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#1 Re: English Forum » Your questions / suggestions relating to videos » 2022-02-22 17:15:12

Hello, Friends, and especially to Gosia:  I am late to the party, as usual, and have not posted on any type of forum before.  I am not sure if this is the correct place to post a question on what advice we can obtain from the team about alleviating side effects and suffering of the vaccinated.  I hope it is okay for me to post a link to the most recent video of a young woman having massive effects from the vax (Veronica Smith on YT, she can barely speak now -  It is truly heart breaking to watch her video.  I referred her to, and gave her information in brief that could help her; however, every time I refer to in YT, my comments appear to be deleted every time...funny that. 

Can you ask our friends if they can give us any information to reduce the suffering of the vaccinated (who are all around me where I live and, as such, makes me want to help when I am able)?  Is it even beneficial to help the vaccinated, or should our focus solely be on helping the unvaxxed (for survival of the human race)?  I feel that it may be beneficial in that they are still a part of the collective consciousness here in "3D", and their experience will ultimately affect all of us, including in higher "D's."  BTW, I live in NE Ohio in the USA and have been following for years.  Thank you to the whole team for giving us the opportunity to expand our consciousness. 

Also, I try to share information from Agency with others, but usually to no avail, even among those who consider themselves to be awake.  And I no longer have too many friends to share with--they have pretty much disowned me for challenging the official narrative.  But I thank you so much for your dedication and devotion to humanity, and to the Swarunnians--I know you have gone through so much for humanity, and suffered so much.  If anyone is the Christ figure in this scenario, I would say it would have to be you (at least as far as my accessible knowledge allows).  And thank you Gosia and Matias (and Robert, I am sure also) for being in "3D" with the rest of us--you are a great help and wonderful role models for our spiritual evolution.  Much love and gratitude to you all!

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