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#1 Re: English Forum » Your questions / suggestions relating to videos » 2021-08-09 19:22:06

I have a question to Swaruu X.
What you think about Chakra Removal?.
Do Soul have Holographic Software?.
Some Ocultist,both of the Light and Dark,changes
they Chakra Vortex.
Chakras are valves,remove the valves,and the
Aura takes over the body,and one have
more etheric physical force,and is more
Example Lisa Renee changes chakras
to aquamarine.
Some Dark change to black energy.
When i awaken Kundalini,i am going to remove
simply,that the aura takes over the body.
Ascension Archangel Liu,example also
does etheric body modification.
That changes your timeline i believe.
Your chakra energy disconect from Saturn,and holographic

I wait Swaruu X answers in form of Taygetean Videos.

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