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#1 2021-09-06 17:39:17

Quick and Dirty Shadow Work Toolkit + More

Here I will provide the tools that have helped me make rapid leaps in shadow work progress and integration.

Teal Swan's emotional healing technique. This is absolutely #1 the most important item on the list. Until I used this, the other tools had a minimal effect. If you only use one thing from my toolkit, let it be this. It is not only shadow work, but timeline manipulation. Trust, fam. It works.

The next two are books. "The Kybalion" is a fairly small and condensed book of hermetic teachings. There is a whole lot to learn here conveyed very efficiently. There are so many good quotes, but the one that I have found most crucial as a mantra for shadow work, and I'm paraphrasing a bit here "You don't go into a dark room with a shovel and try to shovel out the darkness, you simply let in the light". This is crucial.

Healing Developmental Trauma by Laurence Heller and Aline LaPierre is the other book I'd recommend. This is the most genuine and effective psychological system I've encountered for understanding and dealing with these types of issues.

While diving into the dark and healing one's self, it's important to keep an open heart chakra. These two vids with advanced fractal light coding are top notch. Yes, they have a certain style that is a bit different. So does the Taygeta and Swaruu material, because it's legit. Be open, and be rewarded.

This is my condensed toolkit for shadow work and heart chakra activation. Hope it helps.

Last edited by Crystal Dragon (2021-09-06 17:41:19)

righteously indignant


#2 2021-09-06 17:49:39


Re: Quick and Dirty Shadow Work Toolkit + More

I downloaded these practices off the divine net and used them. Essentially i did not read books but channeled the information from my future god self.

I independently created the child shadow integration, albeit crudely. This is the difference between new souls and more advanced ones with a richer repertoire of experience and wisdom to draw on.

Sinstraia: You are the obvious enemy of humanity. Who would dare to make an enemy of me besides the obvious enemies of humanity. Anyone, or anything with sentience can see the love I have inside of me, and my intentions and use of that love. Aligning yourself against me is aligning yourself against humanity. In no uncertain terms, you are an enemy of humanity.


#3 2021-09-06 22:04:03

Re: Quick and Dirty Shadow Work Toolkit + More

Yup, which is exactly why I'm sharing it, to give others having difficulty a shortcut if they give it a chance. Not a shortcut in that it does the work for them, but in that it clarifies the type of work that needs to be done, if they were not clear on that.

Last edited by Crystal Dragon (2021-09-06 22:04:41)

righteously indignant


#4 2021-09-07 23:44:45


Re: Quick and Dirty Shadow Work Toolkit + More

Japan, Pleiadians, sons of Adam, begin to remember what amnesia has blocked.

Sinstraia: You are the obvious enemy of humanity. Who would dare to make an enemy of me besides the obvious enemies of humanity. Anyone, or anything with sentience can see the love I have inside of me, and my intentions and use of that love. Aligning yourself against me is aligning yourself against humanity. In no uncertain terms, you are an enemy of humanity.


#5 2021-09-08 02:25:49

Re: Quick and Dirty Shadow Work Toolkit + More

Ymarsakar wrote:

Japan, Pleiadians, sons of Adam, begin to remember what amnesia has blocked.

That is a very powerful song. Not all the memories are pleasant. Many are not pleasant at all. This somehow seems tied to origins of feelings of abandonment.

righteously indignant


#6 2021-09-08 02:28:28

Re: Quick and Dirty Shadow Work Toolkit + More

That is more past timelines though. Japan has a bright energy for the future.

righteously indignant


#7 2021-09-08 06:25:14


Re: Quick and Dirty Shadow Work Toolkit + More

Homura, from the movie after thr tv anime series s3ason 1 ended

Judging by the reactions, she is emitting a psi 5 aura through voice chakra work. Activatinf the ancient dna memories.

Last edited by Ymarsakar (2021-09-08 06:37:01)

Sinstraia: You are the obvious enemy of humanity. Who would dare to make an enemy of me besides the obvious enemies of humanity. Anyone, or anything with sentience can see the love I have inside of me, and my intentions and use of that love. Aligning yourself against me is aligning yourself against humanity. In no uncertain terms, you are an enemy of humanity.


#8 2021-09-08 08:06:00


Re: Quick and Dirty Shadow Work Toolkit + More

I will give my personal big thumbs-up to the Teal Swan video mentioned by Crystal Dragon as very helpful for shadow work. I first watched it when it was recommended by Ymarsakar. To lay some cards on the table, I approached it with a touch of scepticism (it is one of Mr Wide Eyes's many manifestations: Mr Smart Ass Know-It-All....). I mean, I've done shadow work before - Jungian stuff, Archetypal Psychology with James Hillman. Not to mention the classic night-sea journey as described by Jung, and times when the shadow work has impressed itself upon me: do the work or die!

I watched the video and was won over. Teal presents stuff really well - her being is part of the presentation- easy to listen to and innerstand. I tried out the technique she describes - which is so simple and obvious, it's unbelievable - on some long-standing habit which has recently shown up as requiring attention. It was amazingly effective - 35 years of developing attitude refashioned in no time! Provided you have a certain transparency to past experiences, and can drop down into reliving them, you can really go for it. So thanks for the info, folks. I would know nothing of Teal Swan if I hadn't turned up here.


#9 2021-09-08 16:08:57


Re: Quick and Dirty Shadow Work Toolkit + More

Your frequency determines what you can access in life. It is like a security clearance or id.

If you lack the prerequisite, i and teal would look like mad cult leaders, ai, trolls, or some other justification for you to not energize the contact.

The dark matrix has these mechanisms. It is a kind of separation or apartheid.

But it is useful as well as annoying.

Separating the waxed from unwaxed may make it easier for waxed to fear the unwaxed but it also safeguards the unwaxed from the bio weapon zombie factories aka the waxed.

If utube censors you, they are doing you a favor bg telling you that you belong elsewhere.

There is a long history in india of gurus pissing people off. And in the west, there is jesus pissing off romans and religious authorities.

That is cause those at a much higher frequency will auto trigger the trauma child shadows of those at a lower frequency. And it scares all the demons feeding off your pain and amnesia trauma. So people often report that masters make them afraid. Confident people makes unconfident people feel insecure and jealous, and they can fall to the dark side of hate or anger.

Free will and prime directive simply means in this context, 07 has the right to know the truth and the right not to know. If they want to know, we are allowed to engage realm bridge and raise their vibration. If they refuse, contact deteriorates and no further efforts may be made ezcept by negative contacts.

The dark matrix rules are very simple. It gets simpler the more powerful the mijd body spirit complex becomes.

Last edited by Ymarsakar (2021-09-08 16:20:37)

Sinstraia: You are the obvious enemy of humanity. Who would dare to make an enemy of me besides the obvious enemies of humanity. Anyone, or anything with sentience can see the love I have inside of me, and my intentions and use of that love. Aligning yourself against me is aligning yourself against humanity. In no uncertain terms, you are an enemy of humanity.


#10 2021-09-08 22:50:45

Re: Quick and Dirty Shadow Work Toolkit + More

Those songs are resonating fully now and I understand why. Sort of did all along. Let me set something straight about the past.

Since at least the times of Atlantis, and other time periods such as Egypt, the CFC(cabal/federation complex) has run selective breeding programs between extra terrestrials and Earth. Pleiadeans features prominently in these programs, basically having been invited or enlisted, or volunteering, under the auspices and conditions set and directed by the CFC. This is why there is Taygetan DNA in the Ptolemaic bloodlines.

Basically the CFC directive was to achieve the desired bloodlines, and send the Pleiadeans back home, having achieved the result of simply more ruling bloodlines for their envisioned societal systems, which we know are garbage. Attachments were formed, dreams envisioned, and then came the betrayal and abandonment when they went home under the agreements and conditions set by the CFC.

This happened multiple times throughout history, and these depraved, sociopathic, and heartless schemes are one of the reasons the CFC will reap what they sow and lose their rapey, illegitimate hold on Earth and this solar system. They were never worthy. They treated their betters like breeding animals, and now they will be dispersed like the unruly heartless, brainless cattle that they are. Unless, of course, they choose to evolve and grow a heart chakra like the rest of us have so diligently done. That option is on the table and highly recommended.

righteously indignant


#11 2021-09-08 23:10:21

Re: Quick and Dirty Shadow Work Toolkit + More

These programs and so much more. They are also letting non-humans disguised as humans run rampant, when their original mission was to provide a space for humans to play out their own karma. It is much more than that. It has been a chain of atrocious fucking crimes the whole time. This does not happen in a vacuum. This is getting back to places. Souls talk. People out there know. They know, and they aren't pleased. We are not fucking around anymore. The CFC is over, they just keep pretending they aren't.

righteously indignant


#12 2021-09-09 01:17:11

Re: Quick and Dirty Shadow Work Toolkit + More

Alright, enough talk about depressing/annoying stuff.

I really like this one … FQ&index=6

righteously indignant


#13 2021-09-09 10:41:00


Re: Quick and Dirty Shadow Work Toolkit + More

A timeline expo of anime opening songs.

I did not watch a handful of the older and new shows, and forgot many of thr songs from the older ones.

Nice memories

I never found music videos very useful.

Now i realize it is due to usage of empathic sense.

To lower p scale humans, the amv is designed to front load the visual centers to bolster the psi and hearing link. I have enough bandwidth i dont need it. And there arr singers like lisa whose psi broadcasr is strong enough even without video reinforcement.

These video reinforcements can be used to instill negative or neutral info.

It is better for me to read the body language and aura of singers and performers. I do not need an op video editor but i see how most of humanity can make ise of amv s. Since i also enjoy op and ed sequences that synch to songs.

Last edited by Ymarsakar (2021-09-09 10:45:42)

Sinstraia: You are the obvious enemy of humanity. Who would dare to make an enemy of me besides the obvious enemies of humanity. Anyone, or anything with sentience can see the love I have inside of me, and my intentions and use of that love. Aligning yourself against me is aligning yourself against humanity. In no uncertain terms, you are an enemy of humanity.


#14 2021-09-09 16:36:34

Re: Quick and Dirty Shadow Work Toolkit + More

I  like the elements of the music video for what it is, but I also just really like the white studio stuff. The music video has more of the flash and visual elements, but the more raw white room stuff conveys the power and depth of her voice more, so I like the different approaches for different reasons.

A word on shadow related issues I feel is important to share right now, about learned helplessness and invisible fences. This is probably a lesson I will repeat to other starseeds more than once. I'm in the process of mastering this lesson. When one has been so thoroughly derailed and kept behind a fence for so long, the fence may come down, the guards might disappear, but the most insidious part remains, and that's the programming that there is still a fence, and still a guard.

Those who were naïve and manipulated by hidden enemies throughout life, flip completely opposite when they first start doing the inner work and realizing it. Hypervigilance, mistrust, paranoia. Disconnection. Separation. Hidden weapons locked away expecting betrayal and being ready to snap against what was considered an ally the moment something seems to start to stink.

It takes a lot to balance that discernment and work to overcome those reflexive drives, but it is not only possible, but necessary.

righteously indignant


#15 2021-09-10 09:11:30


Re: Quick and Dirty Shadow Work Toolkit + More

Ok, a synchronistic event related to the Teal Swan 'healing by changing the past' work. True story, no exaggeration.

Tuesday afternoon: I am clearing out some stuff from the garage. I am surprised to come across a pile of written papers. It turns out to be the one-and-only time I've tried to write connected fiction, novella-style, about 30 years ago. I was looking for it a few years ago, since I was curious to see what the story contained. I had no recollection at all of the contents.

That evening, two activities. I wrote my little piece for the forum above, about the efficacy of Teal's technique. And I started to read the 'manuscript'. I was truly amazed and mystified. My memory was that it was just a few pages before I gave up, and not much good. To my surprise, it's quite long, and not too bad at all. I still cannot remember actually writing it - where, when exactly. I wonder whether it's an implant, to somehow add to a coherence to my 'life story'.   

Wednesday morning, I continue to read. The text is based on an English guy, loosely fashioned around (surprise surprise) me. He's not a bad guy, well-meaning and good-natured, but all too English: diffident, cautious, fearful of life. He develops a friendship with an Italian guy, who points all this out. In particular, the Englishman keeps on replaying in his mind two events from his schoolboy past, when he was playing a sport. He was fairly talented, but fear was his downfall. At that very moment he could have gone for the big winning hit, fear (of failure, of making a mistake) kicked in, and he chickened out.

He is haunted by these memories and their effect on his present. He determines to do something. He returns to the village of his youth, and turns up for a match. He is going to play again, no fear. He is going to change things.

By this time I am quite excited. Wow, he is going back, he is going to change the past. His timeline will take on a new more favourable shape! How's it going to go?

He arrives for the match, they are ready to begin. I turn the page, and....... the text stops! A dozen blank pages finish the manuscript! Oh no. I did not know how to continue, how to finish the story. I did not know how to change the past. It was left at the bottom of a mouldy box in the garage for 30 years, until now. Thanks, Teal. Now he's ready to hit the shit out of the opposition....


#16 2021-09-10 13:26:56


Re: Quick and Dirty Shadow Work Toolkit + More

It is a synchronicity to verify that you are following higher spirit self s guidamce for 07

Sinstraia: You are the obvious enemy of humanity. Who would dare to make an enemy of me besides the obvious enemies of humanity. Anyone, or anything with sentience can see the love I have inside of me, and my intentions and use of that love. Aligning yourself against me is aligning yourself against humanity. In no uncertain terms, you are an enemy of humanity.


#17 2021-09-11 05:54:42

Cosmic Sea

Re: Quick and Dirty Shadow Work Toolkit + More

This is a favorite artist of mine, she has an incredibly transformative voice. Old recording but potent.

" undivided wholeness in flowing movement..." D. Bohm


#18 2021-09-11 12:10:13


Re: Quick and Dirty Shadow Work Toolkit + More

Mackler is the messenger to the unawakened or non starseeds. He is pretty good in a down to Earth seed kind of way.

Cosmic, I like it. Reminds me of Enya and Japanese channeled music with the "long notes" and vocalizations.

Last edited by Ymarsakar (2021-09-11 12:11:30)

Sinstraia: You are the obvious enemy of humanity. Who would dare to make an enemy of me besides the obvious enemies of humanity. Anyone, or anything with sentience can see the love I have inside of me, and my intentions and use of that love. Aligning yourself against me is aligning yourself against humanity. In no uncertain terms, you are an enemy of humanity.


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