets of satan-ism i can see more dots linking up, why they strive to keeping humanity under their dominion, inherented from ..., their lies with Darwinism, the tampering with eugenics, the extremistic hold on self-preservation for survival, the twisting of meanings in all manners to keep the veil as thick as they can in order to establish total domination. Or should i say dumbination, lol. All this for the sake of hiding their own incapacity of evolving back to Source, clamping on their emporer godlike kingship of their long departed masters of power...

For the idea of perfection i'd like to think it is embedded in the key of balancing harmonics, as a waveform of motion through the dynamics of movement. The nature of riding the wave of a prosaic eb and flow that is the rythm of life. Doesn't the surfer always look for 'the perfect wave' ? So to find satisfaction and find meaning and purpose reflected back to its inner being ? Expansion in the outer world in order to seek new exciting experiences from wich one can enjoy as anew, like a child that chitters in delight encountering this 'new' thing. Or to fail and feel inspired to overcome this obstacle, this challenge ...

So to me to find the balancing act in all things, microscopicly to macroscopicly, and so much more must resemble the word that is perfection, ever evolving. Gonna stop it here for now, cuz i have to think about sustenance, lol. FOOOOD. Making posts always takes such a long time for me, or longer then i expected, as i translate my inspiration first & then to english aswell.

One last thing perhaps. Although we have our instinct, a primordial basis intwined with our lower chakra's that are a necessity for our mortal life, we also have that quality of Spontaneïty, often mistaken by the instinctual expression impulsivity . Here we can see the basic difference that marks control of consiousness. Although very close to eachother, residing from the same blossom, but such a world of differance at the same time.

Anyway, bon apetit ! (scronch,scronch) big_smile


#50 2022-09-05 19:17:59


Re: The four main tenets of Satanism


Yes, some animals may recognize themselves in the mirror, like chimps and gorillas, they also can think like human 3 year old child and can learn language of signs and with that can have very simple talk.

Source cannot be imperfect. Source do not need to learn. It knows everything possible that can be known ever. It is beyond space and time and all the possible life can be observed in any point of past, present, future.
Source as the highest mind there is, all that is. We here are not currently the highest mind, only some little fraction of it. We imposed to ourselves an oblivion. This is why we do not know and need to learn in order to know what we do not know.

Source control everything in order to stay Source. If there is no such control some its dark parts may have ideas to destroy Source. But because all is already predestined in very vast sense Source cannot be overridden by some of its parts that are lesser in mind.

Last edited by mitkobs (2022-09-05 19:20:11)


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