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#1 2024-05-06 23:49:07


Menhir - Ancient stones


I am curious if anyone has more information about those menhir stones that are seen here and there on earth. I had the fortune to grow up near one of these ancient stones and I thought that it really was a special place.

What purpose did they serve? Where they put on ley lines on purpose? Who build them?

I give you a quick description of the menhir I visited frequently. It is a little bit taller than an adult human. And it has roughly a humanoid shape. It could be argued that it represents the shoulders, waist and hips. Head is no longer present. Now the stone is pretty old and probably looked way different back then than it does nowadays. The government dated it to around 1000 BC. I suppose it was pretty worn down during the times. And this specific menhir spend quite a while half buried in the soil until someone found it and it was put back up again.

Fun anecdote:

One day like many others, while I was visiting this menhir I had a very interesting encounter with an older gentleman when I arrived at the property. I was planning to enjoy the day and have a quick snack before continuing on. Well, an older gentleman was already sitting at the base of the menhir on a bench, smoking a cigar and enjoying a beautiful Saturday afternoon. I said hello and we had a nice chat. Turns out he knew a lot about this place and its history. What a coincidence I thought. I asked many questions and he had stories to tell. Baffling I tell you.

One thing that struck me is that he thought there were probably other "menhirs" buried there but the farmers are keeping a tight lip on it since they don't want the government to swoop in and seize the land for archeological reasons. I spend quite a while studying government surveying aerial images to see if I could spot another buried stone nearby, but no luck so far. Vegetation did not show signs that points to another menhir buried there.

It just got me more curious about these ancient stones. Why all the trouble to put up these stones?


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