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#1 2024-01-06 11:53:24


Great Reset - Action required

I just finished watching this video: Great Reset- What do they think of people who will live in the country?

It was put together by a Christian man and he states (near the end) he still "trusts" in the government so obviously he has some psychological issues here, but that is not the point of this post.  The video is actually quite good and explains and exposes the main issues with this agenda.

I actually live in a semi rural location surrounded by farms and forest and we do grow some food, but not enough to be self sufficient as it is in Scotland and so dam cold all the time and the grow season is limited due to the cold weather, in the winter we would starve to death of freeze to death. I can see that if they push this agenda hard even here it is going to be extremely difficult to live as they will turn off the power and they will turn off the water and they will turn of ALL utilities as you will only be able to get them in the city and of course all your finances will cease as well, it will basically be the apocalypse for anyone not in the cities were you own nothing and are happy. One thing he did not mention was the fact you will be required to be up to date with ALL your vaccines or your social credit score will not allow you to function in these cities either. So basically they are just death camps...

Apart from an armed rebellion against this here I don't see how we can hold them back and even that rebellion would probably bring an end to everyone anyway as they will have no issue to call you a terrorist and killing you. Plus you cant get any firearms in the UK or here in Scotland, they have been planning ahead.

So watch the video let me know what you think and my main question here is to the Urmah and Tagetans, do they intend to allow this event to take place or will it be the uncrossable line?  It is their goal it is their plan and nothing short of direct intervention is going to stop them, it really is that simple. so what's the answer!

Nikola Tesla...

"...If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration..."


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