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#76 2022-07-06 17:51:46


Re: The Health Sphere

RoadtoSamadhi wrote:

Any negative effects to drinking one’s own urine in the morning and is it really that good for you ?

Hi RoadtoSamadhi,

I have no answer to this - some say yes, others no...I've never tried.

The Situation Is Hopeless But Not Serious, Paul Watzlawick


#77 2022-07-10 05:21:45


Re: The Health Sphere

About Collagen. Proprieties – and natural sources

Eating collagen-rich foods is one of the best ways of ensuring you get a sufficient and sustainable amount of this vital protein into your body. Collagen provides several benefits to the body, so eating foods rich in its key elements is crucial to feeling our happiest and most natural self.

What does collagen do? It is a major building block in your tendons, ligaments, muscles and even your skin. By ensuring you have a healthy supply within you, you can move more freely and painlessly. Meanwhile, your skin will be better hydrated and more elastic, which prevents the formation of wrinkles.
Collagen also helps to cushion your joints by supporting the development of cartilage, reducing your risk for arthritis.

Your bones also rely on collagen to keep them strong as you age and face an increasing risk of osteoporosis
(which literally means “porous bones”). The muscles around them are made of up to 10 percent of collagen; when you combine strength training and a collagen-rich diet, your muscles will function better and help you perform day-to-day tasks with ease.

Additionally, collagen provides structure to your arteries. That helps your heart perform more efficiently as blood flows smoothly throughout your body. If that wasn’t enough, this hard-working protein makes your nails stronger and your hair healthier.

In general, it’s like the glue that holds your joints, skin, hair, nails, and arteries together, so it makes sense to make it a priority for a healthy body. Our collagen stores begin to deplete at age 20 and seriously decline after age 40. That explains why skin starts to sag and joints begin to ache. However, switching up your diet can really turn things around.

With all the benefits in mind, we’ve rounded up some of the best foods rich in collagen. This protein.consists of three amino acids: proline, glycine, and lysine. As the body ages, it produces less collagen.naturally on its own so supplementing it via good nutrition is a wise move. When considering the best
foods for promoting collagen, you’re drawing on these key amino acids and other nutrients that will help your body naturally boost collagen production for all the reasons we’ve listed above.

As a bonus, there are several vitamins and minerals that work well with naturally collagen-rich foods, to aid in their absorption and to make them work better for you. There is a range of proteins, vegetables, fruits, and more to ensure you have enough variety in your diet. That way, you can slip one of two of these foods into your meals every day.

SPIRULINA - it’s one of the best foods you can eat to promote collagen. It grows as a form of
blue-green algae and has been part of a healthy diet since the Aztecs started incorporating it into their meals in the 16th century. If you are looking for a way to get a good dose of protein while eating less meat, this plant can fill the gap.
What makes spirulina so excellent is that is one of the most nutrient-dense foods. Even its farm practices require less land and water to create its proteins, compared to other sources.
Not only does spirulina consist of 65 percent amino acids, but it is also a strong source of copper, an important mineral for promoting collagen development and red blood cell syntheses.

MUSHROOMS - Zinc and vitamin D can do wonders for stimulating collagen production, and both are found in mushrooms. This superfood makes our list early since it is so easy to add it to countless dishes.
To get your best results, consider adding a variety of mushrooms to some Instant Pot meals for your lunch or dinner. They come in different types, each with a unique taste. You’ll never run out of ways to use them while reaping the benefits of their magical qualities.

Fruits Rich in Vitamin C
Guava - in addition to vitamin C, this fruit has a bit of zinc, vitamin A, and antioxidants carotene and lycopene
Grapefruits, oranges, lemons,and limes - your body needs vitamin C for collagen production

Tomatoes – besides vitamin C, are also rich in the antioxidant lycopene, which helps to reduce collagen loss. It improves skin texture and prevents oxidative stress from sun damage.

Almonds and other raw nuts - Some of the nutrients in almonds include copper, healthy fats,zinc, vitamin E, and proteins rich with amino acids. Vitamin E in particular, teams up with vitamin C to stimulate the development of collagen.

Garlic - contains zinc, vitamin C, amino acid taurine, sulfur, and organo-sulfur compounds lipoic acid and allicin, which adds the unique color and flavor. All combined, these nutrients are a powerhouse for supporting the production of collagen. When you eat a healthy amount of the foods listed in this report, then add some garlic, you’re giving the body the diverse diet it needs to produce the collagen it needs.
Not only does garlic help with collagen production and prevent the breakdown of the supply your body already has, but it fights the free radicals your skin is exposed to through pollution and helps renew skin fibers.

Bell peppers - red, orange, and yellow bell peppers are all excellent food sources of collagen-building nutrients. Bell peppers are rich in both vitamin A and vitamin C, which are essential for collagen production. The riper the pepper, the higher the vitamin C level; therefore, the redder the pepper, the richer it will be.
Green, orange, and yellow ones are also beneficial, just not as much when it comes to supporting your little collagen factory.
Red peppers are also packed full of lycopene, a natural antioxidant that doubles as a sunblock. This helps to prevent damage to the skin while also increasing the overall collagen levels in the body.

Avocados - have very high concentrations of natural fat, but mostly healthy and monounsaturated fat that is essential for plump and youthful skin. Their fats and fiber are also excellent for stimulating the production of anti-wrinkle collagen. This, together with its rich stores of vitamin E, make it the best food source for attaining a healthy complexion.
They also tame the free radicals running around, wreaking havoc in your cells, adding another layer of  protection.
If you’ve never tried avocado before, try smearing it on a sandwich instead of mayo or peel and toss it into a smoothie instead of a banana. You can make guacamole by mashing it with a little lime juice, cumin, and garlic, then brightening it with a few grape tomatoes.

Organic soy - contain genistein (plant hormones with antioxidant properties), which prompt collagen production. Genistein is also perfect for blocking enzymes that can age your skin.
Soybeans also contain all the necessary amino acids needed to support protein building in your body. This is a crucial process in building collagen and protecting against enzymes that attack the healthy production of collagen and elastin.

White tea - supports the elements that protect the structural proteins of your skin, specifically collagen. This beverage is also believed to prevent enzyme activities that may break down collagen, which would contribute to soft lines and wrinkles.
White tea contains high levels of phenols that can encourage and strengthen both collagen and elastin. This promotes the production of a much smoother and more youthful skin appearance. These two proteins are essential for creating strong skin and helping to prevent wrinkles. White tea is the best food additive you can use with the highest ability to protect proteins on the skin. It does this by inhibiting enzymes that weaken elastin  and collagen. In addition to its anti-aging properties, white tea also works perfectly for reducing the risks of inflammation- related diseases such as arthritis and cancer.
White tea brews best for one to 10 minutes, based on the size of the leaves and your personal preference. You can also use a cold, used tea bag to relieve blemishes on your skin.

Dark leafy greens  - are also known for their versatility and their high volume of vitamin C concentration.This helps to enhance collagen production and keep the skin firm and smooth. Not only that, but dark leafy greens are also always rich in vitamin A, which is excellent for promoting strong and shiny hair. The vitamins in leafy greens have been shown to reduce inflammation in cells as well.
Vegetables like kale, collards, spinach, and Swiss chard contain a high concentration of vitamin C.
Greens contain antioxidants that help to prevent the breakdown of collagen too.

Broccoli, spinach, and kale can impressively ramp up your collagen production and avert collagen damage due to free radicals, such as dust, smog, excessive sun exposure, and cigarette smoke.

Beans - are a vegan high-protein food. But not many people know that beans also contain the amino acids needed to synthesize collagen. Most beans are also rich in copper, which is another vital nutrient necessary for the production of collagen.
Studies show that beans are one of the best natural sources of hyaluronic acid, a compound known to keep the skin plump, smooth, and hydrated. Hyaluronic acid also helps to accelerate the production of collagen. Remember to add some bean sprouts to the salads and stir-fries, which are great collagen-boosting superfoods.
Beans have compounds that directly promote the production of collagen that are difficult to find in any other food source, especially genistein and hyaluronic acid.

Collagen-Enhancing Herbs
1.Chinese knotweed has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for more than 3,000 years and is part of the regimen of professional athletes to perform better and recover from injuries faster. Some call it the “elixir of life.” It is known to restore hair growth and restore color to graying hair.

2. Horsetail is rich in silica which are easily absorbed into the body where they accelerate the healing of broken bones and restore weakened connective tissue in joints and the circulatory system. It also keeps joints more elastic and resilient from sprains, tears, and arthritis.

3. Nettles contain a high amount of calcium, silica, and sulfur, empowering them as an excellent source to help boost collagen receptors. When combined with horsetail, it does even more to build strong bones, nails, and cartilage.

4. Gotu Kola is known for its protective antioxidative power and skin-tightening collagen synthesis. The Gotu Kola leaf can be eaten in a salad, juiced, or taken as a powder via a supplement. It is also used in topical creams to plump up skin.

5. Ashwagandha - it's a versatile adaptogenic herb, working on many levels due to its medicinal properties. It is rich in compounds that stimulate collagen growth: iron, antioxidants, tannins, potassium, various steroidal lactones, saponins, somnifera and withanolides.

6. Bala leaves accelerate collagen growth and help to retain it once the cells have multiplied.

7. Cilantro, also known as coriander leaf, is rich in vitamin C and linolenic acid, a powerful skin anti-ager.Its antioxidants fight back against free radicals in your blood, which attack healthy skin cells.

Last edited by Edith_S (2022-07-10 05:26:56)

The Situation Is Hopeless But Not Serious, Paul Watzlawick


#78 2022-07-16 10:58:01


Re: The Health Sphere

About EMF and PMF - Pulsed Electro-magnetic fields

I found these docu-series quite interesting, especially the second speaker who is the founder of the DNA Company - he and dr Pawluk have an interesting discussion about the way genetic differences make us the exception when it comes to whatever we engage in - diet, training, disease, etc.

Also the way the PMFdevices function - the work at the cellular level and correct the inflammatory state which disrupts the proper cellular response - remember about the Cell Danger Response and the exosomes Anneka was talking about ?

I just wanted to offer some useful information, as - if somebody can afford it - these devices are easy to use and can help clean up the mess of everyday toxicity plus the extras we are getting on our unique way. By the way, I'm not a salesman.

Well, I am a bit late, as usually, but there's a still time, and I hope they will make an encore-weekend for those who want to see the other episodes

To your health !!!

The Situation Is Hopeless But Not Serious, Paul Watzlawick


#79 2022-07-18 16:00:25


Re: The Health Sphere

This theme is a bit different - how to build trust - with animals and humans as well, by emptying your mind, by reducing thinking and  by being there and sending a message of acceptance - by emptiness of turbulence (sort of saying) within your person.

I did this several times and is most rewarding for every being involved! … reativeId=

The Situation Is Hopeless But Not Serious, Paul Watzlawick


#80 2022-07-21 10:26:47


Re: The Health Sphere

More about immunity and a quite complex offer to assist those interested to help themselves in various ways - available 13 hours, I just found out


When you watch this episode, you’ll discover:

-      How we can reverse engineer the aging process using the secrets of the healthiest people in the world (i.e., the so-called Blue zones)

-      What is the ultimate anti-aging peptide that increases longevity and reduces the risk of age-related diseases, including cancer!?

-      How you can 'correct' your metabolism with a simple combination of supplements

-      The unexpected role of your personal relationships in your fight with cancer

-      Why does one doctor call food 'information' and what is the magic 'effect' of food

-      What is the future of medicine according to these doctors and what does this mean for you

  Because our medical experts will be sharing powerful yet simple steps you can take every day to get so much closer to becoming IMMUNE FOR LIFE and almost never getting sick.

To overcome diseases such as cancer, autoimmune disease, Parkinson’s and so much more.

The Situation Is Hopeless But Not Serious, Paul Watzlawick


#81 2022-07-22 09:36:58


Re: The Health Sphere

Short solutions … moval.aspx
Story at-a-glance
•    Warts are a benign skin growth triggered by a viral infection. Research finds covering the wart with duct tape and replacing the tape every six days is more effective than cryotherapy or salicylic acid treatments, less painful and more cost effective
•    Warts are triggered by the human papilloma virus (HPV); although some sexually transmitted strains are linked to cancer, those causing skin warts are not
•    Most come in contact with HPV repeatedly, but not everyone develops warts; several activities may increase your risk, including skin breaks often associated with childhood play, nail biting, shaving pubic hair, weakened immune system and sexual activity, which is associated with genital warts
•    Other effective home remedies include salicylic acid available in over-the-counter preparations, garlic, banana peel, pineapple juice and aloe vera; genital warts are different and should be treated by a medical professional to avoid permanent damage

More Breakthrough Therapies & Natural Remedies: Biopuncture, CBD & THC, Psychedelics, Light Therapy, Muscle-Stimulation and More

The Situation Is Hopeless But Not Serious, Paul Watzlawick


#82 2022-07-27 09:31:10


Re: The Health Sphere

Have some fun with mushrooms and heal body-mind - soul, at least this time I am - just in time ! … &affid=127

You can attend it for free

The Situation Is Hopeless But Not Serious, Paul Watzlawick


#83 2022-07-27 09:41:12


Re: The Health Sphere

AllanH wrote:

I've had good success with Lifewave products. They seem like future-tech in present-day, to me, after having perused the patents and clinical studies. Empirically, X39, Aeon, SP6 and Energy Enhancer have all worked for me in significantly noticeable ways. Combined with pursuit of fasting and ketogenic diet, my health has improved dramatically. But, as in all things, do your own research and make your own decisions.

Hi AllanH,

Thank you for your input.

I am familiar with the various peptides' powerful healing abilities, not from this site, manly from dr Gordon and dr. Kent Holtorf's websites,  I think they are of good use!!!

Just for providing more information for those interested, here's an article: … the-market

The Situation Is Hopeless But Not Serious, Paul Watzlawick


#84 2022-07-29 05:14:48


Re: The Health Sphere

Hi everybody,

today I would like to share a webinar recording about how to handle fear.

the actual exercises start at min 8 - some breathing techniques to bring in light, peace, etc and push out the vibes of fear, negativity

The tools to be used, for example:

1. Focus on solutions instead of problems:

Question - are you a victim or a victor?
What victim-hood is about? - blaming, shaming, complaining...and so on...

in order to learn to be able to choose one's attitude in any given circumstances

2. Increase neural pathways of happiness
Tools - look for the GOOD - beauty.
Savor it for 2o seconds. Go to a 3-1 ratio - that is look for reasons to counter fear, break attachments to fear

3. Live with an open heart

4. Breathing to relax - abdominal breathing, concentrate on the slow exhale to calm down

....and so on, listen if interested up to the 8th - All good things for those who persist !

To your Happiness !

Last edited by Edith_S (2022-07-29 05:53:31)

The Situation Is Hopeless But Not Serious, Paul Watzlawick


#85 2022-08-17 09:12:01


Re: The Health Sphere … routs.aspx   How to Grow Sunflower Sprouts

A Key Food to Grow With Limited Space

One food that requires very minimal space, yet packs a powerful nutritional punch, is sprouts.
Sprouts offer unique benefits due to the fact that they’re in their initial and early phase of growth.
Compared to mature plants, sprouts contain more concentrated amounts of nutrients, antioxidants and other health-promoting phytochemicals, and fewer antinutrients.
In about a week, you can have fresh, nutritious food that can be harvested daily as needed.

The Situation Is Hopeless But Not Serious, Paul Watzlawick


#86 2022-08-25 04:17:22


Re: The Health Sphere

Hi Everybody,

one of my favorite holistic healers, dr Eliaz offered yet another chapter for free to lecture, so I thought to share it with you too … %3D.Syeesf

He explains the process of detoxing as a letting go on multiple levels - physical , mental, emotional and spiritual as this is an ongoing process until we exist here. The importance of galectin 3 is also included, which hardly any other researcher mentioned, and the solution too. Well, as usually, I don't promote any supplement as such, it is true that I'm using it, but is a bit to early to say something significant about it.

I hope this will be useful to someone, my best wishes to you all !

The Situation Is Hopeless But Not Serious, Paul Watzlawick


#87 2022-08-25 06:18:57


Re: The Health Sphere

Thank-you Edith for this goldmine of a thread!
I went and saw a very good naturopath today which will be the beginning of a journey to optimal health. I keep fit and eat well but there are a few things that need support. I'll be combing through this thread more thoroughly looking for gems.
Thanks once again ❤️

Most experiences are unsayable, they happen in a space that no word has ever entered    Rainer Maria Rilke


#88 2022-08-25 12:11:19


Re: The Health Sphere

DarkOwl wrote:

Thank-you Edith for this goldmine of a thread!
I went and saw a very good naturopath today which will be the beginning of a journey to optimal health. I keep fit and eat well but there are a few things that need support. I'll be combing through this thread more thoroughly looking for gems.
Thanks once again ❤️

You are most welcome, DarkOwl! If there's something of concern, just ask and I shall do my best to help !

The Situation Is Hopeless But Not Serious, Paul Watzlawick


#89 2022-08-31 09:53:55


Re: The Health Sphere

Hi dear friends,

I think this episode it's worth watching as it deals with the Hyperbaric Oxygen treatments that were effective in case of dementia,brain injury, Alzheimer, near death or already brain dead cases, as well as papaya consequences when there were severe whole body dis-functions.

Also get to know some of the front runners for people rights.

The Situation Is Hopeless But Not Serious, Paul Watzlawick


#90 2022-09-01 15:52:19


Re: The Health Sphere

Hello and ...some weekend reading:

supplements to enrich your mitochondrial energy- description, dosage and the metabolic pathway they activate are presented here: … lience.pdf

The Situation Is Hopeless But Not Serious, Paul Watzlawick


#91 2022-09-02 10:53:35


Re: The Health Sphere

Edith_S wrote:

Hi Everybody,

one of my favorite holistic healers, dr Eliaz offered yet another chapter for free to lecture, so I thought to share it with you too … %3D.Syeesf

He explains the process of detoxing as a letting go on multiple levels - physical , mental, emotional and spiritual as this is an ongoing process until we exist here. The importance of galectin 3 is also included, which hardly any other researcher mentioned, and the solution too. Well, as usually, I don't promote any supplement as such, it is true that I'm using it, but is a bit to early to say something significant about it.

I hope this will be useful to someone, my best wishes to you all !

Hi Everybody,

I just found this video where dr Eliaz talk about the survival paradox - in such an interesting and captivating way, that I considered it worthy to be shared:

I hope you will gain an enhanced insight of what is happening inside at macro and microscopic level. Is good to know, otherwise others will decide for you and is not always fortunate...

The Situation Is Hopeless But Not Serious, Paul Watzlawick


#92 2022-09-08 05:03:23


Re: The Health Sphere

Edith_S wrote:
DarkOwl wrote:

Thank-you Edith for this goldmine of a thread!
I went and saw a very good naturopath today which will be the beginning of a journey to optimal health. I keep fit and eat well but there are a few things that need support. I'll be combing through this thread more thoroughly looking for gems.
Thanks once again ❤️

You are most welcome, DarkOwl! If there's something of concern, just ask and I shall do my best to help !

Thanks very much Edith! smile
My naturopath appointment went very well. He did a very thorough job assessing me and I've been on my new supplements and vitamins for about 10 days now and I feel great!! Heaps more energy, vitality, strength and a clearer head. He wasn't cheap but worth every penny so far!

In a few weeks I will be seeing a colleague of his who uses the QXCI/SCIO Biofeedback machine (a machine that reads an extraordinary wide variety of dissonant frequencies in the body and employs 'destructive frequency interference' to neutralise them).

Have you (or anyone) come across these machines or used one? They sound like the precursor to a med-bed. Am very curious to try one!

Most experiences are unsayable, they happen in a space that no word has ever entered    Rainer Maria Rilke


#93 2022-09-08 16:06:57


Re: The Health Sphere

DarkOwl wrote:

In a few weeks I will be seeing a colleague of his who uses the QXCI/SCIO Biofeedback machine (a machine that reads an extraordinary wide variety of dissonant frequencies in the body and employs 'destructive frequency interference' to neutralise them).

Have you (or anyone) come across these machines or used one? They sound like the precursor to a med-bed. Am very curious to try one!

Hi. I had a session with a SCIO machine once. Personally didn't notice any difference in myself, especially not in the issues I was hoping to solve. But I'm not known for my sensitiveness to these things.

Though I know someone that loves it and has sessions regularly.


#94 2022-09-11 03:06:47


Re: The Health Sphere

Hi Everybody,
here you can register for a masterclass on peptides: … 9f326278cb

what info they offer:

Joined by global peptide expert, Dr. Kent Holtorf, we will cover in this 75 min masterclass:
>> What peptides are
>> How they differ from supplements and medications
>> How they work in the body and signal specific cellular functions
>> The top 6 high-impact peptides that can support enhanced physical and cognitive healing, health and performance.
>> Immune enhancing peptides
>> Cognitive enhancing peptides
>> Gut health peptides
>> Weight loss, sleep and performance
>> Safety and Use
>> Where and how to get peptides for yourself
>> If you are a clinician, you will learn how you can begin utilizing these in your clinical protocols for enhanced client outcomes.
PLUS>>> Q & A and a Case Study or Two review. 

add it to your calendar and join at 7:00 pm EST on Tuesday 9/13/22 - well , if you are interested

The Situation Is Hopeless But Not Serious, Paul Watzlawick


#95 2022-09-11 03:19:17


Re: The Health Sphere

DarkOwl wrote:
Edith_S wrote:
DarkOwl wrote:

Thank-you Edith for this goldmine of a thread!
I went and saw a very good naturopath today which will be the beginning of a journey to optimal health. I keep fit and eat well but there are a few things that need support. I'll be combing through this thread more thoroughly looking for gems.
Thanks once again ❤️

You are most welcome, DarkOwl! If there's something of concern, just ask and I shall do my best to help !

Thanks very much Edith! smile
My naturopath appointment went very well. He did a very thorough job assessing me and I've been on my new supplements and vitamins for about 10 days now and I feel great!! Heaps more energy, vitality, strength and a clearer head. He wasn't cheap but worth every penny so far!

In a few weeks I will be seeing a colleague of his who uses the QXCI/SCIO Biofeedback machine (a machine that reads an extraordinary wide variety of dissonant frequencies in the body and employs 'destructive frequency interference' to neutralise them).

Have you (or anyone) come across these machines or used one? They sound like the precursor to a med-bed. Am very curious to try one!

Hi DarkOwl,

I am not acquainted with this method - I have been using Bioresonance treatments for quite a while which can correct the polarity at the cell membrane and restore healthy communication in the affected areas in the organism.  Furthermore, you can see what changes-corrections happened since the last session - I go there weekly and I got good results - but since I had lots of things to correct, it took some time...

I am glad to hear that you are feeling great !!!

Best wishes from now on too !

The Situation Is Hopeless But Not Serious, Paul Watzlawick


#96 2022-09-23 06:06:48


Re: The Health Sphere


I think you might find this article useful, about anemia and copper deficiency, the interplay of iron and copper, especially for women after menopause: … ement.aspx

Morley Robbins:
Yeah. And I think one of the most important bits of understanding is to realize that if copper is not
adequate in the diet, which is a fairly safe bet worldwide, but that's a very significant defect in the modern
diet. And if copper's low, iron's going to build in the liver, and a liver that's filling up with iron is going to
totally change its physiology. It's going to change the frequency. It's going to change its immuno-
It's a very sophisticated process of the interaction between copper and iron, and if that interaction doesn't
go well, iron is going to start to accumulate in the tissue and it's going to start in the liver, but it's going to
go elsewhere, as you well know. And I think that is a really central part of, kind of the takeaways of this
conversation is, make sure that people know that iron does accumulate, and that iron can be released
through blood donations. And as you suggest, especially as you get into your 50s, 60s, 70s, it needs to be
a regular part of your health routine.

My note also
do not determine the iron status with just one marker, like the ferritin, but perform the other ones too, like serum iron, hemoglobin, total iron binding capacity, transferrin, also other blood measurements should be considered such as  MCH (mean corpuscular hemoglobin), MCV (mean corpuscular volume), MCHC (mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration) and then RDW (red blood cell distribution width).

You can find all these and more, described in the transcript you can download.

Last edited by Edith_S (2022-09-23 06:32:45)

The Situation Is Hopeless But Not Serious, Paul Watzlawick


#97 2022-09-25 04:23:15


Re: The Health Sphere

Hello friends,
this dr Mercola article is a good summary of what to do to have a firsthand response to everyday necessities:

- the role of methyeneblue and melatonin - quote:

Methylene blue is the parent molecule for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, off-patent drugs commonly used to treat not only malaria but also COVID-19.

Methylene blue is also the only known antidote for cyanide poisoning, but the reason why you absolutely should have it in your medicine cabinet has to do with cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks and strokes.

The second compound that I recommend keeping on hand is melatonin — in a 10 mg sublingual dose. It’s a powerful antioxidant and will limit the reperfusion injury if taken right away after a heart attack or stroke. It’s important that the methylene blue is also administered quickly, ideally within minutes, of the heart attack or stroke.
Time-restricted eating (TRE) involves limiting your eating window to a set number of hours during the day. I recommend getting down to at least a six- to eight-hour eating window — and ensuring that you stop eating at least three hours before bed.

What to Avoid Eating to Protect Your Health
Examples of seed oils high in omega-6 PUFAs include soybean, cottonseed, sunflower, rapeseed (canola), corn and safflower.10 Omega-6 is considered to be proinflammatory because of the most common variety, linoleic acid (LA), which will radically increase oxidative stress and cause mitochondrial dysfunction.

As you focus on eating real food and restricting your eating window, it is important to avoid making the mistake of going no-carb or low-carb, as your body needs carbohydrates. While you may initially improve if you cut out carbs, over time it will raise your cortisol levels and can actually lead to insulin resistance and hormonal imbalance.

The Situation Is Hopeless But Not Serious, Paul Watzlawick


#98 2022-09-28 05:52:27


Re: The Health Sphere

RoadtoSamadhi wrote:

Any negative effects to drinking one’s own urine in the morning and is it really that good for you ?

Hi Roadto Samadhi,

in this docu-series this therapy is mentioned to remake DNA which was modified due to the papaya shots   - starts from min 56, in Edward Group presentation

+++ I recommend the above episode for those who want to remove toxins from the body, due to papaya and in general, and to fortify the organism.

This episode runs only today, but usually there's a replay in the weekend.

Last edited by Edith_S (2022-09-28 05:57:15)

The Situation Is Hopeless But Not Serious, Paul Watzlawick


#99 2022-09-29 05:49:47


Re: The Health Sphere

Hello Friends,

there's a webinar with questions and answers about EMFs action today, if interested, you can register here: … id=emfacad

Notice quote:
Good news is, there’s a simple way to protect yourself from EMFs…

WITHOUT having to get rid of all your technological devices.

In fact, my good friend and EMFs researcher Trevor King is about to host an eye-opening free webinar about the real danger of EMFs…

Where he will not only show you the UNCENSORED truth about 5G and EMFs…

And the 7 little-known “warning signs” that your health is under attack by EMFs…

But also a simple way to “EMF-proof” your home…

And SHIELD you and your family by these lethal radiation fields.

He already hosted a similar webinar a few weeks ago… and the feedback was amazing!

And because there are only a limited number of “seats” for this live webinar…

The Situation Is Hopeless But Not Serious, Paul Watzlawick


#100 2022-09-29 16:03:02


Re: The Health Sphere

Hi egg-lovers ! ( I am one of them)

This is a good video the get some reliable facts about the benefit of consuming quality eggs,  with some biochemistry added - in order to understand the real processes that the components of eggs contribute to, not the pharmacy backed scare tactics .

The Situation Is Hopeless But Not Serious, Paul Watzlawick


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