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#1 2022-10-04 03:44:57

Tiamat False-Flag and the Federation's Master Plan: Lyran Subjugation

Here is my theory. Tiamat was a false flag. The corrupt dominant faction that currently sways federation policy was behind this. The 3d matrix was never a "fix" to try and rehabilitate humanity. Creating this sick game was the intent of these forces within the federation from the beginning, and they purposefully created a false flag and perpetrated the destruction of Tiamat in order to install their 3d matrix and create their little concentration camp. These beings abhor emotionality and wish to strip it from Lyran beings by traumatizing them with this game and reprogramming them towards mental disciplinarianism. They wish to undermine Lyran-based emotional civilizations within their own ranks.

Joining with them under the same organizational structure of the federation has always just been a way to control them and peer-pressure them like they have done to the Taygetans. They tricked them into attacking Tiamat, and now they pressure them into playing by federation rules to stop them from helping humanity. The Taygetans leaving the federation just makes them outsiders, but they are still forced to follow federation rules when conducting themselves in this solar system. They are ostracized, but still held captive.

I am sure that the federation are also behind the cabal attempts to invade Taygeta. The federation controls the cabal, and having Taygeta taken over by the cabal would conveniently eliminate an annoying source of dissent, and put Taygeta completely under federation control through their cabal puppets. After that, they would no longer challenge the federation from within or from without. This is a covert war waged by emotionless imperialists against the children of Lyra. Their plan is de-Lyranization of the federation and subjugation or elimination of emotional races.

The Taygetans should realize this and see what is really going on here. This is not just "exopolitics". This is not just a difference of opinion. This is imperialism. This is tyranny. This is war. "Covert" war is being waged against them and against humanity.

Last edited by Crystal Dragon (2022-10-04 04:00:05)

righteously indignant


#2 2022-10-04 04:12:26


Re: Tiamat False-Flag and the Federation's Master Plan: Lyran Subjugation

Federation was not that well rounded and formed before the Tiamat destruction. Was not so good coordinated and efficient in action and that was one of the reasons why such disaster happened. 

But other thing may be intentional prior, from higher than Federation levels, maybe from soul level that something like destruction of a planet had to happen in order other pressing things to be dealt with accordingly. Thus creating the matrix to trap the negative tulpas in it.


#3 2022-10-04 04:22:36

Re: Tiamat False-Flag and the Federation's Master Plan: Lyran Subjugation

mitkobs wrote:

Federation was not that well rounded and formed before the Tiamat destruction. Was not so good coordinated and efficient in action and that was one of the reasons why such disaster happened. 

But other thing may be intentional prior, from higher than Federation levels, maybe from soul level that something like destruction of a planet had to happen in order other pressing things to be dealt with accordingly. Thus creating the matrix to trap the negative tulpas in it.

"Trapping" negative tulpas doesn't accomplish anything. There is still plenty of negativity out there, and in a way, it's basically an excuse for 5d beings not to integrate their own shadows if they can just conveniently dump all of their negative manifestations on Earth.

The negative faction that controls the federation organized these things to happen to their advantage in order to subjugate emotional races. That is what is apparent here.

Last edited by Crystal Dragon (2022-10-04 04:23:13)

righteously indignant


#4 2022-10-04 04:50:47

Kahi Harawira

Re: Tiamat False-Flag and the Federation's Master Plan: Lyran Subjugation

As I understand it, the Federation was formed AFTER the Tiamat incident


#5 2022-10-04 05:12:43

Re: Tiamat False-Flag and the Federation's Master Plan: Lyran Subjugation

Kahi Harawira wrote:

As I understand it, the Federation was formed AFTER the Tiamat incident

In which case what I am saying was probably the plan since its very inception-for the emotionless races to dominate and subjugate the emotional ones. The negative faction calling the shots in the federation was probably behind the Tiamat false flag before the federation itself was formed, and the formation of the federation itself as well as the installation of the artificial 3d matrix on Earth was always their plan. The formation of the federation was just a way to control the emotional races and hold them to the same protocols as watchdogs of the matrix system rather than liberators.

righteously indignant


#6 2022-10-04 06:19:09


Re: Tiamat False-Flag and the Federation's Master Plan: Lyran Subjugation

No one is trapping and tricking nobody beyond this matrix. Everyone have own ships, own civilizations and lives in freedom and they respect mutual boundaries and agreements. Everything bad is constricted down here. And is not pleasant to find out that we are here along with the evil ones. But thanks to that others out there can live in peace and prosperity.


#7 2022-10-04 06:47:19

Kahi Harawira

Re: Tiamat False-Flag and the Federation's Master Plan: Lyran Subjugation

Yeah, the Reptilians hunted Lyrians almost to extinction which is why the war happened when help turned up. The Andromedan sphere was moved in to stabilize the earth due to the distorted dynamics of a missing planet in the solar system. The 3D frequency was implemented to slow down the development of the Reptiles stranded on earth meaning the Taygeteans and the rest of them out there, by comparison, developed multiple times faster than the Reptilians trapped here who were sent back to the stone age.

Well the Reptilians needed a labor force didn't they and it just so happens that exterminating all the Lyrians was no longer a priority while they were trapped here on their prison planet. With us.

So they started to breed us into turning what was the stone age into a civilization. A global civilization. And while we all thought we were advancing, while the Reptilians stayed out of sight but controlled the planet through their slaves. What use is money to them? Or Happiness? those things are for the poor animals who think they are free. All they want is to get off this god-forsaken prison planet and get out there and mix it up again. Just like good little Nazi's.

Trouble is, now the galactic federation exists and rules after all, are rules. The Reptilians are behind everything, behind the Cabal, behind the murder of one of the Taygetan team and behind the attempt to take out another interstellar civilization, namely, the one that trapped them here in the first place. After the Tiamat incident.

The Federation and the Taygeteans are light years ahead of these poor Reptile suckers stuck here with us and they are justifiably upset. Things are not going as expected any more as humanity is attempting to overthrow their human controllers. It just means that things are going to get worse, a lot worse as they fall back onto their high tech weaponry to defend themselves even if that means killing all of us.

In theory anyway we all just get killed and the world gets reset again. Not that that bothers me. But it is sure as hell is exciting trying to overthrow an alien species that has enslaved and controlled us since they were imprisoned on this planet. The good thing is, we get to leave but by the sound of it, these Reptiles have no soul or very little connection meaning they cannot get off save for the portal tech which are too small to bring in an army to help them get out. I am fine with knowing all this now, otherwise I would think it was some kind of sick conspiracy that was actually imposed on us.

But as we were the ones who actually chose to come here, KNOWING before hand what was going on, I just think you should just cut the Taygetean team some slack.


#8 2022-10-04 06:56:07

Re: Tiamat False-Flag and the Federation's Master Plan: Lyran Subjugation

The federation are no better than the reptiles. They are the controllers of what happens here, and they want to maintain their sick game. Imprisoning a population that is comprised of less than 10% regressive beings and over 90% innocent souls doesn't make sense. Those of us who came here from outside came here to liberate Earth, not force a reset and continue this garbage game run by emotionless pieces of shit. Who the fuck is cutting starseeds any slack? The Taygetans put everything on our shoulders, and the federation feels that their little game is threatened when we actually start to succeed, so they try to destroy everything we have worked for rather than allow us to liberate Earth from the inside, like we were supposed to. 5d exopolitics is complete sociopathic idiocy and madness. Nobody who plays by those rules deserves any slack from starseeds who have made huge sacrifices to liberate Earth just for the federation to vehemently oppose us.

Last edited by Crystal Dragon (2022-10-04 07:00:06)

righteously indignant


#9 2022-10-04 06:56:11


Re: Tiamat False-Flag and the Federation's Master Plan: Lyran Subjugation

Not that bad like you described KH. Reptiles want to become divine beings, real souls. This matrix is helping them in this direction. But if they go backwards(do stupid things, like breaking the free will of the real souls) there might not be other chances for them in this direction. So they are cautious what they are doing. They believe in karma and retribution. And rightfully so.

Last edited by mitkobs (2022-10-04 06:57:58)


#10 2022-10-04 07:01:10

Kahi Harawira

Re: Tiamat False-Flag and the Federation's Master Plan: Lyran Subjugation

Stockholm syndrome

Trusting in the divinity of Satanists, simply isn't me


#11 2022-10-04 07:57:20


Re: Tiamat False-Flag and the Federation's Master Plan: Lyran Subjugation

There are fractions of them, not all are irrevocably bad. Those who are irrevocably bad(for now) shall not be trusted.

Last edited by mitkobs (2022-10-04 07:59:55)


#12 2022-10-04 08:29:19

Scott Summers

Re: Tiamat False-Flag and the Federation's Master Plan: Lyran Subjugation

Crystal Dragon,

You won’t like this quote. However, just because you don’t like the Law of Mirrors doesn’t exempt you from its effects.

The whole world that you described is simply yourself pushed out.

“My mystical experiences have convinced me that there is no way to bring about the perfection we seek other than by the transformation of ourselves. As soon as we succeed in transforming ourselves, the world will melt magically before our eyes and reshape itself in harmony with that which our transformation affirms.

We fashion the world that surrounds us by the intensity of our imagination and feeling, and we illuminate or darken our lives by the concepts we hold of ourselves. Nothing is more important to us than our conception of ourselves, and especially is true of our concept of the deep, dimensionally greater One within us.

Those that help or hinder us, whether they know it or not, are the servants of that law which shapes outward circumstances in harmony with our inner nature. It is our conception of ourselves which frees or constrains us, though it may use material agencies to achieve its purpose.

Because life molds the outer world to reflect the inner arrangement of our minds, there is no way of bringing about the outer perfection we seek other than by the transformation of ourselves. No help cometh from without: the hills to which we lift our eyes are those of an inner range.

It is thus to our own consciousness that we must turn as to the only reality, the only foundation on which all phenomena can be explained. We can rely absolutely on the justice of this law to give us only that which is of the nature of ourselves.

To attempt to change the world before we change our concept of ourselves is to struggle against the nature of things. There can be no outer change until there is first an inner change.

As within, so without.”



#13 2022-10-04 08:41:37

Re: Tiamat False-Flag and the Federation's Master Plan: Lyran Subjugation

One of the Swaruus recently stated that blaming starseeds for what happens on Earth and saying that they are the ones manifesting it isn't right. Many of us are dragged into experiencing things we don't want to experience and that we are not necessarily a match for just by being here.

I've integrated enough of my own shadows and cultivated enough self-love to know that I deserve to be happy. I know my own principles, ethics, and ideals enough to know that what is going on with this planet is not right.

righteously indignant


#14 2022-10-04 09:01:27

Scott Summers

Re: Tiamat False-Flag and the Federation's Master Plan: Lyran Subjugation

Who’s blaming the starseeds for what’s happening on Earth?

Are you sure we were ‘dragged into experiencing things we don’t want to experience’?

Be honest with yourself. Face your shadows. Do not hide from them.

Your shadows are you and you will never outrun them.


#15 2022-10-04 09:35:24


Re: Tiamat False-Flag and the Federation's Master Plan: Lyran Subjugation

In the grand scheme of things no one, absolutely no one is a victim of circumstances. Ones who lived in this mentality of a victim will see that they weren't victims at all but the perfect match to their experience. Even hardly manipulated, gaslighted to the point of not knowing who they are and where they are, they still are not victims. Source cannot be victim nor the opposite of it. All this are own illusions.

Last edited by mitkobs (2022-10-04 09:37:42)


#16 2022-10-04 09:38:12


Re: Tiamat False-Flag and the Federation's Master Plan: Lyran Subjugation

No no, way before that.

Kahi Harawira wrote:

As I understand it, the Federation was formed AFTER the Tiamat incident


#17 2022-10-04 10:07:43

Re: Tiamat False-Flag and the Federation's Master Plan: Lyran Subjugation

Gosia wrote:

No no, way before that.

Kahi Harawira wrote:

As I understand it, the Federation was formed AFTER the Tiamat incident

Thank you for the clarification, Gosia. 12,500 years or so ago is fairly recent history from a stellar perspective. I had a feeling that the federation was formed much longer ago, and I was going to search through transcripts to check if there is any information about that. I may still do that, just to see.

Last edited by Crystal Dragon (2022-10-04 11:49:40)

righteously indignant


#18 2022-10-04 15:31:54


Re: Tiamat False-Flag and the Federation's Master Plan: Lyran Subjugation

Also I would like to venture an opinion that this Federation was inspired by organizational entities that were similar in scope and function but moved on, way way way before this federation, or got absorbed into this federation because their own kind were on a path to ascend out of what is considered hard matter/energy.

And if I recall correctly this one being spoken of in question, was formed around the time of the Orion Wars.

Also sorry if it seems everyone is ganging up on you Crystal Dragon. I get fed up and rage against what is going on with this place too.


#19 2022-10-04 15:41:16


Re: Tiamat False-Flag and the Federation's Master Plan: Lyran Subjugation

No I think their little reset will be successful in my opinion in regards to surface level civilization. But you'll still see pockets of what I would say are psychic tribal communities, but they may be directed by the underground races or races in ships/lightbodies outside. Hard to say right now.

There still is a fluctuating probability of psychic tribal communities being able to form a consensus on how to form a network of what is essentially civilization. There's just so many layers of beings setting up projects here for gawd knows what lol.


#20 2022-10-04 15:43:34


Re: Tiamat False-Flag and the Federation's Master Plan: Lyran Subjugation

Oh these projects that are infested (did I say infest? I meant invest haha; I typed this in here after realizing what I said and thought my fruedian slip was funny) in here, are under what you call seasonal calculations in regards to the interactive potentials. And there's soooo many layers.


#21 2022-10-04 17:08:57

Jupiter 9

Re: Tiamat False-Flag and the Federation's Master Plan: Lyran Subjugation

The Orion Wars and the Lyrian expansion happened around one million years ago right? So that's when the Federation was founded.

I personally like the idea of the Federation as described here, but given the weird things that are happening in this solar system, where even the representative of the entire M45 region doesn't know who is in control here, it seems that the Federation has gotten too big and the stepped Andromedan  holographic model cannot function at this scale.

(bold mine)

Swaruu X: The Federation, also called, or known as United Federation of Planets, using human terms, is a very large multi-cultural, multi planet and multi-density organization founded right after the Great Expansion from Lyra where many human looking races were being persecuted by sauroid regressive species, as the history goes.

It was founded by 3 main species: Andromedans, Arcturians, and Lyrians, (represented by the 3 main bright stars in the Federation's logo) although there are many other races who can also be considered as founders.

Its main goal is to establish alliances to face threats and problems in space. And it can be considered as an expansion of the original organization Andromedans already had, known as Andromeda Council, to include multiple races, all with the purpose of establishing trade and safety agreements and treaties.

The Federation is officially supposed to be a large super organization to ensure peace and good interactions between its members. And even ensure the best way possible to manage other people or races who are not official members such as lesser races who are still in a pre-industrial stage.

Just about any interstellar species could apply to wanting to be a member as long as they were interstellar and a progressive respectful race with clear wishes to get along and cooperate with the others already included in the Federation.

As said above, the Federation's main role is to bring together likeminded civilizations and cultures of all species so they can cooperate, interact, in a safe and progressive-productive way. Giving them all a frame of legal, ethical and moral rules to follow to guarantee as much as possible a peaceful relationship between its members.

One of the main requirements to join the Federation as a species is to be interstellar, although there are some exceptions. The idea is that when a species is interstellar it naturally is aware of cultural, scientific and technological advances among the others, as well as the moral and ethical implications of such advances in all shapes and forms. Knowing that being interstellar also means that they have a clear cross cultural sharing effect among the members.

Galactic Federation - What Is It? Taygeta (Pleiades) and Federation - Mutual Accusations (Swaruu X)

"If you do feel pulled in, to save, protect, others, I would suggest to examine the energy of the “guardian” instead. Not the weaponized guardian, but the guardian like an impenetrable wall energy. No consequences to who tries to trespass, just an impossibility of getting through." - Inelia


#22 2022-10-04 17:58:21

Jupiter 9

Re: Tiamat False-Flag and the Federation's Master Plan: Lyran Subjugation

And I remember that Yazhi mentioned that emotional races participated in the imposition of the 3D matrix with the purpose "to make people forget and heal the great trauma of the flood and the polarity pole shift and all that Tiamat stuff."

So their original plan was positive but it seems that their plan was naive and it didn't go as they thought.

Yazhi Swaruu and the Issues of Human Past - Perceptual and Laboratory Influences

Yazhi: 12,500 years ago, in pre-dynastic Egypt, an idea emerged to impose a perceptual reality with controlled limitations upon a race that so desired for the experience with a view to form another reality by manipulation of ideas, and their interpretations.

Who participated? A collective of Federation races of which you know: Urmah, Sirians, Pleiadians in all their flavors, Andromedans, Arcturians.


Robert: Ok Yazhi, going back to the creation of the human race through mind control in ancient times, what happened to the previous one? Was it done only so that the "souls" would come here to have their experiences?

Yazhi: Supposedly it was to make people forget and heal the great trauma of the flood and the polarity pole shift and all that Tiamat stuff. That was the purpose, not to create new races or use that as an excuse to control and exploit the population within an artificial realm called 3D which is only a mentality, what created it, and not the Moon and the Van Allen Bands.

Robert: To insert them the new collective unconscious?

Yazhi: That creates another collective unconscious, yes. With mind control you create and guide the collective unconscious, ergo, what is real and not, possible and not, for them. That's why the Earth is the way it is today.

Robert: But how did it get done without Mass Media?

Yazhi: Mass Media was not necessary, because there was not much population, only a few priests and the like were needed. Placed in different cultures, ergo the statues with pouches found everywhere.

Once healed, the part that would return the human population, now mentally healed, to the stellar truth and their inner cosmic power, was the group of Celtic Druids and Bards, but the system could no longer be put in place because of the implementation of evil on Earth by the Atonist Cabal who, using Rome, destroying their Republic in the process, eliminated the Druids and Bards, thereby plunging the Earth into a dense evil and low density that today is called the 3D Matrix.

Last edited by Jupiter 9 (2022-10-04 18:00:59)

"If you do feel pulled in, to save, protect, others, I would suggest to examine the energy of the “guardian” instead. Not the weaponized guardian, but the guardian like an impenetrable wall energy. No consequences to who tries to trespass, just an impossibility of getting through." - Inelia


#23 2022-10-04 22:56:41


Re: Tiamat False-Flag and the Federation's Master Plan: Lyran Subjugation

how I wish I could explain what I'm thinking about this. I will make a brief attempt:

big (or shared) events, like the Tiamat catastrophe, I think, are echoes of history. Things which once done cannot be undone. But still some reparation needs to happen, or something.

But then, suppose you have this horrid cataclysm, and you are personally responsible for it happening (maybe you didn't do enough to prevent it, maybe you never expected it was gonna be as bad as it was), what do you do after?

do you erase the memory as a coping palliative to deal with the pain? (this is almost like a standard medical procedure, sedation and painkillers to 'stabilize' a patient... but the patient is a planet and it's millions of souls)

do you make it into a ceremonious ritualistic remembrance so we don't forget (and hence do not repeat) those awful mistakes? (somebody has got to remember what happened)

do you go nuts and start to come up with ways so that this event never happened in the first place? (breaking or bending cosmic and karmic natural realities for they've gone against your will as universal all-source) ..?

I suppose... why not all three? some of all will go through each, and there are enough 'source' for it all.

in any case, at some point when getting back to the source, all versions gotta be reconciled. the history no matter how awful will remain there, even if no one recalls it.

Crystal Dragon wrote:

The Taygetans should realize this and see what is really going on here. This is not just "exopolitics". This is not just a difference of opinion. This is imperialism. This is tyranny. This is war. "Covert" war is being waged against them and against humanity.

seems like most have forgotten that politics are what happens when comparable entities (peers) both enter a direct conflict, diplomacy and laws, and all that stuff are merely there to avoid wars, which are just the last and final way to figure out which of the comparable entities gets what it wants (fulfills its intention) when no compromises can be found.

As I see it, the emotionless robotics (sometimes bundled with the reptilians) have as much right as the 'emotional' races to fuck shit up (after all, 'organics' and 'emotionals' have fucked plenty up).

It has helped me to consider the emptyness of space (evil side) fighting against the stuff floating around in and within this 'emptyness of space' (the good side).
The idea of time fighting against space notion makes little sense which is the point because we can see that in reality both 'work together' (as energy).

Last edited by naringas (2022-10-04 22:58:24)


#24 2022-10-04 23:55:41


Re: Tiamat False-Flag and the Federation's Master Plan: Lyran Subjugation

Well in my mind there's no context for what is really going on out there except it's a combination of many Sci-fi and fantasy movies, all sharing elements of truth here and there.

Ya'll keep (I do it too!) missing important clues being dropped here and there in Swaruu's disclosures... She said that the Federation dominates this sector. How are these sectors measured and what is the surrounding powers beside the Federation? My guess is there's all kinds of Federations.


#25 2022-10-05 00:49:10

Re: Tiamat False-Flag and the Federation's Master Plan: Lyran Subjugation

Except Sci-fi and fantasy movies, even the most dystopian ones, usually have some sort of win condition for the protagonists. The plot moves along, and shit gets done. If the reality of Earth were a SciFi movie, it would be the most pointless one.

So, I watched the new video today, and nothing has changed for the better. The Andromedans/Viera group aren't even in charge here and nobody knows who is, because there is no transparency within the federation. They all just blindly follow unknown authority. Apparently now, there are even more restrictions on contact because Earth is going through "tribulations" (which the federation themselves are responsible for). It's all fucking insanity.

righteously indignant


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