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#1 2020-09-12 23:49:49


How Did You Find Cosmic Agency?

Please share how you found us, Cosmic Agency channel. Thank you! smile


#2 2020-09-13 03:43:02


Re: How Did You Find Cosmic Agency?

A late night google search. I was looking for information on Pleiadians and stumbled across a link to a Cosmic Agency video. I was admittedly skeptical at first that a human-looking ET would be using internet chat to communicate, but I found what was being said very interesting. That's what caused me to conclude that the contact was real, the information that was being shared.

Last edited by Tigerhawk (2020-09-13 03:46:03)


#3 2020-09-13 10:22:46


Re: How Did You Find Cosmic Agency?

For me, it is not that "I find" information like Gosia's YouTube channels, because I rarely search anymore. Instead, the information I need finds me when the time for it has come.

After stumbling over Gosia's channel, I instantly saw that it is "the real stuff", so I went through all the 200 videos within record time. After that I firstly stumbled over some Discord channels (during which's time I created my own forum) and then this forum. Again, it all happened when and how it needed to be - I simply love living with the flow !

My thanks go to the team for all their efforts, it is exactly what is needed now for those who are ready for it, so we all can boost each other to achieve the greater goal.

Helping people to self-empower and liberate themselves, and by that ultimately the whole planet and beyond. See my profile for means to connect.


#4 2020-09-13 14:58:38


Re: How Did You Find Cosmic Agency?

I saw a post with a video of yours posted by some member in the fb Pleiadians group and when watched it got my attention.

Last edited by mitkobs (2020-09-13 14:59:20)


#5 2020-09-13 17:01:29


Re: How Did You Find Cosmic Agency?

Gosia wrote:

Please share how you found us, Cosmic Agency channel. Thank you! smile

Thank you Gosia for creating this. Both the forum and the thread and the opportunity to share the experience.

I actually found this place via a Discord group setup for the purpose of discussing the Taygetans. I was invited by a member of that particular discord whilst I was on a Bashar discord, and various coincidences led me to see the wisdom you present in your YouTube videos from the Taygetans.

I was completely unaware that the Taygetans were a specific Pleiadian group - and in fact appear to be offended by being referred to only as Pleiadians. I was able to verify via another channel I trust that they are who they say they are. But even before this the information chimed with a sort of "memory" that I recognised the information presented. So the confirmation wasn't necessary, but helpful all the same.

I hope that in time the wisdom they present will help humanity - as well as other interested beings who are acting in the light.

Last edited by Wyvernsword (2020-09-13 17:12:38)


#6 2020-09-14 01:13:47

Re: How Did You Find Cosmic Agency?

I found out about it from a friend who posted several vids from Cosmic Agency into my discord lobby.
I watched several, and we were chatting about it for months , still do as new ones come out.


#7 2020-09-14 01:38:39


Re: How Did You Find Cosmic Agency?

Cool, nice to hear those stories! Thanks smile)


#8 2020-09-16 21:43:54

Re: How Did You Find Cosmic Agency?

Saludos "Greetings",

I found your greatest channel on my own during one of my cosmic search phrase or words search for the powerful cosmic knowledge frequency type of videos.

And i am very thankful that i found Cosmic Agency. you have taught me very very much.

Billion Galactic thanks Gosia, Robert, Dale, Matias, and 5D crew !!!

Last edited by Dr Enoch Metatron (2021-01-07 10:52:39)


#9 2020-09-17 03:03:11


Re: How Did You Find Cosmic Agency?

Hello Gosia

I'm in a spiritual group called Connecting Consciousness. One of our members posted a link to cosmic agency in our MeWePro home.



#10 2020-09-22 04:56:36


Re: How Did You Find Cosmic Agency?

I search daily on YouTube for "QHHT" and "Channelings." You happened to pop up one of those days.


#11 2020-10-06 04:09:13


Re: How Did You Find Cosmic Agency?

From the Lunatic outpost forum topic -Talking with women from two planets orbiting Taygeta.


#12 2020-10-07 09:49:12


Re: How Did You Find Cosmic Agency?

Dear Gosia,

Recently I came across to your YT channel, after connecting with another fellow star-seed who had experienced contact with Swaruu. I was quite impressed after listening to the wisdom and insight presented by our Taygetean sister and following my intuition, I arrived to your channel, where I have been immersed into it - and the wealth of information it contains - ever-since. Kindly allow me to express my gratitude to you and Robert for undertaking the, shall I say, Herculean task in bringing to the fore this 'disclosure' which, in my view, was much needed and long overdue, for our home planet Earth.  :-)
Thank you again for creating this forum for us all, a like-minded community of galactic brothers and sisters and for also providing us with your YT channel 'Call from Planet Earth', where we can all send out our thoughts and wishes to the Galactic Federation. I already sent out mine :-) I am grateful and excited for having been able to finally express (in words), my inner feelings towards our cosmic families and I am looking forward to my 'graduation' from the 3D into 5D. :-)
Many blessings to you and Robert, as well as to the entire Taygetean support team - which is fortunate and blessed to be led by Yázhi Swaruu.

Visionario  :-)

“Trust those who seek the truth but doubt those who say they have found it.”

André Gide


#13 2020-10-08 07:33:29


Re: How Did You Find Cosmic Agency?

In September 2020, I learned about Cosmic Agency from a alternative news-website I subscribe to (by Robert David Steele) … eo-series/

Now I check everyday the Youtube channel, to see if there is a new video production.

The videos have been a major revelation to me.
My previous philosophy was that we are 'from dust to dust', and no after-life or reincaration ( although I sensed there had to be something more.) 
The teachings by Yahzi Swaruu and Aneeka, followed by key questioning by Gosia and Robert,
and then manifested into high-quality production videos by the Team.

THANK YOU! smile

TOGETHER we can move mountains!
My Facebook page:


#14 2020-10-10 07:15:34

Jaime Cubides

Re: How Did You Find Cosmic Agency?

Gosia, thank you for all your help. When I was around 18, I came to the conclusion that if ET had not arrived yet, then I said, they do not exist.
About 38 years later, I celebrated my birthday in Colombia on December 2018, where I met a masseuse saying to Marta and I, that we were twin souls. Back in California, I googled the masseuse’s name and to my surprise nothing came up about her, but a youtube channel name Despejando Enigmas popped up. That day I became 100 % an ET believer with peace inside of me. Long ago, I had to stop looking into different religions for that peaceful feeling because they brought me some temporary happiness but also a long empty dirty feeling too. I enjoy hearing all that Swaruú writes, because it feels good and it makes me be a better man or person. I was not watching youtube a lot but I am glad I found this information. I’m still not into online chatting or an internet forum person. I have many reasons to say thank you.  No matter how many times I hear the same video, my mind happily goes off into ecstasy. I wish my gratitude could be felt by everyone, especially by the Taygetan Team, Suzy, you Gosia, Robert, helpers and specially to Yázhi Swaruú Tashemit.


#15 2020-10-21 14:52:35


Re: How Did You Find Cosmic Agency?

I found this place through, thanks to Gosia, Robert, Swaruu and other crew members. I heard that the first contact plan was not very successful. Many people don't believe in aliens, but many people around me do. I think they can make a second contact plan. We can set up interest groups and use the Internet. Teach and contact one on one.


#16 2020-10-22 09:24:23

Re: How Did You Find Cosmic Agency?

I watch Jyrki's video in youtube. Jyrki is a Finnish Contact person. Jyrki mentioned about Cosmic Agency in his video in youtube. He talked something like Gosia is coming to Finland in his video.
Well Greetings From Finland to everybody!
I'm glad you finally have this Forum in action.

Last edited by Tommi On The Gig (2020-10-22 09:25:02)


#17 2020-10-25 17:27:15


Re: How Did You Find Cosmic Agency?

Hola, Hello,
I've found cosmic agency via a French forum where she mentioned many E.T/ UFO.
I'm happy that Gosia creates this forum for like minded people to connect and evolve to higher dimensions !

Merci / Gracias/ Thanks



#18 2020-10-28 13:47:31


Re: How Did You Find Cosmic Agency?

How did I find you? Through a link to "Timelines - Past - Present - Future - Yázhi Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Perspective" in Telegram. It was the "Wakker High Level Perspectives Intellectual and Spiritual" group (wakker=awake), but it already was a kind of repost from the Quantum-Leap group.

I love all the information you are spreading. Is it all true? So far, most of it matches the information I have found in other sources; Dolores Cannon, Rupert Sheldrake (The Science delusion), Farsight institute, etc. If it's not true: it still is the best SF I've read, and I love SF, but most of it is the best truth I found so far. I'm really convinced (after lots of research) that man has set foot on the moon, still figuring this one out. There might have been a 3D matrix trick?

The videos about the Taygetean Pleiadian Civilization realy moved me. I wish to see this (on earth), no more war, corruption, government, ego and suffering. Move forward as a human race, and be the best version of ourselves. Or did that video move me for some other reason?

I also like the transcripts, I can do a search on words, or read it in my own tempo in stead of watching the video. But then I do miss the comments and lovely introduction by Gosia.

I'm still catching up on the homework, haven't seen it all yet. Thanks for spreading this information, keep up the good work!


#19 2020-11-12 08:38:33


Re: How Did You Find Cosmic Agency?

Greetings everybody. I'm very pleased to be here.

It was only recently when I was reading through some posts in the 'forum' section of David Icke website. There is plenty of good information there, but also people in various states of feeling like helpless victims of the darkness in the world. Somebody had written a message, I don't remember the exact words, but saying that complaining, getting angry, and feeling powerless was no good, and it is really time to move on from that (he was referring especially to the Covid story). We need to develop different perspectives, rediscover our magnificent power; and he provided a link to the 'Broken Shoes are the key' video.

Curious, I began to watch. After about five minutes it became clear to me: this was brilliant and beautiful, this was the kind of information I was ready for. This was the right place for me.   

Truly, I have done plenty of 'alternative' and 'mind' things over the years, and seriously. Buddhist meditation and study, shamanic journeying, western mystical things. But I had never come across description and explanation of other density experience as Swaruu described and explained. I had also read some channelled work, but always found it unimpressive: stereotyped, unoriginal, was I really supposed to believe all this? But listening to Swaruu, with the backdrop of the beautifully-produced videos, is different, different, different. I am 67 years old, a bit old by limited human terms, but learning a lot. Thank you so much for being there and doing what you do!


#20 2020-11-12 20:59:46


Re: How Did You Find Cosmic Agency?

I was scrolling through videos on Kevin Moore's channel (The Moore Show), and his interview with you and Dale caught my attention.


#21 2020-11-19 00:18:17


Re: How Did You Find Cosmic Agency?

A friend forwarded a link to one of the videos you did on Covid 19 and that was how I discovered Cosmic Agency. I was overjoyed to have found your channel because it is for me Cosmic Candy - can't get enough! Thank you so much for all you and the Taygetans do, for the high quality of the information, and the beautiful graphics.


#22 2020-11-22 07:19:00

Eldon Deluz

Re: How Did You Find Cosmic Agency?

A friend from Onstellar (when that was a thing) she recommended the channel around the time in which you had about 12 or so videos. I've been here/there ever since. Interesting fact, Kat, as I'll call her is very in tune with things and has contact with her soul family. She shared a great bit on Onstellar back in the day, a great person recommending an equally great channel. Thanks for all the work I can't even imagine it all!


#23 2020-11-24 13:42:42


Re: How Did You Find Cosmic Agency?

Greetings to the Cosmic Agency Team.

I came across one of your youtube videos last March on Facebook. I have been following ever since.

"Remember who you are, from whence you have come and why you are here"


#24 2020-11-24 18:32:22

Re: How Did You Find Cosmic Agency?

I don t remember anymore but i think it just appeared while i was searching


#25 2020-11-24 22:23:36


Re: How Did You Find Cosmic Agency?

Desde ya estoy contento de haber encontrado lo que me mi alma quiere no sé si soy semilla o soy real pero siento mucho desde mi corazón todo lo que está pasando en este mundo, ahora la agencia cósmica la encontré como la ley de la atracción como algo de que anda buscando, ya fin los encontré me empezaron a gustar los videos de gosia Porque pienso que son y es la verdad de las cosas como son. Soy de San Juan Argentina y me uno a mis hermanos mayores y a ustedes para cambiar este mundo que amo junto a todos mis hermano y ser un instrumento de la paz Saludos


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