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#1 Re: English Forum » Your questions / suggestions relating to videos » 2021-06-12 23:46:18

I have questions to Anneka and taygetean crew that can

Here a text.

For some people, Lemuria is a just a myth, a silly fable that we created to explain strange looking rock formations and symbols. Don’t human beings just have the most wild imaginations?! In reality, Lemuria is a place, a concept, a myth, a memory as well as an important phase of our consciousness.

We are more than our bodies! We have a consciousness that stretches deep into all directions of time creating the very scaffolding of our mind. It is through the consideration of lost cultures that we will not only remember who we are, but understand who we are. Each civilization that waits fallen in the earth is a puzzle piece, it is a phase on the planet, and thus a phase within ourselves. It is this holistic level of functioning, and seeing ourselves as inter-connected with the planet that we must regain to bring society out of it’s death spiral.

The importance of identifying the nature of a civilization

Many times while reading the Akashic Records (the psychic database of all events and experience in the cosmos) people will describe whether a civilization is “feminine” or “masculine” in its orientation. This may seem like a vague point, however, establishing the energetic foundation of a society allows our consciousness to understand and synch with the civilization’s origin pattern. Once this initial read is understood, then the more specific details can come into focus.

Feminine societies will have a certain esoteric structure that differs from a masculine one; which means it will engage with your consciousness differently. Often once we understand the yin/yang proportions of a society we can begin to get much more clarity. This is how many retro-cognitive psychics receive the meaning of large, complicated concepts: through retracing the origins back to the God-head/Cosmos for the exact pattern of yin and yang that was proliferating at that time on the planet.

Lemuria’s Golden Age

Lemuria, or ‘Mu’, was a largely feminine society. This does not mean that men didn’t exist, it simply means that the culture was centralized around the feminine principal. Women enjoyed leadership positions (matriarchy), intuition based decisions drove the evolution of society and emotions were considered sacred. People functioned as tribes and lived very close to the earth, they moved in a sacred communion with the planet and her rhythms. If the water flowed a different way one morning, that meant something. If a bird appeared at your feet it was a message. Our mind was inseparable from the system of life that surrounded us.

This deep connection with creation allowed for human beings to create incredible rituals and magickal practices. In fact, magick and ritual was a regular part of life. Any actions taken in ones life were calculated with the stars in mind to ensure that we would not accumulate negative energy. Thus, Lemuria was the beginning of sophisticated magick and ritual, it is the beginning of all spiritual practice. Lemuria, as a civilization and time on the planet, served as the time where humans developed deep emotional bodies and the pathways of spiritual thought. Lemuria is where many of the sacred golden threads of our intuitive bodies began, the sacred channels  that lead to the cosmos and deep within the earth. These are the exact channels that all post-Lemurian epochs built themselves upon.

In Lemuria’s beginnings, magickal practice began as simple channeling what felt like cosmic patterns: descriptions of the earth, elementals and other foundational principals. Our consciousness was taking inventory of the layers and patterns of life around us. We were relating to our world and integrating our spiritual connection with the natural world. Over time as Lemuria evolved, these magickal practices became increasingly complex and evolved into certain secular disciplines in their own right,  and as a result, different types of priestess/priest classes emerged. The psychic abilities of clairsentience and claircognizance take root first as a primary way to enmesh with ones environment and gain awareness. Some of these priestess/priest classes would become instrumental in the creation of the Atlantean Magickal system, the pure system in which all current Mystery practices are rooted.

The Fall of Lemuria

As we all know, what goes up must come down. Every civilization enjoys a golden age in which its potential is explored followed by a challenging period of darkness and densification where any and all fear and ego is heightened to be cleansed and understood. Lemuria is not excluded from this cycle, in fact, many of the wounds from Lemuria’s dark age still plague our society today.

Lemuria’s dark age brought intense black magick practices to the forefront of our consciousness. During the fall of Lemuria we saw the complete inversion of the sacred channelings that once brought light, structure and awareness to the civilization. As the consciousness accelerated, and the responsibility of the individual to heal ones self compounded, some groups found it difficult to keep up. Their fear of facing their shadow began to close and limit their pineal glands decreasing their spiritual capacity. This caused a major social problem as psychic priestess’ and priests made up the monarchy and exalted classes. They enjoyed a life of power, wealth and respect, the loss of spiritual ability therefore meant the loss of status and value in society. As you can imagine, this created chaos as many lost characters tried to cling to power.

Manipulation campaigns, battles and all sorts of dark techniques were invoked. Dark priestess and priests began making deals with lower beings for more material power and influence, this was playing with a very dangerous fire. The dark portals that were opened during this time still plague the earth and played a major role in the dynamics of what we call ‘The Fall.’ The possessions that occurred as a result of this sloppy and dangerous conjuring also plague certain bloodlines and locations on the planet today. In the work of Cayce, this is the genesis of the dark group he identifies as ‘Belial‘; within Rudolf Steiner’s teachings we can see this as the emergence of ‘Ahriman.’ If we look closely at our world today we can see that these patterns have, indeed, proliferated.

Beyond the distortion of spirituality, we also saw the fall of matriarchy as Lemuria began to darken into the rise of what many call: the ‘Dark Mothers’. Dark Mothers are the dark side, and complete inversion of what a mother should be, and what feminine leadership is. This is not the nurturing darkness of the womb and cosmos, I am speaking of the shadow of the feminine. In fact, dark mothers behave in a parallel way to how we see the fallen patriarchy of today act. These once great women were the first to fall and collapse into the darkness of their negative ego, and it is their failure to evolve that lead to the first ‘fall’ and major distortion of human consciousness. Of course, this is greatly distorted and exaggerated in biblical teachings as not all women fell deeply into this pattern and dark ages are an inevitable and necessary part of human evolution. To be accurate, it was an aspect of the cosmic feminine that entered a dark cycle and this entering of a cosmic night, or dark age, is universal law. It is the cycle of life itself, human consciousness is moved by these expansion and contraction cycles. This falling and darkening of our consciousness, although painful, is what allows us to refine ourselves. It is immature and short sighted to see ourselves as victims of, or subject to darkness.

In the dark matriarchy many women, and men, began to think that the masculine aspect was inferior to the feminine aspect. This manifested literally as women seeing themselves as superior to men. Women believed they were more vital in society as it was women who were ‘closer to God’ giving birth to babies and translating messages from the cosmos. This conversation deeply bothers many, as this wounding runs very deep in the pain bodies of men and women today. I have had conversations with many women that refuse to recognize that the feminine principal ever had a shadow expression on earth…ever. That is quite the hangover! It is important to see our past holistically rather than simply grabbing pieces to justify our current comfortable beliefs. That is not spirituality, that is hiding.

The patriarchy is heavily criticized today, as it should be, but how many criticize it with the knowing that it was in part formed by a fall of the feminine? How many stretch themselves to consider that the masculine was deeply wounded and that patriarchy is a result of those wounds?  Or the fact that there would be no patriarchy without this period of a fallen matriarchy. The patriarchy is, in fact, a response to the thousands of years of an abusive matriarchal society. Abuse feeds abuse, it’s time to realize this and begin healing, so that we may create union internally and externally. Justice is balance, and we need that very badly in our world today. We must forgive each other and begin to see the loving qualities of both the masculine and feminine around us each day to move beyond this time of deep polarization.

The Rise of Atlantis

What is not often mentioned about the dark age is the little spot of light within the dark, just as the yin/yang symbol portrays. This dot of light is the new era, the new pattern of consciousness that is to unfold within humanity. It is the answer to the darkness itself. Overtime, that little glimmer of light in the dark evolves into the new civilization, the new phase of life on the planet. Thus, the way to make it through the dark age is to sense this glimmer of light and use it as the inspiration and creative force in your world. This new light that was forming in the darkness of Lemuria was: Atlantis. Atlantis was the evolution of Lemuria and a corrective force for the planet.

Atlantis brought the balanced masculine energy to the forefront as the masculine force rose to defend itself, establish fair order and refine the sacred truths of the Lemurian age. Atlantis brought laws, based not on emotion and intuition, but on a new concept that was forming: Intellect. Atlantis introduced the ability to step away from instinct and intuition and actually evaluate insight that was coming through ones mind. Atlantis was still a deeply spiritual and psychic society, it’s gift was the ability to examine and bring reason to inspiration. The refined power of the masculine energy was an incredibly healing force for many that were abused during the last leg of the Lemurian phase (Men and Women). This allowed more depth and understanding which, in turn, created new portals to the higher worlds balancing out the dark portals that were opened during the Lemurian dark age.

In contrast, if you can imagine, the end of the Lemurian phases was absolute chaos. Leaders made rulings based on how they felt, rather than what was just. Many of these leaders were using black magick and completely possessed by the destructive entities they were summoning. There was no logic or reason to discipline the emotional and intuitive faculties that were driving Lemuria. The Atlantean epoch arose out of necessity, not out of tyranny as many think. The darkness that caused Atlantis to fall was created in Lemuria when spirituality began to take root in human consciousness, not Atlantis. Atlantis, and now our time on earth, is a continuation of this great saga- and it’s about time we remember.

The energy body is the non physical, or energetic, aspect of the human being and it is the aspect of our consciousness that is activated in occult ritual. The condition of our energy body determines both our psychic power and also where exactly we are able to reach inter-dimensionally. Perhaps the most fascinating thing about the energy body is that it is the most accurate indicator of our health, personality and level of spiritual achievement/integration. In other words, we all may look the same on the outside, but when we look at the energy body we can clearly see whether people are rooted in higher consciousness or whether they are possessed by lower astral forces. The ignorance that our current society has when it comes to esoteric study unfortunately perpetuates dangerous lower astral connections in our world. In case you are wondering, we all have an energy body, it is also called the bio-energetic field, aura, soul emanation or subtle bodies. There are many names for the energy body what you call it will depend on your culture and preferred avenue of spiritual study.

While it our energy body seems quite mysterious, it is really like an energetic fingerprint as our thoughts, beliefs and emotions reverberate through the energy body creating certain patterns. These reverberations reach up into the higher densities, like psychic circuitry, where our energetic body becomes finer and finer. The particular spirit, mind and emotions together create a specific frequency that makes our energy body unique to us, and psychics can read these bodies and discern valuable information from them.

Our Energy Body Determines Our Psychic Reach ( Law of Resonance)

What is also interesting, and not always discussed about our energy body, is that its condition actually determines our spiritual reach, or psychic reach. What does that mean? It means that our energy body actually reaches up into higher dimensions of reality, first of all, and second of all, it is the harmonization of our energy body that determines that exact reach. Like the age old image of passing through the eye of a needle, the harmonized energy body can pass into higher worlds that have a very fine vibration compared to our material world. In higher densities our consciousness becomes more vast, light and fast, this means that we must be at a state of personal harmony in order to resonate with higher worlds. We truly have to learn to energetically match the higher densities to consciously perceive them. When intuitives speak about beings like demons or dark spirits getting trapped in lower densities, it is because of this spiritual law. Their energy has become so heavy and distorted that they are trapped in a very narrow and chaotic band of reality. Until they learn to look at themselves and take responsibility for their actions, they will not be able to resonate with, or even perceive the higher worlds. This law is often called the law of resonance, and it teaches us that we can only truly experience what we are. In psychic work this becomes even more evident as in our journey we find certain levels of information, or abilities, unavailable to us until we can evolve into higher states of being. Simply because someone is psychic does not mean that they are harmonized, or on a healing path, I speak more about that reality in this video.

We Cannot Avoid What We Are & The Power of Love and Fear

A popular approach to the energy body is to ignore it and act like it does not exist. This is not a good idea, we are multi-dimensional beings by nature, and as mentioned above, we exist in higher realms simultaneously. Although this reality may be intimidating, we cannot cut ourselves off from the responsibility of being a spiritual creatures. Ignoring the reality that we are spiritual beings does not mean that our consciousness goes onto some kind of perfect auto-pilot, it simply means that we lose precision in our life. If that wasn’t unfortunate enough, if we have repetitive fearful thoughts and low emotional states we risk parasitic spiritual attachments. Nobody likes to talk about creepy, dark spiritual attachments, I get that, its much nicer to bliss out, but ignoring spiritual dynamics doesn’t make them go away. It is part our spiritual development process to actually begin to face the shadows that appear to us from the lower astral realm.

To be clear about the mechanics of psychic connection, our access to these higher worlds depends on the thoughts that we think and the emotions the we feel. That is what determines our resonance in this lower 3d part of our energy body. This is a cliche, but true: if our mental body and emotional body is rooted in fear we lessen our access to our Spirit. If our mental and emotional body is rooted in love we increase our access to Spirit. Our mind, emotions and even physical body all form around how much focus these two forces are given. Love and fear, it is as simple as that.

Fear is a descending energy that introduces a heavier density through fracturing our consciousness. It makes the body, mind and emotions stiff, tight, rigid, reactive and lonely leading to degeneration. Love is a ascending energy that introduces a harmonizing presence that unites our consciousness. It makes us flexible, open, flowing vast and interconnected. If the emotions that we feel and thoughts that we think are fear based, we become incoherent, heavy, discordant and we lose the ability to sense and perceive higher dimensions. When we cultivate loving energies within, we release toxic heavy energies that hold us back and we begin to heal and re-integrate our Soul in our body. We are either becoming heavier and more dense, or we are becoming lighter and re-connecting with our Spirit. We have a choice what we invest in, we can heal or we can regress. It is up to us.

Inner Child Template And the Energy Body

Our inner child is the aspect of our consciousness that communicates to us our trauma and also our ability to heal that trauma. It is our child that speaks to us about our fear in life. What does that mean? It means that the times that we lost our innocence (or damaged the inner child) in harmful ways, become an exact pattern of fearful trauma within our energy body. We feel this pain as sensation, perhaps we get flashes of memories and within our energy body these traumas also forms a particular etheric pattern. One way to look at it is that we have an etheric imprint of suffering at the exact moment our inner child becomes damaged. The emotional and mental responses to the shocking traumatization of our inner child crystallize into actual etheric pathways that become our mind and determine our personality. Pain, confusion, fear, betrayal, feelings of injustice, feeling sorry for ourselves, deep shock, feeling out of control, lacking trust, anger, apathy all become imprinted within our energy body. And they all reflect the loss of innocence, the traumatizing of the inner child. We see our emotions and thoughts as invisible, passing shadows, but they are real things. Real pathways in within the higher worlds inside of us that we walk. Pathways we will find ourselves walking again, and again and again until we heal. Thoughts and emotions are things. They are the very pathways we travel when we enter the psychic world.
Please dont delete this post if you really want to join all pieces of the puzzle.
All is deception.
Join the pieces,and with luck you will see the next layer of deception.

The astral planet have false memory earth timelines.
All aliens factions are saying false truths.
All Religions,sects,and beliefs are
incomplete,and false truths.

What Taygeteans think about this?:

Earth is a Plane.
That i say.
Venus is Paralel Earth.
Mars is Paralel Earth.
Human brain can see all the spectrum.
Is in our noses,and we cant see it.

Study the tree of life.
Human is like monkey in a cage.
A pig in worse case.

They are castes of humans.

I ask taygeteans,to hear this,it not propaganda,i
want the scalar truth at all levels,i dont consent with transhumanist agenda,if
they want to enslave more earth,they are my enemy,and i say
to them,you are not difent from satanist,another block of lies.

Hear these texts,all that can.

Join the pieces of the puzzle.

This person of the link that gave,have pieces of truth.

If they erase this post,they are another lover of lies,

i wait for answers about these pieces of information in taygetean channels,

Etheric-Essence, you basically label us liars if we don't respond to you. And your condition to present "all pieces of the puzzle" is a template from the occultist agenda. If you really want to know how the Taygetans relate to this world, I suggest you start watching videos or reading transcripts (again). No further warnings will be given. Moderator.

#2 Re: English Forum » Your questions / suggestions relating to videos » 2021-06-12 23:34:01

I have a Question to Aneeka,and Taygetean
Crew that can answer.

I put clear,in the text below.
About Kechari Mudra.
Up in the cavity of the nasal pharynx, within easy reach of an inquiring and liberated tongue, is an organ that is erogenous on a level similar to the genitals. "Spiritually erogenous" is a good qualifier for that, as kechari stimulates ecstatic/sexual energy upward in the body, while the genitals, if not brought into tantric preorgasmic practice mode, will lead our energy out to serve the reproductive function.

Let's call the spiritually erogenous focal point up there in the nasal pharynx, the "secret spot," since we have known so little about it before now.

Once the word gets out, the erogenous aspects of kechari alone will draw the pleasure-seeking masses to it. And why not? Who would have babies if it were not so enjoyable to make them? Should becoming enlightened be less enjoyable? When the spiritual path becomes widely known for what it really is, a constant internal orgy of radiating ecstatic bliss, then the roads to enlightenment will be crammed full with practitioners, just as the roads to reproductive sexual experience are crammed full now. Interestingly, the two roads intersect, right here in the world of tantra, which is why this lesson is being posted here instead of in the main lessons. It is time to let our hair down a little on the subject of kechari.

So what is this secret spot?

In main lesson #108 on kechari, the edge of the nasal septum was described as being "ecstatically sensitive." It was also called an "altar of bliss." Here in the tantra lessons we call it "spiritually erogenous." With all of these descriptions, it should be clear that there is something special going on with the septum in kechari practice.

Kechari mudra is a subject of increasing discussion and debate these days. It is a good sign. It means it is coming out of the shadows of esoteric yoga and into the early morning sunshine of this rising new age of enlightenment.

What is kechari mudra? Let's put it in terms that we can easily relate to. A centimeter or two above the roof of our mouth is located one of the most ecstatically sensitive organs in our whole body. It can be reached relatively easily with our tongue. It is located on the back edge of our nasal septum, and when the nervous system is purified enough through advanced yoga practices, our tongue will roll back and go up into the cavity of our nasal pharynx to find the sensitive edge of our septum. When this happens, it is like a master switch is closed in our nervous system, and all of our advanced yoga practices and experiences begin to function on a much higher level. When kechari is entered naturally, we come on to the fast track of yoga. It is the major league of yoga, if you will.

Ramakrishna said, "When the divine goddess comes up, the tongue rolls back."

Kechari means, "To fly through inner space."

The connection we make near the top of the sushumna, ida, and pingala in kechari is an ecstatic one that brings ecstatic conductivity up in the nervous system more than any other practice. Every other advanced yoga practice then becomes increasingly effective at doing the same thing - raising ecstatic conductivity. So kechari is an ecstatic connection that illuminates our entire nervous system. The sensitive edge of the nasal septum is an altar of bliss. The more time we spend there, the more bliss we experience. Kechari is the perfect companion for sambhavi. The two practices complement each other. Together, sambhavi and kechari draw divine ecstasy up, filling us with divine light.

I dont know if Taygetean brain have this organ,but the thing is simple.

1-Elongate tongue.
2-Clean the Nose.
3-Stimulate Secret Spot,for various days,then
after months and weeks,you can have a brain orgasm.

This make one activate kundalini,from strand 1 to strand 7 of DNA activation,and
one can astral travel,lucid dream and have diferent psychic powers.

I want to robert and gosia and stela talk about this.
I did come to this earth to move it to 8D,and more.
I dont agree with federation to have this animal planet.
Taygeteans thinks that this is DNA activation?:
I also think that all offworlds groups are deceivers.
From Annunaki era,to bible,to new age.
All is deception.
In 2000 years more we can know the new layer of deception.
Flat earth have pieces of truth,
Ashayana deane grid lines pieces of truth.
I agree that most humans are irrational and act souless,mindless and
like animals..

I wait for answers it the taygeteans video channels.
I did come to this earth to ascend it,not to rely my power
to deep state alien deceivers.

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