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#1 2022-10-28 21:37:05


Interstellar Dreams

Have you ever had a dream that was not on planet Earth? Please share your experience.

    I can start with one among a few. It was a night sky with ocean water mainly smooth with moving silhouettes of light rolling across its minor movement, where the water's horizon meets a massive planet moving along slowly as if its orbit was passing by Earth, it has many moons that rode in its orbit along with spaceships that were alive with arms that much resembles that of an octopus, it was an entourage of an advanced race. I only see this and then nothing more, however, it has recurred two times that I can recall. In another dream, I seem to be on this planet or something similar with massive terrestrial-like colorful wet cliffs, that towered behind the ledge I was on.

Later I found out that such spaceships actually fit this description and one is supposedly in the possession of the US government.

In Lak'ech Ala K'in


#2 2022-11-06 00:56:30

Re: Interstellar Dreams

I often have dreams worthy of putting hollywood movies to shame.  Until recently I never understood why so many of my dreams were of subterranean escapes from caves being the last person alive of my unit.  Between here and mars, the dreams make a little more sense. 

Though the latest one of a machine that ripped off clothing and flesh to leave a mindless loyal skeleton with a bronze tint that could move and follow the leaders commands still baffled me, especially when they did it to tony stark.  But the weirder thing in that dream was the delorean time machine that had the passenger side door ripped off and sheet metal mounted in its place and us wondering if it was time travel capable...

Cosplayer and prop/costume maker.  Taking cutting edge tech and making science fiction into real life with mostly movie accurate builds.


#3 2022-11-29 11:58:39


Re: Interstellar Dreams

Interesting, that both Saviera and Knoxvilles experience could be understood to be a related event.
  Both having flesh removed and becoming non human.
Wow, beyond Hollywood indeed.

In Lak'ech Ala K'in


#4 2022-11-29 20:58:16


Re: Interstellar Dreams

I think with "not on planet Earth" you mean "on some other planet" or something distinctly extraterrestrial. Even though my life experiences (Earth) have a strong presence in my dreams, many of them don't have a distinct location.


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