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#1 2023-12-07 14:30:30

The Urmah - Here and Now

Love and Gratitude I send out to Marie Swaru and the Urmah. King Ru and Arishah and queen

After the last videos exposing The Galactic Federation, I thought that Marie Swaru may have overstepped the boundaries of what she could reveal
to us humans on earth, and may be asked by the Galactic Federation to reign in the rhetoric.

Quite clearly Marie Swaru and her fellow people have no intention of reigning in anything. But just go on exposing the TRUTH to us hear on Earth.

Humans on earth - do not diserve these lies that have been given to us, by these NEGATIVE beings.. Yes we accept that Earth is a place to learn
lessons, but it is not a place to be manipulated and lied to by the Galactic Federation and its regressive overlords..

This will stop. We all know that.

The Urmah are so proud in there ethics and spitual being and awarness and its so amazing to know they are on our side and continue helping and shaping
Earth. Also PROTECTING Humans AND THE ANIMALS that inhabit Earth - It is the URMAH that Earth needs to mentor right now and NOT THE GALACTIC FEDERATION.

The people of Earth are with Gosia and her declaration. The people of Earth are with there brothers and sisters - the pleadians, The people of Earth are with the Urmah and all races that are postive. And Earth will move into the higher frequencies. This is already happening.

Focus on the postive and never on the negative!!!

Stay true to yourself.

Love and peace.


#2 2023-12-08 04:13:11


Re: The Urmah - Here and Now

So true, 99% of the people here on Earth would prefer to me mentored by the Taygetans and Urmah if they had access to all the information we do.


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