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#1 2021-10-02 02:02:28


Manifesting reality, or the power to create.

Good evening seeds. I'd like to share with you these thaughts, and music ofcourse, as ever hehe.
Hugs B.O.

Manifesting reality, or the power to create reality.

According to the teachings of Yazhi Swaruu, each "person" or "ego" in the highest sense of the concept is a singularity, which through gravity attracts and shapes everything around it. The "power of manifestation" is intrinsic to all beings endowed with "soul", this being a subjective term and in the absence of a word that defines it, we will say that it is a focal point of the primordial source, it is the source itself, therefore reality is formed both at the individual level and by the principle of thought. Thought can be measured in frequencies, emotions are resonance of frequencies and thought plus emotions, form a specific harmonic that consequently manifests gravity and mass, which is attracted to the focal point of origin.
The "3D" experience, which is only a frame of reference for a specific frequency range, delimits or refers to a frame of understanding or consciousness. In the "3D" density, the flow of consciousness and energy required is great, that is, the process of manifestation could be seen or perceived as "slow" and the energy required is very high for the manifestation of something, - be it situations , things, synchronicities, or even people, in what we will call the "personal sphere of reality." This is because the very nature of this 3D density is farther away - let's say - from the source, this distancing is not a matter of distance, but of perception, something like being inside a glass of water and seeing the outside world from through the opaque material of the glass, so our hypothetical being living inside the glass has to try harder to perceive an "outside" world much and much wider than the "little glass" where it lives. The term "drowning in a glass of water" becomes quite relevant through this analogy.
Understanding these concepts helps us to have a broader perspective and above all to be aware of a fundamental truth. "We are the creators of this reality", that is to say that everything that happens to us, has happened to us and will happen to us, is the direct manifestation of all our thoughts and emotions, as well as of all our agreements and attachments prior to incarnating in the " terrestrial biosphere ”.

As Yazhi says: -paraphrasing more or less in my words: - If we (humans) could leave 3D and go to 5D or any other D, we would carry with us many of the charges accumulated by our 3D experience, we would carry, whether consciously , or subconsciously the 3D attachments and agreements, that together with all our power of manifestation, provided by the focal point of the source or our "soul", we would begin to manifest very quickly, in a higher and much more fluid density, some of our own fears, creating terrible things. However, the other side of the coin is that the "soul" or focal point that has decided to "go down" to 3D, also carries with it the experiences prior to its incarnation on Earth, each person carries with them in essence, the "memories" of a very complex and immeasurable cosmic reality "The source", as well as possible previous experiences, either in other stellar civilizations, or possibly on Earth, as you have decided to incarnate again and again there. The situation of each focal point or "soul" is unique, and decisions are the responsibility of each "soul." This essence is what, in my opinion, would be our "inner being", I cannot find, at the moment, a better term, some would call it: "our higher self", or "Higher Self", since we exist in multiple realities at once. The good news is that by being aware of this power and assuming it with the responsibility that this entails, we have the possibility of transforming everything that happens in our personal environment, our “personal sphere of reality”. I know that this may sound like "New Age" and other verbiage, and added to the cabal's strategy of sowing false hopes or "Hopium" in people, to literally "tire" the seeker, confuse attention, and so on. However, we lose nothing with thinking that: from a "higher" point of view, from another perspective of reality, it is the collective unconscious, which is made up of all the "souls" incarnated in "biosuits" in this terrestrial biosphere, which sustain a reality where we have manifested all our darkest fears, individual thought creates the "personal reality ”, and each“ personal reality ”shapes a collective reality, in other words, it is the joint creative power of the souls in this 3D journey, which sustains the collective reality.

12,500 terrestrial years ago, or perhaps many, many more, (the Taygeteans have told us) through their communications, that humans of Lyran origin began to shape this "laboratory of experiences"

"No se puede vivir como si la belleza no existiera"
"we can't live as if beauty doesn't exist"


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