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#1 Re: English Forum » POST HERE YOUR DECLARATIONS to the Controllers of the Earth » 2023-12-21 23:11:57

I do not comply with your Prime Directive Bullshit! If we as humans are here on Earth for the "Experience" then why can it not be a positive one instead of constant Wars and Suffering? Im not buying it. There is no reason we should not be truly Free with our Experience and if I understand it ,we will be recycled right back here for another round of control, Hell No! I do NOT Comply with your rules for thee but not for me!

#2 Re: English Forum » Moon » 2023-11-02 02:55:39

I had noticed that the large crater that is at the bottom was now on the left side, tell me im not losing it..

#3 English Forum » Moon » 2023-11-01 01:28:00

Replies: 7

Has anyone noticed the Moon Hologram seems to have shifted a bit? Just curious

#4 Re: English Forum » Pfizer Factory Tornado - What Really Happened? Athena Swaruu Informs » 2023-08-05 03:46:01

I have been in a few tornadoes and helped with the aftermath clean up and have seen the destruction they cause, that pfizer building looked just like you said,looked like someone "Stomped"on it for sure....Meow, lol

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