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#1 Re: English Forum » Urgent report - Kim Goguen, Ground Command, declared war on the Cabal! » 2021-01-21 07:01:06

I just now came across from several sources independently of each other, that I had not known about before, about Operation Trust during the Bolshevik Revolution. 

Operation Trust was a psyop similar to Q to convince the Russian peoples that the monarchist and anti-Bolshevik militaries would stop the revolution.  Its purpose was to identify their enemies, to ensure they did not take up arms and to exterminate them later - exactly the same as Q did.

Furthermore, Rudi Giuliani was pivotal in the 9-11 coverup, so it was odd that he would so enthusiastically back Trump... so enthusiastic in backing Trump, that he backstabbed him by deliberately formulating legal actions in a way that they would be tossed out of court or out of hearings. 

Then there is Sidney Powell from a couple weeks ago (not sure exactly) -

"All indications are that despite the overwhelming evidence of massive fraud, and more evidence available inside the government, and other legal options available, the President is taking no action to protect the Republic. People around him are limiting his information and lying to him about his legal options. The Biden administration will be consolidating power day one and the fascist corporations are already limiting speech and firing freedom lovers. Just look at the military in DC now. Trump did not call them in. And all that for a virtual inauguration that no one will attend?! It's all about power and global/communist money. You can see and smell the corruption in DC. It's gone from a swamp to a pure cesspool. There were and have been a lot more people illegally elected than just Biden and Harris."

The whole movement is so hopelessly compromised it must be assumed that there are no "white hats", and that if there happen to be any, they are known about in advance and any benevolent actions they take will be neutralized beforehand.

#2 Re: English Forum » Urgent report - Kim Goguen, Ground Command, declared war on the Cabal! » 2021-01-21 05:10:34

KimW wrote:

I seriously doubt there will any inauguration.

This did not age well.

That said, I've noticed a curious phenomena from various information sources relaying the same or similar messages, only for reality to proceed in a completely different way.

It is as if various people gain credibility with some initial predictions which prove correct, and they'll be correct down the line.  Yet when it comes to the big event, big finish, or whatever is at the end, the expected or desired outcome - they are lied to, who in turn relay those lies to us.  It is as though there is a far greater information control system than we can imagine, setting people up for something, dissuading necessary action in lieu of an expectation of some miracle, and are inevitably betrayed in the most critical moment.  It is far too ubiquitous and consistent to be random, or chance, especially when the lie and betrayal always occurs at the worst possible moment.

#3 English Forum » The so-called galactic federation of planets is a crime syndicate » 2021-01-06 01:49:19

Replies: 35

I am the source of the initial investigation by which this Swaruu group discovered the criminal nature of the so-called galactic federation.
I was shadowbanned from the Cosmic Agency YT channel ever since and yet these Teygetans have confirmed a number of the things about this crime syndicate I have known about for some time.
Specifically, my initial suggestion involved a lion-being civilization roughly twenty thousand light years distant toward the MW galactic core, twenty degrees clockwise with respect to the zenith, along the plane.  The galactic federation, while this civilization were yet its members, sold them out to slavery to a negative grey-type species.  Most of their royal family were murdered except for a young (before adult maturation begins) female who was to be manipulated like a puppet.  I understood even then, six years ago, the excuse was to be this was for their growth, that they were stagnant, that change was good, don't mind that the said change would involve the hostile takeover of their world, enslavement and diminishment as a race, never mind the theft of the wealth of their star system, after all, that is merely the price of this growth program. 
See, you can rebrand everything in a positive way, and suddenly that is enough to make it acceptable to polite minds.
There was another - a teal-skinned humanoid civilization, in a war they could not win against an enemy with seemingly impossible technology.  They were on the brink of total surrender the results of which would have mirrored the lions when, well, their fate was reversed.  The technology provided to their enemies, who never could have developed it on their own with even a billion years worth of research and development was most likely provided by this federation.

Even here on Earth, the claims of children or beings being rescued from the underground bases is mostly false.  What is really happening is, this galactic federation is laundering them right back into the galactic slave trade.  The few they don't do this with, are too twisted and mutated or similarly unsuitable to be of profit to them and are the ones released as "saved" as the laundering cost of doing business.

There is more, far more.  My GA/HS is either compiling or has completed an extensive repository detailing the self-styled federation's cosmic crimes. 

Many current "federation" members may be interested to know that the negative control matrix here is only part of a larger negative control matrix galactic network - the difference is, it is either not fully implemented on their worlds or it has been kept on more restricted settings so as not to be noticed by them.

Take Teygeta for example.  The main negative control matrix has not been implemented there - true, but there is something else.  A precursor that I can only describe as a "chaos matrix".  These chaos matrices are a last-effort failover system after the primary negative control matrix fails - its presence there proves that this fraudulent federation intends to do to them what they have done here to us.  These chaos matrices are presently implemented in many star systems this side of the galaxy, but they are kept deactivated for the moment.  It is also one of the fraudulent federation's tools to maintain domination and control over these systems should they realize what it is doing to them and their beings and decide to act for their own preservation.

It is not only in our own interest that the various non-"federation" or non-aligned powers of this galaxy should unify in a military alliance to depose the so-called federation, but their own as well.  I am sure that Swaruu will corroborate their future plans of destruction, exploitation and extermination of these free beings under the false cover of "we are giving you a learning experience".

I say here that the entire system by which the so-called federation uses to justify its inexcusable behavior towards us here, and those other beings in this galaxy, as intended to help us grow, learn as beings, is nothing more than a system of lies and falsities intended to pre-emptively intellectually disarm their opposition while cementing their own domination and control systems using this false cover.

It is clear now that the entire structure of "we are doing this for your own good" as applied to us here is false.  I know that it is false with respect to the lion beings, who were to be sold into slavery and diminishment as a race.  I know that it is also false of the teal humanoids and all the rest.  Since that is known to be false, an obvious alternative exists, as I have already described - the enslavement, sale and abuse of these species for their own profits as well as the razing of their star systems for mineral wealth, because these are the common theme.

They refuse to tell us or explain to us anything, using the excuse that we are inferior beings unable to understand their ways even as they claim that they are benevolent benefactors assisting our evolution to their level of being.  Similarly, when we attempt to communicate with them in any meaningful way it is disregarded as being nothing more than the irrelevant ramblings of an individual, or perhaps again they are not evolved enough to contend with the federation as equals (which further exposes their slave-master mentality), or whatever other excuse happens to be convenient for them to use in that moment.

With regard to "first contact", they repeatedly move the goalpost with regard to whether or not we are ready.  At one point they could not reveal themselves because "it would cause mass hysteria".  Seventy years of aliens in various forms of media, even those not strictly science fiction, as well as the widespread and iconic familiarity to the point it is regarded as mundane or even annoying by its ubiquity have disproven this.  Then there is the set of excuses in succession, though not necessarily in order
- "You have to take care of your planet first", nevermind that the fraudulent federation acknowledge total control over the events and major power factions of this world, they are solely responsible for this world's present condition.  They are using a situation they created and maintain as an excuse to prevent the solution from being implemented.
- "You are not spiritually evolved enough" - Again, based on the Swaruu/Teygetan material, they have been in command position of religious and spiritual factions for thousands of years to unravel false beliefs and doctrines but not only have they not done this, but have only ever encouraged the implementation of new false beliefs, new false doctrines, and in general promoting the spiritual decline of the various human races on earth.  Everything the so-called federation has ever done here in this matter is contradictory to the stated purpose of spiritual elevation of man. 
- "Your world has to be at peace before we can come" - If the fraudulent federation have indeed owned this world for all this time, then there never should have been warfare in recorded history - at least not to this ever-present and bloody amount.  Yet again, they were in charge of the factions and beings responsible for the condition being used as an excuse for why they cannot reveal themselves, or uplift humanity.  It is the same for virtually every other excuse this fraudulent federation claims against us.
- "They chose to be that way!  We can't do anything about it!" - Choice and freedom are greatly restricted by ignorance, poverty, constant worry, all of which are conditions which this federation has inflicted upon our world.  Again, if their reach here is so encompassing, then it is their own act by which countless researched into these subjects have been murdered, discredited or ruined over the years.  One cannot make a choice that one is not aware the existence of, and this so-called federation has done everything possible to prevent that.  First it was "One percent of the population must ask us!"  This became three percent, ten percent, etc etc, now they set the goalpost to 51% must ask for help.

The above behaviors are more akin to enemy action and abusers than they are to benevolent, or at least neutral guidance.  In fact, this federation use the same arguments that domestic violence abusers use in their atrocities against this world and its people - "Hey, she was asking for it!"

The extent of top-down abuse, originating from the halls of power within this so-called federation are too extensive for anything here to be considered "our own choice" or "our own free will" or anything of the sort.  In fact, whenever anyone says they don't want this, the federation loudmouths say "what they mean by saying they don't want this, is that they want this.  See, take a look at this soul contract we forged!"  The soul contract system is fraudulent because souls are made to agree to things they are unaware of, or made to believed to agree to far more than what they really did, or changes are inserted without their knowledge or consent, and their own spiritual crew are basically threatened to serve the negative controllers' interests and lie to their incarnates about the situation.  Often these are done when the souls are in a most tumultuous or unstable state where they cannot clearly or rationally process information.  Again, since this federation claims ownership over this area of space, they are directly responsible for the ubiquitous soul contract fraud here.

There exist no good, useful or beneficial aspect to this so-called galactic federation.  I can only conclude that this so-called galactic federation is nothing more than a cosmic crime syndicate.  It uses the false cover of benevolent guidance to authorize the genocide of entire worlds, star systems, star sectors even, the enslavement of their beings and the rape of all locations involved to steal the materials there for their own use. 

I understand that the model of domination and control to be perfected here, they intend to export and impose upon other worlds and peoples, including against Teygeta.  This ties in to the various incomplete traces and trouble-shooting of the universal degeneracy into totalitarianism leading back to the Earth/Moon/Mars axis.  I say they are incomplete because they only lead back to where the effects originated, but not to who planned, implemented said totalitarianism.  It is this so-called federation who did it, who intend to enslave this universe.

They have no right to be a governing power in this galaxy, or over anything at all.  Furthermore, I understand that this so-called galactic federation's reach does not completely encompass his galaxy.  The way this "federation" treats its members is similarly top-heavy, anyone who strays out of line gets whacked.  Their tools of governance are more akin to totalitarianism than a federal structure.  As for the "of planets" part, they intend to turn earth into a desert waste world and rape it for material resources, so perhaps that is the sort of treatment for planets they intended by that part of their name.

Therefore, it is improper to call them by anything in their stated name, the so-called "galactic federation of planets".  It is a cosmic crime syndicate, enslaving and geocoding entire species, raping their star systems for resources and the personal gain of their own deep state.  I want the free beings throughout this universe to know all they have done, and to know and recognize them for the cosmic criminals they truly are.  I want it to be that whenever anyone interacts with them, they say to them, "you are nothing more than the worst sort of cosmic criminals!"

It is not enough to simply deny these cosmic criminals now, because they will come to enslave this galaxy after us, and soon this universe if they are not stopped.  They are irredeemable cosmic criminals who intend to do to all beings and all things the sort of cosmic crimes they have done to earth and its beings.  They must be stopped, but to do so would require a galactic or even universal military alliance capable of ending them.  Criminals are not in the habit of giving up their ways, especially not when it is fantastically profitable for themselves.  The sort of atrocities that they have committed have already, in my mind, proven they, or at least their leadership, deserve summary mass execution and soul termination, no negotiation, no exceptions.

Everything the cosmic crime syndicate says is a lie.
Everything the cosmic crime syndicate has, it has stolen.
The cosmic crime syndicate is our eternal enemy, the implacable foe.
I will end them.

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