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#1 2022-09-14 18:44:36


David Icke's Twin Flame

'The Trap' is David Icke's new book. It is more concise and approachable than some of his books, and also contains plenty of new material and autobiographical stuff. It could work as a good intro to how he sees things.

One of the chapters is about 'K'. 'K' was at school with David, and in their mid teens they fell for each other in a big way. They didn't 'do' anything, but the feelings were deep. When David moved away from home to pursue his career, they kept in touch. Then, without explanation, 'K' just broke off contact.       

The lovestruck teenage Icke was devastated. Nevertheless, life continues, until.... 'K' reappeared, in 2019, 52 years later. Firstly in vivid dreams, then as a presence that David felt around him. She began speaking to him. One day, while Icke was driving near Avebury stone circle in southern England, she announced to him: "We are twin souls."

Multiple synchronicities took place, seemingly confirming it all. Icke consulted two mediums, who independently came out with the same story: yes, they were twin souls or flames; 'K' died in her 40s from a rare heart condition; they could not be together in this life, since David had important work to do, and she would only distract him from this. And yes, she was waiting for him.

As final confirmation, Icke employed two different companies of tracers, people who search for the whereabouts of individuals. They both came back with a surprise. 'K' was alive, had a family, and didn't want any communication with anybody from schooldays!

Icke calls this chapter 'WTF!' because that's how he felt about it all. He'd been had. Or nearly so. No twin flame after all. And the incident has opened up new doors for investigation for him. Any 'conclusions' he has are provisional, work in progress.     

In brief, he ponders on the depth of deception and manipulation that takes place in, or from, the Matrix, or the simulation as he calls it. How could such a deception take place? It all comes from what he terms the AI 4D simulation. Here, time and space do not work in the simple linear way of 3D, so all type of outrageous trickery is possible. Past, present, future are all there already, and are accessed through the Akashic Record, or the simulation version thereof. Mediums can reveal info that only David and 'K' would have known about, because they can access the (simulated) Akashic Records where everything is stored. Magic, mystery, seeing the past and the future is a piece of cake if you gain access to this.

When they are at work, channelers, mediums etc are being genuine. But, Icke asks, where is their info coming from? While some is from 'Infinite Consciousness', a lot will be from the AI 4D simulation. So not to be trusted any more than words issuing from the mouth of Bill Gates or Justin Trudeau.

For me, the relevance for our forum is this. We don't generally fall for 3D cabal tricks any more. Fake plandemics, fake climate scares, manufactured wars. We've got pretty good at spotting all this bullshit. So the cabal has to be a bit more clever with folk like us. The astral! The mystical! Akashic Records! Wow! Past lives! Twin flames! I mean, who doesn't want to meet their twin flame???!!! So this is where we have to be clever, discerning, super aware. For someone like me, a sucker for all this stuff, it can easily become the weak point, where what is just another layer of matrix nonsense gets taken as a genuinely higher reality.

That's it, really, the skeleton, the bare bones. For sure, I haven't done justice to a riveting and significant story. But I hope the gist comes through....


#2 2022-09-14 23:30:10

Asha Randa

Re: David Icke's Twin Flame

It's a good point you make ... even with our 'filtered perception' we can still fall foul of the trickery of the so-called 'elite'.

It's my understanding that some of the alphabet agencies work full time trying to take ppl away, or close forums such as these. Made even more posdible now with AI.

The other side to this is where Light Beings have come together in sincerity and formed a group/ forum etc only to have it crumble due to the corruption of their own egos. Sad but true.

Cheers ...



When light is combined with intellect, Renaissance begins.


#3 2022-09-15 01:47:06

Re: David Icke's Twin Flame

Thanks for posting this. It's extremely interesting. Astral, dream, and telepathic manipulation through a 4d AI matrix makes a lot of sense, and it would be an effective way to fuck with high value targets and attempt to throw them off.

I would very much caution against making a conclusion with certainty about something like a twin flame connection with only dreams, astral experiences, telepathic downloads, vague memories, and a few sporadic events in 3d as evidence. Such a conclusion would be uncertain and inconclusive at best and could be detrimental to one's mental and emotional wellbeing at worst. That's what any manipulative force would be counting on, to at very least cause a distraction, if not extreme emotional and psychological damage.

I'll state some things that I would consider solid evidence of a true twin flame connection. If you are communicating with a person of the opposite gender in real life, either face to face or by written communication with someone you know is who they say they are, and you mirror each other completely in mentality, emotionality, ideals, ethics, opinions, desires, have the same mindset, think the same, have the same spiritual beliefs, and just "tick" the same on every major level, plus have many synchronicities while communicating, that is real evidence of a twin flame connection.

Synchronicities could include constantly seeing synchronous numbers when you glance at the clock while communicating with or thinking about each other, resonating with similar symbolic and mythological themes, having those symbols and themes come up in dreams and daily life as well as your conversations together, having memory fragments of someone from a past life with the same energy and personality as that person, and other such things that aren't easy to explain.

I hope my input on this subject can potentially be helpful to others who read it.

Last edited by Crystal Dragon (2022-09-15 01:53:56)

righteously indignant


#4 2022-09-15 03:38:52


Re: David Icke's Twin Flame

People have very strong desire to meet a partner for life. And is really difficult to meet a genuine one. But most of the people do not know this. They are full with hopes and dreams. And often when the first opportunity comes, they meet someone and they start to project qualities on them that they do not have. It is the desire to be with someone, to have someone is doing the trick and there is haste no to miss the presented opportunity. This is often happening when you like someone on their exterior attractiveness and not knowing them like character.


#5 2022-09-15 05:00:03

Re: David Icke's Twin Flame

"Duality perception" is a good description of what can create problems in this area. On one hand, there's the potential idea that someone you were attracted to in high school or someone you just met and projected a bunch of hopes onto and never knew/don't know or have much in common with on a deeper emotional and spiritual level is a twin flame.

On the other hand, there's the matrix mentality of 3d cynicism that you will never meet your twin flame because of the odds not being in your favor as far as 3d "randomness" and "chance". This is submitting oneself to lower "laws" and illusions rather than using one's consciousness to influence reality and the matrix to manifest what you want. Yes, the veil and the apparent randomness and random chance and unfavorable odds of 3d do make things difficult, but not impossible.

Neither of these two extreme mindsets are helpful for someone who wants to meet a good life partner. If it's going to happen, it's very rare that it happens in high school. It usually happens when both partners have spiritually awakened to a noticeable degree and set their intention towards meeting someone truly compatible with a soul connection, and this way they can manifest one another into their lives, and if and when it does happen, both will be awake and aware enough to recognize the connection without wishful thinking and projection distorting their discernment. I noticed 10:10 on my clock at one point as I was editing this, lol.

Last edited by Crystal Dragon (2022-09-15 05:22:53)

righteously indignant


#6 2022-09-15 07:21:36


Re: David Icke's Twin Flame

Matrix can play tricks on you depending how you think. If one want to meet a partner should not give up and become desperate if such partner is not found after many attempts and failures.

And if do not happen, if you cannot find the proper one let your mind be open and accept the situation how it is and be content with it. Not everyone is meant to meet a proper partner and to have such experience. In the future things may change and have to be open for any kind of different and new changes. Future may be the next day, may be after years.

Last edited by mitkobs (2022-09-15 07:24:38)


#7 2022-10-11 08:10:19


Re: David Icke's Twin Flame

Yes, Brahman, I would tend to agree. Contact occurs because of some kind of attraction or magnetism, just like with humans. How conscious or unconscious this attraction may be isn't too important. Like you, I've never invited ET contact, and on balance I prefer things that way!

In David Icke's case, and I didn't write about this originally, it began to make sense to him. He feels that the whole episode was created in order for him to experience how deep the 'AI 4D simulation', as he calls it, goes. It was a part of his education, designed for him to learn from. He wasn't necessarily meant to fall for the deception, but higher elements in the universe, with which he is aligned, laid the show on for his benefit. Nevertheless, the experience, for him, is as real as anything, super-real in fact.


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