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#1 Re: Bulgarian Forum » Славянин - що е то? » 2023-04-20 00:42:05

az09 wrote:

Да, ние сме първия човешки експеримент на извънземните раси.

Хората са създадени по образа на БОГ-а. Не са експеримент, както ви се внедрява.

#2 Re: English Forum » Mari: Galactic Federation. » 2023-04-13 12:44:47

StarDeity wrote:
mitkobs wrote:

So from the official info there are nearly 8 billion people living on this planet. From Swaruu's info only very low percentage of this 8 bln., around 5-10% is the real number and everything else are matrix automatons.

And automatons do not have free will, they function with written programming, they are AI performing in big number of human/Lyrian bodies. They found out how to incarnate technologically in Lyrian vessel and they are rampant in producing more of their automatons. So how the Federation is taking into account what the automatons do if they are under someone else programming. And how the automatons have rights to dictate what to happen with this world when they are not a person or anything with own free will. But because they are big in numbers and they are fallowing tendencies and agendas seems like Federation is been lead to believe and accept what the majority wants which in reality is not a majority with free will but an AI army of automatons. And this way Federation conveniently do not listen to the real people with souls because they are minority compared with the numbers of the automatons.

This is scary to think about, yk.

Because the A.I. in Earth is mostly regressive, and it's already showing it wants to exterminate anyone who has a Katra and can't be controlled by the Red Queen...
I am connecting dots here about some things too...
Why a certain race is being attacked more than any other by the matrix..
Same race that gets the most ET abductions...

your governments have made a deal with the abducting races. There aren't as many kidnappings as you think. Low vibration individuals are kidnapped for their experiments because some leaders made a deal with them. After all, the UN has an extraterrestrial ambassador. They allow abductions in exchange for technology and joint scientific activities. If the Federation wasn't here, we would have been wiped off this planet a long time ago.

#3 Re: Bulgarian Forum » Време беше » 2023-04-09 11:02:09

az09 wrote:

Тайгетаните са от нашата раса.

От нашата раса са онези, които се раждат тук на тази планета. Душите, които носят телата им са заслужили това. Има също  и раси, които използват и контролират тела на родени тук хора, но това е защото са дали своето съгласие за "обвързване" на души, което реално си е "продажба на душа", точният брой е неизвестен, но наброяват хиляди. Разбира се има причина да казвам това. Има причина Тайгетаните да дойдат точно сега. Причината е същата, поради която и десетки други различни от хората раси да са тук точно по това време. (да не говорим, че стотици други успешно са осъществили контакт със Земята) .
Като цяло съм тук във форума поради една единствена причина. А щом Аз съм тук да наблюдавам, значи че някой върви по тънък лед. Искам да установя дали имат нещо общо с другите от техния вид, които се представят за Богове и създатели на човечеството, което беше и тяхната най-голяма грешка. Да кажем, че съм нещо като.. "надзора комисия", която наблюдава дали ще направят същата грешка.

#4 Re: Bulgarian Forum » Кемтрейлс » 2023-04-07 20:13:10

TatiD wrote:

Напълно съм съгласна с вас, но тук проблема който виждам е, че повечето хора фокусирани в заобикалящия ги материален свят не познават вселенските закони и още по-малко познават себе си. В този случай вместо да бъдат пълни творци на своята реалност, липсата на познания ги принуждава да живеят на автопилот, оставяйки хаоса да действа вместо тях. И това тяхно "бездействие" е всъщност демонстрация на тяхната свободна воля. Тоест, че може би тяхната свободна воля е да имат точно този тип преживявания и опит.

Но мисля, че останалите, които знаем как работи съзнанието и Вселената, можем и трябва да създадем един свят, в който нещата се развиват по различен начин. Затова е необходимо да се съберем и обединим и да се фокусираме само върху това, което ни прави щастливи. Без да обръщаме внимание на "шума" около нас. Защото живеем в един ментален свят, който е отражение на нашите идеи, ценности и възприятие. Зависи от вътрешната работа на всеки един от нас, от нашите високи вибрации, за да променим тази реалност.

Много добре казано!  smile

#5 Re: English Forum » Mari: Galactic Federation. » 2023-04-07 20:06:53

Brahman wrote:
BGLame wrote:
Brahman wrote:

"God" is a very religious word. Swaruus does not use it but instead uses the Source. As we know the only being is the Source. Everything else is fragmentations of the Source. Even the idea of the creator.

For the earthly it is: "GOD", for the extraterrestrial it is: "The Creator" or "The Source".

For me it is the Source.

Of course. Anyone can call it whatever they want.

By the way..
And all those who have reached the 7th chakra level(minimum) or higher, and wish to learn to get out of their body and walk around while it rests, please write to me personally.

#6 Re: Bulgarian Forum » Славянин - що е то? » 2023-04-07 19:41:39

Първият народ на Земята са БЪЛГАРИТЕ!  Били са тук преди потопа. А друга част пристигна след потопа, през врата, която Американците откриха под земята в Афганистан. Взеха я.  В орбитата над "Багдад" има друга врата която Каба-листите използват за комуникация предимно. Също така могат да изпращат и получават пратки от своите господари, но не могат да пътуват през нея. Информацията е от преди 10 земни години. Не съм сигурен обаче дали към днешната дата е все още там или са сменили нейната позиция. Свару може да метне едно око и ако се окаже все още там, то предлагам да не се разпространява тази информация за да не бъде сменена нейната локация.

#7 Re: Bulgarian Forum » Време беше » 2023-04-07 19:18:59

mitkobs wrote:

Приятелю, няма нужда да ги убеждаваш какъв нород сме, те вече знаят как стоят нещата.

Нищо не знаят за Българите, все пак са тук от скоро. Всички ще разберат, но по едно и също време равно с останалите..
Има десетки други раси тук на Земята.

#8 Re: Bulgarian Forum » Време беше » 2023-04-07 19:15:13

gubal4e wrote:

Здравейте и от мен! Бихте ли погледнали въпроса ми в поста " България"? Как мислите, към кого трябва да се отправи?

Всичко ще бъде наред. ..Ще има промяна в териториалната цялост на страната, но това ще е за кратко... smile

#9 Re: Bulgarian Forum » Време беше » 2023-04-07 19:13:24

Gosho bg wrote:

Здравейте тайгетяни и сваруниани! Знам, че ме познавате в пъти повече отколкото аз вас, но не това е най-важното всъщност! Важното е, да сме си взаимно полезни и се извинявам ако езика ни е малко тегав, но искам да кажа, че ние сме един прекрасен народ и вие ще се убедите в това!

Българите са нещо МНОГО повече от прекрасен народ smile.. Не случайно съм роден именно тук, в България.

#10 Re: English Forum » Mari: Galactic Federation. » 2023-04-07 18:58:39

mitkobs wrote:

We die - we are Source. But have to overcome ego-personalities and all kind of lower vibration attachments and to remember ALL THAT IS in full. And probably that can happen when we are clear of the physical and unattached. No one alive can confirm(or deny) this because have to be there in mind and vibration to know for sure.

lower vibrational attachments don't last long. Events are arranged so that those of lower vibrations have in their environment those close to their vibrations. And those who have higher ones undergo changes in their lives that separate them from those with lower ones.

#11 Re: English Forum » Mari: Galactic Federation. » 2023-04-07 18:55:57

Brahman wrote:

"God" is a very religious word. Swaruus does not use it but instead uses the Source. As we know the only being is the Source. Everything else is fragmentations of the Source. Even the idea of the creator.

For the earthly it is: "GOD", for the extraterrestrial it is: "The Creator" or "The Source".

#12 Re: English Forum » Mari: Galactic Federation. » 2023-04-07 11:11:02

Brahman wrote:

We are a god when we are not a person.

Never even think of such a thing if you want to go all the way in your existence...
But otherwise everything else can be achieved:
A level of immortality can be reached. To jump from body to body. To live in heaven, anything can be achieved..
Even technological knowledge and super abilities can be achieved, spiritual abilities beyond your wildest imaginations are entirely possible...

But no one can take the place of GOD! GOD is only One and always WILL BE!

The One True Creator of All living and non-living things in the infinite number of parallel universes. Time, space and the existence of all known and unknown civilizations and races!

#13 Re: English Forum » Mari: Galactic Federation. » 2023-04-07 10:33:08

Brahman wrote:

Mari said that the Federation is definitely not one of light and love as it is known on Earth. It's no coincidence they're meeting with the cabal. She also said the matrix won't end, there are other matrices after this. As long as there are incarnations, there is a matrix. Otherwise everything is ether.

No one should interfere in the affairs of GFL. Things are not always what they seem from the outside. I can say the same about several Pleiadian groups that have been propagandizing on the social network: "Twitter" for years. Their propaganda is controlled not only by the Cabalists, but also by higher levels pointing to the Lucifer Alliance. I wonder why this is not mentioned?
I don't think it would be right to blame the Pleiades as a whole for the actions of a few isolated groups. I also don't think it's right to blame GFL for their deeds especially in front of people who should NOT know about them.

About the spiritual knowledge shared by Marie..:
I can't agree with what I've heard about reincarnations. Things are not like that either in Heaven or on Earth.
Every heavenly or sufficiently spiritually elevated person who has reached the necessary spiritual level knows that every person before being born on Earth chooses who will be his parents. He chooses his difficulties in life to go through. But he can't choose his body. The hardest trials are destined for the strongest souls. Weaker souls are destined for weaker trials. A person does not choose when to be reborn, it is decided by GOD depending on what you were before: Bad or Good. Much can be said about reincarnations. I have shared a lot of the information under this alias elsewhere. I believe that whoever searches will find the traces I have left on Google related to my nickname.
Many Celestials arrived on Earth. They will help all those who want to learn and rise spiritually.
An Evolution of All Humanity on Earth Is Coming!

Congratulations to Marie and all her family! I'm glad you notice the important things and see the problems in human science. We are aware of these issues. We know about the wrong physical formulas, the lack of chemical elements//.
These problems will be a thing of the past very soon.

p.s.: (I apologize in advance if the message seems aggressive or the information described does not provide much clarity. The words I want to use do not exist in the common: English language. For this reason, I apologize in advance if there are mistakes in the words).

#14 Re: English Forum » Mari: Galactic Federation. » 2023-04-07 05:02:43

mitkobs wrote:

It is part of the experiment, applying this first directive but not all the way, some kind of illusory application of it. Without Federation management this place will become very fast a living hell and destruction project of a planet.

Every spoken word, every visualization of every living being is recorded outside the universe, or in other words: "Heaven".
Don't worry about the future of the Planet. The Galactic Federation serves the "Light" extremely faithfully. And the Love I feel for them is boundless. Whether you agree with the directive or not, it must be followed. It is true that almost all of the surface states are controlled by the Cabalists, but not all. Cabalists are just pawns of the races in question who think they control things, and they in turn are pawns of the "Darkness". And the Darkness is just a character in the game that the "One and True Creator of Infinity" created for you to grow spiritually and thus draw closer to himself.
All is well with the Earth. Big changes are about to happen very soon, but they are imperative to happen. This should not bother you in any way because it is not you who decides what will happen on Earth and who gets involved in people's affairs and who doesn't. I promise you that within a few earth years you will have much of the answers you seek.
Part of Heaven is already on Earth. Everything will be fine soon. You will understand why I say this when the time comes. And the time will come much sooner than most of you think. Love each other, because nothing else will matter...

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