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#351 2024-03-09 11:20:16


Re: Exposition of narcissism

Came across this saying in a book that I was reading: "Those who love power(over people) love death." It resonated instantaneously and then when I was thinking about it why they love death, it is because what awaits them in afterlife. With crushing other people free will by controlling them in every way, this is the ultimate act of violence in the Universe. This is the greatest evil against free will beings. And those who do such violence, violence will be stroking them back.


#352 2024-03-09 18:34:02


Re: Exposition of narcissism

In a dysfunctional overachieving money driven society most brutal, most immoral, most unscrupulous usually succeed the most and are on the top of the food chain. And when are asked what is the most important and most wanted and valuable they say - to have all the power. And they become so arrogant and into themselves that want to conquer and subdue even the Infinite. But have to know that no one in the entire world and history of the universe is able to do so. All they fail miserably. The true power, the spiritual power is only for those who can be just/fair/impartial. And to be like that have to value and include everything, everything have to be important part of you. For the Infinite even a grain of sand is important. Even one hair on your head is crucial. When you have such encompassing attitude you will have true power. Power that comes from violence, victory that comes from violence is a sad story, like a cemetery. It leads to death and destruction for everyone involved.

Last edited by mitkobs (2024-03-09 18:37:51)


#353 2024-03-10 08:27:38


Re: Exposition of narcissism

If a person conquer death(and with that suffering, pain, loss, anguish, the lowest low) while living and is able to keep high standard of virtue and high vibration vibe for this person there is no fear in this world and in any world. Nothing can shake the heart of this person. Conquering death means that you embrace ALL THAT IS, whatever it is as long it is something natural(Source). You do not fight and oppose what is natural(Source), you do not try run from it. Then the peace come.

Last edited by mitkobs (2024-03-10 08:29:47)


#354 2024-03-11 11:38:48


Re: Exposition of narcissism

From cabal teachings here on Earth they say that nature is ruthless, cold, unforgiving, heartless, methodic in giving life but also with destroying life.
But what is the nature in the first place. Nature is how things work naturally by master Source design. How the trees grow, how the flowers blossom, how the air and water move and everything else. There are material explanations behind all of this but they are only superficial. Deep down all the natural processes observed are caused by the Source. Everything exists, lives, moves, animates because there is Source behind it. Not that Source is doing something particular. All is happening without doing anything, automatically. Idea is turning into full blown reality with everything in it to sustain it as such. And all is mind/consciousness, not something tangible. All is a dream that seems real to the senses of the living beings.
Back to the original idea of this rambling. Nature is not cold and heartless. Nature is always a high order and sensible in every possible way. Nature in a way is absolute unchangeable and also intrinsically virtuous. It is all that because the Source is behind it and the Source is all that, absolutely virtuous. But to see that have to pass own personal limitations like fears, and other different emotions and limiting notions.

Last edited by mitkobs (2024-03-11 11:41:35)


#355 2024-03-15 08:35:39


Re: Exposition of narcissism

The God problem. God is Source simply said but the problem between the religious description of God and the spiritual one is that God is not another being outside of ourselves. It is everyone and everything in the same time and place(that means IS beyond time and place). And with that explanation most of the people that try to think deeply about it are baffled and blocked. How someone/something can be everyone and everything??? It is the limited consciousness of human or incarnation situation that cannot grasp such complicated concepts and get blocked for further understanding. Enough of this for now.
Another more important thing when you know that Source is you and you are Source and is not something/somebody outside of you. What that means for us? It is that you cannot count for someone/something outside like another self to save you. It does not work this way and never worked this way. For the most important choices/decisions the person is absolutely alone. No one will hold you hand so to say. You got to become Great(the best integration that you aspire to be) by your own making. Because when you make the choices alone you deserve them and with that they change you with the strongest impact. If someone else is constantly guiding you, holding your hand you will not feel that you deserve the end result. And this is crucial. Religion in this sense is trying to take the choice from the people and with that the merit, the fruits of the choice.

Last edited by mitkobs (2024-03-15 08:38:52)


#356 2024-03-15 11:54:09


Re: Exposition of narcissism

You know that God from religion will or may not intervene no matter how dare, difficult and painful own situation can be in the moment. You know for example that children can be suffering greatly and are dying and no God is helping them out of their misery. But things are like that because there are reasons behind and intervening will not bring viable resolution to the problems already created deep to the neck. And also you may see small children but they are souls with many lifetimes behind them and may not be so innocent like you may think about them. Who knows what they did in their previous life times. They themselves may be torturing other children and now are receiving what they deserve. To be fair sometimes have to be merciless and to let everyone to receive what they deserve.

Last edited by mitkobs (2024-03-15 11:55:22)


#357 2024-03-15 12:55:57


Re: Exposition of narcissism

In the same time the people that live on the same level together and they see other people suffering if they are able they have the moral obligation to help those in need because they do not know why people are suffering. They see the result but cannot see the reasons and with that they have to help and get involved. If you have the means to help but do not help you will not doing it because for example you are selfish and inconsiderate of the suffering of the others then this is shows who/what you are, it is defining you as such selfish inconsiderate individual who can help but do not do so. And when such individual get is some trouble and is needing help things will arrange in such way that no one will going to help like he/she is refusing to help before that.

Last edited by mitkobs (2024-03-15 12:59:30)


#358 2024-03-15 18:19:59


Re: Exposition of narcissism

Helping and guidance is needed and is welcomed of course when is done in such a way that do not impede the personal growth in the sense that do not take away the personal choices that promote the further integration of the soul.

Also have to be said that even when the most important choices have to be made alone it is better if have loyal friends with you and you share and help each other along the way. And with that no one is left behind.


#359 2024-03-16 17:39:59


Re: Exposition of narcissism

Who receives the prayers if there is no religious God? The answer is everyone who is monitoring the incarnated people from above, like the light beings(angels) or the star family or both.
If the person understands how the Universe works will not use prayers to change own miserable situation. Praying is asking for help or to feel connected with the Divine. Praying also indicates weakness and victimhood. So for those who are religious will work somehow.


#360 2024-03-23 19:14:05


Re: Exposition of narcissism

This is related to the the narcissism topic. In that you can't tell a narcissist ANYTHING.

"Why smart people believe stupid things."

I have caught myself in this. Shadow work leads you into the trap that you set for yourself all the time.

Striving to not be "limited by the idea you are limited"
I trust the people who remind me to do my shadow work.

Sol13U!!!  big_smile


#361 2024-03-24 07:45:08


Re: Exposition of narcissism

Simple answer to "Why Smart People Believe Stupid Things" - lack of spirituality, materialistic values. No matter how one is educated and smart if do not see the spiritual side of life he/she will seek and make materialistic deterministic conclusions for all mysterious philosophical conundrums.

Last edited by mitkobs (2024-03-24 07:46:13)


#362 2024-03-24 08:34:30


Re: Exposition of narcissism

If people are truly searching for the truth(and not paid devoted agents of the matrix/lies/evil) they can find the spiritual side of life simply by trying so called law of attraction and see for themselves that it is working and what they think - become. Mind over matter is a pure fact no matter how crazy/magical can be the results.

Last edited by mitkobs (2024-03-24 08:35:13)


#363 2024-04-24 09:59:22


Re: Exposition of narcissism

Here some psychology about inexperienced starseeds. When they judge about others based on themselves assuming others are in character like them. For example if the starseed is honest, well intended, truthful and open then everyone else they think have to be like that even politicians and government officials. And imagine in what delusion they will be living having such high expectations and naïve beliefs about others. They do not assume that there are people looking like people that can be mean, cruel and treacherous. There are people looking like people that do not care even a bit for anyone else than themselves. And with such assuming these starseeds are going to have very big disappointments and will be wondering a lot why some people are betraying them when they should love them and care about them when are in relationships.


#364 2024-04-24 19:24:12


Re: Exposition of narcissism

mitkobs wrote:

Simple answer to "Why Smart People Believe Stupid Things" - lack of spirituality, materialistic values. No matter how one is educated and smart if do not see the spiritual side of life he/she will seek and make materialistic deterministic conclusions for all mysterious philosophical conundrums.

I think the dismal state of our educational systems plays a big part. It is 95% trash. And people don't know any better. Also cognitive dissonance is a real thing. People can't break the barrier and are set in their ways. Reluctant to change. Or refuse to change their thoughts and opinions under any circumstance.

Like slavery in the Middle East and Africa, and other countries where human trafficking is rampant. Despite the majority of society being totally against the practice. Is it cultural? or stupidity? Or ego? Owning someone gives you ultimate power of life or death over another person. A Power trip?

Serial killers, school shooters, child molesters..... you get my point. How much stupid behavior is polite society willing to put up with?

They don't have this kind of cultural rot in Taygeta. I'm going (back?) there after I am done here. Raising kids must be so refreshing there. I feel sorry for my kids everyday. They have to put up with corrupted society just like I have to. No matter how STUPID it is.

Striving to not be "limited by the idea you are limited"
I trust the people who remind me to do my shadow work.

Sol13U!!!  big_smile


#365 2024-04-25 06:43:23


Re: Exposition of narcissism

That is the beauty of raising children in free progressive out of this world societies - they learn real knowledge, not illusions and absurdities.

But is not only the education that is turning people down here to become materialistic is it is the whole energetic background they have, all their experience from all their previous lives. That is the main cause. Then everything else wrong and absurd is adding to this state of mind.

Last edited by mitkobs (2024-04-25 06:44:44)


#366 2024-04-27 07:16:01


Re: Exposition of narcissism

I catch myself here to say often how narcissists care only about themselves and no one else. What is this care they have for themselves? It is clear that is not real love and is not real care for their well being. If they truly loved and cared about themselves it is logical that they will care about the world and everyone else in the world. What they care are their sick obsessions, immediate urges, needs and duties that are based on the "7 deadly sins" more or less. Their lives are some kind of pursuit of sick selfish agendas and accomplishments. So all they do in the name of selfishness is something destructive not only to the world but for themselves. They literally are destroying themselves spiritually, morally and physically. From superficial observation they keep slick decent image of presenting themselves to the public but from inside is pure chaos and destruction.

Last edited by mitkobs (2024-04-27 07:17:54)


#367 2024-05-11 16:49:50


Re: Exposition of narcissism

The Psychology of Malignant Narcissists - Academy of Ideas

After skool

Striving to not be "limited by the idea you are limited"
I trust the people who remind me to do my shadow work.

Sol13U!!!  big_smile


#368 2024-05-16 00:17:46

Horton HaW

Re: Exposition of narcissism

Tecumseh wrote:

The Psychology of Malignant Narcissists - Academy of Ideas

After skool

Hi Tecumseh. Good to see you. That does look educational.

A person's a person, no matter how small.

Verum vident finem noctis - See the truth will end the night. ~Yazhi Swaruu


#369 Today 06:59:27


Re: Exposition of narcissism

We think that something is magical and wondrous because we do not see how it works, how is made, what is behind. Everything happening have explanation and is caused by someone or something.

And again about freedom. If we go against our true self(Source) in any way this freedom turns into the greatest suffering one can experience. In this sense if someone tells you that you can do anything(and you are absolutely free) that you want with no consequences this is not a friend but the worst enemy.

Last edited by mitkobs (Today 07:01:04)


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