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#1 2024-05-08 21:05:22


Maria Orsic

I closely follow the content from the Farsight Institute. Recently, they posted a Remote View on the life of Maria Orsic. The viewing, like all of their viewings, is undertaken in closely controlled conditions, and double-blind ie. they have no idea who or what they have been tasked to view. The viewing is uncanny in its detail. You can view it here:
Anyone unfamiliar with who she was I refer to the transcript We Formed the Vril Society: Taygetean Pleiadian Message (Rashell of Temmer)
There is much that I find compelling about Maria's story, and it's clear that there is corroboration between the different accounts, and also with the one here, an automatic translation from Norwegian. However, where they do not corroborate is in how things worked out for Maria, and indeed for the Sand Clock operation of which she was, according to Rashell's account, a part. (I recommend you view the Remote Viewing video last.) Two outstanding questions therefore are:
Was Maria murdered, or was it a deliberate misinformation diversion by the Sand Clock operation, feeding the wrong narrative to the remote viewer?
What was the outcome of the operation?
It is that last question which unsettles me most. From all outward appearances, the Vril Society handed over Beamship technology to the Nazis. They in turn planned an expedition to Aldebaran (Cyndriel). Did they ever make it? It seems to me that the Beamships ended up in the hands of the Cabal, exclusively. Or at least, that's the narrative that we're currently living with. If this was to ultimately benefit the vexed suppressed humans under the Cabal's control, then how so? There's a lot to unpick here, timelines and stuff, which may only become clear in the far future that I'm failing to understand. I'd welcome others' opinions on this.

Wherever you go, there you are. — Principle of Non-locality


#2 2024-05-08 21:18:28

Horton HaW

Re: Maria Orsic

Many of those targets they are given follow keyhole sat coordinates. So you might want to think about govt, cabal, players feeding information instead.

A person's a person, no matter how small.

Verum vident finem noctis - See the truth will end the night. ~Yazhi Swaruu


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