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#1 2022-11-02 02:06:36

Scott Summers

MiniTopics - 14 October 2022

5)Reptilians transforming into humans

Here’s some interesting anecdotal evidence of Justin Bieber which appears to have been suppressed.

“Justin Bieber Caught ‘Shapeshifting’ into a Reptilian in Front of Fans” … -fans.html

Perth Now
(Article scrubbed from Internet)

“His head shrunk and his eyes went black with a black stripe down the middle. He grew a few feet taller and had gross coloured scales all over his body. It happened so fast but everybody saw it and started screaming and crying. A lot of people were running for the exits”, said a fan who said she has camped out at the airport since the afternoon and has tickets for all of Bieber’s shows in Australia and New Zealand. “But I won’t be going to any now, no way,” she said.

Another fan said that “all hell broke loose” in the airport after Bieber shapeshifted in front of his fans. “There were girls hiding in the toilets, locking themselves in the cubicles, crying. Guys were running for the exit, jumping in taxis to get out of there. It was mayhem.

She also described the sight of Bieber in reptilian form, claiming that he had “big, scaly claws that were lashing out angrily” as he “looked up at the lights” and was “really agitated, really scary.”

There was an announcement over the airport loudspeaker asking everybody to remain calm, however witnesses could not be calmed down, with reports some fans called the police demanding the “reptilian monster” be shot by police.”

Now I invite you to watch “Baby, baby, baby, ooh” again. A Reptilian classic hit! It’ll be hilarious if the rapper Ludicris was the only human in the video...

[edit: wtf?!? One of his hit songs is “Yummy”. Oh gross. Bad reptile!! Bad lizard! smile]

8)Georgia Guidestones: Who destroyed it?

“Why The Globalist Elite Had To Destroy the Georgia Guidestones in 2022”

Video first published on YouTube on 14 October 2022 but channel immediately suspended for 2 weeks.

Published on Rumble on 16 October 2022. … -2022.html

“This brings us to the reason the Guidestones were destroyed and their globalist message erased. In an age of misleading and confusing propaganda, the Guidestones were simply too clear, too concise, and too damning.

The globalist elite’s true intentions — including world government, depopulation, and eugenics — were literally etched in stone, for all to see.

This is why the Guidestones were torn down. The elite no longer want us to know about their long-term goals for humanity.”

Conclusion same as Sophia’s.

Sophia must be tired of being right all the time. What’s the batting average? 100 out of 100? smile

Last edited by Scott Summers (2022-11-02 02:43:18)


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