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#1 2024-05-09 12:11:13


Monitoring Spirits, Narcissists - Mari


Monitoring Spirits, Narcissists.
By Mari Swaruu

Swaruu Oficial Channel :


#2 2024-05-09 13:49:19

Re: Monitoring Spirits, Narcissists - Mari

I was literally thinking about this yesterday, how the dominant frequency principle will constantly attempt to flatten the signals of high frequency individuals by lowering the frequencies of unawakened people surrounding them.

I had a "friend" from childhood who knew a bit about my origins and such and worked tirelessly to squash my spiritual beliefs while also benefitting from my ability to heal, constantly seeking my advice while also undermining my intelligence, etc. That person blocked my flow for years and literally sucked the energy out of me and I was so broken down, I stopped seeing it.

When I had my awakening back at the end of 2017, that person mocked me relentlessly, showed me ridiculous documentaries about cults, all kinds of disrespectful stuff and yet they were surprised when I stopped talking to them and shocked when I later drew a clear boundary and said I don't want to see or hear from them anymore.

As one might guess, I was made out to be in the wrong, and to have been in the wrong basically my whole life because that's how long that person had been using me as a "friend", since early childhood. I'm just glad I got out six months before the 'pandemic' hit because there was no way I was having the 'papaya' conversation with that person or anyone connected to them.

My point in sharing this is to say that it isn't always family and to give a concrete example for those who might be unsure if this kind of thing is occurring in their life. That said, I've also drawn similar boundaries with several family members and that is actually a lot harder, as Mari says.

I don't have many people in my life anymore and I actually consider that a good thing. I feel more free to be myself than ever and to develop the parts of myself that others tried to deny or suppress. The last few years, despite all of our collective challenges, have been some of the most peaceful of my life.

I hope others aren't facing these issues to the extreme I was, but if anyone is, I hope you find the strength to draw boundaries as needed and that you are able to shake off the 'shackles' so to speak and thrive as your true self without worrying what others think.

Last edited by crystallinemister (2024-05-09 13:51:28)

The road appears when you need it.


#3 2024-05-09 14:04:32


Re: Monitoring Spirits, Narcissists - Mari

Here is a quick transcript for those who like to read along with Mari’s videos :

In my other videos about monitoring Spirits, I have described how those entities do whatever they can to lower the frequency and the vibration of a very positive person, who is usually a star seed. Observing this problem from the point of view of energy, thoughts, ideas, and emotions are vibrations, and in turn, those are also things, objects, and situations.

A field of energy, such as the Matrix on Earth, has an average frequency of all its vibrations. And whatever holds a higher vibratory state, is always brought down and normalized to become more of the same.

This is illustrated in the principle of dominant frequency, where the strongest will tend to make all the others more of itself. This is an energy dynamic in physics.

This means that people who hold a vibration which is above the average of the rest of the field, made of the energetic soup of the rest of the population, will be attacked to bring the subject down.

Happy and fulfilled people are not welcome because they shine too much, and they make the energetic draining of energy more difficult for all those lower astral entities who feed off human suffering, as I explained in detail in other videos on this subject.

In simpler words, happy people don't feed the system, The Matrix, because they do not need all the useless consumer objects that the average person wants, as they are always living in a strong lack mentality.

High vibration people tend to be healthier because they have a strong identity of self and a good positive ego, which keeps them nurtured and in good shape because they take care of themselves better than the average person.

And holding a high vibration simply makes them incompatible with many ailments, therefore they do not feed the sick, exploitative medical system on Earth.

Above all, high vibration people lift others from their misery, making it far more difficult for the system, including its dark astral entities who are running much of it, manipulating humans and NPCs to fulfill all their terrible plans designed to cause more suffering so the population can be most efficiently controlled and exploited.

High vibration souls are not wanted in The Matrix of Earth, because they elevate the vibration average of the entire system and of the whole planet.

Each positive person, usually a star seed, will have a legion of all kinds of entities doing their best to lower their vibration. But as the starseed is out of their reach, they use indirect ways to cause an effect that will lower the starseed to a vibration that is closer to theirs, as I have explained in my videos about the paranormal, lower astral entities are there, they are real, they are affecting your life every day, like it or not.

And this is something that you must understand because without this component of reality and how it works, it cannot be fully understood and manipulated to your advantage.

Positive people who are mostly star seeds, have people in their lives who are being manipulated by lower astral entities, or who are empty NPC's shells with a full-blown lower astral entity inside using that body as an organic portal to be able to function in the world of the living.

And the function they are looking for is to make life as hard as possible for the high vibration person, starseed.

This means that high vibration people - starseeds, will nearly always have someone around them who is doing all they can to make them as miserable as possible.

On Earth, it is very difficult for a high vibration person not to have at least one person who is a real problem for them. This can also be explained in another way; high vibration people, star seeds, are highly empathic by nature. This means that they see and feel the emotions and the needs of others who surround them, and they will always be there to lend a helping hand.

This is easy to understand in the case of starseeds because they have a strong service-to-others mentality which comes from the advanced, holistic societies they lived in and grew up in during their past lives which shapes the ethics and values they live by today on Earth.

But although this is very good and advanced when seen from an expanded perspective, it does have disadvantages for the starseed when it comes to living on Earth and navigating its Matrix.

A person who is a natural empath with a strong natural need to help others and who has a clean soul void of any true malignancy, if any, will immediately become an easy target for people who are highly egocentric and manipulative. Starseed empaths will be easy targets for narcissists. That is a sad fact, and all of you must beware of this.

Many times, all the manipulative lies the narcissists will tell the star seed empath will be believed simply because, in the starseed's head and its ethics, they would never lie and manipulate in such an overt and cruel manner.

So, they translate this to thinking that the other person, the narcissist, would not do that either, falling into the trap.

The star seed empath wants to help others all the time and feels the deep need to improve other people's lives. And on the other side, the narcissist will stop at nothing to absorb all they can from others and exploit people to their advantage.

As you can see, if the starseed doesn't notice this on time, it will be a recipe for disaster. This is where the star seed wakes up to notice how some of the people who are around him or her are cruelly exploiting them.

This is also part of the so called spiritual awakening, the sudden gain in clarity to all that is going on around them in their lives and in the world at large.

It is at this point during the star seed's spiritual awakening that they start to cut out of their lives all the people who are being nothing but parasites for them. The star seed will suddenly see false friends and will be able to tell them apart from the real ones, removing the unwanted from their lives in an attempt to improve their reality and elevate their vibration even more.

The star seed can be considered activated at this point in their life. So, they see and understand the need to remove unwanted people from their lives to be able to fulfill their soul mission on Earth. But there is a very real spiritual war going on there on Earth, where for every action there will be a counteraction from the opposing force.

There will be people whom the star seed will not be able to remove from their lives as easily as others. Those people are usually the ones who got attached to the star seed's life before their spiritual awakening, therefore could not have been filtered out or carefully chosen by them, and are an anchor and a burden that is placed there by the Matrix to stop and prevent the star seed from developing to its fullest potential.

These people who are there to prevent the starseed from elevating its vibration and who are most difficult to remove from their lives, are obviously the members of their genetic family. Because even unwanted narcissistic and egocentric husbands and wives can be removed with some effort.

But direct genetic family members are not so. Being that the closer they are to the star seed, the more difficult it will be.

And it will be even more difficult when the star seed is young, for example, when he or she is a well-aware and awakened teenager yet still strongly economically dependent on his or her father and mother, and often also having to live and deal with brothers and sisters who may also be organic portals placed there by the Matrix to hinder their spiritual growth.

As the highly conscious star seed grows older and more independent, brothers and sisters may sometimes become somewhat easy to control. Yet, their mothers and fathers will always be invasive to them if they are of the non-supportive, narcissistic type.

I know there are wonderful families of like minded people where brothers and sisters nurture and support each other, and where the father and mother are fully supportive towards the fully conscious star seed, most probably because they are star seeds themselves. Yet, this kind of spiritually powerful family is rare and far apart.

It is far more common to find a starseed immersed in a "matrixed" family where his or her interests are constantly under fire.

The starseed is constantly diminished, disqualified, and even ridiculed by their immediate family simply because he or she does not think like the rest of them.

This is another example of how the dominant frequency of a place does whatever is possible to regulate what is above average and whatever is shining too much.

Even though the starseed may be able to develop strategies to control unwanted people in their lives, including their immediate family like brothers and sisters, the two people they will find the hardest to control and to place limits on are their narcissistic fathers and mothers.

And among those two, fathers and mothers, it is the mother that by far is the hardest to control and place limits on, as we have come to observe and understand from here (although this obviously varies from situation to situation).

One of the biggest problems the starseed faces when trying to control the narcissistic mother, the Matrix placed there precisely to control and regularize his or her vibration and prevent the starseed from developing to its full potential and fulfilling its life mission on Earth, is that society at large has placed mothers on a pedestal.

Anything that goes against them will immediately be attacked and discredited, giving them automatic rights and the matrix given quality of always being right.

This causes the starseed in this situation to feel completely alone with his or her problem as often even psychologists and other health workers will fail to see the narcissistic dynamic the starseed is suffering from.

Even more so when the narcissistic mother is a complete expert in gaslighting her son or daughter to the point where even they, the starseed, start to doubt their own sanity and make them seriously question if it is they who are the problem and not their narcissistic mother.

As the starseed and his or her narcissistic mother grow older, the situation only worsens as she will use aging and its problems as a manipulative tool to control the starseed, as I said above, always exploiting his or her highly empathic nature.

This makes it extremely hard for the star seed to develop a higher vibration as his or her mother and her never ending problems will constantly nag the star seed's vibration down.

She also has an incredible talent to demand the starseed's attention right in the worst possible moment when the starseed is about to develop or engage in high-vibration, positive activities.

Of all the organic portals the lower astral entities used to bother and affect the lives of positive, high-vibration people and star seeds, the strongest and most dangerous organic portal is the "matrixed" mother. As she can be a problem for the star seed during its entire life, worsening with age to the point of collapsing and even stopping the star seed's life mission.

Suppose you are in a situation like this one. In that case, you should study all the material you can about narcissists, especially narcissistic mothers. As they are by far the ones that can cause the most damage, even over narcissistic fathers, as they are even more difficult to place healthy limits on.

There are beautiful, nurturing mothers out there. I am by no means talking about them. I send them a big hug and a kiss.

But remember that a mother is the most influential person in anyone's life (generalizing, of course). So, when one turns evil, she is the one who can also cause the most damage.

That is why dark, evil entities from the lower astral favor using mothers as organic portals to stop star seeds from fulfilling their life mission.

Behind narcissism, there is an astral infestation of dark forces. Because alienation from empathy also means a detachment from source, and this translates to the very definition of a demon.

Narcissists most definitely have demonic lower astral, evil entities working with them or through them. They want your destruction, and they will use all the elements at their disposal as weapons, including your empathy and good feelings.

Know this. Remember what Ari the Urmah tiger said: "You cannot help others if you are not well yourself." Before helping those others, you should never help to the point where it becomes detrimental to yourself.

The stronger you nurture and develop yourself, the more you can give and help others. So, do not overgive yourself, especially to people you have detected that have been placed there by the Matrix to cause you misery and stop your spiritual growth.

There will be more on this subject if it interests you.

This will be all for today. As always, thank you for watching my video and for liking, sharing, and subscribing for more. I hope to see you here next time. With much love, your friend Mari Swaruu.


#4 2024-05-09 14:13:56


Re: Monitoring Spirits, Narcissists - Mari

After so many years, I have become convinced that narcissists are the most deluded people and I hardly pay attention to them. There are always such people in the family but unless you know how to deal with them they cause you harm. If you treat them like they treat you, they will leave you alone very quickly. So my parents have become almost "saintly" people who, however, can rarely boast of my different presence. But you can't fix all the narcissists especially the main ones - the cabal, the friends of the federation. I don't know why they have to be so significant, it seems the Etortans are narcissists too. But that leads to indifference to life in the matrix, which is a good protective quality. Keeps from engaging in narcissist games again. Now I see the point of this game. Lol

Last edited by Brahman (2024-05-09 14:26:03)

There is only Nirvana (Buddha) lol


#5 2024-05-09 14:15:36


Re: Monitoring Spirits, Narcissists - Mari

crystallinemister wrote:

My point in sharing this is to say that it isn't always family and to give a concrete example for those who might be unsure if this kind of thing is occurring in their life. That said, I've also drawn similar boundaries with several family members and that is actually a lot harder, as Mari says.

I guess all of us who hold higher awareness face those problems. I had friend like that too, who was complaining about something every time we were meeting each other. And we were doing it at least once a week. He is also reading much internet articles that are meant to spread fear among people. So after almost 3 years I decided to stop interacting with him.

My grandmother was same exact case of exploitation towards my father. With time I once understood she was empty vessel influenced by negative entities. It is what it is, considering there is around 80% of empty vessels and matrix programs resembling humans, we will have at least few encounters with such individuals during our lifetime.


#6 2024-05-09 14:58:20


Re: Monitoring Spirits, Narcissists - Mari

Many thanks dear Mari for this one it really quite hits home for me and please yes more in this subject would be very important at least to me.

Last edited by mes333 (2024-05-15 14:23:24)

You have to be where you are to get where you need to go. – Amy Poehler


#7 2024-05-09 15:18:30


Re: Monitoring Spirits, Narcissists - Mari

mes333 wrote:

. (…) Also thanks Ariya for the transcript appreciate a read through after watching and I almost had it posted but got sucked into a boring work meeting roll

Ha ha, yes I also like to do the transcript when I’m meant to be working…

This time I did it with such an intense look of concentration, purpose and importance that no one tried to disturb me!!! … 
Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)  lol


#8 2024-05-09 15:34:59


Re: Monitoring Spirits, Narcissists - Mari

Ariya wrote:
mes333 wrote:

. (…) Also thanks Ariya for the transcript appreciate a read through after watching and I almost had it posted but got sucked into a boring work meeting roll

Ha ha, yes I also like to do the transcript when I’m meant to be working…

This time I did it with such an intense look of concentration, purpose and importance that no one tried to disturb me!!! … 
Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)  lol

HEHE it is all in the hand gestures and facial expressions I find... keeps them guessing at what you are doing big_smile

You have to be where you are to get where you need to go. – Amy Poehler


#9 2024-05-09 17:17:55


Re: Monitoring Spirits, Narcissists - Mari

Very relevant for everyone!

For me it was relevant because this week I decided to tear down government banners around the place I live because it was bugging me a lot,
I did my thing and some car slowed down and started following me. I did not engage and pretended not to care, it went away. I knew I was doing something good, I wanted to show people that there are some who care.

I continued my thing and some woman rolled down her window and cheered for me, it made me very happy, then immediately some asshole stopped by me and told me some very ugly swear words and recorded me on camera. It immediately felt bad for the whole day afterwards because of it. I ignored that guy and didn't say a word back, not even turn my head towards his camera.

I knew it was a matrix person trying to ruin my mood (and it did well), but that woman was on my mind making me think I made someone happy I did something good.
I was afraid all day because these pricks are happy to report thinks to authorities.
Then I realized I shouldn't fear this, he doesn't know anything about me, probably will only post it to his circlejerk of a-holes on social media, or probably realised he can do nothing about it. These people are very stupid.
It is very real and easy to recognize these things. It's crazy how fast and how hard the world lashes back when I have a very strong feeling to do something positive.
I am happy I didn't budge.

And the point about narcissist family members demanding things / favors / attention to do at the worst possible moment is sooo much on point.
In fact immediately as I started the video and relaxed myself after work I was interrupted. Mine is a narcissistic mother, it's kind of a mixed bag, but holy shit she is definitely damaging me real bad. She does horrible things to herself even to make us as a family terrified of her actions, and of course she's super manipulative and harsh. Then some days she is soft spoken and caring, but it's very hard to say "I love you". Sometimes in the middle of the evening I wake up to something awful. But at this point I am very aware it is something she cannot control, and I am so thankful for the rest of my family for handling problems for me, with me and supports me. My father especially, he always listens to my ideas to improve our lives, I always invent ideas to make live easy for the household, how to spare more cash, how to lower our costs of living and he is always there to help me and I'm there to help them all.

Maybe too much information but whatever,

Last edited by akos996 (2024-05-09 17:27:55)


#10 2024-05-09 17:26:29

Re: Monitoring Spirits, Narcissists - Mari

I've had many narcissists in my life. My Father, Sister. My Mother victim to an abusive narcissist Father so she marries my Father. She's a trauma wreck. Also, my past girlfriends and friends. Now, I have no friends and family. Havent seen my family in many years. I feel very alone.

Elephant's trumpet for his creed,
he travels faster than Wildebeest.
He eats bamboozled wonderweed,
he loves his visual feast.


#11 2024-05-09 17:34:25


Re: Monitoring Spirits, Narcissists - Mari

wandereringsoul wrote:

I've had many narcissists in my life. My Father, Sister. My Mother victim to an abusive narcissist Father so she marries my Father. She's a trauma wreck. Also, my past girlfriends and friends. Now, I have no friends and family. Havent seen my family in many years. I feel very alone.

That's a weird situation for sure. Sometimes I wish to be alone to fully develop, but probably would have similar feelings.
Don't worry, being a starseed is a lone path so it's kinda given. It's already a very big thing that you can have some self time to grow and flower.
And never give up hope to find someone you love. To me it is possible I never meant to have any parter for my whole life and I can accept that.
Of course I think of it but always shrug it off. I think in terms of karma that maybe I decided not to leave anyone behind, not to anchor myself down with kids and strong attachments.
But who knows, things change.


#12 2024-05-09 21:47:32

Re: Monitoring Spirits, Narcissists - Mari

akos996 wrote:
wandereringsoul wrote:

I've had many narcissists in my life. My Father, Sister. My Mother victim to an abusive narcissist Father so she marries my Father. She's a trauma wreck. Also, my past girlfriends and friends. Now, I have no friends and family. Havent seen my family in many years. I feel very alone.

That's a weird situation for sure. Sometimes I wish to be alone to fully develop, but probably would have similar feelings.
Don't worry, being a starseed is a lone path so it's kinda given. It's already a very big thing that you can have some self time to grow and flower.
And never give up hope to find someone you love. To me it is possible I never meant to have any parter for my whole life and I can accept that.
Of course I think of it but always shrug it off. I think in terms of karma that maybe I decided not to leave anyone behind, not to anchor myself down with kids and strong attachments.
But who knows, things change.

Thanks for your kind words akos996. I've put the pieces together and realise I have many things to work through in this life. I am aware of many traumatic "past" lives that are connected to me in this one and that has taken me years and I know I had to be alone to do it, but that takes a toll as well.

If you want someone to come into your life dont believe it wont happen. It always happens when you least expect it. My last relationship was with a starseed, but she wanted a child with me. But I knew I had to keep working on my stuff so I broke it off. I didnt want to give her any grief and I know deep down I wasnt meant to have any kids in this one.

Elephant's trumpet for his creed,
he travels faster than Wildebeest.
He eats bamboozled wonderweed,
he loves his visual feast.


#13 2024-05-10 03:30:09

Horton HaW

Re: Monitoring Spirits, Narcissists - Mari

Dear Mari, Where were you when I was younger? You would have saved me so much pain.

This one was very informative. I was aware of the demonic and astral, all my life, but I really underestimated the issue earlier in life. There should be an emergency guide to the astral for earth.

Thank you so much Mari!♥

A person's a person, no matter how small.

Verum vident finem noctis - See the truth will end the night. ~Yazhi Swaruu


#14 2024-05-10 07:03:16


Re: Monitoring Spirits, Narcissists - Mari

Like it is said everything that do not kill you makes you stronger. Lower astral is pesky and relentless in bringing people down but all that fight and suffering is making you the way you are now, way much resilient and way more thoughtful. Even for the mishap one should be appreciative.


#15 2024-05-10 10:19:00

Ilis Abilify

Re: Monitoring Spirits, Narcissists - Mari

Good saying:
"When you give the devil a little finger, he takes your whole hand."

However, in the case of narcissistic mothers, it is impossible for starseed children or teens to eliminate them from their lives if they are economically or legally dependent from the narcissist. Government provided homes or psychologists officers are not any better option.

Children protection laws (including the school system) and the entire concept of minority has been made to control people from very young age to make the exploitation legal. Its real purpose is to insert lack mentality, worthlessness and shame into (more aware) people so they didn't change even when they get older (maybe that's the main point).


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