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#1 Re: English Forum » Your questions / suggestions relating to videos » 2022-06-28 15:33:04

I ask to please,dont erase this text that i put here.

I put this text here,to when could be useful in a Contactee Video.

First,i put this link,the source,from where i copied this text. … inal-fluid

Then the Text Below.

The Spiritual “FOOD” (or “DRINK”) of God is spoken of throughout the scriptures of all the great world religions. It may seem a strange thing, but it refers to the inner Spiritual sustenance, which is revealed by all genuine Masters, and universally experienced by Mystic initiates. In the Judaeo-Christian tradition it has been called “manna”, “bread from Heaven”, “milk and honey”, “living water”, “elixir”, etc; while in the east it has been referred to as “nectar”, “ambrosia”, “soma”, “amrita”, etc. – i.e. the Divine ‘food of the Gods’.

"If you watch John Boorman's Excalabur, 1981 you will see the wording around the grail legend to be a perfect description of the inner alchemy. The King and the Land are One--if one finds the Grail one recovers their soul by which the land and society are made healthy--"I didn't know how empty I was until I became full." And whom does the Grail serve? It serves the Universal King of Soul, but not the Wounded King of ego. One could call amrita the Elixir of Soul and the crystal palace in which it is formed is the sacred chalice itself.

The contents of the Grail is "amrita," the Essence of is the key to our enlightenment or our "already full state."

The Nectar of the Gods is available to everyone who perseveres and who wishes to milk their own olfactory bulb cow.

The research on the CSF in ancient religious and occult texts, and in the Bible, which is quite occult in itself, are full of references to this Light carried by the CSF and full of reference to Soma, Amriti, Manna and various other names given to the nectar of the gods. The land of milk and honey. The fountain of youth. Discovering the key to this land, is through the King of the Mudras, Kechari Mudra, I started practicing, Kriya yoga, and specifically but not exclusively, Talabya Kriya, to gain access to this fountain of youth or restorative spring.

“For in them (the Spiritually Wise, i.e. initiates) is the Spring of Understanding, the Fountain of Wisdom, and the River of Knowledge.”

I ask to please,dont delete this text,to everyone,all people,know who do this,to not be only a Elite Knowledge,but for all humanity.

The Ear is a G-Spot,and make Fluids move upward,causing,ability to see Astral Plane.Not all Jews are Bad.

I put this text,to when could be useful,in a Contactee video.

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