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#51 2024-02-19 15:21:21


Re: Birthdays Starsigns and 5D combustion.

Joe R wrote:
Antti wrote:

What is your take on galactic astrology?

It's like they say, you are not who you are because of your horoscope. It's the other way around: Your horoscope is what it is because you are who you are. With the properties of Source, we align with the vibration we are a match to. - which is particularly true when we enter a body and get born into physicality, and equally so for which galaxy that body is located within.

From: Pleyades - Taygeta - Questions from the Public for Anéeka of Temmer (Extraterrestrial Contact). (Transcript)

Question: Does Taygeta have its own astrological culture, because here on Earth we have Greek astrology, Chinese astrology, Mayan, etc?

Anéeka: Yes, we have our own Astrology that we take very seriously. But it is different from how it is understood or observed on Earth.

First: The sign or the astrological results of a person are caused by the person himself who before incarnating chooses the influence that the stars will have on him. This in itself is best explained by frequencies.

That is to say, because of how a person is, because of their frequency of thoughts and personality, one enters a body at a specific point with those astronomical conditions, not like on Earth, where it is believed that it is the stars that will determine a person's life. In other words, for Taygeta it is the person who determines his life and the stars are only accommodated to the person because of how he is.

Second: The basis for all astrological measurements or calculations for Taygeta is the center of the Galaxy. From there we calculate with the influence of the local constellations, then with the Mother constellation (Pleiades M45) and then with the influence of the specific solar system Taygeta Tau-19.

Therefore, it differs greatly from what astrology is on Earth. For the Earth the stars have control over the person. For Taygeta the stars are only accommodated in a specific way by how the person is.

From: Astrology - Pluto entering Aquarius - Extraterrestrial Perspective. (Transcript)

Swaruu (9): [...] the astrological explains or can make us see how that person is, because if the person were different, the energetic disposition of the stars would be different for that person. The individual is what matters, it is who creates. And the stars are just more people, more consciousnesses, or points or nodes of the Ether. But then, one can also explain astrology as "peoplelogy" or seeing how the other people around a person influence him/her. All the same. Tell me who you hang out with and I will tell you who and what you are.

- - - -

Yazhi: For us... we know stellar objects are great masses of consciousness and we are all connected through the ether. So what they do is a reflection of who we are, and we also affect them.

- - - -

Yazhi: [...] the energy and your frequency dictates that you are a match to that date. As with everything else, you are a frequency match to that date and that astrological sign and to everything that goes with it.

- - - -

Gosia: Perfect, thank you. One more thing that occurred to me. Does all this also apply to animals? If they are born on a certain day/time... does it also reflect who they are? In other words, these astrological charts can be done for dogs, for example, them being people too?

Yazhi: Of course it also applies to animals. It doesn't matter, they are people.

Thanks! I did remember these videos to some extent.

What I meant specifically with galactic astrology, that according to it, you could find about your soul origin when looking at aspects (especially conjunctions and opposites) to fixed stars with planets or points on natal chart. But like Anéeka quoted the person chooses the influence of the stars will have on him/her. Some people say that you get downloads before incarnation if you have no reference of the place. Like how to be a human and "past life" memories could be pre-birth downloads. And I'm not saying that everyone has it like this, but maybe some really do. But what about these influences from the stars? Does it always have to be "past life" energetic connections to these stars or even other galaxies?

And I'm just asking these because I have no idea about my "past", so I must look into other possible clues.


#52 2024-02-19 16:56:00

Joe R

Re: Birthdays Starsigns and 5D combustion.

Antti wrote:

Thanks! I did remember these videos to some extent.

What I meant specifically with galactic astrology, that according to it, you could find about your soul origin when looking at aspects (especially conjunctions and opposites) to fixed stars with planets or points on natal chart. But like Anéeka quoted the person chooses the influence of the stars will have on him/her. Some people say that you get downloads before incarnation if you have no reference of the place. Like how to be a human and "past life" memories could be pre-birth downloads. And I'm not saying that everyone has it like this, but maybe some really do. But what about these influences from the stars? Does it always have to be "past life" energetic connections to these stars or even other galaxies?

And I'm just asking these because I have no idea about my "past", so I must look into other possible clues.

Well, I don’t know about downloads. Others have to chime in on that.

But you are in the same boat as I about not knowing one’s pre-birth experiences and “home”. I have no “memory” about that either.

The only clue I have is a strong Leo-influence in my birth-chart, and I seem to remember a comment about Urmahs having a very strong affinity to their charts. And I tend to get emotional around cats.

But I know I would be completely misaligned in my current state if I was to be transplanted into that culture in my current state, that’s for sure. I’m completely adapted to human experience as it is. Maybe I’ll be reborn there in my next life if my vibes are compatible, who knows. And if I then remember this life, I guess it will be with some deep reflections. I’ve learned a lot, and cannot deny it.

But I’ve also come to understand that the birth chart was given at birth, and that the human experience changes us. All of us. If we knew then what we know today, maybe our charts would be different.

But isn’t that really the point with life as a human being - personal development/evolution - while making life as good as we can, both for our selves and for others? smile


#53 2024-02-19 23:07:57


Re: Birthdays Starsigns and 5D combustion.

Joe R wrote:
Antti wrote:

Thanks! I did remember these videos to some extent.

What I meant specifically with galactic astrology, that according to it, you could find about your soul origin when looking at aspects (especially conjunctions and opposites) to fixed stars with planets or points on natal chart. But like Anéeka quoted the person chooses the influence of the stars will have on him/her. Some people say that you get downloads before incarnation if you have no reference of the place. Like how to be a human and "past life" memories could be pre-birth downloads. And I'm not saying that everyone has it like this, but maybe some really do. But what about these influences from the stars? Does it always have to be "past life" energetic connections to these stars or even other galaxies?

And I'm just asking these because I have no idea about my "past", so I must look into other possible clues.

Well, I don’t know about downloads. Others have to chime in on that.

But you are in the same boat as I about not knowing one’s pre-birth experiences and “home”. I have no “memory” about that either.

The only clue I have is a strong Leo-influence in my birth-chart, and I seem to remember a comment about Urmahs having a very strong affinity to their charts. And I tend to get emotional around cats.

But I know I would be completely misaligned in my current state if I was to be transplanted into that culture in my current state, that’s for sure. I’m completely adapted to human experience as it is. Maybe I’ll be reborn there in my next life if my vibes are compatible, who knows. And if I then remember this life, I guess it will be with some deep reflections. I’ve learned a lot, and cannot deny it.

But I’ve also come to understand that the birth chart was given at birth, and that the human experience changes us. All of us. If we knew then what we know today, maybe our charts would be different.

But isn’t that really the point with life as a human being - personal development/evolution - while making life as good as we can, both for our selves and for others? :)

I don't know if I've had a human experiences before. But this one has been challenging to begin with, but I suppose it's a common Starseed theme. I don't know if I'm making it hard myself on purpose by not doing exactly what I'm supposed to do, whatever it could be. But to go against the life plan perhaps?

I'm being told I was quite sweet as a pre-school child, probably much closer to my true self or atleast the factory settings for this incarnation, before we are programmed otherwise and get corrupted by this place. I remember being more emotional as a child and perhaps I decided not to dwell on bad memories back then already. Did I manifest myself forgetfulness in my childhood, which kinda sucks at this point in my life or was it a pre-birth plan? I've been less affected by emotions in my adulthood. I'm cancer moon and cancer rising btw. Yes, It's not all just black and white. And I believe I understand that we shouldn't have victim mentality and we define astrology and many other things to be true if we are really open to them. I don't question astrology at this point in my life, because the more I get into it the more many things make sense. I'm just not sure about the recent additions to it.

Asteroid astrology is also interesting, but very little information is out there. I found out I have asteroids called Atlantis and Karma conjuncting each other in my natal chart. But if you think about it, asteroid naming comes from the ether, from the higher selves of the asteroid founders, so surely that can't just be coincidence, can it? Asteroids will affect a lot of people so there must be a great importance to their naming and they are made part of collective conciousness and the Earth matrix. Also, I have an asteroid named after my birth city and also another asteroid named after my current city I'm living in conjuncting each other and my ascendant within 1 degree. As if there's some things out there trying to tell me something. Maybe I'm just where I should be right now? Or maybe I'm just imagining and it's just coincidence or some sort of Matrix illusion. No matter, it's still interesting and I keep looking into other clues as well.

There have been just some moments in my life that without them I wasn't here right now, and I don't mean like suicidal way but following a certain path on a upstream river perhaps... I'm just wondering if it's more like a guidance or timeline shifting. Because I still don't understand the concept of pre-birth lifeplan. The way I see the concept is that you agree with anything and everything that happens for you, in other words you sign a blank paper and it fills whatever happened after your mission is over so you can only say "oh, right I must have agreed on this" or there are infinite amount of lifeplans for any possibility. Or there is just one plan and you basically have no free will here, but you live in the illusion that you have it but everything is "whispered in your ear" as thoughts. Sorry, for my lacking 3D mindset.


#54 2024-02-20 02:13:55

Joe R

Re: Birthdays Starsigns and 5D combustion.

Wow, Antti, you've gone a bit deeper into the astrological analysis than when I dived into it while being a student.

A funny thing is that the elements we find in our charts are called "aspects". The same word is used to describe what a concept is and is not, i.e. to define it. The aspects describe the limits, or how the concept is contained, so to speak. And this may be a precarious realization, because if we transfer the same meaning over to the birth chart, we may easily interpret the chart as defining us, which really is a misunderstanding in my view. We ourselves need to find out what we are and not - which also includes the standards we put in place for ourselves - from our experiences and "lessons" in life.

What's in a name? I understand that it may carry the vibrations of an identity or signature, but isn't this recognizable only if we've had some previous experiences of it?

For example, you question the meaning about some aspects in your chart called "Atlantis" and "Karma"; they - the asteroids - are remnants from the Tiamat incident. Your recognition from previous studies has obviously activated the concepts and knowledge they represent for you.

It's the same as with all symbology; we understand the meaning of it by what we already have attached to the concept. And I sort of lump concepts and conventions into one sack here, as they are quite similar in this respect. This means one of two things; either we are meant to "cross the border"- which means to question the definitions, or to deepen the knowledge in the case of concepts - or we need to relate to it by the conventions we adhere to, and are collectively more or less defined/bound by. "Crossing borders" means we break the rules, whether they are collectively established or individually by yourself; or we leave them be. It's a choice, strictly speaking, given that you are aware of it.

Breaking rules is connected with some risks, of course, because if the collective has established the borders for some reason we haven't fully understood, we may be surprised by the social repercussions if we decide to ignore it. And if the given concept is made for communication, we may soon find ourselves out of it, which is usually not that smart.

In my childhood I became an expert in making rubber-slings and was mighty proud of it. My parents found out after the police found out, and I learned a proper lesson on why some "borders" and standards are put in place. Even pride is subject to standards.

And this touches upon what I understand as one main modality of learning in life; to "learn by error". Some children test limits by breaking rules, its in their nature to find out how firm the limits are. And all the knowledge found is what eventually brings them into adulthood. We may also break rules unwittingly, while having the best of intentions. That may be perceived really troubling, because intent is not so easily recognized when "bad behaviour" is detected.

The concept of "Matrix-people" is quite easy to understand if you saw the movies, but phrased in these terms, they are people who never seem to question the aspects, the collectively established definitions, the norms and the "rules". If you do question it - if you are ready to break rules whenever you find good reason for it - you may soon find yourself in "uncharted territory". You peek behind the illusory curtain.

If you are unprepared, you may find out some uncomfortable truths about reality. Then you better know what you are and what you are not. And then you may find that "Atlantis" and "Karma" define you, while you actually have the option of giving those concepts the proper meanings for yourself.

To put it this way: I really fancy Yazhi's mischievousness. The communicated aspects of that carry such a profound perspective, that I cannot really say I have found the "bottom" of it yet. I know that joy and exciting playfulness. However, I feel really sorry for her when she hurts herself. She is such a dear one... smile


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