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#1 2022-11-28 23:46:19


Am "I" actually "Real" ?

Hello Cosmic Agency World!  Tim from Wisconsin, USA here.

This is only my 2nd time posting.  Normally I try my best to make my own decisions on most subject matters, but this one below has been hard to overcome.

I just watched Gosia on the AJ Roberts show (11/28/2022).  She touched again on a subject that I have been struggling with, so I welcome anybody that could clarify this for me.

She stated again that 1 in 5 people on this planet are "real" people or ones with souls and rest are just backdrop people created by the matrix.

She also stated that souls can jump into and leave a body at any time, either into a body that already has a soul or a backdrop (empty) body.

Do I believe I am in the 20% of people that have a soul? Yes, at least I hope so.

But here are my questions:

1) If a soul can basically come and go whenever they want to, wouldn't some of who I am be lost?  For example, I am 57.  If my soul decides to leave today and I live to 77, then aren't the life experiences/lessons that I learn the next 20 years lost since the soul is no longer on board? And if yes, then why hang around for those 20 years?

2) Should I treat the soul that I have like an "alien on board" and start calling them "Bob"?  Like when I talk to myself inside my head, am I talking to just me (Tim) or am I also talking to them (Bob)?

3) If my soul has reincarnated many times before, then my life's experiences that I have had now will just be added to the collection of other life's experiences for that soul? So, it's not like I am really living forever, but "Bob" is living forever and I am just one of many experiences for "Bob".  Yes, this is hard to wrap the brain around.  If I write my life story down on paper, and it's passed on from generation to generation, then it's like I am living forever, or at least my story.  But it's still really not me.

4) Is anybody else finding that the more you learn about what is really going on behind the veil, the less motivation you have to continue existing in this plane of existence?  I have always been a very positive and motivated person - owned businesses, done some crazy things in life.  But now, I am just like "eh, why work hard today" because in reality what we are doing here doesn't really matter.  Add this to the thought that the Federation could press the reset button and wipe most of us out, would it just be easier to exit now and wait for everything to sort itself out?

Tim in FDL
Wisconsin, USA


#2 2022-11-29 02:05:18


Re: Am "I" actually "Real" ?

Hi TiminFDL,

Welcome to the forum (- again... smile ). You phrase big questions with few words there.

If you wonder if you have a soul, and ask about it - particularly in this forum - there isn't really much doubt about it, I think. The experience of probing and questioning our existence is near the very point of being incarnated to this planet, as I understand it.

Our friends in orbit have mentioned several times that they don't like the term "Soul" much, because it has too many religious connotations (- they prefer the term "Adma" instead). And they definitely don't like religions, as they all present external authorities or 'middlemen' telling you how your world is assembled, while it's your task to figure it out yourself. Those 'middlemen' has a looong history of transgression and to disable our better choices, to preserve their own power and control over us and our communities.

Our friends in orbit have also touched upon the consciousness connected in everything, even rocks; it's just not consciousness as we're used to think of it. This has had a consolatory effect on myself over time, because just like you, I am unable to say if I'm a step-down, a walk-in, a pod-transfer, incarnated directly from Source, or whatever. But I'm darn sure I have what is understood as a Soul, i.e. a consciousness leaving this body when the day comes, when the body is unable to sustain it. I can't say I know much about that part of life, however. But it really doesn't matter, because this present condition is all about learning how to live this life the best way possible, while living it. Some choices are difficult in this, but that's often the best way to learn, I've found. And particularly the mistakes are important - if we're open to the lessons they give us.

For many years I struggled with transforming my understanding of emotions and sense of Self to what is termed "vibrations" and "frequencies" in the more progressed online communities. My detour into it went via establishing my present understanding as a kind of zero-point, or reference. A deviation or development away from it, would tell me of the direction in frequency and vibration. But I have yet to perceive any vibrations or frequencies connected to my own emotions. The abstraction makes it possible to talk about it, however.

It's easy to become depressed in the world today. So many things have been deliberately distorted by those who wanted to rule and control us, and it's pervaded most matters. Depression is really a signal from the deeper parts of ourselves to slow things down. It's not sickness - it's personal.

The true and real transformation it enables becomes evident after a renewed engagement. And the good part is that we had it within us all the time - we just had to figure it out. smile

Discuss the message, not the messenger.


#3 2022-11-29 19:11:49

Jupiter 9

Re: Am "I" actually "Real" ?

Hello Tim,

You are not alone in this, the not real people is one of the hardest subjects to wrap our heads around for most of us. And even when you understand it, it's even harder to embody and live it and make it part of your reality. This is one of the subjects that breaks the 3D matrix "game" if you manage to understand it and then integrate it into your reality.

One way to look at this subject that could help make it more clear is to imagine that you create a robot or an android. And you program it and you also program an AI in it, and to make it less complicated let's imagine that it's not an advanced AI but like the AIs that we have in the mainstream. And you train the AI and now you have an android that can walk talk and do all kinds of other things on it's own, but it's intelligence is just a computer program and it isn't self-aware. It isn't aware that it exists and that it's an android, it just does everything mechanically following it's programming. This is basically what the unreal people are, they are just following a script, a programning, and they are not aware that they exist, they are like biological machines.

And now imagine that you have a device that you can wear on your head and it puts your body to sleep and then diverts and links your consciousness/soul signal to the android that you created and programmed. Now the android has it's own programs about how to move it's legs and hands and how to do certain tasks and it has an AI that coordinates all that, but now it also has you, your consciousness/soul signal, that controls it and operates it and drives it around. Now it has a self-aware consciousness, "a soul", that is looking through it's "eyes"/cameras and is operating it.

And when you log out and unlink your soul signal from it, you wake up in your body and it continues as before mechanically following it's programming and there is noone in it, there is no self-aware consciousness operating it. And now it may have recorded everything in it's memory, but once you logout you also remember the experience and the experience exists in your memory too.

And the real people "with souls" are like that. You are the one that created and programmed the android and then you divert and link your consciousness inside your creation and experience the world through your creation. And if the android you are linked to is destoyed, it is only your creation that is destroyed, you continue existing and the memories of your experiences inside the android continue existing in you.

Another very good analogy is Yazhi's radio device and radio station analogy. You are a radio station that exists in the ether and you create a radio device and tune it into your frequency and now you the radio station are linked with that radio and you are transmitting your tunes through it. And if that radio is destroyed you the radio station are still there and all you need to do is create a new radio or tune an already existing radio that noone is linked to into your soul frequency ,and you continue transmitting your soul tunes through it.

Now you can also link your consciousness to your android and then add a veil that blocks your access to your previous soul memories and also blocks the memory of you creating the android and then diverting your soul signal to it. And now since you don't remember all that, you start believing that you are the android, and you build a new identity you call Tim and you forget that you are Bob and that you created the android and then diverted your consciousness to your creation, you forget that Tim is Bob with amnesia and even when you find about your Bob you treat him like he is another person separate from you haha. smile

And as for yor 4th question, the opposite is true for me. The more I learn and understand about life and the reality behind the veil the more positive and excited and motivated and full of life I become. It's the reality and life "in front of the veil" that was not fulfilling and exciting and interesting when I was fully immersed in the isolated terrestrial matrix bubble and had strong amnesia. Science fiction and fantasy and my own imagination was my escape from this insane primitive reality. I had no access to any spirituality material only religion which I found very primitive and stupid even as a child and turned to science for my cosmology and that was my cage, my belief system that kept me inside this matrix bubble, until I escaped the materialism religion about 10 years ago.   

Anyway, these are my 2 looong cents. Welcome to the forum Bob. smile

A TV show I am currently watching that touches on the subject of linking your consciousness to androids: The Peripheral

Last edited by Jupiter 9 (2022-11-29 19:20:23)

"If you do feel pulled in, to save, protect, others, I would suggest to examine the energy of the “guardian” instead. Not the weaponized guardian, but the guardian like an impenetrable wall energy. No consequences to who tries to trespass, just an impossibility of getting through." - Inelia


#4 2022-12-02 20:57:44


Re: Am "I" actually "Real" ?

...thanks Happy and Jupiter for taking some time and sharing your knowledge - greatly appreciate that!

Tim in FDL
Wisconsin, USA


#5 2022-12-03 06:21:50


Re: Am "I" actually "Real" ?

Matrix people are reflection of the collective unconscious. They provide background and aliveness of the picture of the current reality. And mirroring effect to real souls.

On your 4th point. More you learn and expand should have the opposite effect of what you describe. Should affirm life and goodness. Should see sense and purpose in absolutely everything that we witness. Should see yourself as integral part of the Whole and in the same time should see yourself as the Whole.

Last edited by mitkobs (2022-12-03 06:22:32)


#6 2022-12-08 13:58:41


Re: Am "I" actually "Real" ?

IMHO, the fact that you are asking the question literally proves you are real. To your questions …

1. If an entity (I really dislike the word Soul) leaves the Avatar (body), I would presume the brain and body would still acquire experiences. On re-entry, the entity would simply acquire that knowledge as experiences and proceed from there. That’s kind of the premise in walk-in Starseeds, as they acquire all of the knowledge of the entity formerly inhabiting that Avatar and simply begin their mission as they understand it.

2. YOU are not the Avatar. Your are the spiritual being who exists within the Avatar. So the person in your head could be called “Tim” or “Bob”, depending on what you want to be called.

3. You are correct - the experiences of YOU are additive after you pass from this Avatar.

4. Don’t despair. Ideally, we will always try to position ourselves to better our Karmic influence with and for others. Letting things “just happen” because we don’t see a reason to remain here will likely reduce our time in this experience. (As I’ve heard, most people die because they have nothing of value to contribute but their own death.)

If we are truly keeping score of our Karma, letting things “just happen” when we have something left to contribute means we will have more to make up for in our next incarnation. There is that to consider as well.

“YOU are not the Avatar. You are the spiritual being who exists within the Avatar.”


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